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"Germany Must Perish"

By the Jew Theodore N. Kaufman


3. Organized Germanism


Germanism the theory of a master race of Germans destined to enslave a weak world by force and brutality had been an unvoiced doctrine of German belief since tribal days until the latter part of the last century when it reached its maturity by becoming fashioned into a vast and well-organized movement. Its astounding and ambitious program amalgamated all the major doctrines and beliefs of such German teachers, writers, statesmen and philosophers as Kant, Nitzsche, Hegel, von Bernardi, Rohrbach, Treitschke and Spengler. And because the doctrine which is preached touched upon the very roots of the German soul, and embraced the fundamental tenets of the German intellect, the movement met with immediate and tremendously popular response. In fact its program was so popular with the German that within ten years after its inception its malignant dogma was already spread throughout the entire world.

In 1886 a Dr. Karl Peters convened a General German Congress in Berlin during the course of which all German national associations therein represented were merged into one group, a so-called German League! Its program at first was vague and indefinite, and so much strife grew to exist among the various groups composing the League, that its dissolution seemed imminent until 1891 when Professor Ernst Hasse, a deputy in the Reichstag from Leipzig, became its president and took its management into his own hands.

The first step of Professor Hasse was to broadcast a widespread plea for help, appealing, as he said, "to the traditions of the German soul. His appeal met with such a favorable response that the League grew by leaps and bounds until it was not long before it was able to publish and maintain its own newspaper. In 1894 it changed its name to the Pan-German League, and proceeded to lay down an entire program of action relative to world-conquest and domination by Germany. This program of action for achieving such a goal was so replete with details, and its plan of procedure so comprehensive that it was adopted, almost unchanged, by the Nazis. For its motto the League used the words of the Great Elector: "Remember, you are a German!"

During the interval in which the Pan-German League was organized, a German professor, Heinrich von Treitschke was being hailed throughout Germany as a new prophet. For years he had been spreading the fiery message of Germanism; it was a rabid admixture of war, hate, anti-Christian and destruction. It was the preaching of such doctrines which today has earned for Treitschke the great "honor" of being recognized by the Germans as the apostle of their ideology.

Heinrich von Treitschke was born in Dresden in 1834. After graduating from various German universities and spending some time in aimless drifting, he suddenly became consumed with the tortuous idea of a German unity founded by the sword. Feeling that the best method, in his day, of spreading such a belief was through teaching, he turned eagerly to that profession. His continual insistence on spreading Prussianism and its doctrine of the "nailed-fist rule" finally enabled him to settle in Berlin where he became established as a popular historian and publicist.

Treitschke was a war-monger and a "might-makes-right" advocate of the fiat rank. Possessing a natural gift of eloquence he held his students spellbound during his lectures on "conquer at all costs" for, according to his Interpretation of German's development and history, it had to pursue such a course in order to spread itself beyond its boundaries. At first he set Europe as the area of Germany's "Lebensraum" but, after the success of the German army in 1870 he enlarged and expanded upon his original declaration by stating that the world was Germany's to conquer and dominate; that through foisting war upon the world the German nation was destined to become the "super-state" of the universe, and to hold its people in thralldom. These teachings so appealed to the German character that Treitschke, like Hitler, soon captured the intellectuals as well as the masses of his day'. His doctrines were spread throughout Germany by his many pupils until, eventually; practically every educated German of that day fell under his influence. Conceivably, he could not have inspired such a profound belief in such monstrous doctrines unless, in substance, they embraced aims and ideas already very definitely existing as inherent in the German character and innate in his soul. Many of those beliefs explain much of Germany's present action:.

According to Treitschke, the individual has no right of his own, but exists only for the state which has the exclusive right to use him as it wills. There is no other force except the will of the State, and war is the only and best way in which that will might be employed by it. A Germany so constituted can recognize no earthly power and "might makes right" only when a German wields the sword! There is no such thing to the German as "sacredness of human life" and war is sublime to him because in it he can "murder without passion." War is the best way in which Germany can enforce its will upon its neighbors, as well as being "the only cure for diseased nations."

Treitschke then treats with various methods to be employed by Germany in order to conquer and dominate the world.

