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Fiend and Felon

Power, Perjury and Murder in Szymon Wizenthal's Footsteps

By Gerd Honsik

Appendix - Translations of Documents



From page: 10

(From Kurier (Austria) 31.7.1986

The Greatest Mass Murderers are Dictators, not Wars!

A scientific investigation of the victims of political power during the 20th century has produced some alarming results.

It was not the two world wars and the countless other armed conflicts that took the greatest toll on life.

No, the vast majority of victims died in "cleansings", primarily - but by no means exclusively - under Communist dictatorships.

Here is the horror in sober figures:

Since 1900, some six million people died in civil wars, and 29.7 million in international wars - but more than 119 million lost their lives through the power of totalitarian or extremely authoritarian regimes.

Some 40 million Soviet citizens were executed, butchered or starved to death on the orders of the Kremlin, particularly the dictator Stalin, between 1918 and 1953.

These figures are estimates - the averages of various calculations.

And for Mao Tse-Tung's China, the average is as high as 45 million.

The ten-year Vietnam War claimed 1.2 million lives - but 2.3 million more died after the Communist take-over in Vietnam.

Without a doubt the Communist regimes were the greatest mass murderers.

But what is also shocking: even in democratic countries, 800,000 people fell victim to the despotism of those in power (for example in French massacres in Algeria).

(Source: Kurier, July 13, 1986.) 




From page: 31

Dr. Alexander Rybaczewsky
Bregenz, Vorkloster camp Bregenz, October 15


I, the undersigned, Dr. Alexander Rybaczewsky, born on September 3, 1890 in Laszki, German citizen, herewith state that I have known academically accredited engineer Simon Wiesenthal since the mid-1930s. From 1933 to 1939 I worked as physician in Stryj. Engineer Wiesenthal's parents lived in Dolina (approximately 40 km distant) where relatives of my wife also lived. The parents owned a brick-works in Obliski, a German colony near Dolina. I visited there from time to time and can state that only German was ever spoken in the home of Mr. Wiesenthal's parents, and even in the business, since the laborers at the brick-works were also Germans. The family also owned a sizeable library of German literature.

Thus I can state that, to the best of my knowledge, academically accredited engineer Wiesenthal was a member of the German linguistic and cultural sphere.

Dr. Alexander Rybaczewsky





From page : 41

Engineer Friedrich Rainer November 16, 1986

KoglstraBe 5
9020 Klagenfurt
To the
District Criminal Court
LandesgerichtsstraBe 11
1080 Vienna
Re.: Lawsuit against Mr. Simon Wiesenthal, resident at Mestrozzigasse 6,
1 190 Vienna, for defamation of character as per § 111 of the Criminal Code.


Encl.: 2 copies of legal action, 2 copies "Basta" election special issue No. 2 of November 1986. Copies of the relevant pages, with underlining.

Reasons for Suit:

Under the headline "Jorgl's Nazi Affair" the abovementioned publication "Basta" wrote: "The `Barental', worth at least 160 million, which Haider received as gift from a friend of the family's, has a dark Nazi past. Simon Wiesenthal is already on Haider's trail." The article then continues:

"...What is especially embarrassing for Haider: Wiesenthal discovered that the transfer of the huge forest property to the Webhofers had been personally arranged between the two infamous Nazi leaders Rainer (the Gauleiter of Carinthia) and Himmler (Hitler's most brutal man)..."

"... Wiesenthal's office summarized: the Nazi bigwigs Rainer and Himmler expropriate a Jew and gift the property to the `reliable' Webhofer for a ridiculous sum of 80,000 Marks ...."

These allegations in "Basta" are untrue. My father, Dr. Friedrich Rainer, was never in a position to expropriate the possessions of Jewish owners. In 1939 he was Gauleiter of the Salzburg Gau. "Basta" states, "...The 1,600hectare forest property, which - even if it is assessed at the minimum value of 100,000 shilling per hectare - is worth at least 160 million, was acquired in 1939 by the Webhofers in a manner which Nazi hunter Simon Wiesenthal, in an interview with 'Basta', describes as `robber baron style'."

