Image gallery: "Holocaust" and 6,000,000 Jews article references from 1839 - 1945
Adapted from Swedish site Metapedia
This article is a supplement to the articles "Holocaust & 6,000,000 Jews references from 1869 - 1945" and "271 references to 6,000,000 Jews prior to the Nuremberg Trial announcement".
Official historians and main stream media teach us
that it is scientifically established that about six
million Jews lost their lives in so-called
"Holocaust" at the hands of the administration of
the German Third Reich, which ended in May 1945.
Independent historical research shows, however, that the accepted number, 6,000,000 Jews, who are threatened with death in various ways in Europe due to various circumstances, was established much earlier. The examples below are a selection of occasions when international media have published articles about the number of Jews threatened with death.
1800 to 1899
The London Saturday Journal, 20 July
Tuapeka Times, 14 October 1891
1900 to 1909
New York Times, 11 June 1900
Encyclopedia Britannica, 1902
The Jewish Criterion, 18 September
The Jewish Criterion, 19 February
The Jewish Criterion, 7 October 1904
The Minneapolis Journal, 20 October
1904, sid 2[3]
New York Times, 1 November 1905
New York Times, 25 March 1906
The Jewish Criterion, 18 October 1907
The Jewish Criterion, 18 October 1907
Deseret Evening News, 17 March 1908
The Jewish Criterion, 7 August 1908
1910 to 1919
The Jewish Criterion, 4 February 1910
Ben Hecht's book Perfidy quoting Zionist leader
Max Nordau in the year 1911
The American Jewish Yearbook, 1911
The Jewish Criterion, 18 August 1911
The Jewish Criterion, 25 August 1911
The Jewish Criterion, 1 September
New York Times, 10 December 1911
The Jewish Criterion, 5 January 1912
The Riverside Press Cambridge, 1914
The Jewish Criterion, 10 July 1914
The Pedagogical Seminary, Volume 22, 1915
The Jewish Criterion, 19 March 1915
The Jewish Criterion, 25 June 1915
New York Tribune, 14 October 1915
The Mercury, 4 December 1915
New York Times, 28 February 1916
The Jewish Criterion, 3 March 1916
El Paso Herald Weekend Edition, 22-23
April 1916
The Jewish Criterion, 31 March 1916
The Jewish Criterion, 4 August 1916
New York Times, 18 October 1918
The Bourbon News, 10 April 1919[4]
The Watchman and Southron, 5 April
El Paso Herald, 7 April 1919
New York Times, 8 September 1919
The Alliance Herald, 11 September 1919[5]
The Evening World, 4 October 1919[6]
San Fransisco Chronicle, 19 October 1919
The Westland, 23 October 1919
Cape Vincent Eagle, 23 October 1919
The Evening Tribune Providence, 31
October 1919
American Hebrew, 31 October 1919
The Toledo News-Bee, 27 December 1919
1920 to 1929
Tulsa Daily World, 11 April 1920
New York Times, 2 May 1920
The Ogden Standard-Examiner, 20
August 1920
New York Tribune, 29 August 1920[7]
New York Times, 20 July 1921
1930 to 1939
The Montreal Gazette, 28 December 1931
New York Times, 29 March 1933
New York Post, 1 June 1933
The Montreal Gazette, 8 August 1936
The Times, 26 November 1936
The Jewish Western Bulletin, 11
December 1936
The Day, 17 December 1937
Palestine Post, 19 December 1937
Jewish Western Bulletin, 31 December
The Jewish Criterion, 1 April 1938
New York Times, 2 May 1938
Turtle Mountain Star, 6 October 1938
The Leader-Post, 30 December 1938
The Pittsburgh Press, 15 January 1939
The Canadian Jewish Chronicle, 27
January 1939
Palestine Post, 14 February 1939
The Jewish Criterion, 17 February
The Evening Independent, 22 February
The Jewish Criterion, 7 April 1939
The Jewish Criterion, 7 April 1939
The Jewish Criterion, 14 April 1939
Chester Times, 20 April 1939
The Jewish Criterion, 28 April 1939
The Jewish Criterion, 5 May 1939
The Jewish Criterion, 5 May 1939
The Jewish Criterion, 5 May 1939
The Jewish Criterion, 12 May 1939
The Jewish Criterion, 13 October 1939
The Southern Israelite, 28 November
1940 to 1945
American Jewish Committee, 1943
Palm Beach Post, 25 June 1940
The Palm Beach Post, 25 June 1940
Jewish Western Bulletin, 5 July 1940
New York Times, 2 October 1941
The Jewish Criterion, 28 November
Palestine Post, 1 November 1942
The Courier-Mail, 19 December 1942
Barrier Miner, 23 December 1942
Excerpt from the article Let
My People Go published
in the book The Massacre Of A People: What
The Democracies Can Do, 25 December 1942
The Canberra Times, 25 January 1943
Reader´s Digest, February 1943
The Advertiser, 15 May 1943
Palestine Post, 23 January 1944
U.S. Communist Union, September 1944
Chicago Bar Record, October 1944
Youngstown Vindicator, 27 November
The Leader-Post, 28 November 1944
Pittsburg Press, 28 November 1944
The Palestine Post, 28 November 1944
Jewish Western Bulletin, 8 December
New York Times, 8 January 1945
London Weekly, 15 March 1945
Punishments of War Criminals, Hearings
Before The Committee on Foreign Affairs
House of Representatives, 22nd to 26th
March 1945
The Advertiser, 27 March 1945
Army News Australia, 11 April 1945
The Pittsburgh Press, 13 May 1945
The London Saturday Journal, July 20, 1839
The Sun, June 13, 1899
The Minneapolis Journal, October 20, 1904, page 2
The Bourbon News, April 10, 1919
The Alliance Herald, September 11, 1919
The Evening World, October 4, 1919
New York Tribune, August 29, 1920
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