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Winston Smith Ministry of Truth Archive

A short introduction... 

This archive represents a big part of an extensive Revisionist blog with the ironic name "Winston Smith Ministry of Truth" (, that made quite a stir when it first appeared in 2010. The anonymous blog author - under the pen-name "The Black Rabbit of Inlé" - gathered sources, scanned documents, travelled and photographed on location, and created 2200+ entries mainly on Revisionism, severly damaging the Jewish narrative on the W.W. II "Holocaust", as well as publishing exclusive information on the Rothschilds/Jewish power, Zionist history and Judaism.
The blog soon won fame, thousands of references to it were done, visitor counts rose - to a level that it became one of the biggest Revisionist online resources, in par with sites such as the IHR, CODOH, and VHO.



Article overview

We have divided the articles of the saved blog entries under a couple of headlines:

W.W. II Revisionism
Rothschilds / Jewish Influence / Power
Judaism / Jews

World Leaders and Jewish Influence

Zionism / Zionist History

W.W. II Revisionism

Nazi-German Atrocity Stories / Holotales

Jewish Soap, Human Skin Lampshades, Shrunken Heads...

Electric Genocide & Mass Death By Steam

Nuremberg / Show Trials / Nazi "Confessions" / "Witnesses" / "Evidence"

Revisionism - Miscellaneous

The "6 Million Jews" Myth

War Propaganda / Psy Ops

Did Nazi Leaders Know?

The "Missing" Jews  


Nazi-German Atrocity Stories / Holotales

•  The Jewish Profiters

•  1000 Auschwitzers ate a marmalade covered Jew 

•  Red Sky At Night - Cremated gave smoke in different colors according to nationality!  

•  Nazi human flesh, soup  

Nazi "Blood Factory" - WW2-version Blood Libel.
Imagine if the headline had been "Zionist 'Blood Factory'"!
•  Treblinka's giant electric chair

•  Auschwitz: Death by Roller Coaster 

•  Treblinka's moving knives, to cut up bodies 

•  War's Worst Horror: Babies As Footballs

•  More Nazis playing football with Jewish babies

•  The child victims of the Nazis

•  Nazis put corpses under the Christmas tree

•  Nazi human Christmas trees

•  Christmas japes at Auschwitz 

•  Hitler personally holocausted my father

•  Strap deer hooves to your feet to confuse Nazis 

•  Girl shoots and kills 12 Nazis at Treblinka 

•  Stockings, Striptease & Zyklon 

•  Heroic bullet proof Jews

•  The Nazis turned me into a woman  

•  The Nazis had a gas chamber in Shanghai 

•  Gas chamber in Belgium for Jewish children

•  SS bicycle races, in the gas chamber

•  Flower pots in the gas chamber

•  OFFICIAL: Nazi spanking machine existed 

•  Nazis froze Jews in barrels 

•  Elie Wiesel saw soup kill a man 

•  Irene Zisblatt talking nonsense

•  Auschwitz: The Scat Porn Movie - Sex in the latrines! "...sexes mated in the dung under the threat of instantaneous death"

•  Fake foreskins to fool the Nazis

•  Nazis made sausages out of Jews 

•  Nazi sausage experiment 

•  More wacky Nazi experiments

•  Brown Eyed Girl   - on Nazi eye color-changing experiments

•  Nazi leg extension experiments

•  Mengele, two noses, and donkey ears

•  Dr. Mengele's Musical Dog

•  Mengele sent Jew flowers for having a baby 

•  Mengele topped up your bath before gassing you

•  More Mengeleian Madness  

•  Mengele's sex-change operations at Auschwitz

•  Josef Mengele and the Seven Jewish Dwarfs

•  Mengele rescued me from inside a gas chamber

•  Mengele vs. Slayer: Angel of Death  - video inspired by the tales of
                                                                      Josef Mengele

•  Mengele pops over to Monowitz for gas chamber selections

•  Mengele shot twins in the gas chamber

•  Dr Mengele and the dancing rabbis of Auschwitz

•  Mengele taped up my breasts

•  Mengele turned me into a woman

•  Dr. Mengele's home-made Siamese Twins 

•  Dr Mengele's sex experiments with dwarfs

•  Dr Mengele's Siamese Twins (part II)

•  Mengele's Siamese twins & their changing names

•  A photo from Mengele's trial

•  1 bullet, 12 kills 

•  Elie Wiesel's "Geysers of blood"

•  1985, Wiesel's fire pits still doing the rounds

•  Wiesel's Geysers of Blood vs. Eichmann's Blood Fountains

•  Blood fountains, blood geysers, blood volcanoes

•  Satan spoke to Jews at Auschwitz 

•  God was tried and hung in the Holocaust

•  The Jew who survived by pretending he was Jesus story

•  Nazis forced prisoners to count their lice every morning  

•  Nazis put mice in Jews' trousers 

•  "Trained his dog to castrate Jewish prisoners"  

•  Auschwitz & Nazi SS bull penises   

•  Very kinky Nazi experiment    

•  SS boxers hid a gun in their glove 

•  SS man admits to wacky Nazi execution method

•  Jewish camp prostitutes? yes, Yes, YES .... or No 

•  Jews forced to jump off roofs with umbrellas 

•  Auschwitz wooden bread & bone soup

•  Jews killed for goose-stepping incorrectly - collection of Holotales based on "The Black Book of Polish Jewry", 1943 Jewish Greuel/Atrocity-propaganda book,
                                                                        also co-sponsored by Eleanor Roosevelt (U.S. First Lady), and Albert Einstein

•  Nazi dog ate Jew alive 

•  Nazi dogs fed Jewish boobs 

•  Nazi Dogs - So fiendishly evil  

•  More Nazi Man Eating Dogs 

•  The Nazi dogs with cancer inflicting poison teeth experiment 

•  Cabbage Patch Jews & man eating dogs 

•  Alsatian performs caesarean at Majdanek - "...Bloody Bridget incited the dog on the body and had it tear the child from the womb"

•  "I never saw an SS marking on a dog"   - Eichmann Trial "testimony"

•  Nazis crimes inspired by a 1960 event

•  More Nazi atrocities inspired by post-war events

•  Gas chamber / telephone box  

•  "In Vitebsk the Germans buried all the Jewish children alive" 

•  Nazi "Blood Factory" in Latvia

•  Bodies of Children for the Animals in the Circus

•  All the Jews in one town killed with electrified barbed wire

•  Nazis were always biting Jews 

•  Using Jews for target practice 

•  Nazis injected cement into women  

•  Cement mixers - Nazi tool of genocide - Holotale promoted by Holo-high priestess Deborah Lipstadt

•  Nazis looked for diamonds in Jews' stomachs 

•  Cats sewn into Jewish women's bellies

•  Nazis sawed off hands - to stitch to elbows

•  More Nazi experimental madness - more leg experiments

•  Spare a talent for an old ex-Auschwitz leper - more evil Nazi experiments - this time from a Russian film...

•  Cooking potatoes whilst burning Jews alive

•  1943: Nazis hold "witchcraft trial" for Jews - "...sentenced them to burn at the stake"

•  Nazis crucified Jews at Majdanek

•  Nazis forced Jew to drink father's blood and other stories

•  Nazi penis inspectors

•  Wilhelm "The Devil of Auschwitz" Boger

•  Did Einstein eat Jews alive?

•  More Jew killing Nazi Dogs

•  More genocide with dogs

•  Nazis drown Jews in oil wells & other tales 

•  Nazis killed homosexuals by tickling them

•  The plant that was to kill off all non-Germans

•  Nazis disguised the holocaust in weather reports

•  Nazis kill Jews with "gas cameras." Yes, "cameras!"   

•  Every Auschwitz canard in 82 seconds   

•  Trees were the Nazis weapon of choice

•  Nazi underpants inspection, often resulted in executions

•  Pluck out your pubes or be killed

•  One of the best ever examples of lying under oath - from the 1961 Eichmann Trial in Israel

•  10 Buchenwald inmates drowned in shit in Oct 1937

•  Nazis only gassed women with droopy boobs

•  Eating cheese in the gas chamber 

•  Kosher slaughtering Jews

•  Jew who survived SIX gas chambers. In a camp where there were no gas chambers

•  Music to commit genocide to, or just talented storytelling

•  Holocaust survivors top tips - Katalin Weinberger's Holotale

•  The Nazis opened a retail outlet to sell poisoned soft-drinks as part of another dastardly plan

•  How many Jews were feed to the bear and eagle at the Nazi Buchenwald concentration camp zoo 

•  Buchenwald had a rhinoceros - As well as bears, the Buchenwald zoo had a rhinoceros, tigers & monkeys

•  Jews stole the Nazi bears' dinner

•  Jews forced to have orgies at Auschwitz

•  Circumcised with an SS knife

•  Nazi drilled holes in Jews' buttocks

•  The Final Solution of the Walkies (Dogs) Problem 

•  Nazi Bottom Inspectors

•  Free candy in the gas chambers queue

•  Jews lured into Death Trains with chocolate

•  Gas chambers, gas vans, gas shops  

•  Nazis gassing Jews in the ghetto

•  Delay action killing gas, so Jews can walk to the burial pits 

•  Babies went down the baby cremation shute 

•  Nazi boob-jobs 

•  Auschwitz erotica 

•  The Nazis killed Jews in swimming races 

•  Nazis steal baby's blood and skin

•  Jews forced to table dance

•  Jews killed with urine gas

•  Drinking urine in the holocaust  

•  How tall was the piles of clothes at Treblinka

•  1941: Nazis killed people by pumping gas into their rectums

•  80,000 Jews gassed in one night at Bergen-Belsen 

•  40,000 burnt alive in one night at Auschwitz  

•  2,000,000 Jews killed by injection of bubbles

•  1.2m killed at Auschwitz in just one day 

•  73 million Jews gassed per year

• '5 Million Jews Died in 1 Camp'

•  The unforgettable Moshe 'gassed six times' Peer

•  Lucky escape from an Auschwitz gas chamber   

•  The gas chamber was full, so I survived 

•  I punched a hole in a wall and escaped being gassed 

•  "They ran out of gas"

•  The gas chamber was full

•  Another gas chamber escape tale

•  "Three times they gassed me" at Dachau

•  Survived three attempted gassings at Auschwitz   

•  Gas chamber rescue via the window

•  Jew talks Nazi out of gassing her

•  "Don't put me in the gas chamber." 

•  Jews could talk the Nazis out of gassing them - Nazis needed blind Auschwitzers to spread anti-Americanism

•  Saved from inside a gas chamber, to load potatoes   - Eichmann Trial "testimony"

•  Gas chambers didn't need to be ventilated, as victims breathed in the poison gas

•  Workers forced to watch gassings at Auschwitz

•  Gassed corpses are pink with green spots

•  12-year-old Auschwitz sonderkommando? 

•  Another lying sonderkommando  - from the British documentary "The World at War"

•  I cremated my own family at Auschwitz   

•  Nazi bloodstain experts

•  Another ghastly (pointless) Nazi experiment - Nazi doctors had sewn on opposite arms so the thumbs faced outwards!

•  Women hung upside-down at Auschwitz

•  Even More Nazi Man Eating Dogs

•  The Nazis guillotined 20,000 people in 1943/4

•  One Nazi personally shot 25,000 people at Auschwitz

•  The bullet came out of my mouth  - more Eichmann Trial holotales...

•  Jew survives 20 Nazi camps

•  Moses and the Holocaust

•  Gossip at the "Factory of Death"  - juicy "survivor testimony evidence"–aka–the Auschwitz Soap Opera Weekly

•  "Jewish Family Survived Holocaust by Living in a Cave"   

•  The Nazi Acid Bath Murders 

•  The Stanislawow Squeezing Massacre

•  Non-Jew showing Jews how its done - even non-Jews contribute to the Hollow-Caustic racquet; Human-Skin Lampshades, Rat n' Cat Soup with
                                                                 Sawdust Bread, Nazi Wooden Bullets!

•  Pissing on my socks saved me from being gassed at Dachau - again a non-Jew making telling Holo-tales, this time Australian ex-POW talking about the
                                                                                                       Dachau "gas chambers"

•  Jewish "Men won't burn without women."

•  Treblinka: Knee deep in money, music & whores

•  How many Jews killed babies to stop them crying? - strangely, no mention is made in the Holocaust museum USHMM of the vast number who
                                                                                       were smothered by their own parents

•  20% of Nazis concentration camp guards were gay, apparently

•  Auschwitz Jews for sale: $68 each

•  Nazi Slave Market

•  The most ridiculous Nazi atrocity story I've heard

•  Classic Auschwitz quote - uro-fecal fixation...

•  Circumcisions in the queue for the gas chambers 

•  Circumcisons on the train to Auschwitz - more Ho£ocaust aggadah

•  The Jewish Swede's Turnip Tale

More preposterous Holotales can be found in our separate archive: Most Outrageous Tales of the Holocaust

Jewish Soap, Human Skin Lampshades, Shrunken Heads, Human Body Parts For Manifacture / Fertilizers...

•  Holy Soap 
   At the Nuremberg Trial, it was proven, that the Nazis made soap out of Jews. Its since been proven they didn't make soap out of Jews.

•  1941 article about fake WW1 soap lie 

•  1943: Rumors sweep the Nation - Nazis making soap out of Jews 

•  Jew soap also available perfumed, for the fräuleins 

•  David Ben Gurion on the "soap factory"  

•  Holo-soap   - The Jew Velvet Gutman's propaganda film Monuments of Soap

•  Elie Wiesel and the Nazis' human soap 

•  Einstein & the Jewish soap lie 

•  1943: Jewish piss-taking about nazi "atrocities" - Zionist Albert Einstein with Itzik Feffer and Solomon Mikhoels of the Soviet Jewish
                                                                                 Anti-Fascist Committee, on their 1943 propaganda tour of the U.S.

•  4.5 million killed at Auschwitz & soap: Nuremberg Indictment  

•  Aliens & The Holocaust 

•  A funeral for a bar of soap

•  An early Jewish soap memorial in Jerusalem

•  Brothers & sisters of Hitler's soap 

•  "These are fat Jews. All of them will be good for soap."

•  Damn those Germans 

•  USC Soapy Shoah Foundation 

•  "In three days you'll be pieces of soap."

•  Photo of electrocuted Jews—material for soap

•  Sobibor: 2 million killed & fat collected for soap

•  Israeli Jews called Holocaust survivors "soaps"

•  Sobibor: Human fat and bone recycling

•  Jews made into soap, candles, glue and explosives 

•  The Babi Yar Soap Factory

•  Insensitive placing of soap advert

•  "The story will remain recorded in history as the classic lie of war propaganda."

•  Washing with human soap

•  238,000 killed (gassed?) at Dachau & more Jew soap nonsense

•  Nazi Head Shrinkers

•  Losing your shrunken head  

•  A shrunken head & lampshade in 1993 

•  Shrunken heads on the mantelpiece 

•  Nazi Head Hunters

•  "The Greatest Trial in History"  - "Nazi shrunken head" highlighted!

•  Buchenwald shrunken head photo 

•  The Nazi Shrunken Heads Were Whip Handles

•  Shrunken heads at the dinner table

•  Nazi head boilers

•  Did the Shrunken heads fall with Communism? - the Buchenwald shrunken heads on display 1963 and as late as
                                                                                 1985, but not in 1999

•  1932: First mention of Nazis & shrunken heads?

•  Nazis scientists & the living brain - from the memoirs of American hero, General George S. Patton

•  Don't you, step on my Jew skin shoes  

•  Proof the human skin articles were lies and fakes

•  Human-skin riding crops

•  The fake human-skin lampshade

•  Human Skin Lampshade: Stolen 

•  Lampshade victims skinned alive 

•  Herman Goering's lampshade   

•  Lampshades and soap cut from Family Guy

•  Ilse Koch's dead-man's-chest

•  Another Ilse Koch lampshade    

•  Julius Streicher on human skin lampshades  

•  Nazi soap & human skin gloves in Kiev museum    

•  Human skin, that perfect gift

•  Ilse Koch's photo album

•  Ilse Koch's pickled penis collection

•  Ilse "Cleopatra" Koch

•  His name was Hans. The lampshade was Hans 

•  Close-up photo of the "human skin" lampshade 

•  Ilse Kock's lampshade genuine, apparently

•  Auschwitz Jew-skin lampshade sale - more Daily Express propaganda

•  Nazi human skin, flag  

•  Nazi human skin..... table cloths

•  Human skin leather, the Nazi choice

•  Human-skin book-ends

•  Nazi human skin, picture frames

•  Nazi human skin, chandeliers

•  Nazi human-skin, light-switches - Ilse Koch, again...

•  Nazi human-skin lampshade, with human feet

•  Nazi human skin, knife sheaths

•  Nazi human-skin, briefcases  - also as addendum info on Soviet propaganda movie on human soap and skin by Russian Jew Roman Karmen

•  Auschwitz: Jew's scrotum tobacco pouch

•  Dachau survivor on skinning corpses to make gloves 

•  The Holocaust Show: Buchenwald Special 

•  Briton made human-skin tobacco pouch

•  Jews turned into grease at Auschwitz 

•  Nazis made Jews into soap, glue & train oil

•  Jewish blood used as axle grease

•  Nazis using the remains of Jews to repair Russian roads and fertilize Russian fields. Apparently 

•  Making sugar from the bones of murdered Jews

•  Animal figurines made from Jew bones 

•  Nazi human coat hangers and string

•  Himmler's furniture made from humans

•  After WW2, Germans still using Jews' bones to make plates

•  Nazis farmed Jews for their hair (+ 200,000, mostly Jews, were killed at Ravensbruck!)

•  The hair, was rabbit hair: SS Angora Rabbit Project 

•  Nazis ordered French barbers to collected human hair

•  Nazi human hair rope - from the Report on the trial in Poland of Rudolph Hoess, former commandant of Auschwitz; 4,015,000 killed at Auschwitz,
                                         human hair rope/mats/mattresses, vivisections on women, ashes sent to chemical & fertilizer firms

•  Jew hair socks

•  Nazi Hermann Goering on accusations that precious human hair was vital to the Reich

•  Nazi "Blood Factory" in Latvia

•  Tsk! Germans - Rabbi spreads anti-German propaganda on human soap + fertilizers

•  Nazis fertilizing fields with the French primeminister

•  Fertilizer made from gassed Jews on sale in Krakow

•  Cabbage Patch Jews & man eating dogs 

•  Growing tobacco in human ashes at Auschwitz   

•  Ashes of cremated Jews, used to grit icy roads 

•  Nazis built a ________ ____ with Jews' tombstones

•  Nazis insulated their walls with dead Jews

•  Nazis built walls with dead Jews

•  Holocaust was caused by free-speech - Free speech leads to Jews being made into sausages, bacon, coat-hangers, socks, roads, road-gritter, fertilizer,
                                                                   lampshades, soap, perfumed soap, grease, glue, walls, wall insulation, oil, saddles, trousers, handbags, gloves,
                                                                   books, tables & chairs, and table-cloths...


Cannibalistic Holotales

•  Nazis made sausages out of Jews 

•  1000 Auschwitzers ate a marmalade covered Jew 

•  Cannibalism on Nazi trains

•  Cannibal Holocaust

•  Nazi human flesh, soup  

•  Auschwitz wooden bread & bone soup

•  Nazis made Jews into sausages & bacon


Holotales in Contemporary Pop Culture / Propaganda

•  Nothing sells like sex and Nazis  - Pulp Magazine covers!

•  Mengele's lampshade gift to Hitler - on a modern poem, the endresult of the relentless propaganda onslaught

•  A real tattooed lampshade on human skin 

•  Rick Steves' Auschwitz lampshade story 

•  Ilse Koch's pickled penis collection

•  The Holocaust Bible: Illustrated  - scatological Holo-Art!

•  Heavy Metal vs. Holocaust Denial - on the lyrics to "Never Again" by part-Jewish U.S. metal band "Damned"


Electric Genocide & Mass Death By Steam

•  Electric Holocaust 

•  Nazis killing Jews with steam & electricity 

•  Killing by steam and electricity at Treblinka 

•  Electrocuted to ashes at Belzec 

•  Belzec's corpse trains

•  LIFE on Death Camp: Belzec & electrocution 

•  Electricity Billzec 

•  UN & Nazi electric floor genocide 

•  First Soviet report on Auschwitz, mass-electrocutions 

•  Auschwitz's electric conveyor belt of death, again 

•  Birkenau's forgotten conveyor belt 

•  More on Auschwitz's mass electrocutions

•  Auschwitz electric conveyor belt genocide

•  12 articles on the Auschwitz electrocution conveyor belt  

•  Conveyor Belt Killed Victims and Carried Them to Furnances

•  Auschwitz's conveyor-belt nonsense again

•  1966 electrocution still Auschwitz killing method

•  Auschwitz: Electric current turned bodies to ash 

•  Eichmann's conveyor belts 

•  Polish Resistance's greuelpropaganda posters 

•  Auschwitz's electrocution & steam hammer rooms

•  The Electrocution of the European Jews

•  Auschwitz's electrocution conveyor belt in the JC 

•  Einsatzgruppen Electric

•  Why do you never hear about the electric floor that the Nazis used to kill Jews anymore

•  Nazis moved Sobibor gas chambers to Chelm

•  Germans read of Hitler's massacres by electrocution 

•  Photo of electrocuted Jews—material for soap

•  Video on Belzec Electricity 

More Mass Murder - By Steam

•  Jews steamed to death in steam chambers

•  Nazis Steamed Jews to Death 

•  I survived a Nazi steam chamber 

•  More steaming Ho£ocaust £ies

•  2,000,000 Jews killed at Treblinka - by steam, in a house

•  Steaming, bubbling, electrifying holocaust - Holohoax propaganda from the Institute of Jewish Affairs

•  Treblinka steam chambers at the Hollywood Bowl   


Nuremberg / Show Trials / Nazi "Confessions" / "Witnesses" / "Evidence"

•  Nuremberg lynching party - U.S. Justices Harlan Fiske Stone and William Orville Douglas

•  75% of the staff at the Nuremberg Trial were Jews - Thomas Dodd, top American Nuremberg prosecutor

•  "too many Jews on the prosecution." - Nuremberg judge

•  Meet the US prosecution team at Nuremberg

•  The Jewish-Soviet Nuremberg mastermind  

•  1m Jews killed at Majdanek say Zionist working for the Soviets - on the Polish-Soviet Extraordinary Commission for Investigating the Crimes
                                                                                                          Committed by the Germans in the Majdanek Extermination Camp in Lublin

•  B'nai B'rith prosecutor at the Dachau & other trials   

•  Nuremberg prosecutor's frank omission

•  AJP Taylor on the Nuremberg witch trials

•  Nuremberg Judge rubbishes Nuremberg trials - Judge Charles F. Wennerstrum revelations...

•  British article on the hypocrisy of Nuremberg

•  Justice Jackson's Zionism

•  Monty on all new war crimes - "... since the Nuremberg trial it has become a crime to be a war leader—and not win the war."

•  Great Churchill speech on war trials

•  Nuremberg prosecutor's frank omission

•  1941: Rosenberg on the 6,000,000 Jews - "evidence" provided by IMT-Jew Robert Kempner

•  "Let us never tolerate outrageous conspiracy theories" – President George Bush II - versus the Nuremberg notion of a "Nazi Conspiration and Aggression"


Confessions By Torture

•  How the Allies obtained Nazi confessions  

•  British report on Soviet interrogations by torture

•  Khrushchev on how Soviets obtained "confessions"

•  More Nazi confessions via torture

•  Streicher's deleted testimony about his mistreatment  


Rudolf Hoess - The Auschwitz Commander's "Testimony"

•  James Bond, Rudolf Hoess, the Rothschild & the remarkable coincidence

•  Bernard Clarke on torturing Rudolph Hoess

•  "New light thrown on capture of Hoess"

•  The British Catholic, Rudolph Hoess, and torturing children

•  Rudolf Hoess's varying death toll estimates for Auschwitz

•  2003: Still claiming 3m Jews killed at Auschwitz

•  Nazi time traveller Rudolf Hoess

•  Gerald Draper biography - involved in the March 1946 interrogation of Rudolf Hoess, former commandant of Auschwitz

•  Himmler City, formerly known as Auschwitz - on the 1947 Krakow-Auschwitz trial vs Hoess

•  Thomas Harding's tall Auschwitz tale

Katyn Massacre

•  OK, we lied about Katyn, but we told the truth about Auschwitz ... honest! - Katyn fraudsters
   signed Soviet Auschwitz report! 

