More about Zionism
World Zionism, today, constitutes the last racist ideology still surviving and the Zionist's state of Israel, the last outpost of "Apartheid" in the World.
Israel constitutes by its mere existence a complete defiance to all international laws, rules and principles, and the open racism manifested in the Jewish State is a violation of all ethics and morals known to Man.
The Zionists consider themselves to have sovereign rights to oppress and vilify other peoples. By having an enormous monopoly over the information services in the West, the Zionist have always had a tremendous advantage in promoting their version of the conquest of Palestine, their wars against the neighbouring Arab states, and the "history" of the Jewish people, especially concerning the Second World War and the so-called "holocaust".
The medias, in the hands of the advocates of International Zionism and the promoters of Jewish racism, have become one of the most efficient weapons in Israel's armory, even more effective than the threat of the hundreds of nuclear warheads Israel possesses.
Anti-Arab and anti-Muslim racism, and hatred against everything German, have been the main points of the defamation-campaigns in the Zionist-controlled medias against those considered to be the enemies of Jews and Zionism. This together with the influential Jewish organisations working in all Western states with mapping anti-Zionist resistance and buying our politicians to the Zionist cause, constitute the fundamentals of Zionist policies.
Jewish Complaints about Radio Islam
and "The Encyclopedia of Radio Islam"
The Radio Islam´s contains 15 DIFFERENT homepages with ONE common slogan:
No hate, no violence.
Race? Only one Human race.
Radio Islam, was created as a reaction to today's realities in the Middle East in general, and the Palestinian tragedy specifically.
The conflict in Palestine is not between Semites and anti-Semites, but between occupation and the resistance against this occupation, between right and wrong, justice and injustice.
It concerns the people living in the Middle East but the rest of the world in involved too, as we have seen in many circumstances.
Our conviction is that we, in this issue, are fighting for justice. And one shouldn't forget that Arabs are also Semites.
The homepage of Radio Islam is now available in fifteen (15) different languages. We have the same messages and contents in each of these languages
The complaints are not spontaneous but are just a part of a political campaign trying to circumvent and destroy free speech.
The aim is to shut down our homepage.
Do these complaints contain any specific quotes from the document or any translation of those passages that they have found offending?
We believe we can justify and provide evidence for everything we have written.
If anything wrong may be found in our texts, then, of course, we are quite prepared to acknowledge a mistake and correct it in due time.
For our part we say with firmness:
1) There is no "incitement of violence" in the homepages of Radio Islam.
2) On our homepage - which is outspokenly anti-racist - there can be found nothing that can be considered racist or xenophobic.
3) Concerning the document "The Encyclopedia of Radio Islam":
The purpose of this "Encyclopedia" is to provide a kind of short dictionary of various public persons, debaters, politicians, subjects, events, ideologies and organizations that are of current interest in the debate on the Middle East and are being treated in the home page. That certain persons mentioned are Jews is significant in the same meaning as if they had been Palestinians and has nothing to do with racism.
Without Judaism no Zionism, without Zionism no Israel, and Israel is an occupant.
Those who support Israel take a political position to the question.
Persons mentioned have been selected, scrutinized or criticized not because of their ethnic origin but because of their ideological and political activities.
a) The Encyclopedia of Radio Islam constitutes a kind of index in alphabetical order to subjects mentioned in the material published in Radio Islam's homepage, with links to these specific subjects. (For instance anyone seeing the name Roger Garaudy in the encyclopedia , can be linked from the encyclopedia to material published by this French writer).
b) The Encyclopedia is not "a list of persons", Jews or non-Jews, but a kind of short dictionary which will contain all the subjects; facts, events, organizations, persons involved in the Middle East debate or in some way connected to the conflict in Palestine, definitions. Even newspapers are mentioned there.
c) Persons mentioned in this encyclopedia have been chosen not because of their ethnical origin, but because of their political ideology and POLITICAL position regarding the Palestine question, as POLITICAL actors. I. e. , in this encyclopedia, you'll find both Jews and non-Jews, Zionists and anti-Zionists.
d) What we do have in the English section of Radio Islam's homepages is a list of Jews working in the Clinton administration - the document called "Clinton´s List". But they are mentioned there not because they are Jews, but they are mentioned there because we believe that the Jewish lobby in the US has created a concentration of power which we believe is troublesome to the democracy of that country and dangerous for the peace in the Middle East.
But there is no way this listing of politically active Zionists can be considered as "an incitement to violence" against these persons.
It is a political analysis which has been made by many observers, including Israeli newspapers.
e) The inspiration for creating "The Encyclopedia of Radio Islam" has been the thorough Palestinian masterpiece "The Encyclopedia of the Palestine Question" as well as the leading Jewish source - "The Encyclopaedia Judaica".
f) If our political opponents are of a different view, they should have to prove their point by giving precise examples, like correct translated quotes from the documents, for instance.
Just the fact that they don't agree with our political views should not allow them to deprive us of our human right of freedom of speech.
What it really is all about, is the recent decision by the US Supreme Court to let freedom of speech rule over the Internet.
This decision was met with anger by the Jewish ruling circles in many European countries.
The tragic reality is this; freedom of speech is almost non-existent in many European countries.
We hope that censorship will not prevail over the content of our or any other homepages.
It is the situation in the Middle East that is very much inflamed - the parties concerned in the debate and the conflict only reflect the real polarization.
To the Palestinians and Muslims the Zionists appear to be the Nazis of today.
To the victims of Zionism this ideology is not experienced as something positive, but rather as a symbol of evil.
We removed the Encyclopedia from our homepage in order to avoid all misunderstanding.
We are a group of young people, who have got to know each other through Internet, and we have decided to use our freedom of speech by engaging ourselves in the Palestine question and the struggle against Jewish racism.
Radio Islam
Ahmed Rami, founder of the radio station: RADIO ISLAM