Prof. Shahak's book "Jewish History, Jewish
Religion" (HTML)
The widely acclaimed book on Jewish racism
- Jewish
History, Jewish Religion
All in one file 410 kb. In zip 130 kb
Prof. Shahak's book
"Jewish History, Jewish Religion" (PDF)
The widely acclaimed book on Jewish racism.
- "The
Founding Myths of Israeli Politics" - a must read!
The fantastic book by French politician and Muslim Roger Garaudy
Founding Myths of Israeli Politics" (PDF)
By Roger Garaudy
- Encyclopedia of the Palestine Problem
The most comprehensive collection of facts/documents on the Zionist theft of Palestine.
The basis of the real "Nuremberg" trial that should be held against Zionism and its leaders.
Masters of Deception - Zionism, 9/11 and the War on Terror Hoax (PDF)
Book by Zander C. Fuerza. Includes loads of quotes, links.
The Encyclopedia of Radio Islam
Excerpts from Alfred Lilienthal's famous book "The Zionist Connection II":
- Terror - The Double Standard (includes the introduction to Lilienthal's book)
- The Holocaust: Stoking the Fires
- Exploiting Anti-Semitism
- The Blitz
- "Open Secrets: Israeli Nuclear
and Foreign Policies" - Excerpts from Israel Shahak's book on Israel's nuclear strategies for the
Middle East:
- Israeli Policies Toward Iran and Syria
- Israel Versus Iran chapter
- Israel's Strategic Aims and Nuclear Weapons
- Syrian Cities and Relations with Saddam Hussein
- Israeli Foreign Policy after the Oslo Accord
- Israeli Foreign Policies, August 1994
- Israel and the Organized American Jews
Pro-Israeli Lobby in the US and the Inman
Secrets, Israeli Nuclear and Foreign
Policies - All in
one file 210 kb.
in the Age of Dictators
By Lenni Brenner
The Protocols of the Meetings of the Elders of Zion
By The Elders of Zion
The Protocols of the Meetings of the Elders of Zion
By The Elders of Zion
The International Jew -
the whole book in PDF
By Henry Ford, the world renowned industrialist and founder of the Ford Motor Company
- The International Jew -
the whole book now online!
By Henry Ford
The International Jew -
excerpts from the book
By Henry Ford
The International
Excerpts - All in one file 410 kb. In zip 150 kb
The Culture of Critique: An Evolutionary Analysis of Jewish
Involvement in Twentieth-Century Intellectual and Political
Movements (PDF)
By Kevin MacDonald. 2013 version.
Culture of Critique: An Evolutionary Analysis of Jewish
Involvement in Twentieth-Century Intellectual and
Political Movements
Preface to the first paperback edition, by Kevin MacDonald
The Thirteenth Tribe - The Khazar Empire and its Heritage
By renowned Jewish author Arthur Koestler. About the Khazar Jews, the revelation of another Jewish hoax: Jews are not originate from Palestine! They are not "descendants" of the mythic Jews of the Bible! Jews from Eastern Europe and Western Asia were descended from Mongolians and other Asiatic peoples who had adopted "Judaism" as their "religion" over 1,000 years ago and had become known as "Jews."
- The Thirteenth Tribe - The Khazar Empire and its Heritage
By Arthur Koestler. The whole book as convenient PDF-file.
- The Thirteenth Tribe
(Khazar, map) All in one file 560 kb.
- The Thirteenth
Tribe - The Khazar Empire and its Heritage
By Arthur Koestler - ZIP-file
- The Jews Are Not A Race!
Excerpt from Dr. Alfred Lilienthal's What Price Israel? (1953)
The Jews
of Khazaria - A book table of
By Kevin Alan Brook
- The Jewish Syndrome-3
Book by Eduard Hodos on Jewish power in Russia/Ukraine, "The Three Khazarias". Translated from Russian.
The Invention of the Jewish People (PDF)
By Shlomo Sand.