•  The Jewish Nuremberg prosecutor and Katyn fraud

•  British Nuremberg prosecutor hails Soviet case on Katyn

•  The US & Britain permitted the Soviets pin their war crime on the Nazis. - on the Katyn massacre

•  Molotov's cocktail of lies - on the investigation by the International Polish Red Cross on the 1940 Katyn
                                             Forest shootings

•  Script cards for Nuremberg prosecution witnesses! - Katyn...

•  Communists still in denial over Katyn


More "Proven At Nuremberg"

•  What do you suppose was the magical weapon that made 20,000 Jews disappear as discussed
   at the Nuremberg Trial? - Nazi nuke experiment

•  Holy Soap   - At the Nuremberg Trial, it was proven, that the Nazis made soap out of Jews.
                               Its since been proven they didn't make soap out of Jews.

•  Why do you never hear about the electric floor that the Nazis used to kill Jews anymore

•  What is the most compelling evidence of the Holocaust, from this table? Evidence which has all since disappeared: 

•  "The Greatest Trial in History"  - "Nazi shrunken head" highlighted!

•  Did the Shrunken heads fall with Communism? - the Buchenwald shrunken heads on display 1963 and as late as 1985, but not in 1999

•  French communist MP - definitely lied to the Nuremberg Trial about Nazi gas chambers, and many of her other claims are ridiculous

•   The child victims of the Nazis

•  OFFICIAL: Nazi spanking machine existed

•  The Nazis opened a retail outlet to sell poisoned soft-drinks as part of another dastardly plan

•  Nazis using the remains of Jews to repair Russian roads and fertilize Russian fields. Apparently

•  Jews steamed to death in steam chambers

•  Trees were the Nazis weapon of choice

•  Nazi underpants inspection, often resulted in executions

•  Pluck out your pubes or be killed

•  Human skin leather, the Nazi choice

•  Jew hair socks

•  Nazi Hermann Goering on accusations that precious human hair was vital to the Reich

•  Nazi Head Shrinkers

•  Human skin, that perfect gift 

•  Music to commit genocide to, or just talented storytelling

•  Nazi human Christmas trees

•  Auschwitz Jews for sale: $68 each

•  Double Nazi facepalm   - When listening to ho£ocau$t survivor's testimony...

•  7,000,000 killed at Auschwitz, hears the Nuremberg trial - now lowered to 1.5 million!

•  4.5 million killed at Auschwitz & soap: Nuremberg Indictment  

•  Origin of the 4,000,000 figure for Auschwitz - courtesy of the IMT

•  4,000,000 minimum killed at Auschwitz hears IMT

•  Himmler's BIG IDEA to kill 30,000,000 slavs - testified by the not-to-be-executed SS-Obergruppenführer, Bach-Zelewski, at Nuremberg

•  Buchenwald had a gas chamber, said the French

•  Dachau Gas Chambers  - Allied propaganda film on the homicidal "Gas Chamber" at Dachau

•  Jewish lies about Mauthausen

•  Science-Fiction writer 1st to mention the Nazi gas-vans, he was a relative of War & Peace author Leo Tolstoy

•  Nazi Death Camp: Auschwitz III: Monowitz

•  Why was Barry the Nazi dog discussed for days at Nazi trials, when 1.5m Jews got just 30mins at Nuremberg?

•  Was 30mins statisfactory time for the Nuremberg Trial to cover the Reinhard death camps where 1.5m Jews died?


Nuremberg Cremation "Mathematics"

•  Were the Nazis able to time-travel, they must have been

•  Were the Nazis still cremating Russian corpses in 1989? - On "facts" from Sachsenhausen, presented at Nuremberg...

•  Auschwitz ovens: 400 corpses cremated in 5 minutes - Auschwitz "survivor" Lieberman confirmed this absurdity under oath in an
                                                                                           affidavit submitted to the Nuremberg trials!

•  Why did Nazis bother with ovens if they had their "special process" of burning 3000 Jews at once without fuel?


More War Crimes Trials Misc.

•  One of the best ever examples of lying under oath - from the 1961 Eichmann Trial in Israel

•  Why did this Jew lie through his teeth at Adolf Eichmann's trial?

•  Jews admits the Eichmann trial was a show trial

•  Mrs Adolf Eichmann, Holocaust denier - denounces the "frame-up"  

•  West German court guilty of Holocaust denial - no Majdanek gas chamber!

•  Konrad Morgen's completely contradicting testimony

•  Bizarre ruling at the Frankfurt Auschwitz trial in 1966

•  Defence witness disappears from Belsen trial

•  Goering on Hitler's ignorance of the Holocaust - "First of all, I want to say once more that I do not accept this document,
                                                                                 and that its whole wording is unknown to me..."

•  Goering's Closing Statement

•  Nazi records, the changing story

•  Germany's 1000+ years of guilt, lasted 4 months. - on Nazi boss Hans Frank at the Nuremberg Trial

•  Goering's execution was a foregone conclusion

•  "Pass me the black cap, I'll be needing that."    - Months before the Nuremberg death sentences were handed down, the Americans already knew
                                                                                           there would be executions. Even an especially sadistic hangman had been recruited!

•  LIFE Magazine: Nuremberg hangings 


Revisionism - Miscellaneous

•  No real evidence for the gas chambers, experts admit

•  No scientific proof Jews exterminated: witness

•  Judge admits evidence for Auschwitz is thin

•  The four documents which "prove" Nazis gassings

•  1/3rd of Holocaust victims not murdered

•  Orthodox historian admits no evidence for gas chambers

•  It must be very hard for Jews like this to speak the truth - On Jewish Professor Arno J. Mayer who stated: "At Auschwitz, but probably overall,
                                                                                               more Jews were killed by ‘natural causes’ than by ‘unnatural’ ones."

•  1.5 million gassed at Dachau

•  Dachau Gas Chambers  - Allied propaganda film on the homicidal "Gas Chamber" at Dachau

•  7,000,000 killed at Treblinka - May 14, 1945, Derby Evening Telegraph

•  7,000,000 killed at Treblinka - May 15 1945, Daily Mirror

•  1944: US Journalist unconvinced about Majdanek - Tomasz Kranz, the present director if the Majdanek museum, admitted in 2005 that the Polish-Soviet
                                                                                      Extraordinary Commission "were motivated more by a political and propaganda agenda than by a
                                                                                      search for historical truth."

•  1992: Polish gov. insists Auschwitz I gas chamber is original

•  Does it really matter that the Soviets built the Auschwitz gas chamber after WWII?

•  Gas chamber doors, a comparison     

•  It's no exaggeration to say 5 to 6 million were killed at Auschwitz

•  1m Jews killed at Majdanek say Zionist working for the Soviets - on the Polish-Soviet Extraordinary Commission for Investigating the Crimes
                                                                                                          Committed by the Germans in the Majdanek Extermination Camp in Lublin

•  1.7 million Jews killed at Majdanek, says Lipstadt

•  The case for 2,000,000 deaths at Majdanek

•  Nazi master plan to gas 11,000,000 Jews

•  Auschwitz hospital for 16,600 people, next to gas chambers

•  "Auschwitz In The Sand"

•  Auschwitz: "Sometimes I think I dreamt it."

•  How to make a Jew tell the truth - Anti-Zionist Jew Josef Ginsburg stated that the false, sick statements made by "Holocaust survivors" would go down
                                                          by 95.5% if they were made to swear a special Jewish oath, as the superficial oath made in a secular court of law
                                                          was not morally binding for Jews.

•  The truth in the Auschwitz narrative

•  Only fiction makes the holocaust credible

•  We Jews ... we are story-tellers - Franz Kafka

•  The Holocaust explained in 8 seconds  - "a rabbi would never exaggerate", hilarious must see clip from The Simpsons

•  Ho£ocaust Survivor Liar, they're "numerous" - the famous Germaine Tillion quote

•  "This is a chronicle of the planet of Auschwitz"  - Eichmann Trial, show-stealing appearance

•  Auschwitz United: Soccer & gas chambers

•  Before Holocaust by gas, there was Holocaust by bubbles

•  Belsen trial commenced on Yom Kippur - the Jewish Judgement Day

•  Birkenau's high in price, poor in taste monument

•  8,000,000 killed at Auschwitz

•  7,000,000 gassed at Auschwitz - according to "the father of holocaust history"

•  Auschwitz death toll reduction in the press

•  4,000,000 killed at Auschwitz, says "Sir" Martin Gilbert

•  Mr Spock says: 5,000,000 died at Auschwitz 

•  6,000,000 minus 3,000,000 = 6,000,000 - on the revised Auschwitz death toll

•  What's your guess for the number of people killed at Auschwitz - the varying figures

•  Auschwitz: Between 74,000 and 9,000,000 killed

•  Zyklon B, hot brick, shovel, Jews, nonsense

•  Scientific facts & the Holocaust, are like chalk & cheese - Jewish Sonderkommandos working in Auschwitz-Birkenau, allegedly wore no gas masks,
                                                                                               no protective clothing against cyanide poisoning - vs. reality / real life cases

•  Why do publishers change implausible details in Jewish Holocaust survivors accounts of their WW2 experiences? - on Jankiel Wiernik's Treblinka
                                                                                                                                                                                           gas chamber testimony

•  The 1949 World Almanac states 89,993,458 fewer Christians than in 1934 but 438,638 more Jews.... Why is that?

•  Was Hitler a woman?

•  Lie 1 at the Holocaust Exhibition, London

•  Lie 2 at the Holocaust Exhibition, London

•  Extrasensory perception common among camp survivors

•  The Dachau "gas chamber" & crematorium construction plan

•  David Cesarani's big lie about the Irving trial

•  Death Camp: Sobibor's trap door

•  Deborah Lipstadt denies the Holocaust

•  Escape via the Auschwitz gas chamber window

•  Every Auschwitz canard in 82 seconds 

•  "The Zionist Plan For The Final Solution Of The Jewish Question"

•  The gas chambers of Belsen described by liberator 

•  Greville Janner denied Dachau's gas chamber

•  Hitler gassed 20,000,000 people

•  The Holocaust & the "new world order"

•  Holotastic menorah

•  Grossman's bone-crushing chambers

•  Photos of the Nazi bone-grinder 

•  Auschwitz's No.1 Jew: The Bone Crusher 

•  "If you want more Holocaust studies in your schools"

•  I punched a hole in a wall and escaped being gassed 

•  I sent my parents & sons to be gassed

•  Reitlinger on "magic" Holocaust numbers

•  Jewish lies about Mauthausen

•  Jewish camp prostitutes? yes, Yes, YES .... or No

•  Saucy nuns in the Auschwitz brothel

•  Killing Nazi dogs 

•  The convicted fraudster & the Majdanek death camp

•  Deborah Lipstadt: Holocaust is a conspiracy - Jewish Professors Deborah Lipstadt and Peter Novick claim that Simon Wiesenthal invented the 5,000,000
-Jewish Holocaust deaths, the basis of the "mushy" 11,000,000 (6 + 5) Holocaust victims total.

•  Kosher Holocaust Denial: The Myth of the 11,000,000 Holocaust Victims

•  Raul Hilberg on Anne Frank's diary

•  The Nazis allocate no budget to kill Europe's Jews - according to Raul Hilberg

•  Bauer on Hilberg's lack of impartiality

•  ADL says Lipstadt & Gilbert are not scholars - ADL: "In fact, Western scholars have never supported the figure of 4 million deaths at Auschwitz;
                                                                              the basis of this Soviet estimate..."

•  Treblinka art 

•  Viewing gallery in Treblinka gas chamber

•  2,774,000 Jews killed at Treblinka

•  How tall was the piles of clothes at Treblinka

•  Evidence of death camp Treblinka   

•  Treblinka's submarine

•  Auschwitz gas chamber doors had no locks

•  More Nazi Genius: Gas chamber ventilation

•  Even Ehrenburg couldn't find the Auschwitz gas chambers 

•  The ashes of 4,000,000 people in this pond 

• '5 Million Jews Died in 1 Camp'

•  100% proof the Nazis gassed Jews

•  Gas chamber doors sealed with mud and slime

•  Buchenwald had a gas chamber, said the French

•  Excavations at Nazis death camps

•  80,000 Jews gassed in one night. At Belsen?

•  Many of my friends were gassed at Belsen

•  Another Belsen gas chambers claim

•  5,885,000 Jews killed in just three death camps

•  73 million Jews gassed per year

•  Ohrdruf's gas chambers (a Buchenwald subcamp)

•  Those Auschwitz-Birkenau blues

•  Holocaust a collective madness

•  Chimneys of Treblinka

•  700,000 murdered at Nazi Death Camp: Lwow (?)

•  Auschwitz erotica 

•  Huge model of Auschwitz  - with puppeteers in action!

•  Model death camp 

•  Jews being "resettled in the East"  - model

•  1887-88: The Outrage at Auschwitz

•  Nice early 'Auschwitz gas chamber fake' admittance

•  How many camps had swimming pools?

•  Auschwitz swimming pool was a mass grave 

•  Auschwitz museum giving out misinformation about their swimming pool

•  Auschwitz pool's diving boards

•  Auschwitz's football pitch  - from the 1961 Adolf Eichmann trial

•  Auschwitz's Football Pitch of Death

•  Auschwitz: Indisputable proof the main gas chamber, wasn't a gas chamber

•  Tattooings and gassings at Belsen

•  Nazis killed 4,000,000 at Hartheim Castle - according to Simon Wiesenthal - and other Holohoaxers

•  More Lies from LLliesenthal 

•  3,000,000 killed at Treblinka, mostly by pumping the air out of chambers

•  Gas chambers didn't need to be ventilated, as victims breathed in the poison gas

•  2,000,000 Jews killed by injection of bubbles

•  Auschwitz ovens: 400 corpses cremated in 5 minutes 

•  Were the Nazis still cremating Russian corpses in 1989? - on "facts" from Sachsenhausen, presented at Nuremberg...

•  12 bodies could fit into one Auschwitz II muffle

•  Why did Nazis bother with ovens if they had their "special process" of burning 3000 Jews at once without fuel? 

•  Cremation of a human body videos 

•  Nazi miracle ovens - on Jewish Auschwitz expert Professor Robert Van Pelt, at the Irving vs. Lipstadt trial

•  Another lying sonderkommando  - more cremation tales, these from the British documentary "The World at War"

•  Burning Jews underwater at Auschwitz-Birkenau   - includes testimony clip from Claude Lanzmann's 1985 holopropaganda movie "Shoah"

•  Jewish "Men won't burn without women."

•  More Nazi Genius: Magic Ovens

•  3,000,000 Jews killed at Auschwitz - collection of Jewish and other supposedly reputable sources (i.e. non-Soviet)

•  Another Olère masterpiece 

•  73 million Jews gassed per year

•  Goebbel's prophecy

•  Goebbels on good propaganda 

•  Is the Auschwitz death toll about to be lowered AGAIN and the gas chamber story dropped as Soviet propaganda

•  Nazis gassed Jews with natural gas

•  Bergen-Belsen: The Mark of Cain 

•  Early Auschwitz gassing report

•  Auschwitz death toll disagreements

•  4.5 million killed at Auschwitz & soap: Nuremberg Indictment

•  Horrific Holocaust photo 

•  Auschwitz liberation photo  

•  The Beatles, The Stones & The Sonderkommandos  - Sonderkommando musicians? According to Yad Vashem: Yes!

•  I laughed  - from Israel-as-Nazis-cartoons

•  Dachau's drowning/gas chamber

•  5,000,000 Jews gassed at Auschwitz, in 10 months

•  7,000,000 killed at Auschwitz said "the father of holocaust history"

•  Encyclopædia Britannica says 3,000,000 Jews died at Auschwitz

•  7,000,000 Jews killed at Auschwitz

•  3,500,000 Jews killed at Auschwitz, say AIPAC

•  Jew forgets the name of his own son, who probably never even existed

•  I was the boy killed in Schindler's List

•  Great Holocaust Denial letter from 1951

•  Only lice were gassed at Auschwitz

•  Faurisson's fisherman's tales analogy

•  Jewish leader admits making up Auschwitz atrocity stories

•  "Here is a true Israelite, in whom there is nothing false." - Austrian-Jewish politician and multiple-camp Holosurvivor, Benedikt Kautsky,
                                                                                               saw no gas chambers

•  Stephen F. Pinter's famous letter in full

•  Was George Orwell a Holocaust Denier?

•  Early Holocaust denial from American Jewish scholar

•  "the Germans killed 100,000s of Jews" - not millions, a British top military concedes

•  1945 Holocaust minimizing

•  Robert Mitchum was a holocaust denier... possibly

•  Holocaust denial in Britain, in 1943 - by Scottish politician Alexander Ratcliffe: "Mostly such reports are the invention of the Jewish mind."

•  1944: Some early "soft-core denial" - Lieutenant Colonel Sir Walter Dorling Smiles in the House of Commons, 1944

•  Despite being heavily involved in WWII, a genocide of Jews, gas chambers, 6,000,000 is not mentioned in: the writings of Churchill, Eisenhower and de Gaulle

•  No proof can be given that six million Jews 'perished' - British author Douglas Reed

•  Raul Hilberg's scholarship exposed

•  1972: Holocaust denial at the UN - Palestinian Christian, Issa Nakhleh, head of the the Arab Higher Committee for Palestine

•  Classic piece of Ho£ocaust denial - 1973, U.N. Security Council: "Arabian Ambassador Terms Nazi Holocaust as Fiction"

•  More classic Ho£ocaust denial - this time from Egypt's President Nasser, legendary freedom-fighter and Arab leader

•  50% of Canadians are Holocaust Deniers

•  Aliens & The Holocaust 

•  Fake bolloxaust photo 

•  Another fake Holocaust photo 

•  If a job needs doing, make sure its done in the most ridiculous style possible - the diesel gas chambers

•  Science-Fiction writer 1st to mention the Nazi gas-vans, he was a relative of War & Peace author Leo Tolstoy

•  Proof of homicidal gas vans lost in the post

•  Photos of Nazi gas vans   

•  So where did the Nazi capture the Russian submarine engine

•  Himmler & Submarine Gas

•  Feb 1944, Nazi Gas Van Cartoon 

•  The gas chamber was full, so I survived 

•  Nazis accused of killing people, who weren't dead

•  Robert Jan van Pelt, professor of architecture - Jewish Auschwitz expert has his professorship exposed in the 2000 Irving vs. Lipstadt trial

•  Pressac calls Robert Jan van Pelt a liar !?!?!?! - Exterminationist vs. Exterminationist!

•  Holopoly - Holocaust the board game  - also added: "Jewnopoly"

•  1945 US Army report says commies ran Buchenwald

•  Fake Treblinka photos 

•  Death Camp Treblinka's bears 

•  Close to 2,000,000, mostly Jews, killed at Mauthausen

•  25,000 - 2,000,000 Jews killed at Sobibor

•  Anne Frank gassed at Belsen... erm Auschwitz?

Non-Genocidal Gas Chambers

•  Life Magazine on the U.S. gas chambers for Jews

•  Toronto's women visit the gas chamber

•  Germans show British politician their gas chamber

•  1936: British mobile gas chamber

More Misc. Revisionism

•  Gassing Jews in trenches covered in canvas

•  Treblinka's safe with a self-destruct button

•  Deborah Lipstadt in the gas chamber

•  1945 US report on Dachau gas chamber

•  "Death by showering with water and a disinfectant!"

•  Nazis gassing Jews on hermetically sealed trains

•  1986, fake photos in the Vad Yashem 

•  Dachau & Bergen-Belsen gas chambers

•  Nazi Death Camp: Auschwitz III: Monowitz 

•  The Nazis had 30 odd death camps, apparently

•  Cabbage Patch Jews & man eating dogs 

•  Bergen-Belsen's gas chamber "gas jets" - Joseph Kramer, the Commandant of Belsen, "confessed" there were gas chambers at Belsen

•  Buchenwald's gas chambers and other nonsense

•  Auschwitz survivor questions gas chambers

•  2003: Still claiming 3m Jews killed at Auschwitz

•  Hitler: "Lies and slander of positively hair-raising perversity" 

•  Hitler gassed 20,000,000 people

•  50 million killed in the Holocaust

•  Ashes of six million Jews killed at Auschwitz, now in New Jersey

•  My guitar saved me from being gassed at Auschwitz

•  Six or seven million killed at Auschwitz

•  2/3rds of the six million killed at Auschwitz

•  Disciplinary hearings for doubting the Auschwitz 4,000,000

•  4,000,000 killed at Auschwitz, said Primo Levi

•  7,000,000 Jews killed at Auschwitz say British Deputy PM

•  Time Magazine, December 23, 1940, reports that 80% of Nazi concentration camp prisoners are not Jewish, but Christian

•  Auschwitz the meaning of pain the way that I want you to die*

•  What a smashing looking gas chamber  - in Flossenbürg(!) - according to the Yad Vashem photo archive

•  A beginner's guide to Nazi euphemisms

Elie Wiesel - Holy Man / Saint of "Holocaustology"

•  Elie Wiesel: "Shoah peddler" - says anti-Revisionist historian Pierre Vidal-Naquet

•  "the resident clown of the Holocaust circus" - Elie Wiesel, according to Jewish dissident Norman Finkelstein

•  Elie Wiesel and the Nazis' human soap 

•  Elie Wiesel on why its always 6,000,000

•  Elie Wiesel's "Geysers of blood"

•  1985, Wiesel's fire pits still doing the rounds

•  Wiesel's Geysers of Blood vs. Eichmann's Blood Fountains

•  Elie Wiesel saw soup kill a man 

•  Christianity died at Auschwitz...... apparently - Elie Wiesel, again

•  Elie Wiesel, Pope of Holocaustianity

•  God was tried and hung in the Holocaust

•  Elie Wiesel on raping German girls

•  Wiesel unimpressed by Prof. Butz's book

•  "In the Beginning Was the Holocaust" - Wiesel

•  "The Holocaust is a sacred subject" - Elie Wiesel - Holocaust = New Religion

•  Elie Wiesel on the accomplices to the Holocaust

•  More on the necessity to hate, from the Weasel

•  The origin of Elie Wiesel's German hatred

•  "He who hates, hates everyone." - Elie Wiesel

•  Elie Wiesel's racial supremacist beliefs - quotes Wiesel's preferred rabbi

•  Elie Wiesel testifying at Klaus Barbie's trial 

•  Wiesel on Stalin the Jew hater

•  Wiesel, Israeli President - Elie Wiesel claimed he was offered the Israeli president's job

•  Elie Wiesel and the art of storytelling

•  Elie Wiesel can fly

•  Elie Wiesel has replaced God

•  Wiesel on Satan, a likely Holocaust denier

•  Auschwitz Apocalypse - Elie Wiesel words

•  Elie Wiesel doesn't feel at ease in a church

•  Weasel the Talking Pumpkin - school children indoctrination...

•  A sneak of weasels

•  Only fiction makes the holocaust credible

•  Elie Wiesel and the phantsmagoric realm of the dead

More Misc. Revisionism

•  Nov 1942: Gassing by lime, water and chlorine

•  Millions of Jews died at Dachau

•  "Bigger and better gas chambers"

•  1981: Over 7,000,000 killed at Auschwitz

•  5,000,000 killed at Auschwitz

•  22,000,000 could be killed each year at Auschwitz

•  Charles de Gaulle at Auschwitz in 1969    - "4 million killed" there - at the time...

•  "the procession of victims into the Buchenwald gas chambers"

•  Gas chambers! What gas chambers?

•  Auschwitz "gas chamber" builders acquitted in court

•  1.2m killed at Auschwitz in just one day 

•  Leon Bass saw gas chambers at Buchenwald

•  Gas chamber in Belgium for Jewish children - "German Soldier Tells of Nazi Method of Mass-Gassing Jewish Children in Belgium"

•  Deborah Lipstadt: Lying About Irving

•  Lipstadt on the disease of antisemitism

•  Typical Nazis  - pics of Nazi soldiers your history teacher never dared show you!

•  Non-blonde, non-blue-eyed Nazis 

•  Molotov rubbishes Britain's war aims

•  My family was gassed at Auschwitz in early 1940

•  Nazis genius & stupidity all in the same death camps

•  Nazis planned to gas 4,000,000 more at Majdanek

•  Nothing sells like sex and Nazis  - Pulp Magazine covers!

