The Attack on Black America, Minister Louis Farrakhan, and the
Nation of Islam
NOI Research Group
The Honorable Elijah Muhammad once said to me,
“Brother, you cannot fathom the depth of Satan.”
The history of Jewish espionage against Black American citizens
is long and deep, and it began long before the Nation of Islam
was founded by Master Fard Muhammad in 1930. Jewish agents
seeking to maintain control over the rate and direction of Black
the NAACP leadership from the very start, forcing it into
political subservience and funneling its internal documents to
US government officials. These same malignant Jewish forces
worked for thedemise of
the Marcus Garvey movement, the largest Black independence
movement of that time. In 1942, agents employed by the
Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rithinfiltrated
the Nation of Islam temple in Chicago and instigated the
arrest of 82 law-abiding Muslims. A couple of years before that,
ADL memoto the FBI supplied contact
information of nearly 1,600 ADL members to serve as informants
and undercover sources. When the FBI established the notorious
and illegal Counter-Intelligence Program (COINTELPRO)
under J. Edgar Hoover in 1956, it was Jewish Assistant Director
Alex Rosen whose name was on the FBI’s secret memos detailing
the FBI’s plans and actions to undermine the work of many Black
leaders and organizations, including the NAACP, the Black
Panthers, Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, and the Honorable
Elijah Muhammad.
It was no surprise, then, when the Anti-Defamation League under
Abraham Foxman wascaught
red-handed surveilling at least 12,000 progressive
individuals and 950 organizations, including the NAACP,
Greenpeace, the Arab-American Anti-Discrimination Committee,
and, of course, theNation
of Islam. The ADL was particularly focused on the
pro-Palestinian and anti-apartheid movements and supplied their
spy files to South Africa’s notorious secret police. All of this
ADL espionage proved that the American government had simply
privatized its race hate policies, handing over its anti-Black
spy activities to the far more experienced Jewish leadership.
Those who know the history of Jewish manipulations of Black
affairs immediately suspected that the recently intensified
claims of “black
anti-Semitism” were false and could readily see the
fingerprints of a Jewish espionage operation. It came like a
flood starting about a year ago: A decade-oldphoto
of President Barack Obama with the Honorable Minister Louis
Farrakhan became a Jewish media obsession; this was followed
by vicious attacks on Rep. Keith Ellison, Omarosa Manigault
Newman, and theCongressional
Black Caucus. In quick succession came the Jewish
brutalization ofTamika
Mallory, Linda Sarsour,Marc
Lamont Hill,Alice
Walker, Angela Davis, Michelle Alexander, the new US
Tlaib and Ilhan Omar, and a string of all-Black others. Wild
and unsupportable charges of “anti-Semitism”
came simultaneously and hysterically from Jewish sources like
the ADL, the Southern Poverty Law Center, the Simon Wiesenthal
Center, theTablet,
and Jewish media figures like Jake Tapper and the well-known
media shysterAlan
Now we find that all the above-mentioned American citizens were
the victims of a sophisticated operation directed from the
highest reaches of a foreign government—Israel. A bold and
unprecedented documentary titledThe
Lobby, produced byAl
Jazeera, is now unveiling the full extent of this illegal
Jewish espionage operation. Undercover reporters with hidden
cameras posing as pro-Israel zealots worked their way into the
leadership of this elaborate Israeli operation called“Israel
Cyber Shield.” In four hour-long segments these
reporters made somestunning
video revelations. So damning were these reports to Israel’s
leadership that Israeli officials and Alan
Dershowitz acting on Israel’s behalf made herculean
efforts to block its release. The internet won out and the full
criminal Israeli enterprise is now exposed. Its target and focus
are Black American youth and Islam.
To a room “packed with Israeli diplomats,”Judith
Varnai Shorer, the Israeli consul general in Atlanta,
Georgia, is filmed saying this:
When one considers the implications of that statement, it is
unprecedented in all of Black American history. A foreign
government has announced thatan
entire generationof Black youth in another
nation 5,700 miles away—not the nation itself, but an oppressed
sub-population within that friendly nation—is its “major
Israeli officials sitting on a stage in America are on film
asserting that American Black youth are the enemy of Israel!
The San Francisco consul for Israel,Andy
David, followed Shorer’s astonishing proclamation by
revealing that he had personally recruited a former acquaintance
of Martin Luther King Jr. to write three articles in theHuffington
Post “explaining why their [Black Lives Matter’s] agenda
was hijacked.”
