Zionism and the Palestine Question
Information about the ongoing Zionist war waged against the peoples of Palestine and the Middle East, and Zionism´s totalitarian and racist backgrounds.
• Basic introductory documents
• Zionism's historical roots
• Zionism's and Israel's Apartheid and Racism
• Intra-Jewish Discrimination and Violence
• Zionist-Nazi Alliance, Anti-Semitism, and the "holocaust"
• Politicizing the "holocaust"
• "Importing"Jews, even if they weren't Jews
• Labor vs Likud: No Difference in Actions
• Historical Documents and Chronologies
Basic introductory documents on Zionism |
"Why should the
Arabs make peace? If I was an Arab leader I would never
make terms with Israel. That is natural: we have taken
their country. Sure God promised it to us, but what does
that matter to them? Our God is not theirs. We come from
Israel, but two thousand years ago, and what is that to
them? There has been antisemitism, the Nazis, Hitler,
Auschwitz, but was that their fault? They only see one
thing: we have come here and stolen their country. Why
should they accept that?" - Israeli Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion as quoted in "The Jewish Paradox: A personal memoir" (1978), by Nahum Goldmann (translated by Steve Cox), p. 99. |
- A short introduction to Zionism
Zionism: more than traditional colonialism and apartheid
By Lasse Wilhelmson
"The Founding Myths of Israeli Politics" -
a must read!
The fantastic book by French politician and Muslim Roger Garaudy - Roger Garaudy publishes new book on Zionism
Encyclopedia of the Palestine Problem
The most comprehensive collection of facts/documents on the Zionist theft of Palestine
the basis of the real "Nuremberg" trial against Zionism and its leaders
- Israel
and Zionism
[566 Kilobytes] [about 144 paper pages] The myths about Israel; an overview of Zionism; Jewish American fantasies about the Jewish state; the American mass media as a tool for Israeli propaganda; Israel as a separatist, racist, and undemocratic country; the obnoxious "sabra"; the condition of Arabs under Israeli rule; institutionalized torture of arrested Palestinians; Israeli exploitation of internationally imported laborers; intra-Jewish racism; the Israeli weapons industry and Israeli support for worldwide dictatorships. - UN: Zionism - "a movement based on racial superiority"
By Janine Zacharia (Jerusalem Post)
- The ten rules of Jewish "nationalism"
- UN Resolutions Against Israel,1955-1992
- The
Life of an American Jew in Racist Marxist Israel
A book by Jack Bernstein
- My Farewell
to Israel, Thorn of the Middle
A book by Jack Bernstein
The P-Word Is Palestine
By Stan Goff, July 16, 2006
Mahatma Gandhi Rejected Zionism
By Professor A. K. Ramakrishnan. Contains quotes on M. Gandhi and Zionism: "But in my opinion, they [the Jews] have erred grievously in seeking to impose themselves on Palestine with the aid of America and Britain and now with the aid of naked terrorism... Why should they depend on American money or British arms for forcing themselves on an unwelcome land? Why should they resort to terrorism to make good their forcible landing in Palestine?" -
Cartoons/caricatures on
Zionism and the Jewish occupation of Palestine
The Jewish Tribal Review´s huge article collections on Israel, Zionism and the Palestine Question:
"The General Assembly, [...]
Determines that |
Zionism´s historical roots |
As Judaism is deeply racist, implemented Judaism in the form of Zionism, is logically a racist and anti-humanitarian movement. Understanding Zionism of today one has to acquire knowledge of Zionism´s history; its historical roots, former and present alliances and methods.
- The Fraud of Zionism
By Wilbur Sensor - Zionism and the Third Reich
By Mark Weber
- The Dark Web Pages of Zionism
A collection of articles on Zionism (external site)
Zionism in the Age of Dictators
By Lenni Brenner
- Zionism and Anti-Semitism:
A Strange Alliance Through History
By Allan C. Brownfeld - The Jewish Role in the Bolshevik "Revolution"
By Mark Weber
- The nature of Zionism
A book by Vladimir Stepin -
Diaries of
Theodor Herzl reveal a Zionist plan to backstab Turkey - to be spread!
Revealing quotes from Herzl's diary. - Balfour Declaration's author was a secret Jew
From The Jerusalem Post - January 12th, 1999
Anti-Zionist Jews like Alfred Lilienthal and Israel Shahak have published several interesting works on Zionism and Israel.
