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Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Photo of Harry Waton, Jewish-Marxist-Kabbalist

After searching through several hundred newspapers, I finally managed to find a photograph of Dr. Harry Waton, the American Jewish Marxist and Kabbalist, who claimed "Judaism gave birth to Marxism", "Marxism will rule the world", "Jews have a right to subordinate to themselves the rest of mankind and to be the masters over the whole earth. Now, indeed, this is the historic destiny of the Jews", "Judaism is communism", and "Jews will conquer the world and the human race."
I knew that Waton was a prolific author, but I was shocked by how many lectures the man gave. The archives of the Marxist newspaper The New York Call, can be searched for free on the staggeringly brilliant New York newspaper archive In The New York Call, I found adverts for hundreds of lectures and classes in Marxism Waton gave, just a few are reproduced below, along with a couple of adverts for two of his many books.


  1. Another day and another brick in the wall.

    Your dedication and tireless endeavour are obvious for all see, my friend

  2. I am impressed by your original research. Most history books I read use the same quotes and references as all the rest of them as to differ from the line and "agenda" is not allowed. Only Irving goes searching in the archives but his contributions although worthwhile have diminished in quality in the last two decades.

    1. Thank you.

      Irving is a very gifted historian, even his enemies (the knowledgeable ones at least) admit it. I'd imagine his long awaited Himmler biography will be a huge seller, and will be eagerly read by all sides of 'the big H' debate immediately after it's published.

      But it seems very likely he'll stick to his theory that:
      - Some Jews were gassed at Auschwitz, not in the Kremas, but just the Bunkers
      - The Reinhard camps were extermination camps, where Jews were gassed, or shot
      - "millions", (but not six million) of Jews were deliberately murdered, mostly shot
      - Hitler knew nothing about it
      - It was all Himmler's doing

      His theory is no where near good enough for the Holocaust Industry approval, although it's a long way from being a "Holocaust denial" stance. But I'm sure he'll once again come up with documents and facts that, perhaps, would never otherwise be known. As no one, with the necessary skills and attitude, would ever go to the lengths he goes to to discover them, and then have the balls to publish and be damned, the way he does.

  3. Agreed on Irving; he is highly intelligent and yes indeed stubborn and eccentric and unlike Roberts or Beevor he does go looking in the archives. His theories as you say on the H are closed however and he chooses to believe that the Reinhard camps were massive extermination camps on the flimsiest of evidence which is open to many interpretations. (Of course no forensic evidence has ever been presented that Treblinka, Sobibor or Belzec were anything other that transit and delousing camps)

  4. Have you read his book "A program for the Jews and Humanity: An Answer to all anti-Semites"?


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