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Jewish-Zionist propagandists and German war crimes "documentation"

Freedom Research, September 2021

The case of Jews David Marcus, Sidney Bernstein, Billy Wilder, Albert Rosenberg...

   David "Mickey" Marcus, American Jew, chief of the U.S. Army's War Crimes Division for the Nuremberg Trials, afterwards becoming "Israel's first general",
      fighting Arabs during the Zionist conquest of Palestine!

   Sidney Bernstein, British Jew, led the film division of the Allied forces’ propaganda effort "tasked with chronicling the Nazi’s crimes for the German public".

   Billy Wilder, Austrian Jew, becomes "American colonel" in the U.S. Army’s Psychological Warfare Division, in charge of propaganda movies
      on German "atrocities".

   Albert Rosenberg, German Jew, reappears as "American lieutenant" in the U.S. Psychological Warfare Division, leading an intelligence team
    to the former German kz-camp Buchenwald.

David "Mickey" Marcus
, in U.S. Army uniform

The American Jew David Marcus, the chief of the U.S. Army's War Crimes Division during the Nuremberg trials went on to become the first general in the Israeli military!

Wikipedia's entry, Mickey Marcus, states black-on-white:

David Daniel "Mickey" Marcus (22 February 1901 – 10 June 1948) was a United States Army colonel who assisted Israel during the 1948 Arab-Israeli War, and who became Israel's first modern general.
In 1946, he was named chief of the Army's War Crimes Division in Washington, planning legal and security procedures for the Nuremberg trials and the Tokyo War Crimes Tribunal. He attended the Nuremberg trials, making sure that Nazi crimes were thoroughly documented. After the trials, he was offered promotion to Brigadier General, but instead elected to return to civilian life and his law practice.

Memorial plaques for Zionist David Marcus: "Killed in action in the hills of Zion while leading Israeli forces", "their supreme commander
in the struggle for freedom"
- and - "Chief of the War Crimes Division for the Nuremberg Trials"!

David Marcus, the chameleon. Now in the military attire of the
Jewish state of "Israel" in 1948, serving as an "Israeli" general.

"Cast a Giant Shadow" - Hollywood propaganda film on Israel and Zionist
Jewish "hero" militant David Marcus, featuring Jewish actor Kirk Douglas,
along with Yul Brynner, John Wayne and Frank Sinatra.

David "Mickey" Marcus
postal stamp from the 2008 Israeli Postal Service.

* * *


The Jewish Telgraphic Agency (JTA) in the article "70 years on, Hitchcock Holocaust doc finds an audience" (JTA, May 19, 2015) reveals that a British Jew - Sidney Bernstein - was in charge of the anti-German propaganda effort of the Allies:

"An Englishman, Bernstein led the film division of the Allied forces’ propaganda effort and was tasked with chronicling the Nazi’s crimes for the German public."

Sidney Bernstein was involved in the 1945 "holocaust" propaganda movie German Concentration Camps Factual Survey, a movie (see copy here and here) that promoted the fake story of the lamp shades of human skin and the fake "gas chamber" in the Dachau KZ camp.

In the movie, the Jewish propagandist Bernstein, approved later-to-be master horror film director, Alfred Hitchcock, as a close aide! The JTA article states "Bernstein enlisted Hitchcock, a close friend, as the film’s treatment adviser."

The Guardian article "The Holocaust film that was too shocking to show" (9 January 2015) also tells how:

"In 1945, overseen by Alfred Hitchcock, a crack team of British film-makers went to Germany to document the horror of the concentration camps. [...]

As allied troops liberated such camps across what had been German-occupied Europe, the British Ministry of Information’s Sidney Bernstein (who later founded Granada Television) was commissioned to make a documentary that would provide incontrovertible evidence of the Nazis’ crimes.

Bernstein assembled a remarkable team, including the future Labour cabinet minister Richard Crossman, who wrote the film’s lyrical script, and Alfred Hitchcock, who flew in from Hollywood to advise Bernstein on its structure. They set to work on a documentary entitled German Concentration Camps Factual Survey.

* * *


Jewish director Billy Wilder with Oscars


Billy Wilder (real Yiddish name Shmuel Vildr), was born in 1906 in the Austro-Hungarian empire, to a Jewish family. After high school he went to Berlin as a journalist, then screenwriter; in 1933 he moved on to Hollywood where he became highly successful. In 1945, as a colonel in the U.S. Army, he directed and edited a propaganda film Death Mills (Die Todesmühlen in German), for the Psychological Warfare Department (PWD) of the U.S. Department of War. Intended to be shown first to German audiences, its purpose was to indoctrinate them to believe that the wildest "atrocities" imaginable had been committed by the National Socialist regime.

The speaker voice in the audio of the film Death Mills claimed that "20 million men, women and children murdered by the Nazis". It went on futher:

20 million human beings, [...]. 20 million corpses, the product of 300 concentration camps all over Gemany and in occupied territories. Death mills [...].

The film also states that "mass killing methods were standardized for efficiency", and alleges the use of "poison gas" in Dachau, as one of the methods in that camp (the other methods there being "burning" and "starvation").

Note that Wilder's propaganda movie Death Mills is a much-abbreviated version of the film German Concentration Camps Factual Survey, the 1945 British government documentary that his fellow Jew Sidney Bernstein, was involved in.

* * *

Albert Rosenberg - the Jewish mastermind
behind "The Buchenwald Report".

Another Jewish propagandist that infiltrated the Nuremberg war crimes process with his Zionist agenda, was "American" Lieutenant Albert Rosenberg.

In the book "The Buchenwald Child: Truth, Fiction, and Propaganda" by Niven, one can read:

In 1945 the American Psychological Warfare Division (PWD) sent a five-man intelligence team to Buchenwald under Lieutenant Albert Rosenberg.

The PWD team was responsible for the table of fake atrocities (human skin lampshade, shrunken heads etc.) shown at Nuremberg.


The all-Jewish "Kampfgruppe Rosenberg"


The article "The Jewish Immigrants Who Helped the U.S. Take on Nazis" (History News Network, 9-24-17), on Rosenberg, who led the PWD team:

Shortly after the U.S. 3rd Army liberated the Buchenwald concentration camp in April 1945, a 27-year-old intelligence officer named Albert Rosenberg began gathering evidence of the atrocities committed there, horrors that would become a keystone of coming war crimes trials and the voluminous literature documenting Nazi wickedness. Lieutenant Rosenberg was no ordinary GI. He was a Jew born in Germany who, in 1937, had left his home country for the United States after becoming the target of Nazi violence. He’d been drafted into the Army in 1942, becoming one of the 2,000 or so young Jewish German exiles deployed as interrogators and spies against their erstwhile countrymen.

It would be great help to deconstruct the Zionist brainwashing/propaganda apparatus activated during and after the Second World War, to find the whereabouts in the American military system of these 2 000 vengeful German Jews, serving as "interrogators" and "spies".

The Jewish-fabricated Buchenwald "proofs"


Furher reading:

"When a Jew, in America or in South Africa, talks to his Jewish companions about 'our' government, he means the government of Israel."

- David Ben-Gurion, Israeli Prime Minister

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