The term "robber baron" alone constitutes severe slander and defamation or character.

Request for legal action:

That the accused, Mr. Simon Wiesenthal, be punished in accordance with § 111 of the Criminal Code.

(engineer Friedrich Rainer)




From pages : 43 - 46


On the instructions of the District Criminal Court of Vienna (telephone consultation with Madam Justice Dr. Brigitte Zeilinger, August 3, 1989), in the media lawsuit of private litigant engineer Friedrich Rainer against the periodical ,Basta", Ref. 9dE Vr 14.826/86 Hv 3141/87, the presented copy of a letter was subjected to forensic testing for authenticity or falsification, with particular regard to a) the visible rubber stamp impression and b) the SS symbol.

Examination of the copy specified above resulted in the following


It should be noted at the outset that a file of copies was made to illustrate the findings, and reference is made to the various copies as needed.

Re. a. The upper right area of the copy includes an impression of an official rubber stamp (cf. copy file p. 1). Besides the clearly visible stamp outline there is also a fragmented-looking line running parallel to the stamp outline, both vertically and horizontally. As a rule, this kind of conformation occurs when pieces of paper are superimposed on another sheet of paper and then photocopied. However, due to the relatively poor quality of the copy (no original could be obtained for this examination), such manipulation cannot be proven in this case. For the sake of completeness it is necessary to mention that the impression here at issue might also represent the edge of the physical rubber stamp itself, if the same had been tilted while being applied to the paper.

Re. b. Even without the aid of technical devices, the two SS symbols on the copy submitted (cf. enlargement, p. 3 of the copy file) show obvious differences in terms of their comparative shape and dimensions.

This fact can be documented clearly with greater enlargement and the aid of graph paper (cf. p. 4 of the copy file). 1t is thus established that these two symbols were inserted by hand. It is not possible to determine which typewriters included this symbol, since not only standard series-produced typewriters but individual machines as well may have been equipped with this symbol as required by the various offices of those times.

Further examination produced another indication of the fabricated nature of this copy. The first copy, which was not to scale, was restored to the dimensions of the original by another pass of the photocopier (enlargement to 115%, cf. copy file p. 2). It was possible to determine this on the basis of the perforations appearing as dark spots, produced by a so-called "hole puncher", since the distance between the punched holes is standard at 80mm.


Consequently it was also possible, despite the slight distortion, to determine the character width (pitch) of the type (typeface "Pica"), which was measured as 2.54mm. Based on the system characteristics, and with the aid of the reference work "Atlas der Schreibmaschinenschrift Pica" as well as another French collection (both aids are used by the Federal Police Headquarters of Vienna and the Federal Ministry of the Interior, Forensic Center, respectively), the typewriter make in question was determined to be either "Underwood" or "Olivetti". However, according to the above sources, the given form of this typeface (shape of the numbers and letters) was available in standard, electric and portable typewriter models only as of 1946 (standard and electric models 1946-, portable models 1946-1960, and Olivetti standard and electric models 1963-)!

Since the incriminated document is dated 1940, whereas the typewriter font used was not available until 1946 as per the sources consulted, this investigation and the observations made in its course lead to the following


The SS symbols, when compared to each other, reveal such a degree of difference in terms of form and configuration that it can be said with certainty that they are not typewriter impressions, but rather manual additions to the text. Furthermore, it was found that, as per the sources consulted, the typeface used was not yet available, and that the copy presented must therefore be a forgery.

Vienna, August 9, 1989
Dietmar Junker





From page: 47

Affidavit About the Time of my Persecution

I, the undersigned, academically accredited engineer Simon W iesenthal, born on December 31, 1908 in Buczacz, Poland, architect, was resident in Lemberg at the time of the German march-in. The German march-in took place on June 30, 1941. Only a few days later I was arrested by the Gestapo due to my Jewish parentage, but was released a few days later thanks to the intervention of an acquaintance.

