Auschwitz sonderkommando Henryk
Tauber gave a
deposition to the Poles in May 1945,
a few highlights:
He said of the corpses, immediately
after being gassed at Auschwitz
"They were pinkish, and in places
red. Some were covered
with greenish marks and saliva ran
from their mouths."
Strange, other Auschwitzers told us they
were blue.
More lies:
"an Unterscharführer [sergeant],
whose name I do not know, often came to
the crematorium to cut the meaty
parts from the bodies of these prisoners
when they had been shot. The pieces
of the body cut off from the buttocks
and thighs were put in boxes and
buckets by this SS man, who took them
away in a car. I do not know why he
did this."
"5 to 7 minutes was allowed to burn
one corpse in a muffle
... we would charge 4 or 5 corpses in
each muffle."
"Generally speaking, we burned 4 or 5
corpses at a time in one muffe,
but sometimes we charged a greater
number of corpses. It was possible
to charge up to 8 “musulmans” or of
wasted people with no fat."
The Nazis punished a Polish Jew named
Lejb, putting him into an unlit
"Gasoline was poured into the lower
ash bin and lit. The flames reached
the muffle where this
Lejb was imprisoned. A few minutes
later, they
opened the door and the condemned
man emerged and ran off, covered
in burns. He was ordered to run round
the yard shouting that he was a
thief. Finally, he had to climb the
barbed wire, which was not electrified
during the day, and when he was at
the top, the head of the
crematoriums, Moll, first name Otto,
killed him with a shot."
"Another time, the SS chased a
prisoner who was not working fast enough
into a pit near the crematorium that
was full of boiling human fat. At
that time, the corpses were
incinerated in open air pits, from which
fat flowed into a separate reservoir,
dug in the ground. This fat was
poured over the corpses to accelerate
their combustion. This poor devil
was pulled out of the fat still alive
and then shot."
Four Million People Gassed At
"I imagine that during the period in
which I worked in the Krematorien
as a member of the Sonderkommando, a
total of about 2 million people
were gassed. During my time in
Auschwitz, I was able to talk to various
prisoners who had worked in the
Krematorien and the Bunkers before
my arrival. They told me that I was
not among the first to do this work,
and that before I came another 2
million people had already been gassed
in Bunkers 1 and 2 and Krematorium I.
Adding up, the total number of
people gassed in Auschwitz amounted
to about 4 million."