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Saturday, 21 April 2012

HC BST: Chapter 5

"The use of engine exhaust for mass murder had also been exemplified since 8 December 1941 in Chelmno, where Warthegau officials stationed several gas vans employing such means to gas thousands of Jews. ... Of course, there were other gaseous methods accessible to Nazi officials to use in order to poison unwanted persons. For the Auschwitz camp staff, the newly available cyanide-based pesticide Zyklon-B presented itself as a suitable method to dispose of the increasing number of Soviet prisoners of war, sick prisoners, and Jewish laborers who were “unfit for work.”" (p.283) 
No explanation of how the Zyklon B gas vans evolved then?
"A transport van for prisoners was fitted up in such a way that "Cyklon B" could be introduced at the same time. This van picked up prisoners at Mauthausen concentration camp. gassed them on the way unloaded them at the crematorium at Gusen, and, on the return journey, picked up prisoners at Gusen, again gassed them on the journey and took them to the crematorium at Mauthausen."
- PS-499 and Green Series Vol.5. p.1137/8.
And considering it was Mauthausen, the Cyklon B would have had to have been on a "hot brick" when it was placed in the van, as was the gassing procedure there.

"While this testimony was provided nearly three decades after the event (with the profound impact such a time can have on one’s memory)," (p.288)
Well, isn't that odd, on page 230, footnote 403, HC rely on testimony provided nearly six decades after the event, without voicing any such qualms. 

It is also likely that the old wooden gas chambers had been tarnished by the sweat, blood, urine, and excrement of the many thousands of gas chamber victims.74"
74 Schelvis, Sobibor, p.103. (p.292)
The cited source, on page 148, states that the Nazi "experts" in stains, brought in to examine an irremovable stain on the gas chamber floorboards, deduced that it had been caused by the blood of child birth, mixing with poison gas (exhaust fumes from a previously diesel, now petrol engine). Also HC left out, the fragments of ears, cheeks and hands embedded in the floorboards. Strange that HC controversies always seem to purge the more ghoulish/ridiculous parts of the eyewitness evidence.

"Jan Sulkowski ... testified about his experience in constructing the new (Treblinka) gas chambers:
SS men said it was to be a bath. Only later on, when the building was almost completed, I realized that it was to be a gas chamber. What was indicative of it was a special door of thick steel, insulated with rubber, twisted with a bolt and placed in an iron frame, ...
While the door was more likely to be wooden with steel accessories and components rather steel," (p.296) 
He clearly indicates it was the door that made him realise it was a gas chamber! Another Jew who also built the new Treblinka gas chambers, also stated that it was a metal door. But this quote doesn't make it into HC BST even though he is discussed, and his his memoirs are quoted at length in their book:
"The chambers were connected with the corridor by a hermetically fitted iron door leading into each of the chambers." Yankel Wiernik
What motives did HC have in dismissing the testimony of two men who claim the gas chamber doors were metal? If we apply HC's petrol/diesel engine methodology, these two men had better knowledge than any other survivors or Nazis/Trawnikis, as they actually built the new chambers. Amusingly, 10 pages later, HC write:
"While Mattogno criticizes Wiernik for failing to provide for an exhaust vent, they quote the relevant testimony from Wiernik in the same book. Such sloppiness is inexcusable." (p.306)
It is within that very same paragraph, that Wiernik states the gas chamber door was an iron door. Such sloppiness would be inexcusable, but more likely, it was another deliberate omission.  

"Samuel Willenberg recorded that he viewed a pile of clothing some ten meters high in the sorting yard, with thousands of other objects lying all around." (p.300)
They could have gone with Treblinka escapee Samuel Rajzman's believable "... enormous piles, sometimes 9 feet high, of clothing and shoes." But instead went with the ludicrous 10 metre tall pile of his fellow escapee Samuel Willenberg. Perhaps HC feels this excuses them from even mentioning Kurt Gerstein's "veritable mounds of clothing and underwear, 115 to 130 feet high." But they have included the standard Gerstein disclaimer on page 331 "... exaggeration, something Gerstein was prone to in his accounts." 