Since my residence was located in the area that was designated as the German residential area, I, my wife and my mother had to leave our home on August 14, 1941, leaving behind all of our possessions, and to resettle into the area where the Jewish ghetto was being established. A short time later that area was closed off as ghetto. Already on July 10, 1941, the Labor Office (Jewish Employment) had forcibly assigned me to clearing operations with the railway in Lemberg, where 1 worked until the date of my transfer to the concentration camp on October 20, 1941. My inmate number in the Lemberg concentration camp was 504. We were assigned to various jobs in the camp itself and also to tearing down the grave stones in the Jewish cemetery. Later I and a group of about 150 Jews, men and women, were assigned to work on the Ostbahn railway, specifically at the Ostbahn repair works in Lemberg. We were quartered at the repair works and had to work up to 16 hours a day, under guard. Our meals were brought to us from the concentration camp. The purpose of our being quartered there was so that we would be immediately available for work on demand, since locomotives from the front arrived for repairs at all hours of the day and night. I worked first as sprayer; later on the works administration accidentally found out that I am an engineer and I was then put to work as engineering draftsman. My immediate superior was senior inspector Adolf Kohlrautz (I have learned that he fell in Berlin on April 19, 1945). The head of the repair works was senior Reichsbahn councillor Giinthert. While working in this repair shop I was hit several times, by the head of the Jewish Employment Office of the Ostbahn, Georg Gross of Eberswalde near Berlin, and by senior inspector Arnolds, as well as by inspector Lindner. In mid-1943 - it was approximately in May - our labor group was transferred back into the forced labor camp Lemberg, which had meanwhile been converted into a concentration camp. On October 17, 1943, just before the Lemberg camp was dissolved, I escaped from the camp and hid in the barn of some acquaintances near Lemberg. On January 13, 1944, when the SD and the Gestapo combed the area, I was discovered, and put into the Gestapo prison Lacki in Lemberg, where I was tortured terribly by Unterscharfuhrer Waldtke. To put an end to these tortures I slit my wrists. Although it was somewhat unusual, I was sent to the prison infirmary, and on March 19, 1944 I was sent to the Lemberg concentration camp, which was being set up again. There were about 100 inmates in total, as well as a larger group of concentration camp guards who, under the leadership of Hauptsturmfuhrer Warzok, had elected not to go to the front. In this camp I did minor jobs for the camp command and the camp kitchen until July 19, 1944.

On July 19, 1944 - about 10 days before the Russian march-in in Lemberg - the camp was evacuated. [...]





From page: 48

A: That was in early January 1944.

Q 15: Who captured you when you were a partisan?

A: I came to Lemberg. In February our group was surrounded. It would have been hopeless to stay there, for the Germans were coming closer on all sides. One night we decided to divide into as many groups as possible, by splitting up. I commanded 80 people. We managed to get through, and we got to Lemberg in groups of four. We entered a Pole's residence, with pistols drawn, where we took civilian clothing and went on, for safety's sake only two at a time and 40 m back the next two.

We knew addresses, [illegible] was the intermediary between AK and us. The crass differences between AK and AL did not yet exist. AK was nationalist and anti-Semitic and AL was not anti-Semitic. AK took in Jews in Lemberg because in Lemberg the pressure exerted by the Germans was much greater than anywhere else. He immediately assigned us to the home of some friends who were in the bunker. On June 13, 1944 we were discovered in this bunker after a drinking session had taken place in the neighboring house, where a senior inspector of the Reichsbahn had brawled and robbed someone who had drunk with him. [Trans. note: translation uncertain at this point, as original is not clear] That was at a time when Lemberg had already been evacuated. They searched the houses for weapons, and we were discovered. Our situation was such that we couldn't even use the weapons. We were squeezed under the floorboards, like into a coffin. When the Gestapo was in the front yard of our house it was already too late to make any sort of preparations. We were hauled out of our hiding place, taken to a car, and slapped.

