The non-Jewish, non-Zionist,
historical version of what actually did happen, and what
did not happen, to the Jews during W.W. II.
The Jews fear objective investigation as they know that
to lose the “holocaust” is to lose the sword and the shield of
Israel as well as a formidable instrument of political and
financial blackmail.
They know only too well of “the fact that, if the Holocaust can be shown to be a ‘Zionist myth,’ the strongest of all weapons in Israel’s propaganda armory collapses” (W. D. Rubinstein, Jew and professor at Deakin University, Melbourne, in “The Left, the Right and the Jews", Quadrant, September 1979, p. 27).
• Revisionists + basic articles, Faurisson, Rami, Leuchter...
• Jewish mythmakers: Wiesel, Wiesenthal
• More important documents, articles
• Political use of the myth - Holocaust Industry
• More books, articles, photos
• Victims of Zion
• Miscellaneous articles
• The Journal of Historical Review (July/August 1998)
• Conferences
Revisionists + basic articles |
Robert Faurisson Ahmed Rami Mark Weber
Roger Garaudy David Irving Fred Leuchter
Germar Rudolf Ernst Zündel Arthur R. Butz
Fredrick Töben Jürgen Graf Paul Rassinier
Richard Harwood Gerd Honsik Joseph Sobran
Robert Faurisson
- Holocaust:
A gigantic swindle!
Interview given by Professor Faurisson to the Algerian daily Echorouk
- Faurisson in his own words - a collection of video clips
The Leaders of the Arab States should Quit their Silence on
the Imposture of the "Holocaust"
By Robert Faurisson. Written for the cancelled March 2001 Beirut Conference on Revisionism and Zionism.
The Victories of
Full text of the speech of Professor Robert Faurisson at the Iran Holocaust Conference, Tehran, December 11, 2006
- Professor Robert
Faurisson interviewed by Iran Television
At the Guest House of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Tehran, December 13, 2006
- Geostrategic
effects of Revisionism: the Iranian lesson
By Robert Faurisson
- Elie Wiesel - A Prominent False Witness
By Robert Faurisson
The "Holocaust" is Proving
ever more Dangerous
By Robert Faurisson
- The U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum - A Challenge
By Robert Faurisson
- How Many Deaths at Auschwitz?
By Robert Faurisson
- How the British Obtained the Confessions of Rudolf
By Robert Faurisson
"Genocide by Telepathy", Hilberg Explains
By Robert Faurisson
Professor Robert Faurisson, French researcher and intellectual, after a Jewish terrorist assault. Just because he - in words - had criticized the Jewish version of WW II events.
Pierre Vidal-Naquet, leading French Jewish historian, has also repeatedly stated that he wants to kill Faurisson.
Interviewed in Paris on December 14, 1992, by a correspondent with the American network National Public Radio, Vidal-Naquet stated: "I hate Faurisson. If I could do it, I would personally kill him."
And the threat was reiterated in an audio interview posted at the Liberation website, January 6, 2006, where Vidal-Naquet, Jewish "intellectual", said: "If I had got Faurisson in my hands, I would't have hesitated to strangle him".
- Anatomy of a Hoax
By Professor Robert Faurisson and David Irving
No holes, No Holocaust
A message to Mark Weber
Is The Diary of Anne Frank genuine?
By Robert Faurisson
- Fifteen years of Jewish terrorism in France
By Robert Faurisson
Paris Court 2006: The Jewish God against Faurisson
- Professor
Faurisson in police custody for questioning and a search of his
January 24, 2008
- French
"Justice", Justice on its Back
By Robert Faurisson. Three new examples of how “the law lies down in the conqueror’s bed”.
- Transcript from a video with
R. Faurisson
- Ahmed Rami's interview with Robert
Faurisson 1
- Ahmed Rami's interview with Robert
Faurisson 2
- What is revisionism? What do we
revisionists say?
Transcript from a speech given in Stockholm, December 4, 1992
and broadcast by Radio Islam.
- Faurisson's challenge to the Swedish medias...
