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媒体圈内的犹太权力 |
- 犹太人对鸦片贸易的垄断令中国人至今耿耿于怀
- 锡安长老会纪要
作者: 约翰·J·米尔斯海默 / [美国] 斯蒂芬·M·沃尔特
- 从畅通无阻的犹太人看美国媒体话语权
- 猶太人創建谷歌高盛 操縱美國70%以上財富
- 犹太财团控制的美国传媒
- 猶太人的賺錢秘密--你不知道的猶太金融帝國
- 罗斯柴尔德家族的犹太特性
- 让你们看看犹太人有多可怕
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犹太教 - 种族主义 |
犹 太人相信自己是世界上最优秀的人种。他们称非犹太人为
犹 太人相信弥赛亚或犹太王神话——弥赛亚一旦降临,犹太人就将统治全世界。在犹太精英阶层,这种说法由来已久。
莱希·拉奇 (Resh Lakish)
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More about Khazar Jews in our English homepage
锡安主义 |
- 美國猶太學者巡迴演講 控訴以色列種族主義罪行
薩布拉-夏蒂拉大屠殺(Sabra and Shatila
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历史修正主义 |
所 谓的“犹太人大屠杀”是真的吗?真的有六百万犹太人在奥斯维辛集中营的毒气室里被毒杀吗?这些都是捏造出来的。许多犹太人原本已经在欧洲安居乐业,因此必 须编造出一个恐怖的骗局才能把这些人吓跑,让他们离开欧洲迁往巴勒斯坦。这也是犹太弥赛亚出现的先决条件。根据卡利什拉比所述,犹太人返回巴勒斯坦以后, 重建了寺庙,只有“这样,上帝指引他们的所有神迹,才能与先知和圣贤的描述保持一致……上帝将派来他的先知和受膏的国王。”
More Revisionist articles, books, interviews - in our English homepage
- Winston
Smith Ministry of Truth Archive
Great archive on Revisionism, but also; Jewish Power, Judaism/Jews, Zionism
Jewish/Israeli power and China |
Choose Chinese language below
The Jews also have historical influence in China, from Iraqi business Jews like the Sassoon dynasty, the Jewish Shanghai-based opium dealer, rent collector, speculator Silas Aaron Hardoon and presently the Hong Kong based Jew Michael Kadoori (currently ranking as the richest non-Chinese in greater China).
The Wall Street Journal noted in 1997 that the Jewish family originally from Baghdad, the Kadoories, "are the foundation of Hong Kong commerce." [KAHN, J., p. A1] Hong Kong, said the Jerusalem Post in 1998, is the place where the Jewish community (the relatively few who live there) is "arguably the wealthiest per capita in the world." [ARNOLD, p. 16] (see the document Jewish Money and Economic Influence: the Historical Context).
The Anglo-Chinese Opium Wars of 1839 and 1858-60 were attempts to kick out the Sassoon dynasty that controlled the opium trade under the protection of the British Empire. The Manchu emperor attempted to stop the trade but the Opium Wars only ended in defeat and the extension of the trade throughout China.
Jewish-Israeli infiltration strategies versus China -
Chinese people beware - you're next!
Influencing Chinese media, "educating" the Chinese elites.
Jewish guys marrying Asian girls... New Jewish inroads into Asia
Creating a new generation of Asian-Jewish supremacists.
The Jewish Monopoly on Opium Still Fuels Chinese Resentment
The result of Jewish "love" for the Chinese - turning them into drug addicts!
Jews against China - Hong Kong and The Sassoon Opium Wars
Hong Kong founded as Sassoon Drug Center, Jews created Opium Trade.
Former Chinese President Jiang Zemin at Yad Vashem, Israel
Special Report: The Secret Role of Jews in China
Jewish Faces in the Chinese Government.
Masonic Jews backed both sides in the Chinese Civil War.
By British journalist Arnold Leese.
1912: Jew bankers financing new Chinese government
From the Winston Smith Ministry of Truth Archive.
Chinese TV Series Lauds Israel - The Alliance Between China and
By Dr. K R Bolton, Foreign Policy Journal, August 18, 2010.
The Zionist brainwashing in China has started!
