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No time to waste. Act now!
Tomorrow it will be too late





























Sara Lee is the world's largest clothing manufacturer. It owns 30% of Israel's leading textile company Delta Galil, this opens the worlds markets to Israel, with cloths originating in Israel being sold around the world under one of the many famous Sara Lee brands (Hanes, Champion, Leggs, DIM, Bali, Lovable, Outer Banks, Wonderbra, Gossard, Playtex, Just My Size ...)

In 1998, Mr. Lucien Nessim of Sara Lee Personal Products received the Jubilee Award by the Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu. This is the highest tribute ever awarded by the "State of Israel" in recognition of those individuals and organizations, that through their investments and trade relationships, have done the most to strengthen the Israeli economy.

We are running a letter writing campaign to pressure Sara Lee to divest from Israel. Some may say that our goal is not realistic and is unachievable. But by this campaign, at the very least Sara Lee will come to understand that their support of apartheid Israel does not go unnoticed and that they will loose the custom of ethical consumers around the world.

Please copy the letter below, or better still compose your own original letter, and give printed copies to all your friends for signing and sending off.

Remember to include in the letter:

  • Your Sign & printed Name
  • The Date
  • Your Address


Mr. C. Steven McMillan
Chief Executive Officer of Sara Lee Corporation
Three First National Plaza
Illinois 60602-4260


The Date

Dear Sir,

I write with reference to your company’s continued support for Israeli apartheid.

By your company's investments in Israel, with 30% share in Delta Galil and joint ventures with Nilit, you are directly helping perpetuate gross violations of human rights upon Palestinians. Furthermore Sweatshop Watch has denounced Delta Galil for its exploitation of Arab labour. I urgently request you to reconsider your support for the racist and persistent abuse of basic human rights by henceforth divesting your holdings from Israel.

In the meantime I will have no alternative but to boycott your products, and encourage others to do so. I look forward to receiving your assurances that you will no longer be supporting Israeli apartheid.

Yours faithfully,

Your Sign

Your Name & Address



A "Boycott Sara Lee" sticker design is available for download. Activists can use a word processor to print the stickers out on their printers using standard computer label sheets. Two popular label sizes are supported, and for each a landsacpe & portrait image is given in case your word processor cannot rotate images.

Small Label

Label Size: 38.1 x 21.2mm
65 labels per sheet (5 x 13)
Avery Code: J8651


Large Label

Label Size: 63.5 x 38.1mm
21 labels per sheet (3 x 7)
Avery Code: J8160

Note that whilst Avery Codes are provided any brand of labels will do just as well, just ensure that the label size matches. Also note that 63.5 x 38.1mm is the more popular of the two sizes hence although its labels are larger, you may find that they still work out cheaper per label than the smaller size. Of course they will use up more ink at 21 labels per sheet.



There is also an on-line boycott petition against Sara Lee that you can sign.


"When a Jew, in America or in South Africa, talks to his Jewish companions about 'our' government, he means the government of Israel."

- David Ben-Gurion, Israeli Prime Minister

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