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The Thirteenth Tribe
Arthur Koestler

The revelation of another
Jewish hoax:

Finally Available To ALL - Absolute Historical Proof: Jews are not originate from Palestine! They are not "descendants" of the mythic Jews of the Bible!

Jews from Eastern Europe and Western Asia were descended from Mongolians and other Asiatic peoples who had adopted Judaism as their "religion" over 1,000 years ago and had become know as "Jews."



Alföldi, "La Royaut Double des Turcs", 2me Congrès Turc d'Histoire (Istanbul, 1937).

Allen, W. E. D., A History of the Georgian People (London, 1932).

Annals of Admont, Klebel, Eine neu aufgefundene Salzburger Geschichtsquelle", Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft für Salzburger

Arne, T. J., "La Suède et l'Orient", Archives d'Etudes Orientales, 8. v.8, Uppsala, 1914.

Artamonov, M. I., Studies in Ancient Khazar History (in Russian) (Leningrad, 1936).

Artamonov, M. I., Khazar History (in Russian) (Leningrad, 1962).

Bader, O. H., Studies of the Kama Archaeological Expedition (in Russian), (Charkov 1953)

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Ballas, J. A., Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Trierischen Volkssprache (1903).

Bar Hebracus, Chronography (Oxford, 1932).

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Baron, S. W., A Social and Relgious History of the Jews, Vols. III and IV (New York 1957)

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Ben-Daud, Ibrahim, Sefer ha-Kabbalah, in Mediaeval Jewish Chronicles, ed. Neubauer, I, 79

Benjamin of Tudela, The Itinerary of Rabbi Benjamin of Tudela, Asher, A., tr. and red., 2 vols. (London and Berlin, 1841).

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Bury, J. B., A History of the Eastern Roman Empire (London, 1912).

Bury, J. B., Byzantinische Zeitschrift XIV, pp.511-70.

Buxtorf, J., fil., ed., Jehuda Halevi, Liber Cosri (Basle 1660).

Carpini, The Texts and Versions of John de Plano Carpini, ed. Hakluyt, Works, Extra Series v.13 (Hakluyt Soc., 1903).

Cassel, Paulus (Selig), Magyarische Alterthmer (Berlin, 1847).

Cassel, Paulus (Selig), Der Chasarische Knigsbrief aus dem 10. Jahrhundert (Berlin, 1876)

Cedrenus, Georgius, ed. Bekker (Bonn, 1839).

Chwolson, D. A., Eighteen Hebrew Grave Inscriptions from the Crimea (in German: St Petersburg, 1865) (in Russian: Moscow, 1869).

Chwolson, D. A., Corpus of Hebrew Inscriptions, German ed. (St Petersburg, 1882).

Comas, J., "The Race Question in Modern Science" (UNESCO, Paris, 1958).

Constantine Porphyrogenitus, De Administrando Imperio, revised 2nd ed. of Moravcsik and Jenkins' text (Washington DC, 1967).

Constantine Porphyrogenitus, De Cerimoniis, ed., with commentary, A. Vogt (Paris 1935-40).

Dimaski, Muhammad, Manuel de la Cosmographie du Moyen Age (Copenhague, 1874).

Disraeli, B., The Wondrous Tale of Aroy (London, 1833).

Druthmar of Aquitania, Christian, Expositio in Evangelium Mattei i Migne, Patrologia Latina (Paris 1844-55).

Dubnow, S., Weltgeschichte des jüdischen Volkes, Band IV (Berlin, 1926).

Dunlop, D. M., The History of the Jewish Khazars (Princeton, 1954).

Dunlop, D. M., "The Khazars" in The World History of the Jewish People, see Roth, ed.

Dunlop, D. M., "Khazars" in Encyclopaedia Judaica, 1971-2 printing.

Eldad ha-Dani, Relations d'Eldad le Danite, Voyageur du IXe Siècle (Paris, 1838).

Fishberg, M., The Jews - A Study of Race and Environment (London and Felling-on-Tyne, 1911).