Excerpt from a broadcast in Radio Islam
- Ahmed Rami and Robert
Faurisson inspecting Dachau in Germany
- Introduction to
Écrits révisionnistes (1974-1998)
By Professor Robert Faurisson
Faurisson in Sweden - a
must see video!
Part 1/9 - please save to harddrive and if you note that these crucial videos have been deleted - upload again!
Robert Faurisson about Rami
in jail
- and the lie of the alleged "holocaust"
- Faurisson on a Jewish attack in
Stockholm, 1993 - Still challenges the medias
Transcript from a recording in Stockholm, May 22,1993.
- Lecture about a book
written by Swedish historian Peter Englund 1993
By Robert Faurisson on Peter Englund, a Swedish historian who since has entered the Swedish Academy (the organization that decides the Nobel Prize in Literature) as its Permanent Secretary. Faurisson here reveals Englund's falsifications of "holocaust" documentation.
- A Historian Acknowledges: No Evidence for
Nazi Gas Chambers
By Robert Faurisson
Paying Tribute
to Jewish Power. 'Ah, How Sweet It Is To Be Jewish
By Robert Faurisson
- Benedict XVI and Islam
The pope is positive for Jewish occupation, and against the Islamic resistance!
By Robert Faurisson
- Revisionist Publications:
Around the World
By Robert Faurisson
- Robert Faurisson -
The Man, the Scientist, and his Method of ‘Exactitude’
By Fredrick Töben
- Professor Robert
Faurisson – the intellectual adventurer of the century – dies on
return from this weekend’s triumphant trip to his native town
Until the end he stood up on the barricades, until the very day he died - as a true hero!
Adelaide Institute´s special Newsletter on Faurisson´s death
Contains a multitude of eulogy articles by reputed writers and researchers like Töben, Butz, Soral, Leuchter, Glenn, Hoffman, Chang, Alexis, Kaminski...
Robert Faurisson - A
Freedom Fighter to His Last Breath
Eulogy by Michael Hoffman
Rest In Might Dr.
Robert Faurisson: Revisionist Flamethrower And Undaunted
Opponent Of Global Zionism Has Passed On
Eulogy by Jonathan Azaziah, Mouqawamah Music
AAARGH:s large English language archive of Faurisson´s article
and texts
- Robert
Faurisson - The Unofficial Blog
Se also our large Robert
Faurisson Archive in other languages such as French, Italian,
Spanish, Portuguese...
Announcement October 2018:
Radio Islam mourns the death of our dear friend and mentor, French scholar Robert Faurisson, champion of free research, of research devoid of propaganda and war lies.
Let us honor the legacy of Robert Faurisson by actively spreading his texts, videos and interviews!
- Let us not forget Faurisson's methodology when approaching historical problems, "exactitude" as he called it, always using a sharp historical correctness.
- Remember and use his wise quote: "To judge is to compare", when putting past and present events into a larger historical context.
- Remember the wording of his unanswered challenge in 1992: "My Challenge to the Swedish media". This challenge looked very simple: "Please, show me or draw me a Nazi gas chamber." But the "holocaust" propagandists shunned it, fearing getting stuck in one version, contradicting all the other versions out there... This challenge should be kept repeated!
- Remember also his defiant expression "No holes, no holocaust" which sums up the main controversies surrounding the alleged Auschwitz gas chamber buildings (for more see here).
Rest in peace Robert! We will continue the research and fight against historical lies and the tyrannical Zio-Jewish oppression of thought and expression, that you so bravely have enlightened us about!
Robert Faurisson and Ahmed Rami of Radio Islam, visiting Dachau KZ camp.
Ahmed Rami and Radio Islam
- Revisionism from the Orient
Joachim Gross interviews Ahmed Rami, the founder of Radio Islam
- Ahmed Rami:
There will be no war of
- Ahmed Rami's interview with
Karl Philipp, Tomas Morton, Ted O'Keefe, Mark Weber,
Manfred Koch, Pablo Palacios, Manfred Latting
Ahmed Rami interviews M. Weber, T. Marcellus, Ted
On revisionism and the Jewish power in USA
- The
General Remer Interview on the Jewish Power Order
By Ahmed Rami for Egypt's Al-Shaab newspaper.
