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No time to waste. Act now!
Tomorrow it will be too late


























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Anti-War Web Sites

(Most) as noted by the Great Britain's The Guardian newspaper.


UK Muslim community news site on the Iraq conflict.

Active Resistance to the Roots of War
A nonviolent direct action affinity group set up in September 1990. Holds weekly vigils outside the Foreign Office calling for the end of economic sanctions on Iraq.

Bare Witness
Non-affiliated group that holds naked anti-war protests.

Campaign Against the Arms Trade
Group working for the reduction and ultimate abolition of the international arms trade.

Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament
A non-violent campaign group working to eliminate nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction.

Campaign for the Accountability of American Bases
Campaign raises public awareness, scrutiny and accountability of American bases in the UK and opposes weapons of mass destruction.

Cut It Up
Site that encourages Labour party members to protest against war on Iraq.

Diverse open network of people taking action to stop war on Iraq

Everyone Counts
Mass letter writing campaign against war.

Everyone Counts
Mass letter writing campaign against war.

Gloucestershire Weapons Inspectors
Newly formed group trying to eliminate weapons of mass destruction from Gloucestershire.

International Citizens' Weapons Inspectorate
Campaign group that demands the right to inspect RAF bases.

Iraq Body Count
Project attempting to establish an independent and comprehensive public database of civilian deaths in Iraq resulting directly from military actions by the USA and its allies in 2003.

Labour Against the War
Labour party and trade union campaign for an end to western military action in response to the events of 11th September 2001.

Media Workers Against the War
Non-political organisation run by volunteers working in all types of media. Daily updated source for anti-war news, views and updates on the international peace movement.

Medical Action for Global Security
A charitable organisation of health professionals concerned with the health impacts of violent conflict, poverty and environmental degradation.

Muslim Association of Britain
Institution that attempts to spread the teachings and culture of Islam within British society. Supports all global anti-war movements.

Network for Peace
Organisation-based network set up to continue the work of the National Peace Council, one of the oldest peace organisations in the UK.

No War on Iraq Liaison
Group of representatives inside and outside parliament promoting discussions about the political and diplomatic alternatives to the present crisis, and fostering coordinated action against war.

Our World Our Say
Campaign to put pressure on the British government by sending a message to Tony Blair oppposing war on Iraq.

Operation Desert Rescue
Non-affiliated group, set up more than 25 years ago to look at the effects of war on children around the world.

Oxfam Conflict Campaign
Charity urging people to email Tony Blair asking him not to start a war on Iraq.

Peace Exchange
Quaker anti-war site.

Peace Pledge Union
Independent organisation, established in 1934, working towards creating a just world free from war.

The Protest
Site inviting anti-war protesters to email in their details so their location can be shown on a map.

Reclaim the Bases
A weekend of protest, direct action and civil disobedience at military basesthroughout the UK on April 5 and 6.

A resource file for Labour party members who disagree with their MP's stance over the Iraq crisis.

Rhythms of Resistance
Activist samba band involved in anti-war protests.

SOAS Stop the War
Independent group formed as a response to post-September 11 international political developments, based at the School of Oriental and African Studies in London.

Stop the War Coalition
Developed following September 11 under three slogans: stop the war, no to a racist backlash, and defend civil liberties

Students against the War
First-hand reports from student and school pupil protests, and calendar of forthcoming actions.

Voices in the Wilderness UK
Organisation concerned with the humanitarian crises in Iraq; breaks the economic sanctions by hand-delivering medical supplies to children's hospitals.

War on Want
Group asking people to sign up to a campaign saying that 'the only war worth fighting is the war on poverty'.

Act Together: Women Against Sanctions on Iraq
A group of UK based Iraqi and non-Iraqi women working against war on Iraq.


101 Ways to Stop the War on Iraq
List compiled by environmental site EarthFuture.

Americans Against Bombing
Conservative/libertarian coalition opposed to US bombing in the Middle East and Kosovo.

