"Thu Mar 13,11:16 AM ET An Israeli policeman looks at the car in
which two Israeli armed guards were killed by Israeli soldiers in an friendly-fire
incident near the West-Bank settlement of Pnei Hever March 13, 2003. Israeli
soldiers and a helicopter gunship shot dead the two Israeli armed guards
in the West Bank after mistaking them for Palestinian gunmen, the army
said." [Reuters, March 13, 2003]
[This is how Palestinians are indiscriminately slaughtered. Once determined
to be a "terrorist," they are finished. Not a terrorist? Oh,
sorry. We thought you looked like one.]
hunt for fleeing suspect cannot be justified,
Haaretz (Israel), March 16, 2003
"Thursday's incident east of the Zif junction, in which two Israeli
security guards were killed by IDF fire from the air and the ground, have
been avoided? This tragic incident most probably could have been prevented,
had the troops and their commanding officers been made aware of the fact
that two armed guards were present in the area. The preliminary investigation
into the deaths has so far failed to determine whether the soldiers in
the field were furnished with this information by the divisional headquarters
in Hebron. If they did have this information, some measure of doubt would
have crossed the minds of the officers who ordered their soldiers to open
fire, and the minds of the soldiers who were so quick to fire volley after
volley of lethal shots at who they assumed were terrorists. It may also
be the case that the order to open fire violated the standard rules of
engagement, governing troops' behavior when faced with terror suspects
fleeing the scene ... The worst aspect of Thursday's event is that, from
the moment the erroneous operation began, the two security guards became
fleeing quarry that had no chance. They were not given any opportunity
to identify themselves. After one of the guards, Yehuda Ben-Yosef,
was killed next to his car, a helicopter fired a missile at his colleague,
Yoav Doron. It is safe to assume that Doron saw the helicopter
and realized that it was an Israeli force. The fact that he continued
to run indicates that he understood that he had wandered into the middle
of a terrible mistake ... But there has never been a case like Thursday's,
when an Air Force helicopter hunted down an Israeli fleeing for his life.
Even a high state of alert on account of reports of a terrorist infiltration
cannot justify the aerial shooting of a lone figure in an open field."
Smearing the
Antiwar Movement. Neocon Thought Police on the Prowl,
by Justin Raimondo, Etherzone, October 28,
2002 issue
"As if to confirm what some opponents of this war have been saying
– but not too loudly – about this being a war for Israel, the Bush administration
is now 'weighing an Israeli proposal for a joint operation in Iraq's western
desert to disarm Iraqi missiles before they could be launched against
Israel.' That this war has always been about Israel is a matter of simple
geography. For all the President's palavering about the 'threat to Americans'
posed by Iraq, those 'weapons of mass destruction' Saddam supposedly has
couldn't even reach Europe, let alone the U.S. But Tel Aviv is well within
range. Indeed, the prospect of Iraqi missiles raining down on Israel has
been one of the chief deterrents against a move by Israel's far-right
Likud government to ethnically cleanse Palestine of Arabs – a plan that
is increasingly popular among Israelis – and/or move the IDF back into
Lebanon. The U.S. occupation of Iraq will eliminate that deterrent – and
set up Israel to deal with Hizbollah the Syria in the regional conflagration
to follow. The oddly showy attempts by U.S. government officials to downplay
the extent of U.S.-Israeli collaboration have never been too convincing
– if they were, you see, the Israeli lobby in the U.S. would be outraged,
and that would be the end of that. But who's kidding whom? The coming
war in the Middle East will be a joint operation between Washington and
Tel Aviv in every sense, not only militarily but also on the political
and diplomatic fronts. In the blockbuster second issue of The American
Conservative, Paul W. Schroeder, professor emeritus of history at the
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champagne, disdained the Oedipal explanation
for the origins of the President's war plans, writing: 'Much more plausible
is the suggestion that this plan is being promoted in the interests of
Israel. Certainly it is being pushed very hard by a number of influential
supporters of Israel of the hawkish neoconservative stripe in and outside
the administration (Richard Perle, Paul Wolfowitz, William
Kristol, and others) and one could easily make the case that a successful
preventive war on Iraq would promote particular Israeli security interests
more than general American ones.'"
legislators aren't equal,
International Herald Tribune, October 29,
"Israel calls itself the only democracy in the Middle East, a description
readily accepted in the West. Only critics in the Arab world and a handful
of radical Israeli academics have challenged this orthodoxy, observing
that the country is really a democracy only if you are a Jew. Azmi Bishara,
a former philosophy professor and now an Arab member of the Knesset, calls
Israel a 'tribal democracy.' Not included in the tribe, he says, are the
country's million Arab citizens, a fifth of the population. Although they
have the vote, they have long complained that they are excluded from participation
in the government. Since the mid-1990s they have campaigned for the Jewish
state to become a state of all its citizens. The Jewish Israeli public
and political establishment angrily oppose such reforms, claiming that
they would destroy Israel as a Jewish democratic state. However, a new
report, 'Silencing Dissent,' commissioned by Israel's Arab Association
for Human Rights, challenges the view that Israel can extol its virtues
as a democracy while defining itself as a state for Jews. Our research
throws up disturbing facts about the operation of Israel's parliamentary
democracy that are little appreciated outside Israel ... The special treatment
meted out to the Arab legislators has every appearance of being designed
to intimidate and silence them. In fact, new pieces of legislation passed
by the Knesset this past summer will do just that. Israel's election committee
will now be able to ban any party from running which implicitly denies
that Israel is a Jewish and democratic state."
Jewish fascism takes over,
by Yossi Sarid, Ha'aretz (Israel), October
29, 2002
"They're putting the historical cart before the horses, to drag the
horses after them down the slippery slope until we once again crash, for
the third time; they are enlisting history into the cause to make sure
the zealots of our day can once again bring us to destruction ... Gush
Emunim's path to their heaven and our hell is paved with violence and
brutal expressions of refusal and rebellion, always supported by Ariel
Sharon (all the quotes are in the archives), who to this day, now
as prime minister, is playing a double game together with his good friend,
the most important man in the territories, that one from the Jewish Underground,
Ze'ev Hever, also known as Zambish. Together, Sharon and
Zambish are zambushing Fuad Ben-Eliezer and Shimon Peres.
And the Yesha Council leaders will continue denying their paternity over
the 'hilltop youth,' while the sanctimonious, self-righteous politicians
who prepared the groundwork for the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin
will continue using their saccharine rhetoric about 'the unity of the
nation' warning about 'civil wars' and 'baseless hatred.' If today's zealots
continue on the path of their ancestors, I'm not sure the opposing camp
will continue the tradition of surrender and panic exhibited by the moderates
of the Second Commonwealth. We have the right of self-defense from the
likes of Effi Eitam, his rabbis and pupils, before they bring down
the horrors upon us, before Jewish fascism runs over us all."
Respite for West Bank Locals,
National Geographic, October 2002
"The latest news from the West Bank, occupied by Israel since June
1967, differs from earlier reports only in that the situation for the
vast majority of inhabitants has grown even worse. Take, for example,
one of the most fundamental human requirements: water. The drought that
has been ravaging the entire Middle East for several years hit Israel
hard, and Palestinians, according to the Israeli human rights organization
B’Tselem, have been undergoing 'a severe water shortage.' Two hundred
thousand Palestinians on the West Bank found themselves without any access
to a water pipeline network and therefore had to rely in part on supplies
brought in by tanker, which cost them three to five times as much as piped
water. However, the tankers often come from areas that are under Israeli
curfew (meaning that all outside movement is forbidden.) They therefore
have to wait until the curfew is lifted before filling up and setting
off to make deliveries. The roughly 8,500 people living in the town of
Bayt Furik, for example, totally depend in water brought in from the city
of Nablus, which has been frequently under curfew for most of the day
since May. The Israeli military authorities allow tankers to enter Bayt
Furik only between 8 a.m. and 2 p.m. In consequence, each of the 13 tankers
serving the town can make only one delivery a day, as opposed to the four
or five daily deliveries that they usually made before the present disturbances,
known as the Al Aqsa intifada, began in September 2000. The effect of
this severe reduction in summer water supply on the town’s beef and chicken
industry has been predictably severe, just one more reason why some 70
percent of the inhabitants of the occupied territories are living on $2
a day or less."
Labels U.S. 'Irrational' In Fearing Int'l Crimes Court,
[Jewish] Forward, October 18, 2002
"The first chief prosecutor at the tribunal set up to adjudicate
claims of war crimes in Rwanda and the former Yugoslavia is saying that
American 'fear' of the International Criminal Court 'is completely unjustified,'
and 'borders almost on the irrational.' In a visit to the Forward offices,
South African Justice Richard Goldstone said that the court 'has
been seriously weakened in attempts to get the United States on board.'
Goldstone said that unlike the United States, 'Israel has good
cause to be suspicious of international organizations' including the United
Nations — although he believes it is in Israel's best interest to join
the International Criminal Court. 'I think Israel is being treated partially
by the United Nations,' said Goldstone, who sits on South Africa's
Constitutional Court and is president of World ORT Union, a Jewish-led
international technical and technology-training organization. 'While a
lot of criticism of Israel at the United Nations has been in my view justified,
it's been absolutely partial and many countries have done far worse things
and nothing's said' ... The court, which sits in the Dutch city of The
Hague, will have jurisdiction over war crimes, genocide and other 'crimes
against humanity' committed after July 1, 2002. The United States and
Israel are among the 138 countries that signed the treaty creating the
court but both have declined to ratify it; the United States withdrew
its signature in May ... According to Goldstone, Israel doesn't
'seem to be following the United States in taking any active action against
the ICC; they're not likely to because, I guess, politically they don't
want to antagonize more than necessary the rest of the world.' Goldstone
noted that the 'United States and Israel are the only democracies not
to have ratified the criminal court treaty.' 'I would have thought that
Israel would have wanted to be part of a movement to put a stop to impunity
for war criminals,' he said, citing the prosecution of Nazi war criminals
in the Nuremburg tribunals. 'As I said, they are obviously scared and
backing off because they don't want the court to be used against them.'"
Palestinians killed, including 3 children,
Ha'aretz (Israel), October 18, 2002
"IDF tank shelling killed eight Palestinians, including three children,
and wounded some 40 others in the Rafah refugee camp in the southern Gaza
Strip on Thursday, Palestinian sources said. Rafah residents said that
five tanks shells hit several houses. Dr. Ali Mussa of al-Najar hospital
in Rafah said the dead included a 70-year-old woman and at least three
children aged 13, 12 and nine. About ten of the injured were in serious
condition, he said."
considers Israeli plan for joint operation to neutralize Iraqi missiles,
nj.com, (The Associated Press), October 18,
"The Bush administration is considering an Israeli proposal to send
U.S. special forces into Iraq's western desert to knock out Iraqi missile
sites in the event of war, a U.S. official said Friday. In a joint operation,
Israel would furnish the United States with intelligence about the sites
and how to disarm them early in the conflict, the official said, speaking
on condition of anonymity. Israel's aim is to sharply reduce the risk
of an Iraqi missile attack. Israel presented the proposal during Prime
Minister Ariel Sharon's talks this week in Washington with President
Bush and senior White House, Pentagon and State Department officials."
attack Palestinian olive pickers in West Bank,
Ha'aretz (Israel), October 18, 2002,
"Dozens of [Jewish] settlers prevented the residents of the West
Bank villages of Akrabeh, Inabus near Nablus from picking olives Saturday,
firing in the air and demanding that the Palestinians leave the area ...
Six Palestinian families set out Friday from the village of the West Bank
village of Hirbat Yanun, leaving it completely abandoned. Once home to
25 families, members of the Sobih clan said they were fleeing after four
years of worsening attacks by settlers who have set up illegal outposts
on nearby hilltops. The attacks have become increasingly frequent in recent
months, they said. Groups of masked settlers have charged into the village,
coming at night with dogs and horses, stealing sheep, hurling stones through
windows and beating the men with fists and rifle butts, Palestinian residents
told the Associated Press. An electricity generator has been scorched
by fire, knocking out power to the village. Three large water tanks were
tipped over and emptied, the residents said. Palestinians complain bitterly
of land lost over the past decades of Middle East conflict. Yanun is believed
to the first time in recent years that Palestinians have abandoned an
entire village due to the conflict ... An IDF spokesman, who did not want
his name used, said soldiers try to prevent conflict between settlers
and Palestinians, but that forces are primarily in the area to protect
Israelis from attacks by Palestinian militants."
Israel, Iraq and
the US,
by Edward Said, Counterpunch, October 19,
"[Ariel] Sharon is now Israel's prime minister, his
armies and propaganda machine once again surrounding and dehumanising
Arafat and the Palestinians as 'terrorists'. It is worth recalling that
the word 'terrorist' began to be employed systematically by Israel to
describe any Palestinian act of resistance beginning in the mid-1970s.
That has been the rule ever since, especially during the first Intifada
of 1987-93, eliminating the distinction between resistance and pure terror
and effectively depoliticising the reasons for armed struggle. During
the 1950s and 60s Ariel Sharon earned his spurs, so to speak, by
heading the infamous Unit 101, which killed Arab civilians and razed their
houses with the approval of Ben-Gurion ... The main difference
between 1982 and 2002 is that the Palestinians now being victimised and
besieged are in Palestinian territories that were occupied in 1967 and
where they have remained despite the ravages of the occupation, the destruction
of the economy, and of the whole civilian infrastructure of collective
life. The main similarity is of course the disproportional means used
to do it, eg, the hundreds of tanks and bulldozers used to enter towns
and villages like Jenin or refugee camps like Jenin's and Deheisheh, to
kill, vandalise, prevent ambulances and first-aid workers from helping,
cutting off water and electricity, etc. All with the support of the US
whose president actually went as far as calling Sharon a man of
peace during the worst rampages of March and April 2002. It is significant
of how Sharon's intention went far beyond 'rooting out terror'
that his soldiers destroyed every computer and then carried off the files
and hard drives from the Central Bureau of Statistics, the Ministry of
Education, of Finance, of Health, cultural centres, vandalising officers
and libraries, all as a way of reducing Palestinian collective life to
a pre- modern level."
concerned about poverty among children in Israel,
Ha'aretz (Israel),
October 21, 2002
"The commission responsible for the UN Convention on the Rights of
the Child (CRC), the most widely ratified human rights treaty in history,
has expressed its concern over 'the very high percentage of children living
in poverty, particularly those living in large families, in single-parent
families and Arab families,' in Israel and in the territories. 'The committee
is concerned that discrimination persists in [Israel] and that non-discrimination
is not expressly guaranteed constitutionally. In particular the committee
is concerned about discrimination against girls and women, especially
in the context of religious laws; inequalities in the enjoyment of economic,
social and cultural rights of Israeli Arabs, Bedouin, Ethiopians, children
with disabilities and children of foreign workers.' The commission 'encourages
the state party to take all possible measures to reconcile the interpretation
between religious laws with fundamental human rights.' The panel expressed
its 'deep concern' about 'inhuman and degrading practices' and 'torture
and ill-treatment of Palestinian children by police officers... [and]
encourages the state party to take all possible measures to reconcile
the interpretation between religious laws with fundamental human rights.'"
charged with torturing Palestinian boy,
Guardian (UK), October 22, 2002
"An Israeli army commander has been relieved of his post after being
charged with torturing a young Palestinian boy in Bethlehem while interrogating
him as to the whereabouts of his father. Lieutenant Colonel Geva Saguy
is awaiting a court martial on several charges, including ordering the
boy to strip naked, holding a burning paper under his testicles, threatening
to ram a bottle into his anus and threatening to shoot him. The boy's
name and age have not been revealed. A military court was told that Lt
Col Saguy was trying to obtain information about the boy's father
- described as a 'wanted Palestinian' - during the army's invasion of
Bethlehem in April. Lt Col Saguy was charged with extortion, behaviour
unbecoming an officer and exceeding his authority to the point of endangering
human life. He was relieved of his post on the orders of the military
court after it turned down a request for the charges to be thrown out.
The army had resisted the move for several months. A sergeant is accused
of translating Lt Col Saguy's threats into Arabic and of beating
the youth."
PM plans to ask U.S. for aid that could top $10 billion,
Ha'aretz (Israel), October 22, 2002
"An inter-ministerial team headed by Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's
bureau chief, Dov Weisglass, is working on a proposal requesting
American economic assistance that could top $10 billion. The team includes
representatives from the treasury, the Foreign Ministry and the Defense
Ministry. A government source said the reason for the aid request stems
from the United States' expected campaign against Iraq coupled with the
American desire that Israel not interfere with Washington's plans or use
IDF troops against Iraq. Sources at the Prime Minister's Office said yesterday
that American readiness to provide economic assistance has not been made
in concrete terms. However, a number of ideas have cropped up in Jerusalem
over the type of aid Israel could use: cash, guarantees for low-interest
bank loans from American banks, direct state-to-state loans from the U.S.
treasury, and the conversion of some American defense aid into shekels.
Currently, Washington provides Israel $2.1 billion a year that must be
spent in the United States on defense supplies. One proposal is for $2
billion to be converted to shekels and used to purchase defense equipment
from Israeli manufacturers in the hope that it would invigorate the Israeli
groups: Israel is waging a campaign to silence Arab MKs,
Ha'aretz (Israel), October 23, 2002
"Israel is carrying out at a 'campaign for silencing Arab members
of Knesset [the Israeli Parliament],' and has adopted a 'strategy aimed
at denying the [Arab] minority its voting rights, contrary to its international
obligation,' organizations representing Arab minority rights said in two
ground-breaking reports presented to the Knesset yesterday. According
to reports prepared by the Arab Association for Human Rights (HRA) and
the Mussawa Center, Israel's nine Arab MKs have been targets of a concerted
policy of physical attack by security forces and their freedom of movement
has been restricted. There are also a number of legal and legislative
processes in the works aimed at neutralizing their political activity,
the reports note. Since the current Knesset was convened in May 1999,
eight of the Knesset Arab MKs have been physically hurt in 11 attacks
carried out by military police, according to the rights organizations;
most of the MKs were attacked more than once, and in seven cases medical
treatment was required. 'In most of the cases, security forces knew who
they were attacking,' the HRA report claims. According to both reports,
no proceedings were taken against the attackers, despite complaints filed
by the MKs."
defying Israeli law Actions spark fear in the region,
Boston Globe, October 23, 2002
"Jewish settlers in the occupied Palestinian territories have suddenly
broken into open defiance of the government of Prime Minister Ariel
Sharon on multiple fronts, threatening the stability of the ruling
coalition and creating an environment that some Israelis compare to that
which led to the assassination of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin.
Across the rocky, rolling hills of the northern West Bank, which the settlers
call by the biblical name Samaria, settlers are attacking Palestinians
attempting to harvest their olives - a major ritual of Palestinian society
and an important source of income for the impoverished rural population.
Olive harvesters have been beaten, shot at, wounded, and, in one case,
killed... In the past week alone, a Palestinian was found crawling through
the groves near an Itamar outpost after allegedly being beaten severely
by residents, Palestinian villagers fled their homes after a settler rampage,
and numerous olive harvesters were threatened. The injured man had three
broken fingers, and was burned and bruised all over his body, according
to the doctor in Nablus who treated him. A relative who took him to the
hospital said the man told him settlers hung him upside down in a tree,
with his hands tied behind his back, while beating him. In other Samarian
settlements, Israeli police said, armed, masked settlers torched seven
cars owned by Palestinians after the Palestinians refused to leave their
olive groves."
embassy told to move,
Aftenposten, (Norway), October 24, 2002
"Closed streets, barricaded sidewalks and heavily armed guards just
behind Norway's royal palace have taken their toll on Oslo officials'
patience. After years of neighbor complaints over security measures at
the Israeli embassy, city authorities now agree the embassy must move
within four years. The Israeli embassy on Parkveien in Oslo has been a
security nightmare for local officials. Fears of terrorist attack have
led to security demands from the Israeli embassy that city and state politicians
have tried to meet. The city has paid for round-the-clock police patrols
at the embassy, agreed to block off the street it sits on (earlier one
of busiest in the city) and allowed the embassy to violate building codes
by erecting such things as a steel fence around the gracious old rented
mansion that the embassy leases. Now city officials agree that the very
threat of terrorist attack means the embassy must be re-located. They
now think its current site, across the street from the palace where both
King Harald and Queen Sonja live, is a threat to the entire area."
World press
freedom ranked,
BBC (UK), October 23, 2002
"This is the first time press freedom has been ranked The international
journalism pressure group Reporters Without Borders has published a list
judging 139 countries on their respect for press freedom. At the top of
the list are Finland, Iceland, Norway and the Netherlands. North Korea,
China and Burma are at the other end of the scale. There are some surprises
for Western governments - the United States ranks below Costa Rica and
Italy scores lower than Benin ... The US' 17th place was lowered because
of the number of journalists arrested for refusing to reveal their sources,
the report says ... Elsewhere, the organisation places the Palestinian
Authority (82) higher than Israel (92) in terms of press freedom. Israel's
ranking was hurt by what the pressure group claims are 'a large number
of violations of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights'
in the West Bank and Gaza." [Iraq is listed at the bottom, at 130]
statement: Israeli gvmt may be contemplating crimes against humanity,
by Jacob Katriel, indymedia,
Sep 22, 2002 jkatriel@tx.technion.ac.il
"Members of Israeli academe are invited to add their name to the
statement presented below by sending an email to jkatriel@tx.technion.ac.il
Urgent warning: The Israeli government may be contemplating crimes
against humanity. We, members and friends of Israeli academe, are horrified
by US buildup of aggression towards Iraq and by the Israeli political
leadership's enthusiastic support for it. We are deeply worried by indications
that the 'fog of war' could be exploited by the Israeli government to
commit further crimes against the Palestinian people, up to full-fledged
ethnic cleansing. The Israeli ruling coalition includes parties that promote
'transfer' of the Palestinian population as a solution to what they call
'the demographic problem'. Politicians are regularly quoted in the media
as suggesting forcible expulsion, most recently MKs Michael Kleiner
and Benny Elon, as reported on Yediot Ahronot website on
September 19, 2002. In a recent interview in Ha'aretz, Chief of Staff
Moshe Ya'alon described the Palestinians as a 'cancerous manifestation'
and equated the military actions in the Occupied Territories with 'chemotherapy',
suggesting that more radical 'treatment' may be necessary. Prime Minister
Sharon has backed this 'assessment of reality'. Escalating racist
demagoguery concerning the Palestinian citizens of Israel may indicate
the scope of the crimes that are possibly being contemplated. We call
upon the International Community to pay close attention to events that
unfold within Israel and in the Occupied Territories, to make it absolutely
clear that crimes against humanity will not be tolerated, and to take
concrete measures to prevent such crimes from taking place. add your comments
187 Signatories, so far. by Jacob Katriel 11:30am Sun Sep 29 '02 Dr. Issam
Aburaiya, Jerusalem Prof. Zach Adam, Rehovot Dr. Amotz Agnon, Jerusalem
Prof. Colman Altman, Haifa Dr. Janina Altman, Haifa Tammy Amiel-Houser,
Tel Aviv Chaya Amir, Tel Aviv Dr. Shmuel Amir, Tel Aviv Prof. Daniel Amit,
Jerusalem/Rome Elinor Amit, Tel Aviv Prof. Yali Amit, Chicago Dr. Yossi
Amitay, Kibbutz Gvulot Dr. Meir Amor, Montreal, Canada Dr. Yonathan (Jon)
Anson, Beer Sheva Dr. Ariella Azoulay, Tel Aviv Dr. Riva Bachrach, Tel
Aviv Dr. Rachel Tzvia Back, Tel Aviv Prof. Shalom Baer, Jerusalem Prof.
Ron Barkai, Tel Aviv Dr. Anat Barnea - Givat Chaim Ichud Prof. Dan Bar-On,
Beer Sheva Dr. Avner Ben-Amos, Tel Aviv Tammy Ben-Shaul, Haifa Prof. Zvi
Bentwich, Jerusalem Prof. Matania Ben-Artzi, Jerusalem Prof. Linda Ben-Zvi,
Tel Aviv Avi Berg, Tel Aviv Dr. Louise Bethlehem, Hod Hasharon Prof. Anat
Bilezki, Tel Aviv Uri Bitan, Beer Sheva Prof. Elliott Blass, Cambridge,
MA Prof. Shoshana Blum-Kulka, Jerusalem Dr. Yair Boimel, Haifa Prof. Daniel
Boyarin, Berkeley Prof. Haim Bresheeth, London/Jerusalem Ido Bruno, Jerusalem
Prof. Victoria Buch, Jerusalem Shula Carmi, Jerusalem Smadar Carmon, Toronto
Raz D. Chen-Morris, Jerusalem Ilan Cohen, Pordenone, Italy Dr. Nicole
Cohen-Addad, Tel Aviv Dr. Mike Dahan, Jerusalem Dr. Uri Davis, Sakhnin
Athena Elizabeth DeRasmo, Haifa Ronit Dovrat, Firenze Dr. Avishai Ehrlich,
Tel Aviv Dr. Hala Espanioly, Nazareth Prof. Aharon Eviatar, Tel Aviv Dr.
Zohar Eviatar, Haifa Debbie Eylon, Jerusalem Dr. Ovadia Ezra. Tel Aviv
Prof. Raphael Falk, Jerusalem Moris Farhi, London, UK Prof. Emmanuel Farjoun,
Jerusalem Prof. Raya Fidel, Seattle Pnina Firestone, Jerusalem Prof. Gideon
Freudenthal, Tel Aviv Dr. Elizabeth Freund, Jerusalem Meir (miro) Gal,
New York Prof. Chaim Gans, Tel Aviv Gadi Geiger, Cambridge, MA, USA Dr.
Amira Gelblum, Tel Aviv Prof. Avner Giladi, Haifa Prof. Rachel Giora,
Tel Aviv Dr. Snait Gissis, Tel Aviv Dr. Daphna Golan-Agnon, Jerusalem
Dr. Anat Goldrat-First, Netanya Dr. Ofra Goldstein-Gidoni, Tel Aviv Dr.
Neve Gordon, Beer Sheva Dr. Yerah Gover, New York Prof. Charles W. Greenbaum,
Jerusalem Dr. Lev Grinberg, Beer Sheva Prof. Yossi Guttmann, Haifa Ran
HaCohen, Tel Aviv Prof. Uri Hadar, Tel Aviv Jeff Halper, Jerusalem Shoshana
Halper, Jerusalem Prof. Galit Hasan-Rokem, Jerusalem Dina Hecht, Jerusalem
Dr. Sara Helman, Beer Sheva Prof. Hanna Herzog, Tel Aviv Prof. Ze'ev Herzog,
Tel Aviv Prof. Hannan Hever, Jerusalem Dr. Tikva Honig-Parnass, Jerusalem
Shirly Houser, Tel Aviv Tal Itzhaki, Haifa Prof. Eva Jablonka, Tel Aviv
Andrea Jacobs, Austin, Texas Prof. Sabre Kais, Nahif/Purdue USA Dr. Devorah
Kalekin-Fishman, Haifa Aya Kaniuk, Tel Aviv Prof. Jacob Katriel, Haifa
Prof. Tamar Katriel, Haifa Prof. Uri Katz, Haifa Prof. Baruch Kimmerling,
Jerusalem Dr. Gady Kozma, Rehovoth Prof. Richard Kulka, Jerusalem Dr.
Haggai Kupermintz, Boulder, Colorado Judy Kupferman, Tel Aviv Dr. Ron
Kuzar, Haifa Dr. Idan Landau, Beer Sheva Dr. John Landau, Jerusalem Dr.
Ariela Lazar, Evanston Dr. Ronit Lentin, Dublin Prof. Micah Leshem, Haifa
Erez Levkovitz, Jerusalem Prof. Rene Levy, Lausanne Prof. Shimon Levy,
Tel Aviv Prof. Joyce Livingstone, Haifa Prof. Yosefa Loshitzky, London/Jerusalem
Dr. Orly Lubin, Tel Aviv Dr. Ivonne Mansbach, Jerusalem Prof. Uri Maor,
Tel Aviv Dr. Ruchama Marton, Tel Aviv Dr. Anat Matar, Tel Aviv Dr. Nina
Mayorek, Jerusalem Prof. Paul Mendes-Flohr, Jerusalem Rahel Meshoulam,
Cambridge, MA Dr. Uriel Meshoulam, Cambridge, MA Rabbi Jeremy Milgrom,
Jerusalem Jo Milgrom, Jerusalem Menucha Moravitz, Ramat-Gan Susy Mordechay,
Giv'ataim Dr. Pnina Motzafi-Haller, Ottawa, Canada Prof. Ben-Tzion Munitz,
Tel Aviv Dr. Dorit Naaman, Kingston, Ontario Regev Nathansohn, Tel Aviv
Prof. Adi Ophir, Tel-Aviv Omer Ori, Jerusalem Prof. Avraham Oz, Haifa
Dr. Ilan Pappe, Haifa Prof. Yoav Peled, Tel Aviv Gabriel Piterberg, UCLA
Prof. Igor Primoratz, Jerusalem Amos Raban, Tel Aviv Tali Raban, Tel Aviv
Shakhar Rahav, Berkeley Dr. Haggai Ram, Beer Sheva Dr. Amnon Raz-Krakotzkin,
Beer Sheva Prof. Zvi Razi, Tel Aviv Prof. Tanya Reinhart, Tel Aviv Prof.
Fanny-Michaela Reisin, Berlin Dr. Nira Reiss, New York Dr. Rivki Ribak,
Haifa Prof. Freddie Rokem, Tel Aviv Dr. Avihu Ronen, Tel Hai Prof. Henry
Rosenfeld, Haifa Dr. Maya Rosenfeld, Jerusalem Ouzi Rotem, Philadelphia
Hava Rubin, Haifa Itai Ryb, Jerusalem Amalia Sa'ar, Haifa Dr. Dalia Sachs,
Haifa Dr. Hannah Safran, Haifa Tami Sarfatti, UCLA Dr. Nita Schechet,
Jerusalem Hillel Schocken, Tel Aviv Dr. Zvi Schuldiner, Jerusalem Uri
Segal, Louisville, KY Ruben Seroussi, Tel Aviv Dr. Erella Shadmi, Mevasseret
Zion Prof. Nomi Shir, Beer Sheva Dr. Miriam Shlesinger, Tel Aviv Aharon
Shabtai, Tel Aviv Dr. Rann Smorodinsky, Haifa Orly Soker, Sapir-Jerusalem
Dr. Yehiam Soreq, Tel Aviv Nurit Steinfeld, Jerusalem Dr. Eva Teubal,
Jerusalem Prof. Gideon Toury, Tel Aviv Dr. Dudy Tzfati, Jerusalem Roman
Vater, Tel Aviv Dr. Roy Wagner, Tel-Aviv Prof. Bronislaw Wajnryb, Haifa
Prof. Pnina Werbner, Keele Dr. David Wesley, Tel Aviv Elana Wesley, Tel
Aviv Tamar Yaron, Montreal & Kibbutz Hazorea Dr. Mamoud Yazbak, Haifa
Dr. Michael Yogev, Haifa Kim Yuval, Tel Aviv Prof. Moshe Zimmermann, Jerusalem
Prof. Nahla Abdo-Zoubi, Nazareth/Ottawa Nava Zuckerman, Tel Aviv Dr. Moshe
Zuckermann, Tel Aviv Michal Zweig, Herzelia
Power Bloc Turkey and Israel Lock Arms,
World Traveler (from The Progressive magazine), December 1998
"Last December, when Turkish Prime Minister Mesut Yilmaz visited
the White House, a coalition of human-rights and arms-control groups urged
President Clinton to confront him about Turkey's pervasive human-rights
violations and its ongoing repression of the Kurds. Not all members of
the American human-rights community were so critical, however. On December
17, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), a prominent Jewish organization
that seeks to combat anti-Semitism and other forms of discrimination,
presented Yilmaz with its Distinguished Statesman Award and honored him
at a gala dinner attended by the leaders of several major American Jewish
organizations. 'Turkey stands as a country committed to democracy and
the promotion of tolerance,' proclaimed ADL director Abraham Foxman
in a press release distributed at the time. According to the ADL, its
Distinguished Statesman Award goes 'to those leaders who exhibit an extraordinary
dedication to regional and world peace, and who possess a special commitment
to promoting human and civil rights.' Such high praise for Turkey and
its head of state prompted a sharply worded rebuttal from the Washington
Kurdish Institute. Yilmaz's treatment of the Kurds, the group wrote to
Foxman, 'amount[s] to little more than ethnic cleansing." ... So
why would the ADL and other Jewish leaders lavish such praise on Yilmaz?
The reason is Turkey's burgeoning military partnership with Israel. In
February 1996, Turkey and Israel signed a historic military training agreement,
followed six months later by an arms-industry cooperation pact. Since
that time, military and economic ties between the two countries have blossomed.
Both nations now fly and train in one another's airspace, share sophisticated
intelligence information, enjoy extensive trade relations, and cooperate
on joint security and weapons projects.
in Hebron Says Annihilation of Non-Jews Acceptable, Palestine
Chronicle, November 16 2002
"A prominent Israeli rabbi with thousands of followers said during
a Sabbath homily in the settlement in Kiryat Arba'a Saturday that halacha,
or Jewish religious law, 'essentially supported the annihilation of non-Jews
in Israel.' The rabbi, Rav Leor, said most rabbinic authorities
'of the past and the present accepted the opinion that the lives of non-Jews
don't' enjoy the same sanctity as the lives of Jews.' 'Hashmadat goyem'
(the extermination of non-Jews), he said was an established principle
in Jewish theology. The rabbi is affiliated with the messianic Jewish
movement known as Gush Emunim which is represented in the Israeli Knesset
by seven Knesset members. The movement is represented in the Israeli government
by Minister without portfolio Ed Eifam of the National Religious Party
(NRP) ... IAP NEWS (iap.org). Redistributed via Press International News
Agency (PINA).
Middle East: The West Bank:
A Dustbin for Israeli Industrial Waste?,
Demographic, Environmental and Secuirty Issues Project,
May 2001
"Some Palestinian West Bank towns have become 'dustbins' for Israeli
industrial wastes -- including toxic wastes -- raising cancer rates 5
to 10 times normal according to local Palestinian doctors and politicians.
Dr. Abdul-Rahmen Abu-Hanih, who has been practicing medicine in the area
for the last 11 years, has 'witnessed a tenfold increase in the incidence
of cancer -- mainly leukemia, prostate cancer and Hodgkin’s disease' in
the town of Azzun reports the Manchester Guardian Weekly. (August
2, 1998, 'Palestinians pay price for Israel's toxic waste,' by Julian
Borger in Azzun, the West Bank) The Guardian reporter explains that the
town is 'a victim of its political geography...[It] is only 30 km from
the industrial conurbation of Tel Aviv, but since it lies in the occupied
West Bank, under army jurisdiction, Israeli waste-disposal laws are not
fully enforced. So every few nights trucks appear from the west and empty
their cargo on Azzun's doorstep.' It is a pattern repeated in the nearby
Palestinian towns of Qalqilya and Tulkarm -- forming a triangle of ecological
desolation ... Environmentalists say the West Bank is suffering the overspill
effects of a profound Israeli ecological crisis. The seriousness of the
situation was brought home in July 1997 when a bridge over the polluted
Yarkon river collapsed during an international sports event. Four Australian
athletes died, two of them from simply swallowing the toxic water ...
