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Saturday, 26 March 2011

Nazi human Christmas trees

Andreas Pfaffenberger was a German prisoner in Buchenwald concentration camp. Sent there in
November 1938 for repeatedly getting into physical altercations with Hitler's brownshirts.

He claims he remained there until June 1944, when drafted into the military.

He surrendered to American troops November 2, 1944 and he wrote a patently fraudulent account of his time in Buchenwald. In his affidavit, which was used at the Nuremberg Trial, the legendary Nazi shrunken-heads make their first appearance along with the allegation Ilse Koch made human-skin lampshades

These are a few extracts from his testimony:

Killed For Not Finishing Your Soup In 5 Minutes

"When we returned to our block at night, we had to take off our shoes and make our beds, which sometimes took until 11 or 12 o'clock. Then each of us received a cold bowl of soup. If we didn't finish our soup in five minutes we were beaten or even killed by our superiors, the criminals with green markings."

Lady of the Lampshades

"In 1939, all prisoners with tattooing on them were ordered to report to the dispensary. No one knew what the purpose was. But after the tattooed prisoners had been examined, the ones with the best and most artistic specimens were kept in the dispensary, and then killed by injections, administered by Karl Beigs, a criminal prisoner. The corpses were then turned over to the pathological department, where the desired pieces of tattooed skin were detached from the bodies and treated. The finished products were turned over to SS Standartenfuehrer Koch's wife, who had them fashioned into lampshades and other ornamental household articles. I myself saw such tattooed skins with various designs and legends on them, such as "Hans’l und Gret’l", which one prisoner had had on his knee and ships from prisoners’ chests. This work was done by a prisoner named Wernerbach."

Nazi Head Shrinkers

"There I also saw the shrunken heads of two young Poles who had been hanged for having had relations with German girls. The heads were the size of a fist, and the hair and the marks of the rope were still there."

Latrine Jumping Jews

"To me it was a daily occurrence to see how Scharfuehrer (Sergeant) Komnizer drove Jews into a latrine. This latrine was two meters wide and four meters long. Komnizer would force his victims to jump so that they would fall into the offal and drown. Only after the hole was filled would he allow other prisoners to fish out the bodies and burn them."


"During his stay in Buchenwald from 1939 to 1940, Schaffuehrer Kuritz killed many Jews with a club and made many more die a horrible death in a pigsty. There the Jews, forced first to shovel off the top of a manure-pile, were then made to lie down on the rest. Other prisoners were compelled to shovel the manure back on top of their comrades, after which they were forced to do exercises on top of the completed pile, while the victims buried underneath choked to death."

Bolshevik borrowed tortured device
"Alfred Richter and H/Scharfuehrer Sommer built a wooden box 2 m long, 1 m wide and 70 to 80 cm high, which was fixed with protruding nails and barbed wire on the inside. Two at a time prisoners were forced naked into this box and were kept there until they were dead, while the rest of as had to look on."

Human Christmas Tree

"On Christmas Eve 1938, a political prisoner named Foerster was hanged as a christmas Tree while all the other prisoners had to fall in and watch him for three hours."

Nazis in the Closet

"There was a cupboard, and on one side of it a measuring stick, graduated up to two meters. About a foot below the top, the measuring stick had a hole through it, which was drilled all the side of the cupboard. Next to this contraption was a table covered with white linen, and a radio. The floor was thick with sawdust and blood. I examined this carefully and I am certain beyond doubt that the victims were shot in the neck in this room (Genickschuss). The table was used as a stage prop for the pretended medical examination, while an SS-man fired the shots from inside the cupboard. I was informed by my comrades that H/Scharfuehrers PAMBUS and SOMMER did the shooting while others of the SS-men played the parts of doctor and medical personnel. Between 1940 and 1944, 40,000 men perished in this "dispensary".

Jews forced to eat their excrement

"Often I saw O/Scharfuehrer Grauls take Jews into the woods, where he made them lower their trousers, relieve themselves, and then eat and swallow their excrement. If a prisoner refused, he was given 25 or 30 lashes on his bare back-side."

Nazi Experiment

""Rebellious elements" were sent to a special block, No 47, where they were subjected to experiments with poison. Only two or three out of a hundred ever came back."

Nazis gave bonuses for killing prisoners by the hat method

"When we marched to work in the morning, we were always afraid of the SS guards, who would tear off our caps and throw them on the ground a few feet away. Then if a man tried to recover his cap he was promptly shot by the guards, who had been promised five days of special furlough for every prisoner killed in this manner."


1 comment:

  1. this is how ruthless these germans were.


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