Amazing article from The Jewish
Forward in April 2002
Rabbi Dov Fischer re-writes history
Jews won Gulf War One
"If we Jews are anything, we are a
people of history. From our first
patriarch to Israel's
precision-targeted destruction of
the Iraqi nuclear reactor in 1981,
which laid the foundation for a
successful Operation Desert Storm
and the rescue of Kuwait, our
history provides the strength to
know that we can be right and the
whole world wrong."
Europeans are all responsible
for Ho£ocaust, Jews persecuted
in Soviet Russia
"In the Middle Ages, the whole world
said that we use children's blood to
make matzo; we denied it. They
said that we poisoned the wells of
Europe, and we denied it. We were
right, and the whole world was
wrong. The Crusades. The blood
libels and Talmud burnings in
England and France, leading those
nations to expel Jews for centuries.
The Spanish and Portuguese
Inquisition. The ghettoes and the
Mortara case in Italy. Dreyfus in
France. Beilis in Russia and a
century's persecution of Soviet
Jewry. The Holocaust. Kurt Waldheim
in Austria. Each time, Europe stood
by silently — or actively
participated in murdering us — and
we alone were right, and the whole
world was wrong."
Europeans for 2000 years have
eaten food grown in Jew blood
fertilized soil
"Although we appreciate a
half-century of West European
democracy more than we appreciated
the prior millennia of European
brutality, we recognize who they
are, what they have done — and
what's what. We know, if they don't,
that they need Arab oil more than
they need Jewish philosophy and
creativity. We remember that the
food they eat is grown from soil
fertilized by 2,000 years of Jewish
blood they have sprinkled onto it.
Atavistic Jew-hatred lingers in the
air into which the ashes rose from
the crematoria. Finally, the best of
Europe truly are wracked by the
burdened conscience of what they,
their parents and their bubbes and
zeides did, or failed to do, in the
1940s. [...]
Yes, once again, we are right and
the whole world is wrong. It doesn't
change a thing, but after 25
centuries it's nice to know."