Excerpts from Alfred
Lilienthal's famous book "The Zionist
Connection II":
- 1. The Holocaust: Stoking the Fires
- 2. Terror - The Double Standard
- 3.
Exploiting Anti-Semitism
- 4.
The Blitz
"Jewish History, Jewish Religion" - Israel Shahak's revealing book on Jewish history and Judaism's racist traditions:
- Prof. Shahak's book
"Jewish History, Jewish Religion"
The widely acclaimed book in its entirety
- "Jewish History, Jewish Religion" - Reviewed
A bookreview of Prof. Israel Shahak's book
"Open Secrets: Israeli Nuclear and Foreign Policies" - Excerpts from Israel Shahak's book on Israel's nuclear strategies for the Middle East:
- Israeli Policies Toward Iran and Syria
- Israel Versus Iran chapter
- Israel's Strategic Aims and Nuclear Weapons
- Syrian Cities and Relations with Saddam Hussein
- Israeli Foreign Policy after the Oslo Accord
- Israeli Foreign Policies, August 1994
- Israel and the Organized American Jews
- The Pro-Israeli Lobby in the US and the Inman Affair
Zionism's and Israel's Apartheid and Racism |
- Israeli
Discriminatory Practices are Rooted
in Jewish Religious Law
By Israel Shahak (Washington Report 07/1995) -
"If It Walks Like a Duck
... ": The Racism of Zionism
By Donald Neff (Washington Report) - Land Without
a People
Chapter 1 of The Palestinian Catastrophe: The 1948 Expulsion of a People From Their Homeland by Michael Palumbo, 1987. On the origin of Palestinian expulsion in Zionist ideology. - Israel's Apartheid - Desmond Tutu and
other critics
A collection of articles -
Israel's original sins
By Gideon Levy, A review of a book by Benny Morris titled: "Correcting a Mistake - Jews and Arabs in Palestine/Israel, 1936-1956," (Ha'aretz 11/03/2000) - For
Israel, Land or Peace By Jimmy
Carter (Washington Post 11/26/2000)
in Palestine: The Basic Context By
Alex R. Shalom and Stephen R. Shalom (Z Magazine
10/2000). Nice introduction to the events for new Middle East
- The Sorrow
of Truman By Sean Gonsalves (The Cape Cod
Times 11/28/2000)
Apartheid Must End
By Kevin James (New
York Daily News 12/10/2000)
- Apartheid by Any
Other Name: Creeping annexation of
the West Bank By Eitan Felner (Le Monde Diplomatique
of the Palestine-Israel Conflict
(Jews for Justice in the Middle East)
Ideology: Obstacle To Peace
By Rabbi Elmer Berger,
1981, excerpts from an essay published in the Book
Anti-Zionism, Edited by Tekiner, AbdRabbo, and Mezvinsky,
- Zionism: A
False Messiah
By Lance Selfa,
(International Socialist Review Spring 1998)
- A Quick
History of the Rise of
Israel By Charley Reese
(Orlando Sentinel 01/05/1999)
- Zionism: Jewish
Americans and
the State Department, 1897-1945.
Chapter one of the book
Fallen Pillars: U.S. Policy towards Palestine and Israel since
1945 by Donald Neff
- The State
Department and Zionism, 1917-1945: A
Reevaluation By
Lawrence Davidson (Middle East Policy Council
- Israeli
Myths By Musil J.
Shihadeh (Palestine Times 02/1999)
- A Personal
Assessment of the Zionist
Experience By Benny
Morris (Tikkun 03-04/1998)
- Who is a
By David Newman
(Jerusalem Post 07/28/1999). The Palestinians' "right to be
called a nation is not rooted in whether they existed hundreds of
years ago or not. The simple fact that they constitute a group,
numbering several million, who have shared beliefs, with common
cultural and territorial ties, at any given point in history, is
sufficient to legitimize their claims to independence and
- A Comparison
Between Native Americans and The
By Norman Finkelstein
and Zoughbi Zoughbi (AMEU 12/1999)
US's 1940s Decisions to Support Israel
By Richard Curtiss
(Washington Report 05/1991)
A Preface
to Zionism, Israel & the Arabs
By Hal Draper (Center
for Socialist History 1990)
- We Took
their Land
By James Ron (Daily
Star/Globe and Mail 07/2000)
The Specter of dual-loyalty haunting diaspora Jews
A byproduct of Zionism. The case of Martin Indyk
By Michael J. Jordan (Jewish Telegraphic Agency 09/26/2000). -
Ground on the Northern Border By Gideon Levy (Ha'aretz 06/11/2000)
rises sharply worldwide, report finds
By Yair Sheleg
(Ha'aretz 10/20/2000). Israel, is the cause, instead of
solution to anti-Semitism?
- Can Israel
Survive Post Zionism?
By Meyrav Wurmser
(Middle East Quarterly 03/1999)
with equal rights
Editorial (Ha'aretz
- Arab
citizen placed under administrative
By Jalal Bana and
Ori Nir (Ha'aretz 12/08/2000)
- Fact Sheet
on Discrimination in Israeli Law
(Arab Association for Human
to escalate campaign for 'equality' with mass rally
Sunday By David
Ratner (Ha'aretz 09/20/2000)
- U.S. chides
Israel for religious bias
By David Ratner (Ha'aretz 09/21/2000)
- Nazareth
vs. Upper Nazareth
By Nehemia Strasler
(Ha'aretz 06/30/2000)
- Who is a
Jew, Again
By Shahar Ilan
(Ha'aretz 09/18/2000)
- 'Who is a Jew'
Matters in Israel By
Sheldon L. Richman (Washington Report 03/1990)
- Basic Law:
Israel Lands Law. More
than 92 percent of Israel's land is for-Jews-only. It can't be
sold to non-Jews, or non-nationals in Israeli terminology. (Only
Jews are nationals. Non-Jewish Israeli CITIZENS are not considered
nationals in Israel.)
- The Law of
Return and Nationality Law
in Israel
- Israel's
Double Standard
By Amira Hass (Ha'aretz
- Sharansky:
No changing Law of Return Without Consulting Diaspora (Jerusalem Post 12/01/1999)
- Absorption
Ministry Considers Limiting non-Jewish Aliyah By
Yair Sheleg (Ha'aretz 11/29/1999)
Arabs who Stayed Behind After 1948 and the Kufr
Qassem Massacre By David Hirst (Excerpts from the book,
The Gun and the Olive Branch 1977)
- We're Here to
Help You, Unless You're Arab By
Baruch Kra (Ha'aretz 11/18/1999)
- Air
conditioning for Jews only
By Einat Fishbain
(Ha'aretz 09/26/1999)
Poverty Increase
Report 11/1988)
- Israelis
Quarrel Over Arab Legislator By Lee
Hockstader (Washington Post 07/16/1999)
- IInternal
Criticism of Racism Would Be Called "Anti-Semitic" Outside Israel
By Israel Shahak (Washington Report
- Report finds
discrimination against
Israeli Arabs (Associated Press 07/03/1997)
- 'Israeli Arab
Security Prisoners Discriminated Against'
By Gideon Alon
(Ha'aretz 03/16/2000)
- Arab Schools
Get Short End of Enrichment Programs By
Joseph al-Gazy (Ha'retz 09/20/1998)
- Israel:
Technologically modern but politically medieval state By Charley Reese (Orlando Sentinel 09/24/1998)
- Because it
isn't in
the public's interest By Gideon Levy (Ha'aretz
- Israeli
Apartheid and Terrorism By Edward Herman (Z
Magazine 05/1994)
- Normalizing
Israeli Repression
By Edward Herman (Z
Magazine 06/1994)
- Body of
Christian man exhumed after 10 months and reburied
in Christian cemetery (Israel Wire 02/04/2000)
for Jews Only
By Danna Harman
(Associated Press 08/03/1997) Doesn't matter whether you are a
practicing Jew or not, if your grandmother is not Jewish then you
aren't either, regardless of what you do. Here Judaism is
determined by heredity (race) and not by belief and conduct
through life.
- Jews-Only
(Israel Wire
- Apartheid Laws
in Israel By Uzi
Ornan (Ha'aretz 05/17/1991)
- Conquest of
Labor (in Palestine) ed.