What was the Rami trial?
Jan Bergman
and Jan Hjärpe, Two Swedish Professors Defend Revisionism on Trial
By R. Clarence Lang
- Robert Faurisson about
Ahmed Rami
in jail
Debate in
Swedish Parliament on Radio Islam and Ahmed Rami
By Robert Faurisson
- Revisionist Activism in Sweden
- Widespread Holocaust Doubts in
Articles by Ahmed Rami on Islam, the Muslim World,
Who was behind the "Danish" cartoons?
By Ahmed Rami
- Islam and Revolution
By Ahmed Rami
Islam and the Islamic world - What is Islam?
By Ahmed Rami
- Ahmed Rami about Islam and democracy
- A combat with unequal weapons
Interview with Rami published in Maroc-Hebdo International, a Moroccan weekly
- Morocco and the Revolution
By Ahmed Rami
Mark Weber
Jewish Soap
By Mark Weber
- Auschwitz: Myths and facts
By Mark Weber
Buchenwald: Legend and Reality
By Mark Weber
Bergen-Belsen Camp: The suppressed Story
By Mark Weber
- Officially Sanctioned Fraud
at Dachau
By Mark Weber
By Mark Weber and Andrew Allen
West Germany's Holocaust payoff to Israel and world
By Mark Weber, on how Germany finances the Zionist state
- The
Zionist Terror Network
By Mark Weber
Simon Wiesenthal: Fraudulent "Nazi hunter"
By Mark Weber
- Jewish Group Demands More
Anti-revisionist laws
By Mark Weber
- Switzerland's Anti-Racism Law
By Mark Weber
Was Hiroshima Necessary?
By Mark Weber
Zionism and the Third Reich
By Mark Weber
- Jews in American Film and
By Mark Weber
- "Culture wars" - Subverting
the Disney Legacy - How Michael Eisner
Has Transformed the "Magic Kingdom"
By Mark Weber
- A Look at The 'Powerful Jewish Lobby'
By Mark Weber
- The Jewish Role in the Bolshevik "Revolution"
By Mark Weber
- Jews: A Religious
Community, a People, or a Race?
By Mark Weber
Freedom for Europe’s Prisoners of Conscience! Irving, Zundel, Rudolf Still
in Prison
By Mark Weber, November 13, 2006
Roger Garaudy
"The Founding Myths of Israeli Politics" - a must read!
The fantastic book by French politician and muslim Roger Garaudy
Roger Garaudy publishes new book on Zionism
A battle against all Jewish myths at once!
By Mohamed Hasanein Heikal. Foreword to the Arabic Edition of Garaudy's The Founding Myths of Israeli Politics
- Revisionist Publications:
Around the World - Garaudy Reaches Japanese Readers
By Robert Faurisson
- The Garaudy explosion
- Jewish fascists spread terror in Paris
David Irving
- Lecture from
- Institute of
Historical Review's conference, October
Anatomy of a Hoax
By Professor Robert Faurisson and David Irving
Uprising! A book review of David Irving's famous book
Reviewed by Charles Lutton. On the Jews and 1956 revolt. A "Jewish Quartet" ruled the country: Rakosi, Ernest Gero (born "Ernst Singer"), Michael Farkas ("Wolf") the defense minister, and Joseph Revai, minister of propaganda.
We have been bombing innocent
Iraqis - Because they are weak, and we are strong
By British Revisionist historian David Irving
Polish Authorities Ban BBC Team and David
Irving from Auschwitz
David Irving Sentenced to Three Years In Prison For
"Holocaust Denial"!
A collection of articles on the sentence of Irving for thougth crimes.
Freedom for Europe’s Prisoners of Conscience! Irving,
Zundel, Rudolf Still in Prison
By Mark Weber, November 13, 2006
David Irving broadcasts
to Australia about the arrest of Fredrick Toben
Transcript of a telephone conversation, Friday, April 9, 1999
- Link to
David Irving's site
Focal Point Publications
Fred Leuchter and the ensuing reports
The Leuchter Report
By Fred A. Leuchter, Jr.
