Winston Smith Ministry of Truth Archive
[Note: As this is taken from an archived site, some links and videos below may not be working.]Wednesday, 13 July 2011
Death Camp: Sobibor's trap door
Once upon a time the story was, that Death Camp: Sobibor had a sortof trap door as the floor of it's gas chamber. And several witnessesstate that there was a "little train" into which the corpses fell.of the early accounts of the gas chamber trap door, and the little train intheir 2010 book: Sobibór: Holocaust Propaganda and Reality"Upon his signal, the gas was shut off, the floor was mechanically drawnapart, and the corpses fell below. There were carts in the cellar, and agroup of doomed men piled the corpses of the executed onto them."Ber Moiseyevich Freiberg, (former Sobibór detainee) 10 August 1944"the floor opened up automatically. The corpses fell into the car of a railwaywhich traversed the gas chamber and transported the corpses to the oven."Zelda Met (former Sobibór detainee) 1944 or 1945"once the people were dead, the floor opened up and they fell through"Ursula Ster (former Sobibór detainee) 1945"The floors open up and the dead bodies tumble down into small wagonsthat are standing ready below, in the ‘bath’s’ cellars. The full wagonsroll out quickly. Everything is organized in accordance with the lastword in German technology."Alexander Pechersk, (former Sobibór detainee) 1946"that trap doors were located in the gas chambers through which the corpses would fall."Chaim Engel (former Sobibór detainee) 1946"At his order the machinery which opened the floor of the ‘bathhouse’ was activated,and the corpses fell into small carts, which took them at first to mass graves."Moshe Bahir (former Sobibór detainee) c.1950"After some time, a buzzing sound would be heard, the floor opened up,and the victims fell into the deep hollow below and were conveyed inthis little train into the pit where the eighty men of Camp 3 wereworking, and they burned the bodies."Ya’akov Biskovit (former Sobibór detainee) 5 June 1961