- When Victims Rule. A Critique of Jewish
pre-eminence in America - IMPORTANT DOCUMENT - TO BE SPREAD!
From the Jewish Tribal Review site. The most thorough work to this day on Jewish power and influence in the USA and the world. Featuring over 10,000 citations from about 4,000 (scholarly and mainstream media) bibliographic sources.
Also now partially as PDF; WVR - version 1 (8.8 MB), WVR - version 2 (13 MB)
The Jewish Holy War Against Goyim! Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Facts every Muslim and Christian should know, a book by Lt. Col. Mohr
- Israel:
Jewish Supremacy in Action (PDF)
By David Duke, The whole book "Jewish Supremacy"!
- Israel:
Jewish Supremacy in Action
By David Duke, observe that these are just short excerpts and not the whole book "Jewish Supremacy"
Quotations from "You Gentiles"
From the book by the Jew Maurice Samuel. "We Jews, we, the destroyers, will remain the destroyers for ever. Nothing that you do will meet our needs and demands. We will for ever destroy because we need a world of our own, a God-world, which it is not in your nature to build."
The whole book can also be read in PDF-format.
- Jewish Fundamentalism in Israel
click to enlarge!
Jewish Fundamentalism in Israel
The whole book by Israel Shahak and Norton Mezvinsky.
The Controversy of Zion (PDF)
By Douglas Reed
Life of an American Jew in Racist Marxist Israel
By Jack Bernstein. (Also available as PDF.)
My Farewell
to Israel, Thorn of the Middle
By Jack Bernstein. (Also available as PDF.)
No Beauty In The Beast: Israel Without Her Mascara (PDF)
By Mark Glenn, 2005.
The Israel Lobby
By John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt. Excerpts from their acclaimed book
They dare to speak out
Two excerpts from former U.S. Congressman Paul Findley's book
- They
Dare to Speak Out: People and Institutions Confront Israel's
Lobby (PDF)
The whole book by Paul Findley.
Karl Marx: On the Jewish Question
English translation of the Jewish writer Karl Marx´s famous 1843 work "Zur Judenfrage".
Karl Marx on the Jewish
Karl Marx on the Jewish
All in one file 105 kb.
"The Jews and their Lies"
By Martin Luther - the founder of the Protestant Church
"The Jews and their Lies"
By Martin Luther - the founder of the Protestant Church. The whole booklet is now available in PDF (1948 edition).
Also see the collection of selected excerpts.
The Plot Against Christianity (book also known as "The
Jewish Religion: Its Influence Today")
By Elisabeth Dilling. HTML-version, includes photocopy Exhibits of original Talmud quotes. Also: PDF-version (but without the Talmud Exhibits)
The Ugly
Truth about the ADL Revealing book on
ADL:s methods (PDF)
Ch.1: 150 Years of Perfidy Ch.5: Colluding With Terrorists
Ch.2: A Public Relations Front for Meyer Lansky Ch.6: In Bed With Communist Dictators and Spies
Ch.3: The ADL and the Opium War Against America Ch.7: Railroad!
Ch.4: The ADL and the Junk Bond Bandits Rip Off America Ch.8: The ADL Peddles the New Age
Israel, the Golden Triangle, and the Kennedy Assassination
The book "Opium Lords", by Salvador Astucia
"Germany must Perish!"
A Jewish plan for the extinction of the German nation and the total eradication from the Earth, of all her people! Conceived by the influential American Jew Theodore Kaufman.
The Jewish Genocide of Christian Armenians
Includes lots of information on the Jewish concept of "Amalek" and their murder.
NOTE: In June 2012 www.jewishracism.com, the site originally creating and hosting this book was shut down and censored - see article. Spread knowledge of this important book!
Gentile Folly: the Rothschilds
Book on the Rothschilds' influence, by Arnold Leese
Jewish Banking & Financial Manipulations
Based on quotes from Gerald Krefetz, author of "Jews and Money: The Myths and the Reality"
The Secret Relationship between Blacks and Jews - Volume 1
By the Historical Research Department of the Nation of Islam. The entire book in PDF-format
The Secret Relationship between Blacks and Jews - Highlights
of books 1 and 2 - Version 1 (PDF)
By the Nation of Islam Research Group.
