United Nations
Former UN Secretary General Boutros Boutros-Ghali was married to a Jewess, Leia, likewise former UN Secreteary General Kofi Annan's wife came from the famous Swedish Wallenberg family which also boasts of a Jewish connection. Jan Eliasson, former President of the United Nations General Assembly was also member of a Board of Trustees in a Jewish-Zionist organization, Paideia. UNESCO is run by Moroccan-French Jewess Audrey Azoulay. When the UN investigates Israeli war crimes, South-African Jewish judge Richard Goldstone is employed. Already another Jew, Richard Falk, was United Nations Special Rapporteur on Human Rights in the Palestinian Territories. Jewess Mary Robinson was United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights during the Durban I conference on Racism. Hans Blix, also boasting of Jewish ancestry, was UN chief inspector in Iraq. The other UN inspectors for Iraq, Richard Butler and Scott Ritter, were in Israel's hands...
Examples of Jewish/Israeli infiltration
Examples of Jewish/Israeli infiltration |
"Trygve Lie
had everybody deceived In 1948 the first UN Secretary General, the Norwegian Trygve Lie, and his military advisor, the intelligence officer Alfred Roscher Lund, deceived an entire world as they did errands for their Jewish friends during the founding of the state of Israel. The Social Democrat Lie had in secrecy contacts with the actors on the Jewish side of the Palestine conflict while Roscher Lund leaked top secret UN documents and assisted with military advise to the Jews. This is documented by the Norwegian radio journalist Odd Karsten Tveit in a new book that is under publication." - Swedish paper Metro, 3/10-1996. |
- Jew
appointed by UN to investigate Jewish War Crimes in Gaza
By Freedom Research. On the appointment of Richard Goldstone
- The UN in Zionist hands: Hans
Blix's and Kofi Annan's Jewish Connections
- Jan
Eliasson - President of the United Nations General Assembly
and member of a Zionist Board of Trustees
- UN:s
Mary Robinson in Durban: "I am a Jew"
The Jerusalem Post, UN High Commissioner Mary Robinson declared "I am a Jew" at an NGO dinner
- Zionist Deborah Lyons,
former Canadian Ambassador to Israel, takes over as U.N. "special envoy" for
Freedom Research, August 2021.
One Man’s
Campaign Against the Arch of Titus — and How It Changed Italy’s
Revealing article from the Jewish daily Forward, by a highly placed Jew in the U.N. (F.A.O.).
- U.N. predecessor The League of Nations "a Jewish idea"
Claims Zionist Jew dr Nahum Sokolow. Copy of original article from The New York Times, August 28, 1922.
"The League of Nations is a Jewish idea"
– Zionist leader Nahum Sokolow. From the Winston Smith Ministry of Truth Archive.
![]() ![]() U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres meets Rabbi Yakov D. Cohen, Founder and Director of the Institute of Noahide Code, in 2018. Rabbi Cohen belongs to the Chabad Jewish supremacist group. Here you can see a clip of Rabbi Yakov D. Cohen speaking in front of the U.N. (ECOSOC) on "Noahidism" ("The Seven Laws of Noah"), without telling the truth of this Jewish deception = Obey the God of the Jews – or die! |
The U.N. vs Iraq Scandal
On the same day (08/26/1998) of his resignation, American arms inspector Scott Ritter was being investigated by the FBI for allegedly sharing classified information with Israel.
Iraq was the strongest and perhaps most educated/advanced Arab nation before the Gulf War, with a big potential since it holds the second largest oil reserve in the world. This might have forced Israel to sign a peace treaty with the Arabs and Palestinians from a weaker position (i.e. compromise more), than if Iraq was out of the picture.
- UN inspector Scott Ritter and his
connection to Israel
Excerpts from the Israeli newspaper Ha'aretz
- Revealing Quotes from Scott Ritter
Former head of UN Weapons Inspection Team in Iraq & former US Marine
- Former
American inspector Ritter: Israel was key in
unmasking Iraqi arms
By David Makovsky (Ha'aretz 09/28/1998). "He [Ritter] said it demonstrated that Israel was taking seriously a UN Security Resolution passed after the Gulf War calling on all member countries to work closely with UNSCOM to disarm Iraq of its weapons of mass destruction." Who says Israel does not abide by U.N. resolutions?