Q. 16: By the SS?

A: No, by the Security Police. I immediately slit my wrist. We were taken to the Lodsky prison [...]




From page: 58

Evidentiary Proceedings

 The witness Simon Wiesenthal, born on December 31, 1908 in Buczacz (Galicia), now Soviet Union, architect, now author, resident at 1080 Vienna, Strozzigasse 5, foreign, states in unsworn interrogation:

Regarding the question whether I have ever identified myself as academically accredited engineer: before I took Austrian citizenship I was allowed, as foreigner, to use the title Dipl.-Ing. In 1953 1 took Austrian citizenship and under the Austrian College Organisation Act I am allowed to use the title after my name.

After the presiding magistrate pointed out that he was only permitted to use the title 'Ing. Architekt', together with specification of the foreign college issuing the title, the witness states:


To the presiding magistrate's question whether he had ever identified himself, in writing or verbally, as Dip].-Ing. - academically accredited engineer - the witness replies:

Probably said it.

To the presiding magistrate's question whether he had said it once or on several occasions, the witness replies:

I don't know.

To the presiding magistrate's question whether he did definitely say it, the witness replies:

Yes, certainly. After all, I did study, I haven't claimed anything that isn't rightfully mine.

To the presiding magistrate's question whether he had ever had his title accredited in Austria, the witness replies:






From page: 59

LINZ, [illegible] February 3, 1955

Reg. No. 438.128

With the understanding of the significance of an affidavit, and with the understanding that swearing a false affidavit either deliberately or through negligence is a criminal offense under the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany and the country of my present stay, I hereby state in lieu of oath:

I have committed no grave non-political crimes outside Austria prior to being admitted there as refugee.

Dipl.-Ing. Simon Wiesenthal

The authenticity of the above signature of Dipl.-Ing. [academically accredited engineer] Simon Wiesenthal, who has established his identity by means of the Austrian Identity Card No. 214.304, issued on August 7, 1953 by the Police Headquarters of Linz, is hereby certified.

Dr. [illegible]




From page: 67

Concentration Camp Inspector Berlin, June 4, 1937 and Ffhrer of the SS-Totenkopf Units

Directive SS-TV/IKL No. 5
May 1937

Directives are distributed at month's end, to recapitulate. The units are to be apprized of the contents upon receipt of the orders.

No. 29: Mistreatment of Inmates

In concentration camp Sachsenhausen SS-Oberscharfuhrer Zeidler, acting on sadistic impulse, brutally beat an inmate. He has been demoted to the rank of SS-man, permanently excluded from the SS, and turned over to a criminal judge. This case is being publicized as a warning example. Training shall continue to stress the consequences of mistreating an inmate. A simple slap already constitutes mistreatment. The penalties which a camp commandant can impose on unruly inmates are so severe and far-reaching that physical mistreatment is unnecessary. In all cases, the expulsion of violators of this regulation from the SS safeguards the reputation of the SS.

No. 30: Directive No. 3 is to be removed from the notice-board, and Directives 4 and 5 are to be posted.

Concentration Camp Inspector
and Fuhrer of the SS-TV
[sgd.] Eicke
S S-Gruppenfuhrer

Accuracy certified: Chief of the Central Office SS-TV/IKL [sgd.] Glucks

SS-,Standartenfuhrer and Stabsfuhrer




From page: 93

Bavarian State Chancellery
Ref. B II 1/Li 1130-20996-1 Munich, May 20, 1985

Mr. Frank Walus
5241 S. Kilbourn Ave.
Chicago, Illinois 60632 USA

Re.: Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany here: Mr. Simon Wiesenthal Your letter of April 26, 1985

Dear Mr. Walus!