American Friends Service Committee
Multi-faith organisation established by the Quakers in 1917, backing peace building.

Axis of Justice
Us anti-war opinion forum.

Site devoted to keeping tabs on George Bush.

Campus anti-war network
United, democratic, grassroots network of campus/school based anti-war committees.

Citizens for Legitimate Government
A pro-democracy activist group established to 'expose the Bush coup d'etat'.

Cities for Peace
Coalition of local elected officials and citizens in US cities encouraging people to email city councils and pass a resolution against the war.

Campaign for Peace and Democracy

Campaign urging people to sign a statement opposing war on Iraq.

Code pink for peace

Group of women organising vigils for peace and calling for a campaign of civil disobedience if war begins in Iraq.

Direct Action to Stop the War

Nonviolent civil disobedience and direct action against war.

Duct Tape for Peace
A site urging anti-war protesters to express their views with a duct tape ribbon, duct tape bumper sticker, duct tape banner or sign, or by posting a strip or roll of duct tape to George Bush.

Education for Peace in Iraq

Organisation dedicated to improving humanitarian conditions in Iraq and defending the human rights of the Iraqi people.

Food Not Bombs
Volunteer organization dedicated to nonviolence.

Fellowship of Reconciliation USA

Nonviolent interfaith group set up in 1915.

Harrass the Brass

Anti-military newspaper produced byradical US soldiers in Vietnam.

Website of the author of Stupid White Men.

A nationwide network of more than 600,000 online activists working to support US citizens in finding their political voice.

Not in Our Name
Group of artists and activists inspiring protest and resistance to the US government's course in the wake of September 11.

Patriots for Peace

Grassroots campaign arguing that you can be a patriot and stand for peace.

Ploughshares Fund

Group providing resources to stop the weapons of war, from nuclear arms to landmines.

Rooting Out Evil

Canadian site that wants to send an international team to the US to inspect a site suspected of housing weapons of mass destruction.

September 11th families for peaceful tomorrows
An advocacy organisation founded by family members of September 11 victims, seeking effective non-violent responses to terrorism.

Anti-war christian ministry.
Grassroots education and advocacy project founded by Ben Cohen, co-founder of Ben and Jerry's.

United for Justice and Peace
National campaign that brings together a broad range of organisations throughout the US to help coordinate protest against war on Iraq.

Veterans for Common Sense

Group of war veterans who argue they must play a key role in the public debate over national security issues.

Veterans for Peace
A nonprofit organisation dedicated to the abolition of war founded by ex-service members in 1985.
A non-political, educational campaign against war and racism and in support of grassroots democracy, including teach-ins, conferences, local and regional events.

Vote to Impeach

Site calling for people to vote electronically to impeach George Bush.Webocracy
Media think tank.

Win Without War
A coalition of national organisations advocating alternatives to pre-emptive war in Iraq.

Who Dies for Bush Lies?

Created by the Committee to Unsell the War to put the case against war on Iraq.


Ante la Guerra Actua
Spanish anti-war site.

Austrian Social Forum
Austrian anti-war websites.

Bermuda for Peace
Group of volunteers in Bermuda providing a resource for activists and campaigners for nonviolent conflict resolution

Clear Up
Petition calling for no use of cluster bombs and post-conflict clear up ofall explosive remnants of war.

Cultura contra la guerra
Spanish artists against war.

Electronic Iraq
A news portal on the US-Iraq crisis published by anti-war campaigners Voices in the Wilderness and Middle East supplementary news publishers, the Electronic Intifada

Latvian anti-war group whose name means I am for peace

Filipino Youth for Peace
Group of young Filipino netizens opposed to war on Iraq.

Five Letters for Peace
Campaign urging people to send a 'message of peace' to five key political leaders.

Greenpeace - Say No War Again
Environmental pressure group's anti-war website.

Green Left Weekly
Australian magazine with anti-war stance.

