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To eliminate existing economic models means Jewish power would
diminish greatly, hence the basic fault lines of the conflict.

Obscure realities
abound in the latest Middle East Conflict
By Shaban Malik

It is a well-known fact that a greater part of America's economic power, hence political power, lies in the hands of the small powerful Jewish community in the northeastern United States.

It is in the interests of the Muslims to awaken to the realities of the new millennium, which are fast becoming obvious in the passing time. The events of the last decade of the 20th century have greatly diminished Muslim Unity.

The richest Muslim countries of the Middle East have been economically destroyed via a well thought up conspiracy. The same allies who helped bring about the demise of the Communist Bloc through the Afghanistan conflict changed from Mujahideen (Freedom Fighters) to Terrorists. Pakistan went from an ally to an unimportant nuclear-armed nuisance.

It is hard not to recognize the facts for what they are really worth. The Muslim world lacks the unity and most importantly the leadership to make it stand up to its enemies. It certainly seems as if the time-tested principle of "Divide and Rule" has worked once again for the Jewish Western powers. The Muslim world has failed to respond once again to the shrewd Jewish Western politics. Very important is for the Muslim world to realize that the Islam is the light to lead them to success against an evil adversary who will stop at nothing to destroy them.

The latest wave of violence and clashes between the Palestinians and Israel have driven home my firm conviction in that the stage is all set for 21st century global conflicts. The new millennium will be a clash of religious ideologies. Islam and the Judeo- Christian world are in head-on collision.


For the moment, the Muslims are divided as a lot, economically devastated, exploited and preyed upon. None in the Muslim world think or talk of Islamic unity. The Arabs think and talk only of Arab Nationalism. Their attempts at Arab unity have failed time and again.


Saudi Arabia is in the clutches of the Americans. Iran has its own problems to tackle. Jordan is at peace with Israel as is Egypt. Syria is far too weak to tackle Israel. Gadhafi's Libya is still fresh coming out of isolation following its refusals to hand over the Lockerbie bombing suspects. Saddam's Iraq is devastated. In short, the Arab world is in no position to tackle and combat the Jewish State. The Arab world lacks the will and vision to combat and foresee the issues crystal clear.


The remaining Muslim countries lack vision and are too preoccupied in their own economic and political affairs at home to think of Islamic unity. The central Asian Muslim countries are still fresh out of the clutches of former Soviet Communist power. The Indian Muslims form over 200 million of India's billion plus population, yet exert no influence over India's Lok Sabha. In the wake of recent ascension to power of Hindu fundamentalist BJP, whatever little political power they might have held has been reduced to a trickle.


Bangladesh is too small and too far involved in South Asian politics to think right now of Muslim Unity. Indonesia, the largest Muslim country in the world, in the wake of the recent ousting of Suharto, is in economic and political turmoil and is still licking its fresh wounds. Turkey has been more involved in its obsession with the European Union and acting much to secularly on the global stage to play its part.


Pakistan is in turmoil at the turn of the new century and battling its own problems, a legacy of its Cold War alignment. Economically, Pakistan has been shattered and destroyed far more than any other Muslim country, including Iraq. Pakistan has been the target of much criticism by the powers that be.


The reasons are clear: Pakistan has long talked of Islamic Unity. Pakistan has crossed the nuclear threshold, and is in a position to, if need be, exercise its nuclear power and threaten the existence of not too far Israel.


Pakistan has long refused to recognize the state of Israel, as a show of solidarity with its Palestinian brethren.


The Western World recognized the part Pakistan could play in uniting the Muslim world and has done its level best covertly to reduce Pakistan economically. Pakistan stands economically destroyed, politically unstable and externally much too threatened by its hostile neighbor to the East, India. India's obsession with the Pakistan problem dates back to the partition of 1947 and the resurgence of Hindu fundamentalists prevents India from working a peace deal with its smaller neighbor to the West. India has lately been much wooed by the Western powers in the wake of the New World Order and the Information Age as well as America's interest in a strong India as a regional deterrent to China's growing global influence.


Last week's political campaigning in the United States, by both Bush and Gore camps has been aimed at wooing and kissing up tothe powerful Jewish lobby.


Both rivals have professed their alignment with Israel. Israel is the biggest recipient of American Aid in the world. Despite the fact that Arab countries in the Middle East provide the United States its most crucial raw material to keep the American economic machinery going, the Arabs have failed at using this most powerful of tools sensibly enough to propagate America to act honestly and fairly to broker a fair deal.


The question which often comes to mind most probably would be why does Islam pose a threat to the Western world. Here the answer lies in the fundamentals of Islamic economic ideology.


Islamic economic theory explicitly forbids interest (usury). Interest charging is the fundamentals of Western economic theory. Without interest, the economies of the Western world would collapse.


The powers the rich developed countries exert in the world stems from their economic power and lending ability, which enables them to suck the poorer counterparts financially dry and exert tremendous political power.


The Muslim world is the fast growing community in the world. Its growing numbers would mean immense Muslim power economically to implement their theories of economics. To eliminate existing economic models means Jewish power would diminish greatly, hence the basic fault lines of the conflict. It is a well-known fact that a greater part of America's economic power, hence political power, lies in the hands of the small powerful Jewish community in the northeastern United States.


It is in the interests of the Muslims to awaken to the realities of the new millennium, which are fast becoming obvious in the passing time. The events of the last decade of the 20th century have greatly diminished Muslim Unity.


The richest Muslim countries of the Middle East have been economically destroyed via a well thought up conspiracy. The same allies who helped bring about the demise of the Communist Bloc through the Afghanistan conflict changed from Mujahideen (Freedom Fighters) to Terrorists. Pakistan went from an ally to an unimportant nuclear-armed nuisance.


It is hard not to recognize the facts for what they are really worth. The Muslim world lacks the unity and most importantly the leadership to make it stand up to its enemies. It certainly seems as if the time-tested principle of "Divide and Rule" has worked once again for the Western powers. The Muslim world has failed to respond once again to the shrewd Western politics. Very important is for the Muslim world to realize that the Islam is the light to lead them to success against an evil adversary who will stop at nothing to destroy them.

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