- Zionist
Anti-Semitism By Les
Levidow, (Return 12/1990)
Zionism a Form of Racial Discrimination? By
Rachelle Marshall (Washington Report 11/1991)
- Cemetery
promised for Black Hebrews
By Aliza Arbeli
(Ha'aretz 10/03/1999)
- The
Nature of the State of
Israel By Uri Davis
(excerpts from Israel - An Apartheid State
- Establishment of an Exclusive Jewish State By
Uri Davis (excerpts from Israel - An Apartheid
State 1987)
- U.S. report on
religious freedom offers criticism, praise for
Israel By
Sharon Samber (Jewish Telegraphic Agency
suggests Israel denies religious freedom to
By Haim Shapiro
(Jerusalem Post 02/27/2000)
- Who's
Desecrating the Holy Sites? By Gideon
Levy (Ha'aretz 08/23/1998)
refugee and the Pope
By Gideon Levy
(Ha'aretz 03/19/2000). On desecrating religious sites, and
preventing Muslims from going to Mecca for pilgrimage.
- Arab judge's
stay on Supreme Court not renewed
By Joseph Algazy
(Ha'aretz 02/18/2000)
- No Funding
for Non-Jews
By Shahar Ilan
(Ha'aretz 01/06/1999)
- Because He's an
Arab Editorial
(Ha'aretz 01/11/1998)
- Discrimination
and denial
By Amira Haas (Ha'aretz
Denies Muslim's Right to Live In Jerusalem's "Jewish
Quarter" By Kenneth R. Kahn (Washington Report
- Are Arabs
Included in 'everyone'?
By Gideon Levy
(Ha'aretz 05/30/1999)
- First
Palestinian Gets Hebrew University Doctorate (Ha'aretz 06/07/1999)
- Arab Israeli
Accuses El Al of Racism
(Ha'aretz/Reuter/Israel Wire 06/29/1999)
- 10 percent
of Arab college grads are drivers and waiters, three
times the rate among Jews By Joseph al-Ghazy (Ha'aretz
- Ethnic
Discrimination Against Palestinians Must
End By
Amira Haas (Ha'aretz 12/08/1999)
- Memo on Institutionalized Racial
Discrimination by and in the State of Israel By Elias
Davidsson (04/1991)
- Democracy or
Ethnocracy: Territory and Settler Politics
in Israel/Palestine By Oren Yiftachel (Middle East Report
- Israel Is
Not Comparable to "Advanced Western
Democracies" By Shaw J.
Dallal (Washington Report 05/1990)
- Knesset
Lawyers Advise Speaker to Stop Bill to Deny Israel's Status as
State of Jewish People By Gideon Alon (Ha'aretz
- Zionism, Transfer and Massacre By
Uri Davis (excerpts from Israel - An Apartheid State
- 'About the Soft and the Delicate' By
Amos Oz (12/17/1982) || Jewish
Murders Jewish Refugees
Holocaust Analogies: Repaying the
Mortgage By Tony Greenstein, (Return 03/1990)
- Rate
of non-Jewish
Immigration Rising
By Alex Somekh (Ha'aretz 06/12/1998). Israel here shows no real concern about non-Jews immigrating into the country, just as long as they COUNT as Jews, i.e. non-Palestinian. It would seem that anything serving the dispossession of more Palestinians and increasing the "Jews"-to-Palestinians demographic ratio, is kosher. -
Politics of Placelessness By Lynda Brayer
(Society of St. Yves)
- Israel
Angered Over World Bank Man's Remark
(Reuters 04/12/1999)
- In Israel,
'public' is a synonym for 'Jews'
By Amira Haas (Ha'aretz
- An Amazing
Resemblance to South Africa
By Uzi Ornan A letter
to the editor (Ha'aretz 02/10/1991)
- Israel
and South Africa: Two Forms of Apartheid
By Uri Davis (excerpts from Israel - An Apartheid State 1987) -
Israel should learn from
the Boers By Liz McGregor (Guardian 05/17/2001). It
was no coincidence that Israel was one of apartheid South Africa's
few friends. In both societies, fear fed racial bigotry
- When Will Our
Turn Come?