As Israel tries to curb pollution, whole factories are on the move to
cheaper, under-policed sites."
Masada Now U.N. Heritage Site,
Newsday, October 31, 2002
"Hundreds of Israelis climbed this ancient hilltop fortress Thursday,
where Jewish rebels chose suicide over capture by Roman troops, to celebrate
its addition to a U.N. list of cultural treasures. The Judean mountain
promitory overlooking the Dead Sea is where where a last group of Jewish
holdouts sought refuge from Roman legions who had already destroyed the
Temple in Jerusalem. Israeli soldiers now come here at the start of their
military training to swear an oath to protect the country. Boys celebrate
coming-of-age rituals here. Many come to pray. Masada and the ancient
Mediterranean port city of Acre in northern Israel were included in the
World Heritage list of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and
Cultural Organization last year -- the first two Israeli sites to make
it onto the UNESCO list. A plaque commemorating the Masada site was unveiled
Thursday as dancers and musicians performed for diplomats, Cabinet ministers
and nearby residents. The listing puts it on a par with the Great Wall
of China and the Pyramids of Egypt ... Israelis have vowed not to let
Masada fall again. If challenged, Israel will not commit suicide but will
fight to the death, said Avia Oann, 55, standing among the pillars.
'We must learn from it, not to make the same mistake,' she said."
[The Masada story of Jewish heroism is not true. It is fabrication]
we have only hostility in our hearts.' Jenin residents tell the story
of Operation Defensive Shield,
By Goel Pinto, Ha'aretz (Israel), October
31, 2002
"'In memory of Iyad Samoudi, producer in charge of `Jenin, Jenin,' who
was killed by IDF bullets, after the completion of filming on 23.6.02,
in the village of Al Yamoun.' This is the opening caption of Mohammed
Bakri's documentary film, 'Jenin, Jenin.' The film, to be screened tonight
at the Jerusalem Cinematheque and tomorrow night at the Tel Aviv Cinematheque,
portrays Jenin residents' perspective on Operation Defensive Shield. This
week, right-wing politicians called for the cancellation of the screenings.
MK Yuri Stern of the National Union-Yisrael Beiteinu faction argued
that the film amounted to incitement. The Likud faction representative
in the Tel Aviv city council, Yeshayahu Drori, contacted Mayor
Ron Huldai and asked him to reprimand Alon Garbouz, the
director of the Tel Aviv Cinematheque, or remove him from his job. These
requests are surprising, given the fact that Stern and Drori
did not see the film and based their remarks solely on rumors. Had
they bothered to ask the director for a copy of the 50-minute film, they
would not have made fools of themselves. 'Jenin, Jenin' is not a shocking
film and the testimony heard in it is familiar to anyone who has ever
watched foreign television reports about events in Jenin. Nevertheless,
it is a sad film that shows Israel, as a democratic and enlightened state,
in a miserable light. Even those who explain the horrors of war as stemming
from an existential need, cannot silence its victims ... Israeli television
viewers will also not see this film. Only a few will have the chance to
see it at the Cinematheques. But those who see it will not forget the
words of one witness: 'Children can be given birth to, houses can be built
and even a wife can be replaced, but our feelings cannot be changed. Now
we have only hostility in our hearts. How will they bring back the days
when we were calm and agreed to live with them?'"
The Strategic
Function of U.S. Aid to Israel,
Washington Report on Middle East Affairs,
by Stephen Zunes, October 31, 2002
"Since 1992, the U.S. has offered Israel an additional $2 billion
annually in loan guarantees. Congressional researchers have disclosed
that between 1974 and 1989, $16.4 billion in U.S. military loans were
converted to grants and that this was the understanding from the beginning.
Indeed, all past U.S. loans to Israel have eventually been forgiven by
Congress, which has undoubtedly helped Israel's often-touted claim that
they have never defaulted on a U.S. government loan. U.S. policy since
1984 has been that economic assistance to Israel must equal or exceed
Israel's annual debt repayment to the United States. Unlike other countries,
which receive aid in quarterly installments, aid to Israel since 1982
has been given in a lump sum at the beginning of the fiscal year, leaving
the U.S. government to borrow from future revenues. Israel even lends
some of this money back through U.S. treasury bills and collects the additional
interest. In addition, there is the more than $1.5 billion in private
U.S. funds that go to Israel annually in the form of $1 billion in private
tax-deductible donations and $500 million in Israeli bonds. The ability
of Americans to make what amounts to tax-deductible contributions to a
foreign government, made possible through a number of Jewish charities,
does not exist with any other country." [U.S Financial Aid To Israel:
Figures, Facts, and Impact Summary Benefits to Israel of U.S. Aid Since
1949 (As of November 1, 1997): "Foreign Aid Grants and Loans $74,157,600,000.
Other U.S. Aid (12.2% of Foreign Aid) $9,047,227,200. Interest to Israel
from Advanced Payments $1,650,000,000. Grand Total $84,854,827,200. Total
Benefits per Israeli $14,630"]
No War
with Iraq,
The Nation, November 4, 2002 issue
[Compilation of links to articles and web sites against a war with Iraq]
Attack of the
Oxymorons. Israel Goes Fascist? It Could Happen,
by Justin Raimondo, Etherzone, November 2,
"For if recent political developments are any indication, [Israel]
is on the road to fascism, and worse. Far worse…. Whenever anyone invokes
God, or His will, as a rationale for action, the specter of violence and
bloodshed looms large. It's only natural, therefore, that it should loom
even larger in that part of the world designated 'the Holy Land,' most
of which is today the nation of Israel. It should also come as no surprise
to anyone that Israel is witnessing the rise of a politicized form of
fundamentalism, what I have called Israel's Taliban. Its political expression
has been not only the meteoric growth of the Likud party, and of that
party's extreme right wing, which is now grasping for power, but also
the development of a'"settler' movement of right-wing extremists who are
the successors to the outlawed Kach movement founded by the late Rabbi
Meir Kahane. If you thought Ariel Sharon was an extremist, take a look
at his probable successor [Benjamin Netanyahu ... This underscores
the ideological essence of the man, rooted, many believe, in the mindset
of his famous father, Benzione Netanyahu, a Israeli historian.
As a 1997 PBS News Hour profile pointed out: 'The elder Netanyahu has
written that Israel owes its independence from the British in 1948 not
so much to diplomacy but to the armed attacks, sabotage, and bombings
carried out by Israel's underground, called the Irgun.'"
What Did You Do in the Internet War, Daddy?
by Edgar J. Steele, conspiracypenpal, November
2, 2002
"'I worry about my child and the Internet all the time, even though
she's too young to have logged on yet. Here's what I worry about. I worry
that 10 or 15 years from now, she will come to me and say 'Daddy, where
were you when they took freedom of the press away from the Internet?'
----Mike Godwin, Electronic Frontier Foundation.' Indeed. And many
are wondering where I am right now. My web site (www.conspiracypenpal.com)
is down and my email accounts have all been suspended. My (soon-to-be-ex)
domain hosting ISP, FeaturePrice.com, refuses even to talk to me
about it. Things finally got too hot for them, you see. Saturday night,
I posted http://www.conspiracypenpal.com/columns/y2k2.htm to my
web site after sending it out to this list. Included in it was a link
to a video showing Israeli soldiers dragging an unarmed Palestinian out
of a shop, then shooting him in the back as he attempted to walk away.
I uploaded the full video clip, all 2mb of it, to my site since it had
been sent to me via email. Within 24 hours, my web site was taken down.
I keep a local duplicate of the entire site, of course, and have already
uploaded everything to a new web hosting ISP that promises not to censor
my site or my email. We'll see. It takes a day or so for DNS pointers
to be redistributed over the Internet, but shortly you should be able
to visit my web site again, at the same address, of course. More importantly,
you will be able to download the video
that has somebody in such a dither: http://www.conspiracypenpal.com/images/israelistreetjustice.wmv
eyes 'Samson option' against Iraq,
The Scotsman (Scotland), November 3, 2002
"In Biblical times, the Israelites relied on God to triumph over
their enemies. These days the Israeli government puts its faith in the
godlike power of its formidable arsenal of nuclear weapons to annihilate
its foes. The alarming prospect of Israel unleashing its weapons of mass
destruction is high on the list of concerns of strategic planners and
analysts as the United States prepares to attack Iraq as part of its ‘War
on Terror’. According to experts, a retaliatory nuclear strike against
Baghdad in the event of a chemical or biological weapons attack against
Israel has never been more likely - particularly with Ariel Sharon
in power ... Many believe Sharon would be prepared to use his deadly
arsenal. As Israel’s most respected military affairs commentator, Ze’ev
Schiff, put it: 'If Iraq strikes at Israel with non-conventional warheads,
causing massive casualties among the civil population, Israel could respond
with a nuclear retaliation that would eradicate Iraq as a country.'"
reportedly helping with U.S. war preparation,
by John Diamond, USA TODAY, November 3, 2002
"Israel is secretly playing a key role in U.S. preparations for possible
war with Iraq, helping to train soldiers and Marines for urban warfare,
conducting clandestine surveillance missions in the western Iraqi desert
and allowing the United States to place combat supplies in Israel, according
to U.S. Defense and intelligence officials. The activities are designed
to help shorten any war with Iraq and keep Israel out of it. But working
with Israel on the war effort is highly sensitive. It could undercut already
shaky support for an invasion among friendly Arab states. Because Israel's
activities are classified, they have drawn little attention or criticism
in the Middle East ... Israeli infantry units with experience in urban
warfare during the Palestinian uprising helped train U.S. Army and Marine
counterparts this summer and fall for possible urban battles in Iraq,
a foreign defense official says. The Israelis have built two mock cities,
complete with mosques, hanging laundry and even the odd donkey meandering
down dusty streets. A defense official said the sites far surpass U.S.
facilities. The location of the training centers is classified. The Pentagon
has beefed up stocks of ammunition, fuel and other basic military staples
at six storage depots in Israel over the past year, U.S. Defense and intelligence
officials say. The material is not part of normal U.S. military aid to
Israel but would be held in reserve for possible use by U.S. forces in
combat contingencies, such as a threat to Israel by a neighboring state
or commando missions into western Iraq by U.S. forces."
Ministry hauls Belgian diplomat over the coals,
Ha'aretz (Israel), November 4, 2002
"The Belgium ambassador to Israel, Wilfred Geens, says his comments
published yesterday, in which he was quoted as calling Infrastructure
Minister Effi Eitam 'a fascist,' were 'twisted and fabricated,'
but a senior Foreign Ministry official said that the comments reflect
a trend of foreign ambassadors 'crossing red lines' in their willingness
to criticise Israel in public. Geens is said to have described the territories
as 'the biggest detention camp in the world,' and labelled the 'humiliation
of Palestinians' by Israeli soldiers at roadblocks as 'an unacceptable
collective punishment contrary to international law and also contrary
to human values,' in a interview published on Friday in the Arabic weekly
newspaper, Kulal Arab. The comments echoed those attributed to
British ambassador Sherard Cowper-Coles last month in a leaked conversation
with IDF Major General Amos Gilad, coordinator of government activities
in the territories."
Iran the day Iraq war ends, demands Israel,
Times Online, November 4, 2002
"Israel's Prime Minister Ariel Sharon has called on the international
community to target Iran as soon as the imminent conflict with Iraq is
complete. In an interview with The Times, Mr Sharon insisted
that Tehran — one of the 'axis of evil' powers identified by President
Bush — should be put under pressure 'the day after' action against Baghdad
ends because of its role as a 'centre of world terror'. He also issued
his clearest warning yet that Israel would strike back if attacked by
Iraqi chemical or biological weapons, no matter how much Washington sought
to keep its controversial Middle Eastern ally out of any war in Iraq."
of women have been beaten at home in a widening cycle of violence,
by Ruth Sinai, Ha'aretz (Israel), November
4, 2002
"R.K. is one of 214,000 battered Israeli women - 11.2 percent of
the women in the country - who have been assaulted by their husbands.
About 142,000 of them were beaten this year, 40,000 required medical treatment
and 15,000 were hospitalized. Some 146,000 women were raped at least once
and 2 percent of these were threatened with murder in the past year, according
to the most comprehensive report to date on domestic violence in Israel.
The report was compiled by the Minerva Center for youth research in Haifa
University with the participation of 2,841 women and 510 men. It was released
by Labor and Welfare Minister Shlomo Benizri. The findings on child
abuse are even worse than those on violence against women. Some 417,000
children up to the age of five (57 percent of the children this age) have
suffered moderate corporal punishment such as being shaken, pushed or
slapped, while 46,000 - 6.3 percent - suffered more harsh punishment including
blows from fists or being beaten with a stick or belt. Of the six to 18
year olds, more than 550,000 - 39 percent of all the children - suffered
moderate violence in past year, while 115,000 (8 percent) suffered severe
violence. Professor Zvi Isikovitz and Professor Gidon Fishman,
who conducted the research, say the use of harsh violence toward children
increases with age. Isikovitz says he was less shocked by the findings
about the scope of violence than the willingness of the victims to justify
it." ... Benizri asked Education Minister Limor Livnat to increase
education about violence from a very young age, and especially to make
children understand that women are not a punch bag for men, and to undermine
the tendency of women to justify violence against them."
report accuses Israeli military of war crimes,
New Zealand Herald, November 4, 2002
"Amnesty International has accused the Israeli military of crimes
against humanity and war crimes in its operations in the West Bank cities
of Jenin and Nablus earlier this year, in a report published today. The
report comes after Britain's Scotland Yard opened an investigation into
Lieutenant-General Shaul Mofaz, who was head of the Israeli army
until his retirement in July, on allegations of war crimes. Lt-Gen Mofaz
over the weekend accepted a new job as Defence Minister in Ariel Sharon's
government. The charges of war crimes are not going away, despite repeated
attempts by the Israeli authorities to brush them under the carpet. Today's
report includes detailed evidence that Israeli soldiers unlawfully killed
Palestinians civilians, blocked medical access to the wounded, used Palestinians
as human shields, tortured prisoners, and unnecessarily destroyed civilian
houses. Many of these crimes are not isolated incidents, says Amnesty,
but 'committed in a widespread and systematic manner, in pursuit of government
policy', which means they can be prosecuted as crimes against humanity
under the statute of the newly formed international criminal court. The
report calls on the international community to bring those responsible
to justice. Though it was Jenin that grabbed the world's attention after
Israeli army bulldozers levelled an entire neighbourhood of more than
100 civilian houses, the city was not unique. In addition to the already
widely known witness accounts of atrocities committed by the Israeli army
in Jenin in April, Amnesty's report describes similar crimes committed
at the same time in another West Bank city, Nablus. Among the dead were
eight members of a single family, the al-Shu'bis, who were buried alive
when Israeli soldiers bulldozed their house on top of them, including
three children, their pregnant mother and their 85-year-old grandmother.
The soldiers continued to demolish the house even though neighbours told
them people were inside. The report quotes Ahmad al-Najjar, who told Amnesty:
'I saw the house tilt over. Without even thinking I yelled to the soldier
in the bulldozer, 'Let the residents leave the house.' At this point the
soldier came out of the bulldozer, took his weapon and started to fire
in my direction.'" [The Amnesty International report may be found here]
US warns companies
over Israel boycott,
BBC, November 5, 2002
"The United States has threatened to fine US companies that take
part in an Arab lead economic boycott of Israel. 'The US government is
strongly opposed to restrictive trade practices or boycotts targeted at
Israel,' said Undersecretary of Commerce for Industry and Security Kenneth
Juster. 'The Commerce Department is closely monitoring efforts that appear
to be made to reinvigorate the Arab boycott of Israel and will use all
of its resources to vigorously enforce US anti-boycott regulations.' Mr
Juster's threat came after 18 of the 22 members of the Arab League agreed
to 'reactivate' a half-century-old ban on trade with Israel last week.
US laws ban the participation by US nationals and companies in unsanctioned
foreign government trade boycotts, especially the Arab League's boycott
of Israel. The Department of Commerce has issued more than $26m (£16.7m)
in fines and turned down export licences to those found violating the
board condemns 'sensationalist' doccie,
Indepenent Online, November 07 2002
"The South African Jewish Board of Deputies has slammed e.tv
for the screening of a hard-hitting documentary on the Israel-Palestinian
conflict, highlighting abuses of innocent Palestinians by Israeli troops.
Palestine is Still the Issue was broadcast on the current affairs
programme 3rd Degree on Wednesday night. It was produced by John
Pilger, a columnist for the UK Daily Mirror, and was, he said, aimed at
being 'pro-justice, not pro-Palestine' ... But Israeli Rami Elhanan,
who was interviewed for the documentary, would have disagreed. Elhanan,
whose 14-year-old daughter was killed by a Palestinian suicide bomber
in 1997, said: 'If you think from the head and not the guts, if you look
at what has made these people do this, people with no hope, who are desperate
enough to commit suicide, you have to ask yourself if you have contributed
in any way to this despair and craziness. It did not come out of the blue.'
He was not the only Israeli interviewed on the documentary who took a
critical view of the situation. Others, including historians and former
Israeli soldiers, spoke harshly of the way Palestinians are oppressed
and humiliated. Palestinian Mona al-Farra, also interviewed for the documentary,
said: 'Our destiny is not in our hands. They (Israelis) are controlling
every detail of our lives.'"
of Turkey's winning party slams ''terrorism of Sharon'',
Al Bawaba, November 7, 2002
" The leader of Turkey's winning party refused Wednesday to commit
to allowing U.S. warplanes to use Turkish bases in any war with Iraq and
declined to say whether his country's close military ties with Israel
will be maintained. In an exclusive interview with The Associated Press,
Recep Tayyip Erdogan of the Islamic-rooted Justice and Development Party
said Turks consider Israeli policies toward Palestinians to be 'terrorism,'
but added that Turkey would not link its close economic ties with Israel
to popular anger. 'The whole Turkish population is very critical of what
is going on in Palestine,' Erdogan said. 'Our public does not view this
as anything anti-Israeli or anti-Semitic. They see it as the terrorism
of Sharon.' 'Turkey has to play a more active role,' he added."
new, worrying phenomenon in religious Zionism,
Ha'aretz (Israel), November 8, 2002
"Yitzhak Meir, a member of the National Religious Party's
executive, was very surprised to hear some of the songs that were sung
during the recent Simhat Torah celebrations at his synagogue in Kochav
Yair. In the midst of the familiar texts, he suddenly discerned new words:
Samson's prayer from the book of Judges (16:28) - 'O Lord God! Please
remember me, and give me strength just this once, O God, to take revenge
of the Philistines, if only for one of my eyes.' The chose of these words,
expressing the desire for revenge, troubled Meir. While arguing
about this text with some of his friends at the synagogue, Meir heard
another unfamiliar song - an upbeat tune about the young Moshe slaying
the Egyptian taskmaster: 'He turned this way and that and, seeing no one
about, he struck down the Egyptian and hid him in the sand.' (Exodus 2:12)
... Meir began to ask some of his young acquaintances about these
new songs and learned that the music for the song about Samson was composed
by Dov Shurin, who is associated with the outlawed Kach movement
of the late Rabbi Meir Kahane ... Meir also discovered that
in some of the places where this song of vengeance is popular, the young
people dance to the song while waving knives ... Rabbi Aviner,
who heads the Ateret Cohanim yeshiva in the Old City of Jerusalem, referred
Meir to a legal (halachic) ruling he wrote in response to someone
who complained that the words to the song about Samson 'seem to be unethical.'
In his ruling, Rabbi Aviner wrote in praise of vengeance and noted that
the prohibition against taking vengeance does not apply to serious cases
like lethal attacks. The rabbi emphasized that there is a value in vengeance
in the national realm as an expression of deterrence."
fear war crimes arrests,
Guardian (UK), November 12, 2002
"The Israeli government has ordered an urgent assessment of whether
its politicians and soldiers could face arrest and trial for war crimes
while travelling abroad. The move follows a report by the justice ministry
that singled out Britain, Spain and Belgium as the most likely to prosecute
Israeli officials who breach international law. But the government fears
there is a growing trend towards global justice that could see Israelis
effectively barred from visiting a host of states. 'We are building a
map of all those countries that might give us a headache,' said Ra'anan
Gissin, spokesman for the Israeli prime minister, Ariel Sharon."
FROM WAR ON TERROR TO PLAIN WAR. Israel: walled in, but never secure,
by Matthews Brubacher, Le Monde diplomatique,
November 2002
"Israeli government funding for settlements in the occupied territories
has long been condemned by the United Nations. Now it has provoked resignations
from the government resulting in new elections in Israel. But the real
tragedy of what is happening there can be seen in the security barrier
that Israel is building around the West Bank and Jerusalem, which is twice
as long and three times as high as the Berlin Wall. A new 360km security
wall is being built by Israel around the West Bank and Jerusalem, and
it will radically change both the geographical and political landscape
of the Middle East. By putting up a wall that is three times the length
and twice the height of the Berlin Wall, Israel will unilaterally annex
a substantial part of the West Bank and tighten military cordons around
Palestinian population centres, effectively imprisoning their residents.
A security wall was originally established in Gaza during the first intifada
(1987-1993) when Israel enclosed it behind a sealed electrical fence.
This fence allowed Israel to control its 16 settlements in the Gaza Strip,
as well as all Palestinian movement. Today Israel still controls about
50% of Gaza, and 1.2m Palestinians remain confined to an area less than
twice the size of the city of Washington DC. Building a wall around the
West Bank means that the Palestinians living there will soon share a similar
fate to those Palestinians who live in Gaza. The first stage of the wall
will separate most of the northern West Bank from Israel. This wall is
being built inside the 1967 Armistice line, annexing many settlements,
surrounding several key Palestinian areas and dissecting others. Palestinian
areas, such as Qaffin, will be deprived of 60% of their agricultural land,
while other areas, such as Qalqiliya, will be both deprived of land and
be cut off from the West Bank and Israel. The wall in these areas is costing
Israel over a million dollars for every kilometre: it is fortified with
eight metre-high cement walls, and guard towers every 300m with a two
metre-deep trench, barbed wire and a security road. The first stage of
this northern wall will run almost 100km from Salem to Kufr Kassem and
will mean annexing 1.6% of the West Bank, including 11 illegal Israeli
settlements and over 10,000 Palestinians. Israel intends to incorporate
this area into Israel in such a way that, when the final status negotiations
resume, the cost of reversing these actions will be so high they will
be considered irreversible. ... Unlike the medieval fortress-like construction
in the north, these "walls" [in the Jerusalem area] will be built with
electric wire fencing and a security road, at points combined with trenches,
cement walls and motion detectors. The two walls are like a necklace,
as the security wall will act as a thread to connect existing Israeli
settlements and military sites ... When the wall from the northern West
Bank to Jerusalem is completed, Israel will have annexed over 7% of the
West Bank, as well as 39 illegal Israeli settlements with 270,000 settlers,
and also 290,000 Palestinians; 70,000 of these do not have Israeli residency
and so have no right to travel or get services from Israel, although Israel
is depriving them of their livelihoods in the West Bank. These Palestinians
are extremely vulnerable and will probably be gradually forced to emigrate
from these areas."
Israeli Spy Ring Scandal,
(Reproduction of the infamously censored Carl Cameron Fox News
TV stories. Links to the original Fox News site say: "This story
no longer exists."]
Theft of a Nation,
by William Baker,
" The Jewish state idea is not in my heart. I cannot understand why
it is needed. It is connected with narrow-mindedness and economic obstacles.
I believe it is bad. I have always been against it." Albert Einstein-
"The cause of unrest in Palestine, and the only cause, arises from the
Zionist movement, and from our promises and pledges in regard to it."
Sir Winston Churchill- June 14, 1921, House of Commons
"A Zionist state in Palestine can only be installed and maintained by
force and we should not be a party to it." President Franklin Roosevelt-
March 5, 1945
Dept. official: All U.S. aid to Arab world under review,
Ha'aretz (Israel), November 16, 2002
"The United States is reviewing all its aid to the Arab world to
see how much it can redirect to programs that promote democracy and the
rule of law, a State Department official said on Friday. The review includes
all assistance to Egypt, the second largest recipient of U.S. aid after
Israel and one of Washington's best friends in the Arab world, he said
... But the Egyptian government has upset the United States at least twice
this year, first by jailing prominent Egyptian-American sociologist Saadeddin
Ibrahim and more recently by allowing state television to broadcast a
series which American Jewish groups say is anti-Semitic. U.S. diplomats
in Cairo have been watching the series, 'Knight without a House', as it
unfolds during the fasting month of Ramadan and have concluded that they
do not like its treatment of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. 'We
are very disappointed that the Government of Egypt TV station would air
a program that includes scenes treating the so-called Protocols of the
Elders of Zion, an anti-Semitic forgery, as fact,' the U.S. official said.
"This broadcast does great harm to Egypt's reputation. We will continue
to express to the government of Egypt our serious concern over this matter.
This kind of program does not contribute to the climate of mutual understanding
and tolerance that the Middle East so needs,' the official added. Egypt
and the United States have also been at odds this year over U.S. threats
to attack Iraq ... U.S. officials say they believe that antagonism toward
the United States in the Arab world is based on ignorance, misunderstanding
or propaganda by Arab governments. Arabs say their main problem is with
U.S. policies."
US Aid to Israel.
Feeding the Cuckoo,
Counterpunch, November 16, 2002
"Since Sept. 11, Americans have thought of themselves as the target
of terrorists, emanating mainly from the Middle East. It may thus surprise
them to learn that their own actions are in large part responsible for
their problems and resentment in the Middle East. In particular, we argue
that the massive aid flows and armaments transfers to Israel are largely
responsible for the problems between Israelis and Palestinians today.
The repercussions of this conflict reverberate everywhere in the region
to the great detriment of the rights of the people in the area, but remarkably,
also to the detriment of the US's long-term interests. Americans by nature
tend to look closely at their government's expenditures, to trim the fat
wherever they can find it--welfare, social security, health care, education
85 all except when it comes to Israel. A valuable exercise for any American
would be to examine the huge handouts given to Israel, which may reveal
shocking facts and motivate them to a take closer look at what is done
in their name. Here is a quick overview of US aid flows to Israel ...
Take the Jewish population of Israel (5.24m)--the primary beneficiaries
of the aid, and one obtains a $540 per capita benefit just for 2001--four
times as much as the touted Tax Cut of 2001 to Americans! Now, if the
hard-working American families ever find this out, what can one suppose
they would think of it?"
Cost of Israel to U.S. Taxpayers: True Lies About U.S. Aid to Israel,
by Richard H. Curtiss, sianews.com, November
17, 2002
For many years the American media said that 'Israel receives $1.8 billion
in military aid' or that 'Israel receives $1.2 billion in economic aid.'
Both statements were true, but since they were never combined to give
us the complete total of annual U.S. aid to Israel, they also were lies--true
lies ... Recently Americans have begun to read and hear that 'Israel receives
$3 billion in annual U.S. foreign aid.' That's true. But it's still a
lie. The problem is that in fiscal 1997 alone, Israel received from a
variety of other U.S. federal budgets at least $525.8 million above and
beyond its $3 billion from the foreign aid budget, and yet another $2
billion in federal loan guarantees. So the complete total of U.S. grants
and loan guarantees to Israel for fiscal 1997 was $5,525,800,000. One
can truthfully blame the mainstream media for never digging out these
figures for themselves, because none ever have. They were compiled by
the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs. But the mainstream media
certainly are not alone. Although Congress authorizes America's foreign
aid total, the fact that more than a third of it goes to a country smaller
in both area and population than Hong Kong probably never has been mentioned
on the floor of the Senate or House. Yet it's been going on for more than
a generation. Probably the only members of Congress who even suspect the
full total of U.S. funds received by Israel each year are the privileged
few committee members who actually mark it up. And almost all members
of the concerned committees are Jewish, have taken huge campaign donations
orchestrated by Israel's Washington, DC lobby, the American Israel Public
Affairs Committee (AIPAC), or both. These congressional committee members
are paid to act, not talk. So they do and they don't. The same applies
to the president, the secretary of state, and the foreign aid administrator.
They all submit a budget that includes aid for Israel, which Congress
approves, or increases, but never cuts. But no one in the executive branch
mentions that of the few remaining U.S. aid recipients worldwide, all
of the others are developing nations which either make their military
bases available to the U.S., are key members of international alliances
in which the U.S. participates, or have suffered some crippling blow of
nature to their abilities to feed their people such as earthquakes, floods
or droughts. Israel, whose troubles arise solely from its unwillingness
to give back land it seized in the 1967 war in return for peace with its
neighbors, does not fit those criteria. In fact, Israel's 1995 per capita
gross domestic product was $15,800. That put it below Britain at $19,500
and Italy at $18,700 and just above Ireland at $15,400 and Spain at $14,300.
All four of those European countries have contributed a very large share
of immigrants to the U.S., yet none has organized an ethnic group to lobby
for U.S. foreign aid. Instead, all four send funds and volunteers to do
economic development and emergency relief work in other less fortunate
parts of the world. The lobby that Israel and its supporters have built
in the United States to make all this aid happen, and to ban discussion
of it from the national dialogue, goes far beyond AIPAC, with its $15
million budget, its 150 employees, and its five or six registered lobbyists
who manage to visit every member of Congress individually once or twice
a year. AIPAC, in turn, can draw upon the resources of the Conference
of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, a roof group set
up solely to coordinate the efforts of some 52 national Jewish organizations
on behalf of Israel. Among them are Hadassah, the Zionist women's organization,
which organizes a steady stream of American Jewish visitors to Israel;
the American Jewish Congress, which mobilizes support for Israel among
members of the traditionally left-of-center Jewish mainstream; and the
American Jewish Committee, which plays the same role within the growing
middle-of-the-road and right-of-center Jewish community. The American
Jewish Committee also publishes Commentary,one of the Israel lobby's principal
national publications. Perhaps the most controversial of these groups
is B'nai B'rith's Anti-Defamation League. Its original highly commendable
purpose was to protect the civil rights of American Jews. Over the past
generation, however, the ADL has regressed into a conspiratorial and,
with a $45 million budget, extremely well-funded hate group." ...
America's $84.8 billion in aid to Israel from fiscal years 1949 through
1998, and the interest the U.S. paid to borrow this money, has cost U.S.
taxpayers $134.8 billion, not adjusted for inflation. Or, put another
way, the nearly $14,630 every one of 5.8 million Israelis received from
the U.S. government by Oct. 31, 1997 has cost American taxpayers $23,240
per Israeli. It would be interesting to know how many of those American
taxpayers believe they and their families have received as much from the
U.S. Treasury as has everyone who has chosen to become a citizen of Israel.
But it's a question that will never occur to the American public because,
so long as America's mainstream media, Congress and president maintain
their pact of silence, few Americans will ever know the true cost of Israel
to U.S. taxpayers."
Subject: Amazon.Com & Israel,
Date: Sun, 17 Nov 2002
[Letter of protest circulated over the Internet] "Dear Amazon,
I have been shocked to get an e-mail from Prof. Mona Baker of the University
of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology which indicated that
your company advertises itself in the Israeli press via a logo which reads:
'Buy Amazon.Com and Support Israel' and which displays an Israeli flag
Learning the Hard Way,
Sobrans, November 19, 2002
“'The Israelis now possess all the nuclear secrets of the United States.'
This is the conclusion of Sean McDade, an investigator with the Royal
Canadian Mounted Police, after studying a sophisticated Mossad computer
theft operation against the United States two years ago. Evidently the
Mounties don’t spend all their time riding horses. 'Compared to this espionage
coup,' McDade added, 'it can be categorically stated that the Jonathan
Pollard case is insignificant.' McDade’s memorandum is quoted in Gordon
Thomas’s recent book Seeds of Fire (Dandelion Books), which also
deals extensively with Israel’s secret dealings with the Chinese government.
Since China sees the United States as its enemy, U.S. nuclear secrets
would be a precious bargaining chip for the Israelis. McDade surmised
that this story, 'if made public,' might cause a 'major scandal.' That
depends on whether the American media and American politicians want to
make an issue of it. And when it comes to our Israeli 'allies,' they are
very, very forgiving. The Israelis have never paid a penalty for Pollard’s
spying, though they still refuse to return, or even to identify, the stolen
documents. So the full damage still can’t be assessed. And the Israelis
keep pressing American presidents for Pollard’s release from prison! Israel,
we are told, is 'our only reliable ally in the Middle East.' It’s bad
enough having Israel’s friendship, but we also get its enemies into the
bargain. All this for a mere five billion bucks a year! What a deal!"
Eyes Up to $10B in U.S. Aid advertisement,
Washington Post, November 21, 2002
"Israel will ask the United States for loan guarantees aimed at jump-strating
its economy which has been damaged by two years of violence and the request
will total between $8 billion and $10 billion, a senior government official
said Thursday. The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, told
The Associated Press that the Finance and Defense ministries are
finalizing the request and would forward it to the United States in the
coming days. The request for guarantees on foreign bank loans would be
in addition to the $2.9 million in direct loans and grants that Israel
receives annually from the United States, the official said. Israel, which
receives the largest U.S. aid package of any country, relies on the loan
guarantees to borrow at lower interest rates ...The United States guaranteed
$10 billion in loans for Israel a decade ago to help it absorb immigrants
from the former Soviet Union. Angry over Israeli settlements in the occupied
West Bank and Gaza, then-President George Bush held up the guarantees
until the hard-line Yitzhak Shamir was replaced as Israeli prime
minister by more moderate Yitzhak Rabin, who signed an interim
peace treaty with the Palestinian Liberation."
The Nation, November 21, 2002
"Returning to Israel after an extended absence can be a disturbing
experience. On the way back from the airport to my Jerusalem apartment,
I noticed new posters tacked onto utility poles and bridges along the
highway. They read: Transfer= Peace and Security. The meaning was unambiguous:
Israel must expel the 3 million Palestinians living in the occupied territories--and
perhaps even its own Palestinian citizens--in order to achieve peace and
security. While racist slogans have become pervasive in Israel, it was
this particular message--the notion of expulsion as a political solution--that
unhinged me. One does not need to be a Holocaust survivor to recognize
the phrase's lethal implications ... After more than two years of armed
conflict, which has left close to 2,500 people dead--including 300 Palestinian
and eighty Israeli children--most Israelis see the situation as hopeless,
a view that is, ironically, shared by many Palestinians ...Not surprisingly,
the Palestinian economy has also collapsed--a recent Israeli military
report states that between 60 and 80 percent of the population lives on
less than $2 a day. Israelis on the left and right now realize that the
conflict cannot be resolved under the current conditions, regardless of
the amount of military force Israel employs ... If Israel's next leader
is to overcome the current crisis, he will have to decide whether to abandon
the notion of a Jewish state, employ a policy used by the darkest regimes
(not least the Third Reich) or dismantle the settlements and bring the
Jewish settlers back home. Each of these options negates certain elements
of the Zionist project, suggesting that the settlements constitute a contradiction;
they are now destroying the very project that initiated and upheld them.
