The director of the Auschwitz Museum admitted in 1992 for all to hear. Please watch him say it.
"So after the liberation of the camp, the former gas chamber presented a view of [an] air [raid] shelter. In order to gain an earlier view ...earlier sight...of this object, the inside walls built in 1944 were removed and the openings in the ceiling were made anew. So now this gas chamber is very similar to this one which existed in 1941-1942, but not all details were made so there is no gas-tight doors, for instance, [and the] additional entrance from the east side rested [remained] as it was made in 1944. Such changes were made after the war in order to gain [the] earlier view of this object".
Dr. Franciszek Piper, Director of the Auschwitz Museum explains changes made to the Auschwitz "gas chamber" to David Cole (Jew).
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David Cole made a film on Auschwitz, and subsequently had a hit put out on him by a Jew named Irv Rubin (who years later, was arrested by the FBI for planning to kill a Lebanese-American Congressman.) Fearing assassination, Cole went into hiding. He never surfaced again publicly.
Interview in which director of Auschwitz admits gas chamber built by Soviets