The Prime Minister has asked me to thank you for your letter of April 26, 1985. Our office is not aware that Mr. Wiesenthal has been decorated


with the Federal Republic of Germany's Order of Merit. Since Mr. Wiesenthal is a citizen of a foreign country, this matter does not come within the jurisdiction of the Bavarian State Chancellery, but within that of the Foreign Office. Where the decoration of citizens of foreign countries is concerned, the right of proposal rests with the Federal Minister of Foreign Affairs, as per the Act governing awards bestowed by the Federal Republic of Germany.

I have passed your message on to the Foreign Office and would ask you to direct any further correspondence to them.

pp. [sgd.] Dr. Doering
Chief Assistant Secretary




From page: 94

Dr. Götz Pollzien
Ohmstrasse 7
8000 Munich 40 January 23, 1978

Re.: Inquiry about documents re. Mr. Franz Walus, born July 29, 1922 in Wendorf.

Ref.: Your letter of January 16, 1978 - p/g

Dear Dr. Pollzien!

Despite a careful search, no documents or document entries pertaining to Mr. Franz Walus, born on July 29, 1922 in Wendorf, were found among our (incomplete) holdings of personnel correspondence of the former Wehrmacht and the former Waffen-SS.

pp. [sgd.] Thomas

The authenticity of the personal signature of department head III Thomas and the authenticity of the official seal impression are certified herewith. This also certifies that the above-named is entitled to issue this document in accordance with German laws.

[sgd.] R. Absolon

of the Central Documentary Office of the Federal Archive





From page: 205

Society of Friends and Supporters of `AMCHA'

BONN, MAY 17, 1990


on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the commencement of diplomatic relations between the state of Israel and the Federal Republic of Germany, as well as in memory of YOM HASHIDA, we are turning to you today in an important matter.


More than 20% of the survivors living in Israel (more than 200,000 persons) suffer every day from their experiences of those times.

The Berlin neurologist and psychiatrist Dr. Werner Platz, senior consultant at the Karl Bonhoeffer Clinic, states: "the survivors suffer from many complaints, but typical problems include: fear, irritability, exhaustion, inability to experience positive emotions, unusual nervousness, severe depression due to brooding and nightmares, severe disruption of normal sleep patterns, chronic physical illnesses and psychosomatic problems."


In the Federal Republic of Germany we have established a "Society of Friends and Supporters of AMCHA". The Society tries to make this help possible.

Under the Federal Restitution Act, help is not provided for most survivors who suffer from delayed consequences and injuries caused by the Nazi terror. These people now badly need our solidarity.

The past must play a role in the recollection of the last 25 years of diplomatic relations. There must not and will not be a cut-off date where the responsibility for those people harmed by the Nazi regime of terror ends.

Please help now - by supporting AMCHA. [signed] Maurits Cohen Director, AMCHA Europe





From page: 206

New Inscriptions in the Concentration Camp Auschwitz
60 Million Deutschmark for Maintenance

The international Council of the Auschwitz Museum has agreed on the text of new inscriptions which are to be displayed at the Museum entrance and at the International Memorial in the extermination camp Birkenau. This reflects recent scientific discoveries showing that in Auschwitz approximately 1.5 million people were murdered - not 4 million, as assumed to date; most of them were Jews. The inscriptions shall also recall, in 19 languages, that the world's response at that time was silence.

At the entrance to both camps, plaques remind visitors that the camp was set up in 1940 and that the first victims were Poles. Russian prisoners of war followed later. As of 1942, the National Socialists' plan to exterminate the Jews of many countries was put into action in the gas chambers of Auschwitz and Birkenau. In 1943 the murders of Sinti and Roma took place concurrently.

One problem is the expense involved in maintaining Auschwitz. According to the deputy Head of the Council, Stefan Wilkanowicz, American experts estimate the cost for the necessary conservation work at some 60 million Marks.







From page: 260

Prior to the Trial Against Gerd Honsik, his Students Were Convicted
"We Taught That Towelhead a Lesson"

Tomorrow marks the start of the jury trial against Gerd Honsik, who
denies the existence of Nazi extermination camps, for example in his recently confiscated book,, Freispruch fur Hitler?". Last week three young men, followers of Honsik, were convicted.