They have come back to turn the Zionist dream into a nightmare."
British UNRWA worker in Jenin mistakenly shot by soldier,
Ha'aretz (Israel), November 24, 2002
"An initial IDF investigation into the death of Iain Hook, a British
UNWRA [United Nations] official who was killed Friday during a gunfight
between soldiers and Palestinians in the West Bank city of Jenin, revealed
that he was mistakenly shot by an IDF soldier. Israel Radio reported that
Hook was shot by accident after emerging from a caravan during the gunfight
holding a mobile phone, which was mistaken by the soldier for a grenade.
Great Britain is demanding that Israel fully investigate the death of
the 50-year-old Hook, the first foreign UN official to die in over two
years of fighting .. In the Jenin shootout, Hook was killed while trying
to evacuate staff from the small UN compound, made up of mobile trailers,
in the Jenin refugee camp during a prolonged clash between IDF soldiers
and Palestinian gunmen, a UN statement said ... A UN statement said IDF
soldiers refused immediate access for an ambulance to take Hook to the
hospital, and that it wasn't known whether the delay caused Hook's death
... Hook was a senior manager in UNRWA, the UN agency helping Palestinian
refugees, and was in charge of a $27 million project to rebuild the Jenin
camp, which Israel has targeted frequently in search of militants responsible
for attacks against Israelis. Two local Palestinian workers for UNRWA
were killed previously ... UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan was 'greatly
disturbed' that the army prevented the ambulance from getting through
immediately, spokesman Stephane Dujarric said in New York. Elsewhere in
the camp in different shooting incidents, an 11-year-old Palestinian boy
was killed and an Irish national wounded."
rejects Israeli account of British official's killing,
Independent (UK), November 25, 2002
"The United Nations dismissed as 'not credible' yesterday an Israeli
army claim that Palestinian gunmen fired from inside a UN compound in
the West Bank city of Jenin on Friday before its soldiers shot dead Iain
Hook, a 52-year-old British relief worker. Paul McCann, a spokesman for
the UN relief agency, said: 'Our preliminary findings are completely contrary
to what the Israeli army said. The compound is quite small. At no point
did we lose control of the site. There were no militants on the site.
I am very sad and angry that the man was shot dead while working in a
clearly marked UN compound.' A security expert from UN headquarters in
New York began immediately to investigate in greater depth how Mr Hook,
who was heading a £17m project to rebuild the Jenin refugee camp razed
in an Israeli invasion in April, met his death. He was transferred last
night to an Israeli forensic medicine laboratory near Tel Aviv, but UN
officials were awaiting his family's decision on where to hold a post-mortem
examination. Palestinians showed up in big numbers with flowers when the
dead man was put into a UN ambulance for transfer to Jerusalem ... Although
Israel apologised for the 'error', the shooting provoked a crisis in its
relations with the UN and Britain. Jack Straw, the Foreign Secretary,
demanded a full investigation ... Elsewhere on the West Bank, Israeli
troops yesterday barred worshippers from attending services in the Church
of the Nativity in Bethlehem. They reoccupied the city of Jesus Christ's
birth on Thursday after a Hamas suicide bomber killed 11 Israelis on a
Jerusalem bus. Thursday's bus bombing provoked a series of attacks by
angry Jews against Arabs and their property in Jerusalem."
to present U.S. response to Israel's $14 billion aid request,
Ha'aretz (Israel), November 26, 2002
"U.S. National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice was expected to
give her country's response to Israel's request for 14 billion in aid
following a White House meeting Monday with Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's
bureau chief Dov Weisglass, Treasury Director-General Ohad Marani,
and Israel's ambassador to the U.S. Danny Ayalon. Marani informed Rice
of Israel's economic situation and requested $10 billion in loans and
$4 billion in special military aid, to be spread over the course of several
years. President George Bush is expected to quickly approve the request
with minor changes, Israeli sources said."
rejects new technology proliferation code of conduct,
Ha'aretz (Israel), November 26, 2002
"Israel announced Monday that it would not join a new International
Code of Conduct aimed at blocking proliferation of ballistic missile technology,
saying the new ICOC does not meet the needs of the Middle East. The ICOC
members met Monday night in The Hague, Holland, without Israeli representatives
present. The ICOC calls on member countries to adopt 'confidence building
measures' and behave transparently in matters of missiles and satellite
launches. Every member-country is required to report on missile systems
in its arsenals, provide advance notice of any missile or satellite launch,
and issue an annual report on launches."
Hook was killed by a single bullet to the back,
Ha'aretz (Israel), November 26, 2002
"The United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) has rejected
Israel's version of the events leading to Friday's fatal shooting by Israeli
troops of Iain Hook, a British consultant who was working on a British
government contract with the agency. An UNRWA spokesman in Geneva said
Tuesday that Hook was hit in the back by a single buller, at a time when
there was no military action in the area of the UNRWA compound. UNRWA
also denies that Palestinian gunmen were in the UN compound from which
Hook, 53, emerged and was shot dead and has termed Israel's version of
the events 'incredible.' The UN agency said Hook was armed only with a
cellphone he was using to try to evacuate UN staff while a gunbattle raged
in the area. Hook was killed inside the UNRWA compound at the Jenin refugee
camp. Paul McCann, a UN spokesman, said the army's claim that gunmen were
inside the compound was wrong. 'Our preliminary inquiry does not agree
with the statement that firing could have come from the UNRWA compound.
In fact, it is quite clear from our inquiry so far that this report of
firing from the compound is totally incredible,' he said. He said that
'the compound is very small and at no stage did we lose control of it.
There were no Palestinian militants in the compound.'"
Israelis Flock
to Buy Guns, Pack Heat at Services Up in Arms,
Village Voice, November 27 - December 3,
"Unemployment and inflation are skyrocketing in Israel, but fear
and paranoia are also soaring, and so business is booming for gun dealers
and security companies. Israeli society is becoming so militarized that
hosts of weddings and bar mitzvahs sometimes can't attract guests unless
they reveal the number of armed guards that will be on hand and even what
firm they're from. It's not just rightists and settlers who are arming
themselves. At the Magnum Gun Store in West Jerusalem, a first-time buyer
waits in a line that runs out the door and down the block. A 40-year-old
lawyer, David moved from Chicago several years ago. 'I vote Meretz [the
Left-wing party], and so do most of my friends,' he says with a shrug,
referring to one of the country's more left-leaning parties. 'But to be
honest, I think I'm the last person I know to finally get a gun.]" A balding
man next in line is growing noticeably impatient with such dovish sentiments.
He wears a T-shirt emblazoned with an F-16 jet streaking across the front,
and the message 'Don't Worry, America, Israel Will Protect You' ... Security-technology
companies are reporting record profits, and in Tel Aviv there are waiting
lists to buy hidden cameras. No one, however, has done as well as the
gun dealers. Some Jerusalem stores have been extending their hours to
accommodate the overflow of customers ... Even while praying. David Lau,
rabbi of Tze'irei Modi'in synagogue and son of Israel's chief Ashkenazi
rabbi, drew wide attention with his reinterpretation of religious law
in which he argued that due to the current climate, Jews could now remain
holstered even on Shabbat. Historically, it was strictly forbidden within
Orthodox doctrine to work, handle money, or carry weapons on the Sabbath,
but Lau ruled that, based on the religious tenet of pikuach nefesh (saving
a life), the faithful could now carry them. 'It was a deviation from our
tradition,' Lau admitted to The Jerusalem Post. In less Orthodox circles,
guns have been present, and even encouraged, in synagogues for some time.
At Shitblach Synagogue in West Jerusalem there is a large sign pasted
on the bulletin board that reads: 'Worshippers who have firearms are requested
to bring them to prayer service.' B'Tselem, an Israeli human rights organization,
points out that there are countless incidents of Israeli civilian attacks
on unarmed Palestinians and of settlers using their weapons to coerce
farmers off their land. But many Israelis worry more about the potential
harm to one another."
shot dead in Bethlehem,
Ha'aretz, November 28, 2002
"Palestinian sources reported Wednesday evening that IDF troops killed
33-year-old Ataf Abiya in the West Bank city of Bethlehem. Earlier Wednesday,
IDF troops shot dead a Palestinian as he was banging a drum to announce
the beginning of the Ramadan fast in a refugee camp near the West Bank
town of Nablus, hours after senior local Hamas and Fatah military commanders
were killed in the Jenin refugee camp in what security sources said was
an Israeli assassination ... IDF troops opened fire on Jihad a-Natour,
24, as he was going from alley to alley in the camp to announce the beginning
of the dawn-to-dusk fast. Military sources told Israel Radio that a-Natour
was shot after he had violated the curfew imposed on the camp, and that
another Palestinian curfew violator had been arrested."
Calling Federal Court of Canada to Decide Landmark Case on Jewish Charity,
Washington Report on Middle East Affairs,
September-October 2002, page 43
"Members of the Canadian Jewish community are anxiously awaiting
a decision by the Federal Court of Canada regarding a tax appeal launched
by a Jewish charity. The decision could mean that the Canadian Magen David
Adom for Israel (CMDA) loses its charitable status for financing activities
beyond Israel’s pre-1967 boundaries, in contravention of Canadian policy.
Jewish settlements in the West Bank, Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem are
considered 'contrary to international law and unhelpful to the peace process,'
according to the Canada Customs and Revenue Agency (CCRA). Canada’s Department
of External Affairs considers the settlements an obstacle to peace in
the Middle East. About two years ago, the CCRA notified the CMDA that
its charity registration was being revoked for operating in the occupied
territories. Canadian tax laws permit donors to claim a tax deduction
for contributions to registered charities. Provisions of the Income Tax
Act allow donors to write off part of their charitable contributions and
thereby reduce their taxable income by as much as 20 percent. The deduction
provisions of the Income Tax Act, aimed at encouraging private contributions
to charities, appear to have been used quite successfully by supporters
of Israeli settlement activity, considered illegal under international
escapades legendary. But Israeli secret service has had some failures
in recent years,
San Francisco Chronicle, December 2, 2002
"Few intelligence organizations have the mythic stature of Israel's
Mossad secret service and its vaunted Special Operations unit. Established
in 1951 to stymie the country's enemies, the Mossad's escapades are still
synonymous with James Bond-style secret agents, covert kidnappings and
assassinations, despite some notable glitches in recent years. Last week's
bombing of the Israeli-owned Paradise Hotel in Mombasa, Kenya, that killed
three Israelis and 10 locals has brought the Mossad -- Hebrew for 'the
Institution' -- into the spotlight once again. Prime Minister Ariel Sharon
has ordered Mossad agents to 'hunt down' those behind the suicide bombing
and the launching of missiles that missed an Israeli airliner taking off
nearby just minutes earlier. ... RESENTMENT AGAINST ISRAELIS. Israel is
also considering whether impoverished local Kenyans, resentful of the
Israeli presence in the Indian Ocean resort, aided the perpetrators. Israeli
tourists have become so prevalent over the years that restaurant menus
are often written in Hebrew, and souvenir store owners are able to talk
with the visitors in their native tongue ... The secretive agency has
always had the cooperation of the CIA, which helped train its agents and
provides it with sophisticated equipment ... /Israel doesn't want to be
perceived as conducting a one-man show against Muslim fundamentalists
because that would play into their hands -- presenting this as a war between
Muslims and Jews,' [Yossi] Melman said."
Palestinians killed in territories,
Ha'aretz (Israel), December 2, 2002
"Four Palestinians were killed in several incidents in the West Bank
and Gaza Strip on Monday, including one who was killed when Islamic Jihad
fired two mortars at the Erez industrial zone in the Gaza Strip, hitting
laborers coming home from work ... Earlier Monday, a Palestinian bystander
was shot and killed during a gunbattle in the center of Tul Karm between
Palestinian militants and Israeli troops attempting to arrest them, said
one of the militants, who spoke on condition of anonymity ... Earlier
in the day, IDF troops imposing a curfew in the West Bank city of Jenin
shot dead a Palestinian youth and wounded 20 others in a crowded market,
Palestinian witnesses and hospital sources said. Most of the wounded were
school children, who suffered light to moderate injuries. Palestinian
witnesses said the troops left Jenin after arresting two senior Islamic
Jihad militants, Mohammed Aqal and Murad Hasnin. Another eight men were
detained for questioning. During the operation in Jenin, the IDF found
two rifles and ammunition clips. The troops, backed by two tanks and two
armored vehicles, opened fire on Palestinians shopping for groceries ahead
of the four-day Eid el-Fitr holiday that marks the end of the fasting
month of Ramadan, the witnesses said."
agents sent in to kill,
The Australian (Australia), December 2, 2002
"As soon as Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon learned of
last Thursday's terrorist attacks in Kenya, he summoned Mossad chief Meir
Dagan to a meeting that promises to have momentous consequences for the
conduct of the US-led war on terror. War had been declared on the state
of Israel by the global Islamic terror syndicate, Mr Sharon told
Israel's top anti-terrorist expert. Change your priorities and get the
enemy one by one. Mr Sharon's blunt order on the day of his re-election
to the leadership of his right-wing Likud party will compel Mossad – Israel's
secret service for intelligence and special operations – to resort to
the kind of measures it has not taken for 30 years. According to a well-informed
source, the service has alerted sleeper agents in Saudi Arabia and Yemen
to hunt down the planners of the attacks on the Israeli-owned tourist
hotel and Israeli passenger plane at Mombasa. Codenamed Warriors, these
highly trained agents who volunteer to live under cover in Arab countries
normally remain dormant except in wartime, when their mission is to undermine
Arab preparations for strikes against Israel. The last time such a serious
order was given was in 1972. The then prime minister, Golda Meir, ordered
Mossad to kill the Palestinians involved in the murder of Israeli athletes
at the Munich Olympics. All but one were eliminated over six years. Mr
Dagan is a veteran of such operations and is reputed to have killed more
than 30 Palestinian terror suspects in Gaza during the 1970s ...'If bin
Laden was involved in the Kenya attack, this man is a walking corpse,'
said one agent. 'The price tag on Jewish blood is very high.' Others criticised
Mossad's decision to activate the Warriors as overkill. One source said:
'Muslim terrorism is not a critical threat to the state of Israel. We
should keep these people for an all-out war.'"
Times Palestinian Woman, 95, Killed by Israeli Gunfire by Michael
Wines, New York Times, December 3, 2002
"A 95-year-old Palestinian woman was fatally shot by Israeli troops
today as a car in which she was riding sped down a West Bank highway closed
to Palestinian vehicles, hospital officials said. She was the oldest known
victim in the current 26 months of fighting. The woman, Fattier Mohammed
Hassan, died from a bullet wound in the back, according to an official
in a Ramallah hospital quoted by The Associated Press. A second
woman in the car, 41-year-old Kifaya Rafat, was wounded in one leg. Israeli
and Palestinian spokesmen gave markedly different explanations of how
the shooting occurred. From her hospital bed, Ms. Rafat told the news
agency that Israeli troops approached the car as it neared a checkpoint
outside Ramallah, broke its windows and then retreated and began firing
at it from a distance. An Israeli military spokesman said that troops
tried to stop an automobile traveling on a road barred to Palestinian
vehicles for security reasons, then fired into the air when the driver
refused to stop. When the car continued down the road, the Israeli official
said, troops fired at its wheels in an effort to stop it. Patricia Smith,
the head of Palestine Monitor, an organization that keeps a record
of casualties in the conflict, said in a telephone interview that Ms.
Hassan appeared to be the oldest victim on record of Israeli-Palestinian
tells how Israelis buried deaf father alive,
The Independent (UK), December 3, 2002
"Beside the pile of flattened concrete, all that was left of his
home, Maher Salem described yesterday how his 68-year-old father was killed
when the Israeli army demolished the house on top of him. When he found
his father, Mr Salem said, the old man's head was 'like a bar of chocolate,
it was only two centimetres thick'. The Israeli army swept into Beit Lahiya,
a sandy town in the north of the Gaza Strip, late on Saturday night. The
man they came for was Mr Salem's brother, Hisham, a senior Islamic Jihad
militant and the man who ordered a suicide bombing on Tel Aviv's Dizengoff
Street in 1996 that killed 20 Israelis. The wanted man was at the wake
for his father yesterday – the Israeli army would love to get as close
to him as we did. A couple of Apache helicopters hovered on the horizon;
given the Israeli policy of assassinating militants, waiting around was
not a good idea. The army did not catch Mr Salem – the Israeli newspapers
gave his name as Hisham Thab, the family told us it was Salem – on Saturday
night. Instead, they demolished his family home. It was a six-storey house:
three generations of the family lived here. Yesterday all you could see
was a huge, layered mound of smashed concrete, family possessions poking
out in places: a bed, a chair, a rug. 'They came at around 10.50 that
night,' said Maher Salem. "There were more than 25 tanks. All the men,
we escaped from the house minutes before they got to it. We were in my
car about 100 metres from here. 'They shot at us. We got out of the car
and ran. We could hear them shouting over a loudspeaker, telling all the
people inside the house to come out in the next three minutes.' Inside
the house, he said, were only the women and children of the family and
his father, Ashur. The old man lived on the sixth floor, where he was
alone, sleeping, on the night the army arrived. He was deaf, Mr Salem
said, and could not hear the soldiers shouting for everyone to come out.
Fathiye Salem, the old man's niece, was one of the women in the house
at the time. She told how when they heard the soldiers, the women and
children ran out of the house. "I shouted at the soldiers, 'My uncle is
sleeping on the sixth floor, he's deaf'," Ms Salem said. "They pointed
their guns at us and shouted, 'Go! Go! Go!' Then the soldiers put dynamite
inside the house and blew it up, the women said. There was no time for
them to remove any goods. 'We got back at 2.20am,' resumed Mr Salem. 'We
were asking what happened to my father but no one knew. We started looking
for him in the rubble. At 9.20am we found his hand.' The old man's head
had been crushed under a beam. There has been controversy in the past
over Palestinian claims that people have been buried alive when the Israeli
army demolished their houses. In one case, in Jenin, Palestinians said
their relative had been buried. He later turned up alive. But this time
there was a body. It had been buried when we arrived. We saw the freshly
dug grave. And hundreds had turned up for the wake. This was not a show
for the media: there were no other journalists in sight. It would not
be the first time claims of this sort turned out to be true: in Nablus
in April, eight members of a single family died when a soldier bulldozed
their house on top of them. Their bodies were found, and the case has
been well documented by international human rights groups."
employees send Israel protest petition,
Ha'retz (Israel), (from Reuters), December
4, 2002
"A group of 64 UN workers based in Israel, the West Bank and Gaza
Strip issued a petition on Tuesday calling on Israel to stop what they
said has been the harassment, beating and killing of United Nations staff.
'For two years, United Nations staff have been subject to escalating harassment
and violence by Israel's military, so that the protection supposed to
be afforded by the blue letters of the UN is being steadily eroded,' said
the petition, released in Gaza. Asked about the statement, an Israeli
military official said: 'We reject the suggestion Israeli soldiers intentionally
try to harass UN personnel. We respect the work of the United Nations,
and that includes our commitment to their safety ... In the current Palestinian
uprising for statehood, UN officials have accused the army of firing on
health clinics, schools, ambulances and other installations run by UN
agencies. Israel has in turn accused UN officials of letting refugee camps
run by UNWRA be used as safe havens for militants behind suicide bombings
and doing nothing to stop gunmen from firing at Israeli troops from UN
installations. The signatories of the petition said they were writing
in their personal capacities. They included citizens of the United States,
Britain, Ireland, Germany, France, Australia, the Netherlands, Norway,
Austria, Finland, Spain, Jordan, Switzerland, Italy, Canada, Tanzania,
Luxembourg and Colombia."
Israel's role in
China's new warplane,
Asia Times, December 4, 2002
"The recent unveiling (sort of) of China's first domestically designed
(sort of) fighter jet was the culmination of a long saga of international
military-hardware wheeling and dealing that has seen US-designed or -funded
high-tech weaponry fall into the hands of potential military rivals. The
showpiece of many years' work, dating back to the late 1980s, recently
happened - albeit unobserved - when China confirmed the existence of,
but did not unveil, the Jian-10 fighter jet. It had been reported that
the J-10 (F-10 being the export version, using North Atlantic Treaty Organization
designation) would be shown in public for the first time during the fourth
China International Aviation and Aerospace Exhibition (Airshow China 2002)
held in Zhuhai in southern Guangdong province from November 4-10, but
the plane did not appear. The J-10 is a multi-role single-engine and single-seat
tactical fighter, with a combat radius of 1,000 kilometers. Although billed
as a domestically produced fighter, in truth the J-10 could not have happened
without the help of other countries, especially Israel. The program began
in the late 1980s and is thought to be based on an Israeli design. It
contains Israeli and Russian avionics, and is powered by Russian engines.
Chinese engineers developed the J-10 from a single F-16 provided by Pakistan,
and with assistance from Israeli engineers associated with Israel's US-financed
Lavi fighter program, which was canceled in 1987, according to the Federation
of American Scientists website. The Lavi was based on the US F-16 and
built with US$1.3 billion in aid from Washington. In 1983, when US support
for the Lavi commenced, the program was opposed vigorously by the Defense
Department, partly because of re-export concerns. An early supporter of
the Lavi was George Shultz, then secretary of state in the administration
of US president Ronald Reagan. Shultz would later label his advocacy of
the program a 'costly mistake'.
Maxwell Was a Mossad Spy. New claim on tycoon's mystery death,
By Gordon Thomas And Martin Dillon, Mirror,
(UK), Decemer 5, 2002
[Robert Maxwell, born Ludwig Hoch, was a Jewish immigrant
from Czecheslovakia to Great Britain]
"Eleven years after former Daily Mirror owner Robert Maxwell
plunged from his luxury yacht to a watery grave, his death still arouses
intense interest. Many different theories have circulated about what really
happened on board the Lady Ghislaine that night in May 1991. Some believe
the 67-year-old tycoon simply slipped into the sea, perhaps after a few
drinks. Others think Maxwell took his own life amid increasing troubles
in his business empire - after his death investigators discovered he had
been secretly diverting millions of pounds from two of his companies and
from employee pension funds in an effort to keep solvent. But now, after
two and a half years of investigative journalism, we believe we have unearthed
the true story of Maxwell's death and can reveal how he was murdered by
the Israeli secret service, Mossad. Our work, supported by documents,
including FBI reports and secret intelligence files from behind the Iron
Curtain, shows Maxwell had worked as a secret super spy for Mossad for
six years. The Czech-born millionaire and former Labour MP died the way
he had lived - threatening. He had threatened his wife. Threatened his
children. Threatened the staff of this newspaper. But finally he issued
one threat too many - he threatened Mossad. He told them that unless they
gave him £400million to save his crumbling empire, he would expose all
he had done for them. In that time, he had free access to Margaret Thatcher's
Downing Street, to Ronald Reagan's White House, to the Kremlin and to
the corridors of power throughout Europe. On top of that he had built
himself a position of power within the crime families of eastern Europe,
teaching them how to funnel their vast wealth from drugs, arms smuggling
and prostitution to banks in safe havens around the globe. MAXWELL passed
on all the secrets he learned to Mossad in Tel Aviv. In turn, they tolerated
his excesses, vanities and insatiable appetite for a luxurious lifestyle
and women. He told his controllers who they should target and how they
should do it. He appointed himself as Israel's unofficial ambassador to
the Soviet Bloc. Mossad saw the advantage in that. Having learned many
of the key secrets of the Soviet empire, Maxwell was given his greatest
chance to be a super spy. Mossad had stolen from America the most important
piece of software in the US arsenal. Maxwell was given the job of marketing
the stolen software, called Promis. Mossad had reconstructed the software
and inserted into it a device which enabled them to track the use any
purchaser made of the it. Sitting in Israel, Mossad would know exactly
what was going on inside all the intelligence services that bought it.
In all, Maxwell sold it to 42 countries, including China and Soviet Bloc
nations. But his greatest triumph was selling it to Los Alamos, the very
heart of the US nuclear defence system. The more successful Maxwell became
the more risks he took and the more dangerous he was to Mossad. At the
same time, the very public side of Maxwell, who then owned 400 companies,
began to unwind ... The group of Mossad plotters sensed, like Solomon,
he could bring their temple tumbling down and cause incalculable harm
to Israel."
Israeli Icon
Under Fire. Did the nation's most celebrated archaeologist deliberately
deceive the public about Masada?,
Chronicle of Higher Education, December 6,
"On the last day of October, a cavalcade of foreign dignitaries and
Israeli officials joined hundreds of ordinary citizens making their way
to the top of a plateau overlooking the Dead Sea. They gathered to proclaim
this secluded fortress, called Masada, one of the world's most important
historical sites -- a place worthy of global attention and protection.
The United Nations, which put the Israeli mesa on the list of World Heritage
Sites, chose the place in part to commemorate the Jewish rebels who held
the lofty stronghold, and eventually perished there, in the waning days
of a revolt against the Roman Empire in AD 73. In its report on Masada,
the U.N. concludes that 'the tragic events during the last days of the
Jewish refugees who occupied the fortress and palace of Masada make it
a symbol both of Jewish cultural identity and, more universally, of the
continuing human struggle between oppression and liberty.' One prominent
Israeli scholar, though, stayed home. He tossed aside his invitation and
instead made scornful remarks to the news media. For Nachman Ben-Yehuda,
a sociologist who is dean of the faculty of social sciences at Hebrew
University of Jerusalem, Masada stands as a symbol of national mythology
and academic deception -- a case study of how archaeologists can hijack
the scientific method for ideological purposes. In his controversial new
book, Sacrificing Truth: Archaeology and the Myth of Masada (Prometheus/Humanity
Books), Mr. Ben-Yehuda accuses Israel's most celebrated archaeologist,
the late Yigael Yadin, of professional misconduct in his excavations
at the site during the 1960s. After studying transcripts of conversations
and documents written during the work and years later, Mr. Ben-Yehuda
concludes that Yadin conducted 'a scheme of distortion which was aimed
at providing Israelis with a spurious historical narrative of heroism'
... Over the past decade, Mr. Ben-Yehuda has dedicated a large
portion of his time to exposing what he sees as the Israeli self-delusion
over Masada."
Jewish group
banned from Concordia University,
CBC, Dec 6, 2002
"There's more conflict at Montreal's Concordia University. The Jewish
group Hillel has been suspended by the student union for handing out pamphlets
at an information table. The student council says those pamphlets violate
Canadian law. Hillel says the pamphlets were recruitment propaganda for
the Mahal faction of the Israeli Defence Forces. It's a volunteer service
that enlists non-Israelis to fight on the country's behalf. Co-president
Noah Joseph says an intern placed the pamphlets on the table for
two hours. But the Concordia Student Union (CSU) says they contravene
Canada's Foreign Enlistment Act because armed forces from other countries
are not allowed to recruit in Canada. Joseph says Hillel lawyers
are looking into the allegations. But he believes there's another reason
his group has been targeted by the student union. 'The CSU is not going
after us over one issue. They've been trying to get us for a while and
they've found something with which they can pounce on us,' said Joseph.
CSU spokesman Ralph Lee says that's not the case ... Lee says the suspension
means Hillel's funding is frozen and it is not allowed to set up any information
"Please consider signing this petition, and spread the word. ----Original
Message Follows---- I am sending you a site for a group of people in the
Netherlands headed by Gretta Duizenberg, who is supporting the Palestinian
cause. She raised the Palestinian flag on the balcony of her house in
Amsterdam. As a consequence, she has received 5000 death and hate letters
from pro-Israelis in the Netherlands. However, she received 60,000 supporting
e-mails/letters, from Dutch and Arabs in the Netherlands. She wants to
collect 6 million e-mail signature to go to the Dutch and European parliaments
to request an end to the Israeli occupation. The Jewish lobby has been
very active and filed a lawsuit against her. She needs our support to
collect the 6 million signatures from all over the world to challenge
them. Let's support someone who is helping us without any money and at
great personal risk. She is invited by Yassir Arafat to visit Ghazza in
late November 2002. She is looking forward to collecting the 6 million
signatures before traveling to Ghazza. Please forward to as many people
as possible to sign. The on the group's website www.stopdebezetting.nl
(It means stop the occupation.) Click on the English version. Translation
of the submittal form is as follows: Naam: name Beroep/Functie:
Function (occupation?) Plaats: location
to let Israeli journalist speak on campus,
Globe and Mail (Canada), December 9, 2002
"Israeli journalist Gideon Kouts will be permitted to speak
at the campus of the University of Quebec at Montreal after school officials
reversed an earlier decision yesterday that forced organizers to cancel
the event. The university had said the group that organized the visit
breached its agreement to book classroom space and upset some students
with its ads for the event. That drew accusations of censorship from the
Canada-Israel Committee, which is organizing the lecture ... Mr.
Kouts made international headlines this fall when his accreditation
for the Francophonie summit in Beirut was revoked. Lebanese officials
made the move when they found out Mr. Kouts is a dual French-Israeli
citizen. He had also filed reports to an Israeli TV station, which authorities
said was against the law. He plans to discuss the incident in a lecture
entitled, From Durban to Beirut, the exclusion of Israel and Jews. Philippe
Elharrar, director of the Canada-Israel Committee, said Saturday
that Montreal's Jewish community was 'deeply concerned' about the university's
decision. He accused the university of caving to pressure from pro-Palestinian
students' ... In a letter sent to organizers Friday, Pierre Robitaille,
assistant to the university's vice-rector of administration, said Montreal's
Hillel Centre violated the arrangement under which the room was made available,
including no advertising for the event."
Mossad - The World's
Most Efficient Killing Machine,
by Gordon Thomas, Rense.com, December 9,
"Rafi Eitan, the legendary former Operations Chief of Mossad
told me when we sat together in his living room in a north Tel Aviv suburb:
'I always tried to kill when I could see the whites of a person's eyes.
So I could see the fear. Smell it on his breath. Sometimes I used my hands.
A knife, or a silenced gun. I never felt a moment's regret over a killing.'
Meir Amit, when he had been director of Mossad, later insisted
'we are like the official hangman or the doctor on Death Row who administers
the lethal injection. Our actions are all endorsed by the State of Israel.
When Mossad kills it is not breaking the law. It is fulfilling a sentence
sanctioned by the prime minister of the day' ... [Dagan, the tenth
man to head Mossad] would allow them to use proscribed nerve toxins. Dum-dum
bullets. Ways of killing that not even the Mafia, the former KGB or China's
secret service use ... Every person with proven field experience was on
a plane to Kenya within an hour of the [recent] massacre ... They were
the men and women of kidon, Mossad's ultra-secret assassination
unit. Their sole job in Mombasa was to find and kill the perpetrators
of the massacre: those behind the three bombers who had gone to their
deaths laughing. The kidon would kill the planners of the massacre after
they had traced them to their lair - wherever it was. It might take months
- as it had with avenging the murder of the Israeli athletes at the 1972
Munich Olympics. But the kidon would find the men behind the Mombasa
outrage and kill them. They would use a small laboratory of poisons, sealed
in vials until the moment came to strike. They had long and short-blade
knives. Piano wire to strangle. Explosives no bigger than a throat lozenge
capable fo blowing off a person's head. An arsenal of guns: short-barrel
pistols, sniper rifles with a mile killing range. The team chosen to go
to Mombasa had local language skills. They could pass for Arabs or for
Indian traders. Between them, they spoke Swahili and other dialects. They
dressed the part; they looked the part. They also understood the closed
language of their world. They had learned how to memorise fibres - precise
physical descriptions of people. Neviof , how to break into an office,
a bedroom, or any other given target and plant listening bugs - or a bomb.
Masluh, the skill of shaking off a tail. The women had learned how to
use their sex. To be ever ready to sleep with someone to obtain vital
information ...'We try to never use the same method twice. Our technicians
spend all their time devising new ways to kill,' a Mossad source told
me last week."
Israel helping China build new fighter jet,
World Tribune, December 9, 2002
"A new report says Israel has helped China develop a new fighter
jet built with Russian components and is weighing a Chinese request for
an Israeli radar system. A report by the Washington-based Jamestown Foundation
said China has sought Israeli radar for its new J-10 Chengdu fighter-jet.
The J-10 is said to make extensive use of foreign components, largely
from Russia, Middle East Newsline reported. Military discussion
between Israel and China have not been in the news since the Jewish state
cancelled the Phalcon airborne early-warning radar to Beijing last year.
The cancellation came after heavy U.S. pressure. The report also cited
'possible Israeli design assistance' for China's HQ-9/FT-2000 surface-to-air
missile and the SONG conventional submarine."
tallies swelling cost of Israel to US,
The Christian Science Monitor, December 9,
"Since 1973, Israel has cost the United States about $1.6 trillion.
If divided by today's population, that is more than $5,700 per person.
This is an estimate by Thomas Stauffer, a consulting economist in Washington.
For decades, his analyses of the Middle East scene have made him a frequent
thorn in the side of the Israel lobby. For the first time in many years,
Mr. Stauffer has tallied the total cost to the US of its backing of Israel
in its drawn-out, violent dispute with the Palestinians. So far, he figures,
the bill adds up to more than twice the cost of the Vietnam War. And now
Israel wants more. In a meeting at the White House late last month, Israeli
officials made a pitch for $4 billion in additional military aid to defray
the rising costs of dealing with the intifada and suicide bombings. They
also asked for more than $8 billion in loan guarantees to help the country's
recession-bound economy. Considering Israel's deep economic troubles,
Stauffer doubts the Israel bonds covered by the loan guarantees will ever
be repaid. The bonds are likely to be structured so they don't pay interest
until they reach maturity. If Stauffer is right, the US would end up paying
both principal and interest, perhaps 10 years out. Israel's request could
be part of a supplemental spending bill that's likely to be passed early
next year, perhaps wrapped in with the cost of a war with Iraq. Israel
is the largest recipient of US foreign aid. It is already due to get $2.04
billion in military assistance and $720 million in economic aid in fiscal
2003. It has been getting $3 billion a year for years. Adjusting the official
aid to 2001 dollars in purchasing power, Israel has been given $240 billion
since 1973, Stauffer reckons. In addition, the US has given Egypt $117
billion and Jordan $22 billion in foreign aid in return for signing peace
treaties with Israel. 'Consequently, politically, if not administratively,
those outlays are part of the total package of support for Israel,' argues
Stauffer in a lecture on the total costs of US Middle East policy, commissioned
by the US Army War College, for a recent conference at the University
of Maine. These foreign-aid costs are well known. Many Americans would
probably say it is money well spent to support a beleagured democracy
of some strategic interest. But Stauffer wonders if Americans are aware
of the full bill for supporting Israel since some costs, if not hidden,
are little known. One huge cost is not secret. It is the higher cost of
oil and other economic damage to the US after Israel-Arab wars. In 1973,
for instance, Arab nations attacked Israel in an attempt to win back territories
Israel had conquered in the 1967 war. President Nixon resupplied Israel
with US arms, triggering the Arab oil embargo against the US. That shortfall
in oil deliveries kicked off a deep recession. The US lost $420 billion
(in 2001 dollars) of output as a result, Stauffer calculates. And a boost
in oil prices cost another $450 billion. Afraid that Arab nations might
use their oil clout again, the US set up a Strategic Petroleum Reserve.
