Voilà plus de trois semaines qu'ont eu lieu les attentats de New-York. Le moment émotionnel est passé, mais les médias juifs faiseurs d'opinions et de "morale" n'ont fait que de brèves incursions dans le domaine de la réflexion. Si l'idée (évidente pour les trois quart de l'humanité selon laquelle les U.S.A. bénéficient d'un juste retour de bâton dans ce cas précis) est tolérée et admise, désormais tout est couvert par les bruits de bottes, la logique de la guerre et le principe de la loi de la jungle, en attendant le son du canon.Une fois encore, l'évidence médiatique se substitue, comme à chaque événement spectaculaire, au manque d'arguments politiques fondés et avouables. La machine à décerveler tourne à plein !
Par contre, un certain nombre de personnes sur notre planète et qui ne font partie d'aucune sphère de pouvoir se considèrent toujours comme « humains pensants ».
C'est pour cela qu'après la guerre contre l'Irak, l'intervention "humanitaire" en Somalie, l´arrivée de Sharon et de son Bush au pouvoir ..etc…, nous pensons que nous assistons aujourd'hui à la mise en scène du jeu du "terrorisme". Hollywood a investi la réalité.
Nous sommes de plein pied dans la société du spectacle et le scénariste est la propagande juive qui domine et orquestre la machine médiatique mondiale !
En disant cela, de façon aussi abrupte, nous ne manquons pas de respect au chagrin des familles des victimes (dont nous tous aurions pu être!), bien au contraire. Nous parlons de la présentation médiatique juive de ces événements tronquée, coupée de l'ensemble et des dimensions du problème.
Cette présentation médiatique fait partie d'une impitoyable logique sioniste de guerre et doit être analysée comme telle.
Car, le terrorisme, (comme le dit Ronald Reagan dans une lettre au Congrès datée du 26 avril 1984) « est une réaction symptomatique de plus vastes problèmes » et que, s'il importe de le combattre, la raison conseille d'« extirper les sources de frustration et de désespoir qui sont les lieux d'épanouissement et les aliments du terrorisme » .
Aussi (sans une définition précise de ce mot) déclarer la guerre au "terrorisme", c'est un peu déclarer une guerre civile à tous et au monde entier. Car bon nombre de terroristes d'hier ont fini par faire de bonnes carrière au sommet des Etats, autant en Afrique qu'en Europe. En mélangeant les cartes on peut citer le résistant De Gaulle (terroriste pour l'Etat Français de Pétain), les criminels assassins Ben Gourion et Izrak Rabin et Sharon, la résistance du F.L.N. algérien, le banditisme des otage de Hissen Habré pour le Tchade, et tant d'autres. Sans dire que le terroriste d'hier est le ministre ou chef d'Etat d'aujourd'hui, on peut avancer que le terroriste des uns est l'ami des autres et que, potentiellement nous sommes tous des "terroristes" (plus sûrement qu'"américains" comme l´a annoncé Le Monde après le 11 septembre!).
Maintenant, en ce qui concerne ces attentats, le nom de Pearl Harbour a été lâché rapidement par les médias juifs américains eux-mêmes et nous y reviendrons.
Aux USA, ce mot est une bombe émotionnelle et synonyme de déclaration de guerre.
De même, dans la foulée toute la presse s'est étonnée et moquée de la défaillance des Services Secrets américains.
Beaucoup de questions ont été posées sauf une :
A qui profite le crime ?
Rapidement, toutes les hypothèses ont été soulevé, sauf une :
Et si les vrai acteurs des attentats sont Israël et le Mossad Israëlien ?
Et si réellement - pour cela - c'était la répétition de la provocation de Pearl Harbour ?
Et si les Services secrets Israëlien et americains savaient tout des projets terroristes visant New York, mais avaient laissé faire au mieux, facilité d'autres choses au pire, tout en préservant le maximum ?
En effet, (c'est maintenant reconnu officiellement par les historiens) Roosevelt et les Services secrets de l'époque connaissaient les codes japonais et par conséquent leur projet belliqueux dès le début. La seule préparation américaine à cette attaque avait alors été la mise à l'écart des armes les plus performantes en ces lieux: les portes avions, qui ont permis de contre attaquer rapidement.
Les dirigeants américains avaient alors choisi de rentrer dans la deuxième Guerre Mondiale, non pas par anti-fascisme (Ford, grand fournisseur de l'armée allemande en camions était Hitlérien, par exemple), mais pour en finir avec la crise économique de 1929 (qui menaçait la richesse des capitaliste juifs) et pour tordre le cou définitivement des syndicats ouvriers, étendre leur domination au monde et imposer la "paix sociale" interne.
Hypothèse absurde dans le cas des tours jumelles ?
A priori, les arguments ne manquent pas, si on analyse les évènements en détail à travers cette grille.
En effet, si l'attentat est impressionnant par rapport à ses pairs (bouteille de gaz, boite à clous, voiture explosive), les cibles restent symboliques et les dégâts limités (deux bâtiments détruites, une partie d´un troisème incendié et environ cinq mille morts).
Pour Pearl Harbour, les pertes ont été de dix huit bateaux et 2500 morts.
Si le but des commandos suicide était de frapper à mort le l´enemi original direct, pourquoi ne pas attaquer directement Israël?
De même, "officiellement" les Services Secrets ont commis une énorme "bévue". Tous dirigeants importants de la CIA (tels ceux de l´ancien KGB) sont des juifs fidèles à Israël!
Or, à ce jour aucun dirigeants de la CIA ou de FBI n'a été sanctionné! Pire, leurs moyens ont été augmentés. Est-ce normal de récompenser, en tant de guerre, des "incapables" ?