Fraehn, Khazars, Memoirs of the Russian Academy (1822).

Frazer, Sir James, "The Killing of the Khazar Kings" in Folklore, XXVIII, 1917.

Frye, R. N., see Blake, R. P.

Fuhrmann, Alt-und Neuösterreich (Wien, 1737).

Gardezi, Russian tr. Barthold, Académie Impériale des Sciences, série VIII, Vol. I, No.4 (St Petersburg, 1897).

Gibb, H. A. R., and de Goeje, M. J., article on "Arab Historiography" in Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1955 printing.

Gibbon, B., The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Vol. V (2nd ed., London, 1901).

Goeje, de, ed., Bibliotheca Geographorum Arabicorum (Bonn).

Goeje, de, see Gibb, H. A. R.

Graetz, H. H., History of the Jews (Philadelphia, 1891-98).

Gregoire, H., "Le 'Glozel' Khazare", Byzantion, 1937, pp.225-66.

Halevi, Jehuda, Kitab at Khazari, tr. Hirschfeld, new revised ed. (London, 1931); see also Buxtorf, J., fil.

Harkary, A. B., "Ein Briefwechsel zwischen Cordova und Astrachan zur Zeit Swjatoslaws (um 960), als Beitrag zur alten Geschichte Süd-Russlands" in Russische Revue, Vol. VI, 1875, pp. 69-97.

Harkavy, A. B., Altjüdische Denkmäler aus der Krim, Memoirs of the Russian Academy (1876).

Herzog, E., see Zborowski, M.

Hudud al Alam ("Regions of the World"), Barthold V., ed. (Leningrad, 1930), translation and explanation, Minorsky, V. (London, 1937).

Hussey, J. M., Cambridge Mediaeval History, Vol. III c (1966).

Ibn Fadlan, see Zeki Validi Togan; also Blake R. P., and Frye, R. N.

Ibn Hawkal, Bibliotheca Geographorum Arabicorum; 2 ed. Kramers (1939). See also Ouseley, Sir W.

Ibn Jakub, Ibrahim, Spuler, B., in Jahrbücher für die Geschichte Osteuropas, III, 1-10.

Ibn Nadim, Kitab al Fihrist ("Bibliographical Encyclopaedia"), ed. Flügel.

Ibn Rusta, ed. de Goeje, Bibliotheca Geographorum Arabicorum VII.

Ibn-Said al-Maghribi. Bodleian MS quoted by Dunlop (1954), p.11.

Istakhri, ed. de Goeje, Bibliotheca Geographorum Arabicorum, pars. 1.

Jacobs, J., "On the Racial Characteristics of Modern Jews", J. Anthrop. Inst., Vol. XV, pp. 23-62, 1886.

Kahle, P. E., Bonn University in pre-Nazi and Nazi Times: 1923-1939. Experiences of a German Professor, privately printed in London (1945).

Kahle, P. B., The Cairo Geniza (Oxford, 1959).

Karpovich, M., see Vernadsky, G.

Kerr, N., Inebriety (London, 1889).

Kniper, A. H., "Caucasus, People of" in Enc. Britannica, 1973 printing.

Koestler, A., "Judah at the Crossroads" in The Trail of the Dinosaur (London and New York, 1955; Danube ed., 1970).

Kokovtsov, P., The Hebrew-Khazar Correspondence in the Tenth Century (in Russian) (Leningrad, 1932).

Kutschera, Hugo Freiherr von, Die Chasaren (Wien, 1910).

Landau, "The Present Position of the Khazar Problem", (in Hebrew), Zion, Jerusalem, 1942.

László, G., The Art of the Migration Period (London, 1974).

Lawrence, T. E., Seven Pillars of Wisdom (London, 1906 ed.).

Leiris, M., "Race and Culture" (UNESCO, Paris, 1958).

Luschan, F. von, "Die anthropologische Stellung der Juden", Correspondenzblatt der deutschen Gesellschaft für Anthropologie, etc., Vol. XXIII, pp.94-102, 1891.