The Secret Relationship between Blacks and Jews - Highlights of books 1 and 2 - Version 2 (PDF)
By the Nation of Islam Research Group.
"Blood Passover" - "Pasque di sangue" - HTML
Jewish-Israeli scholar Ariel Toaff's complete book in English translation in HTML-format, includes graphics.
The version as revised by the original translators, Feb. 2011.
"Blood Passover" - "Pasque di sangue" - PDF
Ariel Toaff's complete book in English translation with graphics, in PDF-format.
The revised version as of August 1, 2016 that according to bloodpassover.com annuls and replaces all previous versions.
Note: now also as separate special edition with spaces between paragraphs for easy reading (all corrections made - different pagination due to spaces between paragraphs).
Jewish "Ritual Murder"
By Arnold Leese
- The Nature of Zionism
The book by Vladimir Stepin that details the Zionist overtake in Russia. Includes the revealing text: "The Catechism of the Jew in the Former Soviet Union".
Now full book and appendices also as PDF
- Israel's Sacred
Terrorism: A study based on Moshe
Sharett's Personal Diary, and other documents.
By Livia Rokach. Foreword by Noam Chomsky (1986)
- Israel's
Sacred Terrorism
By Edward Herman (Excerpted from the book The Real Terror Network).
- Excerpts from The Gun and the Olive Branch, 1977, by David
- The Suez War of
- The Myth
of the Golan Heights
- The Lavon
- Cruel Zionism: The Ingathering of Iraqi Jewry
- Details of
The Assassination of Count
- The War Game
Extract from David Hirst's update of his book published in The Observer, September 21, 2003
- The Suez War of
- Excerpts from Noam Chomsky's book
"Necessary Illusions" on
Israel's crimes in Lebanon
- Media Coverage of
the "Peace Process"
By Noam Chomsky. Excerpts from his book Necessary Illusions (1989). Especially the coverage by Thomas Friedman and the New York Times.
- The Middle
East Settlement: Its Sources and
From chapter six of Noam Chomsky's book Power and Prospects (1996)
- Excerpts from Norman
Finkelstein's Two major books The Rise
and Fall of Palestine: A Personal Account of the Intifada
Years, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis and London,
1996. And Image and Reality of the Israel-Palestine
Conflict, Verso, London and New York, 1995.
- Land Without
a People
Chapter 1 of The Palestinian Catastrophe: The 1948 Expulsion of a People From Their Homeland by Michael Palumbo, 1987. On the origin of Palestinian expulsion in Zionist ideology.
and South Africa: Two Forms of Apartheid
By Uri Davis (excerpts from Israel - An Apartheid State 1987)
- The
Fire This Time: U.S. War Crimes in the Gulf - Excerpts
By Ramsey Clark (1992). Excellent details of the history of the region up to the 1991 War, including U.S. and Britain's interventions. The obstruction of peace and diplomacy by the U.S. that would have averted the massive destruction of Iraq. Also includes setting-up of Iraq by the U.S. via Kuwait, before Iraq's invasion in August 1990, and the demonization of Saddam.
- William Blum's "Killing Hope: U.S. Military and CIA Interventions since World War II" (Common Courage Press, 1995):
Killing Hope: U.S. Military and CIA Interventions since World War II
By William Blum. The epic history book on covert CIA operations and United States military interventions during the second half of the 20th century. A must read!
Note that Chapter 46 (pages 278-279) is on Morocco and on Ahmed Rami, the founder of Radio Islam.
- The
CIAs Greatest Hits
By Mark Zapezauer (Odonian Press). Excerpts from the explosive book that blows the lid off the CIA.