•  "The story will remain recorded in history as the classic lie of war propaganda."

•  Get rich quick scheme: Defend the Ho£ocaust - on Holocaustian-for-hire Christopher Browning's lucrative business

  New British film shanghais German victims  - "The Imitation Game" (2014)

•  The Holocaust, or the Witch of Monzie

•  Jews admit the Holocaust is a conspiracy - from the Adolf Eichmann Trial

•  Another Nazi gas chamber discovered

•  Sobibor: The Soviet transit camp 

•  Sobibor: 2 million killed & fat collected for soap

•  I survived Treblinka, only to be sent to Auschwitz

•  The Auschwitz to Ravensbrueck gas train

•  The Wall of Death, minus the wooden thing  - at Auschwitz...

•  The demise of Majdanek's gas chamber no. 7

•  1943: 10 - 12 million people in Soviet concentration camps

•  Nazi & Commie concentration camps compared - by a Jew!


•  The ad hoc gas chamber at Neuengamme

Buchenwald Photo Fraud

•  The Most Famous Holocaust Photo a Fraud  - the world famous Buchenwald photo

•  Another famous Holocaust photo is a fraud 

•  Buchenwald photos compared 

•  The undoctored Buchenwald photo in the press    

•  Doctored Buchenwald photo on canvas  

•  Mermelstein clearly sees no contradiction   - on the doctored Buchenwald photo

•  Mad Mel Mermelstein again   - more on the doctored Buchenwald photo

•  Is there a 3rd version of the Buchenwald photo in the USHMM's archives? 

Anti-Germanism / Germanocide

•  1933: Judea Declares War on Germany  

•  Zionists, on behalf of Jews, declare war on Germany

•  1933 Jewish boycott of German goods poster 

•  Exterminate the entire German race  

•  "Germany Must Perish!" now in 16 languages 

•  Jews want war, says British Ambassador

•  "necessary to execute large numbers of Germans" - Jewish newspaper man Joseph Pulitzer II: "Possibly 1,500,000 may be the final total."

•  Germany's unforgivable crime

•  Auschwitz privilege in West Germany 

•  The USHMM teaches kids to hate Germans

•  Pinning the Holofalse on the German people

•  Auschwitz: Germany's Cornerstone - according to Judeophile and sellout, Joschka Fischer, German post-WW2 Vice-Chancellor and Foreign Minister

•  US orders to shoot German civilians   - includes video: 1945 US fighters strafing deep into Germany

•  "hit everything that moved on the roads" - U.S. vs German civilians

•  "waiting to strafe anything that moved"   - includes videolinks

•  U.S. Army kills German soldiers in trains  

•  1943: British promise to hang Germans 

•  "Let our one and only motto be: Kill Germans"    

•  "Kill the German" by Ilya Ehrenburg

•  War to the death against all German people

•  'Stand & Kill the German'

•  Jews are advertising the FACT they intend to kill German babies - the Amalek mitzvah

•  "There is no need to kill German babies"  

•  Buy a bond to starve the Germans

•  George Bernard Shaw: "We must kill the German women"

•  George Bernard Shaw on British bombing atrocities

•  Curse those bestial Germans - more pharisaical anti-Christmas holohoaxing

•  "War Will Benefit Jews In Germany"  

•  Jews urge gas attacks on Germany 

•  More Jewish plans to completely wipe-out the German people

•  Hemingway: sterilizing Germans the only answer

•  I'd happily shoot all Germans

•  "Kill Every German" says clergyman

•  "every German must be killed." - US Congressman, 1945

•  "kill every German," is one of our options - NYT publisher

•  The origin of Elie Wiesel's German hatred

•  More on the necessity to hate, from the Weasel

•  The Jewish orders to massacre German civilians

•  Elie Wiesel on raping German girls

•  6,000,000 illegal abortions of Soviet rape victims

•  Let us cultivate stern righteous hatred for Germans 

•  "wipe Germany off the map" 

•  1944: US Jew on the limitless Germans to kill

•  Armed Jews turned loose on German civilians

•  US troops handed Germans to Jews, so they could sadistically kill them

•  We cooked kebabs made from Germans, says Jew

•  Early Dachau article: No gas chamber mentioned - the 1945 article "Are Germans Human?"

•  It is a Jewish war, the Nazis are right - according to Jewish supremacist and Zionist, Ze'ev Jabotinsky

•  Churchill's famous Hun joke in Congress

•  1938: Kill Off The Germans and most whites

•  "the expulsion of the Germans—because that is what is proposed" 

•  "some of whom are curable and others killable" - Winston Churchill on the "Huns"

•  Churchill foresaw and condoned massacres of Sudeten Germans

•  "Germany Must Be Educated by Fire" - Ehrenburg

•  German foresees 50% population cut

•  1942: "The Never Again Club" & Sterilization of all German males

•  Starve to death 30,000,000 Germans

•  Sterilizing Germans was the popular choice

•  Sterilizing all Germans, the logistics examined

•  Yet more ideas to sterilize 10,000,000s of Germans

•  Allied attempt to kill millions of Germans after WW2 - decried by Nobel Prize winning British philosopher Bertrand Russell

•  Theodore N. Kaufman's "traditional Judaism" - the man behind the book "Germany Must Perish!"

•  Theodore "sterilise Germans" Kaufman on the Jewish "mission"

•  "Should We Kill the Germans—or Save Them?" 

•  Human beings or Germans?

•  His King and Country Need Him! - "Though you have no grievance against your German brother—go forth and kill him!"

•  Old Testament hate in Goebbels' palace 

•  At least the Germans laughed at Jewish lies

•  Why Zionists & communists wanted Germany to lose WWI

•  Germany's WW1 "war guilt myth"

•  Why Germany Must Pay - anti-German propaganda film released a couple of months after end of World War I

•  The English, the Germans & the French - In the wake of WWI, British opinion of the Germans was very high, of the French, the opposite was true.

•  All Germans are seen thru Auschwitz-lenses 

•  Getting Acquainted  - propaganda cartoon, Holoframing the German people

•  1942: Czech leader would kill all Germans - Jan Masaryk, on the "bombing of open towns – and killing of women and children if necessary".
                                                                          After WW2, Masaryk - a pro-Zionist and friend of Chaim Weizmann - was responsible for the 1st arms shipment
                                                                          from Czechoslovakia to the Jews in 1948, aiding their aggression and overtake of Palestine.

•  Allied plans to bomb, burn & ruthlessly destroy

•  Bomb damage in Britain & Germany 

•  If Germany had done to us, what we did to them

•  Dresden: The deliberate killing of refugees

•  The death toll of The Dresden Holocaust is being deliberately minimized

•  11 months later, corpses still being recovered in Dresden

•  Bomber Harris would rather have been gassed than burnt alive

•  Post-WW2, Britain expects several million German deaths

•  Eisenhower's Death Camps PDF copy

•  Allies boast of killing 1,000,000 German POWs in 21 days

•  1947: 2 million German POWs disappear

•  1953: 1,250,000 German POWs vanish in Russia

•  1946: 1,900 German POWs poisoned with arsenic laced bread

•  A real extermination camp  - Allied camp for German POWs

•  John Sacks' first article on Jewish run camps for Germans

•  French starving German POWs

•  German POWs shipped to Palestine as slave labour

•  1948, 6,000 Germans die of hunger in Soviet concentration camp in Germany 

•  Germans who died at Auschwitz after liberation

•  Forced to do exercises in the gas chambers - at Auschwitz, this time Soviets forcing Germans 

•  James Mayfield speaks on ethnic cleansing of the Volga Germans of USSR   

•  The Nazis claimed they would ethnically cleanse Jews in retaliation for Russians ethnically cleansing Volga Germans

•  Israeli president's plan to kill 6,000,000 Germans

•  Germany an "enemy state" according to the United Nations

•  A German's inherent fiendishness, dates to 9AD 

•  1917: 500,000 Germans in US rounded-up

•  Germany's 1000+ years of guilt, lasted 4 months. - on Nazi boss Hans Frank at the Nuremberg Trial

•  Brandenburg Gate / Gate of Auschwitz  - more German post-WW2 National-Masochism, instead of National-Socialism...

Anti-Japanism / Japanocide

•  "Should we gas the Japs?" 

•  "Kill japs, kill japs, KILL MORE JAPS!"

•  Nazi head boilers - U.S. troops "skull stewing" Japanese heads

•  The Jew who dropped the atomic bombs on Japan

•  Ban Japanese marriage; sterilise the Royal family

More Misc. Revisionism

•  Soviets had a disco on Auschwitz gas chamber roof

•  Three million Catholics killed at Auschwitz

•  5,000,000 Jews killed at Auschwitz

•  "Three times they gassed me" at Dachau

•  Tomasz Kranz, the prince, and the fake gas chamber

•  Nazis take foreign journalists to Kiev 2 weeks after Babi Yar

•  17 tons of gold from Auschwitzers' teeth

•  West German court guilty of Holocaust denial - no Majdanek gas chamber!

•  High Hitler School Musical 

•  7,000,000 killed at Auschwitz, hears the Nuremberg trial

•  4,000,000 killed at Auschwitz, say Yad Vashem

•  3,000,000 Jews killed at Auschwitz say court - according to the prosecution at the trial of former Auschwitz commandant Rudolph Hoess
                                                                              in Poland in 1947

•  3,000,000 Jews killed at Auschwitz say Nuremberg Trial prosecutor 

•  Why did they all think it was 4,000,000? - These Jewish Auschwitzers who immediate after the war all claimed 4,000,000 were killed at Auschwitz...
                                                                      Where did they get this figure from?

•  3.5, no 4.5, no 5.5 million killed at Auschwitz

•  The Good Man of Auschwitz on the 3.5m+ gassed there

•  4,000,000 minimum killed at Auschwitz hears IMT

•  Six million Jews burnt in Auschwitz ovens

•  Sterilization at Auschwitz - On German radio messages intercepted by the British. Nowhere in these myriads of (top secret, enciphered)
                                               messages is there any reference to gas chambers or gassings

•  1939 Poland's Drastic Solution to the Jewish Q.

•  1000s of Nazi death camps and other lies - Hololies-filled article (60 000 daily cremations and 4 million killed in Auschwitz, thousands of Nazi death camps!)
                                                                         On the 1979 Auschwitz visit by Pope John Paul II (who by the way halachically could be Jewish
                                                                        - through his mother!) 

•  Holocaust museum passing off dodgy photos   

•  Another faked Holocaust photo  - famous Holocaust picture staged

•  Stupid, stupid holocaust lie  - fake Buchenwald "hanging prisoners" photo

•  "Hilberg casts doubt on the accepted minimum of 6,000,000"

•  "Little Evidence Supports Story of Nazi Atrocity" - at Babi Yar, Ukraine

•  Fake Mengele photo on H.E.A.R.T.'s website   

•  Russian slave labourers at Auschwitz   

•  My family was gassed at Auschwitz in early 1940

•  Origin of the 4,000,000 figure for Auschwitz - courtesy of the IMT

•  Finds (key for) Dachau Gas Chamber

•  The Dachau "Museum of Wax Figures" of murdered prisoners

•  Five, no, SIX, homicidal gas chambers at Dachau 

•  Dachau map drawn by American serviceman - with "Shower poisin gas chamber"

•  Hungary to build huge gas chambers for its Jews

•  U.S. soldiers gassed at Mauthausen   - From the U.S. propaganda film "Let Justice be Done". Also shows the gas chamber in... Dachau!

•  The Wehrmacht wore Jewish prayer shawls?

•  "the paranormal evidence" for homicidal gassings

•  The infamous Dachau gas chamber sign rediscovered - addendum: U.S. 45th Division News, May 13 1945, describes the gassing procedure in Dachau.

•  Could the Nazis have tried U.S. citizens for lynchings?

•  Beast of Belsen was an "awfully nice chap"

•  The Belsen Gas Chamber described   - a British Army veteran describes being inside a Belsen gas chamber in 1945!

•  1964: More Belsen gas chamber victims discovered - over 1,000,000 died at the camp!

•  "the gas chambers operated constantly at Buchenwald"

•  The one-man Natzweiler gas chamber

•  238,000 killed (gassed?) at Dachau & more Jew soap nonsense - on Jewish post-War financial fraudster Philipp Auerbach, who became "one of the first Jews
                                                                                                            to play a role in postwar German political life"
and "the guiding spirit in dealing with returning
                                                                                                            stolen Jewish property and monetary restitution to Jews"

•  379 members of my family were gassed at Auschwitz

•  Jeremy Noakes, supporter the Auschwitz 4 million - ...thus contradicting ADL's claim

•  Forced to do exercises in the gas chambers - in Auschwitz, where "5,000,000 people" were gassed

•  Yad Vashem vile photos  - Yad Vashem's website features photographs of women being abused, for cooperating with Germans

•  More anti-Nazi heroes on the Yad Vashem's website  - Yad Vashem Photo Archive:
   "France, Resistance members abusing a woman, who collaborated with the Germans."

•  Superman's adopted father at Treblinka

Hilarious 1938 pic!

American High School students dressed up as Adolf Hitler!
(Hitler Party in West Virginia, LIFE, December 5, 1938)

•  1937: Hitler admitted the Soviets would win any war

•  Copy of Anne Frank's diary for all UK kids

•  President Reagan commemorates the Belsen gassings   

•  Soviet photo-fakery exposed    (some pics missing)

•  Workers forced to watch gassings at Auschwitz

•  WW2 was a bellum Judaicum [Jewish war]

•  WW2 is being fought for Judaism

•  4,000,000 died at Auschwitz: Says Deborah Lipstadt

•  1993: Jewish professor states 2 - 3 million gassed at Auschwitz

•  The Americans had a camp at Auschwitz before the Germans

•  Gas chambers replaced Christian cross, says rabbi

•  Christian crosses defile the Holy of Holies 

•  Professor Rummel's bizarre mathematics

•  Holocaustolaters disagree on IBM role at Auschwitz

•  Was Kramer the Belsen prisoner who begged to be killed

•  1934, German Jew praises Hitler 

•  Manstein, Germany's Joan of Arc

•  Churchill donated money to Nazi's defence fund

•  Eisenhower defends the Wehrmacht's honour

•  Did a Jew help to write the Nuremberg Laws? - on similiarities between Israeli Law
                                                                               and Nazis' Nuremberg Laws

•  Buchenwald body crushing elevator

•  1993, Holocaust survivor discovers he was killed in the Holocaust 

•  Holocaust liar caught lying at the Irving trial

•  Auschwitz gas chambers was a big lift

•  1000 corpses burnt an hour at Auschwitz-Birkenau - in trenches 5.5 x 5.5 metres! 

•  Gassed corpses are pink with green spots

•  Encyclopædia Britannica says 1000s gassed at Belsen

•  1,135,000 Jews killed at Chelmno - on Einstein endorsed "math"

•  12,000,000+ Jews killed by the Nazis

•  Crafty holocaust marketeering tips: Know your audience - 1919: "6 million"-figure-propaganda for Jews... and Christians!

•  Austrian Jew defends Anschluss

•  The cat, the gas chamber & the explosion

•  Auschwitz gas chambers & the hot brick method

•  Hole in the holes story at Auschwitz-Birkenau

•  Soviet adjustments to the Auschwitz gas chamber

•  Proving Auschwitz, disproves Majdanek 

•  Women forced to give birth to dogs - on the "Serbian successors to Mengele"

•  "fetus removed and a pig's flesh stuffed into the stomach" - modern atrocity propaganda tales, these from the 1990's Bosnian War

•  Deliveries of Zyklon B proves homicidal gassings?

•  How much of Auschwitz's Zyklon B used to kill people?

•  Zyklon B: 95% to save, 5% to kill Auschwitzers - on Zyklon B volumes sent to camps

•  Early Dachau article: No gas chamber mentioned - the 1945 article "Are Germans Human?"

•  Meet the Auschwitzs

•  1984: Average age of Holocaust survivors is 74

•  Thomas Harding's tall Auschwitz tale

•  How not to defend the Hoax, by the ADL - Americans liberated Auschwitz?!?

•  Treblinka: Knee deep in money, music & whores

•  Model of Treblinka photos 

•  Satanism at Death Camp Sobibor 

•  Auschwitz subcamps photos 

•  Child molesters were also killed in the Holocaust 

•  Auschwitz Jewish mugshots 

•  Treblinka drawings 

•  Auschwitz from a different perspective 

•  My Auschwitz trip photos   - archive with some 450ish pics taken in 2012!

•  My "death camp" holiday in Northern Germany  - Lots of photos uploaded! Taken in the Sachsenhausen, Bergen-Belsen, Ravensbrueck, and
                                                                                       Neuengamme camps, and from the infamous Wannsee Villa.

•  My run-ins with Mossad at Treblinka & Majdanek  - Israeli secret agents harassing non-Jewish camp visitor - in today's Poland! Includes many photos of "Israelis" visiting the camps

•  Kharkov show trial photos 

•  Memorial to the 2,500,000 Auschwitz Jews

•  Genrikh Yagoda's cousin was sent to Auschwitz

•  Nazis faking Soviet newspapers

On History and Revisonism

•  Voltaire on Holocaust historians - The majority of historians instead of discussing facts with men, tell stories to children!

•  Thoughts on the Manner of Writing History - Count Pierre-François Réal

•  Historians of Religion should study Holocaust Revisionism

•  How Holocaust historians distort evidence to support the Big Lie

•  Truth and Falsehood

•  1865: Victors write the history

•  "Woe to the vanquished" in history as on the battle-field.

•  "again we have the admitted fable, which will be called history" - Napoleon

•  Convergence of evidence for the Devil's existence

•  Holocaust Denial vs. Geocentricism Denial

•  Voltaire on Holocaust denial

•  Thomas Jefferson vs. Holocaust denial laws

•  Jews find this quote about dishonesty inspiring - from Abraham Lincoln

•  Wiesel unimpressed by Prof. Butz's book

•  Wiesel on Satan, a likely Holocaust denier

•  Lipstadt vs. Schiff on International Jewry

•  Jews will perfect society for all us - says Raul Hilberg

•  Yehuda Bauer's varying Auschwitz death tolls

•  "These Holocaust deniers are very slick people"

•  The declaration of the 34 French historians

•  Elie Wiesel: "Shoah peddler" - says anti-Revisionist historian Pierre Vidal-Naquet

•  "call it religious" - Hilberg on why the numbers matter

•  WW2 was a background story to the Holocaust - according to USHMM's rabbi Michael Berenbaum

•  Holocaust was caused by free-speech

•  Thou Shalt Not Deny the Holocaust - The Ten Commandments of the "Holocaust" Religion (by Robert Faurisson)

•  Denying the Ho£ocaust is against Jewish Law

•  Holocaust Denial illegal in Britain since 2010 

•  "he associates with right wing extremists" - Jewish racism and hypocricy vis-à-vis the Revisionists (Irving)

•  Ho£ocaust revisionism speech  - by the late Jonathan Bowden, British Nationalist and "cult Internet figure"

•  Holocaust tattoo

•  What is the Holocaust? – Lies Lies Lies!

•  This is antisemitism, researching WW2 isn't

More Misc. Revisionism

•  What paved the road to Auschwitz?

•  Auschwitz-Birkenau; "the holiest place in the history of mankind" - "there shall be no hope for the deniers!"
                                                                                                              – Israeli Education Minister Yossi Sarid

•  "Nazism . . . Spawn of Communism"

•  1944: Gas Holocaust in Cleveland kills 71

•  Lego Holocaust 

•  "The Chili Holocaust"

•  Hot-Dog Holocaust - LIFE Magazine, October 5, 1953

•  The Holocaust - in Brazil, in 1963

•  British killing Jews with gas in 1938

•  Aug 1943: 5,300,000 Jews had perished

•  Six million killed at Auschwitz, said David Irving

•  "Millions of Jews were exterminated" at Auschwitz, said Eichmann Judge

•  3.5m killed at Auschwitz, say Gideon Hausner

•  Free Hitler Stamps!

•  The Diary of Ann Fink 

•  British dismiss an uncanny Polish prediction

•  Uncanny prediction of Hitler's attack on the USSR

•  F.D.R.'s pre-knowledge of the Pearl Harbour attack

•  Goering's execution was a foregone conclusion

•  Herman Goering on who really wants war

•  Shoah business

•  "Holocaust Insurance Denial"  - Jewish milking cash from "The Holocaust"

•  "The Holocaust Explained" - Zionist propaganda and brainwashing aimed at non-Jewish school kids!

•  Mandatory Holocaust conditioning - Aldous Huxle, author of world famous book "Brave New World" (1932) on "psychological compulsion" and "mind-manipulation" 

•  The Auschwitz Competition

•  "Dr. Mengele School Project" 

•  Indoctrinating the Holocaust

•  Holocaust memorial planned for the moon  - includes lots of pics of Holocaust memorials in the U.S.

•  Denver's Babi Yar Memorial

•  It's what they would have wanted   - Holocaust Memorial suggestion...

•  Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe  - Berlin's 2,711 concrete slab Holocaust memorial has found other uses...  : )

•  Holocaust Survivor Cookbook - seriously!?

•  From one blood libel to another. Part 1. - on Babi Yar

•  Liberation of Auschwitz 

•  It's that lying Auschwitz bishop again - of the Katyn Massacre...

•  Gas chamber diagram from 1944  - "The Chain of Responsibility for Nazi atrocities"

•  Hitler visits his men 

•  Hitler "the George Washington of Germany" - "I have now seen the famous German Leader and also something of the great change he has effected." 
                                                                             – David Lloyd George, Britain's Prime Minister during World War One

•  Hitler is one of the greatest men I ever meet - Britain's World War One Prime Minister, David Lloyd George

•  Lloyd-George defends Hitler once more

•  German-American interviews Hitler - in 1933

•  1945: Hitler on who wanted the war

•  The forgotten 1931 Jewish interview of Hitler

•  Hitler's debt free currency

•  Mark Weber on Hitler's economic policy 

•  Hitler and Churchill on the Autobahn

•  Churchill wrote that Hitler was "cool"

•  Churchill Junior's Ho£ocaust gaff

•  Reagan alludes to the future Kingdom of God aka the NWO

•  Rudolf Hoess' Auschwitz photo album 

•  Walt Disney Education for Death: The Making of the Nazi (1943)   

•  The liberation of Auschwitz propaganda film - Soviets shot their propaganda footage sometime after they liberated the camps! 

•  Interview with Pressac accompanied by hateful cartoon

•  Google praises antisemitic architect on Holocaust day

•  "Never Again" - the slogan's real meaning

•  Jews chose who'd be killed by the Nazis

•  Transport Headquarters Majdanek

•  The Majdanek sonderkommando's comic turn 

•  1958, Treblinka flooded

•  3 separate tattooing systems at Auschwitz

•  Auschwitz split into Auschwitz I, II and III

•  Auschwitz's "transport Jews" & executions

•  1941: NY communist on Nazi gas chambers - and FDR speechwriter!

•  Rabbi confuses General Patton with a giant black soldier 

•  1947: Anti-British Zionist propaganda  - LIFE Magazine 1947: Zionist Jews smear a Nazi swastika over the British flag

•  Ze Nazis - Fun Loving War Criminals 

•  20 Nazis walk into a bar - humour!

•  "Hitler Steps On The Gas"

•  Aryans cutting off the Jews' gas - humour/irony

•  Gas supplies for tomorrow's Auschwitz

•  Hitler, was a very fat child 

•  Hitler's Supposed Child Revealed 

•  Another Jew named Hitler

•  20 Hitlers, 37 Himmlers killed in the Holocaust - Hitler killed Hitlers and Himmlers! 

•  Another Hitler a Jew claim from a Dutch newspaper - includes photos of a grave in Bucharest of a Jew named "Adolf Hittler"

•  Jewish girl named Hitler gets married

•  More "Hitler a Jew" claims from 1933 & 1940 - a Czech Jew?

•  Hitler's no Jew says Jew

•  Hitler the soldier 

•  Hitler agreed with Jews about Jesus's father

•  Hitler & Mengele's skulls 

•  1937: "Hitler's Jewish" jokes illegal in the UK

•  Jailed for calling Hitler a Jew

•  "Hitler Rebuilds Jewish Synagogue"

•  Jew Supports Hitler's Action - on the Hitler/Black Olympian Jesse Owens debacle, from the Jewish Western Bulletin

•  1927 NSDAP propaganda rule book - "... we are not propagandizing lies and untruths as England did during the War..."

