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Israel has no chance against Iran

By Desert Man


The American adminstration's green light to central asian countries for exporting their oil through Iran as well as to american companies making minor deals with Iran has placed Israel in a very precarious situation.

This american softening has not presumed or resulted in any change of Iran's non-recognition policy toward Israel. Some american policy makers representing the mighty Oil Laobby are simply trying to prepare and adapt themselves to the realities in the region and to Iran's key role in theworld's future energy supply. Israel's and AIPAC's efforts to isolate Iran has turned out to be a great failure.

As late as this last week-end Netanyahu made a short visit to Azerbajdan in order to boost the relationships between Israel and Azerbajdan and thereby obtain a role in the new great game of control over Caucasian and Central Asian oil flows.

Something that would not be tolerated by neither Iran nor Russia, not to mension the shia-moslem people of Azerbajdan. Before this visit Ariel Sharon offered Iran to receive some 650 million dollars as part of a repayment of Israel's depts to Iran for oil purchasings under Shah regime.

As a matter of fact, Israels expansion and repression policy toward Palestinians and hostile appearance against its arab neighbors has drived the disappointed and scared moderate arabs into the arms of Iran, with tighter and deeper relationship with Syria/Lebanon and improved relationships with Sauddis and other arab Gulf states as a result.

Therefore, the arab states are taking a risk by approaching Iran, because it will undermine the Israeli position more than ever. The West and Central Asian politics, economics and culture is slowly organizing itself around Iran and there's nothing the beloved Israel can do about it.

Of course, if Israel realize that the future is running away from them and they're losing control, they and their agents wouldn't spare any opportuninty to distabilize the countries wanting closer relations with Iran. That's why I'm afraid the arab states are facing a very dark future, whether they get close to Israel or to Iran.

The CIA sponsored fanatic fundamentalists and fascist secularists in the arab world wouldn't certainly keep quiet seeing their nations distancing themselves from US/Israel.

The islamic movements in the arab world and Turkey as well simply faces a two-front conflict, one against the western-backed secular/traditionalist dictator regimes and antother agaist CIA-backed ultrasecular/ultrafundamentalist movements ready to destroy their countries, if the moslem nations risk to become free and independent or the arab states/Turkey makes significant improvements in their relations with Iran.

The islamic movements should be very careful. But the prospects of distabilizing politics and war is not so good for the israeli society either. What's the deep military concerne of Israel these days is that some of the Katyusha rakets fired on northern Israel by Hezbollah landed just few kilometers outside Haifa. The new rockets showed simply to have a longer range and more powerful than before. And Israel has still great problems with coping with Hezbollah and detecting their raket launchers in southern Lebanon and their two decade of military presence has not crushed the anti-israeli resistance.

Now, Israel is facing a growing domestic anti-war opinion demanding retreat of Israel Army from Lebanon. So even a ful-scale war can solve any of Israel's problem. There's simply no future for Israel nor their CIA supported fundamentalist allies.

The future belongs only to the free clear-minded people of the region and those inspirated by the ideas from the islamic revolution of Iran.

Radio Islam´s Debate

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Israel has no chance against Iran
By Desert Man

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