From the 1961 trial of Adolf Eichmann, held in Israel. Leon
Wells, the prosecution witness, claims he
worked in the "Death Brigade", the Sonderkommando 1005,
at the Janowska camp in Poland
Questioner: Mr. Hausner, Attorney General
Answerer: Leon Wells, Prosecution Witness
Q. Were you fed while you were working? Did you get
any food?
A. We got a lot of food.
Q. Where did you eat? Amongst the corpses?
A. On the corpses.
Q. On the corpses themselves?
A. Yes, on the corpses.
Later on.....
Q. Now, when you went to work in the morning
and came back in the evening, you say you
had to sing?
A. We had to
make up songs and sing while we were
going to work, and also the Brandmeister
(fire chief) would march in front,
he was clothed like a devil; he
had a special uniform with a hook in
his hand and we had
to march after him and
sing. Afterwards we were
also joined by an orchestra
which would play as we sang and
accompany us on our march
to work.
Trial Transcript, read it and disbelieve it: