Current Issues for
Blacks and Jews
This is a review of events related to Blacks and Jews that have occurred within the last 5 years
and you've probably never heard about.
Please E-MAIL to B&J Newspage to notice of any issues which may be included on this list.
Black Ph. D. Attacked for Mentioning Book
Los Angeles - A Black radio broadcaster was removed from his position by KPFK-FM after mentioning the contents of the book, The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews, during a thirty hour program entitled "Afrikan Mental Liberation Weekend." The weekend broadcast, an annual affair produced by Dr. Kwaku Person-Lynn of California State University, featured thirty hours of taped lectures and discussion with progressive Black thinkers who provide a perspective that is rarely heard in media.
The Anti-Defamation League filed a complaint with the Federal Communications Commission charging that the station had engaged in a "lengthy diatribe against the Jewish community" and violated the FCC's personal attack rule. "It's been an extremely unfair attack based on scholarship that they did not want broadcast to the public," said Person-Lynn and added in an editorial response, that the "main issue" is that Blacks are rising to the point "where it will no longer depend on outside communities for the manufacture and distribution of its goods." He indicated that those whom Blacks depend on profit from our dependency and are the most resistant to independent voices.
Person-Lynn went on to challenge two Jewish officials in Los Angeles to a debate saying that he "was willing to face either in a public forum. I would present my evidence and they could present theirs. Both declined. What are they trying to hide?," he asked.
"Those who are so willing to condemn me, are really trying to dismiss the potency of universal Afrikan scholarship, which is liberating many minds from much of the Western propaganda."
"SECRET" Memorandum shows Jewish control of Black event
A memorandum addressed to Civil Rights leaders authored by White Jewish Rabbi David Saperstein and marked "Confidential and Personal" threatened Jewish reprisals if Minister Farrakhan were allowed to speak at the 1993 March on Washington. Though invited to speak Minister Farrakhan was dis-invited at the last minute by negro organizers based on this memo. Mrs. Coretta King, Rev. Lowery of SCLC, NAACP's Ben Chavis, Jesse Jackson, Walter Fauntroy and others could all be heard chanting a collective "YESSUH BOSS" even before the White rabbi could get the order through his fax machine.
Here are excerpts from the August 13, 1993 memo:
CONFIDENTIAL AND PERSONALTo: Mrs. Coretta Scott King, Rev. Walter Fauntroy, Bill Lucy, Rev. Jesse Jackson, William Gibson, Rev. Ben Chavis, Lane Kirkland
From: Rabbi David Saperstein
cc: Rabbi Alexander Schindler, Lawrence Rubin
...In the past 24 hours, however, two major problems have arisen. The first is that I understand that a tentative decision was made yesterday to invite Rev. Louis Farrakhan. I do not need to tell you what a devastating blow this would be to the solidarity of the coalition supporting the March.
While he participated in 1983, that was before all of the blow-up over his extreme statements generally, and his anti-Semitic statements in particular, beginning with his "Judaism is a gutter religion." For a decade, these problems have escalated....I thought this issue was resolved in 1988 when the decision was made not to invite him. The controversy over Rev. Farrakhan's participation will overwhelm the entire March. The media's obsession with such controversies, and Black-Jewish tensions particularly (around Rev. Farrakhan above all) will become the major story of the March. The substance of your talks and what the March represents will be totally drowned out. Obviously, all of the Jewish groups, (and, I suspect, other groups) will be forced to withdraw from participation in the March....I am exceedingly disappointed, considering how closely I have worked with all of you over the years and how strongly you must have known the Jewish community would react to these decisions, that these decisions were not only made without my participation and ability to share my community's concerns, but without even the courtesy of prior consultation. This feels like a major breach of good faith. Please reach me at my office 202-387-2800 or my home 202-263-4375 any time that is convenient for you to discuss this further.
Threats and Pressure Cannot Derail B/J Discussion
The Black African Holocaust Conferrence was held November 7 & 8, 1993 despite threats against organizers. The conference was convened to develop strategies to overcome the problems confronting the ex-slave in America. Originally scheduled to be held at Medgar Evers College the contract was cancelled on November 5 by college officials. When moved to a community center the center's administration recieved a "special delivery" letter on November 6 from funders warning not to rent the space to the Holocaust Conference. The conference was then moved to the Slave Theater where participants dealt with issues including the Black/Jewish relationship. "It was precisely because of the agenda which included the book, The Secret Relationship, that the college shut us down," said Muhammad. "The pressure to hide the truth of Jewish slave dealing was unbearable for some in the administration to handle."
The Holocaust survivors are planning more discussion and activities in the future, said Muhammad.
Long before Minister Farrakhan made any reference to this phenomenon Jack Nusan Porter, a Jewish sociologist was very clear about it in his article entitled "Mr. Goldberg and John Henry: The Relationship Between Afro-Americans and American Jews":
"The common stereotype of Jews owning the businesses in Black ghettos is based on solid evidence, not fantasy. Jews in the East and Midwest own a disproportionate number of businesses in Black areas. [Two Jewish researchers have shown] that some 40 percent of the stores are owned by Jews. [Another] study of 458 merchants in 15 cities (14 of the largest plus Gary, Indiana but not including Los Angeles, Miami, Houston, or any other Southern city) had the following religious breakdown of retail merchants: 37.9% were Jewish; 36.0% were Protestant; and 22.9% were Catholic... The breakdown by religion, when race is considered, increases the number: 51.3% of the white merchants are Jewish; 18.7% are Protestant; and 27.0% are Catholic."
ADL uses Farrakhan to raise funds: Past president admits anti-Blackism makes $
"The ADL, like the Simon Wiesenthal Center in Los Angeles, has built its financial appeal to Jews on its ability to portray the Jewish people as surrounded by enemies who are on the verge of launching threatening anti-Semitic campaigns. It has a professional stake in exaggerating the dangers, and sometimes allows existing racial or political prejudices in the Jewish world to influence how it will portray the potential dangers."
This is Michael Lerner's description of the deceitfully racist Anti-Defamation League (ADL) in a newly released book feebly co-authored by Cornel West entitled Jews and Blacks: Let the healing begin. Lerner is not the first Jew to accuse the ADL of Black-baiting for money. Former ADL directors have made similar charges. In its own publication, "Not the Work of a Day": ADL of B'nai B'rith Oral Memoirs, Vol. 1, former ADL director Nathan Perlmutter reminisces:
"A few weeks ago I had an expose [sic] on Jesse Jackson. Quite, by coincidence, I wasn't aware of it, we had one of those mass mailings going out for fund raising. It was one of those mailings to lists that were not our usual givers. The fund raising people tell me that in the several weeks following these were small gifts, $20.00, $100.00, but there were many of them we never had the response to a mailing that we had in our July, 1984 mailing. Why? I think there are several reasons.
Probably, one that is far from being the last reason, is that in the last several weeks on matters that count to Jews, Jesse Jackson, Mr. Farrakhan, and the Democratic Party's unresponsiveness, we were seen and heard from....I believe that one of the strongest things Jews have going for them is the anti-Semitic notion of Jewish power. It is the image of Jewish power that is, in fact, our strength not the reality of Jewish power....
Why is Jerry Falwell symbolically the devil, but not Jesse Jackson? Because we really have a greater animus against religion, re Falwell, than we do against blacks who by definition are underdogs. In this kind of racist thinking who will be forgiven or who will be blamed is determined by race. Jesse Jackson gets away with rhetorical murder."
Court Rules on Dr. Jeffries
A federal appeals court ruled on April 4 that City College of New York Black Studies chairman Dr. Leonard Jeffries could be demoted for making a 1991 speech where he mentioned the Jewish involvement in the African slave trade and decried Jewish Hollywood portrayals of Blacks. The decision overturns a 1994 decision upholding Jeffries' First Amendment rights.
New book pretends to be a "dialogue" between Jews and Blacks
Harvard professor Cornel West (see the Open Letter to West by the African United Front) reprises the role of Morgan Freeman in his latest literary equivalent to Driving Miss Daisy. In Jews and Blacks, West drives Reform Jew Michael Lerner all around town stopping at every anti-Farrakhan canard, with ne'er an adequate rejoinder. With all the depth of an Israeli travel brochure, West concedes every point, indeed has no points, in this monument to unreserved negro submission. Both are touring the lecture circuit under the guise, "Let the healing begin."
Israeli scholar charges Jews with Dr. King were 'racists'
A new book by Jewish scholar, Israel Shahak, Jewish History, Jewish Religion, casts doubt on rabbis in the Civil Rights Movement:
"Surely one is driven to the hypothesis that quite a few of Martin Luther King's rabbinical supporters were either anti-Black racists who supported him for tactical reasons of Jewish interest...or were accomplished hypocrites, to the point of schizophrenia, capable of passing very rapidly from a hidden enjoyment of rabid racism to a proclaimed attachment to an anti-racist struggle and back and back again."
U.S. gov't teams with Jew in plot against Farrakhan
The daughter of Malcolm X has been indicted by the U.S. for allegedly conspiring to assassinate Min. Louis Farrakhan. Qubilah Shabazz, 34, is widely believed to have been set-up by Michael Fitzpatrick, a Jewish crack-dealing con man and member of the Jewish Defense League. Nation of Islam chief of staff Leonard F. Muhammad immediately cast doubt on the government account of the "plot," and announced a fundraiser to assist Ms. Shabazz in her legal defense.
Disney's Pocahantas & Michael Jackson's slurs
Michael Jackson apologized for using "anti-Semitic slang" in the lyrics to a song on his new HIStory album. The song, "They Don't Care About Us," included phrases like, "Jew me, sue me" and "Kick me, kike me." Michael returned to the studio to substitute "Strike me" for "kike me" and "do me" for "Jew me." But do you think Disney's Michael Eisner will be changing anything in his Pocahantas movie? The G-rated animated film for America's six-year-olds contains some of the most brutally hateful anti-Indian language that can be imagined. Indians are routinely called "savages," "beasts," "filthy heathens," and "vermin." The pernicious twisting of the historical record of the Jamestown, Virginia, settlement is another story altogether. The story opens in early 17th century England where a Virginia Company vessel is loading to sail for the "New World."
Seemingly, they are going on the voyage to kill Indians. "You can't fight Indians without Capt. John Smith," says one of the crew. "That's right I'm not going to let you boys have all the fun," retorts Capt. John Smith, his voice provided by actor Mel Gibson. With their hearts of murder firmly established, they set sail for America.
According to the movie's creators, Gabriel, Goldberg, Binder, LaZebnik, Menken, Shwartz and Eisner, the Indians are "bloodthirsty savages." If one of the savages gets in the way in his lust for gold, "I'll blast him." A "proper English greeting" for the "filthy heathens" is, of course, bullets. It is an "act of betrayal" to see an Indian and not to kill him, according to characters in this children's movie. Song writers Menken and Shwartz's kiddie song lyrics are as follows: "We shot ourselves an Indian, or maybe 2 or 3." "They are only good when they are dead." And this classic ditty: "Kill this evil race,/Until there's not a trace."
Truth is of no consequence in the Disney version. The ADL, who vociferously attacked Michael Jackson calling him an "anti-Semite," was uncharacteristically silent on the open anti-Indian bigotry of Michael Eisner.
The NAACP and Joel E. Spingarn
Joel E. Spingarn (1875-1939) was the chairman of the board of directors of the NAACP for many years. The coveted Spingarn Medal, given yearly by the NAACP, was established by him in 1914. According to recent revelations by the Memphis Commercial Appeal newspaper he was also a spy for the United States Army. Spingarn was hired in May of 1918 and given the rank of major in the Military Intelligence Division (MID). Spingarn and a Black agent ran "a small unit of undercover agents" who were looking for "proof of subversion." The MID opened 100,000 pieces of mail a week and monitored Black publications. According to the Appeal: "The documents show Spingarn, who remained NAACP chairman during his tenure at MID, used his post to obtain critical information for MID, such as a list of the organization's 32,000 members."
Blacks, Jews and Paying the Piper
While the prattling and posturing persists, the true Black/Jewish relationship proceeds. A Los Angeles judge has ruled that famed Black guitarist Bo Diddley was cheated by his Jewish manager of more than $400,000. Martin Otelsberg siphoned the money from the singer's account for more than a decade. Otelsberg's widow, Lila, was ordered to pay Diddley after he was refused access to his financial records.
Singer Darlene Love, whose distinctive voice defined the sound of the 60's, is suing her former manager Phil Spector for the millions of dollars he made with her music. Love receives no royalties from her recordings which continue to be reissued on Spector's albums including one he shamelessly called "The Best of Darlene Love." Love's voice also appears on movie soundtracks including Steven Speilberg's Gremlins, and Martin Scorsese's Goodfellas. Others have had their royalty-free swipe at Love including Barbara Streisand whose 70's hit Stony End was originally recorded by Love. Love alleges that Spector, a Jew, manipulated her career and limited her recording opportunities while becoming wealthy with money generated from her unique vocal style.
ADL's 'Inner-City' Double Feature
Troubled Anti-Defamation League (ADL) director Abraham Foxman, whose crusade to force every Black child to view Steven Spielberg's "Schindler's List" has drawn angry rebukes from Black leaders, now proposes that a movie version of "Roots" be included on the bill. The Nation of Islam issued a press release in April questioning the New Jersey governor's edict requiring that all students view the Jewish film while excluding films which document the Black Holocaust. The NOI suggested that "Sankofa," a riveting and explicit account of the horrors of the Black slave trade by a Black filmmaker, be viewed additionally. Foxman's proposal of the feel-good drama "Roots" is an effort, he says, to connect "inner-city kids" to "things that are real and immediate in their experience." He further prescribes that Henry Louis Gates, Coretta King, Harry Belafonte and Betty Shabazz go into the schools "explaining what Martin Luther King had to say about hatred and bigotry of any kind..." Black leaders suggested, however, that a showing of some of Jewish Hollywood's despicable portrayals of Black people might make the point better.
Once, Twice, 55 times a nigger
New York - Jewish radio talk host Howard Stern treated his 15 million listeners to a barrage of racial epithets including Ku Klux Klan musical recordings entitled, "She Ran Off With A Nigger," and "Nigger Hating Hat." The term "nigger" was heard at least 55 times in 10 minutes according to taped recordings of the show. Blacks were called a battery of names including, "buck," "black bitch," "porch monkey," and they even introduced the derogatory term "yard ape" into the racist lexicon. The February 1st broadcast which originated in New York is heard around the globe and, according to Stern, generates $252 million annually for the parent station.
Contrast Dr. Khallid Abdul Muhammad's lecture to 149 people netting him $2,500. Jewish leaders were not asked to repudiate even one of the 55 "niggers" - no boycotts were called and no legislation was introduced to stop "hate speech."
Wellesley College Professor Sues for Libel
Boston - Jewish Onslaught author Tony Martin has filed two lawsuits alleging libel against a Jewish faculty member and the MIT/Wellesley student publication Counterpoint. Mary Lefkowitz, purportedly an "expert" in Ancient Greek Studies at the Boston-area college and a Counterpoint advisor, was elaborately exposed by Martin's students as incompetent and unaware of the standard volumes of Greek history. Lefkowitz, according to Martin, wrote an article, published by the magazine Measure, which made "malicious and scurrilous allegations against [Martin]."
Wellesley College president Diana Walsh mass-mailed a carefully worded "denunciation" of the best-selling book The Jewish Onslaught to 40,000 alumnae, faculty and press, claiming to be "profoundly disturbed and saddened" by Martin's identification of his attackers as Jews. Martin responded:
"What makes Jews so special? By what dispensation in Adam's will do they enjoy monopolistic privileges over a debate that concerns Blacks as well as Jews? Who has placed them beyond the reach of scholarly enquiry and ethnic identification?"
Farrakhan Speaks to 12,000 Black Men: Jewish Women Feel "Violated"
Harlem - Nearly 20,000 Black men turned out to fill just 12,000 seats as Minister Louis Farrakhan ignited the peaceful gathering exhorting the attendees to "Do For Self." Using the appeal that he alone enjoys among the Black leadership, Farrakhan implored the brotherhood to seek peaceful means in resolving disputes and to become more productive and useful to the rise of the Black race. Beth Galinsky of the Jewish Action Alliance protested the exclusion of White Jewish women from the event. "There is no way in fiery hell," wrote Abiola Sinclair of the Amsterdam News, "that you would be caught in upper Harlem, in the dead of night, trying to get in where 10,000 Black men are gathering..." Nor would they try to attend a meeting of Hasidim whose leadership is exclusively male, observed another columnist. Galinsky and Norman Siegal of the American Civil Liberties Union have threatened a lawsuit against the NOI for discriminatory practices.
ADL Minstrel Show
Black female fundraiser at the New York office of the Anti Defamation League (ADL) witnessed a minstrel show at the ADL Fashion Accessories Torch of Liberty ceremonies in November of 1992. Cheryl Hamilton told the Amsterdam News that she was "shocked" when "blue-eyed teenagers were suddenly transformed into Black-faced modern minstrels. Then to add insult to injury, they passed out white gloves to members of the audience." The minstrel show was popularized by Jewish performers who mocked Black people by wearing black shoe polish on their faces to the enjoyment of their Jewish audiences.
Hamilton, who has been employed as a temporary worker at the ADL reports hearing all sorts of racist remarks and innuendos from the White employees and supervisors, according to the report. She first reported the story to the New York Post which, after consultations with the ADL, squashed the story. Hamilton was unafraid of the consequences of making the story public. "I believe in speaking my mind and doing the right thing."
Jews bring racist show to Canada
Toronto, Canada - A Jewish plan to revive the play Showboat and bring it to Canada complete with its Ol' Man River wailing negroes, self-hating darkies and nappy-headed pickaninnies has created tensions among Blacks and Jews. This 1927 production was hatched by Broadway Jews Jerome Kern and Oscar Hammerstein, II, based on a book by Edna Ferber, and delivered to the public by Florenz Ziegfeld. Live Entertainment Corporation owner Garth Drabinsky and Myron Gotlieb, who intend to bring the play to Canada, apparently have trouble distinguishing the subtle racism in Showboat lines penned for negro characters such as:
"Niggers all work on de Mississippi
Niggers all work while de white folks play..."
Or from the mouth of big fat Queenie in the song "Can't Help Lovin' Dat Man":
[He's] shiftless, An good fer nuttin too...
He's never round here when dere is work to do!,
De chumbley's smokin', de roof is leakin' in,
But he don't seem to care,
He kin be happy wid jes a sip of gin.Even with the involvement of all the aforementioned Jews local Canadian Jewish Congress president Irving Abella wants to know why protesting Blacks have "scapegoated" Jews. But now the North York Board of Education Trustees have voted to sponsor field trips to the show and to introduce the Ferber book to school children despite the vigorous protests of the first and only Black Trustee Stephanie Payne. The book "reinforces the negative images and stereotypes used to denigrate people of African ancestry, portraying them as subhuman savages, dim-witted, childlike, lazy, drunk, irresponsible, and devoid of any human characteristics." But North York's Mayor Mel Lastman and the 11 Jewish trustees are unmoved and staunchly support the planned production.
Live Entertainment's first advertisements for the musical depict two Blacks pushing a bale of cotton while some Whites loll around on a dock. Producer Drabinsky pulled the ads but the October opening is expected to include Black protests. We shall overcome.
Lani Guinier Opposed by Jewish Groups
The National Jewish Coalition and the Orthodox Union's Institute for Public Affairs vehemently opposed the nomination of Lani Guinier to head the Civil Rights Division of the U.S. Justice Department, and the American Jewish Congress, the American Jewish Committee and the Anti-Defamation League refused to endorse her. President Clinton withdrew the nomination disallowing her an opportunity to officially answer Jewish charges of being "anti-Democratic" and a "quota queen." Black groups and individuals including the Congressional Black Caucus, NAACP, Rev. Jesse Jackson, Rev. Ben Chavis, Mary Frances Berry, among others decried the treatment of Guinier and pointed to Jews specifically as the reason for the withdrawal.
Donahue Show Bows to Jewish Pressure-Cancels show on Blacks and Jews
Phil Donahue capitulated to pressure from his Jewish staff and reneged on a promise to air a show about the controversial findings of the Nation of Islam's book, The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews. The show which was to be taped on November 6th was scheduled to include four prominent Black scholars all of whom have utilized the book in academic settings and one who was fired from a Los Angeles radio station for simply reviewing the book on the air. A spokesperson for the show and producer of several award-winning Donahue projects, Lillian Smith, assured a New York Nation of Islam representative that the date was confirmed just a week prior to the show. Mr. Donahue himself followed up and stated the same. The NOI representative who appeared on the show a week prior was told specifically not to mention the book on the air because of the scheduling of the program a week later which would deal with the subject. Travel arrangements for the guests had already been made when just two days before the event the Donahue staff pleaded "ignorance" and cancelled the show.
An early January show focussing on the Crown Heights conflict was aired seemingly to put a "Black/Jewish" show on record in anticipation of criticism for the November deception. "We are not surprised," said CCNY scholar James Smalls. "A subject this volatile is out of the range of a Donahue. His power in [the television] industry is only an illusion." Other scholars reacted similarly. "This book raises the Black/Jewish debate to levels that are uncomfortable to his Jewish colleagues. The bare truth is not the type of strip tease the Donahue Show can handle." The Donahue Show is no longer on the air.
ADL book praises Jewish slave owners/dealers
Calls notorious slaving firm "kindly"
A 1976 ADL pamphlet entitled, American Jews: Their Story, lists 13 pioneers of the American Jewish community - 10 of whom have been definitively linked to the Black slave trade. "These well-to-do men were highly respected by their neighbors and proud of their religious heritage," states the pamphlet (p. 15). Prominent American Jews such as Aaron Lopez, Moses Lindo and the Franks family are heralded in the pamphlet as the pioneers of trade (p. 14) and all have been exposed in The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews, Volume One, as slave dealers.