The meat-packing plant where he works employs at least 40% foreigners.

There are no problems. The company reports that everyone works together on the best of terms.

But in the evening, much to his parents' chagrin, 17-year-old Andreas gets together with his friends...

March 1 st. Vienna Favorites. Laxenburger Street.

Andreas, Manfred ("Fleischl") and Werner ("the Viking") beat up an Indian. The victim tears himself loose and flees, screaming for help, right into the arms of a 51-year-old passer-by, a man who doesn't hesitate but immediately shields him courageously with his own body.

Andreas, Manfred and Werner come running. One of them takes a running jump at the two men, feet-first. The Indian and his protector fall to the ground.

"Like madmen" (say witnesses) the boys kick at the two lying on the ground, who are severely injured.

The culprits are tracked down and arraigned in Youth Court.

Andreas is sentenced to three months' probation: "I am a follower of 'Rapid', and it's an everyday thing to curse and beat up on foreigners. I attend meetings of the VAPO - the People's Loyalist Extra-Parliamentary Opposition. This group was organized by Gottfried Kussel in a pub in Wahring. "

Neo-Nazi leader Kassel is presently in detention awaiting trial.

Manfred, 22, gets three months in prison: "We'd been drinking, and because we hate all foreigners we taught that towelhead a lesson. 1 was a member of the `Foreigners Halt' movement. "

Gerd Honsik, who is in court as of tomorrow for stubbornly insisting that no Jews were gassed under Hitler, was chairman of `Foreigners Halt'.

Werner, 22, gets one month in prison: "I'm not offended when someone calls me ultra-right-wing. I AM ultra-right-wing. My favorite is Jorg Haider.

There are too many foreigners. When I get plastered it can very well happen that one of them gets picked on. "

Andreas, Manfred and "the Viking" fall silent when Judge Adolf Ott asks them the simple question:

"And when you're... in Italy, let's say - and someone hits you, just because you don't have black hair, just because you're blond - what then? What would you say to that?"

Nothing. They say nothing at all. They never learned anything like that. Not on the football field, not from Honsik, not from Kassel, and - the verdicts are final.






From page: 262

To debate the proposed bill, the parties of the Justice Committee met on November 20, 1991 in a hearing with experts from the fields of constitutional law, criminal law, penal legislation, the judiciary and the security services. The experts participating included: M.A. Brigitte Bailer, Documentary Archives of the Austrian Resistance; Councillor Dr. Erwin Felzmann, Supreme Court; President Paul Grosz of the Israeli religious community of Vienna; Dr. Peter Heindl, Federal Ministry of the Interior; Section Head Dr. Gerhard Holzinger, Constitutional Department of the Federal Chancellor's Office; attorney Dr. Gabriel Lansky; deputy editor-inchief Dr. Dieter Lenhardt; assistant professor Dr. Ursula Medigovic, University of Vienna Department of Criminal Justice; attorney Dr. Ruth Mireczki; chief public prosecutor (ret'd.) Dr. Richard Obendorf; university professor Dr. Winfried Platzgummer; attorney Dr. Heinrich Vana; Dr. Helena Verdel; university professor Dr. Robert Walter; academically accredited engineer Simon Wiesenthal; university professor Dr. Gunther Winkler; Councillor Gerd Zander, Federal Police Headquarters of Vienna; and attorney Dr. Georg Zanger, as well as Federal Minister Dr. Michalek and officials of the Federal Ministry of Justice.






From page: 274

The Inventors of the Nuremberg Tribunal of Revenge

During the war the WJC (World Jewish Congress) had created an Institute of Jewish Affairs in New York (its headquarters are now in London). The directors were two great Lithuanian Jewish jurists, Jacob and Nehemiah Robinson. Thanks to them, the Institute worked out two completely revolutionary ideas: the Nuremberg tribunal and German reparations.

