Britain's Prime Minister during most of
World War One, David Lloyd-George
"The moment the Russo-French
Pact was signed, no one
responsible for the security of
Germany could leave its most
important industrial province
without defence of any sort or
kind when—and here is a thing
which is never dwelt upon—France
had built the most gigantic fortifications ever
seen in any land, where, almost
100 feet underground, you could
keep an army of over 100,000 and
where you have guns that can
fire straight into Germany. Yet
the Germans are supposed to
remain without even a garrison,
without a trench. I am going to
say here that if Herr Hitler had
not taken some action with
regard to that—whether it is a
wise action or not I am not
going to argue and whether he
could have set it right by
negotiation or not I do not
know, but I am a little doubtful
having regard to the past—but if
Herr Hitler had allowed that to
go without protecting his
country he would have been a
traitor to the Fatherland."