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To and from Desert Man

About Jews, money and media...

To Desert Man

As usual, your comments on the mid-east make very interesting reading, and I do look forward to seeing them at radio Islam. I wish I had a greater depth of understanding about your region of the world and its politics.

However, I do believe that focusing on the oil situation, while very important in the shorter term, leaves the longer term question of mid-east peace and Zionist goals on the table. In my opinion, these situations can only be addressed by a really fair and neutral media here in the US and at present this is not possible. If push should ever come to shove, I fear that the military strength of the US, as certainly demonstrated in Iraq, would prove irristable. Even the threat of the loss of mid-east production would never deter military intervention by the US. The real rason being that the world is awash in oil, notwithstanding the periodic "shortages" dreamed up by the seven sisters. In any event, I do enjoy reading your comments.




Once again, congratulations on a well reasoned, well presented and informative statement.

I am especially happy to see your thoughts stated and your call for reason as in the last sentences. However, I do not agree that the US will take a stand FOR its own interests and AGAINST Zionist aims if push comes to shove. My personal belief is that money has so corrupted both of our political parties, Republicans and Democrats, that from here on whoever has the bucks and the will to spend them, can and does control our government. As long as the spigot appears to be in the hands of the Zionists, and more importantly, as long as all the media in the US is under jewish control, anything that affects Israel will have precedence over the true interests of the US, NO MATTER WHAT! Anyone politically active here, who does not follow the Zionist program, hasn't got a chance in hades of getting elected to any office on the National, State or Local level. This, of course, under the guise of "political correctness." And should such a person actually be elected, and espouse populist causes, he would never be re- elected. He would be hounded out of office. Our recent political history will confirm that sad fact to anyone interested in checking out our history!

Regards to you my friend.




A good idea that will never work in the United States. Virtually, America is a country controlled: government, media, finance, hollywood. In other words, when it comes to Israel, Republican and Democratic congressmen have the same viewpoint. Remember what happened to Andrew Young, the UN ambassador under the Carter administration. And basically, the Jews cloned their first president, Bill Clinton, whose appointees are 82 percent Jewish. If money can change anything, the Saudis alone would be willing to make campaign contributions in excess of billion dollars. The fact that Clinton's Mideast Panel consist of Jjews [Ross, Berg, Cohen, Albright] proves that Arabs stand no chance of swaying US policy in the Mideast.

(Jim Jones)



Iran to look after American snakes

Check this news:

Tuesday August 26 5:09 PM EDT

Iran to look after American snakes

TEHRAN (Reuter) - The United States and Iran have had no diplomatic ties since 1980 after radical students stormed the U.S. embassy in Tehran the previous year, but the two arch-foes have one thing in common -- snakes. An Iranian mayor was reported on Sunday as saying that he expected snakes from nine American states to take part in a local exhibition of snakes from 22 countries. Mohammad Vakili, mayor of the Iranian city of Shiraz, told the Kayhan newspaper that the U.S. snakes would form a collection of 400 species of snakes that would be on display for entertainment and scientific purposes. // End of the telegram.

PS! I wonder if Martin Indyk, Alfons D'Amato and Newt Gingrich and prominent AIPAC members are included in this collection. It would really be something, Ha? By the way, as the oil lobby has the upper hand in the competition with the jew lobby these days, one may wonder if Billy the Kid has any use of the zionists crawling in his White House for a while. Or maybe the Billy boy is sending snakes to Iran in order to learn new nasty tricks and lessons from bad guys in Iran so that when they return they can teach the ugly Israel lobbyists how to temptate the good guys in White House to not listening to other voices.

Here's the Desert Man coming with Desert News for Radio Islam netters.

(Desert Man) 


Money and Media

Regrding my previous posting, much the same reasoning could be extended to the acquisition of a major media source here in the U.S. Certainly, some where some how a major TV station, network, newspaper, or radio station is for sale. Using that as a stepping stone, the Islamic point of view could be presented fairly and equitably. It must always be remembered that Islam strives for balance and fairness, not revenge and hate. We do not hate the Jews, we disaprove intensly of the Zionist objectives. And those objectives should be rejected out of hand by all thinking peoples of the world.




The writer pretty much expresses the feelings I have regarding the Mid-East political situation at this time. However, my suggestion remains: Somehow create a fund to be used to purchase a major Western media source, preferably in the U.S., to be used to create a fair and balanced presentation of events in the region. This IS possible, if the Arab nations will cooperate. After all, it only takes money.




Money and Congress

It has always puzzled me as to why the Islamic world has allowed the Zionists to continue to manipulate the U.S. congress, when in actual fact, with the enormous oil revenues produced by the Arab oil countries, a mere $400,000,000. investment in campaign contributions, equaling $750,000. per congressman and Senator, should ensure much favorable legislation. Four hundred million dollars equals what percentage of one months oil revenue for these nations? Remember, it would never be necessary to contribute to each member of Congress. And, if such a contribution were to be made and proved effective, further legis- lation could most assuredly guarantee that that amount would be readily returned through "loans, equipment grants etc" so that the true amount expended would become merely another profitable investment. The U.S. congress has been and will be for some time to come, for sale to the highest bidder.




Watch Me Bleed

W A T C H M E B L E E D/from MER/ by L.M.Hashim (Um Ahmad: a palestinian poetess)

.... Come, my brother, enter herein - enter my life. You wanted to know. You wanted to see. Come taste my strife. You speak of peace so easily - not knowing my war - not feeling my pain. Your "justice of all" is only "justice for few" while the guilty remain. You want us to put our weapons down, while their weapons persist. For you - easy talk. For you - food, family and freedom exist. It might make you feel good to speak out on aggression and say that you care. But that does not give you license to make my decisions while I am not there. You set up your conferences to "educate others" on our situation. Yet, you pick your own speakers to represent us while we lose our nation. You say you are with us and convince all around you it is peace that you seek. You say you will listen. You say you will hear us, but you won't let us speak. And you with the peace signs, organizing your marches, please only yourselves. You think your good thoughts can alone change the world like your signs on the shelves. You must face reality You think it is simple - it simply is not. Reality is watching your land taken away and your relatives shot. Two fingers up does not stop a bullet and make everything right. Righteous indignation does you no good if you won't see the light. You ask lots of questions, but won't hear our answers about what we need. The only thing left is for me to invite you to come watch me bleed...//

(Desert Man)


Radio Islam´s Debate

For that reason, we should all resist
By Desert Man

It is not just enough to know that we are right
By Abu Mohammed

Why Don't we finish Arafat?
By Mossad

Israel has no chance against Iran
By Desert Man

Israel-Russian relations at crisis over Iran
By Desert Man

Saudi-Arabia's role in US foreign policy
By Desert Man

Power and money talks
By Desert Man

Iran shifts spark new U.S. interest in ties
By Desert Man

About Jews, money and media..
To and from Desert Man

Money and Media? Not this time!
By H.H

Proposal to Radio Islam
By M. Khalfan

Roots of racism ....
By Herman Khan

Some views and news
By Desert Man

The Moslems are the closest to us intellectually and spiritually
By Don


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Jewish Religion"

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Jews DO control the media - a Jew brags! - Revealing Jewish article

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