That has since cost, conservatively, $134 billion, Stauffer reckons. Other
US help includes: • US Jewish charities and organizations have remitted
grants or bought Israel bonds worth $50 billion to $60 billion. Though
private in origin, the money is "a net drain" on the United States economy,
says Stauffer. • The US has already guaranteed $10 billion in commercial
loans to Israel, and $600 billion in "housing loans." Stauffer expects
the US Treasury to cover these. • The US has given $2.5 billion to support
Israel's Lavi fighter and Arrow missile projects. • Israel buys discounted,
serviceable "excess" US military equipment. Stauffer says these discounts
amount to "several billion dollars" over recent years. • Israel uses roughly
40 percent of its $1.8 billion per year in military aid, ostensibly earmarked
for purchase of US weapons, to buy Israeli-made hardware. It also has
won the right to require the Defense Department or US defense contractors
to buy Israeli-made equipment or subsystems, paying 50 to 60 cents on
every defense dollar the US gives to Israel. US help, financial and technical,
has enabled Israel to become a major weapons supplier. Weapons make up
almost half of Israel's manufactured exports. US defense contractors often
resent the buy-Israel requirements and the extra competition subsidized
by US taxpayers. • US policy and trade sanctions reduce US exports to
the Middle East about $5 billion a year, costing 70,000 or so American
jobs, Stauffer estimates. Not requiring Israel to use its US aid to buy
American goods, as is usual in foreign aid, costs another 125,000 jobs.
• Israel has blocked some major US arms sales, such as F-15 fighter aircraft
to Saudi Arabia in the mid-1980s. That cost $40 billion over 10 years,
says Stauffer. Stauffer's list will be controversial. He's been assisted
in this research by a number of mostly retired military or diplomatic
officials who do not go public for fear of being labeled anti-Semitic
if they criticize America's policies toward Israel."
Israel Wins World's
Worst Housing Rights Violators Award,
rense.com, December 11, 2002
"The Geneva based Center on Housing Rights and Evictions (COHRE)
has identified the countries guilty of most consistently abusing and defying
international housing rights law in 2002 for its new annual Housing Rights
Violators Award. Israel is among the ten states chosen to receive the
award. The list of the top ten housing rights violators includes BURMA
USA and ZIMBABWE. The countries were selected on the basis of reliable
data which confirmed the widespread occurrence of housing rights violations
in recent years with a particular focus on the previous twelve months.
Over the past two years Israel has continued with impunity to violate
international human rights and humanitarian law. International human rights
organizations have denounced the brutal policies of the Israeli government,
including the practice of house demolition, a war crime under the Geneva
Conventions of 1949. Israel fails to abide by its obligations under all
international human rights conventions, such as the International Covenant
on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights; the International Convention
on the Elimination of all Forms of Racial Discrimination; the International
Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, a.o. Israel's major housing rights
violations identified by COHRE in 2002 include the following: * In April
2002 Israeli forces destroyed hundreds of homes in the Jenin Refugee Camp
leaving 4,000 people homeless. From April 2001 to April 2002 over 400
houses were completely destroyed and another 200 seriously damaged in
the Gaza Strip, leaving 5,000 people homeless. Between September 2000
and September 2001, 5,000 residential buildings were destroyed in the
West Bank. Homes are demolished for 'administrative' and 'punitive' reasons.
* Palestinian Arabs - who in 1948 owned most of Israel and now own only
3 per cent of the land - are severely restricted from building on this
3 per cent because of discriminatory laws and practices. Thus thousands
of Palestinians who had no chance of ever getting a building a permit
live in fear of having their non- permitted homes demolished by the Israeli
Authorities. In July 2002 the Israeli cabinet voted for the adoption of
a bill to restrict access to 'state land' (predominantly expropriated
land from Palestinians) to Jews only. Non-Jews may not purchase the land
and are rarely permitted to even use the land, leaving them with nowhere
to go ... For more information on the COHRE Housing Rights Violator Awards
Project, please feel free to contact COHRE at: The Centre on Housing Rights
and Evictions (COHRE) International Secretariat 83 rue de Montbrillant
1202 Geneva Switzerland Tel: + 41 22 734 1028 Tel: + 41 22 734 1052 Tel:
+ 41 22 734 1057 Fax: + 41 22 733 8336"
Zionism and Nazism. We can't
tell the difference. Can you?
Islamic Association for Palestine
[Juxtaposition of echoing photographs of Nazi and Israel actions]
academic boycott of Israel gathers pace,
Guardian (UK), December 12, 2002
"Evidence is growing that a British boycott of Israeli academics
is gathering pace. British academics have delivered a series of snubs
to their Israeli counterparts since the idea of a boycott first gained
ground in the spring. In interviews with the Guardian, British
and Israeli academics listed various incidents in which visits, research
projects and publication of articles have been blocked. Colin Blakemore,
an Oxford University professor of physiology, who supports a boycott,
said: 'I do not know of any British academic who has been to a conference
in Israel in the last six months.' Dr Oren Yiftachel, a left-wing
Israeli academic at Ben Gurion University, complained that an article
he had co-authored with a Palestinian was initially rejected by the respected
British journal Political Geography. He said it was returned to
him unopened with a note stating that Political Geography could
not accept a submission from Israel. Mr Yiftachel said that, after months
of negotiation, the article is to be published but only after he agreed
to make substantial revisions, including making a comparison between his
homeland and apartheid South Africa. The issue of a boycott was highlighted
in the spring when two British academics, Steven and Hilary Rose, had
a letter published in the Guardian supporting the idea. It was
signed by 123 other academics."
Converted to Islam? The Government
Will Send You To A Psychiatrist,
oznik.com (from Ha'aretz [Israel], December
12, 2002
"The [Israeli] Interior Ministry and the Ministry of Religious Affairs
are doing all they can to prevent official recognition of Jews who convert
or marry a Muslim. At the Interior Ministry, the Population Registry dismisses
documents from the Shara'aite court and requires converts to Islam to
show a conversion document from the Ministry of Religious Affairs. Those
who turn to the Ministry of Religious Affairs have to suffer harassment
and humiliation, after which they are given nothing. The Association for
Civil Rights is considering an appeal to the Supreme Court."
Eyeless in Israel,
by Gideon Levy,
rense.com (from Ha'aretz), December 15, 2002
"Is it too much to ask Israelis to take a look, even a glimpse, at
what's going on in their backyard? Are we even capable of dropping our
relentless preoccupation with primaries and the battle between Tnuva and
Strauss over cottage cheese, to pay attention to what is happening in
the territories under our occupation? A foreigner who happened to find
himself here wouldn't believe his eyes: A few weeks before the general
elections - a period that is supposed to be marked by an airing and sharpening
of views - Israel continues to close its eyes, not to see, not to hear
and not to know what it is doing to three million people who live less
than an hour from our homes. If this crass disregard is hard to accept
in normal times - the approach being that what doesn't interest me doesn't
exist - on the eve of elections that are considered (as always) critical,
it is nothing short of criminal. Here are a few updates from the past
few days: Five unarmed Palestinians, probably desperate workers who were
using a ladder to enter Israel from the Gaza Strip to find work, were
shelled by a tank and killed on Thursday. On Monday, soldiers killed a
Palestinian who was mentally handicapped. On Sunday, soldiers shot two
women and three children in Rafah, on the border with Egypt. One of the
women, a mother, was killed along with her two children, aged four and
15, and the other woman suffered serious injuries. The soldiers said they
thought the women and children were terrorists. A week ago Friday, 10
people were killed, including one woman and two employees of UNRWA, the
United Nations Relief and Works Agency, in a failed liquidation operation
in Al-Bureij refugee camp in the Gaza Strip. Earlier that week, a 95-year-old
woman who was traveling in a taxicab near Ramallah was shot to death by
a soldier. And a couple of days before that, soldiers demolished a building,
burying under the rubble a 70-year-man who was inside. All told, more
than 30 Palestinians were killed in the first 10 days of December, at
least half of them innocent civilians. What was once an 'anomaly' has
become a daily event, and what the army used to investigate, it no longer
even reviews. Does anyone care? Innocent victims - women, children, the
aged - exist only on our side. Most Israeli media outlets report these
events cursorily, if at all, and no politician makes any reference to
them. To this bloody harvest we need to add the mass arrests. According
to data of the IDF Spokesman's Office, 3,094 Palestinians are currently
incarcerated in military facilities alone; 932 of them have been placed
in administrative detention (arrest without trial). In other words, there
are nearly a thousand individuals detained for a six-month period without
any prospect of trial, many of them in two makeshift detention facilities,
Ketziot and Ofer, in which the conditions are apparently particularly
difficult. Otherwise, it is hard to explain why the IDF has prevented
reporters from visiting these sites for months. These are facts and statistics
that should be of great concern to public opinion, even if the public
in question is constantly threatened by terrorism. Daily killing of innocent
people and mass arrests without trial are issues that should at least
be the subject of public discussion, but here no one takes an interest,
as though the matter doesn't have a decisive influence not only on the
victims themselves, of course, but also on security and on the character
of the regime and society in Israel. But that is not enough. If the acts
of killing and the arrests are marginally reported by the media, the imprisonment
of the entire Palestinian people is continuing uninterrupted and unreported.
Whole cities, parts of which lie in ruins, are under almost unceasing
curfew; an entire population is unable to move from one village to the
next or from city to city without the authorization of the occupation
army - but within the Israeli public there is not even an echo of this.
No one asks why, or for how long, or whether this state of affairs does
not induce terrorism rather than prevent it. The security experts say
in an appallingly uniform voice that this is the only way, and hardly
anyone protests. It is more than likely that the majority of the public
doesn't know (and couldn't care less) whether the Palestinians are now
under curfew or just closure or maybe encirclement. The focus is exclusively
on our own difficulties and pain, which are certainly grave enough. Are
Israelis afraid to sit in cafes? It's been a long time since Palestinians
could even dream of that. Is it scary to travel on a bus in Israel? There
is no longer any such travel in the territories. Afraid to fly? Most Palestinians
have never flown. Unemployment is rising? That is nothing compared to
the malnutrition and near hunger in the territories, where the great majority
of the residents are not terrorists. A few weeks remain before the elections.
No one is mentioning the responsibility of Ariel Sharon, Shaul Mofaz and
Benjamin Ben-Eliezer for the killing and destruction. The Labor Party
leader, Amram Mitzna, talks a lot about separation and about what's good
for Israel's security - but not a word about morality or justice."
Has 5,000 Palestinians in Custody,
Earthlink (from Associated Press), December
18, 2002
[NOTE: There are about 3
million Palestinians in the Occupied Territories, 5000 jailed as possible
"terrorists." Per the American population of 280 million people,
a parallel percentage in the United States would represent over 450,000
people jailed without charges for suspicion of political activity]
"During Israel's forays into the West Bank in recent months, the
army has detained more than 5,000 Palestinian men in roundups that government
officials say have slowed, but not halted, attacks on Israel. About 1,000
of those prisoners face indefinite detention without trial -- a status
easily renewed every six months. For Israel's security forces, the roundups
that began in March amid an unprecedented wave of Palestinian suicide
bombings have proved the most effective tool in limiting attacks. Israeli
human rights groups have protested the mass arrests, but with Israelis
still facing bombings and shootings, broad public support remains. 'These
arrests have directly contributed to the reduction in terror attacks we
have witnessed in recent months,' the army said in a written response
to The Associated Press ... . The Palestinian Ministry of Prisoners says
about 5,500 Palestinians arrested since the fighting began in September
2000 remain incarcerated ... Of the total, more than 1,200 Palestinians
have been convicted in Israeli military courts and are serving sentences,
according to the Israeli human rights group B'Tselem and others
... To accommodate the increasing number of prisoners, Israel has reopened
the Ketsiot prison in the Negev Desert. More than 1,000 Palestinians were
detained there at the beginning of this month, including 840 under 'administrative
detention,' meaning they can be held indefinitely without charge, B'Tselem
said. During the first Palestinian uprising of 1987-1993, the camp was
notorious for its harsh conditions _ overcrowded cells, frequent reports
of beatings, excessive heat in the summer, freezing cold in the winter,
a lack of family visits. The prison closed in 1996 but reopened in April.
'Many of those recently detained without charge have been subject to torture
and ill-treatment,' said Hisham Abdel Razek, the Palestinian Minister
for Prisoners ... Today, prisoners being interrogated are permitted little
or no sleep for days or weeks, Fares said. They are forced to stand for
hours as their feet swell with pain. Interrogators tell a prisoner his
relatives have been killed, or that the family home will be demolished
if he does not confess, he said."
of nearby settlement killed in shooting attack in Gaza,
Ha'aretz (Israel) December 21, 2002
"A 40-year-old Israeli civilian was killed Friday morning in a shooting
attack near the Gush Katif bloc of settlements in the southern Gaza Strip.
The man was named as Rabbi Yitzhak Arameh, the rabbi of the ultra-Orthodox
settlement of Netzer Hazani. Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility for
the shooting ... A Palestinian passenger was killed in the West Bank town
of Jenin in a collision between an IDF tank and a minibus Thursday evening,
Palestinian sources reported. The sources said it was an accident, although
the minibus driver maintained the tank deliberately crashed into his vehicle.
The IDF provided no immediate reaction. Earlier Thursday, Palestinian
sources reported that an 11-year-old Palestinian girl was shot to death
in the Gaza Strip town of Rafah during a gunfight between IDF troops and
armed Palestinian militants. The Israeli army said it was checking the
report. Witnesses said soldiers stationed at the Tarmit military outpost
on the border with Egypt opened machine-gun fire at a residential area,
adding one of the gunshots hit the child in the chest. Hospital officials
identified the victim as Nadda Maddi. Thousands of mourners buried the
body of a 15-year-old youth from Rafah Thursday who was shot dead Wednesday
afternoon, also by Israeli soldiers stationed on the border. The latest
fatality was the third child or youth to be killed this week by Israeli
soldiers in the southern Gaza Strip towns of Rafah and Khan Younis."
[NOTE: Why would it be NECESSARY that a small minority of Jewish professors
keep a petition against Israel alive? Think about it.]
Jewish Professors
Keep Divestment Drive Alive,
Common Dreams (from Boston Globe), Decmeber
21, 2002
"The national movement to pressure universities to pull their investments
from Israel has been battered this year by critics who call it divisive
and anti-Semitic. But it has shown remarkable staying power in large part
because of an unusual group of supporters: Jewish professors. Hundreds
of college professors nationwide have signed petitions calling for divestment
from Israel, among them several dozen Jewish professors who call their
signatures an act of political conscience ... Modeled on an anti-apartheid
campaign that led campuses to divest from South Africa in the 1980s, the
petition criticizes Israel's actions in the occupied territories and calls
on universities to sell any investments in Israel, and in companies that
do business there. It has circulated at more than 50 campuses, including
Harvard, MIT, Yale, and the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. Although
most university presidents have repudiated or rejected its demands, the
petition has had a powerful impact on campus. It has become a flashpoint
for arguments among students - particularly Jews and Muslims - and triggered
a far more popular counter-petition supporting Israel. Since they
signed, Spelke and other Jewish professors have been bombarded
with e-mail and letters accusing them of betraying fellow Jews and Israel,
of self-loathing and anti-Semitism, and - most disturbing to some - of
giving comfort to suicide bombers in Israel. Most prominently, Harvard
president Lawrence H. Summers has publicly suggested that the divestment
movement has anti-Semitic overtones. Spelke and others say they see it
not as a matter of religion or psychology but of conscience, and their
intensely personal responses to the charges of anti-Semitism have helped
keep the divestment movement alive. ''The best way we as a society can
debate this is not to poke fingers - `Oh, you're saying that because you're
anti-Semitic' or `Oh, you're saying that because you're Jewish' - but
rather to evaluate the arguments straight up,'' Spelke said ... Raw emotion
has marked much of the debate, and Jewish supporters of Israel have not
been shy about labeling the petition as anti-Semitic. ''I don't know if
these people themselves are anti-Semitic, but Jews and non-Jews alike
have a responsibility to get their facts right - Israel is under attack,
and a petition that doesn't acknowledge this but only condemns Israel
is anti-Semitic,' said Asher Schachter, a Harvard Medical School
instructor who is one of 439 Harvard faculty to
sign an anti-divestment petition - far more than the 75 faculty at Harvard
who support divestment. ... Ken Olum, a member of the Tufts
physics department who helped organize a divestment petition on campus,
said he has wrestled so long with his frustrations with Israel, and with
widespread Jewish support for the government there, that he has stopped
identifying himself as a Jew when people discuss religion, the Middle
East, or other subjects. 'The fact that a lot of people who count themselves
as among the Jewish people are doing a great evil, an un-Jewish evil,
has been overwhelming,' Olum said. 'The moral stakes here are too
great to not take this stand.'''
have international law on their side,
by Stephen Zunes, The Progressive Media Project
"Crown Prince Abdullah is pressing President Bush to sympathize more
with the Palestinian cause. Bush should heed that call. And he should
do so not because the United States needs Saudi oil, nor because Bush
wants Saudi support for a war on Iraq, but because the Palestinians simply
have a better case than the Israelis. In virtually all the outstanding
issues -- the extent of the Israeli withdrawal, the status of Jerusalem,
the Jewish settlements in the occupied territories and the fate of the
Palestinian refugees -- the Palestinian position is far more consistent
with international law and U.N. Security Council resolutions than is that
of Israel. For example, the Fourth Geneva Convention -- a legally binding
international treaty -- forbids any country from transferring any part
of its civilian population onto lands seized by military force. This makes
every Israeli settlement outside of Israel's internationally recognized
pre-1967 borders illegal. The U.N. Security Council unanimously adopted
two resolutions -- 446 and 465 -- that confirmed this and declared that
Israel must withdraw all of its settlers. But in the U.S.-backed peace
proposals put forth by former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak at Camp
David in July 2000, 85 percent of the settlers and their settlements and
surrounding areas would have been incorporated into a greatly expanded
Honorary Doctorate
Speech - Turin University,
by Harold Pinter (27th November 2002)
[Playwright Pinter is of partial Jewish descent]
"The US is at this moment developing advanced systems of 'weapons
of mass destruction' and it prepared to use them where it sees fit. It
has more of them than the rest of the world put together. It has walked
away from international agreements on biological and chemical weapons,
refusing to allow inspection of its own factories. The hypocrisy behind
its public declarations and its own actions is almost a joke. The United
States believes that the three thousand deaths in New York are the only
deaths that count, the only deaths that matter. They are American deaths.
Other deaths are unreal, abstract, of no consequence. The three thousand
deaths in Afghanistan are never referred to. The hundreds of thousands
of Iraqi children dead through US and British sanctions which have deprived
them of essential medicines are never referred to. The effect of depleted
uranium, used by America in the Gulf War, is never referred to. Radiation
levels in Iraq are appallingly high. Babies are born with no brain, no
eyes, no genitals. Where they do have ears, mouths or rectums, all that
issues from these orifices is blood. The two hundred thousand deaths in
East Timor in 1975 brought about by the Indonesian government but inspired
and supported by the United States are never referred to. The half a million
deaths in Guatemala, Chile, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Uruguay, Argentina
and Haiti, in actions supported and subsidised by the United States are
never referred to. The millions of deaths in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia
are no longer referred to. The desperate plight of the Palestinian people,
the central factor in world unrest, is hardly referred to. But what a
misjudgement of the present and what a misreading of history this is.
People do not forget. They do not forget the death of their fellows, they
do not forget torture and mutilation, they do not forget injustice, they
do not forget oppression, they do not forget the terrorism of mighty powers.
They not only don't forget. They strike back. The atrocity in New York
was predictable and inevitable. It was an act of retaliation against constant
and systematic manifestations of state terrorism on the part of the United
States over many years, in all parts of the world. In Britain the public
is now being warned to be "vigilant" in preparation for potential terrorist
acts. The language is in itself preposterous. How will - or can - public
vigilance be embodied? Wearing a scarf over your mouth to keep out poison
gas? However, terrorist attacks are quite likely, the inevitable result
of our Prime Minister's contemptible and shameful subservience to the
United States. Apparently a terrorist poison gas attack on the London
Underground system was recently prevented. But such an act may indeed
take place. Thousands of school children travel on the London Underground
every day. If there is a poison gas attack from which they die, the responsibility
will rest entirely on the shoulders of our Prime Minister. Needless to
say, the Prime Minister does not travel on the underground himself. The
planned war against Iraq is in fact a plan for premeditated murder of
thousands of civilians in order, apparently, to rescue them from their
dictator. The United States and Britain are pursuing a course which can
lead only to an escalation of violence throughout the world and finally
to catastrophe."
Gets 65 Days For Killing 95 Year Old Woman,
by Amos Harel and Arnon Regular, Ha'aretz (Israel),
December 27, 2002
[Also posted at rense.com]
"An Israel Defense Forces soldier who killed a 95-year-old Palestinian
woman earlier this month has been sentenced to 65 days in military prison.
The incident occurred on December 3, at a roadblock at Ramallah's northern
entrance. The soldier, from a Paratroopers unit, fired at a taxi which
the army claims was traveling on a road forbidden to Palestinian vehicles.
The woman, Fatma Obayed, who was in the car, was wounded fatally in the
neck by the shots. An IDF inquiry established that the shots were fired
without justification, since the taxi did not pose a mortal threat to
the soldiers. The soldiers at the checkpoint failed to follow the IDF's
rules of engagement, the inquiry found. The soldier was tried a few days
after the incident by his battalion commander. The shooting victim's family
was outraged yesterday by what it regarded as an unjustifiably light sentence
for the soldier. Mohammed Obayed, the victim's grandson who lives in A'atara
northwest of Ramallah, stated angrily: 'The Israeli army thinks that it
is humanitarian and progressive, but this sentence shows its true face.
The soldier's action was a very grave matter, but in my opinion whoever
judged the soldier bears much greater responsibility since he has encouraged
Palestinian blood to be spilled in the future. Other solders will understand
that the price to be paid for such an act is just two months in prison.'"
the Wall: PENGON Launches the Apartheid Wall Campaign,
Palestine Chronicle, December 27 2002
"Contrary to worldwide news reports, the Wall (also referred to as the
'fence' or 'security fence') which Israel is currently building in the
northeast of the West Bank, as well as in the Bethlehem and Jerusalem
areas, will not mark the 1967 border, also known as the Green Line. Rather,
amidst some of the most fertile land in Palestine, this latest unilateral
offensive will be a further exercise in Israel’s annexation of lands,
destruction of agriculture and property, and violation of human rights.
The construction and destruction revolving around the Apartheid Wall is
to move full-force in the coming months and the Wall could be completed
in less than one year. The prospects of a completed wall are horrific,
and will translate into the confiscation and annexation of some 10% of
the West Bank, the destruction of hundreds of thousands of dunums of farmland
including the uprooting of hundreds of thousands of trees, the demolition
of homes, and the tragic “advancement” of the closure and siege policy
that will leave thousands of families landless, jobless, hungry, and hopeless.
The image of cities and villages encircled by checkpoints, by-pass roads,
and settlements is now being accompanied by an 8-meter high concrete wall
with trenches, electric fences, sensors, cameras, and armed watchtowers."
Harvard-MIT Petition for Divestment from Israel,
Refuse and Resist
"We, the undersigned are appalled by the human rights abuses against
Palestinians at the hands of the Israeli government, the continual military
occupation and colonization of Palestinian territory by Israeli armed
forces and settlers, and the forcible eviction from and demolition of
Palestinian homes, towns and cities. We find the recent attacks on Israeli
citizens unacceptable and abhorrent. But these should not and do not negate
the human rights of the Palestinians. As members of the MIT and Harvard
University communities, we believe that our universities ought to use
their influence - political and financial - to encourage the United States
government and the government of Israel to respect the human rights of
the Palestinians. We therefore call on the US government to make military
aid and arms sales to Israel conditional on immediate initiation and rapid
progress in implementing the conditions listed below. We also call on
MIT and Harvard to divest from Israel, and from US companies that sell
arms to Israel, until these conditions are met: Israel is in compliance
with United Nations Resolution 242 which notes the inadmissibility of
the acquisition of territory by war, and which calls for withdrawal of
Israeli armed forces from occupied territories. Israel is in compliance
with the United Nations Committee Against Torture 2001 Report which recommends
that Israel's use of legal torture be ended ..."
Sacred Terrorism,
written by Livia Rokach, A study based on
Moshe Sharett's Personal Diary, and other documents. Foreword by Noam
"Popular support of Israel over the last quarter of a century has
been based on a number of myths, the most persistent of which has been
the myth of lsrael's security. Implying the permanent existence of grave
threats to the survival of Jewish society in Palestine, this myth has
been carefully cultivated to evoke anxious images in public opinion to
permit, and even encourage, the use of large amounts of public funds to
sustain Israel militarily and economically. "Israel's security" is the
official argument with which not only Israel but also the U.S. denies
the right of self-determination in their own country to the Palestinian
people. For the past three decades it has been accepted as a legitimate
explanation for lsrael's violation of international resolutions calling
for the return of the Palestinian people to their homes. Over the past
thirteen years Israel has been allowed to evoke its security to justify
its refusal to retreat from the Arab and Palestinian territories occupied
in 1967. Security is still the pretext given by successive Israeli governments
for widespread massacres of civilian populations in Lebanon, for expropriations
of Arab lands, for the establishment of Jewish settlements in the occupied
territories, for deportations, and for arbitrary detentions of political
prisoners. Although the security of the Arab populations in the whole
region has been repeatedly threatened over these years by overt and covert
warfare, terrorist plots and subversive designs, and although UN resolutions
demand the establishment of secure borders for all states in the region,
so far only lsrael's security has been at the center of international
Court Says Reservists Must Serve,
Yahoo! News (from Associated Press), Dec
30, 2002
"Israel's Supreme Court ruled Monday that army reservists cannot
refuse to serve in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, while four Palestinians
were killed by troops in ongoing violence. Another Palestinian died under
unclear circumstances in the West Bank city of Hebron. Palestinians said
an 18-year-old was taken away by Israeli border police and beaten, then
was brought back and died. The Israeli military had no immediate comment.
In its ruling, the high court sidestepped a decision on whether Israel's
35-year occupation of the disputed territories violates international
law. Eight reservists contended that Israel's occupation is illegal, and
therefore they have the right to refuse duty there. The court ruled that
reservists cannot choose their assignments. Since the outbreak of Israeli-Palestinian
fighting 27 months ago, more than 500 Israeli soldiers have refused to
serve in the West Bank and Gaza, saying they are unwilling to help perpetuate
military rule over another people. Dozens of soldiers have been sent to
military jails for periods ranging from a few days to a month or more.
Israel captured the West Bank and Gaza in the 1967 Mideast war, and withdrew
from Palestinian population centers as part of interim peace deals in
the mid-1990s. But it reoccupied most areas in June, as part of an offensive
against Palestinian militants who have been attacking Israelis with bombs
and guns. The court said accepting the reservists' demands could further
deepen the rifts in Israeli society. 'The considerations of state security
and the integrity of Israeli society must be considered against the arguments
of conscience and belief,' Justice Dorit Beinisch wrote."
takes on rabbis over Jewish identity. Religious and secular clash over
right to settle in Israel,
The Guardian (UK), December 31, 2002
"Ariel Sharon has called on religious leaders to make it easier
to become a Jew to revive the immigration that provides a buffer to the
burgeoning Arab population. The prime minister's remarks follow a call
by one of his own cabinet for a ban on immigration by secular Jews, exposing
a deep divide in the government between those who say an influx from the
former Soviet Union threatens Israel's religious identity and those who
increasingly fear the high Arab birthrate. The ultra-orthodox health minister,
Nissim Dahan, revived debate on the issue by declaring that secular
Jews and those who do not qualify as Jewish under religious law, which
is more stringent in its definition than government legislation, should
not be allowed to settle in Israel. 'We prefer a Jew overseas to a gentile
in Israel,' he said. But Mr Dahan was quickly shot down by the prime minister,
who said: 'It should be possible for anyone who wants to become a Jew
to do so.' Israel's establishment is split on the issue. At the heart
of the disagreement is the decade-long wave of immigration in which about
1 million Russians and citizens of the former Soviet republics have come
to Israel under the 'grandfather clause' of the Law of Return, which permits
anyone with a Jewish grandparent to obtain Israeli citizenship. The clause
was introduced in 1970 as a response to the Nazi definition of a Jew as
anyone with a Jewish grandparent. Orthodox rabbis say that up to 70% of
the arrivals in recent years do not qualify as Jewish under religious
law, which requires an individual's mother to have been Jewish. The government
estimates that 25% of all Russian immigrants are not Jewish according
to religious law and need to convert. Most do not, partly because the
process is laborious and partly because the Russian community tends to
be secular. The interior minister and leader of the Shas party, Eli
Yishai, says such figures threaten the existence of Israel as a Jewish
state. 'By the end of the year 2010 the state of Israel will lose its
Jewish identity,' he said. 'A secular state will bring ... hundreds of
thousands of goyim [gentiles] who will build hundreds of churches and
will open more stores that sell pork. In every city we will see Christmas
Globe and Mail, December 31, 2002, Page A10
"Early this month, the Israeli army ordered property seizures and
house demolitions in Hebron. I hope that Canadian architects, and everyone
who values the global architectural heritage, will join Palestinian and
Israeli architects who have come together in protest against this planned
destruction of historic buildings in the West Bank city. These buildings,
in the Jaber neighbourhood, date from the Mamluk to the Ottoman period
(15th to 19th centuries). They form an integral part of the fabric of
the old town. Incredibly, this destruction is being proposed despite an
uncompleted rehabilitation project for historic Hebron receiving an Aga
Khan award for architecture in 1998. The clearance is intended to link
two Jewish settlements. As many as 103 buildings (Palestinian homes) will
be affected. Apart from the human misery being created, it represents
a cavalier disregard for global heritage and warrants condemnation by
the world community."
survivors protest IDF treatment of Palestinians,
Christian Science Monitor, December 31, 2002
"Ha'aretz reports that a group of Holocaust survivors, calling
itself the 'Forum of Holocaust survivors and descendants to halt the deterioration
of Israeli humanism' has begun a petition to protest the way Israeli defense
forces are treating Palestinians. The petition reads 'Israeli society
is descending into a quagmire of violence, brutality, disrespect for human
rights, and contempt for human life' and that 'domination of another people
against its will contradicts the lessons of the Holocaust, morally, humanely,
and politically.' 'Palestinian terror is a despicable crime,' says the
petition by Zvi Gil, the forum coordinator, and journalist Raoul
Teitelbaum, immediately following that obvious statement with 'we
cannot clear our conscience in light of the mass, arbitrary destruction
of civilians' homes, uprooted olive trees, and orchards shaved to the
ground. We cannot accept the extensive disruptions of daily life and abuse,
for its own sake or not, at the checkpoints.' News of the petition comes
as Israeli human rights group B'Teselem released a new report yet
again accusing Israeli troops of beating Palestinians and continuing to
use Palestinians as human shields, even though the Israeli Supreme Court
has granted an injunction against the practice and the IDF has repeatedly
promised to stop. Meanwhile, Palestinians officials accused IDF troops
of beating a Palestinian teenager to death on Monday. Witnesses allege
the youth was working at a gas station in south Hebron when an Israeli
jeep patrol arrived. Soldiers pulled the youth into their jeep and drove
off. The witnesses allege the soldiers returned 15 minutes later, driving
through the gas station, pushing the youth's body out without stopping.
Israeli officials say they are investigating the incident. The Boston
Globe reports that such incidents are some of the 1,200 cases of Palestinian
civilian deaths at the hands of Israeli soldiers in more than two years
of fighting, according to Palestinian and international human rights monitoring
groups. Human rights activists and military specialists says the deaths
are 'the result of a military that has not properly investigated civilian
deaths and has created an atmosphere in which soldiers are not held accountable.'"
Israel's watchdog turns on its master,
Ha'aretz (Israel), January 1, 2003
"The Central Elections Committee, the government watchdog meant to
oversee the democratic process, appeared to have turned on its master
this week, raising fears over the direction of Israeli democracy as the
panel quashed the Knesset candidacy of Israel's best known Arab lawmakers,
while giving a green light to a former senior aide and onetime successor
to Meir Kahane. In short order, the Central Elections Committee
flew in the face of recommendations by the Attorney General and the Supreme
Court justice that chairs the panel, allowing former extremist Kach movement
leader Baruch Marzel to remain on the ballot for the January 28
elections, then disqualifying the candidacy of Arab legislator Ahmed Tibi.
Early on Wednesday, the committee again defied the advice of its chairman,
narrowly striking down the candidacy of firebrand Arab lawmaker Azmi Bishara.
Ironically, the law under which Tibi and Bishara were banned was last
strengthened in order to bar the avowedly anti-Arab Kahane from
politics. As amended in 1985, the law states that 'A candidates' list
shall not participate in elections to the Knesset if its objects or actions,
expressly or by implication, include one of the following: 1) negation
of the existence of the State of Israel as the state of the Jewish people;
2) negation of the democratic character of the State; 3) incitement to
racism.' The language of the law points to bedrock tensions in a society
struggling to balance clashing aspirations and demands ... The committee
action was the latest in a series of recent moves which have sparked fierce
discussion over the future of democracy in Israel. Last month, a rarely
enforced censorship statute was invoked to prohibit the showing of a prominent
Israeli Arab actor-director's documentary film on IDF actions in the Jenin
refugee camp. An effort is also underway to curb and perhaps outlaw the
Islamic Movement, an Israeli Arab political organization active largely
in the north. Concern for the democratic process has also risen as a result
of burgeoning police probes into allegations of bribery, blackmail, granting
of sexual favors, and involvement of racketeers in the December 8 Likud
Knesset primary elections. Civil liberty issues have meanwhile been raised
in published drafts of the platform of the far-right National Union-Yisrael
Beiteinu party, whose leaders openly advocate what they call 'voluntary
transfer' of Palestinians. The draft platform also reportedly calls for
a state which is 'Jewish first and foremost, and which is also democratic'
... Arab politicians and pollsters warned Wednesday that if the court
allows the disqualifications to stand, a sharply-felt boycott by Arab
voters would likely ensue. The very fact that parties are being disqualified
from Knesset candidacy is in itself an indication that Israeli democracy
is threatened, observes Ha'aretz commentator Avirama Golan."
human shields draw fire. Human rights groups return to court over army's
use of Palestinian civilians,
Guardian (UK), January 2, 2003
"Basem Maswadeh knew he was in trouble when an Israeli soldier pushed
him into the barber's chair and reached for the clippers. The humiliation
of a shaved head - or, more accurately, having chunks of hair ripped out
by the brutal wielding of the shears - was the start of an ordeal that
culminated with Mr Maswadeh and two friends standing in a Hebron street
as Israeli troops shot over their shoulders at stone-throwing Palestinians.