The Second Leuchter-Report
By Fred A. Leuchter, Jr.
Is there a life after persecution?
By Fred A. Leuchter, Jr.
- The
Krakow Report
An "official" Polish report on the Auschwitz "gas chambers"
Germar Rudolf
"Gas Chambers" of Auschwitz and Majdanek
By Germar Rudolf
Censorship of the Internet - study reveals Google censorship of
Radio Islam's sites
By Germar Rudolf
Freedom for Europe’s Prisoners of Conscience! Irving,
Zundel, Rudolf Still in Prison
By Mark Weber, November 13, 2006
Ernst Zündel

"Did Six Million Really Die?" -
Report of the Evidence in the Canadian 'False News' Trial of Ernst Zündel 1988
The book that contains the main Revisionist standpoints
- Introduction to Revisionist Thought
A book by Ernst Zündel
- The West, War, and
Islam - The
Jewish medias are used to misinform and to instill hatred against the Islamic peoples
By Ernst Zündel
- Accused
of Thought Crimes
- Ernst
Zundel deported from Canada to Prison
A collection of articles on the imprisonment of the dissident Ernst Zündel.
for Europe’s Prisoners of Conscience! Irving, Zundel, Rudolf Still in Prison
By Mark Weber, November 13, 2006
Arthur R. Butz
The Hoax Ends the Twentieth Century
By Professor Arthur R. Butz
- Storytellers in the Talmudic Tradition
By Professor Arthur R. Butz
- Revisionists Meet in Australia
By Professor Arthur R. Butz
- Pope Pius XII and the Jews
By Professor Arthur R. Butz
![]() Ahmadinejad, President of Iran, with Fredrick Töben. |
Fredrick Töben
Fredrick Toben, Director of Adelaide Institute Arrested!
A letter from Dr Toben's German jail cell
David Irving broadcasts
to Australia about the arrest of Fredrick Toben
Transcript of a telephone conversation, Friday, April 9, 1999
Robert Faurisson -
The Man, the Scientist, and his Method of ‘Exactitude’
By Fredrick Töben
Jürgen Graf
Paul Rassinier
The Holocaust Story
and the Lies of Ulysses - Debunking the Genocide
- A Study of the Nazi Concentration Camps and the Alleged Extermination of European Jewry.
The groundbreaking book by French Revisionist Paul Rassinier. PDF (2 MB)
The Holocaust Story
and the Lies of Ulysses - Debunking the Genocide
By Paul Rassinier. HTML
E. Harwood
Did Six Million Really Die? - the book
By Richard E. Harwood

- Fiend and Felon
- Power, Perjury and Murder in Szymon Wizenthal's Footsteps
By Austrian Revisionist Gerd Honsik. A revealing book on the Jewish "holocaust" fraudster Simon Wiesenthal.
On April 27, 2009, Honsik was sentenced to five years in prison for "holocaust denial".
- Switzerland: Prison Term for
'Holocaust Denial'
- Jewish Power, Capitol Hill
is `In Our Hands'
By Joseph Sobran "No decent American would think of reducing American Jews to the status of Palestinians in Israel"
- The
Jewish Establishment
By Joseph Sobran (12/1997). An anti-Semite used to be a person who hates Jews. Now, however, it is a person whom the Jews hates, or a person who disagrees with Israel's policies. The anti-Semitism charge is an effective tool used to silence the critics of Israel.
By Joseph Sobran (12/1997)
Minds and Foreign Quarrels
By Joseph Sobran (Universal Press Syndicate 02/17/1998)
By Joseph Sobran (Universal Press Syndicate 12/17/1998)
- Free
Pollard, our Scapegoat
By Joseph Sobran
- Johnson's
conduct toward Israel approached treason
By Joseph Sobran
- Did
Israel Deliberately Allow 241
American Marines to Die?