By R. Levi A letter to
the editor (Ha'aretz 02/19/1991)
Textbooks and Children's Literature Promote Racism and Hatred
Toward Palestinians and Arabs By Maureen Meehan (Washington
Report 09/1999)
Ovadia Yosef: Six Million Were Sinners; Arabs are
Snakes (Jerusalem
Post 08/06/2000)
- Alone Among
my Peers at My Yeshiva University High School
Reunion By Ronald
Bleier (Washington Report 11/1992)
- A Tribute to
Yehudi Lord Menuhin - a letter to PBS By Ali
Abunimah. (03/12/1999)
- Amnesty
Int'l report cites `legal racism' in Israel
By Joseph Algazy
(Ha'aretz 07/25/2001)
- Israel's Jewish Fascism - Collection
of articles
More on Judaism's inherent racism against non-Jews can be read in
our special section on Judaism
and Jewish Racism.
Intra-Jewish Discrimination and Violence |
Discrimination in Israel extends further to Jews, where Ashkenazim (European Jews) look down to/discriminate against Sephardim (oriental Jews), and the ultra-religious (Orthodox, who control many aspects of civil law, e.g. marriages and burial) against other Jewish sects (Reform/Conservative) and secular Jews. The majority of U.S. Jews --thanks to whom Israel virtually controls American Middle East policy-- are of the Reform/Conservative sects, while the U.S. Orthodox Jews are a minority. In Israel, reform and consevative Judaism has very little following. About 85 percent of Jews in Israel are secular, (but still call for control of the land based on biblical accounts). Famous victims of inner Jewish discrimination include the family of Mordecai Vanunu, the Dimona nuclear technician who exposed Israel's nuclear program to the London Sunday Times. His family emigrated to Israel hoping to live in Haifa, but were instead forced to live in the desert town of Beersheba (see A Cockburn Dangerous Liaison, 1991, p.95). Perhaps the constant state of mobilization and fear of war created by Israel's rulers is one way to divert attention from those differences which may otherwise ignite bitter internal conflict.
- Intra-Jewish racism and
Ashkenazi treatment of Sephardi-Jews
Excerpt from the Jewish Tribal Review's chapter on Israel and Zionism. -
By Patrick Cockburn (The Independent) -
of Israeli Refugees
to Canada Embarrasses Israel By John Dirlik (Washington Report 09/1994)
- Israel's
Reform Campus Vandalized in Another Attack on Liberal
Judaism By
Baruch Kra/Avi
Machlis (Ha'aretz/JTA 7/7/2000)
arson attack on Conservative synagogue
- Conservative
Synagogue Firebombed
(Associated Press 06/24/2000). Also the following related
takes a fire
by Reuven Hammer
(Ha'aretz 07/02/2000)
- Israel Trades
Falasha for Weapons By Donald Neff
(Washington Report 05/1996)
- Racism Against
Ethiopian Jews in Israel By Danna Harman
(Associated Press 03/17/1998)
- Kuwarans
Cite Poor Treatment
by Israelis By Tom
Segev (Ha'aretz 07/07/1999)
- Chabad
schools are shunning Ethiopians
Education Ministry and local
authorities remain silent By Aliza Arbeli (Ha'aretz
- President's
Prize to School
That Excludes Ethiopians By
Aliza Arbeli and Iris Baram (Ha'aretz
06/07&30/1999). Also article in IsraelWire
- Labor and the
Sephardim By
Daniel Ben-Simon
(Ha'aretz 07/20/1998)
- The Immodest
Squad Violence
against former Orthodox Jews who stray from the lifestyle of the
sect. Editorial (Ha'aretz 11/24/1998)
- Violence by
Haredi - Letter
to the Editor By Jacob Amir (Ha'aretz
- Pro-Shas Radio
Station Owner Threatens On Air to Kill
Sarid By Anat Cygielman and Shahar Ilan (Ha'aretz
- Less
Tax For
Religious Jews By Shahar Ilan (Ha'aretz
- Israel
hinders Israeli Jews changing faith The Age (Australia), December 28 2002
- Reform are Worse Than Holocaust
for their Submission to
Assimilation, Rabbi Says By Yossi Shalom and Shahar
Ilan, (Ha'aretz) Emma Blijdenstein (AP)
(Ha'aretz/Associated Press 01/26/1999)
- Chief Rabbi Bakshi-Doron:
Reform and Conservative are
Clowns (Israel Religious Action Center/Israel Army Radio
- Link for information on
inter-Jewish (Orthodox versus Reform and Conservative)
- Non-Orthodox
Leaders in U.S. `Running Out of
Patience' By Debra
Nussbaum Cohen (Jewish Telegraphic Agency
- Theologians
Clash But
Still Support Israel By J. Michael Parker (San Antonio
Express-News 09/18/1998)
More on "religion" vs "secularism"
- The
Religious-Secular Divide in Israeli
Politics By Shmuel Sandler,
Robert O. Freedman, Shibley Telhami (Middle East Policy
Council 06/1999)
- Israel,
up against the wall By Samuel G.
