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Saturday, 21 April 2012

HC BST: Chapter 4

"An analogy would be to study and cite American news reports during the run-up to the 2003 invasion of Iraq in the period of 2002 and early 2003; of course one might well conclude from the reports that weapons of mass destruction existed in Iraq at the time of the invasion." (p.244)
In August 1920, Lev Kamenev, a Bolshevik diplomat visiting London on official business, sent a telegram addressed to Lenin in Moscow, which was intercepted and deciphered by British intelligence. The telegram stated that Kamenev had paid £40,000.00 to the Daily Herald (today known as The Sun, Britain's best selling "newspaper"), and a further payment of £10,000.00 would be made shortly.
- Gilbert, Martin. Winston S. Churchill, Volume IV 1917-1922. Heinemann; London. 1975. pp.423-424.
"Your cooperation is therefore earnestly sought to distract public attention from the doings of the Red Army by your wholehearted support of various charges against the Germans and Japanese which have been and will be put into circulation by the Ministry."
- British Ministry of Information, letter to the BBC, February 29, 1944
The MSM is not impartial: 
“I have always believed in the future of Israel and the goals of the international Jewish community,”
- Rupert Murdoch, speech at the Museum of Jewish Heritage's Fifth Annual Heritage Dinner at the Waldorf-Astoria NYC, April 29, 2001, as quoted in 15 Minutes Magazine July 2001 (Issue 26).
And has clearly been bribed, and has knowingly spread lies about enemy nations. But HC could have done better and cited some specific examples. Certain sections of the media undoubtedly pushed the case for war against Iraq, but the claim Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction was made repeatedly by the upper echelons of both the United States and British governments, therefore many of the unspecified articles to which HC refer, would undoubtedly have been based on government claims. Reports in the media are not definitive proof, but the analogy HC make fails, as media reports of Jews being evacuated into Russia, were not the result of a propaganda campaign by a elements within the US government that sought regime change in an oil rich country. 
More examples from the press about Nazi and Soviet evacuations of Jews:

"Hundreds of thousands of Jews evacuated from various sections of Nazi-occupied Russia have been settled throughout the Soviet Union where they have the possibilities of continuing their lives as "Soviet citizens and Jews," it was stated today by Jacob Sternberg, Soviet-Jewish writer who recently returned from a tour of many of the regions where the Jews have been settled."
- Jewish Telegraph Agency, July 23, 1942 
"One million, eight hundred thousand Jews were saved by evacuation into the interior of the Soviet Union."
- The Sunday Morning Star - Aug 29, 1943, p.21 
"Nazis deport Greek Jews to Spain"
- Jewish Western Bulletin, March 3, 1944. p.1. 
Rabbi Simon Efrati of Bendery (Bessarabia) was deported to Sibera by the Soviets, but was appointed chief rabbi of Warsaw after the Soviets liberated/occupied Poland.

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- David Ben-Gurion, Israeli Prime Minister

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