JustPeace campaign
New Zealand Green party anti-war campaign.

Groupe pour une Suisse Sans Armée
The Movement for the Abolition of the Swiss Army wants to abolish the Swiss army, and replace national service with a voluntary, peaceable alternative. Also opposes war on Iraq.

Human shield mission to Iraq
Convoy of peace campaigners travelling to Baghdad to act as a human shield.

Ingen Krig mot Irak
Norwegian anti-war site.

International Socialist Resistance and Youth Against the War
International anti-capitalist youth campaigning organisation calling for student strikes on the day of an attack against Iraq.

Swiss site (in German) organising anti-war demonstrations and with links to other European anti-war sites.

International Answer (Act Now to Stop War and End Racism)
Coalition group calling for worldwide rallies against war and racism.

Irish Anti-War Movement
Anti-war movement supported by Ireland's Green and Socialist parties; also opposes US army presence in Shannon.

Irish Network for Nonviolent Action Training and Education, an umbrella group supporting people exploring nonviolent approaches to conflict issues.

Listen for Peace
A grassroots organisation that practices and supports compassionate listening and speech to deepen understanding and bring peace.

No a la guerra
Spanish anti-war site.

No to War Against Iraq
German campaign urging people to send one Euro to a special bank account as a vote against a war in Iraq.

No War with Iraq
Australian site urging people to protest against war with Iraq by emailing the prime minister John Howard.

Nobel Laureates on Iraq
Site opposing a preventive war against Iraq without broad international support.

Not in our Name Australia
Site asking people to sign a register indicating their opposition to war.

One Voice for Peace
Australian coalition asking people to sign an anti-war statement.

Paremos la guerra
Spanish anti-war site.

Pax Christi
International Catholic Peace Movement with branches throughout the world.

Pax Humana
French anti-war site.

Peace and Progress

Site asking visitors to sign a peace manifesto.

Peace Plan Group
Group dedicated to searching for an apolitical, non-military resolution to the 'war on terrorism'.

Pitstop Ploughshares
Campaign for five Catholic Workers facing court for disarming a US warplane at Shannonairport Ireland and pouring human blood on the runway.

Australian anti-war campaign


New Zealand-based progressive alternative news site.


Belgian anti-war website.

Stop War Initiative

Polish group opposing war on Iraq and planning protests on the day of any attack.

Victorian Peace Network

Australian-based network of more than 60 organisations opposed to the war on Iraq.

Waging Peace
Website of the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation.

War Resisters International

Movement sent up in 1921 to promote nonviolent action against the causes of war.

Webcam in Iraq

Project placing a webcam in Baghdad to put a human face on the coming conflict.

Why War
Group trying to organize, inform, and motivate Americans to question and evaluate the 'war on terrorism'.

Women in black

International peace network that holds silent vigils to protest war and human rights abuses.
Women in Black UK

Women's International League for Peace
Women campaigning for peace since the early 1900's.

World Socialist Website
Internet centre of the International Committee of the Fourth International, which opposes war on Iraq, and more generally the capitalist market system.


Canadian-based global network of artists, activists, writers, pranksters, and students against consumer culture and conflict.

Awakened Woman
Spiritual journal opposing war and celebrating women's power to change the world.

Carnival of Chaos

Series of anti-war collages by Michael Dickinson.

International journal of analysis and comment with an anti-war focus.

Collective of creative artists activating an audio-visual response to the current global political climate.

Peace Not War
Site providing streaming audio of a selection of anti-war songs.

Poets against the war
Group organising poetry readings against the war and presenting 13,000 anti-war poems.

Poetry for Peace
Website produced by Heinrich-Kraft-Schule, a comprehensive school in Frankfurt, Germany.

A Sharp Stick

Comic strip opposing war on Iraq.

The Fire This Time

Audio project providing a record of the fate of Iraq; also features music from Orbital, Aphex Twin and others.