The Bipartisan Consensus
An excerpted chapter from the book "People's History of the United States" by Howard Zinn
- Excerpt from "The Revolt", by
Menachem Begin
Also includes the Jew Ben Hecht's comments on Jewish terrorism
Mossad's Record
Excerpts from Victor Ostrovsky's book "By Way of Deception: A Devastating Insider's Portrait of the Mossad"
New Jerusalem - Zionist Power in America (PDF)
Book by American author Michael Collins Piper (2004). The first-ever in-depth, thoroughly documented, fact-filled study of the vast array of wealth and power accumulated by the Zionist elite in the United States today.
High Priests of War (PDF)
Book by American author Michael Collins Piper (2004). The Secret History of How America’s “Neo-Conservative” Trotskyites Came to Power and Orchestrated the War Against Iraq as the First Step in Their Drive for Global Empire.
Adolf Hitler's "Mein Kampf"
By the German leader Adolf Hitler
Hitler's Secret Book - "Zweites Buch"
The unpublished sequel to "Mein Kampf", written in 1928.
Hitler's Secret Book - "Zweites Buch" (PDF)
Complete book as PDF, but missing Chapter 7. Note: Use the index to the far left.
The Political Testament
of Adolf Hitler
'Did Six Million Really Die?' —
Report of the Evidence in the Canadian 'False News' Trial of Ernst Zündel
- 1988
Edited by Barbara Kulaszka, foreword by Robert Faurisson.
Epic book on the 1988 Great Holocaust Trial, witness depositions that rocked the foundations of the "Holocaust" mythology.
Now reformated for online/digital reading with the original physical book as template.
The Great Holocaust Trial - The Landmark Battle for Freedom of
Speech (PDF)
Book by Michael Hoffman II. The inside story of Ernst Zündel - prosecuted in two criminal trials, gagged, jailed and assaulted for publishing a politically incorrect history book.
Alternative book links: here and here
The Holocaust Story
and the Lies of Ulysses - Debunking the Genocide
By Paul Rassinier. HTML
The Holocaust Story
and the Lies of Ulysses - Debunking the Genocide
- A Study of the Nazi Concentration Camps and the Alleged Extermination of European Jewry.
The groundbreaking book by French Revisionist Paul Rassinier. PDF (2 MB)
Real Eichmann Trial or The Incorrigible Victors (PDF)
By Paul Rassinier
Fiend and
Felon - Power,
Perjury and Murder in Szymon Wizenthal's Footsteps
By Gerd Honsik. A revealing book on the Jewish "holocaust" fraudster Simon Wiesenthal.
On April 27, 2009, Honsik was sentenced to five years in prison for "holocaust denial".
Fiend and Felon
- Power, Perjury and Murder in Szymon Wizenthal's Footsteps (PDF)
By Gerd Honsik. PDF version (21 MB), includes full text and images.
The Hoax
of the
Twentieth Century (PDF)
The Case Against the Presumed Extermination of European Jewry.
The classic 1976 book by Professor Arthur R. Butz. Fourth corrected and expanded edition, Castle Hill Publishers, 2015.
Did Six Million Really Die?
4th Edition, 2015 version - with corrected errors, includes illustrations.
Did Six Million Really Die? (HTML)
By Richard E. Harwood
Made in Russia: The Holocaust
By Carlos W. Porter. On the Nuremberg war crimes trials.
3rd revised edition, 2013. Complete with facsimiles of original documents. (92 MB)
Made in Russia: The Holocaust
By Carlos W. Porter, [Excerpts].
Introduction to Revisionist Thought
A book by Ernst Zündel
Anne Frank's Diary - A Hoax
By Ditlieb Felderer. (See also Faurisson's Is The Diary of Anne Frank genuine?)
Holocaust Industry: Reflections on the Exploitation of
Jewish Suffering (PDF)
By Norman Finkelstein. The whole book in English.