•  Auschwitz Jesus

•  "Where was G-d during the Holocaust?" Well...

•  Mengele the LA nightclub piano player

•  Mengele thought the Jews should have a statue of him 

•  Mengele didn't like swimming in the Auschwitz pool

•  Dr. Mengele caught typhus at Auschwitz

•  Dr. Mengele is to blame for AIDS

•  Anne Frank on Dr. Mengele - (?!?)

•  "the tens of thousands of Jews who died at Auschwitz" - Revisionism in Ancestry Magazine, 1997?

•  "Is Hitler in love with a Jewess"  - desinfo on legendary film director Leni Riefenstahl, "the rumour that Leni Riefenstahl has Jewish ancestry"

•  Hitler engaged to a Jew!? - 1932 pamphlet entitled: Facts & Lies About Hitler

•  Goebbels calls Hitler's girlfriend a Jew - Blog author: " was Jews who started the Hitler's a Jew claims...
                                                                                         It was a top level Zionist propagandist who started the Hitler's a Rothschild claim...
                                                                                         And it's Jews today who maintain the Hitler thought he was a Jew claims."

•  Eva Braun may have escaped Hitler bunker

•  Hitler sought in Japanese hideout

•  Tarzan & Jane .... and Hitler

•  Twin brothers, one a Jew, one a Nazi

•  "We wanted the war" - Rabbi of Lodz  - anti-Jewish demo

•  The Jewish Press  - anti-Jewish demo

•  Jewish warning signs in Germany 

•  1936: Antisemitic statue unveiled in Berlin 

•  US Jewish soldiers in Swastika Synagogue 

•  1962: Carving swastikas on foreheads - 1962 vs 1938, believe it or not!

•  Swastika, Ontario

•  Swastika on Russian money

•  1914: Japanese swastika

•  The Swastika Oil Company, Texas

•  Swastika bridge on the Colorado River 

•  Canadian Olympic team Heil Hitlering - or "the Olympic salute"?

•  Hitler Lives & Ha Ha Holocaust  - Holo-Music!

•  A six million joke

•  Holocoaster Tragedy - the "Super Zyklon" roller coaster

•  Anne Frank sanitary products - in Japan!

•  Aboriginal Auschwitzer   

•  Schnapps from Auschwitz

•  Poland's version of the stumbling stones  - Poland joins the grotesque Holomania show... Blog post with some very interesting commentaries
                                                                             at the bottom on the "Holocaust guilt" phenomena and the new "Holocaust Religion"/Shoahism

•  Churchill aged 87, with broken leg 

•  The Hate Bus  - Rockwell "Nazis" in the USA

•  Maybe someday your name will be in lights - Holocaust Holly Fame - irony

•  Holocaust Controversies' book - critique of exterminationist book "Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka: Holocaust Denial and Operation Reinhard"
                                                       (HC BST)

•  HC BST: Introduction

•  HC BST: Chapter 1

•  HC BST: Chapter 2

•  HC BST: Chapter 3

•  HC BST: Chapter 4

•  HC BST: Chapter 5

•  HC BST: Chapter 6

•  HC BST: Chapter 7

•  HC BST: Chapter 8

•  HC BST: Conclusion

•  Jews have always fought for freedom  - Jewish WW2 propaganda pamphlet. Note the red Star-of-David shielded warrior in the background.

•  Włodawa, once Poland's Tel Aviv 

•  Bertrand Russell on the JFK assassination

•  We'll torture him until he admits it - ADL and Jewish child rapist & murder Leo Frank, and the use of a specialist in extracting confessions from suspects
                                                           on the "negro" Jim Conley, who reported the murder to the police

•  1956: Evidence to show Hitler a Jew

•  Hitler the Jew story, came from a Jew

•  Britain's only Jewish PM a conspiracy theorist? - Benjamin Disraeli complains over "secret socities"

•  WTC "engineered to soak up the impact of a Boeing 707" - July 1993 article, i.e. 8 years before the 9/11-WTC Attacks

•  Orwell reviews Douglas Reed

•  Non politically correct Charles Darwin

•  1949, Fort Knox empty theories all ready established

•  Rabbi George Lincoln Rockwell


The "6 Million Jews" Myth

Kabbalistic / Jewish "Religious" Background

•  The Kabbalah, gematria, Jewish Magic & the Holocaust's sacred 6,000,000

•  Six Million in Jewish Mysticism

•  The Kabbalistically significant six million figure

•  Reitlinger on "magic" Holocaust numbers

•  6,000,000, the Kabbalah & Alchemy

•  The Kabbalah at Death Camp Belzec   

•  The Number of the Beast "Is Good for the Jews" 

•  6,000,000 Jews & holocausting from the Talmud 

•  Over four billion Jews were killed by the Romans in 135AD... 64 million children wrapped up in Torah scrolls and burnt.... apparently

•  Another early Shoahcaust - by Babylonian commander Nebuzaradan

•  In 1958, the word holocaust was still being printed in bibles. Hadn't they heard of the Holocaust™

•  1941: The Jewish Chronicle demands a unprecedented holocaust

•  "the Holocaust was a sacrifice among the Jews"

Read also: The historical-religious background to the Jewish "Holocaust" myth
                  Absurd Jewish stories of massacres of Jews, committed by the Romans


The "6 Million" Repeat Game

"Mystic number"

"The mystic number...  six million"
Closeup of Babi Yar Park stone monument, Colorado, USA.

Babi Yar Park stone monument, "A Living Holocaust Memorial", Colorado.
(click images to enlarge)

The monument and inscription from a different angle

•  271 references to 6,000,000 Jews prior to the Nuremberg Trial announcement

•  Holocaust & 6,000,000 Jews references from 1869 - 1945

•  Herzl's "prediction" - more like Herzl's "idea"

•  The 6,000,000 figure of Jews killed by the Nazis, appears seven times in the
   Nuremberg Trial transcript

•  Erm ... How do you know its six million? 

•  Himmler was sure he'd killed more than 6,000,000 Jews

•  1911: Zionist warns 6,000,000 Jews to be annihilated

•  1914: The martyrdom of the six million Jews

•  1937: Unparalleled disasters for 6,000,000 Jews

•  1939: Annihilation of Six Million Jews

•  The too early six million resolution

•  6,000,000 Jews and the 1st Zionist Congress

•  6,000,000 Polish Jews dying in 1916 & 1920

•  1916: 6,000,000 Jews in the greatest calamity

•  Another Zionist claiming 6m were dead too early

•  Nahum Goldmann, soothsaying six-millionaire

•  1940: 6,000,000 Jews in prisons or KZs says Zionist leaders - Dr. Nahum
   Goldmann, again 

•  6,000,000 figure of Jews "doomed to destruction" in 1940 - according to Zionist
   leader Dr. Nahum Goldmann

•  Max Nordau's "six million Jews" in 1899, 1911, & 1920

•  Christmas Day, 1942: Jews knew 6,000,000 Jews would die - Victor Gollancz,
   British-Jewish publicist and Zionist

•  The banality of "six million Jews" - on Hannah Arendt

•  The Origin of 'Six Million' - quote from David Irving's book "Nuremberg: The Last Battle"

•  1919: 6,000,000 Jews, victims of German terror 

•  6,000,000 6,000,000 6,000,000 6,000,000 6,000,000 6,000,000 6,000,000
   6,000,000 6,000,000 6,000,000 6,000,000 6,000,000 etc etc

•  6,000,000 figure of Jews in the 1902 Encyclopaedia Britannica 

•  Pre-Ho£ocaust, Ho£ocaust memorial ???  

•  1933: Zionists knew German Jews would be exterminated 

•  The 6,000,000 figure established long before VE Day

•  Jews planned holocaust reparations - Jews were planning on reparation payments from the Germans before the end of WW2!
                                                                 From the biography of Zionist leader Dr. Nahum Goldmann, "The Jewish Paradox".

•  Lots of 6,000,000 Jews stories prior to WW1

•  Ben Gurion's too early 6,000,000 Jews call 

•  Weizmann's six million timeline

•  June 1944: Sharett claims 6,000,000 are already dead

•  Holocaust by gas abandoned for Holocaust by bubbles 

•  1939: The plan to kill 6,000,000 Jews 

•  Weizmann hits another for six...million

•  More Weizmann $ix mi££ion chutzpah 

•  1937: Find another solution for the 6,000,000 Jews - Zionist Dr Weizmann, again

•  6,000,000 figure of Jews from 1936

•  1936: 6,000,000 Jews a threat to Europe - Zio-policy architect, Dr. Chaim Weizmann - later to become Israel's first President

•  Six Million Jews killed, common knowledge in 1945

•  Yet another too early call on the six million

•  Too early on the six million call

•  Early memorials to the 6,000,000

•  Commemorating the Destruction of Europe - on the Scroll of Fire in the Martyrs Forest (formerly know as Forest of the Six Million) in Israel,
                                                                           and the Roman Arch of Titus

•  Nov 1944: "Six Million Jews Listed Slaughtered"

•  1939: "The fate of six million people was in the balance" - Zionist leader Chaim Weizmann

•  Was the holocaust expected by the New York Times?

•  Nazis planned to kill 12,000,000 Jews by June 1946 

•  Hitler's plan to kill exactly 6,000,000 Jews - says Jewish-Soviet propagandist Ehrenburg...

•  Mar 1945: Six Million Jews dead - Russian Jew Ilya Ehrenburg

•  1943: Canadian Parliament hears 6,000,000 Jews will die

•  Nazis have murdered six million Jews - based on the account of an Australian-Jewish leader, J. Honig

•  Nov 1944: Massacre of approximately 6,000,000 European Jews

•  1937: 6,000,000 Jews need to emigrate

•  More ridiculously early appearances of the Kabbalistic 6,000,000 figure 

•  1932 film: "Symphony of Six Million" 

•  Russian & Nazi plans to kill 6,000,000 Jews 

•  1944: 4% of Americans believed 6 million Jews killed

•  The Holy(caust) Grail

•  1915: Six Million Jews victims of German super-race

•  1919: Save six million Jews from the Germans

•  Pre-Ho£ocaust, 6,000,000 figures, even more 

•  Nov 1944: Six Million Jews Massacred  

•  Jan 1944: Six Million Jews Killed

•  1944: We didn't think it would be six million

•  Rabbi "Six Million Jews" Wise

•  Rabbi Stephen S.(ixMillion) Wise

•  More unbelievably exact Zionist predictions

•  Stephen Wise: Debt Collecting

•  1943: Six Million Jews will be killed 

•  1911: 6,000,000 Jews to die 

•  The Encyclopaedia (6,000,000) Judaica  

•  1943: Hitler's purpose; kill 6,000,000 Jews  

•  1943: Hitler and the Jews, "six million" of them

•  1943: Hitler sentences 6,000,000 Jews to death – Joseph Hertz, Zionist and Chief Rabbi of the British Empire

•  1942: 6,000,000 Jews becoming extinct - Zionist Rabbi Hertz

•  1943: Hitler intends to kill 6,000,000 Jews

•  1943: Hitler's plan to kill six million Jews

•  1942: Hitler's plan to exterminate six million Jews

•  1940: Guess the number of Jews in peril?

•  1918: 6,000,000 Jews have fled their homes

•  1940: 6,000,000 Jews to be annihilated

•  1939: No one wants 6,000,000 Jews  

•  6,000,000 minus 6,000,000 = 6,000,000  

•  1915: 6,000,000 Jews having a thoroughly rotten time  

•  1915: Another Six Million Jews Suffering

•  1919: 6,000,000 Jews "dying of starvation" 

•  May Exterminate Jews in Russia

•  6,000,000 Jewish families expelled from Russia

•  It's that number again

•  More jumping the gun with the 6,000,000 figure

•  1918: Six million will fit into Palestine 

•  1939: 6,000,000 Jews of Europe in crisis 

•  May 1940: Six Million Jews face extermination

•  1941: 6,000,000 Jews, Knickerbocker

•  Mr. Bullshwitz's 6,000,000 chutzpah 

•  We must stop yet another Holocaust  

•  1920: It's that 6,000,000 Jews advert again

•  1920: 6,000,000 Polish Jews are starving

•  1919: The Destruction of the 6,000,000 European Jews  

•  1918: Six Million Jews in the land of blood - Russia – "a land of blood and of midnight darkness..." - Heavy Metal lyrics?

•  The 6,000,000 broken record  

•  1938: Zionist wants to evacuate 6,000,000 Jews  

•  1939: The Irish Zionist & 6,000,000 Jews   

•  1939: Hitler & Stalin and the 6,000,000 Jews   

•  1939: 6,000,000 Jews in imminent danger   

•  Yet another too early 6,000,000 dead Jews call   

•  The too early 6,000,000 banner   

•  1911: "Wage war Against Six Million Jews"   

•  1913: Russia wants to annihilate six million Jews 

•  1916: 6,000,000 Jews - Front Page News   

•  Oct 1944: 5,500,000 Jews killed so far say leading Zionists

•  1943: Zionists expect six million Jewish causalties

•  1943: Six Million Jews in imminent peril, says Jew

•  6,000,000 Jews (gassed/steamed/electrocuted) by May 1944 

•  Dec 1944: Six Million Jews Killed  

•  1938: 6,000,000 Jews being persecuted

•  1937: Six million Jews - "The number six million is often used to describe the Jewish population of Central and Eastern Europe"

•  1891: Russia to get rid of 6,000,000 Jews ASAP   

•  Too early 6,000,000 dead advert  

•  Nine 1916-19 "6,000,000 Jews" in peril stories   

•  More pre-Ho£ocaust, 6,000,000 Jews in peril stories

•  1939: Another six million Jews in peril advert

•  Another day, another 6,000,000 Jews in peril

•  1919: Save the Six Million Jews    

•  1919: Six Million Jews on Christmas Eve

•  Six Six Six Million Jews... oh the suffering - "Six Million" propaganda from 1916, this time from The American Jewish Committee

•  1919-1922: Seven 6,000,000 Jews articles    

•  1938-1943: Six 6,000,000 Jews stories   

•  1939, Hitler "had proved that he could summon the holocaust"

•  1943: The Church of England knows 6,000,000 Jews will be killed 

•  1940: Nazis & the destiny of 6,000,000 Jews

•  1937: "the position of the six million Jews"

•  1919: The state slogan is "Save Six Million"

•  1936: 6,000,000 Jews fear WW2 - Jacob de Haas, kabbalist, Zionist

•  1937: "The plight of six million Jews in Europe"

•  1920: Why should 6,000,000 Jews be sacrificed?

•  1926: 6,000,000 Jews in extreme need

•  1938: "the fate of six million Jews ... hangs in the balance"

•  1938: 6,000,000 Jews / rats analogy

•  1939: "Six million Jews are the stepchildren of fate"

•  The six million Jews over the Bug

•  1919: Six Million Jews in a Queue

•  1919: Six million cold, hungry Jews

•  1916: Six Million Jews hears Kalamazoo

•  Feb 4, 1944: 6,000,000 Jews already killed

•  1942: 6,000,000 condemned Jews in the Royal Albert Hall

•  Hitler gassed 6 million Jews hears Parliament

•  1935: 6,000,000 Jews represented

•  100,000 killed in Belsen gas chambers & acid pits

•  1938: Zionist states 6,000,000 Jews in peril from Germany - this time "6 Million" from a non-Jewish Zionist and British politician

•  1922: Dr. Hitler to exterminate all the Jews, for Christmas

•  1939: If 6,000,000 Jews were removed from Europe    

•  1915: "at the end of the holocaust the Jews and Palestine will be more closely related than at present." 

•  1937: Six TRILLION Jews have neither life nor death 

•  Mar 1943: OSS agent says 6,000,000 Jews will be obliterated 

•  1915: Annihilation of Six Million Jews 

•  1882: Russian plan to exterminate 2.5 million Jews

•  1920: 6,000,000 Jews facing darkest days ever known

•  1919: Jewish race, 6,000,000 & extinction

•  1876: Six million Jews In the world

•  Seven 6,000,000 Jews yarns 1920 & 1930

•  1916: Six Million Jews coming to America

•  1944: 6,000,000 dead claim from US Zionist 

•  1939: 6,000,000 Jews have been killed

•  Nov 1939: Jews predict six million Jews will be killed

•  1943: 6,000,000 Jews sentenced to die

•  "HOW THE CASH COMES IN" - "Six Million Starving Souls"

•  1921: Six Million Jews, a propagandist's guide

•  1919: 6,000,000 Jews in peril advert

•  1919: Six Million Jews once more in peril

•  1919: Another 6,000,000 Jews in peril advert

•  1919, another 6,000,000 dying Jews advert 

•  1919: Six Million Jews are actually starving to death

•  1919: 6,000,000 Jews advert - "6 million Jews... are dying of starvation."

•  1919: 6,000,000 Jews and "a far reaching plan" - President of the World Jewish Committee, Louis Marshall, gets in on the six million mayhem

•  1919: 6,000,000 Jews and Macy's - Nathan Strauss, mega-shopkeeper and Zionism-supporter, on "the remnants of our race
                                                             left alive in Europe..."

•  1919: 5 more 6,000,000 dying Jews stories

•  1919: Six more 6,000,000 dying Jews stories

•  1916: 6,000,000 Jews overcrowded in an area far larger than Britain

•  You're not supposed to know that yet

•  Another too early 6,000,000 claim

•  1939: Another Six Million Helpless Jews. Oy vey

•  1938: 6,000,000 Jews seeking a new home

•  1940: 6,000,000 Jews to lose their heritage forever

•  1937: Six Million homeless Jews - Zionist Rabbi Stephen Wise

•  1935, 6,000,000 Polish Jews

•  1937: Poland plans to kill 3,000,000 Jews

•  Crafty holocaust marketeering tips: Know your audience - 1919: "6 million"-figure-propaganda for Jews... and Christians!

•  1913: 6,000,000 Jews should be baptised

•  Ehrenburg: The '6,000,000 Jews' Collection 

•  Alan Dershowitz's impervious six million

•  September 1939: Jews warn six million Jews will die

•  1941: Rosenberg on the 6,000,000 Jews - "evidence" provided by IMT-Jew Robert Kempner

•  'The Gay Outlook' for 6,000,000 Jews

•  1939: Six million Jews are SAFE - "at the moment" 

•  1938: 6,000,000 Jews into a bottomless abyss - Polish-Jewish greuelpropaganda activist Jacob Lestshinsky

•  1910: Jew saves 6,000,000 babies

•  1939: The Fate of Six Million Jews

•  1936: "The Extermination of the JEWS in Germany" - more Victor Gollancz propaganda...

•  Golda Meir on the gas chambers - "six million ... went to the gas chambers"

•  6,000,000 dead Jews & Britain's to blame - Zionist Rabbi Stephen Wise, again

•  Another premature 6,000,000 appearance  

•  6,000,000 figure of Jews mentioned in 1943 in the Reader's Digest 

•  Sept 1944: Commie US Union leaders (Jews) knew 6,000,000 Jews killed 

•  Nice early 6,000,000 commemoration - 1943 U.S. Communist pamphlet

•  6,000,000 & Churchill's Zionist-puppet son 

•  Six Million! Boohoohoo - Zionist Chaim Weizmann in Sept 1945

•  Britain's to blame, for 6,000,000 Holocausted Jews

•  1943: The AJC on the Nazi plan to kill six million Jews - "six million"-propaganda by Jewish advocacy - and after WW2 Israel advocacy - group,
                                                                                             American Jewish Committee (AJC)

•  1942: Nazi diabolical plans & 6,000,000 Jews    

•  Another two more too early 6,000,000 shouts 

•  Another early six million dead claim

•  Two more too early 6,000,000 announcements

•  Another very early appearance of the six million figure

•  Nice early reference to 6,000,000 murdered Jews

•  Only 1,600,000 Jews left in Europe - the 6 million names scam, how many names have Yad Vashem actually recorded in its list of murdered Jews?

•  Get involved in Project 6 Million. Please.

•  Elie Wiesel on why its always 6,000,000

More "6 Million" Mentions

•  6,000,000 Jews killed in 136AD

•  King David and his 6,000,000 Jews 

•  6,000,000 Jews in ancient Israel 

•  6,000,000 crusaders captured Jerusalem

•  1930: The Nazis & the Six Millions - the rise of the Nazis; "from six to six millions"

•  Hitler swamped by six million votes

•  1933: Jews poisoned 6,000,000 Germans, said Hitler

•  1940: Jews were seeking 6,000,000 for the Holy Land

•  1925: Jews invest $6,000,000 in Palestine

•  1923: Six Million Fund For Palestine - includes a bunch of other articles from different Jewish campaigns 1919-1940 to raise 6 million dollars

•  1922: Jews meet to plan $6,000,000 campaign

•  1930: Will Raise $6,000,000 for Palestine - meet the Six Millionaire Boy's Club

•  6,000,000 dropped on Nazis

•  Israeli president's plan to kill 6,000,000 Germans 

•  More kabbalistic six million madness - Rothschilds and Israel's Knesset building, Rothschilds' support to the Jewish "colonizing" project in Palestine


War Propaganda / Psy Ops

Collusion Zionists/Jews with the Intelligence/Desinformation Apparatus of the UK, USA, Poland

•  Jewish leader admits making up Auschwitz atrocity stories 

•  Shocking 1944 British government letter - the British Ministry of Information asks the BBC and clergy for support in his atrocity propaganda

•  Wise Words Sir - Victor Cavendish-Bentinck, British Joint Intelligence Committee, 1943: "The Poles, and to a far greater extent the Jews, tend to
                                exaggerate German atrocities in order to stoke us up."

•  August 1943: British Intelligence say no gas chambers

•  Mar 1943: OSS agent says 6,000,000 Jews will be obliterated 

•  Jan 1942, the BBC informs Germans that Germany's gassing Jews

•  English atrocity propaganda from 1641, it’s strangely familiar

•  Germans read of Hitler's massacres by electrocution - Also: Jewish news agency JTA reports on "Gassing of Jewish Women and Children in Dusseldorf"!

•  Steaming, bubbling, electrifying holocaust - Holohoax propaganda from the Institute of Jewish Affairs

•  Jews killed for goose-stepping incorrectly - collection of Holotales based on "The Black Book of Polish Jewry", 1943 Jewish Greuel/Atrocity-propaganda book,
                                                                        also co-sponsored by Eleanor Roosevelt (U.S. First Lady), and Albert Einstein

•  Gassings at Treblinka were known before they even started

•  My family was gassed at Auschwitz in early 1940

•  Funny German anti-propaganda art 

•  Hitler: "Lies and slander of positively hair-raising perversity" 

•  Polish Resistance's greuelpropaganda posters 

•  Early Polish gassing lie 

•  Nazi gas trains operating in Poland during 1939 

•  Hooray for Hollycaust - on Hollywood's Jewish holocaust propagandist, Billy Wilder

•  Shocking, Terrifying Horror! - ad for a Russian propaganda film about Majdanek

•  The Nazi Acid Bath Murders 

•  Hitler reacts to news of his death camp

•  The Rothschild & Bergen Belsen's gas chambers

•  James Bond, Rudolp Hoess, the Rothschild & the remarkable coincidence

•  Five, no, SIX, homicidal gas chambers at Dachau 

•  Stephen F. Pinter's famous letter in full

•  Number of gassed Jews transmitted daily to Berlin

•  The evil Germans and their secret messages

•  Wasn't it nice of the Americans to leave corpses lying in the summer sun for a month just for a good photo ops?  

•  Himmler was planning to start WW3 before 1963, at latest

•  1936: The plan to gas Detroit's Jews 

•  The Nazi plan to destroy Pittsburgh, with the Sun - The Nazi Sunocaust plan! 

•  Nazi Secret Weapon: The "Fog"

•  Nazi space-stations and gamma rays

•  Nazis to invade Washington

•  "We will soon have storm troopers in America" - Hitler (attrib.)

•  Nazi plans to invade the USA  - LIFE Magazine, March 2, 1942

•  More Nazi plans to invade the USA

•  Nazi biological warfare attack on UK, one man hospitalised

•  Nazi thermitic candy & other such nonsense

•  Hitler's sex-farms plan for Scottish women

•  The plant that was to kill off all non-Germans

•  Hitler planned on killing all black people

•  His King and Country Need Him! - "Though you have no grievance against your German brother—go forth and kill him!"