By Joseph Sobran
- Why We
Few Criticize Israel
By Joseph Sobran. "Not one American Christian in a hundred realizes that if he lived in Israel, he would be the victim of official discrimination forced, like the Soviet Jew, to carry an identification card effectively stigmatizing him"
- Let's
represent U.S. interests for once, instead of Israel's
By Joseph Sobran.
Mythmakers |
Jewish mythmaker: Elie Wiesel
- Elie Wiesel - A Prominent False Witness
By Robert Faurisson
- A strange translation: The book Night
by Elie Wiesel
- Elie Wiesel: Raping German girls:
a frivolous dereliction of the obligation to fulfill the "historical commandment of revenge."
- Elie
Wiesel Says He Did Not Contribute to Effort to Secure Rich's
Article from The New York Times
Jewish mythmaker: Simon Wiesenthal
Another icon of "holocaust" mythology. Wiesenthal's handling with the truth was severly investigated by revisionist writings but has since also been exposed in the "main stream" medias as in the revealing book review in The Times (Online) 2009 (see below).
- The Simon Wiesenthal Center
The Simon Wiesenthal Center and its journal alleges that "Germans produce Zyklon B in Iraq" in its article on "Iraq's German-made gas chambers" (see Spring 1991 issue of "Response").
Simon Wiesenthal: Fraudulent "Nazi hunter"
By Mark Weber
The Times:
The head Nazi-hunter’s trail of lies
"Simon Wiesenthal, famed for his pursuit of justice, caught fewer war criminals than he claimed and fabricated much of his own Holocaust story"
Fiend and Felon
- Power, Perjury and Murder in Szymon Wizenthal's Footsteps
By Austrian Revisionist Gerd Honsik. A revealing book on the Jewish "holocaust" fraudster Simon Wiesenthal.
On April 27, 2009, Honsik was sentenced to five years in prison for "holocaust denial".
No to War,
Bigotry and Oppression. No to the Wiesenthal Center!
By the Institute of Historical Review.
The Wiesenthal Center, which among many others attacks Radio Islam for "anti-Semitism" is itself sanctioning Zionist terrorism where the Center for instance has publicly honored two Israeli leaders – Menachem Begin and Yitzhak Shamir – each of whom has a well-documented record as a terrorist.
Wiesenthal's fake "Musuem
of Tolerance"
"... the absurdity of a Museum of Tolerance planted on part of an ancient Muslim cemetery, some of which has long since been turned into a parking lot..."
More important documents, articles |
New Gas Chamber lies after World War II: |
![]() The Jewish Press, February 21, 1991 |
- An Auschwitz Revaluation
By Fredrick Wilhelm
- The Wannsee Conference Protocol: Anatomy of a Fabrication
By Johannes Peter Ney
- Major French Magazine Acknowledges Auschwitz Gas Chamber Fraud
Abraham Bomba, barber of Treblinka
By Bradley R. Smith
The Diesel Gas Chambers: Myth within a Myth
By Friedrich Paul Berg
International Holocaust Summit of the Big Zionist Lies
Khatyn - another Hoax
By Louis FitzGibbon
A response to Pressac's Critique
By Paul Grubach
The Lüftl Report
By Walter Lüftl
The "Holocaust" - 120 Questions and Answers
By Charles E. Weber
66 Questions and Answers on
the Holocaust
A Revisionist Perspective
Made in Russia: The Holocaust
By Carlos W. Porter, [Excerpts]
- What is Holocaust Denial?
By the Canadian Free Speech League
Anne Frank's Diary - A Hoax
By Ditlieb Felderer. (See also Faurisson's Is The Diary of Anne Frank genuine? )
"Schindler's List" - A review
By Greg Raven
The Dictatorship of Imbecility
By Serge Thion
"No Gassing in Dachau"
By Dr. Martin Broszat. A now famous letter that concedes that there were no homicidal gas chambers in the Old Reich, in camps such as Dachau, Bergen-Belsen and Buchenwald.
The “Six Million” Jewish “holocaust”
Facsimiles of revealing original articles.
The Treblinka Archaeology
Hoax (2014)
Debunks a widely spread TV programme on an archaeological "investigation" of Treblinka.