"Germany," he writes "must make it a duty to employ traitors in the enemy state for its own interest," even though, he adds, "every good German subject is a latent, and when opportunity arises, an active spy."

Lying and deceit are encouraged as being a foundation stone for German policy and as for treaties and the like Treitschke advises that they are mere scraps of paper and urges that "they can and must be denounced by Germany whenever the promise they hold becomes unprofitable to her." In such a case a treaty becomes automatically obsolete and "German honor demands that it be broken! There is, he continues, no such thing as international law and order, no covenants between nations. As for justice, there is no such thing except at the point of a German sword.

All of Treitschke's teachings as well as the most pointed and precise interpretation ever made of the German ego is best summarized in a declaration in which he maintained that Germany could never have peace with the world because to the German mode of thought it "is a foreign world, which cannot he reformed, but can only he overthrown." Thus the ideal of Germany becomes allied to the "rule of evil" in a common German effort to annihilate civilization!

The Pan-German League combined Treitschke's various doctrines into a program of action and issued, among its statutes, four main principles which lay down broadly its chief objectives.

They were:

1. To watch over and support all German national movements in all countries where Germans have to sustain a struggle in support of Germanism with the object of embracing and uniting all Germans an the globe.

2. To promote an active German policy in interests in Europe and across the seas and especially to further all colonial movements for practical purposes.

3. To treat and solve all questions bearing upon the bringing up of children and higher education in the Germanic sense.

4. To quicken patriotic self-consciousness of Germans, and to offer opposition to all movements antagonistic to national development.

In further explanation of the above statutes the League issued a manifesto declaring that "the fate of the Germans in Austria cannot be a matter of indifference to Germany; it cannot be a matter of indifference whether the Saxons or Swabians in Hungary are Magyarized, or the Germans in Switzerland or the Flemish in Belgium are Gallicized. Germans must actively support all movements in those countries in support of Germanism. Germanism across the seas must be preserved and fostered by every possible means." ("Zwecke and Ziele des Alldeutschen Verbandes", Adolf Lehr.)

We already know how well the German has heeded and obeyed such advice.

By 1900 there were some fifty various associations in existence all subservient to the Pan-German League. Ramified in character but identical in aim these groups, which ranged from military and naval cliques to sports leagues and banking institutions, were all fervidly pledged to preserve and foster Germanism in foreign lands. Politically too, the League gained considerable prestige. In 1903 no less than forty-three members of the Reichstag had already been initiated as members.

Branches of the League sprang up in major cities of the world. Of the two in the United States one was located in New York, the other in Texas. With the spread of its propaganda, the League scattered a large number of secret agents throughout the world for the purpose of supplying it with confidential reports relating to the gospel of Germanism. These agents were the forerunners of the present day fifth-columnists; it was their work which started the compilation of the notorious German "scrap-book" in which that government listed all its enemies, and enemies to the idea of a German dominated world. To a nation such as Germany blackmail pales in insignificance to its other crimes. And so, with every passing hour, the members of the German League continued with their nefarious work which; teaching and enforcing the great common German ideal of world-enslavement, quickly became an integral part of the average German's life and dreams. By 1905, the tenets of the Pan-German were already known to all. The initial work had been done. The vicious Virus of Germanism had been injected into the life stream of the public, and the Germans awaited the epidemic which they felt must sooner or later infest the world.

As a matter of fact, the work and program as well as the propaganda which they spread had reached such a pitch that as far back as 1895 various German writers were already busy prophesying how and when the ideology goal of German world-dominion would be attained! These prophets were by no means few in number; there exists a large number of serious works by German authors in which the destiny of their country is elaborately worked out in full detail and the deification of Germanism as a world religion depicted.

From one such prophecy, written in 1900, we learn that "things about the year 1950 have begun to cause great uneasiness All Germans have been united, Holland enters the German union; in Belgium the Flemings grow in power and because the French element causes increasing trouble, Germany is obliged to intervene. If France objects to a total absorption (of Belgium by Germany), then the French Walloon territory falls to France the Flemish portion to Germany. Maybe the French fight, in which case all Belgium will be annexed and incorporated in the German World Empire." The author then goes on to discuss, rather vaguely, the case of France, Switzerland, and the Balkans, after which he cautions the Germans "by all means avoid a war with Russia, if possible." He completes the prophesy by stating that "in the year 1950 "Great World Germany" will possess a population of two hundred millions. Everybody is happy because all the Germans are now, united and are ruling the world!"