•  Propaganda overload

Read also:

Atrocity Propaganda and Political Justice - Allied Propaganda during World War II
Udo Walendy's revealing text on Sefton Delmer, British chief propagandist.

How Fake War Propaganda Stories Are Manufactured - IMPORTANT!
British WW2 "German gassing" propaganda rumour, revealed in 1993!

WW1 Anti-German War Propaganda - a template for WW2

•  Gassing people in WW1

•  Germans gassing people via the mail 

•  WW1 German atrocities lies

•  Belgian Congo crimes inspired anti-German propaganda

•  1917: African Americans fearful of German corpse-soap

•  Goebbels on good propaganda 

•  Human beings or Germans?

•  "Let our one and only motto be: Kill Germans"    

•  George Bernard Shaw: "We must kill the German women"

•  US General to punish atrocity propagandist

•  Why Germany Must Pay - anti-German propaganda film released a couple of months after end of World War I

Read more on the historical background, WW1 propaganda:

World War One Anti-German Propaganda - False atrocity stories of "bayoneting babies", "making soap from corpses of their dead soldiers"
From the Holocaust™ Hoax Archive.

Falsehood in War-Time (PDF)
By Arthur Ponsonby (1928). Classic book on WW1 war propaganda.

The German Gas Chamber - Recycled War Propaganda - and the Jewish Levy-Lawson connection - articles and photos   

Soviet-Jewish WW2 Propagandists Grossman / Ehrenburg and "The Black Book"

•  Treblinka's moving knives, to cut up bodies

•  Grossman's bone-crushing chambers

•  "In Vitebsk the Germans buried all the Jewish children alive" 

•  All the Jews in one town killed with electrified barbed wire

•  3,000,000 killed at Treblinka, mostly by pumping the air out of chambers

•  Gas chambers, gas vans, gas shops

•  The Nazis killed Jews in swimming races

•  Jews killed with urine gas

•  Nov 1944: Six Million Jews Massacred

•  Nov 1944: Massacre of approximately 6,000,000 European Jews

•  Nov 1944: "Six Million Jews Listed Slaughtered"

•  2/3rds of the six million killed at Auschwitz

•  1,135,000 Jews killed at Chelmno - on Einstein endorsed "math"

•  Einstein & the Jewish soap lie

•  1943: Jewish piss-taking about nazi "atrocities" - Zionist Albert Einstein with Itzik Feffer and Solomon Mikhoels of the Soviet Jewish
                                                                                 Anti-Fascist Committee, on their 1943 propaganda tour of the U.S.
•  Nazis moved Sobibor gas chambers to Chelm

•  Ehrenburg's Zionist poem

•  1911, Ehrenburg too wanted Jews out of Europe - this really proves that Ilya Ehrenburg – Soviet-Propagandist-To-Be – was a Zionist

•  Ehrenburg: The '6,000,000 Jews' Collection

•  Hitler's plan to kill exactly 6,000,000 Jews - says Jewish-Soviet propagandist Ehrenburg...

•  Mar 1945: Six Million Jews dead - Russian Jew Ilya Ehrenburg

•  The lost Death Factories of Ilya Ehrenburg

•  Even Ehrenburg couldn't find the Auschwitz gas chambers

•  Sobibor: 2 million killed & fat collected for soap

•  Jews steamed to death in steam chambers

•  "Germany Must Be Educated by Fire" - Ehrenburg

•  "Kill the German" by Ilya Ehrenburg

•  The Jewish orders to massacre German civilians

•  Orwell calls Ehrenburg a "literary prostitute"

•  Ehrenburg in the US 

•  Rabbi SS Wise on the Joys of Marxism - 1946, meets Soviet-Jewish propagandist Ilya Ehrenburg

•  How to get to Ilya Ehrenburg Street  - includes collection of genocidal Ehrenburg quotes

•  Ehrenburg on Fox News Channel - Jewish-Bolshevik-Zionist Ilya Ehrenburg telling the truth - for once

Read more:

Excerpts from "The Black Book" - Electrocution Chamber and Electric Crematorium at Belzec, rivers of blood, Jewish bone powder used for construction, etc 
From the Holocaust™ Hoax Archive. Includes scans from the orginal "Black Book".

Jewish Soviet Psych Warfare Propagandist Vasily Grossman: "The Hell of Treblinka" - 3 million exterminated, Jews roasted on giant outdoor hibachis
From the Holocaust™ Hoax Archive.

Contemporary Propaganda Ops

•  Germans supplied Iraqi gas chambers

•  "Auschwitz In The Sand"


•  Al Qaeda to gas NYC Jews with Zyklon B

•  Iran's Jews forced to wear yellow badges - according to Zio-Jew owned Sunday Express...

•  Holocaust fear in Israel - playing the well worn Holocaust card in the wake of a coming war with Iran...

•  Auschwitz Jew-skin lampshade sale - more Daily Express propaganda

•  Jewish obsession with pushing Hitler  - Jew-run Daily Express and Sunday Express, under Richard Desmond's malign influence

See also:

The 2023 Jewish "Hamasocaust" Propaganda Psy-Op
"Hamas Beheaded 40 Jewish Babies", "Israeli Baby Cremated Alive In Oven", mass rapes, etc...
To justify Israel's genocidal revenge attack on Gaza.


Did Nazi Leaders Know?

•  Denying Hitler's role in the Holocaust

•  Hitler: "Lies and slander of positively hair-raising perversity" 

•  Hitler's reaction to the news Auschwitz was lost

•  1944 - No-one's told Hitler about the Final Solution

•  Hitler finds out Jews are being Holocausted

•  Hitler reacts to news of his death camp

•  Hitler orders 36 Jews be released from Auschwitz

•  Did Hitler know he'd gassed millions of Jews before he killed himself? - Adolf Hitler's Political Testament

•  Goering on Hitler's ignorance of the Holocaust

•  Goering's Closing Statement - to the International Military Tribunal, August 31, 1946

•  Himmler finds out about the gas chambers

•  May 1943: No-ones told Goebbels about the Final Solution

•  Goebbels & Himmler ordered investigations to rumours of the Holocaust 

•  1960, honest admission by a Jew 
   "No document signed by Hitler, Himmler or Heydrich exists which speaks of the extermination of the Jews. The word "Extermination" does
    not appear in Göring's letter to Heydrich about the final solution of the Jewish problem." 

•  Ribbentrop also denied Hitler ordered the Holocaust

•  Alfred Rosenberg didn't believe in gas vans 

•  1941: Rosenberg on the 6,000,000 Jews - "evidence" provided by IMT-Jew Robert Kempner

•  1963: Auschwitz commandant denied gassings & murdered for it  

•  Dr. Mengele denied Auschwitz was a death factory

•  Kurt Franz: "Believe me, I am innocent"

•  Photos of Richard Baer after his capture 

•  Quisling never heard about the gas chambers

•  Hitler idea for the Jews in June 1940 - The Madagascar Plan!

•  Goebbels: We are not opposed to a Jewish State - ...and Nazis suggesting Madagascar as the Jews' new Haven

•  Hitler Says All Jews Must Leave Europe

•  Hitler said Jews will have to leave Europe after the war

•  Julius Streicher on human skin lampshades

•  Himmler on "Transit camp Sobibor"

•  Number of gassed Jews transmitted daily to Berlin

•  The evil Germans and their secret messages

•  1940's there were 25,000,000 Jews - on "deportations", SS testimony at Nuremberg


The term "Final Solution" - its context, its pre-Nazi use

•  "The Zionist Plan For The Final Solution Of The Jewish Question"

•  The Zionist "Final Solution of the Jewish Question"

•  1898: "Final Solution of the Jewish Question" 

•  1912: Zangwill on the "final solution of the Jewish question" 

•  1916: Final Solution, Jewish policy  

•  Trotsky & the Final Solution of the Jewish Question  

•  1907 "the final solution of the Jewish question"  

•  1895: Final Solution of the Jewish Question  

•  More Zionist plans for the Final Solution™  

•  Is the 21 June 1933 memo to Hitler from the Jewish ZVfD, proof that the Zionists wanted Jews out of Germany?

•  The Final Solution was common knowledge

•  1942: The other Final Solution of the Jewish Question

•  1939 Poland's Drastic Solution to the Jewish Q.

•  Final Solution of the Canadian-Japanese problem

•  Romanian Final Solution of the Jewish Problem


Inconsequences in the Nazi Death Camp / Mass-Murder Program Narrative

•  SS members expelled for hitting prisoners 

•  Thrown out of the SS for beating up Jews

•  Nazis jail Nazis for blackmailing Jews

•  German soldier executed for killing Russian civilian

•  Sept 1944: Full Jews still in the 'Nazi Army'

•  Hitler orders 36 Jews be released from Auschwitz

•  Evil Germans releasing people from Auschwitz death factory

•  Jews knew in June 1944, Auschwitz was a labour camp

Ben Gurion and other luminaries in the Jewish Agency (the de facto government of the Jews in the British Mandate for Palestine) decided on June 11, 1944 that they would NOT ask the Allies to bomb Auschwiz “labour camp” as they did not really know what was happening in Poland.
Despite the fact the New York Times had published details of Vrba’s great escape and his info that Jews were being gassed at Auschwitz-Birkenau.

•  Affidavit from a Dachau inmate praising conditions & treatment

•  More Nazi orders to reduce prisoner death rate

•  Nazi order to take care of camp inmates

•  Dutch Jews not concerned about being deported to Auschwitz

•  Evil Nazis give Jehovah Witnesses pay rise

•  How many camps had swimming pools?

•  Auschwitz swimming pool was a mass grave 

•  Auschwitz museum giving out misinformation about their swimming pool

•  Auschwitz pool's diving boards

•  Auschwitz's football pitch  - from the 1961 Adolf Eichmann trial

•  Is it not a proper Nazi concentration camp unless its got a zoo?

•  Death Camp Treblinka's bears 

•  The Treblinka football (soccer) pitch

•  Model castle at Death Camp Majdanek  - rather strange effort to be undertaken in a "Death Camp"

•  Himmler's order to reduce death rates

•  Himmler builds hospitals at Nazi death camps 

•  How much of Auschwitz's Zyklon B used to kill people?

•  Zyklon B: 95% to save, 5% to kill Auschwitzers - on Zyklon B volumes sent to camps

•  Auschwitz "gas chamber" builders acquitted in court

•  Auschwitz dentists, truth and fiction

•  The Nazis spent $1,000,000,000.00 on Auschwitz 

•  The Nazis allocate no budget to kill Europe's Jews - according to Raul Hilberg

•  Auschwitz hospital for 16,600 people, next to gas chambers

•  Auschwitz United: Soccer & gas chambers

•  Auschwitz Wedding

•  What foul and dastardly deeds did the Nazis have planned for these Jews? - on Jewish babies born in Dachau

•  Jewish camp prostitutes? yes, Yes, YES .... or No

•  Saucy nuns in the Auschwitz brothel

•  Transport Headquarters Majdanek

•  Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto feared the Jewish police far more than they feared the Nazi SS

•  Jews executed for working for the Nazis

•  Nazi diplomat helping Jews in Shanghai

Read/See also:

Despite being heavily involved in WWII, a genocide of Jews, gas chambers, 6,000,000 is not mentioned in: the writings of Churchill, Eisenhower and de Gaulle

Documented - Germans Punished Germans for Mistreatment of Jews in WWII  
The traditional view of the 'Holocaust', is that Adolf Hitler had an obsession with wiping out the Jews. But, if that were the case, why were many German military officers and soldiers punished for mistreating Jewish civilians and prisoners - sometimes severely?


The "Missing" Jews  

•  Jewish population supernova

•  How many of the six million ended up in the US?  

•  Germany's Jews went to Latin America prior to WW2 

•  27 Aug 1943: 5,021,500 Jews missing from Europe 

•  2,200,000 Jews escaped the Nazis into Russia

•  1.8 - 2.2 million Jews escaped the Nazis into Russia

•  1,900,000 Jews evacuated by the Soviets

•  Soviets evacuating Jews

•  Dec 1944: Bello-Russian Jews safe and well

•  1943: 10 - 12 million people in Soviet concentration camps

•  1946, 3,000,000 expected in Germany, mostly from Russia

•  1942, Jews boast of destruction they caused in E.Europe
   - on the relocation of Jews to the East

•  General Patton & the New Jerusalem, in Bavaria

•  The Nazis claimed they would ethnically cleanse Jews in retaliation for Russians ethnically cleansing Volga Germans

•  Nazis deport Greek Jews to Spain

•  1981: 4,344,378 Holocaust survivors after money

•  Hitler Says All Jews Must Leave Europe

•  Hitler said Jews will have to leave Europe after the war

•  Zionist aim to drive Jews from Europe

•  The Great Jewish Escape from Europe

•  Supposedly Holocausted Jews, off to Palestine 

•  Photo of Holocausted Jews 

•  Only 1,600,000 Jews left in Europe

•  "After the war the Auschwitzers sprouted like mushrooms" 

•  Jews presumed gassed at Auschwitz reappear at Belsen 

•  6,000,000 saved in the Holocaust, originally

•  The gas chamber bigamists' story 

•  8,000,000 European Jews survived the Holocaust

•  1973: 5,000 Holocaust Survivors in Miami Beach

•  1984: Average age of Holocaust survivors is 74

•  Jews commanded to hide their numbers


Read/See also:

The Dissolution of Eastern European Jewry (PDF)
Classic Revisionist book by Walter Sanning

General Jaruzelski: Poland Falsified Population Statistics

Josef Kleinmann, a "Holocaust survivor", finds out he is dead! 
Note also that famous contemporary French-Jewish politician and EU parliamentarian and President, Simone Veil - a very much alive person - was also noted as dead = "killed in the gas chambers of the Holocaust".

Holocaust Reunion - Thought each other had been Holocausted 
More evidence that Jews have no idea what happened to their fellow Jews during WW2 and simply decided to believe they had been Holocausted without any proof. Alternative video link: here


World Leaders and Jewish Influence

Franklin D. Roosevelt Winston Churchill
Joseph Stalin Adolf Hitler

Franklin D. Roosevelt

•  Roosevelt, the Jewish choice  

•  FDR is the main tool of Jewish world Freemasonry

•  "Thanks, Mr Roosevelt"  - British 1940 propaganda song + Hitler on "the power behind Roosevelt"

•  1938: Jews pushed Roosevelt to push WW2 agenda - "The Jews are right now the leaders in creating a war psychosis which would plunge
                                                                                           the entire world into war"

•  WW2 is being fought for Judaism

•  The Roosevelts were Jewish!? The letters which supposedly prove it.

•  Hitler believed Churchill, Roosevelt & Stalin were all part-Jewish

•  FDR's lies about his Jewish ancestors

•  F.D.R.'s pre-knowledge of the Pearl Harbour attack

•  Nazi booklet on Roosevelt  

•  Jewmockracy 

•  Eleanor Roosevelt's prayer

•  Jews killed for goose-stepping incorrectly - collection of Holotales based on "The Black Book of Polish Jewry", 1943 Jewish Greuel/Atrocity-propaganda book,
                                                                        also co-sponsored by Eleanor Roosevelt (U.S. First Lady), and Albert Einstein

•  1941: NY communist on Nazi gas chambers - and FDR speechwriter!

•  "Some of my best friends are communists" - FDR

•  FDR said the US government is owned by banks


Joseph Stalin

•  Stalin's name means: Son of a Jew. Part II

•  The Jewish claim of Stalin's Jewish ancestry

•  Did Stalin marry a Jew?

•  Yet more on Stalin's Jewish wife

•  More on Stalin's "Jewish wife"

•  Details of Stalin's Jewish wife (who never existed)

•  Wiesel on Stalin the Jew hater

•  The Rothschilds financed Stalin

•  Hitler believed Churchill, Roosevelt & Stalin were all part-Jewish

•  1932, Jewish role in Stalin's government not declining

•  Stalin's Jewish army - "In total, there were 270 Jewish generals and marshals."

•  The AJC falls out of love with Stalin - Jewish chutzpah and complete flip-flop: the American Jewish Congress' shameless about-turn in their
                                                               portrayal of Stalin's attitude to Jews. These Jewish tactics have to be remembered, as they are
                                                               employed in 21st Century world politics!

•  "the most sinister figure in the history of mankind" - Leon Trotsky on Joseph Stalin


Winston Churchill

•  Churchill the Zionist

•  1928, Churchill the hope of Zionism

•  1924: Churchill a whole-hearted Zionist

•  Churchill admits he worked for Zionism

•  Jewish Churchill poster 

•  When Churchill was antisemitic

•  "Jews and Bolshevism : By Winston Churchill"

•  Churchill: Jews Have Destroyed Russia

•  Churchill on Bolshevism's killing spree

•  Churchillian anti-semitism from 1918

•  More "antisemitism" from Churchill

•  Churchill Bolshevism posters 

•  "my friend and war comrade Marshal Stalin"  – Winston S. Churchill 

•  Churchill's hatred for the German people

•  Churchill foresaw and condoned massacres of Sudeten Germans

•  Germany's unforgivable crime

•  1936: Churchill foresees a most dreadful war

•  "the expulsion of the Germans—because that is what is proposed" 

•  "some of whom are curable and others killable" 

•  Jewish plan for the United States of Africa - with pics of dear friends Winston Churchill and Jewish kingmaker Bernard Baruch

•  Let's drink to Jewish world domination  - 1941: Winston Churchill and USSR's Jewish London ambassador, Ivan Maisky

•  Churchill's famous Hun joke in Congress

•  Winston Churchill was gay

•  Winston Churchill Jewish?

•  Hitler believed Churchill, Roosevelt & Stalin were all part-Jewish

•  Keep England White - 1955; pro-Jewish WW2 "hero" Winston Churchill vs coloured people 

•  Churchill wrote that Hitler was "cool"

•  Great Churchill speech on war trials

•  Churchill on killing to make love - Jew-Firster Winston Churchill on the Boers: "...we must kill them out so as to teach their children to love us."

•  Churchill's flip-flopping

•  Churchill "a cunning foreign propagandist" - says top American politician

•  Anti-Churchill poster from occupied France  

•  6,000,000 & Churchill's Zionist-puppet son

•  Churchill Junior's Ho£ocaust gaff

•  Churchill Jnr. mightily impressed by a fascist speech


Adolf Hitler

•  "several Jewish bankers are backing Herr Hitler"

•  "Jewish financiers who pulled Hitler out of the ditch"

•  1933: Jew admits Jews are financing Hitler - Zionist leader Samuel Untermyer on "Jewish bankers"

•  More on Hitler financing

•  Hitler's Jewish banker

•  Hitler's Jewish bankers - German-Jewish bankers Jakob Goldschmidt and Otto Jeidels

•  1934: Does Hitler need Jewish bankers?

•  1935, a Rothschilds loaning Hitler money claim

•  1923: Hitler's Jew financed, hears court

•  Zionism financed Nazism

•  Hitler's support for Zionism in 1920

•  In 1935 Hitler banned Jews from flying the German flag, but he allowed them to fly the Zionist flag. Why?

•  Hitler's Zionism at a cost to German interests

•  SS ionism  - "Let him [the Jew] look for human rights where he belongs. In his own state of Palestine."
                               – Adolf Hitler, April 1920

•  1934: Hitler's working wonders for Judaism & Zionism says Zionist Jew

•  The forgotten 1931 Jewish interview of Hitler

•  Hitler's alleged "Jewish pedigree" in the Osterrrichisches Abendblatt

•  1933 reports on Hitler the Jew

•  More 1933 press clippings on "Hitler the Jew" story

•  Hitler a Jew? In the British press

•  "Hitler a Jew?" says Jewish newspaper

•  In 1944 the US government suspected Hitler was a quarter Jew & a Rothschild

•  Churchill & the "Hitler a Rothschild" rumour - Why did a very well connected Jew, Emery Reves (Rosenbaum),
                                                                           spread the rumour that Hitler was a Rothschild?

•  Hitler's order to suppress his family's Jewishness... Is it still in effect ???

•  Hitler's sister the Jews' "kosher cook"

•  Hitler's sister manager of the Jewish Mensa club Vienna

•  Hitler the über-self-hating Jew

•  Hitler blackmailed over his Jewish grandfather - by his nephew

•  Hitler hated his Jewish father

•  The Jew who called Hitler a Jew

•  1946, Nazis claim Hitler was a Jew

•  1946: Nazis called Hitler a Jew - with interesting commentary by the Winston Smith blog author "TBRoI" on the "Hitler-is-a-Jew" rumour

•  "Hitler As A Jew" the movie

•  1941 - Hitler is a Jewish agent claim

•  1934, German Jew praises Hitler

•  Unnamed Jew saved Hitler's life in WW1

•  Hitler worked for the Bolsheviks between Nov 1918 - May 1919?

•  1919: Hitler marches in memory of a Jewish communist 

•  Austrian Jew defends Anschluss

•  Hitler's Jewish doctor

•  Jews who support Hitler, from a 1933 book

•  Orwell on Jews supporting Hitler

•  Jews Support Adolf Hitler in Plebiscite

•  Zionists thought Hitler a "Messenger of God"

•  Most Zionists are "Hitler Zionists"

•  Hitler: First of two Jewish Messiahs

•  1939: Rabbi claimed Hitler was the Messiah

•  Jewish obsession with pushing Hitler  - Jew-run Daily Express and Sunday Express, under Richard Desmond's malign influence

Many more articles on Adolf Hitler including interesting interviews, obvious anti-Hitler propaganda/desinfo and items of humour/irony
can be found in the Revisionism Misc.-section


Rothschilds / Jewish Influence and Power

The Rothschilds / Capitalism / Bankers Christianity / The Vatican
Masonry / Freemasons NWO / "Jew World Order"
Communism / Bolshevism / Marxism Jews and WW2
Nazism / Fascism Jewish Influence / Power - Miscellaneous

The Rothschilds / Capitalism / Bankers

•  1881: Rothschild bankers run Europe, and wars

•  1900: Rothschilds, controllers of war or peace 

•  "Rothschilds, the Jewest of Jews"

•  Rothschild's puppet show: European monarchies

•  I'm the "head of the finances of Europe" - Rothschild

•  1827, Rothschilds try to buy Palestine 

•  1866: "It is already ours." - Rothschild on Palestine

•  More kabbalistic six million madness - Rothschilds and Israel's Knesset building, Rothschilds'
                                                                 support to the Jewish "colonizing" project in Palestine

•  1877: Jewish bankers financing all wars

•  Rothschild Jews behind yet another war - this time in Egypt: The Anglo-Egyptian War of 1882

•  1938, Rothschild & exterminating millions 

•  The Rothschild & Bergen Belsen's gas chambers  

•  James Bond, Rudolp Hoess, the Rothschild & the remarkable coincidence

•  Rothschild to buy himself the throne of Jerusalem

•  Amazing 1934 quote on the Rothschilds

•  Rothschild - King of the Jews

•  Rothschilds own mortgage on the Vatican

•  The Rothschilds financed Stalin

•  1938: Rothschilds control US politics hears Congress

•  1895 Rothschilds behind US treasury claim - "The bank of the Rothschilds in England is now behind the United States treasury."

•  1933 Rothschilds run Bank of England

•  1828: Rothschild controls Britain's finances, says politician

•  1912: Rothschilds own 1/3rd of Bohemia - Also additional info: "The Jews own one-quarter of the land in Hungary [...] in the neighboring country of Roumania
                                                                                                        Socialism is very largely a movement promoted by the Jewish proletariat."

•  Rothschilds praying

•  Herzl asks the Rothschilds - Zionism founder Theodor Herzl's famous book "The Jewish State", was originally a written proposal
                                                 he submitted to the richest family in the world, entitled: "An Address to the Rothschilds"

•  In 1944 the US government suspected Hitler was a quarter Jew & a Rothschild

•  Churchill & the "Hitler a Rothschild" rumour - Why did a very well connected Jew, Emery Reves (Rosenbaum),
                                                                           spread the rumour that Hitler was a Rothschild?

•  1935, a Rothschilds loaning Hitler money claim

•  Karl Marx and the Rothschilds

•  Karl Marx related to the Rothschild family

•  Karl Marx & the Rothschilds, the Marxism scholar's opinion - interesting exchange...

