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Zion in Britain

David Miliband

Britain´s Jewish Foreign Secretary

June 2009



Britain´s Jewish Foreign Secretary David Miliband with skullcap during a visit to Israel

Two main European powers have Jewish Ministers of foreign affairs. In France Bernard Kouchner acts as France´s representative abroad and directs France´s foreign policies including its stance on Israel, the Arab world and Iran (in cooperation with his Jewish boss and President, Nicolas Sarkozy). In Great Britain Prime Minister Gordon Brown - who according to Jewish sources has Jewish economic backing - has chosen a Jew in the form of David Miliband to take over the rudder of Britain´s foreign policies. In the case of Britain one should note that the predecessor of Miliband also was Jewish, the Labour-Jew Jack Straw.

In this document we will demonstrate some information collected to prove Miliband´s Jewishness and in the same time remind our readers that Jewish leaders over and over again repeat that Jews all over the world have a special responsability to help the Jewish state of Israel and that Jews should have a first loyalty to this Jewish state, regardless of whichever non-Jewish majority country they are citizens in.

It is in this perspective David Miliband´s connection to the Jewish mafia becomes interesting and thus deserves investigation and exposure.


"Every Jew is an Ambassador for Israel"

- Australian Rabbi Aron Moss, Arutz Sheva, Israel National News, 07/25/2006.


"I consider that all Jews in the Diaspora, and thus it is true in France, should everywhere they can lend their support to Israel. This is why it is also important that Jews take political responsabilities. [...]. In sum, in my functions and in my everyday life, through the whole of my actions, I try to make so that my modest stone is brought to the construction of the land of Israel."

- Dominique Strauss-Kahn, French Jew, politician and chief of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), as stated in Passages, N° 35 - February/March 1991.


"Every French Jew is a representative of Israel... Rest assured that every Jew in France is a defender of that which you defend."

- French Chief Rabbi Joseph Sitruk in a declaration to Israel´s criminal leader Yitzhak Shamir, Le Monde, 9 July, 1990.


"I have dual allegiance. My loyalty to Israel is part of me and there are many Jews who think and feel likewise."

- Rabbi Joachim Prinz, former president of the American Jewish Congress, July 23, 1969 issue of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency Daily News Bulletin.


" The Zionist leaders didn't hide the role of their lobby. Ben Gurion stated clearly: "When a Jew, in America or in South Africa, talks to his Jewish companions about 'our' government, he means the government of Israel." "

- "Rebirth and Destiny of Israel", 1954, p. 489. 



Britain´s Jewish Foreign Minister
David Miliband


France´s Jewish Foreign Minister
Bernard Kouchner


Miliband is considered Jewish

David Miliband comes from a Polish-Jewish family with political connections. His brother Ed Miliband is also a British Labour party politician and is the Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change.

The family´s Jewishness is completely outspoken. As we show below he has himself used the term "us" when he spoke of the Jewish people at a Jewish "High Holy Days" ceremony in 2008, something that really made fellow Jews happy, "giving the clearest indication yet that he identifies with the Jewish community":

The Jewish Chronicle

September 29, 2008

Foreign Secretary David Miliband has issued a special message for the High Holy Days. The wording is unusual: he speaks of "us" in his greeting, giving the clearest indication yet that he identifies with the Jewish community.

"These days between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur are the most sacred in the Jewish calendar. The entire Jewish people takes an honest look at the previous year, tries to make amends for any harm done, and reinforces the bonds of family and community that sit at the heart of its identity.

"It is right that at the dawn of the New Year, we also re-dedicate ourselves to the search for security and peace in the Middle East. All will share my hope that this year is the one that brings close the peace and security its peoples deserve.

"To the people of Israel, the Jewish community of Britain, and all the Jewish people, I wish us all Shana Tova U'Metuka." 


The Jewish Chronicle, October 7, 2008, writes in a revealing manner:

Foreign Secretary David Miliband (according to his Rosh Hashanah message now officially one of "us") remained in his post and the reshuffle gave further advancement to his brother Ed.


Henry Grunwald, president of the Board of Deputies of British Jews, lets David Miliband
light a Jewish hanukkah candle.