U.S. has perverted the U.N. weapons process by using it as a
tool to justify military actions, falsely so. ... The U.S.
was using the inspection process as a trigger for
war." |
"Have I given information to Israel
[about Iraqi military revealed during inspections]? Damn right I
have." |
- Israel Gave Key Help To U.N. Team in Iraq: U-2
Photos Among Intelligence Shared
By Barton Gellman (Washington Post 09/29/1998)
- Jewish Committee Honors Ekeus
(05/14/1998). Executive Chairman of the UN Special Commission for Iraq (UNSCOM) Rolf Ekeus who helped prolong the sanctions against Iraq between 1991-97 is here rewarded by the American Jewish Committee for his teams' efforts of "laying the foundation for a stable and lasting peace in the Gulf region," (P.R. language), and ensure that only Israel has weapons of mass destruction, (factual language).
Israel helped U.N. get Iraqi confession,
paper says
(SF Jewish Bulletin 03/06/1998)
US used UN
to spy on Iraq, aides say
By Colum Lynch (Boston Globe 01/06/1999).
Also check the BBC Report Unscom 'infiltrated by spies'
- Annan: Arms
Inspectors Helped U.S.
(Associated Press 01/06/1999)
Answers Media Critics
By Nicole Winfield (Associated Press 01/20/1999). It is a coincidence that the same hard-core pro-Israel columnists (Rosenthal) and magazines (New Republic) that happen to be the ones attacking Annan for averting the bombing of Feb 1998? And why aren't those columnist raising an issue about UN:s Ekéus and Butler being American puppets? It wasn't until recently (Jan 1999) that the US espionage on Iraq via UNSCOM became an issue.
- The UN: New
Dictators of Iraq
By Hugh Livingstone and Kayode Olafimihan (Living Marxism 02/1995)
United Nations, the U.S. and Israel |
"We love your adherence to democratic principles." -- Vice President George Bush to Philippine dictator Ferdinand Marcos "Throughout the world, on any given day, a man, woman or child is likely to be displaced, tortured, killed or 'disappeared', at the hands of governments or armed political groups. More often than not, the United States shares the blame." -- Amnesty International, 1996 (Quoted by author William Blum on his webpage) |
"I want to scare the hell out of the rest of the world." -- US General Colin Powell talking about US military power prior to the Gulf War in 1991 |
When it suits its interests, the
United States waves the U.N. flag high calling for the
"implementation of the security council resolutions." When it's
opposite to its interests, such as in the case of Israel, no
mention of the U.N. resolution violation by the latter.
Furthermore, the US often undermines the U.N. by vetoing,
threatening to cut funding, and other means to protect its
interests. In addition, when a dictator serves the interests of
the U.S., e.g. the Shah of Iran or the monarchs of the Persian
Gulf, then rewards will be showered on them by the U.S.,
conveniently ignoring the plight of the people whose voice is
repressed by the dictator. Consequences, in the case of the
dictator's disobeying the U.S., can be extremely severe. In the
case of Iraq, the response was several orders of magnitude of the
dictator's crimes against his people. A slow and merciless death
of the population by ostensibly legitimate sanctions killing thus
far 1.5 Million Iraqis, mostly children under 5. All done while
chanting pro-democracy and human rights slogan, waving the flag of
"making the world a safer place," ... etc, pointing a finger at
the dictator, not the U.S., as the cause of genocide.
"Although we regularly stigmatize other societies as rogue states, we ourselves have become the largest rogue state of all. We honor no treaties. We spurn international courts. We strike unilaterally wherever we choose. We give orders to the United Nations but do not pay our dues. We complain of terrorism, yet our empire is now the greatest terrorist of all..."
-- Gore Vidal, famous critic from the US establishment, in his book "Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace - How We Got To Be So Hated".
- U.S.:
We will continue to support Israel at UN
By Yuval Azoulay (Ha'aretz 02/06/2009)
Ambassador Nikki Haley brags about bullying UN for Israel
Video of US Ambassador Haley´s disgusting performance at AIPAC - a true shabbos goy.