The fact that no United States official or agency or private
“civil rights” or media organization has investigated thisactual
proof of foreign espionageagainst US citizens
is flagrant confirmation of the Israeli role in controlling
American political affairs. After more than a year of US
recriminations aboutsuspected Russian
“election hacking” and “foreign influence” and “collusion,”
Israeli operatives are admitting thatIsrael is
the culprit—and, shockingly, the only response from American
politicians and news outlets issilence.
This underscores quite directly the words of theHonorable
Minister Louis Farrakhanin 1989, when he
looked into the hearts of Black youth and imparted thesewarning
“I say it again, the Government of the United States of America
is planning an assault on the Black community, specifically
aimed at our youth. Andthe
conspiracy is so deep and so diabolical that many of you will
not even believe that at this very moment that I am talking to
you, your lives hang in the balance, whether you are
living in Chicago, Detroit, Boston, Washington, D.C., Los
Angeles, or any city in America. Black youth, particularly Black
young men, are at risk today….‘Could this be possible?
Farrakhan, are you making this up?’ Even though consciously you
may not wish to agree with me, in your subconscious mind,you
know something deeply wicked and diabolical is going on.
Now let me, by God’s Grace, point it out to you.”
The Lobbydocumentary backs every
word The Minister said and further names names, motives,
financiers, and tactics. On film,Sima
Vaknin-Gil, director general of Israel Ministry of
Strategic Affairs, reveals in a meeting of pro-Israel lobbyists:
“We [Israel] are a different government working on foreign soil
and we have to be very, very cautious. WE HAVE THREE DIFFERENT
SUB-CAMPAIGNS which are very, very sensitive regarding data
gathering, information analysis, working on activist
organizations’ money trail. This is something that only a
country, with its resources, can do the best.” [Emphasis ours]
Vaknin-Gil boasts of how the Israeli serpent snakes
around the globe:
“What we’ve done is mapped and analyzed thewhole
phenomenon globally. Not just the United States, not
just campuses, but campuses and intersectionality and labor
unions and churches…”
The Israelis target college students for special attention. Two
operatives of theIsrael
on Campus Coalitionare filmed bragging of
their success “naming and shaming” pro-Palestinian activists
with slander and dirty tricks.Jacob
Hershsay they have devised “custom
algorithms” to hunt down their opponents on social media in
their “psychological
warfare” operation. “It drives them crazy,” says Hersh.
“They either shut down or they spend time responding to it and
investigating it, which is time they can’t spend attacking
Israel. So, that’s incredibly effective.”
So false issues—such as the Obama photo with The Minister, the
absurd focus on his “termite”
statement, and other invented controversies—are simply
diversionary smoke bombs that create confusion so Israel can
continue itsapartheidandwarmongeringin
the dark.
Jews Baime and Hersh say their budget is “massive,” and that
they have “major political consulting firms on retainer that are
here all the time. We have our own opposition researchers.”
Case in Point: UNC Asheville
Listen to Baime and Hersh describe the tactics of their campus
attack squad:
“Generally, within about 30 seconds or less of one of these
things popping up on campus, whether it’s a Facebook event,
whether it’s the right kind of mention on Twitter, the system
picks it up, it goes into a queue and alerts our researchers and
they evaluate it. They tag it, and if it rises to a certain
level, we issue early-warning alerts to our partners….With the
anti-Israel people, what we found has been most effective, in
the last year, you do the opposition research, put up an
anonymous website. Then put up targeted Facebook ads.”
Now, let us review the following description ofTamika
Mallory‘s recent visit to the University of North
Carolina/Asheville, asreported
by the director of the school’s Center for Jewish Studies, Richard
“It didn’t take long before word spread on the internet and
media outlets throughout the U.S. and in Israel of Mallory’s
upcoming talk at UNC Asheville. The headlines:
“UNC Asheville Hosts Farrakhan-Tied Women’s March Leader for MLK
Day Speech” (Breitbart);
“OUTRAGEOUS! Women’s March co-president Tamika Mallory will
deliver a keynote address January 24th as a part of UNC
Asheville annual Martin Luther King Jr. Week” (CAMERA on
“Tamika Mallory Irks North Carolina Jews With MLK Day Speech In
Asheville” (The Forward);
“For UNC, Silent Sam = HATE, while Farrakhan is OK” (The Daily
“UNC-Asheville, What More Do You Need? – Tamika Mallory Still
Won’t Condemn Farrakhan’s Anti-Semitism – Rescind Her Invite to
Keynote at MLK Event” (Zionist Organization of America).
And the emails and phone calls–some reasonable, some angry and
threatening–pressuring the university to disinvite Ms. Mallory
came in by the hundreds.