And in Israel they also consider him part of their exclusive Jewish group. The Jerusalem Post, June 28, 2007, writes:

One official in Jerusalem said that Miliband, who is Jewish, was expected to follow Brown's policies toward Israel. Brown is considered to be a friend of Israel.


In official biographies Miliband´s Jewishness is noted. BBC News, 2 July 2007, writes in its profile of David Miliband:

Educated at a comprehensive school and at Oxford, he is from an immigrant family of Polish Jews.

His father Ralph changed his name from Adolphe when he arrived in England, and escaped from Belgium - to which his family had moved from Poland - by getting one of the last ships across the Channel in 1940.

Ralph Miliband became a leading Marxist writer, yet David emerged as one of the main thinkers behind the phenomenon known as "New Labour".

David Miliband's brother Ed is also a member of Gordon Brown's cabinet.
David Miliband's Jewish background will be noted particularly in the Middle East.

Many Israelis and Jews around the word will welcome the fact that someone with his dramatic family history has made it to one of the high offices in British and world diplomacy.
Somewhat controversially, Mr Miliband had been "parachuted in" from outside to fight the 2001 general election.
He has been tipped as a future leader of his party, but stood for neither the leader nor deputy leader posts now occupied by Mr Brown and Harriet Harman.

The new foreign secretary was working in Mr Blair's policy unit in the mid-1990s when Labour was still in opposition.

After his party's landslide victory in 1997, he became head of the 10 Downing Street policy unit and, as such, was a key figure in the prime minister's so-called "kitchen Cabinet".

Since then he has moved quickly through the government's ranks.

David Miliband is himself open about his Jewish connection. In an article written by him specifically for The Jewish Chronicle, July 2, 2009, "How I found life in a graveyard", he writes about his trip to the Jewish cemetary in Warsaw, Poland, "when I took time out from my official programme of meetings and speeches for a private visit into my own past". Miliband continues:

By 1945, only 250,000 of Poland’s 3.5 million Jews had survived the Holocaust. One of them was my mother. She was born in Czestochowa. My father’s parents were also born in Poland but left for Belgium after the First World War. Many of their relatives are buried in the Warsaw cemetery. Sixteen Milibands, Milebands, and Milenbands have been found so far, going back to the early part of the 19th century.

This was my first visit to Poland. There must have been a deep ambivalence at the heart of this delay. Poland is my roots. [...] The Milibands are not a big part of that story. But, like so many Britons of Polish Jewish origin, it is an important and unforgettable part of us.

The Jewish Chronicle comments in another article, June 25, 2009:

Officials from the proposed Museum of the History of Polish Jews had earlier met Mr Miliband in Brandt Square, where the museum is to be located. “He’s gone to visit the family grave,” said Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett, leader of the museum’s development team. “This is quite a homecoming.”

Miliband shows his Jewish colours

The Jewish networks and contact systems ride across all spectra of society. Business-Jews and so-called Leftist-Jews interact without problem. In the Telegraph article below we can read about a "dinner hosted by Miliband in the Foreign Office's Locarno Room for patrons of the United Jewish Israel Appeal – a charity funding educational programmes for Jews in Britain and Israel". Here we can see Miliband misusing his position as Foreign Secretary to lend support to his Jewish brethren and their racist state of Israel. And the Jewish capitalist donor David Abrahams turns up at the event...

Miliband's dinner guest raises eyebrows

David Miliband entertains controversial Labour donor David Abrahams  

Mandrake by Tim Walker

The Daily Telegraph, 04 Aug, 2008 

After a busy few days of not campaigning for the Labour leadership last week, David Miliband's every move is being scrutinised as never before.

So I am intrigued to discover that last month the Foreign Secretary welcomed into the bosom of his department none other than David Abrahams, the reclusive businessman and Labour donor who controversially channelled hundreds of thousands of pounds into party coffers through a series of conduits.

He was among the guests at a dinner hosted by Miliband in the Foreign Office's Locarno Room for patrons of the United Jewish Israel Appeal – a charity funding educational programmes for Jews in Britain and Israel.