The Lysistrata Project

Worldwide theatrical event for peace to be held on March 3, involving the reading of Lysistrata, Aristophanes' anti-war comedy.


Anti-war art collective.

UK Poets Against the War

Group that delivered 10,000 anti-war poems to Downing Street.

Wake the World
Site providing copyright free anti-war posters.

The Wartime Project

Reflections on and reactions against wars,past, present and future by digital and network artists. Shockwave/Flash required.


Fallout Shelter News
Anti-war news and comment.

Adam Nieman's posters
Series of anti-war posters available for downloading.

AlterNet: the anti-war movement
Online magazine providing alternative journalism on the anti-war movement.
Anti-war news, resources and event listings.
Online magazine and research tool providing anti-war news.

Anti-War Web Ring
Collection of anti-war sites linked by simple navigation system.


Collection of anti-war news, comment and links.

Collection of anti-war news and views.

Common Dreams
National nonprofit organisation providing 'breaking news and views for the progressive community'.

Collateral Terror

Site providing analysis of the 'waw on terrorism'.


Alternative biweekly alternative newsletter.

Fight the Octopus
Alternative political newswire.

Independent Media Centre (Indymedia)

Network of collectively run media outlets, originally set up to provide grassroots coverage of the WTO protests in Seattle.

Iraq Action Coalition

Media and activists' resource centre
Latest anti-war news from various sites, updated automatically.

News Alternative

Collection of anti-war news and analysis.

No War on Iraq

Clearing house of information, news and opinions for people and organisations opposed to war on Iraq.

International anti-militarist magazine.


Global calendar of pro-peace and anti-racism protests, meetings, benefits and conferences.

Peace Resource Project

Site providing anti-war fundraising and promotional items.

Peter Werbe

A US nationally syndicated, daily, left-wing phone-in talk show dealing with anti-war issues.

The Political Posters of Nathan Felde

Collection of anti-war posters.


DirectAction and protest news with nationwide action listings.

The Activist
Magazine dedicated to the world of activism.

Selection of news and comment from newspaper columnists, university teachers, groups of concerned scientists, and other community leaders.

The War in Context

Site providing critical perspectives on the 'war on terrorism', war on Iraq and the Middle East conflict.


Alternative news and comment site with flourishing anti-war section, including discussion boards and reports from anti-war rallies around the world.

War on Iraq

Providing alternative sources of news and views on the threatened war on Iraq.

Zmag anti-war resources

List of resources put together by Z magazine, an independent monthly of critical thinking.


Disturbing trends
Anti-war weblog.

Anti-war weblog by David Cogswell.

Joe Says No

Anti-war weblog.

Killing Goliath
Collaborative anti-war weblog.

Stand Down

Ant-war weblog.


War is suck!

Anti-war weblog from an Indonesian in Jakarta.
Indian anti-war weblog.


March for Justice

Iraq Peace Team


When Victims Rule. A Critique of Jewish pre-eminence in America

2,000 page scholarly work featuring approximately 10,000 citations from about 4,000 bibliographic sources.
The most thorough investigation to this day on Jewish power and influence in the USA and the world.


"When a Jew, in America or in South Africa, talks to his Jewish companions about 'our' government, he means the government of Israel."

- David Ben-Gurion, Israeli Prime Minister

Palestine banner
Viva Palestina!

Latest Additions - in English

What is this Jewish carnage really about? - The background to atrocities

Videos on Farrakhan, the Nation of Islam and Blacks and Jews  

How Jewish Films and Television Promotes bias Against Muslims

Judaism is Nobody's Friend
Judaism is the Jews' strategy to dominate non-Jews.

Jewish War Against Lebanon!

Islam and Revolution
By Ahmed Rami

Hasbara - The Jewish manual for media deceptions

Celebrities bowing to their Jewish masters

Elie Wiesel - A Prominent False Witness
By Robert Faurisson

The Gaza atrocity 2008-2009

Iraq under Jewish occupation
Iraq - war and occupation

Jewish War On Syria!

