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February 23, 2006

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Who was behind
the "Danish" cartoons?

By Ahmed Rami

The mainstream media coverage of the anti-Islamic cartoons ignores the fact that the publication of the images was a "calculated offense" commissioned by a Jewish "Danish" colleague of the Jewish neocon ideologue Daniel Pipes and was meant to incite violence and promote the Jewish "clash of civilizations" between Muslims and Christians.

After Danish embassies in three Muslim nations were attacked and set alight by angry Muslims protesting the anti-Islamic cartoons published in a Danish newspaper, the mainstream Jewish media turned its attention (from the 58-year Jewish occupation of Palestine and the Zionist occupation of Iraq) to the "controversial" images and the violent reactions they provoked.

Invariably, however, the Jewish-controlled press overlooked the important fact that the offensive images were commissioned and published by a Jewish "Danish" colleague of the Jewish neoconservative extremist Daniel Pipes.

The anti-Muslim cartoon scandal has turned out to be a major step forward for the Zionist neocons and their long-planned for Israel "clash of civilizations", the artificially constructed conflict designed to pit the so-called Christian West against the Islamic world.

"The rioting that has erupted across the Middle East… is a predictable if overwrought reaction to what now seems like a calculated offense against Islam," the Miami Herald wrote in its lead editorial on Feb. 7, 2006. "It is not necessary to reprint the offending cartoons for U.S. readers to understand the issue," the Knight-Ridder paper said. "A religious taboo was violated, and those involved knew full well what they were doing. The incident fell all too neatly into the hands of those who would exacerbate tensions between Europe and the Muslim world."

The Zionist Flemming Rose, the cultural editor of Jyllands-Posten (JP), is the person who commissioned and published the offensive cartoons knowing that the images would exacerbate tensions between Europe and the Islamic nations.

Rose is a colleague of the Jewish neocon Pipes who visited the Philadelphia office of Pipes' Zionist web site, called Middle East Forum, in 2004.

Rose then penned a sympathetic article about Pipes entitled "The Threat from Islamism", which promoted his extreme anti-Islamic views without mentioning the fact that Pipes is a rabid Zionist Jewish extremist. Pipes, the son of the Polish-born Jewish Zionist neocon professor Richard E. Pipes, is a Zionist of the most extreme sort, who says that the Palestinian people need to have a "change of heart" that should be brought about after being utterly defeated by the Israeli military. "How is a change of heart achieved? It is achieved by an Israeli victory and a Palestinian defeat," Pipes said in 2003. "The Palestinians need to be defeated even more than Israel needs to defeat them." After three Danish embassies were attacked by angry Muslims, CNN turned to Pipes, its carefully chosen Middle East analyst, to explain the cause of the widespread anger in the Muslim world. Rather than discuss the origin of the anti-Muslim images, which had provoked the protests, Pipes blamed radical clerics for having circulated the offensive images! CNN failed to mention that Pipes and Rose are Zionist Jewish neocon colleagues while Pipes blamed Muslims for the violent protests, saying that "extremists" had used the offensive cartoons published by Rose "to rally their people and become more agitatedly anti-Western." While there have been massive protests throughout the Muslim world against Denmark for the offense against Islam, U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, with Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni by her side, blamed Syria and Iran for the violent protests in Damascus and Tehran. "Iran and Syria have gone out of their way to inflame sentiments and to use this to their own purposes," Rice said. "And the world ought to call them on it."

In an article entitled "Cartoons and Islamic Imperialism", written as the Danish embassies smoldered, Jewish Pipes framed the "key issue at stake in the battle over the 12 "Danish" cartoons. "Will the West stand up for its customs and mores, including freedom of speech, or will Muslims impose their way of life on the West? Ultimately, there is no compromise," Pipes wrote! "Westerners will either retain their civilization, including the right to insult and blaspheme, or not."

Repeated questions to Rose, Pipes, and the editors of JP about whether Europeans should also have the right to "insult and blaspheme" the Zionist Jewish version of the "Holocaust" went unanswered.

During the last decade, there have been several thousand people fined and hundreds put in European prisons for having written or spoken about the "Holocaust" or Jewish related affairs in a manner deemed illegal.

Framing the cartoon scandal in this way and forcing a false choice between defending the "free press" or the Muslim protesters, Pipes reveals his hidden hand behind the publication of the cartoons, which now appears to be a well-laid trap into which a number of newspapers and populist parties have fallen.

There is also a clear connection between the publication of the anti-Muslim cartoons and the secretive Jewish power.

Anders Fogh Rasmussen, the "Danish" prime minister and frequent Jewish power attendee, for example, has refused to issue a formal apology, which would cost Denmark nothing but could save the nation from further losses to its exporting business and national prestige.

Denmark has lost significant market share in Muslim nations due to a consumer boycott of Danish products.

The damage caused to Denmark's image, prestige and economy is likely to be severe and long-lasting. Danish lives are also clearly endangered.

Rasmussen's refusal to apologize, however, suggests that the "calculated offense", which has led to increased tension between Europeans and the Muslim world, was intentional.

One would think that the Jew Rose, as the person directly responsible for the "calculated offense" to millions of Muslims, would be charged under Europe's anti-racism laws, not to speak of the severe damage his offensive cartoons caused to Denmark and the Danish people.

Merete Eldrup, the managing director of IP/Politikens Hus, the parent company that owns Jyllands-Posten, is married to Anders Eldrup of Denmark, a Jewish group attendee for the last five years. Eldrup is chairman of Danish Oil and Natural Gas.


( This article in French )

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