Abrahams was cleared by the police of any wrongdoing over the "Donorgate" affair, but wouldn't Miliband be best advised to keep him at arm's length in the current febrile political environment?

"The guest list was not a matter for the Foreign Office," said Miliband's spokesman.


And in speeches to the representatives of this state of Israel, it´s all sweet words. Adopting their rhetoric and lamenting their fallen soldiers. And Miliband is "determined to ensure" that the new conference on Racism 2009 will not point out Israel as a racist state, “we are very concerned to not have a repeat of Durban I” (the conference where Israel was under attack for its racist policies, see appendix below).


Milliband tribute ahead of Israel trip

By Daniella Peled

The Jewish Chronicle, May 15, 2008

Foreign Secretary David Milliband delivered an unscripted tribute to Israel’s achievements and search for peace at the Israeli embassy Independence Day Party this week. Expressing his delight at participating in the celebration, held at a central London hotel with 2,000 invited guests, Mr Milliband praised Israel’s free press and achievements in agriculture and technology. Referring to recent meetings with Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni and Defence Minister Ehud Barak, he said their message was that “there was an unwritten chapter to Israel’s history that still has to be written and that is peace with their neighbours”. Mr Miliband also quoted Israel’s first Prime Minister, David Ben-gurion, who said “if we have to defend ourselves against our enemies, then we can only count on ourselves…but when there is a chance to make peace, we must mobilise all our allies to achieve it”. Last week, in a briefing with Jewish and Israeli media, Mr Milliband insisted that “the next six to eight weeks will come to be seen as very important in the search for a sustainable two-state solution”. Mr Milliband is to visit Israel next month, while Prime Minister Gordon Brown — who also attended the embassy party — is scheduled to go there in July. Mr Milliband said that recent unrest in the region, including the violence in the Lebanese capital, Beirut, was cause for concern, along with the situation in the occupied territories. “It’s very important to address the human crisis in Gaza,” he said, while stressing that the Palestinians were becoming aware of who was ultimately responsible for their situation. “Hamas has killed two israeli civilians trying to deliver fuel — yet another reason to be under no illusions as to what Hamas is doing. “The attacks show who is trying to make a political point.” He also expressed concerns over the forthcoming UN Human rights conference, which has been dubbed Durban II and scheduled to be held next year. The previous UN human rights summit in Durban, South Africa, in 2000 was marred by a series of antisemitic incidents and a wave of anti-Israeli rhetoric. “We are very concerned to not have a repeat of Durban I,” he said. “We are engaged but determined to ensure it doesn’t become Durban II.”

Miliband´s Jewish settler relatives in Israel

The article belows reveals that Miliband even has relatives who are Jewish settlers: "... most of Mr Miliband’s relatives in Israel are Orthodox, including some West Bank settlers":
David Miliband denies visiting family in West Bank settlement

By Bernard Josephs and Simon Griver Tel Aviv

The Jewish Chronicle, 22/11/2007

A report that Foreign Secretary David Miliband took time out to dine with relatives at a Jewish settlement in the West Bank threatened to overshadow his visit to the region this week.
The report, strenuously denied, was broadcast on Israeli Army Radio and comes in the run-up to the Annapolis peace summit next Tuesday. The British government has made clear its opposition to the building of settlements in the occupied territories, and Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has pledged a settlement freeze.

A spokesman for the British embassy said that, although Mr Miliband had relatives in Israel, he dined with them in Tel Aviv. “The Foreign Minister was in Jericho on Saturday to meet Palestinian Authority leaders. He certainly was not at any West Bank settlements.”

One of the relatives, David Landau, an insurance agent, said he was at the Tel Aviv dinner. “We are very proud of the Milibands, even if we do not always agree with their political positions on Israel,” he said.

Mr Landau added that most of Mr Miliband’s relatives in Israel are Orthodox, including some West Bank settlers. “But he has no direct connection with them,” he insisted. Both British and Israeli officials declared that Mr Miliband’s visit — the first since he became Foreign Secretary — had been productive.

After meeting him, Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni described talks about the summit and on the threat posed by Iran as “very fruitful”.