Judea declares war on Germany
From the Daily Express, March 24, 1933
The American Hebrew, Oct. 31, 1919, Nbr.
Already in 1919 the magic 6 million figure is mentioned!
On the political use of the myth |
- The "Holocaust", a Typical Zionist Myth
By Dr. Abdullah Mohammad Sindi
The Holocaust: Using it as a propaganda
machine by Israel
By Alfred Lilienthal. Extracted from chapter 13 of the book The Zionist Connection II: What Price Peace?
- Quotes from Norman G. Finkelstein's Book
"The Holocaust Industry"
Extracts from The Holocaust
Industry - "The Business of Death" and "Swiss toll"
By Norman Finkelstein (published in The Guardian 07/12 and 07/13/2000)
- Will
The Holocaust Industry Incite
By Norman G. Finkelstein (Sueddeutsche Zeitung 08/11/2000)
- The
Holocaust Industry
An article by Norman Finkelstein (Index On Censorship 03/2000).
- The Holocaust Industry: Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish
By Victor Sebestyen
- A battle against all Jewish myths at once!
By Mohamed Hasanein Heikal. Foreword to the Arabic edition of Garaudy's The Founding Myths of Israeli Politics
A Conversation with Dr. Ibrahim
From The Journal for Historical Review. Interview with the Jordanian revisionist Ibrahim Alloush.
Practical Suggestions for Moslem Use Of Revisionist Works to Counter Zionist PropagandaTo Counter Zionist Propaganda
By Robert H. Countess
The Leaders of the Arab States should Quit their Silence on
the Imposture of the "Holocaust"
By Robert Faurisson. Written for the cancelled March 2001 Beirut Conference on Revisionism and Zionism.
- Falsification of the Holocaust -
the Palestinians are eliminating their traitors
By Prof. Israel Shahak
From the Jewish Tribal Review homepage: The Holocaust and Genocide (pt. 1)
[501 Kilobytes] [about 93 paper pages] The Nazi persecutors' inadvertent rejuvenation of Jewish identity; early Israeli shame of Holocaust survivors, and today's heroizing of them; creation of the secular Holocaust theology in the 1960s; Israel's "redemptive" 1967 victory over the Arabs as a milestone in Jewish Holocaust cosmology; the Holocaust and Israel as cores of modern Jewish identity; German fascism's Master Race ideology as an echo of Jewry's Chosen People claim; precedents for Nazi-inspired genocide (and other racist policies) in original Jewish teachings; the reification of such material in some Jewish quarters today; Holocaust-centeredness throughout the western mass media; Jewish religious tenets and anti-Black racism; the importance of the symbol of Amalek in Jewish tradition, the injunction that he should be eternally hated, and the continuous call for his extermination; the Holocaust in the forgotten context of World War II; Nazi intention to exterminate Jews, Gypsies, Slavs, and others; the undercurrent of Chosen People racism in the idea that murdered Jews are more important than anyone else murdered; modern Jewish defamation of Poles, Lithuanians, Ukrainians, Russians and other Eastern Europeans; Jewish exclusionism and separatism in pre-World War II Eastern Europe; the lack of Jewish resistance to the Nazis; Jewish collaborators with German fascists; Jewish domination of postwar communist secret police organizations and concentration camps; Jewish double standards for World War II era history: one standard for Jews, and another for non-Jews; mainstream Jewry's resistance to the facts of World War II-era history. - From the Jewish Tribal
Review homepage:
Holocaust and Genocide (pt.
[543 Kilobytes] [about 124 paper pages] Jewish and western world obsession with the Holocaust; Jewish insistence that the "Holocaust was unique"; Holocaust uniqueness as part of the traditional Chosen People concept; the importance of Jewish Old Testament-sanctioned genocide in understanding the Holocaust; the invention of the Jewish dead as heroes and martyrs for the Jewish cause; the proliferation of worldwide Holocaust museums as Judeo-centric and Israeli propaganda posts; the usurping of distinctly American patriotic sites beneath the Jewish martyrological flag; the Holocaust as Big Business; the proliferation of Judeocentric Holocaust classes in American schools; international Jewish aspects of the world Holocaust history scene; the Auschwitz convent controversy; popular mass media renditions of the Holocaust: Shoah, Maus, Schindler's List; the trial of John Demjanjuk, accused mass murderer.
