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Sunday, 25 November 2012

Proving Auschwitz, disproves Majdanek

This is a picture of a gas-tight door (more photos) which was found by Soviet investigators in the material yards (Bauhof) of Auschwitz I in 1945, and has ever since been passed off as a gas chamber door on one of the four Auschwitz II (Birkenau) crematoria/gas chambers, although Defenders of the Faith have never specified which one.

Jean-Claude Pressac wrote of this door:

"... a gas-tight door which certainly belonged to a homicidal gas chamber in one of the four Birkenau Krematorien. The proof of its criminal use is the presence of a heavy hemispherical grid PROTECTING THE PEEPHOLE ON THE INSIDE."

Liar by omission Daniel Keren wrote of the door picture above:

"... a door which probably belonged to an extermination gas chamber was discovered in the camp's building yard; it is massive, and reinforced with iron bars. Furthermore, the small peephole is protected from the inside with a strong metal grid, probably installed so the victims would not break the glass in the peephole."

The inept Deborah Lipstadt claimed of homicidal gas chamber doors at Auschwitz II (Birkenau):

"the doors had a metal grille over the peephole on the inside of the door - to protect the glass from being broken from within ..."

The confused Justice Gray judged at the Irving vs. Penguin & Lipstadt trial:

"Moreover, there would have been no need for a metal-protected, reinforced spy-hole if only corpses and metal objects were to be gassed (see paragraph 7.68 above)."

Exaggerating former sonderkommando Henryk Tauber supposedly claimed in May 1945, of the gas chamber door in Crematorium II at Auschwitz II (Birkenau):
"At about head height for an average man this door had a round glass peephole. On the other side of the door, i.e. on the gas chamber side, this opening was protected by a hemispherical grid. This grid was fitted because the people in the gas chamber, feeling they were going to die, used to break the glass of the peep-hole. But the grid still did not provide sufficient protection and similar incidents recurred."
Tauber reveals that he knew, strangely, that the gas chamber door (pictured above) had been found by the Soviets:
"The dismantling of the Auschwitz Krematorien began in autumn 1944. The parts were taken to the goods platform and loaded onto trains. Part of the material was left in Auschwitz, where it is still to be found in the place where building materials were stored, known as the “Bauhof” (builder's yard) in Auschwitz I. The Germans did not succeed in shipping everything, being in such a hurry to flee. To be found there are ... a gas-tight door from a gas chamber,"

Carlo Mattogno, the world's leading expert on Auschwitz, has soberly pointed out about the claim by Defenders of the Faith, that a door with a peep hole, covered by a wire guard on the inside of the door, is proof that it must have belonged to a homicidal gas chamber:
"As far as the door with the metal protection is concerned, Pressac himself presents photographs showing the door (photo above, more) of the disinfestation chamber of the so-called “Kanada 1” section of the camp (BW28, delousing and storage barracks, pp. 46-49). This door had a round inspection opening with a metal grid on the inside which obviously protected also the glass. Hence, we can see that protection of the peep-hole on the inside also applied to a normal disinfestation plant."

In their attempts to prove the lie that a million people were gassed at Auschwitz, Defenders of the Faith have inadvertently further exposed the lie of the gas chambers at "death camp" Majdanek. We're expected to believe that at Auschwitz, the Germans insisted on using gas chambers doors that featured metal grids/grilles on the inside of the doors, which protected the peep holes from being broken by the victims being gassed. Whilst at Majdanek, the homicidal gas chamber doors had the metal peep hole grids/grilles on the outside, meaning the victims were free to attempt to break the peep hole glass.

It was originally claimed by the Soviets, that there were seven homicidal gas chambers at Majdanek, but that number since been whittled down to just two. I will post more on the shrinking number of Majdanek gas chambers another time, but here I just want to concentrate on the doors, the peep holes, and the metal grids/grilles of the two remaining homicidal gas chambers.

This is Block 41 (right) at Majdanek, which stood near to the entrance gate to the Majdanek camp, it along with Block 42 (left), were delousing buildings. At the rear of Block 41, are the two "gas chambers," although this building once housed three, possibly four, of the seven homicidal gas chambers that the Soviets claimed the Nazis had at Majdanek.

This is the rear of Block 41 (enlarged photo). The door on the right (Door A) opens into the larger of the gas chambers, which also has a second door inside of Block 41 (see below). The door on left (Door B), isn't explained currently by the Majdanek museum, it may once have been the door for one of the 5 lost gas chambers of Majdanek.

This is a photo (enlarged) of the peep hole on Door A, as you can see, the glass is on the inside.

This is a photo (enlarged) of the peep hole on Door B, it appears that the glass has been broken on this one.

This photo (enlarged) was taken inside Block 41, and this door (Door C) is the aforementioned second door to the larger gas chamber (photo of larger gas chamber).  

This photo (enlarged) is the peep hole on the inside of Door C, again with the glass on the inside.

This photo (enlarged) is of the peep hole on the outside of Door C. The metal grid/grille is on the wrong-side to protect the glass from the victims being gassed.

This is a photo (enlarged) to the entrance to the smaller gas chamber (photo of smaller gas chamber), which is the door on the right (Door D). The doorway on the left, leads to the very small SS room, where the bottled carbon-monoxide, used to kill Jews in the gas chambers, was operated. In the small gas chamber, Zyklon B, dropped through the hole in the roof, was also used to gas Jews. Oddly, the smaller gas chamber has no Prussian Blue staining, whilst the larger gas chamber (which has no hole in the roof) has it in abundance.

This photo (enlarged) is of the peep hole on the inside of Door D. As you can see, the glass was on the inside, and has been broken, although this doesn't mean it was broken by a Jew being gassed.


  1. Eager For Answers27 November 2012 01:48

    Black Rabbit, you did escape almost certain death while visiting this building; the strong metal grid protecting the lamp on the ceiling is proof mass extermination is conducted in this very place.

    1. "I managed to make a hole in the back of the gas chamber and escape".

      That's a good spot Eager. I've since spotted more of those lamps with strong metal grids on two of the other photos.

      It truly was a miracle I survived. I'll have to pen some memoirs, and find myself a publisher.

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