Mr Miliband said that the opportunities presented by the summit “don’t come along very often”, and that it was very important that the international community provide “practical and political support for the two parties”.


Miliband aligns Britain´s foreign policies to those of Israel

Miliband tells UJIA that Britain ‘won’t duck’ Iran’s nuclear threat

By Jenni Frazer

The Jewish Chronicle, July 17, 2008

Foreign Secretary David Miliband paid a warm and emotional tribute to the Anglo-Jewish community on Wednesday, along with a trenchant warning that Iran’s nuclear ambitions were “a challenge that Britain will not duck” for the sake of stability for Israel and the whole of the Middle East.

The Foreign Secretary was the guest of honour at UJIA’s annual patrons’ dinner, held in the Foreign Office’s Locarno Rooms, where, he reminded guests, the seven Locarno Treaties had been signed in December 1925.

“The Locarno Rooms are testimony to the catastrophe of attempts to build a brighter, more peaceful future in Europe in the inter-war years.

“As a result of the treaties signed in this room, Germany was admitted to the League of Nations. The consequences were desperate: the treaties were seen as an excuse for Germany to attack Eastern Europe as the price for stability in Western Europe. The lesson is very clear: nations cannot be built on false promises, on fudged commitments, on insecure borders, on promises made on paper but which are vapid as thin air.

“Nations are built through the toil and graft of a people, through a commitment to a common dream — and that takes something else”.

Praising UJIA, he said its spirit was to unite people behind a common cause. “Britain need look no further for a model of how to mobilise people for a common cause than its Jewish community. This is the community, with its institutions and its leadership, its philanthropy and its values, which so many in this country take so much pride in, whether or not they are Jewish.” He went further, saying that the whole of Britain could learn from UJIA’s values.

It was, he added, “important to say loud and clear that a strong and independent and secure Israel is actually the foundation of stability in the Middle East, not a threat to it. That’s what nation-building is about.”

But there was an “unwritten chapter, in which Israel and its neighbours are permanently written into the book of peace. In some ways, it’s the most significant chapter of all.

“It’s the hardest to write because it involves big responsibilities for Israel. And there are responsibilities for its neighbours.” These included Iran.

“The Iranian nuclear programme is not a marginal issue, it’s fundamental, not just for Israel but also for the whole region. The message to Iran is simple: your people need economic growth and investment, your region needs stability, not a nuclear arms race. There is a very clear offer on the table if you want to engage. If you don’t want to engage, there will be further sanctions, and the challenge is one that Britain and the other countries will not duck.”

It was, he said, a shared ambition of Britain and Israel to bring the time of peace closer.

Mr Miliband began his remarks with a tribute to the families of the two dead soldiers, Eldad Regev and Ehud Goldwasser, whom he had met in New York at the UN last year. “We are grieving with Israel,” he said. He hoped for a speedy conclusion to the Gilad Shalit hostage crisis.


In another article in The Jewish Chronicle, it is revealed how David Miliband misuses his political clout - as does his likewise Jewish colleague Ivan Lewis in the FO - to attack anti-Israel dissent within the Labour movement:

Stop boycotting, Miliband tells unions

By Leon Symons

The Jewish Chronicle, June 25, 2009

The Foreign Secretary, David Miliband, has expressed dismay that Israel boycotts are being discussed by trade union congresses and conferences.

He said this week: “Ivan Lewis, minister of state responsible for the Middle East, is meeting representatives of leading British unions in order to make clear the government’s firm belief that calls for boycotts of Israel cannot and do not contribute to peace.

“British people of all backgrounds are distressed and frustrated by the Arab-Israeli conflict. Many wish to take action to advance the goals of peace and justice, a response I understand and share intensely.

“But I am saddened when this proactive energy is channelled into boycotting economic and academic events, as well as cultural events which seek to increase understanding.

“Such boycotts would, I believe, obstruct opportunities for co-operation and dialogue and serve only to polarise debate further. Boycotts would only make it harder to achieve the peace that both Palestinians and Israelis deserve and desire.