•  Karl Marx on his relation; Lionel de Rothschild

•  Marx & Rothschild autographs - from The Jewish Encyclopaedia

•  Trotsky & the Rothschild

•  James Bond, Rudolf Hoess, the Rothschild & the remarkable coincidence

•  Moses Hess and the Rothschild

•  The Rothschild's poet and his 1842 prediction of communism

•  My brother's my father-in-law - Jewish inbreeding – Rothschild style

•  "Give me control of a nation's money supply" is a joke quote

•  1891 The Jewish race must be unified - Chief Rabbi Adler with Baron Rothschild

•  1864: Rothschild's agent chairman of the Democratic Party - "August Belmont" / Aaron Schönberg

•  The Rothschild Masonic Lodge

•  Rothschilds worth $547 billion  - "If I Were a Rich Man" "If I were a Rothschild"

•  Rothschilds octopus cartoon  - "I Feeds on Nothing but Gold!" - from a 1893 pamphlet

•  Very early Jacob Schiff financed Russian Revolution call

•  Even more proof Jacob Schiff financed Bolshevism

•  Jacob Schiff a "Russian Revolutionist"

•  Jacob Schiff the Moses of Bolshevism

•  Bolshie Capitalists   

•  1914: Bolsheviks & Jewish bankers conspiring in NYC - Jacob Schiff, again

•  Jacob H. Schiff sees big money in post-revolution Russia

•  Jacob Schiff hails Russian Revolutionists

•  London & NY bankers pleased with Russian Revolution

•  Lipstadt vs. Schiff on International Jewry - Note: Jewish banker Jacob Schiff financed Japan in the 1905 Russian-Japanese War and was awarded
                                                                       the Order of the Rising Sun by the Japanese emperor.

•  1912: 300 German Jews run Europe, says German Jew politician

•  Jews admit 300 bankers run the world - on the writings of Walther Rathenau, German Jewish industrialist and politician

•  No nation can wage prolonged war without Jewish money

•  Marx rages against "the free-masonry of Jews" - Super-revealing text by Karl Marx on Jewish financial power in 19th Century Europe and how
                                                                                 "every tyrant"
is "backed by a Jew"

•  Trotsky repeatedly repeated the old antisemitic "canard" - on Jewish capitalists, bankers

•  Trotsky's lies on the funding of the Bolsheviks - also, Trotsky: "On the American stock exchange, in the American banking world, in American war
                                                                                                       industry, in the American press, Jews, in the capacity of capitalists, bankers, lawyers
                                                                                                       and bourgeois journalists, play an immense role."

•  New York Times: International Jewish Bankers conspiracy theory

•  FDR said the US government is owned by banks

•  "Rothschild and Marx were brothers in blood" - German NSDAP-member, Professor Wilhelm Grau: "The Rothschilds introduced the rule of money into European
                                                                               politics. Money without a fatherland,
[...] no nations, only economic provinces."

•  1912: Jew bankers financing new Chinese government

•  Gold is ours, it's all ours - says the Jewish Talmud... Includes interesting Napoleon Bonaparte quote

•  God works thru Goldman Sachs - Jewish quotes on silver and gold riches

•  1920, article on Jewish power - "in effect, it is “as if” the same hand that controls Lenin were in control of the financial policy of this country (Britain). [...]
                                                       In short, as we see it, the banks, whether knowingly or not, are allies of Bolshevism."

•  Hitler's Jewish banker

•  Hitler's Jewish bankers - German-Jewish bankers Jakob Goldschmidt and Otto Jeidels

•  1938: Jewish bankers negotiating with the Nazis

•  1930: Jewish bankers financing Austrian antisemites

•  Witness blames Zionist bankers for WW2

•  1930: Will Raise $6,000,000 for Palestine - meet the Six Millionaire Boy's Club


Masonry / Freemasons

•  "Masonry is a Jewish institution"

•  "Masonry and the synagogue were connected ..."

•  "Masonry was founded by Jews as a cosmopolitical institution"

•  "Judaism is Masonry, and Masonry is Judaism."

•  Scottish Rite Masonry brought to the US by a Jew

•  The Rothschild Masonic Lodge

•  Serbian anti-Judeo-Masonry posters 

•  Jewry, Freemasonry & Bolshevism 

•  Freemasonry's plan to eliminate Christianity - writes Wilhelm II, the last of the German Emperors


Communism / Bolshevism / Marxism

•  "Judaism is communism" - Harry Waton - IMPORTANT!

•  Even more proof Jacob Schiff financed Bolshevism 

•  Very early Jacob Schiff financed Russian Revolution call

•  Jacob Schiff’s connection to the murder of the Romanovs

•  Jacob Schiff a "Russian Revolutionist"

•  Jacob Schiff the Moses of Bolshevism

•  Jacob H. Schiff sees big money in post-revolution Russia

•  Jacob Schiff hails Russian Revolutionists

•  Zionism stimulated by the Russian revolution 

•  When Bolshevism meet Zionism 

•  Weizmann meets Trotsky and Lenin in Switzerland 

•  Zionist leader who started Russian revolution 

•  Trotsky surrounded himself with fellow Jews

•  Trotsky & the Rothschild

•  1931 Leon Trotsky now a Zionist

•  Bolshevism will rule the world, says Trotsky

•  1917: Trotsky on the future European Union

•  Judaism gave birth to Marxism

•  Who do you think financed Lenin, Stalin & Co.?

•  The Rothschilds financed Stalin

•  80% of Russian Revolutionaries were Jews

•  "such a masquerade deceived no one" - "They often changed their Jewish name for a Russian one—Trotsky-Bronstein,
                                                                     Kamenev-Rozenfeld, Zinoviev-Apfelbaum, Steklov-Nakhamkes..."

•  The Czar knew who was committed to usurp him - Count Lamsdorf, Foreign Minister of the Russian Empire, in a letter to the Russian Czar:
                                                                                    "... the revolutionary movement from abroad emanates precisely from Jewish capitalist circles."

•  The hidden masters of communism

•  "sixty percent of the Bolshevik leaders are Jews" 

•  British reports on the Jewish role in Bolshevism 

•  1919 British report on Jewish Bolshevism

•  "Jews and Bolshevism : By Winston Churchill"

•  Churchill: Jews Have Destroyed Russia

•  Churchill on Bolshevism's killing spree

•  1905: Jews behind the failed Russian Revolution - according to the U.S. Ambassador to Russia

•  The rotten vessel that's Jewish Bolshevism - says Sir Alan Hughes Burgoyne, Minister of Parliament

•  Bolshevism based on ancient Jewish morals

•  1943: 10 - 12 million people in Soviet concentration camps

•  Nazi & Commie concentration camps compared - by a Jew!

•  Bolsheviks permit Passover but not Easter cakes

•  Bolshevism must triumph or the Jews are doomed

•  The Jewish priority of the Bolsheviki - To shoot "progrom makers" - without trial! 

•  Moses Lenin - revealing Karl Radek quote

•  Lenin's Jewishness

•  Crypto Jew Lenin: Man of the (90% can perish) people

•  Karl Marx and the Rothschilds

•  Karl Marx, a Jewish Messiah

•  Karl Marx related to the Rothschild family

•  Karl Marx's family tree

•  Karl Marx: A circumcised, questionably baptised, Yiddish speaking Yehudi

•  Karl Marx & the Rothschilds, the Marxism scholar's opinion - interesting exchange...

•  Karl Marx on his relation; Lionel de Rothschild

•  Marx & Rothschild autographs - from The Jewish Encyclopaedia

•  Marx rages against "the free-masonry of Jews" - Super-revealing text by Karl Marx on Jewish financial power in 19th Century Europe and how
                                                                                 "every tyrant"
is "backed by a Jew"

•  Moses Hess and the Rothschild

•  The Rothschild's poet and his 1842 prediction of communism

•  "Rothschild and Marx were brothers in blood" - German NSDAP-member, Professor Wilhelm Grau: "The Rothschilds introduced the rule of money into European
                                                                               politics. Money without a fatherland,
[...] no nations, only economic provinces."

•  Churchill Bolshevism posters 

•  Let's drink to Jewish world domination  - 1941: Winston Churchill and USSR's Jewish London ambassador, Ivan Maisky

•  Old photos of Kaganovich in the press 

•  Bolshevism is Jewish, say readers of The Times in 1919/1920

•  The Red Army bash at the Royal Albert Hall

•  Trotsky & the Final Solution of the Jewish Question

•  1917 - US Ambassador to Russia on Jews & Bolsheviks

•  1920: Race War Imminent - "It was the Russian Jews who started the Bolshevist movement. There are six million Jews in Russia.
                                                 They form four per cent of the total population, but 64 per cent of the Bolshevist party."

•  Bolshevism: Jewish brains, Russian stupidity - according to Sir Paul Dukes, MI6 espionage officer

•  Bolshevism was fundamentally Jewish in its origin - says John Howard Bertram Masterman, Bishop of Plymouth

•  Soviet atheism and murderers of xians

•  Jewish symbolism adopted by the Bolsheviks - the Jewish Purim feast vs Christians

•  Bolsheviks put up a monument to Judas in Moscow

•  Synagogues built under the Bolsheviks

•  "Soviet Russia has declared war on Christianity"

•  Lenin is better than Jesus, says Jew

•  Jews committing the massacres in Russia

•  1918: Jew announces plan to annihilate 10,000,000 Russians

•  Another Zinoviev genocidal rant

•  Yet another Zinoviev genocidal rant

•  Talmudic revenged taken upon the Russians

•  1923: Bolshevik Jews eliminating the intelligentsia

•  Israeli president says "forget history" - What, even the holocaust? - Israeli President Shimon Peres on the Holodomor, the slaughter
                                                                                                               in Ukraine of millions of people, by the Jewish Bolsheviks

•  1934: "Send us Hitler" the saviour, say Russians  - how Jewish owned New York Times, and not just their journalist Walter Duranty outright denied
                                                                                           the Ukrainian famine - the Holodomor

•  The Jews will suffer for the deeds of the greatest Jew in 1850 years - Zionist Jew Samuel Melamed on Leon Trotsky

•  1932, Jewish role in Stalin's government not declining

•  1000 Soviet tanks with Jewish names

•  Stalin's Jewish army - "In total, there were 270 Jewish generals and marshals."

•  Jewish Army in the Ukraine

•  Jewish Soviet Republic  - LIFE Magazine, July 12, 1937

•  Jewish Bolsheviks learning to shoot

•  Jewish poem praising Jewish Bolsheviks

•  Soviet collective farms run by Jews

•  Jewish control of the Soviet government in 1950s - in several government departments—over 50% of the staff was Jewish

•  Bertrand Russell, another antisemite - "Bolshevism is a close tyrannical bureaucracy, with a spy system more elaborate and terrible than
                                                                  the Tsar's, and an aristocracy as insolent and unfeeling, composed of
 Americanised Jews."

•  Russian Jews bewail the death of Lenin 

•  Genrikh Yagoda's cousin was sent to Auschwitz

•  "Socialism was originated by Jews" - according to rabbi Martin Abraham Meyer. Rabbi Meyer also notes: "Recently it was reported that the great bulk of
                                                               the large sums which had been contributed in modern France for educational purposes had come from Jewish pocketbooks."

•  1915: Communism in the Jewish Bible - From the Central Conference of American Rabbis. Equates socialism with Judaism/Jewish prophets.
                                                                   The rabbinic text also states: "Rome [= Christianity / The West] is, for its derelictions in this regard, to receive
                                                                   divine punishment."

Do Trumpists/MAGA/The Christian Right, who are vehemently "anti-Communist" - know that the Jews they so sheepishly
                                                                   follow, actually have leaders - top American rabbis - preaching this?

•  Most Zionists are communists, say fascist Zionist - Wolfgang von Weisl, one of the founders and financial director of the "Revisionist Zionist" movement
                                                                                     of Ze'ev Jabotinsky

•  1919 report on Jewish Bolshevism in Hungary

•  Jewish Bolshevik Bela Kun's message to America - from Kun's regime in Hungary...

•  Jewish Bolshevism in Germany - "The leaders of the movement in Russia and Germany, are Jews." – Daily Express, 1919

•  Back In the USSA

•  Zhidomasonstvo (Yid-Masonry) in Seattle 

•  The gay USSA Embassy in Berlin  - Jewish Transgenderization of the U.S.

•  Communist Manifesto & the 16th Amendment

•  Rabbi SS Wise on the Joys of Marxism - 1946, meets Soviet-Jewish propagandist Ilya Ehrenburg

•  "The Messiah will be a Socialist" – Israel Zangwill, Zionist leader

•  Photo of Harry Waton, Jewish-Marxist-Kabbalist  - "Jews will conquer the world and the human race."
                                                                                          Also included; interesting commentaries on David Irving.

•  I hate all Jews, said Trotsky

•  Trotsky repeatedly repeated the old antisemitic "canard" - on Jewish capitalists, bankers

•  Trotsky's lies on the funding of the Bolsheviks - also, Trotsky: "On the American stock exchange, in the American banking world, in American war
                                                                                                       industry, in the American press, Jews, in the capacity of capitalists, bankers, lawyers
                                                                                                       and bourgeois journalists, play an immense role."

•  London & NY bankers pleased with Russian Revolution

•  1914: Bolsheviks & Jewish bankers conspiring in NYC - Jacob Schiff, again

•  Child prostitution in Jewish Bolshevik Russia

•  "Anti-communism is anti-Semitism!"

•  "Antisemitic" Bolsheviks ban the word "Yids"

•  USSR bans Shylock

•  "To the scaffold with the pogrom makers and liars." – Vladimir Lenin

•  1936: "in the Soviet Union actual anti-Semites are shot"

•  "anti-Semitism has been abolished in Eastern Germany"

•  1944: USSR will not allow antisemitism anywhere

•  "an immense crime against socialism" - Vladimir Lenin on "violence against the inveterate parasites and their hangers-on"

•  Who exactly called Marxism: "Judaism" ?

•  False Rabbi Wise quote corrected

•  Uncanny prediction of Hitler's attack on the USSR

•  James Mayfield speaks on ethnic cleansing of the Volga Germans of USSR   

•  German anti-Soviet propaganda magazine 

•  "Under the Jewish Flag"  - German WW2 poster in Russian

•  Polish anti-Bolshevism poster 

•  1920 Poland: Żydokomuna (Jew-Commie) poster 

•  Zhidomasonstvo (Jewmasonry) rug

•  Bolshie Capitalists   

•  1920, article on Jewish power - "in effect, it is “as if” the same hand that controls Lenin were in control of the financial policy of this country (Britain). [...]
                                                       In short, as we see it, the banks, whether knowingly or not, are allies of Bolshevism."

•  Jewry, Freemasonry & Bolshevism 

•  Rush Bolshevism to Europe cartoon   

•  Communism is Irish  - satirical U.S. Nazi pamphlet

•  Antisemitism in the City of Roses  - Portland, Oregon, 1938

•  British propaganda art  - pro-Soviet

•  Soviet anti-Zionism art form 1970s/80s 

•  Jesus preached communism - "the Gospels are pervaded with the spirit of Socialism and Communism."

•  Bolsheviks abolish marriage

•  1841: Commies want to abolish marriage, families & nationalise even human bodies

•  Marxism, the cure for homosexuality

•  Czarists & Bolsheviks agreed about idle Jews

•  The interesting role of Alfred Nagel - the Latvian who according to the U.S. State Department selected Lenin to lead the Bolshevik Revolution

Read also articles collected under the headline:

Soviet-Jewish WW2 Propagandists Grossman / Ehrenburg and "The Black Book"


Nazism / Fascism

•  Zionism financed Nazism - extract from David Irving's book "Churchill's War" (Volume One)

•  1938: Zionist admits Jews financed the Nazis

•  1933: Jew admits Jews are financing Hitler

•  "Jewish financiers who pulled Hitler out of the ditch"

•  More on Hitler financing

•  1938: Jewish bankers negotiating with the Nazis

•  1938, another Jews financed Hitler story

•  1930: Jewish bankers financing Austrian antisemites

•  "Nazism is an imitation of Judaism"

•  Nazi Goebbels issued a commemorative coin confirming the Nazis support of Zionism, do any Zionists still have one?

•  Goebbels: We are not opposed to a Jewish State - ...and Nazis suggesting Madagascar as the Jews' new Haven

•  Hitler's support for Zionism in 1920

•  In 1935 Hitler banned Jews from flying the German flag, but he allowed them to fly the Zionist flag. Why?

•  Hitler's Zionism at a cost to German interests

•  Speaking in 1933. Where these two Jews right to called the Zionist Nazi deal a shameful disgrace

•  Who was financing the Nazis  - "Palestine's Jews Buy Heavily From Nazis" - On the 1933 Haavara Nazi/Zionist pact

•  Another Nazi Jewish pact

•  Zionists tied to Nazism

•  1919: Nazi Rosenberg on Zionism - "Zionism must be vigorously supported..."

•  LEHI's principles, including Nazi collaborating

•  Eichmann met with Mossad in 1938

•  Zionist National Socialist Institute

•  1923: Jewish / National Socialist Alliance

•  Nazi Flags In Jerusalem

•  Nazi Flag on Jewish Ship

•  Swastika & Star of David, side by side

•  Another Swastika / Star of David medal

•  1935: "They have, indeed, called themselves Nazi Jews."

•  Heydrich Jewish claim

•  1930: Hitlerite Leader is a Jew - on Arnold Broenner

•  1934: Jewish bodyguards for senior Nazi

•  Nazi diplomat helping Jews in Shanghai

•  Jews deserve Nazi persecution says German rabbi

•  1924: Hitler financed by the French

•  Who was loaning this money to the Nazis? - " have been arranged in London to assist the Nazi administration"

•  Federal Reserve financed Nazism - according to Louis Thomas McFadden, legendary Republican member of the US House of Representatives

•  1923: Nazi admits they're funded by Americans

•  Albert Einstein on who financed Hitler

•  1932 German anti-Hitler poster questioning his funding 

•  1932: Jewish Hollywood advertising in the Nazi press

•  The poor kid - Arch-Nazi Heinrich Himmler's family are now Israeli Jews!

•  SS ionism  - "Let him [the Jew] look for human rights where he belongs. In his own state of Palestine."
                               – Adolf Hitler, April 1920

•  Italian Jewish fascists - 1 in 3 Italian Jews was a member of the Italian Fascist Party

•  The Menace of Jewish Fascism

•  Mosley bans antisemitic propaganda - perhaps British Fascist Oswald Mosley wasn't so "Fascist" after all...

•  Churchill Jnr. mightily impressed by a fascist speech


Christianity / The Vatican

•  We're in the Jewish Century, and society will become Jewish through Christianity - Rabbi Martin Siegel

•  How Jews created Christian Evangelicalism  - a 20th century religion created by Zionists, in which "useful idiots" (i.e. 70,000,000
                                                                                   American Evangelicalists) worship the State of Israel.

•  "Chief Rabbi of the Christian world." - on Pope Benedict XVI / Ratzinger

•  Rothschilds own mortgage on the Vatican

•  The pope and the NWO - yes, yes, no

•  Jesus preached communism - "the Gospels are pervaded with the spirit of Socialism and Communism."

•  Crafty holocaust marketeering tips: Know your audience - 1919: "6 million"-figure-propaganda for Jews... and Christians!

•  1000s of Nazi death camps and other lies - Hololies-filled article (60 000 daily cremations and 4 million killed in Auschwitz, thousands of Nazi death camps!)
                                                                         On the 1979 Auschwitz visit by Pope John Paul II (who by the way halachically could be Jewish
                                                                         - through his mother!) 


NWO / "Jew World Order"

•  New World Order Pledged To Jews

•  The Holocaust & the "new world order"

•  "The League of Nations is a Jewish idea" – Zionist leader Nahum Sokolow

•  The Jew must conquer the world and master humanity - Zionist leader Jacob de Haas on Benjamin Disraeli 

•  "Jews must yet conquer the world" – Zionist leader Dr. David Wolffsohn

•  So. You wanna conquer the world

•  "International Jewry is a power after all" - on a speech by Chaim Weizmann, President of the World Zionist Organization, first President of Israel

•  "the world was created only for the sake of Israel"

•  All nations should surrender to us

•  More on the Jewish dream of world empire

•  Israel will inherit and rule the world. - from the Jewish rabbinic "Book of Jubilees"

•  Britain pledges NWO to Jews

•  "the new world order, sometimes called the Kingdom of God"

•  "Israel and Judaism for a New World-Order"

•  The New World Order, a Jewish dream

•  "Jewish Foundations of the New World Order"

•  Jews and their world government - banker James Warburg, son of Paul Warburg, and Albert Einstein

•  Four slogans of the Kingdom of God  - Noahidism!

•  World Government is in the tradition of Judaism

•  Zionism is just a stepping-stone in the Jewish plan - "Zionism is but an incident of a far-reaching plan. It is merely a convenient peg on which
                                                                                       to hang a powerful weapon."

•  Zionists & the New World Order

•  1950: Zionist NYC rabbi calls for world government

•  Zionist State, geographical centre of World Control - Very prophetic text written in 1939 on "the Zionist State in Palestine as a geographical centre
                                                                                       of World Control, with New York as the centre of World Financial Control"

•  Ben Gurion's world government in the press

•  Einstein's one world government dreams

•  Jewish ideas will finally rule the world

•  B'nai B'rith member: Jews "will rule the world"

•  Bolshevism will rule the world, says Trotsky

•  1917: Trotsky on the future European Union

•  Photo of Harry Waton, Jewish-Marxist-Kabbalist  - "Jews will conquer the world and the human race."
                                                                                          Also included; interesting commentaries on David Irving.

•  Another "canard" exposed as a "fact" - The notion that: Jews believe that their messiah will be revealed after the Jews destroy Rome, and slaughter
                                                                                            her inhabitants. Their messiah will tell the Jews to take all the gold and silver from Rome.

•  1950: Michigan opts-out of World Government & Slavery

•  Reagan alludes to the future Kingdom of God aka the NWO

•  Jewish dream of world empire - quote from Charles Taze Russell, father of the Jehovah's Witnesses cult

•  The pope and the NWO - yes, yes, no

•  The most Jewish paragraph ever - JINSA founder on Jewish "creative destruction" and stance on the "enemies" of the Jews: "...we must destroy them
                                                            to advance our historic mission."

•  "the spiritual leader race (Führerrasse) of Europe: the Jews." - on the writings of von Coudenhove-Kalergi

•  1942: When the Jews Will Rule the World lecture

•  God worked thru Theodor Herzl - Charles Taze Russell, founder of the Jehovah's Witness cult praises Zionism's Theodor Herzl, and;
                                                          the "Messiah" will assume "control of earth's affairs and Gentile governments will cease, for all nations
                                                          shall serve and obey Messiah"
, "and then God's Chosen People, Israel, will come to the front in world affairs".

•  1946 British General alleges World Jewish Plot

•  Dostoevsky's warnings about Jews

•  Who rules Jerusalem rules the world - quote attributed to Napoleon, friend of the Jews

•  Let's drink to Jewish world domination  - 1941: Winston Churchill and USSR's Jewish London ambassador, Ivan Maisky


Jews and WW2

•  WW2 was a bellum Judaicum [Jewish war]

•  WW2 is being fought for Judaism

•  Zionists, on behalf of Jews, declare war on Germany

•  WW2 was a plot by Zionists, witness says

•  It is a Jewish war, the Nazis are right - according to Jewish supremacist and Zionist, Ze'ev Jabotinsky

•  Quite a prediction! - Romanian newspaper (allegedly): "After the Anglo-American victory, the Jews will not only be reinstated in
                                    their position as masters of Europe... Europe will once more be compelled to knell before Almighty Jewry"

•  Chamberlain said Jews forced Britain into WW2

•  Jews want war, says British Ambassador

•  1938: Jews pushed Roosevelt to push WW2 agenda - "The Jews are right now the leaders in creating a war psychosis which would plunge
                                                                                            the entire world into war"

•  1945: Hitler on who wanted the war

•  Witness blames Zionist bankers for WW2

•  Jewish war joke - "Onward Christian Soldiers"

•  Jews have always fought for freedom  - Jewish WW2 propaganda pamphlet. Note the red Star-of-David shielded warrior in the background.