- Quotes from Norman G. Finkelstein's Book
"The Holocaust Industry"
Extracts from The Holocaust
Industry - "The Business of Death" and "Swiss toll"
By Norman Finkelstein (published in The Guardian 07/12 and 07/13/2000)
The First Holocaust: The Surprising Origin of the Six-Million
Figure (PDF)
By Don Heddesheimer. Holocaust Handbooks, Volume 6. Fifth edition, 2018.
- Holocaust or Hoax - The Arguments
By Jürgen Graf
The Leuchter Reports
(PDF) - all four reports!
By Fred Leuchter, with contributing texts from Robert Faurisson and Germar Rudolf. Holocaust Handbooks, Volume 16. Fifth edition, 2017.
The Rudolf Report - Expert Report on Chemical and Technical
Aspects of the ‘Gas Chambers’ of Auschwitz (PDF)
By Germar Rudolf. Holocaust Handbooks, Volume 2.
Auschwitz Lies: Legends, Lies, and Prejudices on the Holocaust
By Germar Rudolf and Carlo Mattogno. Holocaust Handbooks, Volume 18.
Commandant of Auschwitz
- Rudolf Höss, His Torture and His
Forced Confessions (PDF)
By Carlo Mattogno. Holocaust Handbooks, Volume 35. Second edition, 2020.
Air-Photo Evidence:
World-War-Two Photos of Alleged Mass-Murder Sites Analyzed
- complete study as PDF!
Updated and revised by Germar Rudolf in 2020. Holocaust Handbooks, Volume 27.
Holocaust Handbooks, Volumes 1 - 44
Great collection, free to download. Read and spread! If you can support them financially, please assist, as this huge enlightening effort is costly.
The Six Million: Fact or Fiction (PDF)
By Peter Winter. Book censored by Amazon. 7th Edition.
Revised, edited, updated, and expanded, this work is without doubt the single most important revisionist overview of the legend of the "Six Million" Holocaust ever yet published.
Please also read the introduction.
The Auschwitz Lie/Auschwitz - A Personal Account (PDF)
By Thies Christophersen
The "Confessions" of Kurt Gerstein (PDF)
By French scholar Henri Roques. Famous that caused the revoking - by government order - of his
Read also: Letter to Henri Roques from famous British WW2 historian Hugh Trevor-Roper (Lord Dacre), endorsing the dissertation
Gas Chamber of Sherlock Holmes - And Other Writings on the
Holocaust, Revisionism, and Historical Understanding (PDF)
Book by Samuel Crowell (2011). Also includes an in-depth interview with the author.
the Spell
The Holocaust: Myth & Reality. Revisionist book by dr. Nicholas Kollerstrom (2014).
The Dissolution of Eastern European Jewry (PDF)
Classic book by Walter Sanning
- Fight or
Flight. The Personal Face of Revisionism (PDF)
2003 book by top-Revisionist Fredrick Töben on his travels, travails, trials, and tribulations.
40 Days in Teheran - Dr. Fredrick Töben’s Special Report On the
Iran Holocaust Conference (PDF)
Important report where Dr. Töben presents his groundbreaking new research presented at the Iran Holocaust Conference held in Teheran, Iran, in December of 2006.
Best Witness - The Mel Mermelstein Affair and the Triumph of
Historical Revisionism (PDF)
Book by American dissident Michael Collins Piper, on the Jewish campaigns aginst the Institute for Historical Review (IHR).
List of Revisionist books and texts in
English language to be
Contains some of the most important titles. There are also downloadable files in other languages, to see these click here
When Scotland Was Jewish (PDF)
DNA Evidence, Archeology, Analysis of Migrations, and Public and Family Records Show Twelfth Century Semitic Roots
By Elizabeth Caldwell Hirschman and Donald N. Yates. (Backup PDF version: here)
Greater Israel - A Study in Zionist Expansionist Thought
By Ass'ad Razzouk, Palestine Liberation Organization Research Center, Beirut - Lebanon, December 1970.
- Other
books & References
Recommended books on everything contained in this site
- Index
by Author
The articles of selected authors listed in this site Authors'
Internet archives whenever available
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