Political History of the Present State of the World, states in its segment on Turkey:
The Georgians concern themselves little with commerce; they are unacquainted with figures and arithmetic, few of the being able to count an hundred. The principal species of their traffic is that from which uncorrupted human nature recoila; they consider their children as transferable property, in common with the beasts of the field; these they inhumanly expose to sale, and are ready to sacrifice the lust of the highest bidder, or to gratify the avarice or flatler the ambition of the unfeeling authors of their existence.
The beauty of the Georgian and Circassian females, renders them desirable objects for the purchase of those who are employed to supply the harems of the great either at Constantinople or other large towns of the Turkish empire. Their usual agents on such occasions are Jews, who traverse whole provinces, culling the fairest flowers they can find, at almost any price that is demanded for them. Nor is the sale of the human species confined to the female part of it only; the male youths who are educated in the seragilo of the Grand Signor, and fitted-for public offices, are mostly puchased in this country; and Christian parents, for the sake of gain, part with their infant sons to be instructed in the religion of Mahomet, and to be brought up in every species of immorality."