•  "We wanted the war" - Rabbi of Lodz  - anti-Jewish demo

•  Jews and their "malevolent and mischievous activities" 

•  1936: Shabbos goy "Urges war on Nazism" - in South Africa, Colonel Reitz "who had at all times been on the friendliest terms with Jews"

•  The Menace of Jewish Fascism - Russian-born Jewish writer William Zukerman states in 1934 that Zionist Jews were "in preparation for some war
                                                         known only to their leaders"


Jewish Influence / Power - Miscellaneous

•  WW1, who had the power - revealing quote from the American Jew, Bernard Baruch

•  1909: 50% of NYC criminals are Jews

•  1863: Call to exterminate all Jews in the New Orleans & the South  ...because "they run the blockade"

•  1834: Very antisemitic Andrew Jackson biography picture

•  1864: Rothschild's agent chairman of the Democratic Party - "August Belmont" / Aaron Schönberg

•  Benjamin Franklin the Talmudist 

•  Funny because it's true, wartime quote on the American press  

•  1944: US Jew on the limitless Germans to kill - Jewish U.S. Army Lieutenant General Mark Wayne Clark

•  German propaganda poster  - Uncle Sam kicking out the Native Indians - and then a Jew kicking out Uncle Sam!

•  Truman's antisemitism

•  JFK on the US / Israel Special Relationship - and George Washington warning of "foreign influence"

•  Jews run the media said US ex-Vice President - Spiro Agnew and Richard Nixon quotes

•  "A Jewish cabal has taken over the government in the United States" 

•  Obama the "black mascot of Wall St." - according to professor Cornel West

•  Jew-ish Joe Biden on implanting chips into Americans

•  George Washington = anti-Israel

•  You cannot be a Zionist and an American - said Jewish mega-banker Jacob H. Schiff!

•  Buy your Negroes from Jacob Cohen & Son - Jewish slave trader's ads.

•  1868; Ku Klux Klan is a Hebrew term

•  The Boer Wars were fought for the Jews

•  "every nation had the right to wallop its own Jews"

•  Amazing 1908 speech on America's enemy within

•  Josce of York aka Josce the Usurer - The cause of the York pogrom...

•  Oliver Cromwell: King of the Jews

•  The Duke of Wellington, the serious antisemite - "To the end of his life the Iron Duke barely tolerated the Jews because he believed that Jewish financiers
                                                                                  resident in England had furnished Napoleon with ordnance which was used against the English"

•  The Duke of Wellington on the Jews with tails story

•  Tell it like it is - British Foreign Office official Arminius Dew complains in 1944 that "a disproportionate amount
                           of the time of the Office is wasted on dealing with these wailing Jews"

•  Something you're unlikely to hear a MP say these days - in the wake of the 1956 Suez Crisis: "...the Jewish people have learned nothing"
              – George Edward Cecil Wigg, immensely influential British politician

•  Jews in Britain financing Britain's enemy

•  1904, Jews control British press claim

•  The 1891 plan to move 3,000,000 Jews to Argentina - "The press of Europe may be said to be Jewish. Finance is in Jewish hands. [...] At court and
                                                                                           in society Jews in Britain are predominant."

•  Shylockracy - British Fascist newspaper Action

•  Treasure Island & Jew storekeepers - world famous Scottish author Robert Louis Stevenson on Jewish influence in America

•  A Jew in the IRA !?

•  1889: Jews control Europe say Jehovah's Witnesses - "The Jew is the world's chief banker to-day. [...] The power of the Jewish press of the continent
                                                                                            of Europe is very great in matters political, scientific, and theological."

•  Chinese & Japanese blaming Jews for the World's woes

•  Napoleon with a Jewish Question in 1806

•  James Madison had an antisemitic friend - "...The Dutch, those Jews of Europe"

•  1859: 35% of Amsterdam's Jews dependent on diamond trade

•  Dostoevsky's warnings about Jews

•  1884; Jews control German press

•  1999: 80% of the Russian economy in Jewish hands

•  Jewish power in Yeltsin's Russia

•  Poland in 1823, the Jews and their slaves - "The Jews comprise the men of business of the country ; the current money is chiefly in their hands, and a
                                                                           great proportion of the land is mortgaged to them."

•  Chinese Jews financed Genghis Khan !?

•  The Psalms of the Elders of Zion - the "religious" background to Jewish supremacy

•  The first Protocols of the Elders of Zion

•  "The Truth about the Protocols"

•  The Protocols of the Learned Elders of the AJC    - the American Jewish Committee

•  More Protocols of the Elders of Zion artwork 

•  Hollywood, paedophilia, & the Chosen Ones

•  1883: Jews control all Europe's press - German Foreign Minister Prince Hohenlohe, later to become the German Chancellor:
                                                                  "The Jews want too much."

•  The Jewish Press  - anti-Jewish demo

•  Jews buying, training & selling children as sex slaves

•  1833, rich Jews pimping their own children, says Jew

•  Europeans hate Jews due to their slave trading  - includes video of interview with Israeli scholar Professor Israel Shahak
                                                                                         on the promulgated view that Jews have been constantly persecuted in Europe

•  1797: Jews dominating child sex slavery

•  More Jews buying & selling child sex slaves

•  Jews & child prostitution in early 20th century - "... in 1913 that of thirty-nine white slave traders in Galicia, thirty-eight were Jewish."

•  Hitler: Jews, an "international guild of criminals"

•  Hitler's uncanny prediction on Israel

•  Jews commanded to hide their numbers

•  Jews conspired with Muslims to conquer Spain - with important addendum on Jews and Byzantium

•  Dolly Parton an antisemite? - on Hollywood

•  Jews dominate ..... basketball !? - From blog commentary: "We have at last discovered the true reason for the Holocaust:
                                                                                                  to stop Jewish dominance of basketball."

•  ADL poster  - ironic, as they should be portrayed!

•  White Cowboy Supremacism - On a John Wayne quote. Note that Jew-controlled media always have promoted this guy as a role model for Goyim male "White"
                                                     cannonfoddertobe, for the upcoming and eternal wars of their Empire of the Jew-S-A. Thus they've made you never see this quote!

Judaism / Jews

Jewish Racism / Supremacy Pedophilia / Incest / Sexual Beliefs
Intermarriage / Converts / "Heretics" More Misc. Judaism
Anti-Christianism / Jesus-Hatred "Promised Land" / Jewish Occupation of Palestine
Historical Commentaries "6 million Jews" Holoreligion
Satan / Satanism / Kabbalah Jewish Mass Murderers
Jewish Ritual Murder / "Blood Libel" "Anti-Semitism"

Jewish Racism / Supremacy / Genocidal Teachings

•  All will be slaves to Israel - according to the Jewish Talmud

•  the Jewish nation is the elite of the human race

•  The Psalms of the Elders of Zion - the "religious" background to Jewish supremacy

•  Even the best of the gentiles should be killed

•  Jews superior to angels

•  Non-Jews are donkeys

•  Non-Jews are dogs

•  Why Jews are morally superior

•  Jews will perfect society for all us - says Raul Hilberg

•  Quotes calling Jews a race, mostly from Jews but also a president & primeminister

•  If you were a righteous Jew in the Messanic age what would you do with your 2800 non-Jewish slaves?

•  You goyim will lick our feet

•  Fighting for the honour of cleaning Jewish shoes

•  Four slogans of the Kingdom of God  - Noahidism!

•  Peace on earth, and goodwill to all men - Famous rabbi "The Malbim" on what the non-Jews can expect in the coming Jewish Messianic era:
                                                                      "Israel shall inherit them as male and female slaves."

•  "the world was created only for the sake of Israel"

•  Why did this hugely respected Jewish scholar say: The majority of Israeli Jews hate non-Jews?

•  Influential rabbi promoting killing of non-Jewish babies

•  Jews are advertising the FACT they intend to kill German babies - the Amalek mitzvah

•  Torah commands the slaughter of Palestinians

•  Holocausting Gentiles in the Jewish Bible - Story reminiscent of Vasily Grossman's tale of the room at Treblinka its moving knives,
                                                                         used to cut the bodies into pieces, which were then burnt.

•  Non-Jewish = non human - extract from the bible of the Kabbalah, the Zohar

•  Non-Jews aren't human and Jews can steal our livers. So says this rabbi

•  Jewish rules on raping non-Jewish infants - and Gentile women to be executed!

•  The 6th Commandment: "Thou shalt not kill (Jews)"

•  Congress meets to fulfil Jewish law  - Chabad rabbi speaks in Congress promoting a Noahide law, missing out the small "catch";
                                                                      if a non-Jew breaks a Noahide Law – according to the original Jewish scriptures – he/she is penalized to
                                                                      death by decapitation!

•  "he associates with right wing extremists" - Jewish racism and hypocricy vis-à-vis the Revisionists (Irving)

•  God's Chosen Atheists - Hannah Arendt on Jewish Supremacy amongst "non-believing"/secularized, Jews

•  Gentiles are scum - Rabbi Dov Fischer: "We remember that the food they eat is grown from soil fertilized by 2,000 years of Jewish
                                    blood they have sprinkled onto it."

•  Elie Wiesel's racial supremacist beliefs - quotes Wiesel's preferred rabbi

•  Rabbi Wise: Jews must keep their race separate

•  The Learned Sages believed Gentiles prefer sex with cattle

•  ALL non-Jewish women, even those who convert to Judaism are considered a "harlot"

•  "What is 'an animal'? That is a heathen woman" - According to the Jewish kabbalah teachings. Also: The Christian and Islamic gods came from the dregs of Jewish demons!

•  Oy, drunken is a goy, drunken is a goy, a goy is drunk 

•  Nazis using Jewish approved methods of identifying Jews - The Jewish Encyclopedia endorsing skull measuring!
                                                                                                   Also on the result of the high degree of Jewish inbreeding: "It has been contended that the neurotic
                                                                                                   tendency of Jews is due to these consanguineous marriages."

Intermarriage / Converts / "Heretics"

•  1945: Britain's chief rabbi effectively bans mixed marriage

•  Israel's Inglourious Basterds

•  Converts to Judaism and their offspring, will always been seen as inferior in the eyes of many Jews

•  Inferior Jewish converts & Jews listed from most to least important

•  ALL non-Jewish women, even those who convert to Judaism are considered a "harlot"

•  Israel welcomed Jews, but not their shiksa wives

•  Ass Burials of Jewish Heretics

•  Jews commanded to celebrate family member's deaths - if the person is a Jewish "heretic"

•  Jews expelled Karaite Jews from Spain

Anti-Christianism / Jesus-Hatred

•  Killing Christians isn't murder for Jews

•  Talmudic Judaism is anti-Christian - from the Central Conference of American Rabbis

•  Jews commanded to burn the Christian New Testament

•  Christians, how do you feel about the fact Jews pray that "Christians perish instantly"?

•  Jewish aversion for the international plus symbol and the Christian Cross

•  Jews forbidden to even look at Christian crosses - according to Jewish sage Maimonides [the Rambam], Christians are "idolaters"

•  Spitting on the Christian Cross

•  Spitting in Judaism

•  Jews, if we inscribe the word אדונאי on churches, cemetaries & the crucifix. Will it stop the spitting?

•  Jewish names for Jesus

•  Jesus according to the Talmud; has sex with his donkey and performed magic with his penis

•  So Jews want the name "Jesus" wiped-out! How do you Christians & Muslims feel about that?

•  Christians must give up Jesus, says rabbi

•  Jesus to blame for the destruction of the Temple

•  We will never forgive Europe's Christians - Rabbi Baruch Efrati

•  We hate Christians as we hate Christianity

•  The term "kike" stems from Jewish hatred of Christianity

•  Jews even want Thanksgiving abolished as its "pagan"

•  Soviet atheism and murderers of xians

•  Jewish symbolism adopted by the Bolsheviks - the Jewish Purim feast vs Christians

•  Bolsheviks put up a monument to Judas in Moscow

•  "Soviet Russia has declared war on Christianity"

•  Lenin is better than Jesus, says Jew

•  Talmudic revenged taken upon the Russians

•  Another "canard" exposed as a "fact" - The notion that: Jews believe that their messiah will be revealed after the Jews destroy Rome, and slaughter
                                                                                            her inhabitants. Their messiah will tell the Jews to take all the gold and silver from Rome.

•  1915: Communism in the Jewish Bible - From the Central Conference of American Rabbis. Equates socialism with Judaism/Jewish prophets.
                                                                   The rabbinic text also states: "Rome [= Christianity / The West] is, for its derelictions in this regard, to receive
                                                                   divine punishment."

Do Trumpists/MAGA/The Christian Right, who are vehemently "anti-Communist" - know that the Jews they so sheepishly
                                                                   follow, actually have leaders - top American rabbis - preaching this?

•  Freud's inspiration, hatred of Christianity

•  1880: Jews Get the Word "Christian" Banished

•  The Angel Gabriel & Miriam the hairdresser - Jewish anti-Christian intolerance, this time against a U.S. postal stamp! 

•  No _____ allowed in our _____ only club - 95.9% of Jewish clubs, allowed no Christians in whatsoever

•  1994: Jew kills his own children for religious reason - or the kids could have become Christian!

•  Gas chambers replaced Christian cross, says rabbi

•  Christian crosses defile the Holy of Holies  - "... Jews who were forbidden to pray in the presence of a cross."

•  Auschwitz Jesus

•  Curse those bestial Germans - more pharisaical anti-Christmas holohoaxing

•  Hitler agreed with Jews about Jesus's father

•  Jewish war joke - "Onward Christian Soldiers"

•  Dolly Parton an antisemite? - ADL vs Dolly Parton as she criticizes Jewish Hollywood's anti-Christian stance

  Sing-up Rabbi  - anti-Christianism and the Chief Rabbi of Britain, Jonathan Sacks

Historical Commentaries

•  Voltaire on the Jews

•  Protocollum de Erudite Seniorum de Sion - Roman historical quotes on Jews by Josephus, Tacitus, Suetonius

•  2071 year old "antisemitic canard" - Roman philosopher and statesman, Marcus Tullius Cicero, on Jewish Power

•  They have always been a bitter people to their enemies

•  Voltaire on Holocaust denial

•  Protestant reformer Martin Luther cracks a funny about the Talmud

Satan / Satanism, Jewish concepts of their "God", Kabbalah

•  Ku Klux Judaism - on the hyperinfluential Chabad Lubavitch Jewish cult

•  Even Satan kisses the feet of Jews 

•  Satanic Judaism - The Zohar, the "bible of the Kabbalah"- states Jews must sacrifice a goat to Satan every new moon

•  Jews sacrifice goats to Satan & eat goat's heads

•  Sacrificing chickens to Satan 

•  The Talmud states that the coming of the Jewish messiah, will be such a bad time for the rest of us, even God Himself will lament it

•  The shofar is sounded by Jews for Satan - so says the sacred Zohar

•  Hasidic Jews believe many sacrifices to Satan were made in their temple in Jerusalem

•  In Judaism, the opinion of the sages is worth more than the Word of God

•  Satan & the Son of the living God - Satan called the founder of Hasidic Judaism "Son of the living God" and followed his orders when summoned

•  With beginning, [the Unnamable One] created God

•  A symbol of satanism & Judaism - the inverted pentagram

•  Satan spoke to Jews at Auschwitz 

•  Some Jews expect not one... but two Messiahs

•  According to the Zohar the bible of the Kabbalah; a Jew killed Moses, so that's Moses & Jesus killed by Jews
   "Benayahu killed Moses the Egyptian with Moses own staff"

•  The moon complains to God

•  God was tried and hung in the Holocaust - Elie Wiesel

•  Jews use magic wands

Jewish Ritual Murder / "Blood Libel"

•  Ye Olde Jewish atrocity propaganda

•  How Jews purloined the bloodbath blood libel 

•  Aleister Crowley & Jewish ritual murder 

•  A Jew admits that sacrificing children is common amongst American Jews  

•  Chabad Lubavitch, ritual murder accusations - Immensely influential Hasidic-Jewish cult Chabad accused of involvement in a ritual murder
                                                                              of five boys aged 9-12 in Russia.

•  Human Sacrifice Among Fanatical Hasidic Cults   

•  1829 book on Jewish human sacrifice

•  Another Jew admits Jews sacrificed children

•  Another Jew admits to Jewish ritual murder

•  A bloody good libel - from 1721

•  US pathologist on Jewish ritual murder

•  How was the teenage girl, found in the cellar of New York City's most prestigious synagogue, killed?

•  2011 Jews accused of ritually murderering kids, again

•  From one blood libel to another. Part 1. - on Babi Yar

•  Statues of American Blood Libelers - monuments which commemorate Americans and Russians who accused Jews of ritually murdering
                                                              Christian children

•  Jews wrote in circumcision blood to warn off the plague

•  We'll torture him until he admits it - ADL and Jewish child rapist & murder Leo Frank, and the use of a specialist in extracting confessions from suspects
                                                           on the "negro" Jim Conley, who reported the murder to the police

Read also:

New Jewish revelations on Jewish ritual murder and "blood libel"
Articles on Ariel Toaff - Israeli historian and the son of the Chief Rabbi of Rome - and his book "Blood Passover"

Pedophilia / Incest / Sexual Beliefs

•  Rabbi Gordon on intimacy with 3 year old girls 

•  Kosher sex with your infant daughter - straight from the Talmud... 

•  Can you guess which religion these 9 passages, which all condone sex with 3 year old infants comes from?

•  In Jewish religious law, three year old girls are "are fit for sexual intercourse"

•  Jewish girls can marry at aged three

•  Girls under three grow back their virginity after sex with their husband

•  Maimonides on sex with 3 year olds - one of the greatest Torah scholars...

•  Kosher sex with your son's child bride

•  Jews and sex with three year olds

•  Jewish rules on sleeping naked with your daughter

•  Sex with your mother, sister, aunties and daughters is fine in Talmudism, just so long as they're dead

•  The Talmud on sex between a woman & her son before he reach the age of nine

•  Do you agree with this Jew? A child having sex with a priest can be a positive experience for them both?

•  Did the Talmud influence Jewish supremacist Sigmund Freud with his theories on childhood sexuality?

•  Suck enough bloody babies' penises - and your lips will never be eaten by worms - the Jewish circumcision ritual Metzitzah b'peh

•  The Talmud on sodomising boys younger than three

•  Jewish rules on raping non-Jewish infants - and Gentile women to be executed!

•  Jewish community values & child molesting - Jewish pedoscandal in Canada

•  Inbreeding legal in Israel and popular with the Rothschilds - with revealing quote from Talmud, the highest authority in Rabbinical Judaism

•  Pervy conversion process - on the Jewish ritual bath, mikveh

•  Jewish virginity test

•  Bestiality OK in the Talmud

•  Semen Demon Dance

•  Jewish widows, dogs & bestiality

•  The Learned Sages believed Gentiles prefer sex with cattle

•  Jesus according to the Talmud; has sex with his donkey and performed magic with his penis

•  Wet Dream Prayer

•  Sex thru a hole in the sheet

•  Masturbation is the only unforgivable sin Hasidic Jews can commit

•  According to the Jews' Talmud, Adam had intercourse with every beast & animal but found no satisfaction

•  According to the Talmud, by his son, Noah was either sexuality abused or castrated. Whilst his wife was seduced.

•  Holy Moly in the Holiest of Holies - prostitution in the Jewish Temple!

•  Child molesters were also killed in the Holocaust 

•  Anne Frank's lesbianism OK in Judaism

More Misc. Judaism

•  Standing in shit & praying with an unwiped bum

•  ALL non-Jewish women, even those who convert to Judaism are considered a "harlot"

•  "A woman is a sack full of excrement"

•  Eating foreskins & the Israeli government

•  Jewish cannibals - They fought over who ate the babies' freshly severed foreskin

•  Jews wrote in circumcision blood to warn off the plague

•  Talmudic cure for heat stroke - a chicken on the head

•  Talmudic cure for pleurisy - dog excrement, try not to eat it though

•  Jewish rules for putting on shoes - from allegedly "the most intelligent people in the world"!

•  Jews are not supposed to touch their own penis... even whilst urinating

•  The Jewish toilet prayer: Asher Yatzar

•  No defecating towards Jerusalem

•  The "Libbre David 37" quote

•  How to make a Jew tell the truth

•  The testimony of 100 Jewish women is equivalent to that of a single Jewish man

•  Denying the Ho£ocaust is against Jewish Law

•  We Jews ... we are story-tellers - Franz Kafka

•  Jews prepared to cover up murder accusations

•  The Holocaust explained in 8 seconds  - "a rabbi would never exaggerate", hilarious must see clip from The Simpsons

•  Privy Demons - Talmud and Jewish toilet demons

•  This is Torah - Talmudists learn "Torah" by watching their rabbis on the toilet and by hiding under their rabbis' beds when the rabbis have sex with their wives.

•  Almost 200 years after the Vatican denounced Galileo, some Jews still insisted America couldn't exist

•  Ultra-Orthodox Jewish kids in Israel are exempt by Israeli law, from being taught any science or maths

•  Scary results of Orthodox Jewish science quiz

•  Jewish war over circumcision - the Bar Kokhba Revolt (132-136AD)

•  Tax Farming, Talmudic Agriculture

•  Gold is ours, it's all ours - says the Jewish Talmud... Includes interesting Napoleon Bonaparte quote

•  God works thru Goldman Sachs - Jewish quotes on silver and gold riches

•  How to get out of debt: Become a Jew

•  1884: "Jewism" aka unscrupulous business practices - on Karl Marx, the "Jewish Age" and Jewish business speculation

•  Jews were allowed to join the original Ku Klux Klan, some made it to rank of Grand Cyclops

•  1868; Ku Klux Klan is a Hebrew term

•  Jews use magic wands

•  God made women in the fashion of a storehouse

•  Moses lives - Jonathan Sacks, Chief Rabbi of the British Commonwealth, in action!

•  1891 The Jewish race must be unified - Chief Rabbi Adler with Baron Rothschild

•  "Nazism is an imitation of Judaism"

•  Hitler: First of two Jewish Messiahs

•  "The Messiah will be a Socialist" – Israel Zangwill, Zionist leader

•  "The Jews ... will receive recognition and glory" - Jewish poet Heinrich Heine

•  Jewish ideas will finally rule the world

•  Israel will inherit and rule the world. - from the Jewish rabbinic "Book of Jubilees"

•  Judaism is race-conscious and dominant - says Jewish Western Bulletin...

•  "the spiritual leader race (Führerrasse) of Europe: the Jews." - on the writings of von Coudenhove-Kalergi

•  Jews commanded to hide their numbers

•  My brother's my father-in-law - Jewish inbreeding – Rothschild style

•  Jewish life = collecting money & protesting - Jewish and Zionist leader Nahum Goldmann...

•  Who has rights, and who doesn't - quote by Israeli war criminal Ariel Sharon on exclusive Jewish-Israeli rights vs. the rest of Humanity...

•  The most Jewish paragraph ever - JINSA founder on Jewish "creative destruction" and stance on the "enemies" of the Jews: "...we must destroy them
                                                           to advance our historic mission."

•  The Haunted Western Wall  - the ghosts of Judah!

•  Protocols of the AIDS-infested gays of London

•  Jew-ish Joe Biden on implanting chips into Americans

•  Isaac Newton was the reincarnation of Noah

•  Benjamin Franklin the Talmudist

•  Czarists & Bolsheviks agreed about idle Jews

•  Jesus and the Jews in the oven story

•  "I found a strange story about a Negro Jew"

•  "The Popular Journal for Everyjew"

"Promised Land" / Jewish Occupation of Palestine

•  "the discerning Jewish eye can see a more exalted plan"
   "The World Wars in our time were the instruments God used to re-establish the nation of Israel in its Promised Land."

•  I know the slander of those who say they are Jews but are Khazarians

•  Khazarian Jewish Empire in the 10th century 

•  God's chosen people are stoning people again in the Promised Land

•  Did a Jew help to write the Nuremberg Laws? - on similiarities between Israeli Law and Nazis' Nuremberg Laws

•  Once upon a time there was a urinal on the most sacred site in Judaism - Jews vs Muslim Mosque

•  Land Jews believe is theirs

•  Jews haven't forgotten about all the land they were promised by God

•  Most of the 150 islands in the Med were promised to the Jews - Europe, You're next! "Eretz Israel" in the Mediterranean...

•  Torah commands the slaughter of Palestinians

•  Holocausting Gentiles in the Jewish Bible - Story reminiscent of Vasily Grossman's tale of the room at Treblinka its moving knives,
                                                                        used to cut the bodies into pieces, which were then burnt.

