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Sunday, 29 April 2012

HC BST: Conclusion

Mattogno's obsession with "the 'converging' testimonial evidence for the Auschwitz 4 million victim figure" ignores the fact that Höss gave lower figures. 4
4 Höss affidavit, 20.5.46, NI-034. (p.519)
Hoess did indeed give lower figures, but not in the Nuremberg document HC have incorrectly cited. In Nuremberg documents NO-1210, 3868-PS and NI-034, Hoess gave exactly the same figures i.e. 2,500,000 gassed and 500,000 killed by starvation and disease, just during his tenure as Auschwitz commandant. Hoess' lower figures were given at his trial, in his memoirs, and posthumously credited to him at the 1961 Eichmann trial by US Army psychologist Gustav Gilbert. Gilbert hadn't bothered mentioning them in his 1947 book Nuremberg Diaries, instead he claimed Hoess had confessed to him personally, in his prison cell, that he had exterminated 2,500,000 Jews. Gilbert was "economical with the actualité", but that's a different story.

"... opponents such as ourselves who deal with the evidence in good faith?" (p.520)
See Nick Terry's handling of Nuremberg document NO-482 on p.232, or my comments here, to see HC's idea of "good faith."

"The attempt to poison the well by blaming the Soviet investigators for effectively hoaxing mass graves ignores the fact that western journalists were shown human remains at Babi Yar, Klooga and near Majdanek, and a huge store of plundered property in Lublin." (p.520)
It wasn't just journalists given the official tour around "Majdanek museum." Paddy Costello, the New Zealand diplomat, suspected communist spy, father of halachically Jewish children, the man who ensured Raul Hilberg's often cited Auschwitzer Oleg Lengyel made it to Paris (via Lublin and Odessa), he too went on the guided tour of Majdanek. He accepted a "2,000,000" death toll given by the Majdanek museum's director for just that one camp, the figure which appears in his March 26, 1945 report, alongside a 6,000,000 figure for Auschwitz, and the tale of the new-born babies being thrown into boxes to die, then cremated en masse when the boxes were full.
- McNeish, James. The Sixth Man: The Extraordinary Life of Paddy Costello. London: Quartet Books. 2008. p.313-318 & 166
It has been indisputably proven that the Soviets committed acts of genocide, then blamed it on the Germans (USSR-54), and the Bolshevik's murderous behaviour in Europe was predicted by the British government in February 1944. Soviet propagandists showing journalists corpses, in territory where the Soviets had been slaughtering civilians and raping children for several months, could not be accepted at face-value by any conscientious historian. 

"Sobibor also has unsourced speculation by Graf that Zionists were "unhesitatingly prepared to sacrifice hundreds of thousands of their own brethren." The same page then blames Zionists for "firing up" German anti-Jewish feeling in 1933." (p.522)
"If I knew that it would be possible to save all the children in Germany by bringing them over to England and only half of them by transporting them to Eretz Israel, then I opt for the second alternative."
- David Ben Gurion, addressing a conference of Labour Zionists in the UK, 1938
No lesser figures than Samuel Untermyer on August 6th, 1933, Rabbi Edward L. Israel on November 20, 1938, and Heinrich Brüning in 1948, all claimed that Hitler (a "Messenger of God" to some Zionists) had been, or was being financed by Jews. A charge Hitler successively refuted in court during 1923, winning himself, ironically, 6,000,000 marks in the process! If financing an anti-Semitic political party wasn't "firing up" German anti-Jewish feeling, then what was? The Nazis and Zionists shared a common goal:
"The political Zionists ... they call upon Jews to leave Europe and to found a state of their own; preferably in Palestine,"
- Public Opinion, 1897
"Zionist groups themselves estimated their own strength at only 1 or 2 percent of the country's Jews. The Zionist concept was anathema to the overwhelming majority ... In 1933, then, Zionism in Germany was a mere fringe movement."
- Edwin Black, 1984
"It would be an excellent idea to call in respectable, accredited anti-Semities as liquidators of property. ... The anti-Semities will become our most dependable friends, the anti-Semitic countries our allies."
- Theodor Herlz's diary, June 12, 1895

" ... accusing Jews of using Christian blood in their rituals." (p.522)
No-one can seriously claim to prove or disprove what every Jew over the last 1000 years, has or hasn't done. But the consumption by Jews, of circumcision blood (the "Water of Elijah" ritual) and swallowing freshly severed babies' prepuces (sometimes with honey) has been documented by numerous Jewish scholars, including Rabbi Jacob Moses Toledano, a minister in Ben Gurion's government, up-until very recent times.