Macartney, C. A., The Magyars in the Ninth Century (Cambridge, 1930).

McEvedy, C., The Penguin Atlas of Mediaeval History (1961).

Marquart, J., Osteuropäische und ostasiatische Streifzüge (Hildesheim, 1903).

al-Masudi, Muruj udh-Dhahab wa Maadin ul-Jawahir ("Meadows of Gold Mines and Precious Stones"), French tr., 9 vol. (Paris, 1861-77).

Mieses, M., Die Entstehungsuhrsache der jüdischen Dialekte (Berlin-Wien, 1915).

Mieses, M., Die Jiddische Sprache (Berlin-Wien, 1924).

Minorsky, V., see Hudud al Alam.

Muquadassi, Descriptio Imperii Moslemici, Bibliotheca Geographorum Arabica III, 3 (Bonn).

Nestor and pseudo-Nestor, see Russian Primary Chronicle.

Obolensky, D., The Byzantine Commonwealth - Eastern Europe 500-1453 (London, 1971).

Ouseley, Sir W., The Oriental Geography of Ebn Haukal (London, 1800).

Paszkiewicz, H., The Origin of Russia (London, 1954).

Patai, R., article "Jews" in Enclopaedia Britannica, Vol. XII, 1054, 1973 printing.

Petachia of Ratisbon, Sibub Ha'olam, ed. Benisch (London, 1856).

Photius, Homilies, English translation with introduction and commentary by C. Mango (Cambridge, Mass., 1958).

Poliak, A. N. "The Khazar Conversion to Judaism" (in Hebrew), Zion, Jerusalem, 1941.

Poliak, A. N., Khazaria - The History of a Jewish Kingdom in Europe (in Hebrew) (Mossad Bialik, Tel Aviv, 1951).

Povezt Vremennikh Let, see Russian Primary Chronicle.

Priscus, Corpus Scriptorum Historiae Byzantinae (Bonn).

Reid, G. A., Alcoholism (London, 1902).

Reinach, Th., "Judaei" in Dictionnaire des Antiquits.

Reinach, Th., article "Diaspora" in Jewish Enclopaedia

Renan, Ernest, Le Judaisme comme Race et Religion (Paris, 1883).

Ripley, W., The Races of Europe (London, 1900).

Russian Primary Chronicle, Laurentian Text, tr. and ed. Cross, S. H., and Sherbowitz-Wetzor, C. P. (Cambridge, Mass., 1953).

Roth, C., ed. The World History of the Jewish People, Vol. II: The Dark Ages (London, 1966).

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Sava, G., Valley of the Forgotten People (London, 1946).

Schram, Anselmus, Flores Chronicorum Austriae (1702).

Schultze - Das Martyrium des heiligen Abo von Tiflis, Texte und Untersuchungen für Geschichte der altchristlichen Literatur, XIII (1905).

Shapiro, H., "The Jewish People: A Biological History" (UNESCO, Paris, 1953).

Sharf A., Byzantine Jewry - From Justinian to the Fourth Crusade (London, 1971).

Sinor, D., "Khazars" in Enclopaedia Britannica, 1973 printing.

Smith, H., in Proc. Glasgow University Oriental Society, V, pp. 65-66.

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Togan, see Zeki Validi.

Toynbee, A., A Study of History, abridgement of Vols. I-VI by D. C. Somervell (Oxford, 1947).

Toynbee, A., Constantine Porphyrogenitus and his World (London, New York and Toronto, 1973).

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William of Malmesbury, De gestis regum Anglorum.

Yakubi, Buldan, Bibliotheca Geographorum Arabica VII (Bonn).

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Zeki Validi Togan, A., "Ibn Fadlans Reisebericht" in Abhandlungen für die Kunde des Morgenlandes, Band 24, Nr. 3 (Leipzig, 1939).

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Index of The Thirteenth Tribe:

1 - RISE



4 - FALL







The Thirteenth Tribe By Arthur Koestler (PDF)
The Thirteenth Tribe By Arthur Koestler (ZIP-file)
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