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Sunday, 18 November 2012

How to get to Ilya Ehrenburg Street

I'm indebted to a commentator on my blog, who taught me that there's an Ilya Ehrenburg Street (Ilja-Ehrenburg-Straße) in Rostock, Northern Germany (map). One of the roads on the same estate is called Pablo Picasso Street (Pablo-Picasso-Straße), after the "artist", whose sketch of Ehrenburg appears on his gravestone. 

Road signs in Elya Ehrenburg Street are often subjected to vandalism. The Rostock Peace Alliance has called for measures to protect road signs and the residents(!) of Ilya Ehrenburg Street. Perhaps they might get some inspiration from Ehrenburg's writing about what to do with the vandals:

In his 1943 book The War Ehrenburg wrote (the same appeared on a leaflet distributed to Soviet troops):
The Germans are not human beings. From now on the word German means to us the most terrible oath. From now on the word German strikes us to the quick. We shall not speak any more. we shall not get excited. We shall kill. If you have not killed at least one German a day, you have wasted that day. ... If you cannot kill your German with a bullet, kill him with your bayonet. If there is calm on your part f the front, or if you are waiting for the fighting, kill a German in the meantime. If you leave a German alive, the German will hang a Russian and rape a Russian woman. If you kill one German, kill another — there is nothing more amusing for us than a heap of German corpses. Do not count days, do not count versts. Count only the number of Germans killed by you. Kill the German — that is your grandmother's request. Kill the German — that is your child's prayer. Kill the German — that is your motherlands's loud request. Do not miss. Do not let through. Kill. 

Ehrenburg wrote in an article during the Soviet advance into Germany:
Germany is a witch ... We are in Germany. German towns are burning, I am happy ...
The Germans have no souls ... An English statesman said that the Germans were our brethren. No! it is blasphemy to include the child-murderers among the family of nations ...
Not only divisions and armies are advancing on Berlin. All the trenches, graves and ravines filled with the corpses of the innocents are advancing on Berlin, all the cabbages of Maidanek and all the trees of Vitebsk on which the Germans hanged so many unhappy people. The boots and shoes and the babies' slippers of those murdered and gassed at Maidanek are marching on Berlin. The dead are knocking on the doors of the Joachimsthaler Strasse, of the Kaiserallee, of Unter den Linden and all the other cursed streets of that, cursed city. ...
We shall put up gallows in Berlin ... An icy wind is sweeping along the streets of Berlin. But it is not the icy wind, it is terror that is driving the Germans and their females to the west ... 800 years ago the Poles and Lithuanians used to say: "We shall torment them in heaven as they tormented us on earth". . . Now our patrols stand outside the castles of the Teutonic Knights at Allenstein, Osterode, Marienburg ...
We shall forget nothing. As we advance through Pomerania, we have before our eyes the devastated, blood-drenched countryside of Belorussia ...
Some say the Germans from the Rhine are different from the Germans on the Oder. I don't know that we should worry about such fine points. A German is a German everywhere. The Germans have been punished, but not enough. They are still in Berlin. The Führer is still standing, and not hanging. The Fritzes are still running, but not lying dead. Who can stop us now? General Model? The Oder? The Volkssturm? No, it's too late. Germany, you can now whirl round in circles, and burn, and Germany, you can now whirl round in circles, and burn, and howl in your deathly agony; the hour of revenge has struck!

After visiting Soviet-occupied East Prussia, Ehrenburg wrote:
"The Niezschean supermen are whining. They are a cross between a jackal and a sheep. They have no dignity ... A Scottish army chaplain, a liberated prisoner-of-war, said to me: 'I know how the Germans treated their Russian prisoners in 1941 and 1942. I can only bow to your generosity now.'"

An article Ehrenburg published on October 19, 1944 states:
This young Europe has long known that the best Germans are dead Germans ... The problem the Russian and the Poles were probably trying to decide was what was best to kill the Germans with—axes or clubs. They are not interested in a reforming the inhabitants ... They are interested in reducing their numbers.

On February 23, 1945 Ehrenbugh's wrote in Krasnaya Zvezda
Last autumn the Volkssturm was formed in East Prussia as it was all over Germany. The Germans lauded it at length as a formidable force. Actually, the Volkssturm is a wretched farce. They are navvies, not soldiers. ... They are just cannon fodder, and apparently the sole historic mission of the Volkssturm, as I see it, is a humble but worthy one—to reduce the population of Germany.

On April 12, 1945 Ehrenbugh's article Khvatit (Enough) appeared in Krasnaya Zvezda:
Germany is dying miserably, without pathos or dignity, ... Let us remember the pompous parades, the Sportpalast in Berlin, where Hitler use to roar that he was going to conquer the world. Where is he now? In what hole? He has led Germany to a precipice, and now he prefers not to show himself. ... Germany does not exist; there is only a colossal gang. ... German women are losing fur coats and spoons that had been stolen.