“Rather than seeking to boycott, I urge the British unions to help find a shared solution to common challenges, and I am encouraged that they are ready to do so. [...]


Miliband bonding with the pro-Israel mafia

David Miliband adresses UJIA - United Jewish Israel Appeal

Jewish Foreign Secretary David Miliband and Jewish youths that are supported by the UJIA
- United Jewish Israel Appeal - all happy faces

David Miliband and UJIA chairman Mick Davies


Brown and Miliband both appear at LFI fringe event

By Anshel Pfeffer

The Jewish Chronicle, September 26, 2008 

Prime Minister Gordon Brown has reiterated Britain's commitment to the diplomatic campaign against Iran's nuclear programme.

Speaking at the annual reception of Labour Friends of Israel on Monday at Labour's conference in Manchester, Mr Brown said that Iran had only two alternatives - to comply with the demands of the international community or steadily to isolate itself.

The packed reception at the Midland Hotel was the only event on the conference's fringe circuit attended by both Mr Brown and the man widely seen as his main leadership rival, Foreign Secretary David Miliband.
Mr Brown spoke of his own close family and personal ties to Israel, and called Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, who resigned this week, "a personal friend".

He had, he said, been very pleased that he had been the first British PM to address the Knesset when he visited Israel earlier this year.

Mr Miliband elaborated on the speech he had given earlier in the conference in which he had spoken of the need for a secure Israel next to a viable Palestinian state. The Foreign Secretary told LFI supporters that he had thought at length about that particular part of his speech. All supporters of Israel, he said, had to realise that there was a closing window of opportunity to reach a two-state solution.

The reception was also attended by Israeli ambassador Ron Prosor and MK Colette Avital. The representative of the Israeli Labour Party, she thanked Mr Brown for his speech to the Knesset.

Long-time LFI leader Mike Gapes, chairman of the Commons Foreign Affairs Select Committee, said later: "The fact that both Brown and Miliband attended the event is very significant, and shows this government's support for Israel's future."

At the conference itself, in a session devoted to crime, the Jewish Labour Movement's Mike Katz highlighted a recent rise in antisemitic incidents and called on the party to do more to counter the campaigning by the British National Party, which polled more votes than Labour did at the Henley by-election.

The Holocaust Educational Trust also held a well-attended fringe meeting at the party conference.


And Miliband gets praise from his Jewish pals in Israel...


Israeli leaders ‘satisfied’ with Miliband’s pressure on Syria

By Anshel Pfeffer

The Jewish Chronicle, November 20, 2008

Israeli leaders have expressed their satisfaction with the results of Foreign Secretary David Miliband's visit to the Middle East this week.
In Israel he met Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni, Defence Minister Ehud Barak and Likud Leader Binyamin Netanyahu.

In a show of solidarity, Mr Miliband also visited the town of Sderot which this week was once again under fire from Kassam rockets from the Gaza Strip and talked about "the suffering of the Israelis on the one hand, symbolised here, but the suffering of the Palestinians as well.



But some dark family backgrounds haunts him.... 


David Miliband’s family ‘lied’ to enter UK

By Brendan Montague

The Sunday Times, April 6, 2008 

THE family of David Miliband, the foreign secretary, was branded untrustworthy and misleading by Home Office and Foreign Office officials when it tried to migrate to Britain, documents to be released tomorrow will reveal.

The foreign secretary will find his department thought that his father and grandfather played fast and loose with the truth and lied to immigration officers.

The government papers accuse Miliband’s late grandfather, Samuel, a Polish migrant, of exaggerating the antisemitism he faced in Belgium after the second world war in order to move to Britain. A hand-written Home Office report from March 8, 1949, doubts the Milibands’ honesty, stating: “Mili-band, father and son, have so misrepresented the case in the past, I am afraid we can place no reliance on their statements.”

Samuel’s claim that he faced “Nazi” style antisemitism were dismissed as “very thin”. His son Ralph (the foreign secretary’s father) was accused by the Home Office of making repeated “misrepresentations” to support Samuel’s application.

The files also reveal that when embassy officials interviewed Samuel directly he admitted the claims of Nazi-style persecution were untrue and that he was not being expelled from Belgium.