Freedman (Salon 06/22/2000)
- Real
Torah Judaism By Ze'ev
Chafets (Jerusalem Post 01/25/1996)
More on intra-Jewish violence
- The Jews of
Iraq By Naeim Giladi (AMEU/Jews not Zionists)
- Cruel
Zionism: The Ingathering of Iraqi
Jewry By David
Hirst, (Excerpts from the book, The Gun and the Olive
Branch 1977)
- Shabak
Elements Eliminated Rabin Argues
Ex-Mossad Agent By Victor Ostrovsky
Israel - a violent society
- Our
Violent Society Jerusalem Post, January
18, 2002
"In a recent interview in Yediot Aharonot, Prof. Bernard Lewis, the world-renowned doyen of Middle Eastern studies, described Israelis as being the most impolite people in the world." - Everybody
Hates - on a study on Israeli students
Jerusalem Post, October 22, 2000: 'It's come to the point that hating is almost the only way to relate to people you don't agree with." - 11%
of women have been beaten at home in a widening cycle of violence
By Ruth Sinai, Ha'aretz (Israel), November 4, 2002: Prof. "Isikovitz says he was less shocked by the findings about the scope of violence than the willingness of the victims to justify it."
Zionist-Nazi Alliance, Anti-Semitism, and the "holocaust" |
- Israel Allowed Argentinian Jews to
Die (Return
- Zionism's Attitude
to Anti-Semitism By
Tony Greenstein, (Return 03/1989)
- The Jewish Question
and the Zionist Movement By Udi Adiv, (Return 12/1990)
- Zionism's
Failure to Support Resistance. (Excerpted from
Nazi-Zionist Collaboration, pamphlet published in 1981 by BAZO-PS
- British Anti-Zionist Organization/Palestine Solidarity,
- The Kastner
Case. Kastner,
a Jew, helped Nazis (Eichmann) locate and send a Million Hungarian
Jews to concentration camps. (Excerpted from Nazi-Zionist
Collaboration, pamphlet published in 1981 by BAZO-PS - British
Anti-Zionist Organization/Palestine Solidarity,
- Zionism and the
By Haim Bresheeth
(Return 03/1989).
- Closed Door
Policy Excerpts from the Nazi-Zionist
Collaboration, pamphlet issued by BAZO-PS - British Anti-Zionist
Organization/Palestine Solidarity, London, 1981)
- Hannah Arendt
on Zionism
Author of the famous book
Eichmann in Jerusalem
- Zionism and
Anti-Semitism: A Strange Alliance Through
History By Allan C. Brownfeld (Washington Report
- The Role of Zionism
in the Holocaust (from
Jews Not Zionists)
- Pleas to Rescue
Jews in the Holocaust Ignored by Zionist
Leaders (from Jews Not
Zionists). The Zionists here ignored the pleas of Rabbi Michael
Dov Weissmandel.
- The Millions
That Could Have Been Saved By I. Domb (from Jews Not Zionists)
- Sharon
Faults 'Left' for Jews' Holocaust Plight
By Yossi Verter
(Ha'aretz 03/16/2000)
Politicizing the "holocaust" |
The "holocaust" myth has been turned by Israel and its supporters into a political tool to silence criticism against its expansionist actions as anti-Semitism. It has also been turned into a money-making, and vote-collecting tool for lawyers and politicians. Indeed the reason why Arabs are sometimes more inclined than others to adopt "holocaust" Revisionism is the use by Israel's supporters of the purported "Holocaust" as a weapon to silence critics of Israel in its treatement of Palestinians.