The importance of the tribunal which sat at Nuremberg has not been reckoned at its true worth. According to international law it was in fact impossible to punish soldiers who had been obeying orders. It was Jacob Robinson who had this extravagant, sensational idea. When he began to canvass it among the jurists of the American Supreme Court, they took him for a fool. "What did these Nazi officers do that was so unprecedented?" they asked. "You can imagine Hitler standing trial, or maybe even Goering, but these are simple soldiers who carried out their orders and behaved as loyal soldiers." We therefore had the utmost trouble in persuading the Allies; the British were fairly opposed, the French barely interested, and although they took part later they did not play any great part. The success came from Robinson managing to convince the Supreme Court judge, Robert Jackson.

(The.lewish Paradox, Grosset & Dunlap, 1978, p 122)






From page: 317

Vienna, November 10, 1959
Engineer Simon Wiesenthal
Linz Ambassade d'Israel
Raimundstrasse 39/III 4050/792

Dear Mr. Wiesenthal,

my sincere thanks for your interesting report.

When I was in Israel I had some discussions about the Eichmann case and our people there mentioned how very much they appreciated your help in this matter.

As per the latest information, which you have, the Eichmann family is in Argentina. His wife acts as though Eichmann were no longer alive. She has even remarried, a German citizen to be precise. However, all indications are that this marriage is a fiction, intended to "confuse the enemy".

Sincerest greeting,
[sgd.] I. Sahar





From page: 330

Vienna, November 10, 1991 Ladies and Gentlemen!

The following letter was published in Gemeinde, the official publication of the Israeli religious community of Vienna, in its issue of August 30, 1991 - 20th Elul 5751, no. 403/404.

In the spirit of the season I would like to wish the Israeli religious community and all Jewesses and Jews living in Austria a healthy, successful, peaceful and happy new year. In my first short time in office as government official in charge of education, art and religion I have already sought many opportunities for contact with the Jewish community. What I found especially gratifying was the information I gained about the continuing success of the independent Jewish school system in Vienna, which has gained an excellent reputation abroad. The growing demand for teachers proves that Vienna has become more attractive for Jewish families and has thus lost some of its potential for rejection.

In light of the gruesome events of the past and the anti-Semitic tendencies of the present, which must not be underestimated, we must not react [to the above developments] with excessive optimism, but nonetheless these positive developments must also be noted and acknowledged. The increasing number of qualitatively excellent options open to Jewish children and youth in education in accordance with tradition and religious laws are an essential foundation for [our] well-being in this city, and in Austria as a whole.

But creating inviting conditions in the school system with government aid is only one important prerequisite for social coexistence in diversity, for tolerance and respect. The decisive factor is an honest and passionate acknowledgment of shared responsibility for the persecution, expulsion and destruction of the Jews as well as energetic measures against all attempts at trivialization, hushing-up or even denial of these crimes, in which Austria also took part.

The clear and definite statements made in this regard by Federal Chancellor Dr. Franz Vranitzky before the plenum of the National Council are a clear indication that the Federal Government knows how to deal with Austria's history.

The atrocities of the past, and the fear of a repetition of the same, can only be overcome if all Jews in this country feel free, safe, valuable and equal. Remigration and immigration are a proof of faith, and a satisfaction to all within and outside the Jewish community who believe in mutually beneficial coexistence. I shall continue to direct my efforts towards this conviction in the new year.

Dr. Rudolf Scholten





From page: 348

Innsbruck, February 13, 1991
Public Prosecutor's Office Vienna
Dr. Werner 0lscher

Landesgerichtsstrasse 11
1082 Vienna

GZ: 1 St 10265/91
Re.: Authorization to prosecute Gerd Honsik
Ref.: Your inquiry of January 31, 1991

Dear Mr. Councillor,

in reply to your inquiry of January 31, 1991, 1 hereby sanction the criminal prosecution of Mr. Gerd HONSIK in his capacity of author of the article ,Der Judas von Rinn" in the periodical publication "Halt", issue 57, January/February 1991, as per §§ 111 Section 2, 115 Section 1, 117 Section 2 of the Criminal Code.