"166 Pohl to Himmler, 6.2.1943, NO-1257: “women's hair 1 car  3,000 kg” " (p.314)
MAXWELL-FYFE:  ... it took 5 minutes extra to kill the women because they had to have their hair cut off as it was to be used for making mattresses. Was nothing ever told you about this accretion to German material, which came from the effects of these people who were murdered? 
GOERING: No, and how can you imagine this? I was laying down the broad outlines for the German economy, and that certainly did not include the manufacture of mattresses from women's hair or the utilization of old shoes and clothes.
- IMT  March 21, 1946. Blue Series V.9 p.612
Auschwitz survivor Bernhard Lauber testified at the 4th Nuremberg Military Tribunal April 11, 1947:
All the clothing was assembled in the so-called material camp and from there it was sorted out and loaded on trains, and called "presents for Pohl."
- NMT Green Series Vol. 5, p.650
"There should be a charge of RM —.50 for each kg of hair."
- Maurer to main camps, 4.1.1943, PS-3680 
So the 400 kg of hair from Treblinka to the Paul Reimann Company (p.314), would have netted the Reich, RM—200.00, approximately $500.00, worth $6,676.69 in 2012! 
And what were the "Hair cutting machines" the Germans stole from the Jews?
- Maurer to Himmler, 13.5.1943, NO-2003 
"... the hairdresser, who cuts off their hair in one or two strokes, after which it vanished into huge potato bags 'to be used for special submarine equipment, door mats, etc.', as the SS Unterscharfuehrer on duty told me."
- Kurt Gerstein 
"Note should be made of Glücks’ August 6, 1942 directive to several concentration camps ordering the hair of concentration camp prisoners was to be put to use if it met a specified length requirement. The hair was to be made into industrial felt, or spun into yarn. Gluck specified the use of the hair as follows: “Out of combed and cut hair of women, hair-yarn socks for U-boat crews are to be made, as well as hair-felt stockings for employees of the Reich railways.” USSR-511; IMT Vol. XX, p.353." (p.314)
What a coincidence it is, that "socks for U-boat crews" also featured in an unquestionably genuine German document regarding the use of hair, captured by the Allies at Himmler's Alpine villa during the winter of 1944-5

"We also find it unlikely for the breakdown to have occurred, as it was emphatically denied by Pfannenstiel, who clearly stated to have seen the engine." (p.324)
HC mention (p.331) that Gerstein had a tendency to exaggerate in his accounts, but here they are accusing him of completely fabricating an entire event, one which he detailed in minutiae:
After two hours and 49 minutes - the stop watch has registered everything well - the diesel starts.
Unfortunately HC don't share their opinion on why they believe Gerstein lied, his reason for doing so and the implications of this.

"Globocnik was also eager to destroy as many documents related to the camps as he could, writing to Himmler in January 1944 that "all vouchers should be destroyed as soon as possible, as has been done in the case of all other documents pertaining to this operation (Reinhard)."" (p.334)
"In the case of the Aktion Reinhard camps, the destruction of files is a documented fact, as we know from Odilo Globocnik's final report on Aktion Reinhard to Heinrich Himmler." (p.25)
Strange, ironic even, that Globocnik's letter to Himmler January 5, 1943, his "final report on Aktion Reinhard", which states all documents pertaining to Aktion Reinhard should be destroyed, wasn't itself destroyed. Has anyone (outside the 75% Jewish staff of the Nuremberg trials) ever seen the original letter known as 4024-PS?

"... reasons that precluded excavations in the mass grave areas at Belzec, i.e. concerns of religious Jews about what they considered a desecration of the dead." (p.338) 
This excuse has been exposed as a lie. Jews regularly "desecrate" the graves of their dead:
Achuzat Kever helps Jewish families, worldwide, bring their loved ones to their final resting place in Israel. We also arrange exhumations anywhere in the world for the purpose of transferring the mortal remains to Israel.
And they'll "desecrate" graves for monetary gain:
If it is believed that valuables have fallen into the earth that was used to fill in the grave.
A plethora of examples of Jews "desecrating" Jewish graves and this being in full accord of Talmudic Law can easily be shown

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