'The soldiers hid behind our backs as they pushed us forward,' said Mr
Maswadeh. 'Then they put their guns on our shoulders and began shooting.
We felt our eardrums burning, but when we tried to put our hands over
our ears, they beat our hands away. The noise was terrible because the
gun was right next to my ear.' The soldiers fired dozens of plastic bullets,
using the three Palestinian men as shields, before the crowd dispersed.
In May, as Israeli human rights groups sought a supreme court order barring
soldiers from seeking protection behind human shields after their widespread
use during the army's assaults on Jenin and other West Bank cities, the
military admitted the policy was illegal and said it would stop. But human
rights groups will return to court on Sunday to argue that the army has
only ended such abuses selectively, and is in breach of court orders.
'The method is the same each time,' says Israel's most prominent human
rights group, B'Tselem. 'Soldiers pick a civilian at random and force
him to do dangerous tasks that put their lives at risk' ... The army says
it has issued an order barring the use of human shields, but it contends
that another policy, known as the 'neighbour procedure', can continue
because it is not illegal. The 'neighbour procedure' involves soldiers
'requesting' of civilian that they enter buildings and demand that wanted
men inside surrender. Human rights groups say that almost no one does
such a thing voluntarily."
Germs, gas and A-bombs. Fingers on all the buttons. The world's best-known
and most efficient 'secret' manufacturer of weapons of mass destruction
is not Iraq, not even North Korea, but Israel, Neil Sammonds looks at
a nuclear, biological and chemical warfare programme that even the Israeli
Knesset cannot get access to, let alone the United Nations,
Index on Censorship, January 3, 2002
"In September 1986, Mordechai Vanunu, a technician at Israel's Dimona
nuclear site, revealed to the Sunday Times that the nuclear military programme
based there had produced 'over 200' nuclear warheads. Days later he was
tricked into flying to Rome where he was abducted by Mossad agents and
secretly transported to Israel. In November 1986, he was tried in camera
and sentenced to 18 years' imprisonment, 14 of which were spent in solitary
confinement. In 1999, in response to a petition from Yediot Ahronot newspaper,
the government released about 40 per cent of the trial documents. The
Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists estimates that Israel has the world's
fifth largest stockpile of nuclear warheads (more than Britain, which
it believes has 185). In February 2000, Knesset member Issam Mahoul
said Israel had '200 to 300' nuclear weapons; in August of that year,
the Federation of American Scientists said that Israel could have produced
'at least 100 nuclear weapons, but probably not significantly more than
200'; the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute estimates 200.
Other sources, including Jane's Intelligence Review, estimate between
400 and 500 thermonuclear and nuclear weapons. What Dimona is to Israel's
nuclear programme, the Israeli Institute for Biological Research (IIBR)
at Nes Ziona is to its chemical and biological warfare (CBW) programme.
The high-security facility is absent from aerial survey photographs and
maps, on which it has been replaced by orange groves. Except for token
visits to Dimona by a Norwegian team in 1961 and a US team in 1969, there
has been no international scrutiny. Even the Knesset is denied access.
However, the 1993 report by the Office of Technology Assessment for the
US Congress states that Israel has 'undeclared offensive chemical warfare
capabilities' and is 'generally reported as having an undeclared offensive
biological warfare programme'. Anthony Cordesman of the Centre for Strategic
and International Studies states that Israel has conducted extensive research
into gas warfare and is ready to produce biological weapons. According
to an exhaustive study by Karel Knip, a Dutch journalist, the IIBR's work
has included the synthesis of nerve gases such as tabun, sarin and VX.
The October 1992 crash an of El Al cargo plane in Amsterdam that caused
at least 47 deaths and caused hundreds of immediate and subsequent mysterious
illnesses led to the disclosure in 1998 that flight LY1862 was carrying
chemicals including 50 gallons of dimethyl methylphosphonate (DMMP) -
enough to produce 594 pounds of sarin. The DMMP was supplied by Solkatronic
Chemicals Inc of Morrisville, Pennsylvania, and was destined for the IIBR.
Avner Cohen has catalogued reported uses of biological weapons
by Jewish forces during the 1948 war in Palestine. The Israeli historian
Uri Milstein alleged that 'in many conquered Arab villages, the
water supply was poisoned to prevent the inhabitants from coming back.'
Milstein states that one of the largest of such covert operations caused
the typhoid outbreak in Acre in May 1948. The Palestinian Arab Higher
Committee reported in July 1948 that there was some evidence that Jewish
forces were responsible for a cholera outbreak in Egypt in November 1947
and in Syrian villages near the Palestinian-Syrian border in February
1948. In May 1948, the Egyptian ministry of defence stated that four 'zionists'
had been captured while trying to contaminate artesian wells in Gaza with
'a liquid which was discovered to contain germs of dysentery and typhoid'.
In 1954, it was widely reported that defence minister Pinchas Lavon had
proposed using BW for special operations. Cohen says: 'Israel has
presumably employed biological or toxin weapons for special operations.'
In 1955, Prime Minister Ben Gurion ordered the weaponisation and stockpiling
of chemical weapons in case of a war with Egypt. Former Mossad agent Victor
Ostrovsky claims that lethal tests have been performed on Arab prisoners
at the IIBR. There are allegations that Israel has used CBW on numerous
occasions: Chemical defoliants used by the army against Palestinian lands,
including Ain el-Beida in 1968, Araqba in 1972 and Mejdel Beni Fadil in
1978; Armed nuclear missiles in the 1967 and 1973 Arab-Israeli wars; Chemical
weapons in the 1982 war on Lebanon, including hydrogen cyanide, nerve
gas and phosphorus shells; In the 1980s lethal gases against Palestinian
civilians and Palestinian, Lebanese and Israeli Jewish prisoners. Discussing
delivery systems, the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists states that Israel's
F-16 squadrons based at Nevatim and Ramon are the most likely carriers
of nuclear warheads and that a small group of pilots has been trained
for nuclear strikes ... Israel also has three Dolphin-class submarines,
the Dolphin, the Leviathan and the Tekuma, which are reportedly modified
to carry nuclear-tipped cruise missiles. It is widely believed to possess
a tactical nuclear capability, including small nuclear landmines, and
strategic nuclear warheads that it can fire from cannons. The UN Security
Council regularly calls on Israel 'urgently to place its nuclear facilities
under the safeguards of the International Atomic Energy Agency.' Israel
has signed but not ratified the Chemical Weapons Convention, but is one
of only four countries in the world - with Cuba, India and Pakistan -
not to have signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty."
Israel building Berlin Wall Arafat described the wall as 'unacceptable'
Palestinian leader,
BBC (UK), January 4, 2002
"Yasser Arafat has accused Israel of constructing a 'Berlin Wall'
around Jerusalem. French newspaper Le Parisien reported the comments
in an interview with Mr Arafat which was also published on its web site.
In the following excerpts, Mr Arafat told the newspaper that international
bodies must intervene if there is to be peace in the Middle East ... .
'Right now, the Israelis do whatever they want, and their sole aim is
to strangle us. They are destroying us so that they are better able to
start building a wall. The wall will be longer than 350 km. The line followed
by the wall cheats considerably with regard to the 'green line' which
was established as a border in 1967' ... How can they be allowed to build
this 'Berlin Wall' around Jerusalem, the Holy City of three religions?
It's unacceptable! Public opinion needs to realise what's happening."
image of liberal democracy takes a battering,
Telegraph (UK), January 4, 2003
"Angie Zelter, a human rights activist from Norfolk, had a lesson
in the Israeli government's tough new policy towards foreigners when she
flew in to Tel Aviv this week. She had been summoned to appear in a trial
of a Jewish settler who allegedly assaulted her but the trial had been
cancelled and the authorities decided to deport her immediately. She was
bundled in a blanket on to an Austrian Airlines plane, where she sat on
the floor of the cabin, shouting that she did not want to go. The pilot
refused to take off with her and she was held in an airport cell for three
days. With the help of the British embassy, she secured a court hearing
against her deportation, but the judge ruled she was a danger to state
security. She flew back to London on Thursday. 'Every state has the right
to deport whoever it wants,' said her lawyer, Shamai Leibowitz.
'But this case was unusual and shocking in that the judge did not need
a word of evidence to rule that she was a threat and should be sent home.'
The case of Mrs Zelter, 52, is just one of hundreds where Israel's formerly
open policy of letting just about anyone in on a tourist visa has been
replaced by one of deep suspicion of anyone who looks as if they might
be helping or offering support to the Palestinians. From humble backpackers
to doctors and aid workers, all have been deported or held in cells while
embassies or employers try to get them out. Rabbi Arik Asherman,
executive director of Rabbis for Human Rights, knows Mrs Zelter
well and worked with her during the autumn olive harvest, a time of frequent
clashes between Palestinian farmers and Jewish settlers. 'We worked closely
with the Israeli security forces. It is beyond me that she should be kicked
out,' he said. 'All she did was organise the Palestinians to reach their
fields but perhaps some people see even that as a threat.' Developments
in the Israeli courts and politics have given Israel's image of a liberal
democracy a battering. Activists believe that the tensions in Israel -
between Left and Right, religious and secular, Jews and Arabs - have reached
crisis point. Rabbi Asherman chooses his words carefully. 'We have
seen over the past year some very worrying signs of growing intolerance,'
he said. 'On the whole our society still has a very high tolerance for
dissident opinions - more than the US after September 11 - but I do see
signs that this could change, and change very quickly' ... Politics has
swung massively to the Right and the subject of the expulsion of the Palestinians
- previously considered taboo - is openly discussed by the extreme Right
parties, though always under the code of 'voluntary transfer'. The latest
focus of fear is Israel's Arab minority, 20 per cent of the population.
With elections scheduled in three weeks the central election committee,
dominated by politicians of the Right, disqualified two of the most outspoken
Arab members of the Israeli parliament - Azmi Bishara and Ahmed Tibi -
from running again. This decision has become a watershed in relations
between the Israeli establishment and the Arab minority and reflects Israel's
fear of an Arab 'enemy within'. The case is to be heard by the Supreme
Court next week and there are strong indications that it may reverse the
bans. But this will not hide the fact that the decision to bar the unruly
Arab members of the Knesset was popular - supported by 70 per cent of
Israelis, according to opinion polls - and betokens the breakdown of one
of the planks of Israeli democracy."
Fears mount as Israel's 'Berlin
Wall' threatens to imprison the West Bank It is eight metres high and
up to 220 miles long -- and, say Palestinians, it is part of a blatant
plan to seize their assets and force them off their land,
Sunday Herald (South Africa)
"It makes the Berlin Wall look like the work of amateurs. Israel
is building a barricade in and around the occupied Palestinian West Bank
which will be four times the size of communist Germany's claim to fame
-- and light years ahead of it technologically. The eight-metre-high wall
is made out of huge, grey, concrete slabs and has watchtowers built into
it every 300 metres or so. On either side of it are military roads, complete
with tanks and armoured Jeeps, trenches, some six metres wide and four
metres deep, barbed wire, cameras, motion sensors, electrified fencing
and exclusion zones of between 35 and 50 metres. In parts, special material
will be laid to detect infiltrators' footprints. In all it is about 100
metres wide and has been and will continue to be built entirely on Palestinian
land. It's difficult to say exactly how long the finished wall will be
as Israel has not released complete maps. Israeli and Palestinian human
rights organisations have had to deduce its path using military orders
for land seizures and lists of which illegal Israeli settlements will
be to the west of the wall. Their conclusion is that it will run the entire
220-mile length of the West Bank and could even encircle it and be built
not just on the border between the West Bank and Israel, but on the border
between the West Bank and Jordan as well, effectively making the West
Bank a huge open-air prison . It will not be a straight wall. It will
twist and turn, jutting, at times, tens of miles into the West Bank to
include settlement clusters and corridors. Huge walled arms are expected
to punch deep into the occupied territory, especially around the holy
cities of Nablus and Hebron which have been settled by extremist, religious
Jews. Nor will it follow the green line, the 1949 armistice line between
Israel and the Arab states which now delineates Israel and the West Bank
and -- according to the Palestinians -- should be used as the basis of
a border between and independent Palestine and Israel ... To include as
many of the settlements as possible in Israel and exclude as many of the
Palestinians as possible, the wall will have to do a series of spectacular
twists and bends . Its first phase, the 70-mile-long northern part of
the wall has been under construction since July. To date, 15 Palestinian
villages have found themselves stuck between the wall and the green line
and a further 15 villages have found themselves cut off from their farm
land, now on the 'Israeli' side of the wall, and thus their livelihoods
and way of life. In one area, a contiguous 90sqkm has already been seized.
Homes have been demolished and farmland destroyed to make way for the
wall. Hundreds of homes in Palestinian towns such as Qalqiliya and Tulkarem
now look out on the wall and have its cameras look into their rooms. Qalqiliya
will be surrounded by the wall on three sides. The only entrance into
and out of the town is an Israeli-manned checkpoint, one metre wide for
pedestrians and about five metres wide for cars."
Lawyer Urges Death For Families Of Bombers Lewin: 'A Policy Born of Necessity',
by Ami Eden, [Jewish] Forward, June
7, 2002
"A prominent Washington attorney and Jewish communal leader is calling
for the execution of family members of suicide bombers. Nathan Lewin,
an oft-mentioned candidate for a federal judgeship and legal advisor to
several Orthodox organizations, told the Forward that such a policy
would provide a much-needed deterrent against suicide attacks. Under the
proposal, which Lewin unveiled in the current issue of the opinion
journal Sh'ma, family members would be spared if they immediately
condemned the bombing and refused financial compensation for the loss
of their relative. (Lewin's article appears on the web at http://www.shma.com/may02/nathan.htm.)
While a 20-month spate of suicide bombings has been met in the Jewish
community with calls for increasingly Draconian preventive measures, Lewin
appears to be the first Jewish communal leader to approve publicly of
the concept of executing innocent civilians in the hopes of curbing terrorism
... Lewin argued that the biblical injunction to destroy the ancient
tribe of Amalek serves as a precedent in Judaism for taking measures that
are 'ordinarily unacceptable' in the face of a mortal threat ... Several
leading Jewish figures, including Harvard Law School professor Alan
Dershowitz, argued that the plan represented a legitimate if flawed
attempt to strike a balance between preventing terrorism and preserving
democratic norms. But the proposal was strongly condemned by the head
of the Reform movement, Rabbi Eric Yoffie, and the executive vice
chairwoman of the Jewish Council for Public Affairs, Hannah Rosenthal
... In an article that appeared in the Sh'ma journal alongside
Lewin's essay, Brandeis University Jewish studies professor Arthur
Green wrote, 'I only wonder how long it will take [Lewin], by the
force of this proof-text, to go all the way and suggest that the Palestinian
nation as a whole has earned the fate of Amalek [genocide]' ... Dershowitz
and Abraham Foxman, national director of the Anti-Defamation
League, rejected the notion that Lewin should be elbowed out of communal
life. They argued that his proposal represented a legitimate attempt to
forge a policy for stopping terrorism. Foxman declined to take a stand
on the actual proposal, citing his policy of deferring to Jerusalem on
Israeli security issues. Though they declined to endorse the controversial
proposal, top officials at the O.U. and Agudath Israel of America, for
whom Lewin has done legal work, expressed sympathy for Lewin's efforts
to curb what they described as an unprecedented wave of suicide attacks
in Israel. '[Lewin] is not a Kahanist; he is not a nut,' said Richard
Stone, chair of the O.U.'s Institute of Public Affairs ... Rabbi
William Altshul, headmaster of the Melvin J. Berman Hebrew Academy,
a Modern Orthodox Jewish day school in Washington, D.C., told the Forward
that he did not regret the decision to honor Lewin this week at the school's
annual dinner ... Even as several observers rejected the notion of blackballing
Lewin, they offered substantive critiques of his argument. Dershowitz,
author of 'Why Terrorism Works' (Yale University Press, 2002), and terrorism
researcher Steven Emerson, who both favor the limited use of torture
to extract information about an impending terrorist attack, said that
they balked at the execution of innocent civilians ... Dershowitz
argued that the same level of deterrence could be achieved by leveling
the villages of suicide bombers after the residents had been given a chance
to evacuate (an idea Lewin disparagingly likened to "using aspirin
to treat brain cancer"). Rabbi Steven Pruzansky of Orthodox Congregation
Bnai Yeshurun in Teaneck, N.J., a trained lawyer known for hawkish views
on Israeli security issues, argued that a policy of mass deportations,
rather than executions, could serve as an effective, but less deadly,
deterrent against future attacks. Several observers defended Lewin
by noting that the United States killed tens of thousands of civilians
in Hiroshima and Nagasaki."
Moral Defense of Israel,
Ayn Rand Institute
[This links to an entire web page with various articles in defense
of the brutal, racist Jewish state; Ayn Rand was Jewish,
as are many in her "Objectivist" movement, including current
Executive Director, Israeli-born Yaron Brook] This ARI web
page includes titles such as "Israel Morals Match Rand Ideology"]
See also "Ayn
Rand on the Death of Innocents in War", also War,
Nuclear Weapons and "Innocents" : "With full moral certainty
we must urge our government to defend our lives, even if that requires
nuclear weapons and hundreds of thousands of deaths in terrorist countries."
Also, "The
Immorality of a "Compassionate War" on Terrorism" "On the
first day of bombing Afghan military targets, our Air Force was busy delivering
charity food packages stamped 'This food is a gift from the United States
of America.' We have already lavished on the Afghans more than 450,000
aid packages. Not only is such alms-giving expensive (the President has
pledged $320 million worth of food and medicine), but it also betrays
an obscene inversion of morality."
Decision That Hurts Israeli Democracy,
by David Newman, New York Times, January
6, 2003
"Even amid conflict, Israelis have always applauded themselves for
allowing anyone to run for office - including those who reject the very
raison d'être of a Jewish state. Only rarely has a political party
been banned from the elections, the most notable being Kach, the
extreme rightist anti-Arab party founded by Meir Kahane. But now,
with a round of Knesset elections three weeks away, Israel has much less
reason for pride. While Mr. Kahane's successor, Baruch Marzel,
was allowed to run for office as the No. 2 candidate for another extreme
rightist party, the two most prominent Arab legislators in the outgoing
Knesset, Ahmed Tibi and Azmi Bishara, were barred by the Central Election
Committee last week. The committee, composed of representatives of the
parties that have Knesset seats and two neutral members (both of whom
opposed the decision), described Mr. Tibi and Mr. Bishara as consistently
expressing opposition to the existence of a Jewish state (as contrasted
with a state of 'all its citizens' in which everyone is equal, Jew or
Arab). Under Israeli law, such opposition bars a person's candidacy. Mr.
Bishara was also accused of supporting armed resistance in the occupied
territories, an accusation he denied. Mr. Marzel, whose candidacy
was in danger because of his association with the banned Kach, could run,
the committee members decided, because he had assured them that he no
longer held to the racist policies of Kach - even though he is often shown
on television promoting 'transfer,' a code word for the expulsion of the
Palestinians from the West Bank and Gaza. The final decision on Mr. Tibi's
and Mr. Bishara's candidacies now rests with the Supreme Court, which
is scheduled to hear the candidates' appeals tomorrow. But even if the
court overturns the ban, Israeli Arab voters' faith in the election system
has been broken. The message could not be clearer: if you are a Jewish
extremist, you can go on the campaign trail. But if you belong to the
Arab minority and do not openly toe the government line, you cannot be
part of the election game ... Even if the Supreme Court allows Mr. Tibi
and Mr. Bishara to run, Israeli Arabs will remain reluctant to vote, because
the message of the election committee has been heard loud and clear in
Arab towns and villages. Who can blame them? No Israeli prime minister
has ever given leaders of the Arab parties significant positions of power.
[David Newman is professor of political geography at Ben Gurion
University of the Negev].
Plans to Close W. Bank Universities After Tel Aviv suicide blasts, Cabinet
targets campuses said to be used for recruiting militants,
Los Angeles Times, January 7, 2002
"Angered by the deadliest suicide attack in nearly a year, Israel
vowed Monday to shut down three universities in the Palestinian territories
and restrict the travel of Palestinian leaders in an effort to crack down
on militants ... . Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's Cabinet decided to shut
down three West Bank Palestinian universities: Bir Zeit near Ramallah,
An Najah in Nablus and Islamic College in Hebron, according to Sharon
spokesman Raanan Gissin. Prisoners interrogated by Israel have described
those campuses as recruitment grounds for militant organizations, Gissin
said ... The Palestinian Central Council was to meet Thursday in Ramallah
to review a draft of the Palestinian constitution, but Israeli officials
said Monday that they will block the meeting. Israel also forbade a Palestinian
delegation to travel to London later this month to discuss reform and
eventual statehood with international mediators."
EU Condemns Israel,
Macedonian Press Agency, January 8, 2003
"The Greek presidency of the EU condemned the decision of the Israel
Government to block the departure of Palestinian officials for London,
as well as the movements of senior Palestinians in general, does not contribute
to the efforts made by the international community to carry forward the
reform process and to bring an end to the violence. According to a communique
from the Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs, this decision perpetuates
hatred and extremism."
Liberman's Supreme
Soviet Purging Israel of Dissenters,
by Uri Avnery, antiwar.com, January 8, 2003
"[A]n important [Israeli] party, represented in the Knesset, has
mentioned my name in its official election platform. Under the heading
'Legislation and strict supervision of organizations and activists of
the extreme left', the National Union party's program says: 'We
shall anchor in legislation more severe measures, including the cancellation
of citizenship, against people like Uri Avnery, Leah Tsemel
and refuseniks of all kinds, who are defaming the country abroad' ...
The leader of the National Union party is Avigdor (Ivette)
Liberman, a person brought up in the Bolshevik education system
of Stalin and who has absorbed – as we can see – the racist and power-hungry
attitudes of the red tyrant. He has come here when everything was ready,
to a state that we have created (literally) with our blood, and now demands,
no more no less, to cancel our citizenship. To be angry, because Liberman,
together with National Religious leader Effi Eytam and some of
the Likud leaders, is in the vanguard of the dirty column that is besieging
Israeli democracy. Last week they succeeded in inducing the majority of
the politicians in the General Election Committee to disqualify two Arab
Knesset-members (Ahmed Tibi and Azmi Bishara) and an Arab election list
(Balad) from participating in the elections, expelling in practice 20%
of Israel's citizens from the political arena ... Liberman's program
shows clearly that something similar is happening now in our country.
They started with the incitement against the Arab citizens and their expulsion
from the political system. Now they speak of eliminating the 'extreme
left'. Is there any doubt, that in the next stage they will demand the
elimination of all the left, 'moderate' and 'patriotic' as they may be?
And then, following the historic precedents, it will be the turn of the
"liberal" Likud members. An apocalyptic vision? Not really. The President
of the Supreme Court, Aharon Barak, this week compared our situation
with Nazi Germany. In the presence of the President of Israel, the Chief
Justice, himself a Holocaust survivor, said that 'if it has happened in
the country of Kant and Beethoven, it can happen everywhere. If we do
not defend democracy, democracy will not defend us!' (It will be interesting
to see how he will conduct himself next week, when he will have to decide
on the Tibi-Beshara expulsion case.) In Israel, we don't like to make
comparisons with the dark regimes. The memories are too fresh, and nobody
in Israel advocates genocide. But undoubtedly, parties and leaders who
openly advocate 'transfer', would have been called anywhere else in the
world Neo-Fascists ... For 54 years, the State of Israel has prided itself
of being 'the only democracy in the Middle East'. All Israeli propaganda
abroad, and especially in the United States, is based on this slogan.
Now Liberman and the Libermen come and try to destroy Israeli democracy,
our creation, and to set up a kind of Fascistan, somewhere between Pakistan
and Afghanistan."
Under 35 Banned From Israel,
Las Vegas Sun (from Associated Press), January
07, 2003
"Israel banned Palestinians younger than 35 from entering the country
to work Tuesday, even if they have permits, the latest punitive measure
after a double Palestinian suicide bombing in Tel Aviv killed 22 bystanders.
Israel also drew complaints from Britain by banning Palestinian negotiators
from attending a London session planned for discussing reform in the Palestinian
Authority. The Israeli government has said it would close three Palestinian
universities in response to the attacks, but took no action Tuesday ...
On Tuesday, Israel further tightened restrictions, saying only Palestinian
workers age 35 and over could enter Israel, the military said. Before
the current conflict erupted in September 2000, more than 100,000 Palestinian
workers crossed into Israel every day, providing a key source of income
for the West Bank and Gaza. When the fighting began, Israel at first banned
all Palestinians from entering for security reasons, saying that would
keep attackers out of the country. Now, only about 25,000 workers and
8,000 merchants have permits to enter, said Ophir Chacham, spokesman for
Israeli military administration. The new ban meant that most workers with
permits would be idled. Early Wednesday, Israeli troops shot and killed
a Palestinian taxi driver near the southern Gaza Strip city of Khan Younis,
witnesses said. They said the man was watching Israeli tanks moving through
the area when he was shot. The Israeli military had no immediate comment."
'Jewish character' in Nazareth,
by Odai Basharat, Ha'aretz (Israel),
January 10, 2002
"What's new is that since 1992, since the establishment of the Rabin
government, an unprecedented delegitimization campaign has been waged
against the country's Arab population. The prime minister's reliance on
Arab MKs in the establishment of his government cost him his life. Israelis
are prepared to accept Arabs as citizens, even as ones who have equal
rights, but they are not willing to accept them as citizens who wield
genuine influence which can determine the course of major issues facing
the state. In this respect, the Jewish character of the state is vigilantly
protected. And since it cannot be acknowledged explicitly that Arabs have
no right to fashion the state's policies, heavy-handed hints are thrown
out here and there, such as the call for a 'clear majority' which was
heard in 1999 when there was discussion about a national referendum concerning
the fate of the Golan Heights, and the goal was really to nullify any
impact made by Israel's Arab population. Not only the right objected vehemently
to the 'impudence' of Arabs who sought to influence Israel's national
agenda. What is called the 'left' accepted, at least tacitly, this prohibition
against Arab influence. Among members of Israel's 'left,' calls were heard
favoring the rule of a Jewish majority on issues of national import. The
Central Elections Committee's disqualification of Knesset members Tibi
and Bishara, and the latter's Balad party, has only one goal: to minimize
the Arab population's political clout. We will struggle against this effort,
because our future is at stake; and all of Israel's democratic forces
should join this campaign, because what begins with Arabs could end in
places that cannot be foreseen."
of Ilan Pappe,
Samizdat, February 5, 2003
[IN FRENCH: Free translation]
Challenge To Israel's Nuclear Blind Spot,
Washington Post, March 11, 2002
"No matter the subject, Israelis love to debate. On any given day,
you can hear a nation of self-styled pundits engaged in ferocious discussion,
often at high volume. All topics, from the political to the personal,
are fair game. All except one: the nuclear weapons that Israel possesses
but refuses to acknowledge. A thick canopy of ambiguity shrouds Israel's
nuclear program, held in place by legal restrictions that generally prohibit
the disclosure of state secrets -- including public discussion of Israel's
nuclear weapons. The only way journalists and academics have been able
to address the issue is by attributing any facts to 'foreign sources'
-- a device that allows Israel to pretend it is keeping the world guessing
about its nuclear capability. This deliberate policy of obfuscation is
called 'nuclear opacity.' This week that policy will be challenged --
not by some foreign enemy of Israel, but by one of its own. Avner Cohen
is an Israeli scholar who has been living in the United States for three
years because he fears arrest for publishing a political history of Israel's
nuclear weapons program. Today, he plans to leave his home in Takoma Park
and fly back to Tel Aviv, where he intends to confront the powerful defense
establishment in the name of academic freedom. There is a surreal aspect
to this, because the broad facts of the matter are widely known. Israel
constructed its first nuclear device on the eve of the 1967 Middle East
War, and now, according to CIA estimates, has between 200 and 400 nuclear
warheads. Israel refuses to sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty
or any other accord that would require it to account for the nuclear material
it produces at its Dimona reactor in the Negev Desert. And yet, publicly,
Israel will only say that it will not be the first country to introduce
nuclear weapons into the Middle East ... Avner Cohen wants to discuss
that policy of opacity in public. Cohen hasn't been back to Israel
since 1998, when his book about the political history of Israel's nuclear
bomb program was published in the United States without the approval of
the Israeli censor. The book, 'Israel and the Bomb,' includes no technical
or operational details about Israel's nuclear arsenal, only a meticulously
researched history of Israel's decision to go nuclear, based on declassified
public documents and Cohen's interviews with key players in the effort.
But the book doesn't attribute anything to 'foreign sources,' and angry
Israeli defense officials have threatened in the press to prosecute Cohen
if he ever returns home again."
[Is this what so many Jews have promised as Jewry's "mission
to the world?"]
unleashes its death squads,
Sunday Tasmanian, January 19, 2003
"Israeli death squads have been authorised to enter 'friendly' countries
and assassinate opponents in a move that raises the prospect of political
killings in Australia. Agents of the Israeli secret service Mossad have
been given free rein to kill those deemed to be a threat to the Jewish
state – wherever they are hiding. Prime Minister Ariel Sharon,
who has until now refused permission for assassinations on the home ground
of allies, has reversed the policy as part of a more aggressive approach
to terrorism. The move was revealed by former Mossad agents in a series
of interviews with US news agency United Press International. It
was later confirmed by US intelligence officials. They said the policy
raised the potential for killings in countries with close ties to Israel,
including the US, Britain and Australia ... A third source said Mr Sharon
wanted 'greater operational maneuverability' for Mossad. Asked if that
meant assassinations within allied countries, he said: 'It does' ... Israel
has in the past sent hit squads to kill opponents in hostile countries
such as Lebanon, and snatch squads have been used extensively throughout
the world. Nazi war criminal Adolf Eichmann was captured in Argentina
in 1960, taken to Israel and executed. In 1986, scientist Mordechai Vanunu
was snatched in Rome and transported to Israel after revealing details
of Israel's nuclear weapons program. He was sentenced to 18 years jail,
only being released from solitary confinement in 1998. One of the few
known cases of Mossad hitmen carrying out an assassination on friendly
soil occurred on July 21, 1973, when a Mossad team shot dead Moroccan
waiter Ahmed Bouchikhi as he walked home from the cinema with his pregnant
wife in the Norwegian ski resort of Lillehammer. The assassins apparently
mistook Bouchikhi for Hassan Salameh, a PLO intelligence chief suspected
of masterminding the killing of 11 Israeli athletes at the 1972 Munich
Olympics. Gullow Gjeseth, who led a Norwegian Government inquiry into
the shooting, said: 'This was much more than a murder. This was a violation
of Norwegian sovereignty.' In January 1996, Israel paid undisclosed damages
to Bouchikhi's family, but refused to admit responsibility for the killing.
Mossad is thought to have struck again in October 1995, when the head
of the Palestinian militant group Islamic Jihad, Fathi al-Shikai, was
gunned down on the streets of Malta. The hit, though never formally claimed,
had all the trademarks of the agency. A return to such killings is expected
to raise concerns among Israel's Western allies. The assassinations are
likely to be carried out by a unit of Mossad's secret Metsada department
called the Kidon, a Hebrew word meaning 'bayonet'. The agents will have
to answer to Mr Dagan, who has been described by a CIA agent as
having a 'real killer instinct'. Officially, Israel has refused to confirm
or deny the policy change." [Same story at London's Daily
Telegraph and the Australian]
Israel Razes
Dozens of Palestinian Shops in West Bank,
FoxNews, January 21, 2003
"Israeli forces staged the biggest demolition in the West Bank in
years on Tuesday, destroying 62 shops in a Palestinian village. Also Tuesday,
Israel's Supreme Court relaxed a ban on soldiers using Palestinians as
'human shields' or ordering Palestinians to knock on doors of Islamic
militants' houses. Human rights advocates denounced the decision. In Gaza,
Palestinians fired rockets at two Jewish settlements, damaging buildings
but causing no casualties, settlers and the military said. In the village
of Nazlat Issa, next to the West Bank border with Israel, seven bulldozers
guarded by 300 soldiers destroyed shops and market stalls. Dozens of protesters
threw stones at troops, who fired tear gas and rubber-coated steel pellets.
Other demonstrators chanted 'Down with the occupation.' Israel says the
shops were built illegally. The mayor of the village accused Israel of
waging war on the Palestinian economy. The 170-shop market in Nazlat Issa
drew many Israeli customers before the outbreak of fighting in September
2000. The market is a main source of income for the village's 2,500 residents,
said the mayor, Ziad Salem, adding that Israeli officials informed shop
owners the market would be bulldozed. Israeli troops have demolished hundreds
of Palestinian homes, many in the Gaza Strip, in the past 28 months of
fighting. In Gaza alone, more than 5,700 Palestinians have been made homeless,
according to Palestinian officials. Many of the buildings were razed in
military offensives, with Israel saying the structures provided cover
for Palestinian gunmen. Since July, Israel has also demolished dozens
of homes of Palestinians involved in bombing and shooting attacks on Israelis.
Human rights groups say the demolitions constitute collective punishment,
while Israel says they are an important deterrent. In August, human rights
groups had praised a Supreme Court injunction against Israeli soldiers
using Palestinians as protection in raids on suspected Islamic militants.
The court on Tuesday amended the ruling to say soldiers could use Palestinians
if the Palestinians agree. There have been numerous Palestinian complaints
about Israeli practices that endanger them, and while the military denies
using Palestinians as human shields, journalists have documented the practice."
Say They Were Beaten by Israeli Police Men Claim They Were Threatened,
Editor and Pulbisher (from Associated Press),
January 22, 2003
"Photographers for The Associated Press and the French news
agency Agence France-Press (AFP) were beaten by two Israeli border
policemen as the journalists tried to photograph troops driving quickly
down the street Tuesday with two Palestinian teens clinging to the hood
of their jeep. Nasser Ishtayeh, a Palestinian photographer for the AP,
was not seriously injured, but he suffered bruises on one ear and the
side of his face and visited a local clinic for examination. The AP complained
to the Israeli army and demanded the incident be investigated and the
soldiers punished. The Israeli military said it was looking into the incident.
Ishtayeh, who has worked for the AP for nine years, had headed out with
Jafar Ishtayeh, a photographer with AFP, to check out a report that youths
were throwing stones at Israeli forces during a curfew. The Ishtayehs
are distant relatives. Not far from the scene, the two saw a jeep driven
by four Israeli paramilitary border policemen speeding down the road with
two teenage Palestinian boys hanging from the hood of the vehicle, grabbing
onto a protective metal grate in front of the windshield to keep from
falling off. The two were not tied to the jeep in any way, Nasser Ishtayeh
said. Ishtayeh said it appeared the policemen were using the boys as human
shields against a group of about 20 stone-hurling youths about 550 yards
down the road -- which would be a violation of Israeli military orders
and a Supreme Court ban of the practice. The two journalists pulled to
the side of the road, and standing beside an armored car clearly marked
with 'TV' signs in thick tape, they tried to photograph the jeep, according
to Nasser Ishtayeh. The policemen sped up to the two photographers, got
out, and aimed their rifles at them before they could take any pictures.