- Collection of articles on the
Compiled by the Jewish Tribal Review
- The one
serious subject Hollywood doesn't avoid: More than 170 films about the Holocaust
have been made since 1989. Six more are out this fall
Christian Science Monitor, November 22, 2002
Further reading:
- More on Israel and
politicizing the
- On Zionism, its relation to Nazism and its actions during WWII regarding the Jews in Europe
More books, articles, photos |
Revisionist Publications around the World
By Robert Faurisson
The Journal of Historical Review (a sample of issues)
See also the IHR Website
Alphabetical Library of Revisionist Authors and their Works
List of Revisionist books and texts in English language to be downloaded
Contains some of the most important titles
There are also downloadable files in other languages, to see these click here
English-language Revisionist book archive of AAARGH
- Link to be spread!
Mostly in PDF. Archive compiled by French Revisionist Serge Thion and his site AAARGH (Association des Anciens Amateurs de Recits de Guerres et d'Holocaustes).
Revisionist pictures with descriptions
Jews push for WWII propaganda exhibit
Some photos of real atrocities
WW II vs Zionist terror
Photos from World War II compared with photos of the Zionist war and occupation of Palestine
- Revisionist books on display in Cairo:
- Roger
Garaudy's and Ernst
Zündel's books in the show-window of
the big publishing house Madbouli in Cairo
- Roger
Garaudy's and Ernst
Zündel's books in a show-case of the
big publishing house Shorok in Cairo
- Roger
Garaudy's and Ernst
Zündel's books in the show-window of
the big publishing house Madbouli in Cairo
Ahmed Rami and Robert Faurisson inspecting Dachau
in Germany
The Evidence from Aerial Photography
By John Clive Ball
Revisionist study of Allied aerial photographs
Link to Air-Photo Homepage
The German National Journal
On Revisionism and Jewish occupation - big archive
Links: Revisionism and
Resistance against Jewish domination - links archive
Cartoons/caricatures on Revisionism
and the Jewish so-called "holocaust"
Victims of Jewish Persecution
Lists the names and information on the long line of fighters for truth -
intellectuals who have
become victims of systematic persecution by the new Jewish Inquisition
Miscellaneous |
![]() The U.S. First Amendment |
- Tehran-Times -
Series: "The Auschwitz Conspiracy"
- The
of Bishop Williamson
- Holocaust Skeptics Under Growing Attack
in Switzerland
Switzerland in the Grip of the "Traditional
By Bernhard Schaub, in Journal of Historical Review of IHR
France mulls ways to
sanction Holocaust doubter - Professor Bruno Gollnisch in
Lyon (France)
Includes also the article "Outrage as Le Pen aide casts doubt on existence of Holocaust".
The Stupid French anti Revisionist law
By Jessie Aitken
go Revisionist
The Jewish "Masada" myth
The Demjanjunk case and
Jewish witnesses
From the Jewish Tribal Review homepage
- A Dangerous Guilt Complex
- Stalin's Plan to Conquer Europe:
Suvorov's The Last Republic
A review by Daniel W. Michaels
Novel About 'German
Titanic' Breaks Taboo on Past
On German Nobel Prize winning author Guenter Grass' book about the plight of the German liner 'Wilhelm Gustloff', carrying thousands of refugees, and which was sunk by a Russian submarine in 1945, killing more than 8 000 people.
- Dissident German Historian Punished for
Revisionist Writings
[Udo Walendy]
- Promoting Holocaust Hatred of
- Germany Has Paid
Out More Than $61.8 Billion in Third Reich
- A Nation in
Transition. Germans More Criminal, Less Literate, and
War, Jewish
up Germany!
