USA´s Rulers: All Are Jews!
- The top five lies about this war
- Louis Farrakhan:
Why do they hate America?
- Learning from the
September 11 Attacks
By Mark Weber
- Price of supporting
By David Duke
- Israel will get
By Russ Granata
- Tell Us the Whole
Duke's letter to President Bush
- Duke: "We must cut off
the source of terrorism"
- Why must USA occupy foreign capital cities...?
Asks black Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney. Article from Nation of Islam's Final Call.
- USA's
Rulers - They Are All Jews!
Clinton's List!
- Louis
Farrakhan's Speech
Listen online
- Israel is even
an American problem!
On Jewish Arrogance in Action
We cannot survive unless the Jewish power is broken...
By David Duke
- Iraq:
The blood is on our hands
We aren't bombing Sadam, but the citizens of Iraq
Over a million people have died due to the American bombing of Iraq
By Wade Frazier
- Israelis
and Chassidic Jews in Drug Trade
Article from U.S. News
- Two
Israelis arrested in largest drug bust in NYC
Article from Israeli Newspaper Jerusalem Post
- International
Jewish Ecstasy ring smashed by police
Article from Israeli Newspaper Jerusalem Post
- UN: Zionism
-'a movement based on racial superiority'
Article from Israeli Newspaper Jerusalem Post
- Book:
Israeli attack on USS Liberty deliberate
By Melissa Radler
- Israeli
businessmen suspected of ties to Peruvian money laundering
Article from Israeli Newspaper Ha´aretz
- USA´s Rulers: All
Are Jews!
Palestinians won't get their independence until Americans get theirs!
- Farrakhan on Jewish
- The Ideology behind Massacres
- What is Islam?
- The
blood is on our hands
By Wade Frazier
- [Spanish] David Duke:
¡Pero por
favor díganos toda la verdad!
Una carta abierta al Presidente de los EE.UU.
- A qui profite le crime?
- Nous ne sommes pas des
For more on Jewish/Israeli influence,
please see our
special section on the US.

The - by Jews - occupied U.S. "policy"...

Mideast PeaceTalks!

A "Negotiator"...who "understands"...
The Jewish USA´s "administration" as "judge" between...

Det judiska mediavåldet och det judiska mediakrigsmonopolet:
Den judiska propagandan är i "judeokratin" vad våldet är för diktaturen

Jewish Propaganda

Nous ne sommes
pas des Américains !
Par Sege Thion
Rami svarar - med fakta
på den judiska
statsfinansierade propagandan i Sverige om "förintelsen"
judendomen en ideologisk sjukdom?
Ahmed Rami
den judiska sataniska Gamla Testamentet!
Ahmed Rami
Ny "statsreligion" i Sverige?
Ramis böcker Online:
Our weakness...
We must know that our weakness is Israel's strength.The regimes that are in power in our countries are like dead bodies, our "leaders" are politically finished. Instead of stepping down in honor, they cling bitterly to power and try to drag their peoples along into the precipice. In the first place, we must conquer tyranny, decadence and corruption in our own hearts and in our countries! Instead of giving up, we must work seriously to create the economic, political, military and social conditions for the future victory of the Justice. The future belongs to the forces of Islam. Hezbullah, Hamas and the Jihad are the Islamic response to the Zionist challenge. Islam began in the 6th century as a cultural, and spiritual movement against the superpowers of that time. The military strength of the Islam grew as a consequence of its spiritual strength. Today, capitulating before the Jewish arrogance is not a solution; it is betraying the future generations. If we can not create victory today, we muste not create defeat ourselves. The least We can do is to capitulate without resisting. Any "solution" violently extorted, any unjust "peace" (capitulation) will be rejected by the future generations. The only real solution of the Palestinian question lies in the return of the Palestinian people to their fatherland.
...Nos voleurs!
Il y a des problèmes extrêmes où nous nous debattons et que nous avons trop tardé à regarder en face. A la différence des pays occidentaux, nos "pays musulmans" ne connaissent que peu de hold-up de banques. C'est que les voleurs d'envergure savent qu'aujourd'hui, dans nos pays, la source d'enrichissement la plus sûre, la plus rapide, la seule à vrai dire, est le pouvoir. À titre d´exemple : le systeme féodal (makhzen) - qui n´a rien à voir avec l´Islam - que Hassan II a pérpétué anachroniquement au Maroc en plein XXe siècle - fait de la corruption généralisée un systhème de gouvernement. Le régime de Hassan II constitue, pour notre pays, pour notre peuple et pour notre
avenir un danger mortel réel. Face à ce danger et à son défi, il n y a, devant nous, qu´une seule alternative et une seule réponse: une révolution islamique radicale, éclairée, intelligente, tolérante et liberatrce! En Islam, la liberté est la régle. L´interdit est l´exception. Il s´impose, AUJOURD´HUI, urgence et nécessité vitale de créer un FRONT ISLAMIQUE UNI POUR LA LIBERATION DU MAROC. Les grands ne sont grands que parce que nous sommes à genoux. Levons-nous!
Ahmed Rami
Writer, journalist and
Founder of the radio
station Radio Islam
Write to Ahmed Rami:
Phone: +46708121240
Donations to help Ahmed Rami´s work
may be sent (in Cheques or in notes)
to his address:
Ahmed Rami
Box 316
10126 Stockholm, Sweden.
(Notes may be sent by registered delivery)
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