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Saturday, 9 June 2012

1841: Commies want to abolish marriage, families & nationalise even human bodies

"Whether a Gentile woman is married or not makes no difference, since as far as Jews are concerned the very concept of matrimony does not apply to Gentiles ('There is no matrimony for a heathen')."
— Professor Israel Shahak

Prince Henri d'Orleans (1822 - 1897)

Parisians were lining the streets of the French capital on September 13, 1841, gathered to watch the military parade celebrating France's conquest of Algeria. Amongst the crowd was the 27 year old "communist" Francois Quenisset, a member of a secret society which required him to be blindfolded during the initiation ritual. Quenisset wasn't there to celebrate French colonialism, he had two pistols hidden within his coat, he was there to start a communist revolution by assassinating royalty. Riding in the parade were three princes, three sons of the king of France, most notably the 19 year old Prince Henri who had  just distinguished himself with his conduct in the invasion of Algeria.
As the princes neared, the communist pulled the pistols from his coat and aimed them at Prince Henri. One failed to fire, with the other he managed to kill Prince Henri's horse—shooting it through the eye. The crowd immediately leapt upon the horse-killer, but he was soon rescued and led away by the soldiers.
Later under interrogation, Quenisset implicated 16 other communists in the assassination plot, and all of them were soon put on trial. Following is an extract from an article in the London Chronicle, November 20, 1841, based on a report of the trial of Quenisset and his collaborators. Particularly interesting are the quotations from "l'Humanitaire, the avowed organ of the Communiste ègalitaire doctrine":
The existence of secret societies is, in the opinion of the reporter, the scourge under which society at large in France is suffering, and in illustration of this view he goes through the history of the different secret societies which have sprung up since the revolution of 1830, and shows that the same ideas of revolution and anarchy were common to all, however cloaked and disguised. The Society of Communists is commented upon at great length and several extracts are given from a journal called l'Humanitaire, the avowed organ of the Communiste ègalitaire doctrine for the purpose of showing the principles upon which this society is based. One of these extracts is from the minutes of a meeting held on the 20th July, 1841, by the committee of the projectors of the Humanitaire ; it is as follows : — "We have unanimously recognised, and adopted in principle, the following points, as the fundamental basis of the Communniste ègalitaire doctrine. Truth is Indivisible. It alone should be the guide of the reason of man ; it should therefore be proclaimed in every thing and every where in a proper manner. Materialism—this should be proclaimed, because it is the invariable law of nature, upon which every thing is based, and it cannot be violated without falling into error. Distinction of families (la famille individuelle) should be abolished, for it establishes the division of affections, destroys the harmony of the brotherly love by which alone mankind should be united, and becomes the cause of all the evils by which they may be assailed. Marriage should be abolished, because it is an iniquitous law which makes a slavery of what nature declared free, and constitutes an individual property in the human body, thus rendering the community of happiness impossible, as it is certain that community admits of no description of property. The Fine Arts—These being out of the course of nature, and the wants of man. cannot be recognised, except as recreation. Luxury must be abolished for the same reason, as neither falling within the order of nature or the wants of men. Towns must be destroyed, for they are a centre of domination and corruption."

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