I authorize this prosecution not so much for reasons of the slander against my person in this article, but rather primarily due to the socially destructive tendencies apparent in this text.

At this same time I also give my permission to request publication of the verdict.

Where I in my capacity as Bishop of Innsbruck am concerned, Austria has no department or authority superior to myself as per § 117 Section 2 of the Criminal Code.

I wish also to take this opportunity to inquire whether it would be possible to prosecute Mr. Gerd Honsik under the provisions of the Prohibitive Law - an aspect which I consider to be of foremost importance.

Very sincerely yours,
(Dr. Reinhold Stecher
Bishop of Innsbruck)



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Middle East       Africa
      U.N.              E.U.


The Internet and Israeli-Jewish infiltration/manipulations

Books - Important collection of titles

The Judaization of China

Israel: Jewish Supremacy in Action - By David Duke

The Power of Jews in France

Jew Goldstone appointed by UN to investigate War Crimes in Gaza

When Jews rule...
The best book on Jewish Power

The Israel Lobby - From the book

Jews and Crime - The archive

Sayanim - Israel's and Mossad's Jewish helpers abroad

Listen to Louis Farrakhan's Speech - A must hear!

The Israeli Nuclear Threat

The "Six Million" Myth

"Jewish History" - a bookreview

Putin and the Jews of Russia

Israel's attack on US warship USS Liberty - Massacre in the Mediterranean

Jewish "Religion" - What is it?

Medias in the hands of racists

Strauss-Kahn - IMF chief and member of Israel lobby group

Down with Zio-Apartheid
Stop Jewish Apartheid!

The Jews behind Islamophobia

Israel controls U.S. Presidents
Biden, Trump, Obama, Bush, Clinton...

The Victories of Revisionism
By Professor Robert Faurisson

The Jewish hand behind Internet The Jews behind Google, Facebook, Wikipedia, Yahoo!, MySpace, eBay...

"Jews, who want to be decent human beings, have to renounce being Jewish"

Jewish War Against Iran

Jewish Manipulation of World Leaders

Al Jazeera English under Jewish infiltration

The Founding Myths of Modern Israel
Garaudy's "The Founding Myths
of Israeli Politics"

Jewish hate against Christians
By Prof. Israel Shahak

Introduction to Revisionist
- By Ernst Zündel

Karl Marx: The Jewish Question

Reel Bad Arabs - Revealing the racist Jewish Hollywood propaganda

"Anti-Semitism" - What is it?

Videos - Important collection 

The Jews Banished 47 Times in 1000 Years - Why?

Zionist strategies - Plotting invasions, formenting civil wars, interreligious strife, stoking racial hatreds and race war

The International Jew
By Henry Ford

Pravda interviews Ahmed Rami

The Founding Myths of Modern Israel
Shahak's "Jewish History,
Jewish Religion"

The Jewish plan to destroy the Arab countries - From the World Zionist Organization

Judaism and Zionism inseparable

Revealing photos of the Jews 

Horrors of ISIS Created by Zionist Supremacy - By David Duke

Racist Jewish Fundamentalism

The Freedom Fighters:
   Hezbollah - Lebanon
   Nation of Islam - U.S.A.

Jewish Influence in America
- Government, Media, Finance...

"Jews" from Khazaria stealing the land of Palestine

The U.S. cost of supporting Israel

Turkey, Ataturk and the Jews

Talmud unmasked
The truth about the Talmud

Israel and the Ongoing Holocaust in Congo

Jews DO control the media - a Jew brags! - Revealing Jewish article

Abbas - The Traitor

Protocols of Zion - The whole book!

Encyclopedia of the Palestine Problem
Encyclopedia of the
Palestine Problem

The "Holocaust" - 120 Questions and Answers

Quotes - On Jewish Power / Zionism

Caricatures / Cartoons 

Activism! - Join the Fight!