"Mattogno is much more guarded in his statements but, in 2010, wrote an article on the Protocols of the Elders of Zion which stated that the "aspiration to world domination by the Jews... is already expressed explicitly" in rabbinical texts and constitutes "the very essence of Jewish messianism." (p.523)
Are HC contesting this claim, or accepting it's true? I found the prefect description of the above sentence, and I actually found it in HC's book.
"In fact, it would appear that he doesn't have an argument here, and is advancing what might be called the non-argument argument, whereby the mere act of quoting something is supposedly sufficient to prove a point that is not even outlined, much less explained." (p.59)
Voltaire would have agreed 100% with Mattogno's assertion, even as ellipsised and clipped by HC in their "non-argument argument."
"The Jews are distinguished among the nations by this—that their oracles are the only true ones, of which we are not permitted to doubt. These oracles, which they understand only in the literal sense, have a hundred times foretold to them that they should be masters of the world; yet they have never possessed anything more than a small corner of land, and that only for a small number of years, and they have not now so much as a village of their own. They must, then, believe, and they do believe, that their predictions will one day be fulfilled, and that they shall have the empire of the earth."
- Jews. - The Works of Voltaire, Vol. V (Philosophical Dictionary Part 3) [1764]
Is it now antisemitic to simply quote the Tanakh? (aka the 'Jewish Bible' & the 'Old Testament'): 
"Request of Me, and I will make nations your inheritance, and the ends of the earth your possession."
- Psalms 2:8
"the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed, nor will it be left to another people. It will crush all those kingdoms and bring them to an end, but it will itself endure forever."
- Daniel 2:44 (many, many more explicit examples can easily be shown)
Then of course there's the Midrashic texts: 
"I am the Lord who created heaven and earth. I will increase your numbers and multiply you very much. Kings will come from you, and they will rule wherever mankind has set foot. I will give your descendants all of the land that is beneath the sky. They will rule over all nations just as they wish. Afterwards, they will gain the entire earth, and they will possess it forever."
- Book of Jubilees 32:18-19
And the Gemara, as interpreted by the American Jewish Congress, not noted as typical antisemites: 
"Still, the Talmud retains three dimensions of the messianic ideal—Israel will be triumphant, all-conquering: "when the Messiah comes, all will be slaves to Israel" (Eruvin 43b)."
- Judaism Vol. 32, (1983)
"Thus Israel should hope for the redemption, because it will be a day of light to them: but why should the Gentiles, seeing that for them it will be a day of darkness"
- Sanhedrin 98b
"... as it is written (Haggai 2:8), The Silver is mine, and the gold is mine, saith the Lord of Hosts. He has long since given them to us,"
- Sanhedrin 103b
"[The Rabbis] wished to store away all the silver and gold in the world on account of the silver and gold [plundered from the Sanctuary] of Jerusalem!"
- Avodah Zarah 52b
And of course, there's the small fact that prominent Jews keep claiming they will conquer, control, and rule the world. 1 2 3

"The idea that conspiracy theorists "live in their own world" thus is not simply criticism of their mental capacity, but also a statement sufficiently describing reality and historical events as they are typically understood by conspiracy theorists." (p.524)
Jonathan Harrison, the author of this chapter (I believe*) and seemingly the nightwatchman of the HC team, doesn't share the parametres of who exactly qualifies a "conspiracy theorist" in his theorising. He does of course include "Holocaust deniers" ("Jewish newspeak"), but presumably he would also include:
Benjamin Disraeli (secret societies plot to destroy constitutional governments and Christianity)
Woodrow Wilson (US government is dominated by a small group of powerful men)
Winston Churchill (Jewish Bolshevism and Jewish plot for word domination)
Franklin D. Roosevelt (financial institution have owned US government see mid-19th century)
Bertrand Russell (Jewish Bolshevism and JFK assassination)
Richard Nixon (Jews control main stream media)
Spiro Agnew (Jews control main stream media)
Legislatures of Michigan and Delaware (world government threat)
Michael Meacher (Bush administration had foreknowledge of 9/11 attack)
Robin Cook (Al-Qaeda originated as the name of a CIA database) 
I'm clearly not making the case for any of these positions, therefore the predictable response of argumentum ad verecundiam would be misplaced. I'm merely pointing out who HC's Jonathan Harrison would consider to be a "conspiracy theorist" and possess(ed) a "mental capacity" inferior to his own. We can surely expected great things from Mr Harrison seeing that he has such a fine mind (knowledge of basic Nuremberg documents, the obvious exception, see top of page). As Chancellor Palpatine said to a young Darth Vader, "we will watch your career with great interest." 
* When I noted HC BST error of the contents of NI-034 (see top of page) on rodoh, it was Harrison who responded aggressively by ignoring the error and insisting there's no connection between the numerous testimonies which supported the original official Auschwitz 4 million death toll.

"The late Raul Hilberg once said, deniers "are like children who say: prove it! And so we must, prove it!" Hilberg could have added that deniers are asking historians to reinvent the wheel, because the Holocaust was already proven in the 1940s." (p.527)
Unfortunately for HC it's very unlikely Raul Hilberg would have said such a thing, seeing as he did say shortly before he died: "... yes, there was a Holocaust, which is, by the way, more easily said than demonstrated."


  1. "Mattogno is much more guarded in his statements but, in 2010, wrote an article on the Protocols of the Elders of Zion...."
    That is a completely false and distorting statement. Mattogno wrote a complete confutation of authenticity of Protocols in 1987. Here it is (sorry, I have only Italian)

  2. So every successive Mattogno's statement must be seen "only" starting from his honesty about protocols.(BTW Mattogno's brother is veeeeery expert in Talmud, Jews history etc, and wrote very good books....). I doubt that Carlo Mattogno said something not pondered on that issue.

  3. This is the complete article (3 parts)

  4. I read the

    It's complete garbage about "conspiracy theories". Just the opposite. Well, I'm open to consider whether Mattogno, Graf and Kues did the best research in the archives or not, as they hinted there. I have not the knowledge to dispute that. I know that, before Revisionists, no serious studies about cremations, gas chambers, diesel or not, wood or coal, how much, etc...was performed. That speaks aloud, IMHO about their honesty. Sry for my very bad English

  5. I read too
    Garbage. They even say non-jews (sic) when previously Mattogno explained goyim mean non-jews. Very poor people. You see the article here.

  6. Sry

  7. I see their quote pag 523

    I translate:
    The most serious anti-Jewish polemic has collected numerous quotations from the Talmud and other sources, from which we learn that the non-jew is treated as an animal; to him you must feed hatred and contempt, and even in some cases kill him. When will the Jewish Messiah, all the goyim idolaters shall be cut or subservient to Israel, which belongs by divine right to rule over all the peoples of the earth"

    1. Thanks a lot for that, particularly the translation.

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