- Congress
Threatens to Withhold UN Dues in
Support of Israel Joining European Group
By Nitzan Horowitz (Ha'aretz 04/16/2000)
- The
U.S. Cast the First of 29 Security
Council Vetoes to Shield Israel
By Donald Neff (Washington Report 09/1993)
Vetoes U.N. Resolution on Palestinians
By Serge Schmemann/Colum Lynch/Edith M. Lederer (New York Times/Washington Post 12/15/2001)
Vetoes UN Force Resolution
By Chris Hawley (AP 03/28/2001)
moving to prevent UN debate on local crisis
By Natan Guttman, Daniel Sobelman & Shlomo Shamir (Ha'aretz 08/16/2001)
Veto Reveals Bush Administration's Contempt for Human
By Stephen Zunes (Foreign Policy in Focus 04/01/2001)
Vetoes UN Force Resolution
By Chris Hawley (AP 03/28/2001). Also U.S. rights investigator slams Mideast veto
(Reuters 03/28/2001)
- US Seeks
to Postpone UN Session on
By Hillel Kuttler (Jerusalem Post 07/07/1999). "because the event sends a bad signal to Prime Minister-elect Ehud Barak, US Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs Martin Indyk [a former official of Israel's U.S. Lobby] said yesterday." So in other words, to avoid sending a "bad signal" to Israel's new PM, Israel is thus left free to continue building illegal settlements on confiscated Palestinian lands.
- Unvanquished: A
U.S.-U.N. Saga By Boutros Boutros-Ghali
Book Review
By Tom Gallagher (Z magazine 03/2000)
- U.S.
Hegemony over the World: Why
the U.S. Wants Rid of Mr Boutros-Ghali
By Eric Rouleau (Le Monde Diplomatique 11/1996). An article about U.S. hegemony over the world through bullying the U.N. A similar article by Kurt Holden (Washington Report 01/1997).
- U.S. Missiles
Target the U.N. Too
By Phyllis Bennis (Baltimore Sun 01/10/1999)
UN keeps damning report on Afghan
massacre secret
The Independent: "The change of tack by the UN was apparently the result of pressure from within its own hierarchy, particularly in Afghanistan itself, and from the US not to release the report that allegedly contradicts claims made by the US about the circumstances of the attack."
The U.N. vs Israel |
In spite of the terrible high level of Jewish-Zionist infiltration of the
UN:s as showed above in the General Assembly the possibilities of Jewish
manipulations have been harder to accomplish and thus during the years several
well formulated resolutions have been adopted.
- List of UN
resolutions against Israel 1955-1992
By Paul Findley (Excerpts from his book "Deliberate Deception", 1995)
- UN Resolutions Against Israel,1955-1992
- More
UN resolutions against Israel
- United
Nation's Resolutions on Palestine
- U.N. Security
Council resolutions condemning Zionist
(From Baheth for Studies)
- Study:
Israel leads in ignoring Security Council resolutions,
Ha'aretz, October 10, 2002
- UN
Chronology: From 1940s to 2000s
From http://www.un.int/palestine/
- Are We Always in
the Right?
By Gideon Levy (Ha'aretz 01/02/2000). On the amassing UN resolutions against Israel.
- UN: Zionism - "a movement based on racial superiority"
By Janine Zacharia (Jerusalem Post)
"The General Assembly,
[...] Determines that zionism is a form of racism and racial
discrimination." |
- UN Slams Israel on
Jerusalem Policy
(IsraelWire 12/03/1999)
- Resolution 242: Its Creation and its
By David Paul
- Barak put on
the defensive in Paris over his
interpretation of UN Resolution 242
By Dov Alfon (Ha'aretz 11/09/1999)
- UN Official
Denis Halliday Quits in Row Over Aid
to Iraq
By Patrick Cockburn (The Independent 07/23/1998). Also here (BBC/Middle East Realities 10/03/1998)
Israel's white phosphorous rains down on a
UN compound in Gaza in 2009
Why I Resigned My UN Post in Protest of
By Denis Halliday (11/05/1998)
- Half a Million Children under Five are Dead and Dying in Iraq - Who is
An interview with Denis Halliday
- UN
Reports Israel Border Violations
By Edith M. Lederer (Associated Press/Jerusalem Post 06/26-27/2000)
UN says
Israel blocks most Gaza aid
(News article 2009)
- UN: Israel A
Major Polluter in the Mediterranean
By Amiram Cohen and Zafrir Rinat (Ha'aretz 11/24/1997)
- UN Human
Rights Committee: Israel Violates Almost Every Article of
the International Covenant on Civil and Political
(UN Human Rights Committee/B'Tselem 08/02/1998)
- Palestinian
Economy in Ruins, U.N. Says
By William A. Orme Jr./Lee Hockstader (New York Times/Washington Post 12/6/2000)
- UN
mediator: Palestinians suffering extreme
(Ha'aretz 12/21/2001)
- UN
employees send Israel protest petition
Ha'aretz (from Reuters), December 4, 2002
"A group of 64 UN workers based in Israel, the West Bank and Gaza Strip issued a petition on Tuesday calling on Israel to stop what they said has been the harassment, beating and killing of United Nations staff."