This prophesy did not, by any means, appear fantastic to the German of that day. Actually it was considered as altogether too conservative because more radical leaders had set the establishment of the "German World" at a much earlier date than 1950. Writing in 1895 one ambitious German predicted that "Der Tag" would arrive sometime in 1915. Here is a summary of his augury:

"Around about 1915 the whole world starts trembling. Two great States take action in self-defense, America and Russia. America proclaims aloud the doctrine of 'Pan-America.' Russia concludes treaties with Turkey, Persia and China. Great Britain, Pan-America and the Pan-Slavonic Russian Colossus threaten to overwhelm the sixteen states of Europe. At this juncture Germany intervenes and rising to the occasion, sets to work to prepare army and navy for the coming struggle." Then follows a description of the war and a few miscellaneous vagaries after which the writer continues:

"The Junkers roll in money. Meanwhile Pan-America has become a source of great uneasiness to Germany for Gerrnanism is threatened in South-America. The United States, declining to give way, the German, Italian and French navies mobilize and set sail for America. The American navy is destroyed. On land the German troops made short work of the American mercenaries. Under the brilliant leadership of the German Leader, the Germans were everywhere victorious. On sea the German ships, guns and men showed their great superiority over the English who were regularly defeated. German discipline, courage and skill made the German navy invincible. The British navy was destroyed. Invaded, the English offer but a half-hearted resistance. The German and Italian soldiers seized London. England and America were defeated. Peace was concluded." ("Germania Triumphans": Von einem Großdeutschen, Berlin, 1895)

Concerning the terms of such a peace, the writer declared that, "Germany took Mexico, Guatemala, British Honduras all Brazil south of the Amazon, Uruguay, Paraguay, Bolivia, Peru and northern Chile. France took Brazil north of the Amazon, British Guyana, Venezuela, Colombia and Ecuador. Italy took what was left of South-America, including the Argentine. The West Indies were divided between Germany and France. Gibraltar was restored to Spain, Malta given to Italy, Cyprus to Turkey. The English had to pay an enormous war indemnity. There was great discontent in England because the entire British navy was held by the Germans as a guarantee of payment. All England's Suez-Canal shares were confiscated and distributed among the victorious powers. The Kimberley diamond mines were seized by Germany and all English and American capital invested in Brazil and South America was transferred to German hands. The Cable lines were taken by Germany and all English and American colonists were ordered to leave South- America within a year, never to be permitted to settle in any country on that continent again." -

Thus England and America are humbled and the rule of the German Nailed-Fist secured! Maps, circulated soon after this prophesy was made public, illustrated the division of South America; the northern half and Central America being portrayed thereon as German colonies.

Still another writer, predicting a war similar to the one mentioned above finishes his prophesy by stating that "after completely humbling England, the time had arrived for Germany to settle with the United States, but upon German mobilization United States yielded to all her demands without striking a blow! ("Die Abrechnung mit England", Karl Eisenhart)

Though many of these "prophecies" vary in detail the reader is aware of the one outstanding fact which pervades them all; that the deification of Germanism cannot he accomplished without the fall and humiliation of both England and the United States. This was declared to be a fact by Dr. Paul Samassa, a German Professor who, in 1902, stated that Germany must be prepared to combat the Britons and Americans; after defeating these last of the free peoples, Germany could then rule the world in any way she pleased!

In 1904 one observer, taking serious note of all such German prophecies and desires wrote an envisioned analysis in which he forewarned that "the doctrine of Germanism may quite well become a national ideal and kindle a very dangerous spirit. For Anglo-Saxondom the lesson it teaches is obvious. Readiness is all. Let England and the United States be prepared at all times successfully to meet the Teutonic onrush if ever it should come." (Pan-Germanic Doctrine", Austin Harrison)

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