- Mahmoud Ahmadinejad:
Proposes committee to clarify "Holocaust"
Document also includes writings by Prof. Arnold Toynbee on the Palestine Question and the "holocaust" and an interview with Professor Abdullah Mohammad Sindi, where he says there was no such a thing as the "holocaust" and argues that it is in fact Israel which has created a real holocaust for Palestinians. - The Holocaust Industry: Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish
By Victor Sebestyen -
Quotes from Norman G. Finkelstein's Book
"The Holocaust Industry"
Extracts from
The Holocaust
Industry - "The Business of Death" and "Swiss toll"
By Norman Finkelstein (published in The Guardian 07/12 and 07/13/2000) -
The Holocaust Industry Incite
By Norman G. Finkelstein (Sueddeutsche Zeitung 08/11/2000) - The
Holocaust Industry
An article by Norman Finkelstein (Index On Censorship 03/2000) -
Politicization of the Holocaust: Examining the Uses and Abuse
of Its Legacy
By Allan Brownfeld (Washington Report 10/1998) -
Price Holocaustomania? The Specter of Hitler That
Drives Washington's "Israel First" Mideast Policy
By Alfred Lilienthal (Washington Report 04/1998) -
Holocaust Museum Honors Israeli Soldiers.
(Israel Wire 10/18/1998) One of the ways Israel has politicized the Holocaust for the cause of Zionism. - The
Holocaust: Using it as a propaganda machine by
By Alfred Lilienthal. Extracted from chapter 13 of the book The Zionist Connection II: What Price Peace? -
Holocaust in American Life - a book by Peter Novick
By Rachelle Marshall (Washington Report 01/2000). See Amazon.com page about it. -
Revisionists Turn on the Swiss
By Eric Margolis (03/08/1999) - Israel Has
WWII Assets
By Jack Katzenell (Associated Press 04/13/2000) - Swiss
Gold: Some of Holocaust
survivors' assets are in Israel
By Dafna Linzer (Associated Press 05/07/1997)
For information on the non-Jewish version of WWII, please see our
section on Revisionism.
"Importing" Jews, even if they weren't Jews |
- Israel Requests
West Germany to Deny Visas to Soviet Jews.
A letter by Elias Davidsson to Helmut Kohl
- Luring
Ex-Israelis to come back By Alex
Somekh (Ha'aretz 08/04/1998)
to Divert Russian Jews From U.S. to Israel Draws
Angry Criticism By Sam Skolnik, (Washington Jewish Week
11/04/1993/Washington Report 02/1994)
- Russian
Ads Offer Visas for Cash
By Dalia
Shehori (Ha'aretz 11/09/1999)
Immigration Deprives Israelis of Housing
and Arabs of Jobs By Israel Shahak (Washington Report
- Israel Pays
$40 Million for some 4,000
Falasha Jews (arabicnews.com 07/06/1999)
- Cruel
Zionism: The Ingathering of Iraqi
Jewry By David
Hirst, (Excerpts from the book, The Gun and the Olive
Branch 1977)
- Secret
Aliyah from the Caribbean
By Yossi Melman
(Ha'aretz 10/14/1999). "The Mossad and the Jewish Agency, not
Fidel Castro, were responsible for preventing news coverage of the
campaign to bring Cuban Jews to Israel.... Cuba is not considered
a country whose Jews are in distress"
- Reversed
Diaspora: Russian Jewry, the Transition in Russia and the
Migration to Israel By
Tom Trier (Anthropology of Eastern Europe Review
- Melchior:
More Than Half of Recent CIS Immigrants Not Jewish By Haim
Shapiro (Jerusalem Post 10/28/1999)
Trades Falasha for Weapons
By Donald Neff
(Washington Report 05/1996)
- Sharansky Bans DNA
Tests to Prove Judaism By
Dalia Shehori (Ha'aretz 11/25/1999)
- A Jewish Demographic
State By Uri Avnery, rense.com, October 11, 2002
- Soviet Jewish Emigration Need Not Derail Israeli-Palestinian Peace By Frank Collins (Washington Report 03/1990)
"About one-quarter of the immigrants who have come to Israel during the past ten years are non-Jews."
-- Yair Sheleg, Ha'aretz, 01/31/2000.
of Immigrants not Jewish By Shahar Ilan (Ha'aretz/09/18/2000).