"There was a big slogan painted up in our canteen, "Have you killed a German yet? Then kill him!" We were strongly influenced by Ehrenburg's appeals and we had a lot to take revenge for. The hatred was so great that it was difficult to control the soldiers." 
— Cypherene with the 1st Belorussian Front source


  1. Was Pablo Picasso a Jew? I read something about him being a Jew a few days ago. Can you cite a reliable source about his Jewish origins?

    1. No, no I can't. I just thought he was Jewish for some reason. Stupid of me not to have checked before writing it. So I've deleted it now.

      Although the comment of 'Anonymous 19 November 2012 04:06' is interesting.

  2. In May 2010 Angela Merkel followed an invitation to Moscow to celebrate the victory over Germany and see the traditional military parade. It is really worth to check out this photo:;jsessionid=D39D9BDF9544B4DADD691BE336DA9671.s2t1?__blob=poster.
    If Helmut Kohl´s ex-wife Hannelore wouldn´t have committed suicide in 2001, Merkel could have asked to join her on her trip to moscow. Mrs. Kohl was several times liberated with the usual procedure by Ehrenburg´s soviet heros. She has been 12 years old.

    1. Poor woman. I mean Hannelore of course, not Merkel.

      And to think, we're "evil" for having sympathy for her, instead of, say, Vera Alexander, who saw Mengele stitch two twins together at Birkenau.

    2. .from the delightful Vera s testimony at the trial Of Eichmann " I was put into the Revier. What my illness was - I don’t know. I was there for some days. Several days later, a nurse took me out of there. I myself did not feel that I had recovered, and I wanted to go back. Towards evening I went in through the cellar, and I saw, all around, women seated against the walls. Amongst them, I recognized several women from my home town. I wanted to speak to them, but the moment I approached them I saw that they were dead. " ...she has been watching too many hammer Horror movies. Rigor mortis would prevent a corpse adopting a sitting position.
      A. There was a set of twins, Gypsies, whom he took away one day from the block where I was - that was the Zigeunerlager - the Gypsy camp. Some days later, he returned them, with veins in their arms and their backs sewn together.

      Presiding Judge: I did not understand that.

      Attorney General: He sewed them.

      Presiding Judge: Sewed the veins together?

      Witness Alexander: Yes.


    3. Vera was shown some cartoons during her testimony, which were supposedly drawn in the 1940s. But clearly the artist had been inspired by something on television in November 1960.

  3. Here once again the link to Merkel-Photo in Moscow. The link above has a dot to much.;jsessionid=D39D9BDF9544B4DADD691BE336DA9671.s2t1?__blob=poster

  4. Whether Picasso was Jewish is unclear but he certainly was part of the wave of artists who worked in the early part of the 20th century to undermine the traditional art of centuries. He also painted the famed propaganda picture Guernica in 1937. This begs the question, why did the Germans not put an end to Picasso when they had an ideal opportunity to do so?

    Picasso despite having anarchist sympathies and being the painter of Guernica was certainly unmolested during the occupation of Paris between 1940 and 1944. Arno Breker, Hitler's favourite sculptor, denied ever interceding with the Germans on Picasso's behalf, but it seems likely that someone, somewhere, may have been protecting him during the Occupation. Because of Picasso's fame, the authorities may have thought it wise not to make him a martyr. Considering the international embarrassment that Picasso appears to have caused the Germans, if such a decision had been made, it would almost certainly have first been referred back to Hitler.

    Picasso's decision to sit out the Occupation despite the evident dangers has never been satisfactorily explained......
    Many other artists were happy to lend their services to the Axis war effort; although this has been swept under the carpet. The singer Edith Piaf can be seen giving concerts for axis forces in Paris if one watches Frecnh newsreels of the time. She later invented the story of being in the "French resistance"

  5. Pablo Picasso's life-long art dealer Daniel-Henry Kahnweiler (right), meets Arno Breker's editor Joe F. Bodenstein in Paris. Kahnweiler was a Jew who grew up in Germany. He knew Arno Breker since 1927, and has cooperated with Breker's Jewish art dealer Alfred Flechtheim in Berlin until 1932. In 1970, the newcomer Joe F. Bodenstein continued the tradition of Flechtheim after the "Third Reich." Breker gave Bodenstein the exclusive copyright to represent his works worldwide. The friendly relations between Bodenstein and Kahnweiler continued up to the death of Picasso's art dealer in Paris.

  6. In Berlin´s Karl-Marx-Allee there is also an espresso bar named "Ehrenburg". In Berlin were estimated at least 100.000 women of all ages raped by Ehrenburg´s heros.


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