The Israelis beat the two men's faces with their fists, Ishtayeh said,
and demanded to know if the two had taken any pictures of them. Nasser
Ishtayeh said one policeman tightened the camera strap around his neck.
'We are here in Nablus, and we see you all the time,' the policeman said,
according to Ishtayeh's account. 'If we see a picture of us published
anywhere, we're going to kill you like this,' the soldier said, gesturing
with his hand as if running a knife across his neck. Anne Gwynne, 65,
a British woman spending three months in the West Bank with a pro-Palestinian
activist group called the International Solidarity Movement, said she
tried to help Ishtayeh and his colleague. 'I saw the soldiers kicking
the photographers and beating them and shouting at them,' she said. "I
tried to stop that. A soldier kicked and beat me with a rifle butt on
my back. He was shouting, cursing.'"
Israel's New
Policy of Terrorism on American Soil,
"A recent UPI report outlined Israel’s new policy of assassinating
suspected terrorists on American soil. In other words, Israel is now going
to officially carryout terrorism on U.S. soil. Isn’t that what murder
is? As an American citizen you cannot murder, why should agents of a foreign
government have any such right in your country? The UPI report read, 'Israel
is embarking upon a more aggressive approach to the war on terror that
will include staging targeted killings in the United States and other
friendly countries, former Israeli intelligence officials told United
Press International.' UPI claims to have verified this information with
a dozen informants. The report goes on to say that Israel will go forward
with this policy, 'even if it risks complications to Israel's bilateral
relations.' Such a policy by Israel that has no regard for the national
sovereignty of the United States requires a reevaluation of an existing
allied relationship. It is a callous disregard for not only the laws of
the United States, but also the security, safety, and rights of its citizens.
What Israel terms as targeted assassinations is really the commencement
of a low-grade war against its enemies. By carrying out acts of war on
American soil, Israel will be committing acts of war against the United
States. Bringing its war to America, Israel is endangering the lives of
Americans, including American Jews. Surely, as Israel’s campaign of terror
is carried out against its enemies, there will be retaliatory action in
the United States by Islamic militants. Are synagogues and Jewish schools
immune from such horror? They will likely be the first targets. While
less than three percent of Americans are Jews, and respectively three
percent are Muslims, do we want them battling it out in our streets? By
proclaiming its license to kill on American soil, Israel places itself
on the list of rogue nations diametrically opposed to the United States.
Terrorism may be acceptable in the third world. It is not acceptable in
the United States. This policy by definition is state sponsored terrorism.
Maybe there should be weapons inspectors taking a look at Israel’s nuclear
program next? How exactly do we determine the innocence of the murdered
victims? Since Israel now has no regard for the nation where it murders
perceived terrorists, it is safe to say that they would also have no regard
for the nationality of the alleged terrorist. What if some of them are
American citizens? Are we going to allow a foreign nation to murder U.S.
citizens too? The UPI report also says, 'Israeli hit teams, which consist
of units or squadrons of the Kidon, a sub-unit for Mossad's highly secret
Metsada department, would stage the operations'. If Israeli hit teams
are in place in the United States, what will prevent them from targeting
U.S. officials that aren’t willing to send billions of dollars in foreign
aid to Israel? Far fetched, not really when we’re talking about a nation
that is openly planning terrorism in the United States. Yes, openly, because
a story this sensitive would have never leaked unless it was meant to
be leaked. If Israel is going to have a policy of terrorism on U.S. soil
then it is not only plausible that it will kill American citizens that
it considers to be enemies, but it is also likely that they will attack
American targets and try to blame it on the enemies of Israel. It’s bad
enough that according to a PBS Transcript Senator Graham of the Select
Committee On Intelligence said that classified evidence reveals that foreign
governments were involved in the September 11th attacks. Now another nation
is threatening to expand its terrorism to America."
Zionist Hate Machine,
'Cloned baby'
said to be in Israel,
BBC (UK), January 30, 2003
"The company which claims to have created the world's first cloned
baby has said the child is well, and now living in Israel. The announcement
triggered the collapse of a private legal hearing in the United States.
Representatives of Clonaid told the court in Florida that the baby was
in Israel and therefore outside the court's jurisdiction. In the absence
of any DNA proof, many scientists have dismissed Clonaid's claim that
a baby has been cloned. The company is funded by the French-based Raelian
sect, which believes humans were cloned by aliens. The case against the
company was brought by Miami lawyer Bernard Siegel, who argues
that if Clonaid has actually created a cloned baby it should be taken
into care for its own welfare. The court was told that Clonaid no longer
had any contact with the parents of the baby, because continued ties with
the family would lead to the child's identification and subsequent removal
by the authorities. Clonaid's chief executive, Dr Brigitte Boisselier,
testified under oath that the baby, named Eve, was living in Israel. Warning
Dismissing the case on Wednesday, Circuit Judge John Frusciante warned
Clonaid of the implications of cloning."
Boycott: In Support of Paris VI,
by Tanya Reinhart [a professor of Linguistics in Tel Aviv],
Dissident Voice, January 29, 2003
"In April 2002, following the Israel's 'operation' in Jenin, first
calls for institutional academic boycott of Israeli universities appeared
in England and in France. The British petition called to freeze European
Union contracts with Israeli university as long as Israel continues its
present policy. What started as the individual voice of concerned academics,
has become lately a formal resolution of a French university ... Bodies
ranging from the Jewish Lobby, to conservative parties all came up with
the standard anti-Semitism accusations.'"Several hundred protesters, including
the philosophers Bernard Henri-Lévy and Alain Finkielkraut,
a leading Paris politician, the Nazi-hunting lawyer Arno Klarsfeld
and Roger Cukier, the president of the Jewish umbrella organisation
CRIF, waved banners and chanted slogans outside the campus entrance' (Guardian
Jan 7, 2003). Threats of potential consequences and budgetary cuts if
the university does not retract its decision came from official governmental
sources. Under this pressure a second discussion of the resolution was
scheduled for this week. But Paris VI did sustain the pressure. In the
board meeting on Monday January 27, 2003, the previous resolution was
reconfirmed with an overwhelming majority. A similar resolution was subsequently
approved by two other French universities in Grenoble and in Montpellier
... Most of the Israeli academics, just like their colleagues in France,
supported the boycott of apartheid South Africa, which contributed to
the end of apartheid. This means that they recognize boycott as a legitimate
means for the international community to enforce a change, when serious
breaches of moral and civil principles occur. The question, then, is whether
the analogy between Israel and South Africa's apartheid is correct. I
believe that even much before its present atrocities, Israel has followed
the South-African Apartheid model. Behind the smokescreen of the Oslo
'Peace process', Israel has been pushing the Palestinians in the occupied
territories into smaller and smaller isolated enclaves-- a direct copy
of the Bantustans model. Unlike South Africa, however, Israel has managed
so far to sell its policy as a big compromise for peace. Aided by a battalion
of cooperating 'peace-camp' intellectuals, they managed to convince the
world that it is possible to establish a Palestinians state without land-reserves,
without water, without a glimpse of a chance of economic independence,
in isolated ghettos surrounded by fences, settlements, bypass roads and
Israeli army posts -- a virtual state which serves one purpose: separation
(Apartheid). But what Israel is doing under Sharon
far exceeds the crimes of the South Africa's white regime. It has been
taking the form of systematic ethnic cleansing, which South Africa
never attempted. Since April last year (following the Jenin 'operation')
we are witnessing the daily invisible killing of the sick and wounded
being deprived of medical care, the weak who cannot survive in the new
poverty conditions, and those who are bound to reach starvation. Since
the US is backing Israel, and the European governments are silent, it
is the moral right and duty of the people of the world to do whatever
they can on their own to stop Israel and save the Palestinians. In fact,
a boycott on Israeli institutions, economy and society is already taking
place and growing: consumers boycott, tourism boycott, divestment movement
in the US campuses, and cultural boycott."
Attack On Liberty.In 1967, Israeli Forces Bombarded a U.S. Intelligence
Ship, Killing 34 Americans and Leaving a Legacy of Suspicion, Washington
Post, February 1, 2003; Page C01
"On June 8, 1967, in one of the periodic explosions of violence we've
learned to expect in the Middle East, an American intelligence ship named
the USS Liberty was attacked with rockets, cannon fire and torpedoes while
in international waters off the town of El Arish in the Sinai desert.
Thirty-four Americans were killed and 171 injured in what would remain
the largest post-World War II loss of U.S. lives in the Middle East until
the bombing of the U.S. Embassy in Beirut in 1983. But unlike that latter
attack, or the 1983 truck bombing of the Marine barracks in Beirut or
the suicide bombing of the U.S. destroyer Cole in Aden, Yemen, which killed
17 less than three years ago, the attack on the Liberty was not made by
terrorist bombs but by the jet fighters and torpedo
boats of the nation of Israel. The attack on the Liberty has never
been fully explained. Official reports by both the Israelis and the U.S.
Navy declared it accidental: 'a case of mistaken identity' during the
Six-Day War. But today, dozens of Web sites still argue one side or another,
and they're multiplying ... The attack on the Liberty
was not simply a case of a single bomb going astray. According to those
who survived, it continued for nearly two hours. It involved rocket and
napalm attacks by multiple flights of Israeli jet fighters, a simultaneous
torpedo attack by three vessels of the Israeli navy and the machine-gunning
of lifeboats tossed overboard as the Liberty survivors prepared to abandon
their wounded ship. Last month, during a program on the Liberty
at the Middle East Institute here, Parker said those on record as believing
that the Israeli attack was deliberate include former secretary of state
Dean Rusk, former CIA chief Richard Helms, Adm. Thomas Moorer (a former
chief of naval operations) and a host of former directors of the National
Security Agency, as well as then-President Lyndon B. Johnson ... Meanwhile
a BBC documentary last June presented documents purporting to link the
attack and its subsequent coverup to a mysterious covert operation the
United States and Israel planned against Egypt, complete with nuclear
weapons. As the United States prepares for war in Iraq, the attack on
the Liberty looms like a specte ... "They tried to kill all the witnesses,'
Phil Tourney, president of the Liberty Veterans Association, said recently.
'They didn't want any one of us left alive.' The official reports have
been repeatedly rejected as insufficient by Liberty survivors and a sizable
group of historians and scholars, who contend that the Israeli attack
was deliberate. It was intended, many say, to erase the Liberty before
its electronic eavesdropping could discover events Israel was anxious
the world not know. They say as well that a coverup (if not a conspiracy)
has kept the truth about the incident from the American public for more
than 35 years. They point to crucial NSA intercepts of Israeli radio signals
known to have been made during the attack -- intercepts that remain classified
by the U.S. government in the name of national security. That restriction
has already lasted more than a decade longer than the one that cloaked
'Ultra' -- the most crucial and tightly held code-breaking operation of
World War II. 'There has never been a real investigation,' says James
Bamford, author of 'Body of Secrets,' a critically praised 2001 investigative
history of the NSA that includes perhaps the most concise documented account
of the attack on the Liberty. Disinformation was a major strategy employed
by the Israelis in the Six-Day War from the beginning, he says, and the
U.S. government, preoccupied at the time with the Vietnam War and the
Cold War, chose to avoid looking closely at what happened to the Liberty.
'An investigation is what we did after the Cole bombing when we sent agents
to Aden, or after the bombings at the embassies in Africa, when we sent
agents there to find who was responsible,' Bamford says. 'Nobody was ever
sent to Israel to ask questions about the Liberty. We just took the Israelis'
word for what happened.' A Navy court of inquiry, Bamford says, 'concerned
itself with the ship's response to the attack. They never even questioned
most of the survivors about why all those Americans died. And neither
has Congress to this day.' And unlike the two U.S. pilots who face possible
court-martial for the 'friendly fire' bombing of Canadian troops last
year in Afghanistan, no Israeli has ever been tried or reprimanded for
the 205 U.S. casualties on the Liberty ... Bamford, who clearly won the
cooperation of many at the NSA in writing 'Body of Secrets,' points out
that a special public law exempts the NSA from the Freedom of Information
Act so that only Congress or the White House has access to what's classified
there. At the Johnson library, tape recordings of LBJ's phone calls and
office meetings are slowly being declassified, but it will be more than
a year before archivists deal with those of June 1967. There is no certainty
even then that anything dealing with the Liberty will come to light. But
as debate continues about the U.S. role in the Middle East, a growing
chorus of voices is asking why an incident as central to our current involvement
in the region as the attack on the Liberty continues to be shrouded for
'national security' after so many years."
Anatoly (Natan) Sharansky Israel's great dissembler,
Redress, March 12, 2001
"We have chosen to profile Anatoly Sharansky, the Israeli
deputy prime minister and leader of Yisra'el Ba'aliyah, the Russian immigrants'
party in Israel, because he encapsulates the paradox of the Jewish inhabitants
of Israel, a paradox that is the hallmark of Zionists throughout the world.
That is, how can a people that has suffered so much over the ages, from
pogroms in Europe to Nazi genocide, emulate their historical oppressors
and be so lacking in empathy with their victims, the Palestinian Arabs?
... In 1973 he applied for an exit visa to Israel, but, like all Soviet
citizens who had worked in the military-industrial complex, he was refused
on security grounds. He then became involved in an Israeli-sponsored worldwide
campaign to put pressure on the Kremlin to give special treatment to Soviet
Jewish citizens by allowing them to emigrate to Israel, irrespective of
whether or not they had worked in the defence sector. In 1977 he was arrested
on suspicion of spying for the US, and in the following year he was found
guilty as charged and sentenced to 13 years imprisonment. He was released
in 1986 in a US-Soviet spy exchange. Prior to his emigration to Israel,
Sharansky liked to portray himself as a symbol of the struggle
for human rights, and since then he has made much of his status as a former
'victim of totalitarian oppression'. However, his belief in human rights,
nurtured at the height of the Cold War, appears to have been heavily tainted
with the culture of the Soviet-American power struggle, which justified
the cynical use of practically anything as ammunition in the superpower
rivalry for global dominance. Unlike most of us, Sharansky apparently
does not believe that human rights are universal and indivisible, that
is, applicable to all human beings everywhere and irrespective of their
race, colour or creed. Not only does he oppose any Israeli concessions
that may eventually lead to the realization of the Palestinians' right
to self determination, but he advocates policies that could only mean
the dispossession of more Palestinians living in Israel, and the illegally
occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip. No wonder that he was one of the very
few people to have amicable relations with the former ultra right-wing
prime minister, Binyamin Netanyahu. Sharansky began his
political career in Israel by becoming head of the Zionist Forum, an organization
dedicated to lobbying on behalf of Soviet immigrants. However, not content
with being a mere 'welfare worker', in 1995 he founded the Yisra'el Ba'aliyah
party, with the immediate aim of bringing in another million Jewish immigrants
from the former Soviet Union and of encouraging a further million Jewish
citizens of the United States and the European countries to immigrate
to Israel. For him, the value of peace with the Palestinians is measured
solely by the extent to which it would work towards achieving the overriding
goal of encouraging Jewish citizens of other states to immigrate to Israel."
Israeli Repression
and the Language of Liars,
by Tim Wise, AlterNet, May 8, 2002
"[T]he term is repeatedly used to describe Israel – as in 'the only
democracy in the Middle East.' This, despite the fact that Israel has
no constitution; despite the fact that Israel is defined as the state
of the Jewish people, providing special rights and privileges to anyone
in the world who is Jewish and seeks to live there, over and above longtime
Arab residents. This, despite the fact that Israel bars any candidate
from holding office who thinks the country should be a secular, democratic
state with equal rights for all. This, despite the fact that non-Jews
are restricted in terms of how much land they can own, and in which places
they can own land at all, thanks to laws granting preferential treatment
to Jewish residents. This, despite that fact that even the Israeli Supreme
Court has acknowledged the use of torture against suspected 'terrorists'
and other 'enemies' of the Jewish state ... The Soviet Union also had
elections, of a sort. And in those elections, most people could vote,
though candidates who espoused an end to the communist system were barred
from participation. Voters got to choose between communists. In Israel,
voters get to choose between Zionists. In the former case, we recognize
such truncated freedom as authoritarianism. In the latter case, we call
it democracy ... If what we see in Israel is indeed democracy, then what
does fascism look like? I’m sorry, but I am over it. As a Jew, I am over
it. And if my language seems too harsh here, that’s tough. Because it’s
nothing compared to the sickening things said by Israeli leaders throughout
the years ... [I]n my Hebrew School, where we were taught that Jews were
to be 'a light unto the nations,' instead of this dim bulb, this flickering
nightlight, this barely visible spark whose radiance is only sufficient
to make visible the death-rattle of the more noble aspects of the Jewish
tradition. Unless we who are Jews insist on a return to honest language,
and an end to the hijacking of our culture and faith by madmen, racists
and liars, I fear that the light may be extinguished forever."
by Leon Pinsker, 1882
(Influential early Zionist work)
officer tried for sabotaging raid,
Guardian (UK), February 3, 2003
"An Israeli military intelligence officer has been court-martialled
for refusing to obey an order he said targeted innocent Palestinians in
retaliation for a suicide bombing, and was therefore illegal. The trial
of the officer, who has been identified only as Lieutenant A, has divided
the prestigious intelligence corps unit 8200. The officer was accused
of deliberately withholding military intelligence needed to plan an air
force attack on a Fatah office in the West Bank city of Nablus. The military
high command ordered the assault in the wake of dual suicide bombings
in Tel Aviv last month that claimed 23 lives. The Israeli newspaper
Ma'ariv quoted colleagues of the lieutenant as saying he became suspicious
about the order when he was asked to identify a building and find out
how many people were likely to be in it at the time of the attack. It
is more usual for intelligence officers to be asked to identify specific
individuals the army wants to target and their whereabouts. The newspaper
said that the officer took this to mean that the Israeli military intended
'to cause random casualties, and he balked at the order'. He continued
to hold back intelligence at his disposal because he feared that the operation
'would lead to the death of innocent Palestinians', the newspaper added.
Without the intelligence, the raid was abandoned. Lieutenant A was court-martialled
by his unit commander. He argued in his defence that the order was illegal
because it was primarily aimed at killing Palestinian civilians, not known
fighters. The unit commander rejected the plea, dismissed Lieutenant A
from the intelligence service and transferred him to low-level administrative
work. But the case has divided the Israeli military. Senior officers said
the young officer should have expressed his concerns to a superior officer,
not unilaterally withheld intelligence and foiled the mission. The unit's
commanders have also argued that it is not for intelligence officers to
determine what is legal. They are merely obliged to provide the information;
the decision on how to use it lies with combat units on the ground. But
junior officers pointed to a law enacted after the Kafr Kassem massacre
of 47 Arabs by Israeli border policemen in 1956. 'We are taught that law
says it is illegal to kill except in very specific circumstances. This
case is being widely talked about in the army now and there's a lot of
people who think he was right to do what he did,' said one officer. 'You
do not have to be the triggerman to be guilty of a crimr' ... In December,
Israel's high court rejected a claim by eight reserve soldiers that they
were not obliged to serve in the occupied Palestinian territories. The
eight argued that it would be illegal for them to obey orders that maintain
'a system which consists entirely of collective punishment of a civilian
IDF kills teen in Nablus; Gaza
woman dies in demolished home,
Ha'aretz (Israel), February 6, 2003
"IDF forces Wednesday demolished the home of a Palestinian militant
in the Gaza Strip on Wednesday and his 65-year-old stepmother was crushed
to death inside after apparently failing to hear warnings to leave the
premises, Palestinian security officials said. In the West Bank, troops
killed a Palestinian policeman in a raid on his base in Qalqilya. Witnesses
said the man was shot as he and others fled. According to Israeli military
sources, he had refused orders to halt ... Palestinian security officials
said the family home of Baha Saeed, a militant from Yasser Arafat's Fatah
faction, was blown up by the IDF, and that the body of Saeed's step-mother
Kamila, 65, was found under the debris. She had apparently not heard IDF
warnings to leave. 'She was partly deaf and apparently she was not aware
of what was happening,' said Khaled Saeed, one of Kamla's stepsons. 'Israeli
troops were acting in a brutal way, they got us all out of the house so
fast and in an aggressive manner, they gave no chance for us to see who
was out and who was in,' he said, adding that three of his brothers were
detained by troops."
Appeals Court rules Sharon can be tried for genocide. FM Netanyahu recalls
ambassador from Belgium for consultations, Ha'aretz
(Israel), February 12, 2003
"Benjamin Netanyahu recalled Israel's ambassador from Brussels,
Yehudi Kinar, for consultations in response to a 'scandalous' ruling
by Belgium's supreme appeals court Wednesday that a genocide lawsuit against
Ariel Sharon could go ahead once he no longer enjoyed immunity
as prime minister. The supreme court also said investigations could proceed
against former IDF division head Amos Yaron, who does not have
the same immunity as Sharon. Yaron, director-general of
the Ministry of Defense, was the only other one named in the original
complaint filed with Belgian prosecutors two years ago. 'This decision
is scandalous, and it legitimizes terror and damages those who fight terrorism,'
Netanyahu said in a statement. 'Belgium is hurting not only Israel
but the entire free world, and Israel will respond to it very severely'
... Danny Shek, a senior official from Israel's Foreign Ministry,
who attended the court hearing, said that the court proceedings cast 'a
shadow on the relations between Belgium and Israel in the past year and
a half.' The supreme court ruling opened the way for survivors of a 1982
massacre of Palestinian refugees to press their case against the prime
minister. The Palestinians had appealed against a lower court ruling last
June that Sharon could not be prosecuted for the massacre in the
Sabra and Chatilla camps in Beirut because he was not in Belgium. The
plaintiffs are using a Belgian human rights law that claims universal
jurisdiction allowing the country's courts to try crimes against humanity
and genocide, no matter where they were committed."
Faces Belgian Trial After Term Ends,
New York Times, February 13, 2003
"Israeli officials reacted with outrage today to a decision by Belgium's
highest court that Belgium could try Prime Minister Ariel Sharon
for war crimes once he leaves office. Benjamin Netanyahu, the foreign
minister, lashed out at the decision as 'an affront to truth, justice,
and the right of the state of Israel to defend itself against terrorism.'
'We in Israel and the Jewish people as a whole have had enough of blood
libels on the soil of Europe, and we are going to fight this one with
everything we have,' he said. Israel recalled its ambassador for consultations,
while Mr. Netanyahu summoned Belgium's ambassador for a dressing-down.
Israeli officials said that ambassador replied that he was not authorized
to speak about the matter. Human rights group were delighted by the court's
decision. They hailed it as permitting victims of genocide and war crimes
to pursue justice regardless of where in the world the crimes were perpetrated.
The Israeli case is one of many pending in Belgium that involve violations
of human rights. Mr. Sharon and a senior official in the defense ministry,
Amos Yaron, are being sued by survivors of a 1982 massacre of Palestinian
refugees in Lebanon by Lebanese Christian militiamen, who were backed
by invading Israeli forces. Mr. Sharon was defense minister at the time
of the massacre, in the Sabra and Shatilla refugee camps. An Israeli commission
later held Mr. Sharon indirectly responsible. He resigned his post but
was not prosecuted ... Other Israeli officials were equally harsh. The
justice minister, Meir Sheetrit, referred to Belgium as 'this small
and insignificant nation,' wondering how it could present itself as 'the
judge for the whole world.' Israel's president, Moshe Katsav, dispatched
a severe letter to Belgium's king. Mr. Sharon remained silent today about
the matter. Several Israeli officials said that
Israel might work to block new Belgian efforts to increase American investment."
Bet grabs laptop from Palestinian's U.S. lawyer,
Haaretz (Israel), February 19, 2003
"An American lawyer in Israel to collect testimony from Palestinians
in a case against the Israeli government, had his personal computer confiscated
yesterday at Ben-Gurion International Airport by members of the Shin Bet
security service. The attorney, Stanley Cohen, represents U.S.
citizens of Palestinian origin in claims submitted in American courts
against the Israeli government. Cohen has spent the past two weeks
gathering evidence in the territories for the purpose of submitting the
material to a federal court in Washington. The court will be hearing a
claim submitted by Cohen and a group of lawyers on behalf of 19
American Palestinians against Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and members
of the outgoing cabinet, Israel Defense Forces officers, U.S. President
George W. Bush and American weapons manufacturers that supply arms to
the IDF ... Cohen, a 48-year-old American Jew, made a name for
himself in 1995, when he represented Hamas leader Mussa Abu Marzuk who
was facing an Israeli extradition request. The extradition request was
rejected and Abu Marzuk was released following 22 months in detention
in the United States ... [Cohen said:] 'This is a critical blow
to attorney-client relations and I advise the Israeli authorities not
to make any use of the data in the computer against my clients. I intend
to add myself to the claim I filed in Washington on behalf of the Palestinians.'"
[Walt Disney, declared by the Jewish community to have been an "anti-Semite,"
is probably rolling over in his grave because of what the Disney "world"
has become" from Disney's Jewish CEO, Michael Eisner, on down.]
Shamrock mulls $100 mln Israel fund,
Forbes, Feberuary 24, 2003
"Shamrock Holdings of California Inc, the investment arm of Disney
heir Roy Disney, is examining the possibility of setting up a $100 million
investment fund in Israel, a financial sector source said on Monday. The
fund could eventually reach $250 million with part of the money coming
from abroad, the source said, adding that Shamrock Chairman Stanley
Gold was planning to meet Israeli institutional investors this week.
Potential investors include insurers Migdal Insurance Holdings ,
which is controlled by Italy's Generali , and Israel's Phoenix Insurance
... . Shamrock's other main investments in Israel are mobile phone service
provider Pelephone and Tadiran Communications."
Forms Hard-Line Government,
Earthlink (from Associated Press), February
26, 2003
"Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon ended weeks of political
bargaining Wednesday with an agreement establishing a coalition government
dominated by fierce opponents of Palestinian statehood, clouding hopes
for any peace initiative ... Sharon has already offered the foreign
affairs portfolio to outgoing Finance Minister Silvan Shalom -
a 45-year-old Likud stalwart with little diplomatic experience and aspirations
of succeeding Sharon ... Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz kept
his post in the new government. A proponent of the military crackdown
on the Palestinians, Mofaz has said he would like to see Palestinian
Yasser Arafat expelled. Right-wing firebrand Tzahi Hanegbi was
named internal security minister. In 1980, Hanegbi received a six-month
suspended sentence for leading a chain-wielding attack on Arab students
at Jerusalem's Hebrew University, where he was student union chairman.
Hanegbi has since expressed regret. Yisrael Katz, who is
to become agriculture minister, was convicted in the same university attack.
In addition to Sharon's 40-seat Likud faction, most of whose members
are hawkish, the coalition includes the six-seat National Religious Party,
a patron of Jewish settlers in the West Bank and Gaza, and the seven-seat
National Union, which has members who advocate pushing the Palestinians
out of the West Bank. The coalition also includes the moderate Shinui
Party, giving it a comfortable majority of 68 in the 120-seat Knesset.
Shinui supports peace efforts in principle, but its leaders say the issue
is moot for now and are instead focusing on a domestic agenda of reducing
the influence of religion in Israel. The coalition's guidelines are not
expected to include acceptance of the so-called "road map" to peace put
forth by the United States, European Union, United Nations and Russia,
which calls for a Palestinian state and an end to Israeli settlement-building
in the West Bank and Gaza. 'This means we don't have a road map any more,'
said Palestinian Cabinet minister Saeb Erekat. He said he hoped President
Bush would 'see the light' and press Israel for moderation."
[Jews again are apparently intent upon fulfilling stereotypes: they
sue, sue, sue. Jewish lawyer culture -- towards self-aggrandizement and
censorship -- runs amuck. There are Jews suing Iran for Palestinian violence
against Jews in Israel, there are Jews suing the U.S. government for not
having bombed Auschwitz, Jews suing the U.S.. Army for Holocaust-era complaints,
and on and on.]
soldiers sue over film,
BBC, February 26, 2003
"Five Israeli reserve soldiers are suing an Israeli Arab film director
they accuse of libelling troops who fought in the battle for the Jenin
refugee camp. They accuse Mohammed Bakri of libellously portraying them
and their comrades as war criminals in the film Jenin, Jenin, which
was recently banned in Israel. Over eight days of fighting in April 2002,
53 Palestinian gunmen and civilians were killed along with 23 Israeli
soldiers as they searched for militants. Speaking about his film, Mr Bakri
has suggested that his critics are not prepared to accept his version
of the 'truth'. The soldiers, who are also suing two Israeli cinemas which
screened it after its October release, are claiming 2.5m shekels ($500,000)
in damages. 'We received an emergency call-up order and went out to fight
in order to defend our homes,' one of the reservists told the Israeli
newspaper Haaretz. 'We fought slowly, day after day, in order to avoid
harming the civilian population. This film portrays us as war criminals'
... The cinemas which showed it before the ban are
being sued for screening images of the soldiers without their permission."
The Great Wall of Denial,
by Gila Svirsky,
Coalition of Women for Peace (Israel),
February 28, 2003
"The lives of Palestinians in the occupied territories have been
thoroughly disrupted since Sharon came to power, far more than
under any preceding Israeli prime minister. The mystery, however, is not
the reign of terror - this is no mystery under Sharon - but the
indifference of Israeli citizens to that behavior. How is it possible
that through two and a half years of increasingly cruel conduct of our
army, the Israeli public has had almost nothing to say about soldiers...
*** urinating on school computers and defecating on the rugs of homes
they have garrisoned for use; *** accidentally demolishing the
homes of innocent people that happen to be near the homes deliberately
destroyed *** preventing the residents of entire cities from leaving
their houses for weeks on end (no exceptions - not for chemo, dialysis,
childbirth, buying food, attending school, or visiting your sick mother);
*** damaging 27 Palestinian ambulances beyond repair and wounding 187
medical personnel [www.palestinercs.org] ; *** and assassinating
people without the niceties of trial and due process, not to mention reckless
shootings in which 126 innocent children aged 13 or younger (including
19 toddlers and infants aged 5 or younger!) have lost their lives [www.btselem.org].
Why, I am trying to understand, are we Israelis so blind to this brutality?
Where are the expressions of revulsion by decent Israelis? Why don't the
major newspapers report these heart-wrenching stories (not just the liberal
and much smaller-circulation Ha'aretz)? Why didn't a single Jewish
political party in the recent election criticize the government for its
policy of collective punishment? Why are the brave young men and women
who refuse to carry out these crimes disparaged in the media, while even
Peace Now and the Meretz party don't come to their support?
Why are only a handful of people willing to apply the label 'war crime'
to the deeds of the army - deeds that merit this designation under any
objective reading of the international instruments of law? The lack of
outrage and compassion in Israel is difficult to understand. Is it a reflection
of the fact that Israelis are uninformed? Or are they aware and indifferent?
I believe that Israelis do know the truth. They know because some stories
- the most poignant - do reach the media. A month ago, they saw a scene
on Israeli TV of a young boy on crutches forced everyday to scale a muddy
checkpoint wall to get to school. They know because they do reserve duty
in the territories - or their family and friends do - and some even brag
about the dirty tricks they saw or did. They know because some watch CNN,
the BBC, or other foreign media, even when they dismiss these reports
as anti-Israeli or anti-Semitic. But enough stories do get through for
Israelis to know what is happening, to understand the brutal reality.
So the question is, why is there indifference? ... Furthermore, innocent
bystanders have been killed on our side, too, making it harder for Israelis
to feel compassion for those they regard as supportive of the attacks.
Nevertheless, the completely lopsided balance of power and suffering has
not penetrated the consciousness of the Israeli public as a whole. The
violence on both sides is reprehensible, but most Israelis behave as if
only our people are its victims them, are the perpetrators of the crimes.
Third, much blame goes to our political and rabbinical leaders who engage
in fear mongering and dehumanization of the other. Racism
is rampant in Israel, from popular Rabbi Ovadia Yosef who called
all Arabs 'snakes', to President Katsav who told a group of bar-mitzvah
boys, 'The Palestinians don't behave as if they come from the same planet
as we do.' The National Union Party, a member of Sharon's new government,
openly advocates ethnic cleansing - the 'transfer', as they call it, of
all Arabs from Israel and the territories. Is it any wonder that so few
pay attention to the suffering of those who have been devalued and dehumanized?
Meanwhile, our military leaders repeat the mantra that 'The
IDF is the most moral army in the world.' There may be many more
reasons for Israeli indifference. Eitan Felner, former Director of the
B'Tselem human rights organization, referred to Israel's behavior as typical
of an adult who has been abused as a child and consequently becomes an
abusive adult, just as Jews were abused in Europe and now take it out
on others [NY Times, date?]. Many Israelis believe they hold exclusive
rights to the category 'Suffering Victims', and are unable to view themselves
as having inflicted suffering and victimhood on others. But the important
question is, how do we penetrate the numbness of Israelis, soldiers and
civilians alike, about the wrongness of our actions - wrong morally and
stupid strategically. As virtually everyone has recognized by now, the
brutal policies only create more bitterness and desire for revenge. How
do we get the message across to Israelis that the government is undermining
our security in the territories with each act of humiliation and cruelty?
How do we convey to Israelis that we are behaving in some ways like the
persecutors of Jews have behaved from time immemorial? Israeli peace and
human rights activists have been wracking our brains over how to accomplish
An End to
the Israel Experiment? Unmaking a Grievous Error,
by Kirkpatrick Sale, CounterPunch, March
3, 2003
"Now that Ariel Sharon has been returned to power and his
regime endorsed in its brutal occupation of Palestine, it seems to me
that the time has come to ask whether the 50-year-old experiment known
as the state of Israel has proven to be a failure and should be abandoned.
Two things seem abundantly clear from the long months of multi-ethnic
carnage in the Middle East. The first is that Israel cannot live in peace
with the Palestinians unless it finally establishes a dictatorial apartheid
rule and confines them in Arab bantustans. The second is that the Palestinians
will not live in peace with Israel, not even if they achieve their promised
statehood, for they share the deep, decades-old hostility to the Jewish
state that has not abated but increased throughout the Arab world in recent
years. We may disregard as hollow the rhetoric claiming that Israel would
be accepted if it was confined to its pre-1967 borders, which is something
that it will not do, anyway. With the Likud electoral victory, we can
expect, even if eventually some American-brokered peace plan is nominally
agreed upon, that Israel will fortify its borders, continue occupying
Palestinian territory at will, bolster its support for West Bank settlements,
and keep on using military retaliation for any Palestinian acts of sabotage
or terror. And that Palestine, though most of its armed organizations
will have been decimated, will be unable or unwilling to stop such acts,
including suicide bombing, newly fueled by the hatred stemming from the
present Israeli occupation. Israel will win this little war against the
intifada, and Palestine will be effectively disembowled, but there will
not be peace. In fact, there is guaranteed to be more violence. And there
will continue to be violence as long as Israel exists amidst a population
that for the most part abhors, and in only a few quarters tolerates, its
presence. We all understand the reason for Israel's existence in the first
place. Guilt, and reparation. But was it not a certain recipe for unrest
and disorder to forcibly establish a Jewish homeland in the Middle East
and, in effect, put down 2 million Jews in the middle of 200 million Arabs?