It cannot be doubted that Operation “Israel Cyber Shield” is the
source of all these attacks on Tamika Mallory, the Black
students of that campus, and The Honorable Minister Louis
Israel’s Military Tactics
American Zionists Baime and Hersh then tie their US espionage
directly to its military source:
“It’s modeled onGeneral
Stanley McChrystal’s counter-insurgency strategy in
Iraq. We’ve copied a lot from that strategy that has been
working really well for us actually.”
In 2011, US Gen. McChrystalreleased
a report about his psychological operations strategy to
combat what he calls “Islamic insurgents” with a propaganda
campaign of false and vicious lies and mass deceptions about the
Afghanistan population. Read carefully McChrystal’s words and
one can readily see the correlation between the US government’s
tactics against the Afghanistan people and those currently being
deployed by Israel against Black Americans:
Offensive Information Operations must be used to target
Insurgent networks in order to disrupt and degrade their
operational effectiveness, while also offering opportunities for
lower level insurgent reintegration….A more forceful and
offensive Strategic Communication approach must be devised
are exposed continually for their cultural and religious
violations, anti-Islamic and indiscriminate use of violence and
terror, and by concentrating on their vulnerabilities. These
include their causing of the majority of civilian casualties,
attacks on education, development projects, and government
institutions, and flagrant contravention of the principles of
the Koran. These vulnerabilities must be
expressed in a manner that exploits the cultural and ideological
separation of the Insurgents from the vast majority of the
Afghan population.
Gen. McChrystal is not saying that he would investigate and
honestly report alleged “cultural and religious violations”;
rather, he is saying that “violations” will be invented and
slanderously applied to the Afghan people to create animosities
and divisions that the US can then exploit to control the
region. “Israel Cyber Shield” has religiously followed
McChrystal’s divide-and-conquer strategy. McChrystal then
discusses the danger of prison “radicalization” in Afghanistan,
with direct implications, of course, for the NOI prison
programs—the most effective reform program ever devised:
Currently, Taliban and Al Qaeda…detainees are currently
radicalizing non-insurgent inmates and worsening an already
overcrowded prison system. Hardened, committed Islamists are
indiscriminately mixed with petty criminals and sex offenders,
and they are using the opportunity to radicalize and
indoctrinate them.
Al Jazeera’sThe Lobby unveils
the racist mind of white Jewish
Supremacy and uncovers the tactics that Israel has deployed
against Black America at this very moment. It is as if we—the
Black targets of this treachery—had bugged the office of J.
Edgar Hoover and Alex Rosen as they plotted the COINTELPRO
harassment and murders of our Black civil rights leaders. Themassive
Jewish role in the trans-Atlantic slave trade, in Jim Crow,
in cotton trading and sharecropping, inHollywood race-hate
propaganda, infalse-flag
operations, and in myriad other oppressions is today only
continued by other, high-tech means.
Where Are the “Good Jews”?
The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhanmakes
a very profound distinction when speaking of Jewish misbehavior,
targeting what John the Revelator called “Jews
who say they are Jews but are not.” It is the very same
distinction that TheReverend
Billy Grahammade in advising PresidentRichard
M. Nixonwhen Graham
explained: “The Bible talks abouttwo
kinds of Jews.” The Holy Quran (3:77) makes
that same distinction:
“And there is certainly a
party of them who lie about the Bookthat
you may consider it to be a part of the Book while it is not a
part of the Book; and they say it is from Allah, while it is not
from Allah; and they forge a lie against Allah whilst they
The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan has been
attacked brutally for alluding to those exact same distinctions
made by both Jesus and His most prominent disciple Billy Graham.
Minister Farrakhan explains:
“I am not talking aboutgood
Jews who keep the Sabbath and who try to live the life the
Torah taught. I am talking to those rebellious ones that take
the wisdom of God and use it for Satanic purposes….You are the
one whose covers must be pulled off; you are the one that our
people must fall away from quickly lest you take them down to
hell with yourself.”
a series of Popes, to Martin Luther, to Billy Graham, to
Farrakhan, world leaders brave enough to speak plainly have made
a clear distinction between the two peoples claiming to be
Judaism’s upholders of the faith. But when a room filled with
high-ranking Israeli officials—all claiming they are
Jews—proclaim that a whole generation of Blacks is their dire
enemy, where are the Jewish voices of disgust, of rebuke, of
How Black America—its youth, students, church leaders,
organizations, and leadership—confronts and repels these Jewish
agents of repression is now NUMBER 1 on the Black Agenda.