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Zionist stooge Keir Starmer cracks down on dissent within the Labour Party's ranks


In the wake of the the police killing of Black American George Floyd in the spring of 2020 and the ensuing massive discussion on police brutality, some people who were politically initiated understood that the problem was primarily of the militarization of the U.S. police force - a process spearheaded by elements from Israel's repressive security apparatus, who since years have boasted about teaching restraining and combat techniques to the U.S. police.

As this information undermined the Zionist lobby's hijacking of the whole anti-police violence movement and their trying to turning it to just a race/ethnicity issue in order to fuel the Jewish agenda of stoking a "race war" Blacks vs Whites, Whites vs Blacks - the Zionists panicked.

Anybody mentioning the alliance U.S. Police/Israeli State, had to be purged!

Thus when such dissent was seen in the ranks of the Labour Party, Sir Keir Starmer, newly elected Zionist stooge, acted swiftly.

Rebecca Long-Bailey, MP who was Labour's Shadow Secretary of State for Education, was thus sacked for having commented on the U.S. Police/Israel connection.

The BBC News article "Labour anti-Semitism row: Keir Starmer 'stands by' Long-Bailey sacking" (26 June 2020) writes:

"Mrs Long-Bailey was sacked after sharing a story Sir Keir said contained an anti-Semitic conspiracy theory."

According to BBC; "In the article Ms Peake suggested US police learned violent tactics from Israeli secret services".


A video that sums up the events around the sacking of Rebecca Long-Bailey (click to activate):


Later on information was gathered to prove how right Long-Stanley had been in her assertion, please see investigative article below.

In his visceral crackdown on Labour dissent to Israel's policies, Starmer has proven that he is just a simple combattant for the last Apartheid state on Earth, a stooge, a minion, in the service of Jewish supremacy.

The newly-deleted web page that seems to exonerate Long-Bailey and Peake



‘Israeli Tactical School’ site offered ‘law enforcement’ training it claimed is carried out by ex-Israeli security services personnel – “based on the curriculum of Israeli security forces and special units”.


A website deleted in the last few days, since the sacking of Rebecca Long-Bailey by Keir Starmer, appears to exonerate both Long-Bailey and actor Maxine Peake over the article in which Peake linked training provided by the Israeli state to US police to the ‘knee on the neck’ technique used by Minnesota police and which killed George Floyd.

Long-Bailey was sacked – ostensibly if not in reality – for retweeting an Independent interview with Maxine Peake in which Peake linked the ‘knee on the neck’ technique that caused Floyd’s death with training provided by the Israeli state to US police. In spite of hostile narrative to the contrary, neither suggested that Israel trained US police in the technique so that they could kill black people.

In spite of photographic evidence in Israeli newspapers showing it in use, the Israeli authorities denied that such a technique forms part of their methods and both Long-Bailey and Peake rowed back on their original comments, as did the Independent.

However, the website of the ‘Israeli Tactical School, which provides security training to US police and Secret Service officers, casts doubt on the denial.

The school’s ‘about’ page claims – or rather claimed – that:

All of our courses are based on the curriculum of Israeli security forces and special units, and our only goal is to maximize efficiency and applicability in everyday life and during serving.

…Our courses lead instructors are coming from the Israeli Secret Service (Shin-Bet), Mossad, Yamam (Israeli SWAT unit) and Israeli Navy SEALs (Shayetet 13), Israeli Delta Force (Sayeret Matkal) this way every specific program have an authentic experienced instructor from the original Tier 1 unit.

…At Israeli Tactical Krav Maga, students learn exactly the same system we teach our special agents in the Shin-Bet. Likewise, our instructor and black-belt courses are simple and require completion of the belt and teaching skills tests.

(Italics added)

And its ‘
Law Enforcement’ page leads – or rather led – with a header image showing the ‘knee on neck’ restraint technique:

The same image also features – or featured – prominently on the ‘
About us’ page., which claims – or rather claimed:

A video published by ITS shows numerous examples of neck-kneeling as part of its ‘Krav Maga’ martial arts training:

[ If the embedded video doesn't work below, click on this link to see this revealing video: ]

However, the content of the law enforcement page was deleted in just the last few days, with the amendment dating to after the Long-Bailey sacking. It is now blank:

The blank page where the ‘knee on neck’ information and text previously stood

The about page has been radically amended – with the ‘knee on neck’ image removed and the text altered:


The ITS ‘about us’ page as it was before being amended last week (left) and after

ITS appears to draw its name from the name of its founder, Tomer Israeli, who registered the parent site in 2013, rather than directly from the state of Israel:

However, Mr Israeli’s
 Linkedin page shows an image of him with what appear to be ‘SWAT’ officers and in the ‘Experience’ section, it describes his experience in the Israeli military and security services, along with a list of organisations he has trained:

Head Of School
Israeli Tactical School LLC
Jan 2012 – Present 8 years 7 months

Washington, DC

Tomer Israeli is a veteran captain of the Israeli Defense Forces with over 20 years of both combat and instructional experience. He began his army career in one of the world’s most respected special forces recon units (Sayeret Matkal – ’92 Yuval) and later as team member in Special recon team (Sayeret Golani – Orev ’92 Dotan). As reserve officer Tomer joined as team leader to a Long Distance Recon unit and led his team deep behind enemy lines during the Second Lebanon War (2006).

Mr. Israeli was later selected for training by the Shin Bet (Israeli Secret Service) and became a certified Chief Security Officer upon completion. He was posted to the Israeli Embassy in Washington, D.C., where he operated as team leader in a special agent close protection unit.

An expert instructor, Mr. Israeli founded Israeli Tactical School as a premium security and counter-terror training organization that would meet the growing demand for a higher level of protective services.

Since the inception of Israeli Tactical School, Mr. Israeli has had the privilege of training law enforcement officers from over 45 agencies, including U.S. Army Special Forces (Green Berets), U.S. Army Rangers, Baltimore County Police Department (BCoPD), U.S. Secret Service (USSS), Baltimore Police Department (BPD), Pentagon Police, Howard County Police Department (HCPD), Maryland State Police (MDSP), Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI), U.S. Capitol Police (USCP), Montgomery County Police Department (MPD), D.C. Metropolitan Police (MPDC), U.S. Marshals Service (USMS), U.S. Delta Force, Swiss Army Delta Force (G7), French SWAT (RAID), Shanghai SWAT (SPU – unit training), Royal Thai Commando Unit (CSD – unit training), and many more.

Originally from the Tel Aviv area, Mr. Israeli currently resides in Maryland.

Jan 2020 – Feb 2020 2 months

Washington, District Of Columbia

The Hebrew UniversityThe Hebrew University
The Hebrew University
Bachelor of Science (BSc)Economics
1999 – 2001

If his claimed background is genuine, as his significant list of professional endorsements by other Linkedin users suggests, he would appear to be in a position to know what “the curriculum of Israeli security forces and special units” entails.

To be clear,
 there is no suggestion in the evidence that the Israeli state trained US police officers in order that the techniques it caused could be used to kill black people in the US. But neither Long-Bailey nor Peake said that they did.

However, based on the freshly-deleted but still demonstrable claims of a former Israeli special forces and security operative – and the images he showed – it appears that the ‘knee on neck’ technique is used and taught by those forces and would form part of the training they would offer to trainees, as indeed the ITS appears to do, or at least to have done until very recently.

Based on the available evidence, Keir Starmer owes an abject apology and a full retraction to both Rebecca Long-Bailey and Maxine Peake for his comments. They are unlikely ever to come, but they are owed nonetheless.




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