Aaron Lopez, a Newport merchant, owned at least 26 ships and recorded at least 13 voyages to Africa to purchase Black slaves. Moses Lindo of South Carolina imported 49 slaves from Barbados and owned a slave ship named Lindo Packett. He was largely responsible for the growth of the indigo industry and according to Dr. Jacob Rader Marcus (who is cited as a source by the ADL), he lived to see the industry "employ 10,000 slaves." Philadelphia's Franks family were merchants in the "Indian trade" and major suppliers of weapons to the colonists in the destruction of Indians. It is believed that Levy Andrew Levy was an agent of Franks when he participated in giving small-pox infected blankets to the Indians.
The ADL pamphlet, published under the leadership of National Director Benjamin R. Epstein, also takes the extraordinary step of referring to the major slave dealing (and Jewish majority owned) Dutch West India Company as "kindly." ADL officials would not comment on the hate literature, and calls for repudiation of the Jewish slave dealing colonists were ignored. "The question is no longer whether Jews were involved in slavery," said a Historical Research Department spokesperson, "but rather 'which American Jewish colonists were not slaveowners or dealers?'"
Vice Presidential Smoke Screen
Albert Gore, VP of the United States of America denounced the Nation of Islam for its supposed bigotry and anti-Semitism. But Gore, unashamedly, used the occasion of his appearance before some "prominent New York Jews" to make his condemnation. The gathering was in honor of the Jewish owner of CBS Laurence Tisch who is also the owner of Lorillard Corporation, manufacturers of Kent, Newport, Old Gold, Satin and True cigarettes. The New York Times described him as "a driving force behind the Jewish Federation of Charities," but Larry C. White, author of Merchants of Death: The American Tobacco Industry, reports that in 1985 cigarettes made Tisch $325.6 million. "Ironically, it was Lorillard brand, Newport, that, at the time Tisch was being portrayed as the ultimate philanthropist, was carrying on one of the most blatant youth oriented advertising campaigns ever." This share dwarfed the income from Tisch's other businesses and allowed him the resources to buy CBS. Thirty-nine percent of Black males and 27% of Black females are using tobacco, according to Min. Farrakhan's book, A Torchlight for America, and recent reports have revealed that the addictive nicotine is actually added to the tobacco by the manufacturer to create the addiction.
The former Surgeon General Jocelyn Elders under Clinton/Gore has described cigarettes as "the only legal product that will kill you if used as directed."
"Jews" try to muzzle Farrakhan
Chicago - The Parliament of the World's Religions was disrupted recently when a White Jewish spy agency and three cohort organizations withdrew as co-sponsors when they learned that The Honorable Louis Farrakhan would address the body. The Anti-Defamation League, an espionage group aligned with South Africa, collaborated in the withdrawal with other Jewish groups including the American Jewish Committee, the American Jewish Council and the Jewish Community Relations Council. The protest created more interest in the lecture in which Minister Farrakhan exhorted the representatives to "find the common thread that binds the world's religions."
ADL faces new suit in spy scandal
Washington, DC - The Anti-Defamation League was named in a lawsuit by 15 groups and seven individuals claiming that the ADL violated their civil and privacy rights by engaging in "illegal domestic surveillance." The ADL avoided an indictment in San Francisco since it was discovered that ADL staff were in possession of illegally obtained files from the San Francisco Police Department.
Madhubuti questions Henry L. Gates in new publication
Chicago - Third World Press head Haki Madhubuti released a double issue of Black Books Bulletin challenging the Jew-chosen leader of negro thought Henry Louis Gates. John Henrik Clarke, Ishmael Reed and Tony Martin are among those who pen responses to Gates' Judeophilism. Madhubuti opens the assault: "Seldom has a Black intellectual been recruited, pampered, patronized, positioned, empowered, lied to and anointed as Henry Louis Gates, Jr....He is also the major voice for the anti-Black, pro-white-Jewish wing of the academic and political middle..." On the Jewish monopoly on the subject of Blacks and Jews: "There has been only one single author book published [by Blacks] on Black-Jewish relationships prior to The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews....On the other hand, I have in my library over 22 books written or edited by Jewish authors that examine the 'Negro/Black-Jewish' question. The number of Jewish writers producing books exclusively on the 'Black' question falls into the hundreds. The intellectual problem is that the criticism has been one-sided and Mr. Gates jumps to the side of the critics."
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