The revelation of the way in which the foreign secretary’s forebears talked their way into Britain is particularly piquant given Labour’s record on migration. When David Miliband took up the post last year, he said immigration would remain a key issue. Since then, however, Labour has continued to preside over record levels of immigration despite concern among voters that the rate is too high.

The documents, obtained by The Sunday Times under a freedom of information request, reveal how a struggle over migration played a key part in the fortunes of the Miliband family.

When the Germans overran Belgium in May 1940, Samuel and Ralph fled because they were Jews. They were given refuge in Britain. Ralph stayed and later became an influential Marxist academic and close friends with Tony Benn and other Labour grandees until his death in 1994.

Samuel returned to Belgium in 1946. Finding his business destroyed and refused a work permit, he tried to return to Britain. Between 1948 and 1954 he applied nine times to be made a British citizen or to have six-month visas extended.

The documents, which include reports from Special Branch, show that immigration officials recorded Samuel had “misrepresented the case” when he claimed there was growing antisemitism in Belgium.

They also cast doubt on his claims that he needed to visit his son Ralph in England because the young academic was suffering “nervous depression”.

A letter sent on behalf of Ernest Bevin, then foreign secretary, in May 1948 stated: “Mr Miliband was interviewed by a representative of His Majesty’s embassy and stated there had never been any question of his expulsion from Belgium.

“The suggestion the Belgian authorities are adopting a ‘Nazi’ or antisemitic policy . . . seems to be without foundation.”

After the war, hundreds of thousands of Jewish people were left homeless and stateless and millions of people were beginning to understand the enormity of the Holocaust. In 1948, however, Belgium was under the relatively liberal rule of Paul-Henri Spaak, the Socialist.

Martin Conway, a historian at Balliol College, Oxford, said there was almost no evidence of government or police persecution of Jews in Brussels after the war. “It could not be said they were forced out of Belgium because of antisemitism,” he said.

Harold Laski, the eminent intellectual, came to the aid of the Milibands. In personal correspondence with James Chuter Ede, then home secretary, Laski asked him “as one socialist to another” to allow Samuel residency to show the world that the West was more compassionate than “the Russian way”. In the end Samuel’s application was successful.

Yesterday David Miliband and his brother Ed, the Cabinet Office minister, declined to comment. The Foreign Office said: “This is a personal matter for the foreign secretary.”

The documents have echoes of the position Michael Howard found himself in when he was Tory leader. While his party was opposed to mass immigration, Howard was forced to admit that his father had lied about his circumstances when he applied for British citizenship in 1947. 





Part of the NGO Forum declaration of the WCAR held in Durban ("Durban I"), signed by 3000 NGOs, South Africa 28 August – 1 September, 2001. Excerpt concerning the Palestine conflict:


98. Recognizing further that the Palestinian people are one such people currently enduring a colonialist, discriminatory military occupation that violates their fundamental human right of self-determination including the illegal transfer of Israeli citizens into the occupied territories and establishment of a permanent illegal Israeli infrastructure; and other racist methods amounting to Israel’s brand of apartheid and other racist crimes against humanity. Recognizing therefore that the Palestinian people have the clear right under international law to resist such occupation by any means provided under international law until they achieve their fundamental human right to self-determination and end the Israeli racist system including its own brand of apartheid.

99. Recognizing further that a basic “root cause” of Israel’s on going and systematic human rights violations, including its grave breaches of the fourth Geneva convention 1949 (i.e. war crimes), acts of genocide and practices of ethnic cleansing is a racist system, which is Israel’s brand of apartheid. One aspect of this Israeli racist system has been a continued refusal to allow the Palestinian refugees to exercise their right as guaranteed by international law to return to their homes of origin. Related to the right of return, the Palestinian refugees also have a clear right under international law to receive restitution of their properties and full compensation. Furthermore, international law provides that those Palestinian refugees choosing not to return are entitled to receive full compensation for all their losses. Israel’s refusal to grant Palestinian refugees their right of return and other gross human rights and humanitarian law violations has destabilized the entire region and has impacted on world peace and security.


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