•  Israel is rubbish compared to Babylon, so says the Jewish holy book the Talmud

The "6 million Jews" Holocaust: Kabbalistic / Jewish "Religious" Background

•  The Kabbalah, gematria, Jewish Magic & the Holocaust's sacred 6,000,000

•  Six Million in Jewish Mysticism

•  The Kabbalistically significant six million figure

•  Reitlinger on "magic" Holocaust numbers

•  6,000,000, the Kabbalah & Alchemy

•  The Kabbalah at Death Camp Belzec   

•  The Number of the Beast "Is Good for the Jews" 

•  6,000,000 Jews & holocausting from the Talmud 

•  In 1958, the word holocaust was still being printed in bibles. Hadn't they heard of the Holocaust™

•  1941: The Jewish Chronicle demands a unprecedented holocaust

•  "the Holocaust was a sacrifice among the Jews"

•  "Where was G-d during the Holocaust?" Well...

•  "Never Again" - the slogan's real meaning

Jewish Mass Murderers

•  Apart from Hitler, Torquemada, Lenin, Trotsky and Yagoda what other mass murderers had at least one Jewish grandparent?

•  Undisputed mass murdering champions of the world - lots of Jews!

•  Jewish mass murderers - according Jewish/MSM sources

•  Crypto Jew Lenin: Man of the (90% can perish) people

•  The Jews will suffer for the deeds of the greatest Jew in 1850 years - Zionist Jew Samuel Melamed on Leon Trotsky

•  Theodore N. Kaufman's "traditional Judaism" - the man behind the book "Germany Must Perish!"

•  Theodore "sterilise Germans" Kaufman on the Jewish "mission"

•  The Jew who dropped the atomic bombs on Japan


•   "All non-Jews are anti-Semitic."

•  Einstein on the origins of antisemitism

•  Einstein: Thank YHWH for antisemitism

•  Antisemitism is a hereditary, incurable psychosis - ...according to Leon Pinsker, Jew and pre-political Zionism Zionist

 •  Another amazing Zionist prediction - from Theodor Herzl

•  The ADL's exaggerations of antisemitic "dangers" - Rabbi Michael Learner: "The ADL, like the Simon Wiesenthal Center in Los Angeles, has built its
                                                                                     financial appeal to Jews on its ability to portray the Jewish people as surrounded by enemies..."

•  Josce of York aka Josce the Usurer - The cause of the York pogrom...

•  The 12th century "holocaust" of the Jews in England 

•  Why have the Jews be chased out of town or country more than 50 times in the last 1000yrs? Was this Harvard professor right?

•  JFK, pogroms & fashion - Russian ambassador Count Cassini's version

•  Bagel-Nazi calls for new Ho£ocaust - Jewish Fuehrer of the American Nazi Party - on the Jewish "anti-Semite"
                                                               and agent provocateur, Frank Collin/Cohen.

•  1930: Jewish bankers financing Austrian antisemites

•  Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto feared the Jewish police far more than they feared the Nazi SS

•  Jews deserve Nazi persecution says German rabbi

•  Jews executed for working for the Nazis

•  Jews chose who'd be killed by the Nazis

•  Jewish converts were the worst antisemites

•  I hate all Jews, said Trotsky

•  Jews expelled Karaite Jews from Spain

•  Jews expelled from Finland - Note: never happened...

•  This is antisemitism, researching WW2 isn't  

•  Crush The Viper of Anti-Semitism 

•  1936: "in the Soviet Union actual anti-Semites are shot"

•  "anti-Semitism has been abolished in Eastern Germany" 

•  "Anti-communism is anti-Semitism!"

•  Mosley bans antisemitic propaganda - perhaps British Fascist Oswald Mosley wasn't so "Fascist" after all...

•  2071 year old "antisemitic canard" - Roman philosopher and statesman, Marcus Tullius Cicero, on Jewish Power

•  Richard Dawkins is an antisemite

•  The HMS Antisemitism - 1900 sample British paper - from before the Jewish media takeover: Jewish "so-called refugees" arriving in Southampton,
                                            the men "cursing and swearing" and causing general mayhem and "disgraceful scenes"

•  Antisemitic dictionaries

•  What did you learn at Sunday School? - "How to destroy the Jews"!

•  1888: The American Jew: An Exposé of His Career 

•  Czech Karla Rélinka's antisemitic drawings 

•  Anti-Jewish posters 

•  German anti-Soviet propaganda magazine 

•  "Under the Jewish Flag"  - German WW2 poster in Russian

•  Polish anti-Bolshevism poster 

•  1920 Poland: Żydokomuna (Jew-Commie) poster 

•  Antisemitism in the City of Roses  - Portland, Oregon, 1938

•  The ADL Minstrel Show - and ADL are supposed to be anti-racist!

•  Antisemitism in the Jungle - Jews in.... Congo?!


Zionism / Zionist History

Zionist History Zionism and Nazism
Zionism and the Rothschilds Zionist Rabbi Activist - Stephen S. Wise
Zionism and Churchill / United Kingdom Zionism - Miscellaneous
Zionism and Communism / Bolshevism Zionism and the "6 Million Jews" Campaign

Zionist History

•  1899: The "Father of Zionism" proposed the "Final Solution of the Jewish question" 

•  "The Zionist Plan For The Final Solution Of The Jewish Question"

•  Is the 21 June 1933 memo to Hitler from the Jewish ZVfD, proof that the Zionists
   wanted Jews out of Germany?  

•  "Hail Israeling" the "Jewish Hitler"   

•  They look like Nazis, but they're Jews 

•  Do these photos of brownshirted Jews, taken in Berlin in 1936 remind you of anyone? 

•  The Menace of Jewish Fascism - Russian-born Jewish writer William Zukerman states in 1934 that Zionist Jews were "in preparation for some war
                                                         known only to their leaders"

•  Heil Hitlering at the Zionist Congress

•  The Zionist "Final Solution of the Jewish Question"

•  1912: Zangwill on the "final solution of the Jewish question" 

•  WW2 was a bellum Judaicum [Jewish war]

•  WW2 is being fought for Judaism

•  WW2 was a plot by Zionists, witness says 

•  Jews want war, says British Ambassador

•  1938: Jews pushed Roosevelt to push WW2 agenda - "The Jews are right now the leaders in creating a war psychosis which would plunge
                                                                                            the entire world into war"

•  In 1903 Zionists knew there'd be a world war

•  1900, Zionists foresaw no "warcloud" if Israel established 

•  Why Zionists & communists wanted Germany to lose WWI 

•  "the discerning Jewish eye can see a more exalted plan"
   "The World Wars in our time were the instruments God used to re-establish the nation of Israel in its Promised Land"

•  "voices that demand universalism from others reject it themselves" 

Zionist Jews from Betar marching in the streets of Warsaw, 1938.
Don't these uniform-clad people remind you
of some other guys in the 1930's?
What has Jewish-controlled media exposed about this?

•  1920: All the world owes a debt to the Jews 

•  "Holocaust" mentioned in the 1948 Israeli Proclamation of Independence

•  1900: Zionist rabbi knows Britain will return the Jews to the Holy Land

•  1897: The plan to drive Jews from Europe

•  Zionist aim to drive Jews from Europe  

•  The Great Jewish Escape from Europe  

•  The planned "Second Exodus"

•  Supposedly Holocausted Jews, off to Palestine 

•  Jews planned holocaust reparations - Jews were planning on reparation payments from the
                                                                 Germans before the end of WW2!
                                                                 From the biography of Zionist leader Dr. Nahum
                                                                 Goldmann, "The Jewish Paradox".

•  It is a Jewish war, the Nazis are right - according to Jewish supremacist and Zionist,
                                                                 Ze'ev Jabotinsky

•  Zionists, on behalf of Jews, declare war on Germany

•  Chamberlain said Jews forced Britain into WW2

•  Zionists refused to help Jews escape the Nazis, they said "many human sacrifices" must be offered to obtain Israel

•  1913, German Jews expel Zionists

•  The 1891 plan to move 3,000,000 Jews to Argentina - commissioned by the Jewish Colonization Association (JCA)

•  1897: Zionists call on Jews to leave Europe

•  Another amazing Zionist prediction - from Theodor Herzl

•  Einstein at the Zionist Congresses - ...and in 1933 "a warm reception was given"...

•  German POWs shipped to Palestine as slave labour

•  Quick to play the holocaust card - already in 1933 and 1936!

•  B'nai B'rith prosecutor at the Dachau & other trials   

•  1m Jews killed at Majdanek say Zionist working for the Soviets 

•  Justice Jackson's Zionism

•  1947: Anti-British Zionist propaganda  - LIFE Magazine 1947: Zionist Jews smear a Nazi swastika over the British flag

•  Zionists protest for "A Free Palestine"  - Zionists – who today deny the existence of a territory with the name "Palestine" – were themselves propagating
                                                                         for Palestine's liberation (from the British) after WW2


Zionism and the Rothschilds

•  1827, Rothschilds try to buy Palestine 

•  1866: "It is already ours." - Rothschild on Palestine 

•  1938, Rothschild & exterminating millions 

•  The Rothschild & Bergen Belsen's gas chambers  

•  Rothschild to buy himself the throne of Jerusalem

•  Herzl asks the Rothschilds - Zionism founder Theodor Herzl's famous book "The Jewish State", was originally a written proposal
                                                 he submitted to the richest family in the world, entitled: "An Address to the Rothschilds"

•  More kabbalistic six million madness - Rothschilds and Israel's Knesset building, Rothschilds' support to the Jewish "colonizing" project in Palestine


Zionism and Churchill / United Kingdom

•  1928, Churchill the hope of Zionism 

•  1924: Churchill a whole-hearted Zionist 

•  Churchill admits he worked for Zionism 

•  The secret Jew who wrote the Balfour Declaration

•  Jewish plan for the United States of Africa - with pics of dear friends Winston Churchill and Jewish kingmaker Bernard Baruch


Zionism and Communism / Bolshevism

•  Weizmann meets Trotsky and Lenin in Switzerland 

•  When Bolshevism meet Zionism 

•  Zionism stimulated by the Russian revolution 

•  Zionist leader who started Russian revolution

•  1931 Leon Trotsky now a Zionist

•  Ehrenburg's Zionist poem

•  1911, Ehrenburg too wanted Jews out of Europe - this really proves that Ilya Ehrenburg – Soviet-Propagandist-To-Be – was a Zionist

•  "The Messiah will be a Socialist" – Israel Zangwill, Zionist leader

•  Most Zionists are communists, say fascist Zionist - Wolfgang von Weisl, one of the founders and financial director of the "Revisionist Zionist" movement
                                                                                    of Ze'ev Jabotinsky

•  The AJC falls out of love with Stalin - Jewish chutzpah and complete flip-flop: the American Jewish Congress' shameless about-turn in their
                                                               portrayal of Stalin's attitude to Jews. These Jewish tactics have to be remembered, as they are
                                                               employed in 21st Century world politics!

•  Soviet anti-Zionism art form 1970s/80s 


Zionism and Nazism

•  1938: Zionist admits Jews financed the Nazis

•  Zionism financed Nazism - extract from David Irving's book "Churchill's War" (Volume One)

•  Is the 21 June 1933 memo to Hitler from the Jewish ZVfD, proof that the Zionists wanted Jews out of Germany?

•  Nazi Goebbels issued a commemorative coin confirming the Nazis support of Zionism, do any Zionists still have one?

•  Hitler's support for Zionism in 1920

•  In 1935 Hitler banned Jews from flying the German flag, but he allowed them to fly the Zionist flag. Why?

•  Hitler's Zionism at a cost to German interests

•  Speaking in 1933. Where these two Jews right to called the Zionist Nazi deal a shameful disgrace

•  Another Nazi Jewish pact

•  Zionists tied to Nazism

•  Who was financing the Nazis  - "Palestine's Jews Buy Heavily From Nazis" - On the 1933 Haavara Nazi/Zionist pact

•  1919: Nazi Rosenberg on Zionism - "Zionism must be vigorously supported..."

•  LEHI's principles, including Nazi collaborating

•  Zionist National Socialist Institute

•  1923: Jewish / National Socialist Alliance

•  Zionists thought Hitler a "Messenger of God"

•  Most Zionists are "Hitler Zionists"

•  1934: Hitler's working wonders for Judaism & Zionism says Zionist Jew

•  Eichmann met with Mossad in 1938

•  Nazi Flags In Jerusalem

•  Nazi Flag on Jewish Ship

•  Swastika & Star of David, side by side

•  Another Swastika / Star of David medal

•  1935: "They have, indeed, called themselves Nazi Jews."

•  Goebbels: We are not opposed to a Jewish State - ...and Nazis suggesting Madagascar as the Jews' new Haven

•  The poor kid - Arch-Nazi Heinrich Himmler's family are now Israeli Jews!

•  SS ionism  - "Let him [the Jew] look for human rights where he belongs. In his own state of Palestine."
                               – Adolf Hitler, April 1920


Zionist Rabbi Activist - Stephen S. Wise

•  Stephen Wise, the Jews' policeman

•  Rabbi "Six Million Jews" Wise

•  Stephen Wise: Debt Collecting

•  1937: Six Million homeless Jews

•  6,000,000 dead Jews & Britain's to blame

•  2,000,000 Jews killed by injection of bubbles

•  Holocaust by gas abandoned for Holocaust by bubbles

•  Rabbi Stephen S.(ixMillion) Wise - the "6 million" already in 1912!

•  More pro-Sovietism from the "anti-communist" Rabbi SS Wise

•  Rabbi SS Wise on the Joys of Marxism - 1946, meets Soviet-Jewish propagandist Ilya Ehrenburg

•  Rabbi Wise: Jews must keep their race separate

•  Who exactly called Marxism: "Judaism" ?

•  False Rabbi Wise quote corrected

•  Stephen S. Wise was miraculously conceived

•  Rabbi Stephen S. Wise's corrupt family

•  Stephen S. Wise's lies on his passport applications

•  Anti-fascist Jews in post-war London


Zionism - Miscellaneous

•  Zionism: It's about race not religion

•  It's not genocide when we do it 

•  Israel's PM laughing at Ground Zero 

•  Brilliant song: "We are the Mossad"  - don't miss the lyrics!

•  "International Jewry is a power after all" - on a speech by Chaim Weizmann, President of the World Zionist Organization, first President of Israel

•  "Jews must yet conquer the world" – Zionist leader Dr. David Wolffsohn

•  "the world was created only for the sake of Israel"

•  Zionism is just a stepping-stone in the Jewish plan - "Zionism is but an incident of a far-reaching plan. It is merely a convenient peg on which
                                                                                       to hang a powerful weapon."

•  Zionists & the New World Order

•  1950: Zionist NYC rabbi calls for world government

•  Zionist State, geographical centre of World Control - Very prophetic text written in 1939 on "the Zionist State in Palestine as a geographical centre
                                                                                       of World Control, with New York as the centre of World Financial Control"

•  Ben Gurion's world government in the press

•  Land Jews believe is theirs

•  Jews haven't forgotten about all the land they were promised by God

•  Another Israeli politician on Zionist lebensraum - revealing Moshe Dayan quote

•  Zionism & its elastic borders

•  Zionist Imperialism - revealing quote by Zionist leader Ze'ev Jabotinsky

•  Get off my land - Asher Ginsberg [Ahad Ha-'Am], founder of Cultural Zionism and the mentor of Weizmann:
                               "The Jewish people, are destined to rule over Palestine and manage all its affairs
                                in its own way, without regard to the consent or non-consent of its present inhabitants."

•  Israeli historian reveals a few truths  - Ilan Pappe speaks

•  The Zionist Story   

•  Jewish life = collecting money & protesting - Jewish and Zionist leader Nahum Goldmann...

•  Apartheid in SA is good for the Jews, said ADL director

•  Israel will nuke Europe. They've promised to.

•  Next war will be a nuclear one - Israeli President 

•  Crazy, crazy Jewish blog posters - on WW3!

•  Israeli government tells the world: you'll fight WWIII like it or not

•  Israeli president's plan to kill 6,000,000 Germans

•  Germans supplied Iraqi gas chambers

•  "Auschwitz In The Sand"


•  Al Qaeda to gas NYC Jews with Zyklon B

•  Holocaust fear in Israel - playing the well worn Holocaust card in the wake of a coming war with Iran...

•  War against Iran is good for the Jews

•  Wiped off the map - Hitler quote vs alleged Ahmadinejad one

•  I laughed  - from Israel-as-Nazis-cartoons

•  JFK on the US / Israel Special Relationship - and George Washington warning of "foreign influence"

•  George Washington = anti-Israel

•  How Obama was interviewed by AIPAC    - unprecedented: Presidential candidate Obama interviewed by AIPAC's Board of Directors - i.e.
                                                                              kissing the ring!

•  You cannot be a Zionist and an American - said Jewish mega-banker Jacob H. Schiff!

•  Fighting for Israel - Norwegian Anders Behring Breivik, Europe's worst post-WW2 mass-shooter was no "Muslim terrorist",
                                  but a pro-Israel Zionist - and a Freemason!

•  Israel to use slaves

•  Hitler's uncanny prediction on Israel

•  "Christ died at Auschwitz"

•  Israeli president says "forget history" - What, even the holocaust? - Israeli President Shimon Peres on the Holodomor, the slaughter
                                                                                                               in Ukraine of millions of people, by the Jewish Bolsheviks

•  Funny anti-Zionist quote: "Show me the donkey!"

•  Bertrand Russell, another antisemite - On Israel and Bombing: "No people anywhere in the world would accept being expelled en masse from
                                                                 their own country; how can anyone require the people of Palestine to accept a punishment which nobody
                                                                 else would tolerate?"

•  Who has rights, and who doesn't - quote by Israeli war criminal Ariel Sharon on exclusive Jewish-Israeli rights vs. the rest of Humanity...

•  Wiesel, Israeli President - Elie Wiesel claimed he was offered the Israeli president's job

•  Subliminal Zionism  - 1945 Jewish Hollywood propaganda: "Pride of the Marines"

•  Zionist art 

•  Flag on the Reichstag 

•  Zionist Battle Flag 

•  Thoughts for Mossad's new logo 


Zionism and the "6 Million Jews" Campaign

•  Weizmann's six million timeline

•  June 1944: Sharett claims 6,000,000 are already dead

•  Erm ... How do you know its six million? 

•  Ben Gurion's too early 6,000,000 Jews call 

•  Weizmann hits another for six...million

•  More Weizmann $ix mi££ion chutzpah 

•  1937: Find another solution for the 6,000,000 Jews - Zionist Dr Weizmann, again

• 1911: Zionist warns 6,000,000 Jews to be annihilated

•  1925: Jews invest $6,000,000 in Palestine

•  6,000,000 Jews and the 1st Zionist Congress

•  Another Zionist claiming 6m were dead too early

•  Nahum Goldmann, soothsaying six-millionaire 

•  1940: 6,000,000 Jews in prisons or KZs says Zionist leaders - Dr. Nahum Goldmann, again

  •  6,000,000 figure of Jews "doomed to destruction" in 1940 - according to Zionist leader Dr. Nahum Goldmann

•  Max Nordau's "six million Jews" in 1899, 1911, & 1920 

•  1933: Zionists knew German Jews would be exterminated 

•  Herzl's "prediction" - more like Herzl's "idea"

•  1937: 6,000,000 Jews need to emigrate

•  Rabbi "Six Million Jews" Wise

•  More unbelievably exact Zionist predictions

•  Stephen Wise: Debt Collecting

•  Rabbi Stephen S.(ixMillion) Wise - the "6 million" already in 1912!

•  1939: "The fate of six million people was in the balance" - Zionist leader Chaim Weizmann

•  1918: Six million will fit into Palestine

•  1919: 6,000,000 Jews and Macy's - Nathan Strauss, mega-shopkeeper and Zionism-supporter, on "the remnants of our race
                                                             left alive in Europe..."

•  We must stop yet another Holocaust  

•  1936: 6,000,000 Jews a threat to Europe - Zio-policy architect, Dr. Chaim Weizmann - later to become Israel's first President

•  1942: 6,000,000 condemned Jews in the Royal Albert Hall – Joseph Hertz, Zionist and Chief Rabbi of the British Empire

•  1943: Hitler sentences 6,000,000 Jews to death - Chief Rabbi Joseph Hertz, again

•  1942: 6,000,000 Jews becoming extinct - Zionist Rabbi Hertz

•  The 6,000,000 broken record  

•  Erm ... How do you know its six million? 

•  1938: Zionist wants to evacuate 6,000,000 Jews

•  1939: The Irish Zionist & 6,000,000 Jews 

•  1939: Hitler & Stalin and the 6,000,000 Jews 

•  Oct 1944: 5,500,000 Jews killed so far say leading Zionists   

•  1943: Zionists expect six million Jewish causalties

•  Too early 6,000,000 dead advert  

•  1915: "at the end of the holocaust the Jews and Palestine will be more closely related
   than at present." 

•  1937: Six Million homeless Jews - Zionist Rabbi Stephen Wise

•  6,000,000 dead Jews & Britain's to blame - Zionist Rabbi Stephen Wise, again

•  1944: 6,000,000 dead claim from US Zionist

•  1936: 6,000,000 Jews fear WW2 - Jacob de Haas, kabbalist, Zionist

•  Golda Meir on the gas chambers - "six million ... went to the gas chambers"

•  You're not supposed to know that yet

•  1937: Poland plans to kill 3,000,000 Jews 

•  1938: Zionist states 6,000,000 Jews in peril from Germany - this time "6 Million" from a non-Jewish Zionist and British politician

•  1930: Will Raise $6,000,000 for Palestine - meet the Six Millionaire Boy's Club

•  6,000,000 figure of Jews mentioned in 1943 in the Reader's Digest 

•  6,000,000 & Churchill's Zionist-puppet son

•  Six Million! Boohoohoo - Zionist Chaim Weizmann in Sept 1945

•  Alan Dershowitz's impervious six million


Introduction continued...

Then suddenly in 2017 the word was out that the incessantly researching and publishing blog-author had become "a believer" in the extermination story, in gas chambers and all! This having happened after the very same person had spent literally thousands of hours debunking the same myth!

At the same time the much visited blog was closed by the author for visit, and the whole, gigantic, archive of original material (even that not on holocaustology) from mainly official sources, permanently locked away from public view!

This much to the Jews' delight as thousands of references had been made to the Winston Smith Ministry of Truth blog in online discussions and Resistance sites the world all over, the links now all becoming defunct.

We in Radio Islam know, that when you seriously confront the W.W. II "Holocaust" story, you actually confront the very might of International Jewry and that of the Jewish State of Israel, and along with that the ADL, the Mossad and their Jewish associates; who will seek to pressure you to recant - or - destroy your private/family sphere through vicious smear, destroy your job position and economy, put you in prison (not seldom even in solitary confinement!), or resort to direct physical violence through their JDL and Betar/Tagar thugs, smashing up your body, and in some cases even resorting to death/assassination.

These are the game rules when you confront this beast. But still that is what makes this fight so important!

We are here somewhat upset over the naïvety of the unknown blog author "TBRoI" - getting so head-on into this the most taboo of subjects (a subject which has been branded as some kind of modern "intellectual pedophilia") - but having no back-up plan and seemingly believing that there would be no repercussions. There is always a backlash. But - as a resistance fighter combatting a foreign occupying power - you have to be ready and strong to confront this, when it comes.

We here invite our visitors to take part in the saved material and spread it.

Some of the topics - like Hitler's presumed Jewish connections - are not in line with our political views, but we in Radio Islam, in stark contrast to our detractors - are open minded and will still publish it. The different techniques of information gathering used by the archive's original author can also inspire future researchers' "modus operandi".

And we also ask the author - "TBRoI" - to come out from obscurity, and again open up the complete archive for common use.

The research effort he put down into this project was massive and impressive - and... Truth wants to be set free!

Note: We have up-to-date saved and reconstructed some 2095 valuable articles/documents from the defunct blog. Please help us restore the lost articles by publishing online what you have saved from old (including images/graphics and links), tagged as "winstonsmithministryoftruth" and "revisionism" (or "auschwitz"). We will find and subsequently add them to our expanding list of articles. This will be a great blow to The Enemy!

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"Jews" from Khazaria stealing the land of Palestine

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Turkey, Ataturk and the Jews

Talmud unmasked
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Israel and the Ongoing Holocaust in Congo

Jews DO control the media - a Jew brags! - Revealing Jewish article

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