What would have happened if it was decided in 1948 that 2 million African-Americans
should be returned to, say, a partitioned Ghana, supported by an annual
$6 billion in aid from the American government? Or, perhaps more to the
point, if those African-Americans, who arguably deserve reparation of
some kind, were established in that part of the Middle East, approximating
the present borders of Israel, that their African ancestors settled from
about 100,000 years ago on? Their claims of priority would vastly outrank
any Biblical ones for the Jews, but it is hard to think that they would
have been welcomed by the Arabs there, and tolerated only if they had
superior military power and the support of the U.S. Yes, I am arguing
that the original idea of a Jewish state, from the Balfour Declaration
on down, was a mistake, and to establish it in an Islamic Middle East
essentially by force and with the emiseration of millions of natives was
a tragic mistake. We are reaping the awful results of that error today."
Home Background / Vicious circle in the Gaza Strip,
Haaretz (Israel), March 4, 2003
"Overpopulated, underprivileged Gaza, the stepchild of Israel and
the Palestinians alike, is presenting Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's
new government with its first military policy challenge, a literally vicious
circle of violence so inconclusive that it has raised an outcry among
the very Israelis the policy was designed to protect. In the West Bank,
there has been ongoing debate among Palestinians over the efficacy of
mounting attacks in Israel proper. In the Gaza Strip, however, Palestinian
rage over civilian casualties in IDF raids - estimated to constitute as
much as 30 percent of total Palestinian casuaties in Gaza violence involving
Israel - has kept support for Hamas gunners at fever pitch ... Increasingly,
however, Sderot [an Israeli town] residents as well as military analysts
are calling into question the wisdom of a strategy which has resulted
in large numbers of Palestinian civilian deaths, bolstering the motivation
of Hamas to launch new terror strikes ... Monday's IDF raid on a central
Gaza refugee camp left eight Palestinians dead, among them a teenage boy
and a pregnant woman who was killed when IDF engineers demolished the
house of a militant who had lived next door, causing her house to collapse
as well, crushing her to death. The funerals for the eight sparked furious
demonstrations of support for Hamas and for new rocket attacks against
Sderot ... Hamas, true to form, vowed fresh vengeance ... Gaza has long
been a hotbed for Islamic fundamentalism. The more than one million Palestinians
in the Strip live in a sector that is one of the most densely-populated
areas on the face of the earth, with a birth rate to match."
[New bureaucratic forms of discrimination in Jewish Israel.]
crisis. You can register as any of 132 nationalities on your ID card -
except `Israeli',
Haaretz (Israel), March 5, 2003
"If anyone ever decided to collect all the identity cards ever issued
by the Interior Ministry and study the various entries listed under the
'nationality' heading, they would be in for a surprise. They would find
that Israel has citizens or permanent residents described - at least in
their identity cards - as 'Assyrians' and 'Tatars.' They would find 'Senegalese,'
'Bolivians' and 'Canadians.' But as hard as they might try, they would
not be able to find any identity cards in which the bearer is described
as 'Israeli.' The Interior Ministry's list of possible nationalities offers
132 authorized options for registration of nationality on a ministry-issued
identity card. The choices include over a hundred different countries,
as well as a selection of ethnic groups and religions. One country not
appearing on the list, however, is the State of Israel. The nationality
entry appearing on identity cards was nullified two months ago by the
Knesset; until then, most citizens of Israel were simply described as
'Jewish' ... The list remained secret. Having despaired of their direct
entreaties to the ministry, several academics and public figures, all
of whom belong to the association - petitioned the Tel Aviv District Court
three weeks ago. They asked the court to instruct the Interior Ministry
to disclose the list, as required by the Freedom of Information Law ...
The reasons for the Interior Ministry's efforts to suppress the information
may lie in nine categories that might be construed as somewhat out of
the ordinary among the 132 nationality options. They refer to the registration
of unclear cases: 'Not registered,' 'Transfer error,' 'Under investigation,'
'As yet unregistered,' 'Under examination,' 'No nationality,' 'Unknown,'
'Not known' and 'Undetermined.' The significance of each of these entries
may be comprehensible only to ministry officials. In a few cases, the
entry was chosen at the request of the bearer of the identity card (as
in the case of atheists), but usually they indicate that in terms of the
Interior Ministry, there is some problem or other with 'the Jewish identity'
of the bearer of the card (improper conversion, missing documents, etc.)."
[Israel's keen strategy to end suicide bombings:]
World Bank criticises
Israel. Many Palestinians live on $2 a day,
BBC (UK), March 5, 2003
"Israeli-imposed closures in the West Bank and Gaza Strip are continuing
to cause severe economic problems for Palestinians, according to a new
report from the World Bank. It says more than half the Palestinian population
is now living on less than two dollars a day and that only massive foreign
aid is preventing full economic collapse. This is an attempt by the World
Bank to quantify in facts and figures the enormous human suffering the
conflict with Israel is causing the Palestinian people. 'I have less interest
in apportioning blame, than looking at the consequences of the conflict,'
Nigel Roberts, director of the World Bank in Gaza and the West Bank, told
BBC News Online. The report indicates that the main cause has been
Israel's closure of routes from Palestinian areas into Israel and the
imposition of curfews and closures in Palestinian towns and villages ...
[T]he Bank stresses that the actions of the Israeli Government are the
key to the Palestinian economy ... Half the workforce is without a job
and 60% - about two million people - live on less than $2 a day, compared
with 21% before the intifada."
/ Palestinians: Israelis 'deserved' Haifa bombing,
by Danny Rubinstein, Haaretz (Israel),
March 6, 2003
"Satisfaction among Palestinians following the Wednesday's bus bombing
in Haifa was much greater than after previous attacks. This was the impression
received by a group of Palestinian journalists who carried out interviews
in the West Bank and Gaza Strip ... Even senior Palestinian Authority
officials, who condemned the attack, added that it was only to be expected
considering Israel's 'daily slaughter,' as a spokesman for the PLO in
Ramallah said. Palestinian sources gave details Wednesday on the overall
number of Palestinian deaths during the intifada, and particularly the
number killed over the last few days. According to data from Dr. Moussa
Bargouti, one of the leaders of the National Party, and an activist for
citizens' rights in Ramallah, some 85 percent of Palestinians killed since
the start of the intifada were civilians. Other Palestinian sources said
that since the last suicide bombing, on Jauary 6 in Tel Aviv's old central
bus station, 156 Palestinians have been killed - including 17 children
- and only 40 of them were armed. During the last few days, for example,
a pregnant woman and a 75-year-old man were killed in the Gaza Strip,
as well as a deaf youth in Tul Karm."
raid kills old man on donkey,
Sydney Morning Herald (Australia), March
6, 2003
"A 75-year-old man is the latest in a growing number of Palestinian
civilians to fall victim to Israel's crackdown in the occupied territories
of Gaza and the West Bank. Relatives said the man was shot while riding
a donkey near a Jewish settlement in the Gaza Strip. His death came a
day after an Israeli tank and helicopter raid on a Gaza refugee camp which
killed eight people, including a pregnant woman and two youths. Nuha Maqadma,
38, a mother of 10, was crushed when her house collapsed as Israeli troops
blew up a nearby building belonging to a political leader of the Hamas
resistance movement ... [T]he apparent upsurge in civilian casualties
is attracting criticism within Israel itself. On Tuesday the Ha'aretz
newspaper reported that 25 of the 72 Palestinians killed by Israel
in February were civilians, including three children under 10. A separate
report suggested Israeli commanders were unwilling to authorise investigations
into killings by their troops. This week the mounting wave of civilian
casualties attracted rare criticism from the United States."
Ministry fumes over BBC report,
Jerusalem Post, March 6, 2003
"[Israeli[ Ministry officials were furious with the British Broadcasting
Corporation after a BBC report cast doubt on the authenticity of an Israeli
statement that said the suicide bomber in Wednesday's attack carried a
letter linking the attack to the September 11 attacks. Foreign Ministry
officials said it was unthinkable that the BBC should attribute ulterior
motives to the Israeli and question their integrity when the BBC 'routinely
accepts Palestinian lies.'"
Troops Raid Gaza Refugee Camp. Palestinian rescuers inspect a burned three-story
building during the Israeli Incursion into the Jabalya refugee camp northern
Gaza Strip,
Earthlink (from Associated Press), March
6, 2003
"Israeli troops hunting Islamic militants after a deadly suicide
bombing stormed this refugee camp Thursday in a raid that left 11 Palestinians
dead and 110 wounded. On Wednesday, a suicide bomber blew himself up on
a bus in the northern Israeli port city of Haifa, killing 14 Israelis
and an American teenager. That attack and Israel's deadly incursion into
Jabalya camp marked an escalation of violence in the volatile Mideast
at a time when a U.S. offensive against Iraq appeared to be drawing closer.
Eight of those killed in Jabalya, including three boys ages 12, 13 and
14, died in disputed circumstances. Palestinian witnesses said the eight
were killed by an Israeli tank shell fired toward camp residents crowding
around a burning building ... Doctors said tank shell shrapnel caused
most of the injuries and that 29 of the 110 wounded were in serious condition
- including 12 minors. A Reuters cameraman and photographer were among
the wounded."
[Again and again and again: non-Jews are garbage in the Jewish state.
Thank God for the only "democracy" in the Middle East. Israel
is a racist hellhole. Period]
sells expired protective kits to foreign workers,
Haaretz (Israel), March 12, 2003
"The defense establishment is selling gas masks and atropin injections
that have passed their expiry dates to foreign workers, according to a
study conducted by Haaretz. The study revealed that the gas masks
on sale to foreign workers were manufactured in 1982, whereas the gas
masks distributed to Israeli citizens are from 1984 and later. The atropin
injections for foreigners are from 1995, while Israelis are getting injections
made in 1996 and later. Not only are the gas masks and injections outdated,
and hence unfit for use, but the foreign workers are being made to pay
NIS 200 for the kits. Half of this will be reimbursed when they return
their kits, while the remainder of the sum will remain with the defense
establishment. There are an estimated 200,000 foreign workers in Israel.
The state ruled that these workers were not eligible for free gas-mask
kits, but decided in January that the foreigners would be allowed to purchase
kits at special distribution centers set up countrywide at Hamashbir Lazarchan
branches and post offices. The foreign workers who
showed up to buy kits were not told the masks they were buying were different
from those distributed to Israelis, and were given no information about
the expiry issue. In contrast, Israeli citizens have been instructed by
the Home Front Command to replace masks manufactured prior to 1984 and
atropin injections made before 1996. Each gas-mask kit comes with
a 22-number bar code, with the third and fourth digits indicating the
year of manufacture of the mask. The 13th and 14th digits denote the injection's
production date. Foreign workers have said that their requests to replace
kits purchased in the past with new ones were rejected, with the workers
being required to pay the full sum for their new kits."
of Israeli atrocities
[Pulling the U.S. into war: Some things never change.]
by Delinda C. Hanley, Washington Report on Middle
East Affairs, p. 84, April 2003 [paper edition]
"The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) sponsored
a sold-out showing of the BBC documentary 'USS LIBERTY Dead in the Water'
on Feb. 22 at Visions Cinema in Washington, DC. Over 250 viewers from
both the Arab-American community and the neighborhood joined LIBERTY survivors
to watch this gripping film, a finalist in the Vancouver Film Festival,
which is available from the AET Book Club for $30. During the Six-Day
War, Israel attacked and nearly sank the USS LIBERTY, killing 34 Americans.
'Dead in the Water' presents startling new evidence that the Israeli attack
was no accident, and that it very nearly caused World War III. The film
provides convincing evidence that because the United States believed that
the unmarked fighter jets that attacked the USS LIBERTY were Egyptian,
a punishing U.S. response was only narrowly averted when fighter jets
were recalled minutes from bombing Cairo. Israel, the film charges, meant
to sink the LIBERTY and blame Egypt, to draw the United States into their
1967 war. That would have pulled in Russia, and a world-wide conflict
could have ensued. In the question-and-answer session after the film,
LIBERTY survivor John Hrankowski, fielded questions from an audience worried
that, once again, Israel was drawing the U.S. into a conflict that could
inspire World War III. One person asked Hrankowski how American reporters
agreed to suppress the story at the time (even President Lyndon Johnson
was shocked that the attack on an American ship was only on the last pages
of THE NEW YORK TIMES!)." [To contact the LIBERTY Association
write to PO Box 53347, Washington, DC 20009 or call (202) 222-0173]
Teens Volunteer in Israeli Army,
Grand Forks Herald (Nebraska) (from Associated
Press), Mar. 15, 2003
"When Omer Friedman told his parents he was leaving California
to join the Israeli army for three years, they offered to buy the 18-year-old
a new car if he reconsidered. The bribe didn't work. Friedman joined
19 other Americans in a volunteer program that brings American Jews to
Israel for army service, and closer to a bloody conflict that has killed
thousands in just 29 months. He could see combat as early as July ...
Friedman's decision to leave the United States comes as many of his Israeli
counterparts dream of escaping the Jewish state's stagnant economy, brutal
conflict with the Palestinians and potential dangers associated with a
U.S.-led war with Iraq ... More than 200 soldiers have been killed during
29 months of fighting, and several of them have been Israeli-Americans.
More than 2,200 Palestinians have also been killed.
Yeela Porat, 18, from Sunnyvale, Calif., scrapped college plans
and her job at Starbucks to enlist in the Israeli army. Her fellow employees
didn't understand why she would want to leave. 'They think it has to be
political ... but it's not. It has to do with a feeling of where you belong,
and you can't explain that to them,' said Porat, who was born in Israel
but left as a child. More than 100,000 Americans
live in Israel, holding dual citizenship. The volunteer program,
which began four years ago, has brought dozens of Americans to the Israeli
army ... Many say they'll stay in Israel after their service, but some
are keeping their options open. Israel encourages Jews of all nationalities
to immigrate. Yossi Nachemi left his family in Chicago for the
Israeli army. For the 21-year-old, coming to Israel was a dream realized.
He changed his name from Joe Osgood to the name his grandfather
gave up decades ago, and signed up for the army. He initially hid his
plans from his parents. 'I feel like I'm fighting not only for Israel,
but for the Jewish people,' he said. Chen Bloom, 19, from Boston,
said she often received strange looks from Israelis when she told them
she'd volunteered. 'People say 'what were you thinking?'' she said, shrugging.
'I feel I'm making a difference.' Other acknowledge there's also the draw
of adventure, and the urge to escape the boredom of suburbia."
GoOff, March 18, 2003
[This is pathetic. These Jews are hell-bent upon fulfilling the most
sinister of stereotypes about Jews. In this case, even as Jews destroy
the non-Jewish other, they're angling to their snug victim role -- with
attendant financial reparations from the impoverished real sufferers.
Time for a class action suit by Palestinians against Israel that has stolen
their land -- and against the world-wide clan that has brought this monster
to fruition. The Israeli oppression of the Palestinian people is unrelenting,
omnipresent, total.]
Home. Their day in court,
Haaretz (Israel), March 21, 2003
"Hundreds of Israelis whose businesses have suffered because of
the intifada are trying to sue the Palestinian Authority for damages.
The courts are sympathetic and the money is there, but some legal experts
believe the plaintiffs won't see a penny of it. 'Even though I hold
left-wing views, I have no great love for the Palestinian Authority,'
says Yoram Cohen, one of the owners of Moment Cafe in Jerusalem.
Cohen is suing the PA for NIS 3.5 million for damages caused to the coffee
house in a terrorist attack last March. Says Saeb Erekat, the PA's minister
for self-government, 'Israelis who sue the PA are doing a very grave thing.
They are trying to plunder the money of Palestinian children, poor people
and the ill.' 'I was hurt, and at this stage I have to see to my own needs,'
Cohen says. 'I don't want to be the patsy who suffers, and as far as I
am concerned I don't care where the money comes from. I see myself getting
money from the PA and not from some poor Palestinian toddler.' More than
200 people who were affected by terrorist attacks and about 100 companies
have recently filed suits against the PA in Israeli courts. They are demanding
a total of about NIS 2 billion for direct or indirect damage they have
sustained as a result of the Palestinian terrorism of the past two and
a half years. The Egged bus cooperative is demanding compensation of NIS
52 million for the buses that were blown up in suicide bombing attacks,
60 hotels are asking for NIS 150 million for business they have lost,
11 insurance companies want NIS 400 million for claims they have had to
honor, Kenes (an organization that organizes conferences) is demanding
NIS 25 million for canceled meetings, and Moment is seeking NIS 3.5 million.
Thirty tour guides who have been rendered unemployed because of the drastic
drop in tourism are soon to file suit, along with dozens of Jerusalem
building contractors. Two weeks ago, 75 of those who were affected by
the terrorist attack on the number 18 bus in Jerusalem in February 1996
filed a damage suit of NIS 545 million against the PA. So sweeping is
the flood of suits that a law firm hired to file them has prepared a standard
form for plaintiffs. Those who wish to join in need only add their names.
And this is just the beginning."
In Israel,
distress signals from Ethiopians,
By Ben Lynfield, The Christian Science Monitor,
May 22, 2002
"The gap between black and white Israelis seems, with some exceptions,
to be growing. For Ethiopians, it is visible in impoverished neighborhoods,
soaring unemployment, and the highest high-school dropout rate of any
Jewish group in Israel. Twenty-six percent of Ethiopian youths have either
dropped out or do not show up for classes most of the time, raising concerns
that the community's current difficulties may become chronic. Drug use,
including glue-sniffing, is on the rise, and criminal activity, hardly
known among Ethiopians before they came to Israel, has been growing. Ethiopian
Jews, who number just over 1 percent of the more than 6 million Israelis,
arrived mostly in two waves: during the early 1980s and then in a dramatic
US-backed airlift a decade ago. Most started almost from scratch in education
and job skills. There were also cultural differences. 'In Ethiopia, children
look down when their teacher talks,' Mr. Ishete says, in contrast to native
Israeli children, who look their teachers right in the eye. For the Ethiopians,
95 percent of whom were subsistence farmers, the leap to 21st-century,
first-world Israel was so enormous as to be hard to grasp, he adds. But
not everyone is sympathetic. Israeli mayors unabashedly urge the government
to keep Ethiopian immigrants away from their cities ... Asher Elias, a
staff member at the Israel Association for Ethiopian Jews (IAEJ) [says:]
"Ethiopians have lots of motivation to become Israelis, but they are not
accepted ... In jobs, in education, people feel they are discriminated
against because they are black. I'm not saying it is right or wrong, but
it is what we are feeling, and that is enough.' A low point in the relationship
between Ethiopian Jews and Israelis came in 1996, when it was revealed
that Israeli hospitals had thrown out all blood donated by Ethiopians.
'These were donations to help other Israelis,' Mr. Elias says. '[Ethiopians]
said to each other: 'What do they think? That we are not humans?' 'Habad,
one of Israel's stronger orthodox religious groups, doesn't recognize
Ethiopians as Jews or allow their children into its kindergartens ...
Israelis are developing a negative image of Ethiopians, warns Yair Tsaban,
who was immigration minister during the second immigration wave. 'The
absorption of the Ethiopians could be a source of pride for the country,'
he says. 'But if the Ethiopian immigrants are associated with crime and
violence in the minds of other Israelis, there can be alienation. People
could ask 'Why have they been brought here?'"
on all the buttons. The world's best-known and most efficient 'secret'
manufacturer of weapons of mass destruction is not Iraq, not even North
Korea, but Israel,
Indexonline, January 3, 2003
"In September 1986, Mordechai Vanunu, a technician at Israel's
Dimona nuclear site, revealed to the Sunday Times that the nuclear
military programme based there had produced 'over 200' nuclear warheads.
Days later he was tricked into flying to Rome where he was abducted by
Mossad agents and secretly transported to Israel. In November 1986, he
was tried in camera and sentenced to 18 years' imprisonment, 14 of which
were spent in solitary confinement. In 1999, in response to a petition
from Yediot Ahronot newspaper, the government released about 40 per cent
of the trial documents. The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists estimates
that Israel has the world's fifth largest stockpile of nuclear warheads
(more than Britain, which it believes has 185). In February 2000, Knesset
member Issam Mahoul said Israel had '200 to 300' nuclear weapons; in August
of that year, the Federation of American Scientists said that Israel could
have produced 'at least 100 nuclear weapons, but probably not significantly
more than 200'; the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute estimates
200. Other sources, including Jane's Intelligence Review, estimate between
400 and 500 thermonuclear and nuclear weapons. What Dimona is to Israel's
nuclear programme, the Israeli Institute for Biological Research (IIBR)
at Nes Ziona is to its chemical and biological warfare (CBW) programme.
The high-security facility is absent from aerial survey photographs and
maps, on which it has been replaced by orange groves. Except for token
visits to Dimona by a Norwegian team in 1961 and a US team in 1969, there
has been no international scrutiny. Even the Knesset is denied access.
However, the 1993 report by the Office of Technology Assessment for the
US Congress states that Israel has 'undeclared offensive chemical warfare
capabilities' and is 'generally reported as having an undeclared offensive
biological warfare programme'. Anthony Cordesman of the Centre for Strategic
and International Studies states that Israel has conducted extensive research
into gas warfare and is ready to produce biological weapons. According
to an exhaustive study by Karel Knip, a Dutch journalist, the IIBR's work
has included the synthesis of nerve gases such as tabun, sarin and VX.
The October 1992 crash an of El Al cargo plane in Amsterdam that caused
at least 47 deaths and caused hundreds of immediate and subsequent mysterious
illnesses led to the disclosure in 1998 that flight LY1862 was carrying
chemicals including 50 gallons of dimethyl methylphosphonate (DMMP) -
enough to produce 594 pounds of sarin. The DMMP was supplied by Solkatronic
Chemicals Inc of Morrisville, Pennsylvania, and was destined for the IIBR.
Avner Cohen has catalogued reported uses of biological weapons by Jewish
forces during the 1948 war in Palestine. The Israeli historian Uri Milstein
alleged that 'in many conquered Arab villages, the water supply was poisoned
to prevent the inhabitants from coming back.' Milstein states that one
of the largest of such covert operations caused the typhoid outbreak in
Acre in May 1948. The Palestinian Arab Higher Committee reported in July
1948 that there was some evidence that Jewish forces were responsible
for a cholera outbreak in Egypt in November 1947 and in Syrian villages
near the Palestinian-Syrian border in February 1948. In May 1948, the
Egyptian ministry of defence stated that four 'zionists' had been captured
while trying to contaminate artesian wells in Gaza with 'a liquid which
was discovered to contain germs of dysentery and typhoid'. In 1954, it
was widely reported that defence minister Pinchas Lavon had proposed using
BW for special operations. Cohen says: 'Israel has presumably employed
biological or toxin weapons for special operations.' In 1955, Prime Minister
Ben Gurion ordered the weaponisation and stockpiling of chemical weapons
in case of a war with Egypt. Former Mossad agent Victor Ostrovsky claims
that lethal tests have been performed on Arab prisoners at the IIBR. There
are allegations that Israel has used CBW on numerous occasions: Chemical
defoliants used by the army against Palestinian lands, including Ain el-Beida
in 1968, Araqba in 1972 and Mejdel Beni Fadil in 1978; Armed nuclear missiles
in the 1967 and 1973 Arab-Israeli wars; Chemical weapons in the 1982 war
on Lebanon, including hydrogen cyanide, nerve gas and phosphorus shells;
In the 1980s lethal gases against Palestinian civilians and Palestinian,
Lebanese and Israeli Jewish prisoners."
simply has no right to exist/ Peace might have a real chance without Israelis'
biblical claims Special report: Israel and the Middle East,
by Faisal Bodi, The Guardian (UK), January
3, 2001
"Several years ago, I suggested in my students' union newspaper that
Israel shouldn't exist. I also said the sympathy evoked by the Holocaust
was a very handy cover for Israeli atrocities. Overnight I became public
enemy number one. I was a Muslim fundamentalist, a Jew-hater, somebody
who trivialised the memory of the most abominable act in history. My denouncers
followed me, photographed me, and even put telephone calls through to
my family telling them to expect a call from the grim reaper. Thankfully,
my notoriety in Jewish circles has since waned to the extent that recently
I gave an inter-faith lecture sponsored by the Leo Baeck College, even
though my views have remained the same. Israel has no right to exist.
I know it's a hugely unfashionable thing to say and one which, given the
current parlous state of the peace process, some will also find irresponsible.
But it's a fact that I have always considered central to any genuine peace
formula. Certainly there is no moral case for the existence of Israel.
Israel stands as the realisation of a biblical statement. Its raison d'être
was famously delineated by former prime minister Golda Meir. 'This
country exists as the accomplishment of a promise made by God Himself.
It would be absurd to call its legitimacy into account.' That biblical
promise is Israel's only claim to legitimacy. But whatever God meant when
he promised Abraham that 'unto thy seed have I given this land, from the
river of Egypt unto the great river, the Euphrates,' it is doubtful that
he intended it to be used as an excuse to take by force and chicanery
a land lawfully inhabited and owned by others. It does no good to anyone
to brush this fact, uncomfortable as it might be, under the table ...
By the time the UN accepted a resolution on the partition of Palestine
in 1947, Jews constituted 32% of the population and owned 5.6% of the
land. By 1949, largely as a result of paramilitary organisations such
as the Haganah, Irgun and Stern gang, Israel controlled 80% of Palestine
and 770,000 non-Jews had been expelled from their country ... Far from
being a force for liberation and safety after decades of suffering, the
idea that Israel is some kind of religious birthright has only imprisoned
Jews in a never-ending cycle of conflict. The 'promise' breeds an arrogance
which institutionalises the inferiority of other peoples and generates
atrocities against them with alarming regularity. It allows soldiers to
defy their consciences and blast unarmed schoolchildren. It gives rise
to legislation seeking to prevent the acquisition of territory by non-Jews.
More crucially, the promise limits Israel's capacity to seek models of
coexistence based on equality and the respect of human rights. A state
based on so exclusivist a claim to legitimacy cannot but conceive of separation
as a solution. But separation is not the same as lasting peace; it only
pulls apart warring parties."
May 11, 2002 "Nobody
Should Preach to Us Ethics, Nobody!" Israel, a Light unto Nations?,
By Kathleen Christison, Former CIA political analyst, Counterpunch,
May 11, 2002
"In the never-ending propaganda show designed to depict Israel as
a moral nation victimized by immoral terrorists and anti-Semites, CNN
recently ran a film clip of the late Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin
declaiming, as only he could, 'Nobody should preach to us ethics, nobody!'
And, of course, few do. It's the general assumption among the vast majority
of Americans that no on can preach ethics to Israel, that light unto nations.
No nation is more ethical or more innocent--or so we are told. But I can't
get something I recently saw off my mind. Every so often in the midst
of a deluge of information something leaps out at you as unique--utterly
electrifying, utterly horrifying, almost mind-altering in a way. One's
senses become dulled after months, years, of reading about and seeing
images on television of innocents dead from Palestinian terrorist attacks,
of other innocents dead from Israeli tank or sniper fire, of cities and
refugee camps devastated, in recent weeks of the entire civilian infrastructure
of Palestinian society destroyed. But one searing article leapt out the
other day that has stuck in my craw, and I cannot let go of it. In an
article in the May 6 issue of the Israeli newspaper Haaretz entitled
'Someone Even Managed to Defecate into the Photocopier,' Amira Hass--an
honest, courageous Israeli woman who has spent years living among Palestinians
in the occupied West Bank and Gaza--described the scenes of destruction
at the Palestinian Ministry of Culture left behind after Israeli military
forces lifted their siege of the towns of Ramallah and its suburb al-Birah,
where the ministry is located. Entering the building after its month-long
occupation by an Israeli military unit, ministry officials, foreign cultural
attaches, and reporters found a scene of grotesque vandalism. Equipment
from the local radio and television station had been hurled from windows
in the multi-story building, electronic equipment was destroyed or had
been stolen, furniture was broken and piled up on heaps of papers, books,
computer disks, and broken glass. Children's paintings had been destroyed.
And then there was this, as described by Hass: 'There are two toilets
on every floor, but the soldiers urinated and defecated everywhere else
in the building, in several rooms of which they had lived for about a
month. They did their business on the floors, in emptied flowerpots, even
in drawers they had pulled out of desks. They defecated into plastic bags,
and these were scattered in several places. Some of them had burst. Someone
even managed to defecate into a photocopier. The soldiers urinated into
empty mineral water bottles. These were scattered by the dozen in all
the rooms of the building, in cardboard boxes, among the piles of rubbish
and rubble, on desks, under desks, next to the furniture the soldiers
had smashed, among the children's books that had been thrown down. Some
of the bottles had opened and the yellow liquid had spilled and left its
stain. It was especially difficult to enter two floors of the building
because of the pungent stench of feces and urine. Soiled toilet paper
was also scattered everywhere. In some of the rooms, not far from the
heaps of feces and the toilet paper, remains of rotting food were scattered.
In one corner, in the room in which someone had defecated into a drawer,
full cartons of fruits and vegetables had been left behind. The toilets
were left overflowing with bottles filled with urine, feces and toilet
paper. Relative to other places, the soldiers did not leave behind them
many sayings scrawled on the walls. Here and there were the candelabrum
symbols of Israel, stars of David, praises for the Jerusalem Betar soccer
team.' This is not a tale we are ever likely to see in the American press,
so the vast majority of Americans who think with Menachem Begin
that nobody can preach to Israel about ethics, that Israel's army is the
only moral army in the world and always employs the doctrine of 'purity
of arms,' will go on thinking that way. But I cannot. I am forced to ask
some questions that that American majority will no doubt never hear: Can
it, for instance, be called terrorism if an entire unit of the Israeli
army forsakes purity of arms and spends a month crapping on floors, on
piles of children's artwork, in desk drawers, on photocopiers? Is this
self-defense, or 'rooting out the terrorist infrastructure'? Is it anti-Semitic
to wonder what happened to the moral compass of a society that spawns
a group of young men who will intermingle their own religious and national
symbols with feces and urine, as if the drawings and the excrement both
constitute valued autographs? Do they think Israeli shit is cleaner, holier
than anyone else's? Why are my taxes paying for this army? How can Palestinians
ever make peace in the face of filth and disrespect like this?"
Secret Arsenal of the Israeli State,
"DIMONA: Once described as a 'textile factory,'
the Dimona Center actually produces about 40 kilograms of weapons grade
plutonium every year and has been doing so for 10 and possibly 20 years
Israel has produced enough plutonium at Dimona to construct between 100
and 200 nuclear weapons ... Israel could [also] ... have as many as 35
thermo-nuclear weapons."
directive denies citizenship to Jews who converted in Israel
by Mazal Mualem, Haaretz (Israel), March
26, 2003
"People who move to Israel and convert here are no longer eligible
to receive citizenship under the Law of Return, according to a new directive
formulated by Attorney General Elyakim Rubinstein in December.
The order, which was formulated in conjunction with the Interior Ministry's
legal advisers, also denies citizenship under the Law of Return to anyone
who resided in Israel illegally. Until now, people who converted here
were eligible for citizenship under the Law of Return. The Interior Ministry
said it has no data on how many such people received citizenship last
year, but there have always been people who come here specifically for
the purpose of converting, undergoing rigorous Orthodox conversion courses
that culminate in conversion by the Orthodox rabbinate. The new directive
was drafted in response to a petition to the High Court of Justice filed
by a foreign worker who, after living here for several years, converted
and then applied for citizenship under the Law of Return. In their response
to the court, Rubinstein and the Interior Ministry said that over the
last few years, many foreign workers, including illegal ones, have 'exploited'
conversion as a tool with which to obtain Israeli citizenship."
Victims No Longer?,
CounterPunch, March 28, 2003
"When, after the wars of 1967 and 1973, Israel held onto conquered
land (in defiance of U.N. resolutions) and continued to dispossess Palestinians,
[Holocaust survivor Primo] Levi urged the Israelis not to
use a 'sacred history of suffering' as the rationale for their 'tribal
aggression'----a very different position to that taken by another Auschwitz
survivor, Eli Wiesel. Through his writings and his witness to that
terrible moment, Wiesel has earned iconic status as the quintessential
moral man. However, his embrace of the temptation that Primo Levi
spurned is seldom recognized. No matter how brutal Israeli actions become,
Wiesel is silent or defensive, always reserving his sympathy for
Jews. His public utterances reveal a chilling indifference to the plight
of Palestinians. Last fall, even as the UN was trying to pave the way
for peaceful disarmament, Wiesel was calling with pious insistence
for war against Iraq. Historical amnesia allows him to forget that before
the establishment of Israel, Arabs, unlike Europeans, were, on the whole,
hospitable to their Jewish minorities. It is a stance that comes perilously
close to the one satirized by the Israeli novelist Amos Oz in The
Slopes of Lebanon: 'Our sufferings have granted us immunity papers,
as it were, a moral carte blanche. We were victims and have suffered so
much. Once a victim, always a victim, and victimhood entitles its owners
to a moral exemption' ... Manipulation of the Holocaust has had, for many
years, a distorting effect on US political discourse. A majority of American
Jews and their cultural and political organizations continue to regard
criticism of Israel as prima facie evidence of anti-Semitism. In May last
year, writing in the New York Review of Books, Professor Tony Judt
confronted the myth of 'the small victim community,' arguing that 'since
1967 Israel has changed in ways that render its traditional self--description
absurd. It is now a colonial power, by some accounts the world's forth
largest military...by comparison, Palestinians are weak.' Calling him
Israel's 'dark id,' Judt warned that Prime Minister Ariel Sharon
has encouraged a contempt and cynicism towards Palestinians that will
be 'hard to shake.' Israeli novelist and poet Yitzhak Laor paints
an even bleaker picture. The 'fat, old, pork-eating hedonistic General'
is how he describes Ariel Sharon -- seeing him as emblematic of
both the corruption and the decline of democracy. Palestinians have been
erased from Israeli consciousness and with the Left and the peace movement
on the ropes Laor holds out little hope of the country transforming
itself from within. 'Does anybody think that Israel is capable of getting
itself out of this mess without help?' he asks. While the United States
is the only country with the authority to rein in Sharon, it is
unlikely to oblige now that powerful Zionists are shaping George Bush's
policy in the Middle East -- and critics are too easily silenced when
opposition to the Israeli government is equated with anti-Semitism."
