Important note: Please save and spread these videos. Also check if they have been
deleted and if so re-upload them. There is a war of censorship being waged!
Robert Faurisson on the problem of the gas
chambers (English subtitles)
Robert Faurisson visits Sweden 1992 - the video Professor Faurisson gives a thorough introduction to the Revisionist
arguments. Video produced by Radio Islam. Also contains appearance of Ahmed
Robert Faurisson on historical lies Professor Faurisson explains his views on historical lies
including the existence of homicidal gas chambers. But how many
people have even heard of the Zundel trials that exposed so many
Holocaust lies?
Faurisson confronts Michael
Berenbaum of the Holocaust Memorial Museum Prof. Faurisson interviewed by Ernst
Zündel about his trip to the Holocaust Memorial Museum in
Washington, D.C. to confront its director, rabbi Michael Berenbaum.
Faurisson at the 10th IHR Conference - A Revisionist Life Professor Robert Faurisson speaks at the 10th
International Revisionist Conference in 1990.
Part 1 of 4
Part 2 of 4
Part 3 of 4
Part 4 of 4
Robert Faurisson's speech at the Tehran Holocaust
Conference 2006 - "The Victories of Revisionism" - part 1
Robert Faurisson's speech at the Tehran Holocaust
Conference 2006 - "The Victories of Revisionism" - part 2
Robert Faurisson in the discussion forum at the Tehran Holocaust
Conference 2006 - part 1
Robert Faurisson in discussion forum at the Tehran Holocaust
Conference 2006 - part 2
Robert Faurisson - A Man
French 2011 documentary movie, "Un homme", by Paul Éric Blanrue, where
Robert Faurisson tells the story of his life.
(English subtitles.)
Chomsky: Faurisson & and the Freedom of
Speech Extract of "Noam Chomsky, les Médias et les
Illusions Nécessaires" (1993).
Notice all the Jews harrassing
Chomsky just for his position that Faurisson should have the right to
express his views.
Dieudonné-Faurisson appearance at Zenith
Theatre in Paris, France 2008
Faurisson appears at c:a 2:35 into the clip.
Outrage at French comic’s award for
Holocaust denier
By John Lichfield in Paris
Sunday, 28 December 2008
The black French comedian Dieudonné provoked outrage at
the weekend by giving a "heroism" award to a veteran Holocaust
Dieudonné, who is known for making anti-Semitic remarks
in his shows, handed the spoof award for "social unacceptability
and insolence" to Robert Faurisson, an academic with a string of
convictions for denying the existence of Nazi death camps in the
Second World War. Among the audience of 5,000 at Le Zénith
theatre in Paris were the far-right leader Jean-Marie Le Pen,
several figures of the far left and a popular television host,
Julien Lepers.
A stagehand dressed as a Jewish deportee with a yellow star on
his chest gave M. Faurisson the award.
Dieudonné full name Dieudonné M'bala M'bala was
once a kind of French Lenny Henry. Born to Cameroonian and Breton
parents, his stand-up comedy satirised racial prejudices,
including those of whites and blacks. However, in the past five
years, his shows have come to symbolise some say foment a new
strain of anti-Semitism in France among Arab and black youths and
on the "white" far left.
Dieudonné said: "I don't agree with all [M.
Faurisson's] ideas. But for me, what counts most of all is
freedom of expression."