CNN's Jewish version of "diversity" - Lists the main Jewish agents

Hezbollah the Beautiful
Americans, where is your own Hezbollah?

Black Muslim leader Louis Farrakhan's Epic Speech in Madison Square Garden, New York  - A must see!

"War on Terror" - on Israel's behalf!

World Jewish Congress: Billionaires, Oligarchs, Global Influencers for Israel

Interview with anti-Zionist veteran Ahmed Rami of Radio Islam - On ISIS, "Neo-Nazis", Syria, Judaism, Islam, Russia...

Britain under Jewish occupation!

Jewish World Power
West Europe    East Europe
Americas          Asia
Middle East       Africa
      U.N.              E.U.


The Internet and Israeli-Jewish infiltration/manipulations

Books - Important collection of titles

The Judaization of China

Israel: Jewish Supremacy in Action - By David Duke

The Power of Jews in France

Jew Goldstone appointed by UN to investigate War Crimes in Gaza

When Jews rule...
The best book on Jewish Power

The Israel Lobby - From the book

Jews and Crime - The archive

Sayanim - Israel's and Mossad's Jewish helpers abroad

Listen to Louis Farrakhan's Speech - A must hear!

The Israeli Nuclear Threat

The "Six Million" Myth

"Jewish History" - a bookreview

Putin and the Jews of Russia

Israel's attack on US warship USS Liberty - Massacre in the Mediterranean

Jewish "Religion" - What is it?

Medias in the hands of racists

Strauss-Kahn - IMF chief and member of Israel lobby group

Down with Zio-Apartheid
Stop Jewish Apartheid!

The Jews behind Islamophobia

Israel controls U.S. Presidents
Biden, Trump, Obama, Bush, Clinton...

The Victories of Revisionism
By Professor Robert Faurisson

The Jewish hand behind Internet The Jews behind Google, Facebook, Wikipedia, Yahoo!, MySpace, eBay...

"Jews, who want to be decent human beings, have to renounce being Jewish"

Jewish War Against Iran

Jewish Manipulation of World Leaders

Al Jazeera English under Jewish infiltration

The Founding Myths of Modern Israel
Garaudy's "The Founding Myths
of Israeli Politics"

Jewish hate against Christians
By Prof. Israel Shahak

Introduction to Revisionist
- By Ernst Zündel

Karl Marx: The Jewish Question

Reel Bad Arabs - Revealing the racist Jewish Hollywood propaganda

"Anti-Semitism" - What is it?

Videos - Important collection 

The Jews Banished 47 Times in 1000 Years - Why?

Zionist strategies - Plotting invasions, formenting civil wars, interreligious strife, stoking racial hatreds and race war

The International Jew
By Henry Ford

Pravda interviews Ahmed Rami

The Founding Myths of Modern Israel
Shahak's "Jewish History,
Jewish Religion"

The Jewish plan to destroy the Arab countries - From the World Zionist Organization

Judaism and Zionism inseparable

Revealing photos of the Jews 

Horrors of ISIS Created by Zionist Supremacy - By David Duke

Racist Jewish Fundamentalism

The Freedom Fighters:
   Hezbollah - Lebanon
   Nation of Islam - U.S.A.

Jewish Influence in America
- Government, Media, Finance...

"Jews" from Khazaria stealing the land of Palestine

The U.S. cost of supporting Israel

Turkey, Ataturk and the Jews

Talmud unmasked
The truth about the Talmud

Israel and the Ongoing Holocaust in Congo

Jews DO control the media - a Jew brags! - Revealing Jewish article

Abbas - The Traitor

Protocols of Zion - The whole book!

Encyclopedia of the Palestine Problem
Encyclopedia of the
Palestine Problem

The "Holocaust" - 120 Questions and Answers

Quotes - On Jewish Power / Zionism

Caricatures / Cartoons 

Activism! - Join the Fight!