Israel: Netanyahu’s nephew victimised for refusing military service,
By Harvey Thompson, goOff.com, March 29,
"Jonathan Ben-Artzi, a 20-year-old physics student, has served
a total of 214 days in military imprisonment for refusing to fight in
the Israeli army. He has now spent more time in prison—stretching seven
sentences—than any other Israeli conscientious objector and was recently
designated a prisoner of conscience by Amnesty International. What has
made Ben-Artzi’s case especially sensitive for the Israeli authorities
is that his uncle is the former prime minister and now Likud Finance Minister,
Benyamin Netanyahu. Jonathan Ben-Artzi expanded on his case
in an interview with Britain’s Guardian newspaper on March 11. His account
underlines the brutal and intimidating treatment handed out by the Israeli
state against its own citizens who refuse to participate in its murderous
offensive against the Palestinians ... Called up to the AIC on November
10 after completing his fourth sentence, Jonathan was not allowed
to address the committee. According to his parents, Jonathan had prepared
to read the following statement: 'According to Amnesty International,
more than 50 children under the age of 12 have been killed by Israeli
Army fire, during the first seven months of 2002 alone. You have not sentenced
even one of the perpetrators of these crimes. But you’re sentencing me
for the fifth time, just because I refuse to take part in such activities.'”
soldier is evil, the soldier is Israel,
by Amira Hass, Haaretz (Israel), April
3, 2003
"Last Thursday, someone from the village of Salem, east of Nablus,
called and said the soldiers had been holding 'hundreds of people - women,
adults and children - for the past three hours' and were not allowing
them to pass. Rifles held at an angle of 60 degrees and fingers on the
trigger make the soldiers' intentions clear. It's almost standard practice,
say residents of the three villages east of Nablus - Salem, Dir al-Khateb
and Azmut: An IDF force positions itself at the foot of the hill of the
new Askar refugee camp, alongside what was once a short asphalt road that
reaches the three villages and is now a mess of mud and piles of torn-up
tarmac. The force holds up people for no apparent reason, the residents
say, from both directions - from the west, to Nablus, or from the east,
from Nablus to the villages. The soldiers often force people to backtrack;
and they frequently accompany their actions with offensive speech and
insults. Some even use force. A military source was convinced that the
directives are to check only that men between the ages of 16 and 40 have
permits from the Civil Administration to move from the villages to Nablus
and vice versa, and that there are no intentions to prevent women, the
elderly and children from passing through the checkpoints. The reality
on the ground is different: Without explanation and without any apparent
checks, the soldiers do indeed hold these people up - for 10 minutes,
or an hour or two, and more, all day, twice a day - men and women. This
is the only thoroughfare for these three villages, and it's only for pedestrians
(in fact, it's only for able-bodied pedestrians, as life-threatening danger
lurks for anyone who has even a little difficulty walking). The sick and
pregnant women also have to make the journey on foot, and go through a
series of explanations and attempts to persuade the soldiers to allow
them to continue to climb or wait for the ambulance that is slow to arrive.
There is no commercial way of ferrying agricultural produce and food to
and from the villages because there is no authorized thoroughfare for
Palestinian vehicles - contrary, by the way, to an explicit promise made
by the IDF to the High Court of Justice some two years ago in response
to a petition against the closure policy submitted by an association of
doctors: The IDF promised that every blocked and enclosed Palestinian
community has a thoroughfare for direct vehicle traffic. In practice,
most villages are blocked to rapid movement of emergency vehicles. The
IDF is not honoring its promise to the High Court, and the soldiers are
operating contrary to what their commanders are promising to the media.
At most of the roadblocks that are manned by soldiers and include obstacles
(mounds of dirt or ditches designed to prevent vehicular traffic), alongside
which army patrols sometimes stop, the soldiers are adding to the institutionalized
difficulty - the fruits of a policy from above - and are improvising insults
and harassments of various kinds ... Even if the Palestinians are able
to recognize the extraordinary 'good soldier,' even if only one soldier
in every four is abusive, he is the one who determines what the day will
be like. He is the one who is etched in memory. He is Israel."
[Sexual assault statistics from the Jewish homeland: "The Light
unto the World."]
centers: Most sexual assault victims in 2002 were minors; one-third were
under 12,
by Ruth Sinai, Haaretz (Israel), April
8, 2003
"More than 2,300 girls and boys under the age of 12 were victims
of sexual assault in the past year, constituting 30 percent of the new
cases reported to the sexual assault aid centers. Almost 26 percent of
the victims were 13 to 18 years old ... Forty percent of the sexual assaults
were carried out in the victim's home. 'The home, of all places, which
should be a safe, protective and supporting place, is where many of the
horrors take place,' states the report. About half of the victims refrained
from going to the police. The most prevalent attack - 26 percent of the
new calls - was rape, including gang rape. About 16 percent of the callers
complained about incest by fathers (6.5 percent), brothers (2.6 percent)
or other relatives. Some 14 percent complained of indecent acts. About
30 percent of the 110 gang rape victims who called the Tel Aviv aid center
were men. Out of 519 calls reporting non-gang rape to this center, 25
percent were men. Some 20 percent of the victims of indecent acts reported
in Tel Aviv were men. 'The sexual assault of boys, male youths and men
is a hushed-up crime, which is almost completely absent from discourse
in Israeli society,' the report states. 'It does not occur to the victims
that anyone would listen to their ordeal.' The centers operate a hotline
and support groups, and accompany the victims during the criminal procedures
... According to the report, the largest group of victims - constituting
19 percent - were attacked by family relatives, 4.2 percent were attacked
by a spouse, and 14 percent by a friend or acquaintance. Only 12 percent
of the assaults were perpetrated by a complete stranger."
[In Israel, non-Jews -- indigenous Arabs and European, Asian, and
African "immigrant workers" -- are treated like animals. This
is the country U.S. soldiers are dying for in Iraq.]
kick the workers in the head until they bleed',
By Ruth Sinai, Haaretz (Israel),
April 8, 2003
"'Approximately one thousand Bulgarian men are living under inhumane conditions
on construction sites in Israel. They are beaten, prevented from seeking
medical help, and in the past year, have been shot at along the Israel-Palestinian
border while they worked. Their passports are collected as they step off
the plane, and are returned to them two years later, when their contract
expires.' These are the opening lines of an article appearing this week
on the cover of '24 Hours' a widely distributed newspaper in Bulgaria.
The article is based on the first-person account of a Bulgarian construction
worker who worked in Israel until the fall of 2002. The worker, who spoke
anonymously, had been recruited for work in Israel by Bacheisky, a company
whose manager told the newspaper that he has sent over 2000 workers to
Israel, and had never heard any complaints. Bacheisky is a local agent
for Yitzhak Tsarfati of Rishon Letzion, who owns a company that supplies
construction and manpower services in Israel. Despite his claim of never
having heard complaints from workers sent to Israel, numerous complaints
have been heard, although it seems as if everyone who has heard them prefers
to remain silent: the workers are usually too scared to go to the police
or to the support organizations; the contractors are satisfied with the
disciplined workers, whose diligence and professionalism has gained the
Bulgarians a sterling reputation; and the Israeli and Bulgarian diplomats
prefer to know as little as possible, for their own reasons. Serious charges
of kidnapping, imprisonment and beating of four workers were submitted
to the police over two-and-a-half years ago, but the file has been gathering
dust in the prosecutor's office. 'Our workers don't run away,' assures
the headline in a brochure put out by Tsarfati, in which he also
offers contractors $5,000 in compensation for every runaway. Tsarfati's
workers have made a name for themselves. They do not run away from their
employers, unlike Romanian and Chinese workers, who have broken their
contracts. Denia Sibos, an Israeli contracting firm, has had to
contend with over 700 runaways, says Gideon Shavlovich, a project manager
who is intimately familiar with the trade ... The question is what methods
does Tsarfati use to guarantee that his crews won't run away. 'I
have recently received disturbing reports about a manpower contractor,
Yitzhak Tsarfati of Rishon Letzion, who treats the workers that
he brings from Bulgaria with severe violence. It has been alleged that
he imposes a reign of terror that is intended to prevent them from running
away from him..." wrote MK Yuri Stern (National Union-Yisrael Beitenu)
this week to Police Major General Yaakov Ganot, who oversees immigration
cases. 'The workers are too frightened to complain, partly because Mr.
Tsarfati threatens to hurt their families in Bulgaria, where he
has widespread businesses and connections,' writes Stern, a former
chairman of the Knesset's Foreign Workers Committee. ... All of the workers
interviewed for this article stipulated that they would only talk on condition
that their names would not be revealed. One consented to have the physical
signs of his beating photographed. In order to avoid his identification,
Ha'aretz omitted descriptions of many of the instances. Two of
the men asked that the car that transported them to the interview site
wait outside their residence with its lights off. One worker said that
he was beaten in public, on the grounds of his dormitory, in order that
his friends would see, and be frightened. Others said they were beaten
in the shower room of their dormitory. 'They're really poor wretches.
The most terrifying methods are used against them. Their families are
under threat,' says a building supervisor in a large construction firm.
The executive director of the Contractor's Association, Major General
(res.) Yehuda Segev, says that after hearing rumors about the ostensible
'terror' used against the workers, he called in Tsarfati for a
conversation, partly to ask him how it is that his workers do not run
away ... Hundreds of Tsarfati's 800 workers are housed in caravans
in the Lod industrial zone, living in conditions that to the visitor from
the outside seem dismal and crowded. The site is encompassed by a high
concrete wall, with guards posted around the encampment in the evening
hours. Workers on the site report that 40 men share a single shower. In
other sites in Israel, his workers say that they have no heating or air-conditioning,
and anyone who wants a television or satellite antenna must buy it himself.
Workers report 'penalties' of up to $150 that are imposed on anyone who
refuses to go to work because he doesn't feel well, or is late coming
back from shopping or going out with friends. The workday begins at 6
A.M., and ends at 6 P.M. or later, with half an hour off for lunch. On
days that they work until 9 P.M., the workers receive another quarter-hour
break for dinner ... A no less disturbing aspect of the affair is Tsarfati's
connections with Emanuel Zisman, the man who served as Israeli
ambassador to Bulgaria until November 2002, as well as with his predecessor,
David Cohen. Zisman and Cohen's names appear as character
references in Tsarfati's brochure, along with their cell phone
Doing the
US's Dirty Work. The Colombian Paramilitaries and Israel,
By Jeremy Bigwood, Narco News Bulletin, April
8, 2003
"I copied the concept of paramilitary forces from the Israelis." -Carlos
Castaño, Mi Confesión, 2002
"According to his recently published autobiography, Carlos Castaño
was only 18 years old when he arrived in Israel in 1983 to take a year-long
course called '562.' Castaño, a Colombian, had come to the Holy Land as
a pilgrim of sorts, but not to find peace. Course 562 was about war, and
how to wage it, and it was something Carlos Castaño would eventually excel
at, becoming the most adept and ruthless paramilitary leader in Latin
America’s history ... In the 1980s, these paramilitary groups were disparate
and poorly trained, sometimes involving themselves in bloody internecine
turf battles. In order to take the offensive against the steady advances
of the leftist guerrillas, the paramilitaries needed both unification
and political/military training. While these paramilitaries essentially
worked towards the same goals as US foreign policy, the US government
could not directly support them because of their death squad tactics.
But others could. Exactly how Carlos Castaño got to Israel is still a
mystery, as is precisely which entity trained him there. But whoever set
it up, the Israeli course '562' definitely had a strong effect on Castaño.
'Something clicked in me, and I began to behave differently...My perception
of this war changed radically after my trip to Israel,' he said in his
best-selling autobiography, which is a series of interviews edited by
Spanish journalist Mauricio Aranguren Molina ... Most importantly for
the eager student, he 'received lectures on how the world arms business
operates, and how to buy arms.' And of course, there was also a military
component: 'I received instruction in urban strategies, how to protect
oneself, how to kill someone or what to do when someone is trying to kill
you... We learned how to stop an armored car and use fragmentation grenades
to enter a target. We practiced with multiple grenade launchers, and learned
how to make accurate shots with RPG-7s, or shoot a cannon shell through
a window.' 'We also took complementary courses on terrorism and counter-terrorism,
night vision equipment, and parachuting. We also learned how to make homemade
bombs. In short, we learned what the Israelis know, but, in all sincerity,
very little of all of this has been applied to the war in Colombia. I
got a very good basic education, and there I learned how to do the most
important thing – I learned how to control fear' ... Castaño summarizes
his epiphany in Israel in the following terms: 'Upon returning to Colombia,
I had become another person... I learned an infinite amount of things
in Israel and to that country I owe part of my essence, my human and military
achievements, although I repeat, in Israel I didn’t only learn about things
related to military training. There I became convinced that it was possible
to destroy the guerrillas in Colombia. I started to understand how a people
could defend itself against the whole world. I understood how to bring
into the 'cause' a person who had something to lose in the war, with the
aim of converting him into the enemy of my enemies.' By 1985, shortly
after Castaño returned to Colombia, some of the paramilitary groups that
were springing up had become completely dependant on the monies from drug
trafficking. Indeed, some paramilitary units had merely evolved as such
from drug protection rackets ... But apparently this training by fellow
Colombians was not enough, and in 1987 the Israelis were called in to
help, probably through Colombian Army intermediaries. In the mainstream
media the 16 Israeli and some British trainers were presented as 'mercenaries,'
perhaps because of the bias of the Colombian DAS agents who wrote a report
on them. These foreign military trainers were far too well connected to
be ordinary 'mercenaries'—they clearly acted with some government approval,
most definitely that of Israel, and probably of some US entity also –
as we shall see below. Castaño, who attended these courses, said that
members of the Colombian Army had actually arranged the courses, which
featured the training by a famous Israeli officer, Yair Klein.
Again, it was Castaño ally Henry Perez who picked the candidates - along
with drug kingpin Gonzalo Rodríguez Gacha. According to his book, Carlos
Castaño took part in the courses, and their organization occupied five
of the 50 scholarships. According to the DAS document: A group of five
Israelis taught the course called 'PABLO EMILIO GUARIN VERA' in the 'El
Cincuenta' school of Puerto Boyocá. The instructors were in the area for
a period of 45 days after having entered the country through Cartegena
(Bolivar). Initially, they stayed in the "El Rosario" residence of Puerto
Boyocá and later in a rustic house on the Isla de la Fantasía (Fantasy
Island)... Another thirty scholarships were awarded so that the best students
could undergo further training in Israel, just as Castaño had done: 'According
to what these instructors said, they were going to send the best 30 students
for further schooling in a special course that would be taught in Israel.'
Thirty paramilitaries being sent to Israel would have clearly required
the permission of the Israeli Defense Forces - the Israeli government.
It is hard to imagine anything else for a country continually at war.
And there was also a Nicaraguan Contra connection: 'TEDDY, the Israeli
interpreter told our source that they should shorten and speed up the
course because they had promised to train the Nicaraguan Contras in Honduras
and Costa Rica' ... In Colombia you see the black assault rifles everywhere.
Both the US-backed Army and the National Police use them. These are not,
as you might imagine, US M16s, but they are the famous Israeli Galil assault
rifle, an imitation of the Russian Kalashnikov series but marketed in
Latin America using the smaller, but faster (and messier) .223 round -
the same as the M16. The Galil has been manufactured by the Israeli Military
Industries since 1972 and has been a considerable success. But the Israelis
themselves do not use many Galils in their own operations inside (and
outside) Israel, because they get M16s free from the US. But in Latin
America, the Galil is the main weapon of both the Guatemalan and Colombian
governments. In the Guatemalan case, the US did not wish to be seen overtly
supplying the Guatemalan military as it conducted countless massacres
in the countryside during the 1980s. So Israel stepped in and not only
supplied the weapons, but also built a munitions factory in Coban, a mountainous,
but relatively unconflicted region of the country. While the Israelis
made out well on the deal, it was not so sweet for the Guatemalans: the
factory was most of the time immersed in humid clouds, and the resulting
ammunition was often damp, producing misfires. But in Colombia, Israeli
Military Industries didn’t merely set up a munitions factory to make bullets;
they set up an entire Galil assault rifle factory in Bogotá. Of the Colombian
version of the weapon, only the barrel is imported from Israel. Who pays
for this? Colombia? Think again. The Isreali assault rifles are paid for
through US military aid to both Israel and Colombia. As such, it is yet
another way the unwitting US taxpayer is underwriting the Colombian bloodletting."
BBC (transcript), March 17, 2003
"This script was made from audio tape – any inaccuracies are due
to voices being unclear or inaudible 00.00.01 Correspondent Theme
Music 00.00.11 Music 00.00.11 Graphic Which country in the Middle East
has undeclared Nuclear weapons? 00.00.16 Graphic Which country in the
Middle East has undeclared biological and chemical capabilities? 00.00.21
Graphic Which country in the Middle East has no outside inspections? 00.00.26
Graphic Which country jailed its nuclear whistleblower for 18 years? 00.00.31
Title page ISRAEL'S SECRET WEAPON" [Discussion of Israeli nuclear
weapons whistleblower Mordechai Vanunu].
Group Probed for Blast at Palestinian School,
Reuters, April 9, 2003
"An explosion wounded 20 students at a Palestinian high school in
the West Bank on Wednesday, and Israeli police said they were investigating
whether it was the work of Jewish vigilantes. Lutfi Abu Oun, mayor of
the village of Jaba'a, said two of the teenagers were seriously hurt and
all of the wounded were taken to hospitals in the West Bank cities of
Jenin and Nablus. School headmaster Ismail Salah said the explosion tore
through a classroom for 16-year-old boys just as they returned from a
midday recess. Desks and chairs were thrown about and splintered, and
pools of blood and glass shards littered the floor, witnesses said. An
unknown Jewish group calling itself 'Revenge of the Infants' claimed responsibility
for the blast in a message sent to Israeli reporters' pagers, police said."
cameramen finally receive work permits,
by Annette Young, Haaretz (Israel)
, April 11, 2003
"In the face of growing international criticism, the government has
reversed its decision and agreed to issue work permits to foreign cameramen
on the grounds they are not taking away jobs from their Israeli counterparts.
Members of the foreign media were informed Wednesday of the decision,
which followed heavy lobbying from members of the Foreign Press Association,
capped off by a visit earlier this month to Israel by delegates from the
International Press Institute (IPI) who met senior government officials.
"We are very happy that the government has righted this wrong," said Tami
Allen-Frost, the deputy chairwoman of the Foreign Press Association. From
early 2002, foreign cameramen have run into problems when it comes to
obtaining work permits, ever since the Government Press Office (GPO) transferred
this function to the government's Employment Service. Some 15 cameramen
- including those working for NBC, BBC, CNN and ITN - have found it difficult
to obtain work permits on the grounds that they are foreign nationals.
The Employment Service regarded cameramen as technical operators, arguing
the networks should employ Israelis instead. However, foreign media representatives
and the IPI insisted that under an international agreement, all camera
operators should be treated as journalists, as is the case for stills
photographers ... However, there was still no sign of resolving the impasse
between the foreign media and the government over the accreditation of
Palestinian journalists. As a result, foreign correspondents wishing to
cover the intifada are limited in what they can cover, since Israeli cameramen
are usually barred by Israeli authorities from entering Palestinian territories."
[The following grotesquely fraudulent statement is brought to you
by the world's most famous "anti-hate" organization. The ADL
serves as a front organization for racist Israel. Read the truth about
Israeli "colorblindness" and its "democracy" here,
or here.]
Israel: The Facts,
Anti-Defamation League,
"Civil Rights Israel is a colorblind society, comprised of Jews and
non-Jews from at least 100 different countries from diverse ethnic, religious
and cultural backgrounds. Democracy is the cornerstone of the State. Israel
ensures complete equality of social and political rights to all its inhabitants
irrespective of religion, race or sex. It guarantees the freedom of religion,
conscience, language, education and culture. Israel safeguards the Holy
Places of all religions. All Israeli citizens, regardless of religion,
ethnicity or color are accorded full civil and political rights, and equal
participation in all aspects of Israeli social, political and civil life."
[It's open season on American peace activists in Israel. Murdering
them is now a weekly occurence.]
peace activist shot by IDF troops in Gaza Strip,
by Tsahar Rotem, Haaretz (Isarel),
April 12, 2003
"Israel Defense Forces troops firing from a tank critically wounded
a British man Friday as he and other activists in a pro-Palestinian group
approached an army position on the edge of a Gaza refugee camp, witnesses
said. The Briton, Thomas Hurndall, 21, from Manchester, suffered a head
injury that left him comatose and hooked up to a respirator, said doctors.
He was the second foreigner to be harmed in a week. A third member of
the group, the International Solidarity Movement, was killed while trying
to stop an Israeli army bulldozer a month ago, near where Hurndall was
shot Friday. The IDF had no comment about Friday's shooting... . The activists
wanted to set up a protest tent on the road, in an attempt to block incursions,
said Hamra and Khalil Abdullah, a Palestinian who works with the group
but who is not a member. Along the way, the protesters were joined by
several children, the witnesses said. When the group was about 200 yards
away from three tanks, soldiers opened fire from a tank-mounted machine
gun, the witnesses said. Hurndall and another foreign activist tried to
get two children out of the line of fire, Hamra and Abdullah said. 'Thomas
grabbed one of their hands and as soon as he did that a tank fired at
him, hitting him in the head,' Hamra said. The photographer said the children
were not throwing rocks at the troops and that he saw nothing that would
have provoked the troops. Hurndall was declared brain dead after arriving
at Rafah Hospital, said Dr. Ali Musa ... A few blocks from where Friday's
shooting occurred, American activist Rachel Corrie, 23, was killed on
March 16 while trying to stop an Israeli army bulldozer. Witnesses said
the bulldozer ran her over and then backed up. The army said the driver
did not see her and that her death was an accident. Corrie, a student
in Olympia, Washington, was the first member of the group to be killed
in 30 months of fighting between Israelis and Palestinians. Last week,
Bryan Avery, 24, from Albuquerque, New Mexico, was shot in the face while
walking with a fellow activist in the West Bank town of Jenin."
[The expected cover-up:]
report clears troops over US death. Peace activist killed by bulldozer
acted 'illegally and dangerously,
The Guardian (UK), April 14, 2003
"An Israeli army investigation into the death of Rachel Corrie, an
American peace activist, has concluded that its forces were not to blame
for her death. It accused Corrie and other members of the International
Solidarity Movement of 'illegal, irresponsible and dangerous' behaviour.
Corrie, 23, was crushed to death by an army bulldozer in Rafah, Gaza,
as she protested against house demolitions. The investigation, led by
the chief of the general staff of the Israeli Defence Force, found that
Israeli forces were not guilty of any misconduct. The result of the investigation
comes as Tom Hurndall, 21, from London lies in hospital with severe brain
damage after being shot in the head on Friday by an Israeli soldier as
he tried to help a Palestinian woman and her children. Mr Hurndall was
also a peace activist working with the ISM. He was shot in a different
area of Rafah while wearing the same kind of bright orange vest as Corrie
when she died. Yesterday his family arrived from London to visit him in
hospital in the southern Israeli town of Beersheva. The army report obtained
by the Guardian says Corrie: 'was struck as she stood behind a mound of
earth that was created by an engineering vehicle operating in the area
and she was hidden from the view of the vehicle's operator who continued
with his work. Corrie was struck by dirt and a slab of concrete resulting
in her death.' 'The finding of the operational investigations shows that
Rachel Corrie was not run over by an engineering vehicle but rather was
struck by a hard object, most probably a slab of concrete which was moved
or slid down while the mound of earth which she was standing behind was
moved.' However, Joe Smith, 21, from Missouri who witnessed Corrie's death
said that the army's description bore little resemblance to what he saw.
'Rachel was kneeling 20 metres in front of the bulldozer on flat ground.
There was no way she could not have been seen. We only maintain positions
that are clearly visible.' 'She had been doing this all day but this time
the driver did not stop. Once she had fallen under the bulldozer, the
driver stopped when she was under its middle section and reversed,' he
said. The report also says that the army was patrolling no man's land
by the border zone, searching for explosives. But according to Mr Smith,
Corrie believed that they intended to demolish the house where she had
been staying ... Tom Wallace, a spokesman for the ISM, said that the army's
investigation had been far from credible and transparent as it had promised.
'The conclusions are outrageous. If they found that the driver was not
culpable what did they find to explain this? How could they find a driver
who had run someone over in a slow and deliberate manner in no way responsible?'
he said. Corrie's parents, Craig and Cynthia, from Washington, had called
on the US state department to investigate the death of their daughter."
to use flechette shells,
News 24, April 14, 2003
"Israel's Supreme Court has given the army the green light to use
controversial flechette tanks shells which spray thousands of darts over
hundreds of metres, ripping apart anyone in the killing zone. Physicians
for Human Rights, an Israeli advocacy group, said the use of such shells
was in contravention of the Geneva Convention covering the rules of warfare
and should be banned. It said the shells had killed 10 innocent civilians
in the Gaza Strip since the start of the Palestinian urpising, or intifada,
in September 2000. The army has argued that it has used the weapons very
selectively in its fight against terrorism. Israeli media reports have
said the army uses the shells mainly against mortar crews firing rounds
at Jewish settlements in the Gaza Strip. 'If we bowed to your demand today,
we would be asked tomorrow the ban the army from using teargas and sound
bombs,' one of the judges quipped. According to Jane's Defence Weekly,
the British military analysis journal, Israel uses flechette shells acquired
from the United States in the 1970s which fire 5 000 darts in in a cone-shaped
pattern 300m long and about 94m wide. The rounds were developed for use
against infantry units."
of Palestinian Minors in Custody,
Yahoo!News (from Assoicated Press) Apr 17,
"About 300 Palestinian minors have been rounded up in Israeli army
sweeps over the past year and are being held in crowded lockups, some
without charges, lawyers and human rights monitors say. The army acknowledges
it has locked up teens, but treats those over 16 as adults, despite international
conventions defining minors warranting special treatment as those under
18. Israel says militant groups often recruit teens, pointing to a 16-year-old
suicide bomber, Issa Bdair from Bethlehem, who killed two Israelis in
a blast in Tel Aviv last year. Several other bombers have been minors.
Roundups of Palestinians have intensified in the past year, and the International
Committee of the Red Cross says a total of 7,600 Palestinians are currently
in custody. Red Cross officials say they have visited 260 minors in Israeli
lockups. Israeli human rights monitors, including the respected B'tselem
group, estimate about 300 Palestinians under 18 are in detention, and
say many of those detained are held for minor offenses, such as throwing
stones. A 14-year-old, Ali Rahman, said he was jailed for eight days after
throwing a stone at an army jeep that drove past his home in the Aida
refugee camp in Bethlehem. Ali said he slept on a floor with a blanket,
sharing a cell with 15 other boys at the West Bank's Etzion military detention
center. Israeli human rights lawyer Tamar Peleg represents several
Palestinian teens, including Mohammed Najar from Bethlehem who was first
arrested when he was 15. Najar is being held in so-called administrative
detention, a practice held over from British Mandate rule that allows
the army to jail Palestinians without trial or charges. He is serving
the first of renewable six-month detentions in the Ketziot tent camp,
a crowded prison in Israel's southern Negev Desert. Peleg, who
works for Israel's Center for the Defense of the Individual, said military
prosecutors didn't have enough evidence to charge Najar with a crime,
but persuaded a military judge he was dangerous enough to keep locked
up anyway. Before being sent to Ketziot, he spent 45 days in solitary
confinement in a West Bank army lockup because a judge ordered him held
separately from adult prisoners. The day after he turned 16, he was moved
to Ketziot prison, Peleg said. The lawyer said Najar is one of
about 30 minors, half of them under 16, being held without trial or charges.
Some of the other young prisoners she's met at military judicial hearings
have complained of beatings, hunger, overcrowded rooms stuffed wall to
wall with mattresses and too few trips allowed to the toilet. Many are
interrogated without the presence of lawyers and are held for months without
visits from their parents, she said. Israel is in violation of the U.N.
Convention on the Rights of the Child, which defines minors as younger
than 18, said Jessica Montell, director of B'tselem. The treaty, which
Israel signed and ratified, says the arrest and imprisonment of children
should be a last resort and for the shortest appropriate time, and they
should not be jailed with adults. It also gives minors the right to legal
assistance, visits from relatives and to be informed of the charges against
Israel Continues U.S.
Policy of Killing Journalists/Witnesses.,
AP Cameraman Shot and Killed in West Bank,
The March for Justice, April 19, 2003
"An Israeli soldier shot and killed a cameraman with Associated Press
Television News who was covering a skirmish between troops and rock-throwing
Palestinians in the West Bank city of Nablus on Saturday, witnesses said.
The Israeli military had no immediate comment but said it was looking
into the shooting. Nazeh Darwazeh, 45, was filming clashes between Israeli
troops and Palestinians that began early Saturday. Doctors said Darwazeh
died of a bullet wound to the head. Video footage taken by a Reuters cameraman
showed young Palestinian men running up an alley toward a parked armored
personnel carrier. After they threw rocks at the vehicle, troops fired
shots. Witnesses said several firebombs were thrown toward the vehicle,
and later footage showed a small area in the back of it on fire. The footage
then showed a man with a rifle in green combat fatigues kneeling down
between the armored personnel carrier and the wall of a house at the top
of the alley. Witnesses identified the man as an Israeli soldier. The
footage showed him pointing his weapon toward the journalists. Seconds
later, Darwazeh was seen lying in a doorway in a pool of blood. He and
other cameramen, still photographers and reporters had been at the bottom
of the alley and were wearing brightly colored vests that said `Press.'"
envoys held at gunpoint by Israelis,
by Chris McGreal, The Guardian (UK), May
6, 2003
"Israeli forces opened fire above a British embassy convoy and held
it at gunpoint in Gaza while it was carrying diplomats and the family
of an English peace activist left in a coma by an Israeli bullet. Two
armoured Range Rovers with diplomatic plates were forced to halt as they
drove through the Abu Houli crossing on Sunday, even though British officials
had notified Israeli forces of their arrival 10 minutes earlier. The group
was en route to the Rafah refugee camp where Tom Hurndall, 21, was shot
in the head by an Israeli sniper last month as he tried to protect a five-year-old
girl. During the standoff one of the diplomats, Andrew Whitaker, emerged
from one car with his hands above his head to try to talk to soldiers
hidden behind concrete pillboxes, while the British defence attache to
Tel Aviv, Colonel Tom Fitzallen Howard, phoned the army for an explanation.
'There's a complete lack of control. They fire without warning,' said
Tom Hurndall's father, Anthony, who was in one car with his wife and 12-year-old
son. 'As we passed the first pillbox a shot was fired over the cars. We
weren't clear why, or what was happening. Nobody came out, we couldn't
tell if we were supposed to get out or go on. 'The political officer from
Jerusalem bravely got out of the car and had to put his hands over his
head not knowing if they viewed us as hostile. They wouldn't let us move
from under their guns.' After several minutes a hand emerged from one
of the pillboxes and waved on the vehicles without explanation. Mr Hurndall
said Col Fitzallen Howard immediately called the army contact he had spoken
to minutes earlier. "His immediate reaction was to say he didn't get the
message down in time. The colonel said: 'Regardless of that, why did you
fire at us? You shot at official embassy cars for no reason.' The Israeli's
excuse was that we didn't stop. He said we were supposed to go through
one by one but that is simply not true,' Mr Hurndall said. 'Then they
tried to say they did it to check our documents but they never did.'"
tallies swelling cost of Israel to US,
By David R. Francis, The Christian Science Monitor,
December 9, 2002
"Since 1973, Israel has cost the United States about $1.6 trillion.
If divided by today's population, that is more than $5,700 per person.
This is an estimate by Thomas Stauffer, a consulting economist in Washington.
For decades, his analyses of the Middle East scene have made him a frequent
thorn in the side of the Israel lobby. For the first time in many years,
Mr. Stauffer has tallied the total cost to the US of its backing of Israel
in its drawn-out, violent dispute with the Palestinians. So far, he figures,
the bill adds up to more than twice the cost of the Vietnam War. And now
Israel wants more. In a meeting at the White House late last month, Israeli
officials made a pitch for $4 billion in additional military aid to defray
the rising costs of dealing with the intifada and suicide bombings. They
also asked for more than $8 billion in loan guarantees to help the country's
recession-bound economy. Considering Israel's deep economic troubles,
Stauffer doubts the Israel bonds covered by the loan guarantees will ever
be repaid. The bonds are likely to be structured so they don't pay interest
until they reach maturity. If Stauffer is right, the US would end up paying
both principal and interest, perhaps 10 years out. Israel's request could
be part of a supplemental spending bill that's likely to be passed early
next year, perhaps wrapped in with the cost of a war with Iraq. Israel
is the largest recipient of US foreign aid. It is already due to get $2.04
billion in military assistance and $720 million in economic aid in fiscal
2003. It has been getting $3 billion a year for years. Adjusting the official
aid to 2001 dollars in purchasing power, Israel has been given $240 billion
since 1973, Stauffer reckons. In addition, the US has given Egypt $117
billion and Jordan $22 billion in foreign aid in return for signing peace
treaties with Israel. 'Consequently, politically, if not administratively,
those outlays are part of the total package of support for Israel,' argues
Stauffer in a lecture on the total costs of US Middle East policy, commissioned
by the US Army War College, for a recent conference at the University
of Maine. These foreign-aid costs are well known. Many Americans would
probably say it is money well spent to support a beleagured democracy
of some strategic interest. But Stauffer wonders if Americans are aware
of the full bill for supporting Israel since some costs, if not hidden,
are little known. One huge cost is not secret. It is the higher cost of
oil and other economic damage to the US after Israel-Arab wars. In 1973,
for instance, Arab nations attacked Israel in an attempt to win back territories
Israel had conquered in the 1967 war. President Nixon resupplied Israel
with US arms, triggering the Arab oil embargo against the US. That shortfall
in oil deliveries kicked off a deep recession. The US lost $420 billion
(in 2001 dollars) of output as a result, Stauffer calculates. And a boost
in oil prices cost another $450 billion. Afraid that Arab nations might
use their oil clout again, the US set up a Strategic Petroleum Reserve.
That has since cost, conservatively, $134 billion, Stauffer reckons. Other
US help includes:
• US Jewish charities and organizations have remitted
grants or bought Israel bonds worth $50 billion to $60 billion. Though
private in origin, the money is "a net drain" on the United States economy,
says Stauffer.
• The US has already guaranteed $10 billion in commercial
loans to Israel, and $600 million in "housing loans." Stauffer expects
the US Treasury to cover these.
• The US has given $2.5 billion to support
Israel's Lavi fighter and Arrow missile projects.
• Israel buys discounted,
serviceable "excess" US military equipment. Stauffer says these discounts
amount to "several billion dollars" over recent years.
• Israel uses roughly
40 percent of its $1.8 billion per year in military aid, ostensibly earmarked
for purchase of US weapons, to buy Israeli-made hardware. It also has
won the right to require the Defense Department or US defense contractors
to buy Israeli-made equipment or subsystems, paying 50 to 60 cents on
every defense dollar the US gives to Israel. US help, financial and technical,
has enabled Israel to become a major weapons supplier. Weapons make up
almost half of Israel's manufactured exports. US defense contractors often
resent the buy-Israel requirements and the extra competition subsidized
by US taxpayers.
• US policy and trade sanctions reduce US exports to
the Middle East about $5 billion a year, costing 70,000 or so American
jobs, Stauffer estimates. Not requiring Israel to use its US aid to buy
American goods, as is usual in foreign aid, costs another 125,000 jobs.
• Israel has blocked some major US arms sales, such as F-15 fighter aircraft
to Saudi Arabia in the mid-1980s. That cost $40 billion over 10 years,
says Stauffer. Stauffer's list will be controversial. He's
been assisted in this research by a number of mostly retired military
or diplomatic officials who do not go public for fear of being labeled
anti-Semitic if they criticize America's policies toward Israel."