South Africa's ICJ Genocide case against Israel over Gaza War (PDF)
Launched December 28, 2023. Includes detailed documentation of the crimes of the Jewish state of "Israel" vs the Palestinians.
Anatomy of a Genocide
Report of the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967, Francesca Albanese. Released by the UN on March 24, 2024.
"One of the key findings is that Israel’s executive and military leadership and soldiers have intentionally distorted jus in bello principles, subverting their protective functions, in an attempt to legitimize genocidal violence against the Palestinian people."
The report can also be read here as PDF (Advance unedited version, A/HRC/55/73).
UN’s Navi Pillay: Israel has ‘no intention of ending occupation’
Interview in Al Jazeera English, . The chair of the UN Commission of Inquiry discusses findings on "unlawful occupation of Palestinian Territory". Navi Pillay is a former anti-Apartheid activist from South Africa so she knows what she's talking about!
BREAKING - UN says 88 staff killed ‘highest’ UN deaths ‘ever’ in ‘single
The UN has said that 88 UNRWA staff have been killed in Gaza, the “highest number” of “UN fatalities ever recorded in a single conflict”, in a rare joint statement. Al Jazeera English, . The number of killed has since passed the 250-mark!
WHO chief says he didn’t know if he’d survive Israeli airstrike on Sanaa
The Times of Israel, December 28, 2024.
WHO Director-General Tedros Ghebreyesus under Israeli fire(!), "said the explosions that rocked the building were so deafening that his ears were still ringing more than a day later".
- Israel
snubs 'hostile' UN
By Phil Reeves (Independent 02/11/2001)
- Face to Face
With the Victims of
State-Sponsored Israeli Terror at Qana
By Kate Seelye (Washington Report 07/1996). "The U.N. report, whose release on May 6 greatly angered both the Israeli and American ambassadors to the U.N. because it suggested that the artillery attack was not a mistake, said that eight shells aimed at the center of the Fijian camp had proximity fuses. The majority of shells that fell outside the camp, near the site of earlier Hezbollah mortar firing, were impact-fused rounds which are better for destroying equipment. This made it `improbable,' according to the U.N. report prepared by a Dutch military officer, that the two types of rounds were fired in random order as the Israel Defense Forces later claimed."
- Israeli
Bomb Hits UN School for 400 Blind Children
Telegraph (UK), March 3, 2002
- Zionist Jews' assassination of Swedish
Count Folke Bernadotte
Folke Bernadotte from Sweden's Royal Family was on a U.N. peace mission! The man behind the assassination, Jewish terrorist Yitzhak Shamir of the infamous Stern Gang, afterwards became Israel's Prime Minister!
Count Bernadotte Assassination by Zionist Gangs: 17 September 1948
By Ghada Sharqawy (Al-Ahram 09/17/1998)
Israeli guerrillas admit they killed U.N. envoy in 1948
(NYT service 09/12/1988).
Details of The Assassination of Count Bernadotte
By David Hirst (Excerpts from "The Gun and the Olive Branch", 1977)
- From the Winston Smith Ministry of Truth Archive:
1972: Holocaust denial at the UN - Palestinian Christian, Issa Nakhleh, head of the the Arab Higher Committee for Palestine
Classic piece of Ho£ocaust denial - 1973, U.N. Security Council: "Arabian Ambassador Terms Nazi Holocaust as ‘Fiction’"
During the Six Days War in 1967 the invading Israeli army
even massacred Indian UN troops (14 Indians killed, 21 wounded, 19
Mrs Indira Gandhi called these Israeli attacks
"deliberate and without provocation", and asked the House to
"unreservedly condemn this cowardly attack" (see "India
in the Middle East", by Prithvi Ram Mudiam, p. 166).
Note: More on the UN and the war on Iraq can be read in our
section on Iraq.
More on Jewish power / Israeli influence in the World:
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United Nations | E.U. | |