Jewish articles boasting of Chinese admiration of Jews and
The choosen people believe they have found new "good goyim" who will serve their needs.
China imports Israel’s methods of propaganda and repression
By Jimmy Johnson, The Electronic Intifada, 28 December 2010.
The colonial Jewish state of "Israel" is trying to get China entangled in its "war on terror" along the principle: "If I scratch your back you can scratch mine." But watch out! - this is a dangerous bed-fellow!
Israel Second Only To Russia In Providing Arms To China
Reuters, Aug 31, 2002
U.S. ties Israeli billionaire with Chinese intelligence
On Jewish diamond mogul Lev Leviev, Ha'aretz, Jan. 28, 2010.
Chosen People (Banned by YouTube)
On Jewish dominance and supremacy, compiled by Know More News. Alternative versions, if the video has been deleted by the Enemy: here and here and here
1:03:30- Israel strategic control and China's Belt and Road initiative (the new "Silk Road")
Caricatures/cartoons on Jewish/Zionist influence in China
Jews vs Chinese ![]() Read on the Jewish racist campaigns against Chinese/Asians: "When the Jews Attacked the Asians" (The Final Call, August 6, 2012) "What is Behind Berkeley's Jewish Onslaught?" (The Final Call, April 3, 2012) Chinese as "garbage", video with Jewish Rabbi: "Gentiles are the World's Garbage" ![]() Video: Arrogant racist Jewish-Israeli youth vs pro-Palestinian Asian guy ![]() |
In 1997, the United Jewish Appeal revealed the real colours of the
Jewish community by awarding its "Humanitarian of the Year" award to
media mogul
Rupert Murdoch at a fund-raising dinner that raised
$2.3 million for the organization. Mother Jones magazine wondered
about the surreal moral reasoning behind the award: "The media
baron is better known to labor and human rights groups for his
union-busting and for catering to the Chinese government (in 1994 he
yanked the BBC off his Asian satellite network because officials in
Beijing were angered by its reporting on Chinese human rights
violations)." (Mother Jones, 9/10-1997, p. 18).
What the Cox Report Does and Does Not Say About Israeli
Technology Transfer to China
By Shawn Twing (Washington Report 07/1999)
China jet carried Israeli weapon
By Dan Ephron (Boston Globe 4/16/2001)
U.S. Military Technology Sold by Israel to China
By Tim Kennedy (Washington Report 01/1996)
Israel Transferring Laser Technology to China
(Israel Wire/Washington Times 01/28/1999)
Technology Transfers to China by Israel; U.S. Had to Wage Long
By Donald Neff (Washington Report 06/1997)
Look Who's Arming Beijing
By Patrick Buchanan (Creators Syndicate 01/29/1999)
Israel Denies China Planes Have U.S. Technology
By Amnon Barzilai (Ha'aretz 11/12/1999)
"CIA Director Robert Gates said yesterday that China has obtained technology from the U.S. Patriot anti-missile system and that differences remain within the Bush administration over whether it was secretly supplied by Israel . . . When asked if the State Department, in clearing the Israelis last April, ignored or downplayed intelligence to the contrary, Mr. Gates said only, 'I will say there are differences of view on the issue."'
-- Reporter Bill Gertz, Washington Times, Jan. 5, 1993.
Secret Visit by Chairman of China's National People's Congress
to Israel Military Industries
(Ha'aretz 12/01/1999)
US plans to punish Israel for China sales
By Janine Zacharia (Jerusalem Post 02/24/2000)
U.S. links Golan Withdrawal Aid to Halting Arms Sales to China
By Aluf Benn (Ha'aretz 03/24/2000)
China Arms Deal at Root of Israel-U.S. Dispute
By Aluf Benn (Ha'aretz 04/02/2000)
Barak Won't Cancel China Deal
By Sari Bashi (Associated Press 04/03/2000)
Strange Bedfellows: China and Israel
By Eric S. Margolis (Toronto Sun 04/16/2000)
The Spy Plane Isn't the Only Problem
By Ze'ev Schiff (Ha'aretz 06/21/2000)
- More
articles on Israel's role in China's new warplane
Tomorrow it will be too late
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