Horst Mahler’s Heroic Struggle
- Zionism and Anti-Semitism:
A Strange Alliance Through History
By Allan C. Brownfeld
'No Gas Chambers' Says
Influential Japanese Magazine - Jewish-Zionist Boycott Campaign
Shuts Down Prominent Monthly
From The Journal of Historical Review
- Nasser of Egypt Deeds and
Legacy of an Arab Leader
By Donald Neff
- My Path to Historical
- Letters to the
Journal of Historical Review
- Letter that appeared in the Phoenix New
- Facts every Muslim and Christian should
- 'We Hold the Real
Power'. A Jewish Appeal to Russia's Jewish
- Who Rules America Through The
- The Big Hollywood Lie: Denying that Jews Control the Film Business
By the IHR
- Revisionist
Activism in Australia - The Adelaide Institute
- Mahmoud Ahmadinejad:
Proposes committee to clarify "Holocaust"
Document also includes writings by Prof. Arnold Toynbee on the Palestine Question and the "holocaust" and an interview with Professor Abdullah Mohammad Sindi, where he says there was no such a thing as the "holocaust" and argues that it is in fact Israel which has created a real holocaust for Palestinians.
Polish bishop: Jews
exploit Holocaust for propaganda
Article from The Jerusalem Post, 25/01/2010
General Jaruzelski: Poland
Falsified Population Statistics
The Journal of Historical Review |
Published by the Institute of Historical Review
- Volume 17 number 4
(July/August 1998)
Link to the index page to the articles
Conferences |
International Revisionist Conference on:
Revisionism and Dignity of the Defeated Countries
(in Trieste, Italy, 6-7 October 2001)
An international Revisionist Conference was held by the cultural association Nuovo Ordine Nazionale , on the 6th and 7th of October 2001 in Trieste Italy. Amongst the participants: Mr Jean-Louis Berger (France), Professor Robert Countess (United States), Mr Russ Granata (United States), Mr Ahmed Rami (Morocco), Mr Vincent Reynouard (France), Dr Fredrick Töben (Australia), Jürgen Graf (Switzerland)... |
- Revisionist conference in
Description of the speakers and their standpoints; Jean-Louis Berger, Robert Countess, Jürgen Graf, Russ Granata, Ahmed Rami, Vincent Reynouard, Fredrick Toben
- Russ Granata: Israel
will get war!
- Ahmed Rami:
There will be no war of
- Practical Suggestions for Moslem Use Of Revisionist Works to Counter Zionist Propaganda
By Robert H. Countess
- Revisionist activities in
Italy coordinated by The Italian New National Order ("NUOVO ORDINE
- Ahmed Rami: La
liberation de la Palestine passe par la
liberation de l'Occident!
- Israël et CIA
étaient-ils au courant?
- Revisionist conference in
Ahmed Rami
"Revisionism and Zionism"
Conference 2001
- "Revisionism and Zionism" in
Beirut Conference canceled
Giving in to Jewish pressure...
The Leaders of the Arab States should Quit their Silence on
the Imposture of the "Holocaust"
By Robert Faurisson. Written for the cancelled March 2001 Beirut Conference on Revisionism and Zionism.
Conference information
- Conference
news from the Journal of Historical
- Registration
information (January 2001)
- First
announcement (December 2000)
- Conference
Media attention
letter to USA Today
in response to their op-ed piece
by Rabbi Cooper (March 9, 2001)
- A South African Jewish Report
article tells of
objections from the SA Jewish Board of
Deputies -- March 9, 2001
- Rabbi
Abraham Cooper gets hysterical in USA Today -- March 8,
- IHR Press Release on
efforts to ban the Conference (March 7, 2001)
- The Tehran Times reports
U.S. State Department is trying to stop the
conference -- March 4,
- As-Safir reports
U.S. State Department is trying to stop the
conference -- March 3, 2001
- The Simon
Wiesenthal Center calls on the Prime Minister of
Lebanon to end free speech -- March 1, 2001
- News item
Reuters -- February 22,
- Article in the
Jewish News -- February 22, 2001
- Press release from
Wiesenthal Center -- February 12,
- Press release from
League (ADL) -- February 11, 2001