- Rate
of non-Jewish
Immigration Rising
By Alex Somekh (Ha'aretz 06/12/1998). Israel here shows no real concern about non-Jews immigrating into the country, just as long as they COUNT as Jews, i.e. non-Palestinian. It would seem that anything serving the dispossession of more Palestinians and increasing the "Jews"-to-Palestinians demographic ratio, is kosher. -
non-Jews arriving from the CIS (IsraelWire 11/27/2000)
Labor vs Likud: No Difference in Actions. Israel's "Left" |
"You are exactly like the Likud. Don't you think that the Arabs need someplace to live?" member of Knesset Shulamit Aloni complained to Rabin after he made up his wide settlement plan of 1995, on 01/25/1995, Rabin Responded "I think about Israelis,".
(Quoted in Settlements and the Israel-Palestinian Negotiations by Geoffrey Aronson, 1996)
- Likud vs.
Labor: Any Difference? Israel's Labor Party "Cleverly Concealed" West Bank
By Paul Findley (Washington Report 11/1994). Many are fooled to think that there is a real difference between Likud and Labor, as far as the Palestinians are concerned. Although Likud might have a slightly larger resume of anti-Palestinian oppression, both have similar stand on all the main issues, such as settlements, refugees, Jerusalem, Abou Ghoneim (Har Homa), and house demolition. While Likud (Netanyahu, Shamir, Begin) does things in-your-face style, Labor (Rabin, Peres, Barak) is more soothing and diplomatic in its rhetoric, says one thing but does the complete opposite, maneuvers more skillfully around the media to avoid raising many flags, and speaks with a more mellow tone, giving the false impression that it is more for peace than Likud. -
Worse than Likud
By Israel Shahak (Middle East Realities 01/02/1997) -
Implements Sharon's W.
Bank Settlement Plan By Israel Shahak (Washington Report
- The "Left" Peace
Camp By
Gideon Levy (Ha'aretz 1/3/1999). "In fact, it is very
doubtful that Israel has a genuine peace camp at all,
The Real
Israeli Consensus By Gideon Levy
(Ha'aretz 06/18/2000)
- Barak's
Deceptive Isolation By
Amira Hass (Ha'aretz 07/12/2000)
Barak? By
Jeff Halper (07/10/2000). On PeaceNow's support of
- Left far
behind By
Gideon Levy (Ha'aretz 07/23/2000)
Avnery - no to right of return to within Israel (Israel
Wire 08/08/1999).
- Beilin: 'Right
of Return' is Our End
(Jerusalem Post
- The Rabin
File: A Book Review By Israel Shahak (Z
in a Hurricane
Uri Avnery (10/28/2000)
- The
Callused Camp By Yitzhak Laor, (Ha-Ir
- Barak's
trap By
Uri Avnery (12/16/2000)
Barak admires Sharon and Shamir
Barak Compares Palestinians to Crocodiles
Adopt Assassin Image to Appear Tough to
By Joseph Algazy (Ha'aretz Magazine 02/01/2001)
Historical Documents and Chronologies |
- Maps
from MidEast Web
- Historical
and Peace Process Documents from
MidEast Web
Encyclopedia of the Palestine Problem
the most comprehensive collection of facts/documents on the Zionist theft of Palestine
the basis of the real "Nuremberg" trial against Zionism and its leaders
- History
and information on Palestine - loads
of information from the website of the Permanent Observer Mission
of Palestine to the United Nations
- United
Nation's Resolution on Palestine
- Status
of Palestine at the U.N.
- Important
Events in Palestine/Israel of the Last 100
Years, 1895 - till
- Resolution
- The Balfour
Declaration of 1917 "...it being
clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice
the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities
in Palestine..." -- Lord Arthur Balfour 11/02/1917, extracted
from Balfour's infamous letter. (Could it be that Balfour didn't
know the land was empty? Note also, how Balfour does not mention
the political rights of the non-Jewish communities in
from Yale Law school: Avalon
- List
of Relevant Documents and Other
Resources, from the Mount Holyoke College
- UN
Chronology: From 1940s to 2000s from
Other archives on Zionism and the occupation of Palestine:

• Israeli Wars, Nukes
• Jewish Terror
• Palestinian Uprising
• "Peace Process"
• The U.S. Cost of Israel