En ce qui concerne le crash de l'avion sur le Pentagone, il y aurait eu moins de 300 victimes (deux sont répertoriés actuellement sur Internet : un consultant extérieur et un sous officier. Pas un seul juif! Y aura t-il seulement un responsable de service ?), alors que 30000 travaillent habituellement sur le site.
Pourquoi ? En fait on apprend par un alinéa dans la presse que le bâtiment du Pentagon a été évacué très tôt le matin à cause d'un incendie « dont on ignore l'origine » (Les Echos du 12/09).
Assez curieusement aussi, aucun responsable politique américain n'a perdu la vie. Aucun sénateur et surtout pas le président dont on a dit que l'avion aurait été la cible du quatrième avion kamikaze. Or joindre et abattre un président en déplacement est certainement plus aisé que d'atteindre la Maison Blanche (déplacement et horaire connus d'avance, voir le cas Kennedy). Plus encore que de tenter d'abattre un autre avion !
Les expert amateurs en aviation civile pourront nous parler des systèmes de sécurité de vol américains, des problèmes de radars et d'autres choses encore.
Mais a qui fera t-on croire que durant une heure trente qu'ont duré ces attentats, aucun opérateur radar n'a rien remarqué, prévenu personne et qu'aucun responsable n'a réagi, tant au niveau civil que militaire, surtout après l'attaque du premier avion ? Tout comme celles du Seigneur, il faut croire que les voies des décideurs juifs américains sont impénétrables.
Moins quand même que celles du capitalisme, de ses compagnies offshore et de ses paradis fiscaux protégés par l'Oncle Sam. Là aussi, qui nous fera croire que personne n'était au courant des mouvements de capitaux d'Axa à la bourse une semaine avant l'attentat ?
Mais même si d'autres disfonctionnements sont révélés il est à craindre que tout sera noyé par une quelconque "commission sénatoriale" chargée "d'enquêter et de trouver les responsables". Car on attend toujours le nom des responsables de l'assassinat de Kennedy, d´Olof Palme, des poseurs de bombes de la Piaza Fontana à Milan, des tueurs fous du Brabant, des assassins de Ben Barka, des commanditaires de Dutroux, et des instigateurs du massacre de Sabra et Shatila par exemple. Toutes ces affaires ont été suivies de commissions toutes plus sérieuses et chargées de pleins pouvoirs les unes que les autres. Mais leur fonction était surtout d'enterrer et de faire oublier tout cela, surtout lors de fortes mobilisations populaires.
Il est à craindre que les preuves ne seront trouvées et notre hypothèse vérifiée que d'ici une soixantaine d'année, quand le monde aura changé et les principaux témoins disparus. Ce qui, pour les petites pointures mêlées plus ou moins consciemment à cette histoire est sans doute déjà commencé.
Alors, à qui profite le crime ?
Les définitions actuelles du "terrorisme" sont "à la carte". Bush reçoit et contacte souvent son ami Sharon pour coordonner la lutte contre le "terrorisme"!! Les médias manipulent les émotions afin de faciliter la montée "("sur commande") d'attitudes irrationnelles voulues. Le but est d'obtenir l'unanimité "nationale" pour l'escalade militaire. Dans ces cas là, le mécanisme médiatique est toujours le même et aussi efficace.
Mais, malgré cela, la réponse à la question ci dessus est claire nous semble-t-il. Un dicton populaire dit «que l'on n'est jamais mieux servi que par soi même».
On ne peut en effet occulter le contexte interne et externe d´Israël, de ces attaques.
Globalement, ce contexte, il faut être lucide, n'est autre que celui du Nouvel Ordre Sioniste Mondial que Israël et le lobby juif mondial - par l´intemédiaire des U.S.A. et leurs alliés - veulent imposer, tant à l'Ouest qu'à l'Est et au Sud.
Leur objectif politique est de maintenir la prédominance juive mondiale pour le vingt et unième siècle. L´bstacle idéologique devant ce plan est constitué par le monde islamique qu´il faut détruire, neutraliser ou affaiblir.
L'objectif idéologique est d'éliminer les régimes et les Etats qui ne plaisent pas à Israël. Ben Laden n'est qu'un faire valoir, un jeu de propagande (il y quelques années, les juifs du pentagone recherchaient pareillement un autre Ben Laden nommé "Abou Nidal").
Cette stratégie prend le risque de rendre officiel un état de fait, c'est à dire l'extension de la Troisième Guerre Mondiale, qui confronte de façon larvée mais violente les Etats pauvres aux Etats riches, le Nord au Sud de la planète.
Et les pauvres aux riches à l'intérieur de chaque Etat ! N'oublions pas que - dans la Vulgate "Néo-libérale" juif - le pauvre ne sert à rien et de plus coûte de l'argent! Si à l'interieur les décideurs juifs en Amérique contrôlent la situation en mettant en prison la plus grosse partie de leur chômeurs, à l'exterieur, il est probable que ce n'est pas les scrupules qui vont les empêcher de soumettre la planète à une bonne purge (d'autant plus que le thème malthusien de la surpopulation est un sujet d'inquiétude primordial du pentagone). Il ne reste plus à souhaiter que les militaires américains, qui vont faire le sal boulot - à la place des juifs et d´Israël - et payer l'ardoise - ne gardent pas la même proportion de morts que lors de la guerre du Golfe (un américain pour dix mille irakiens tués, ce qui porterai le total à soixante millions de morts pour le cas présent !).
L'avantage à l'interieur, pour les USA - et les juifs "Républicains" en particulier - est de ressouder les rangs de "la nation" autour de son président et de ses "valeurs", la peur est bonne conseillère). Globalement, l'intérêt est de résoudre la crise économique en relançant la course aux armements (Bush n´aurait jamais pu être élu sans le feu vert du lobby juif en change des promesses secrètes faites à Israël et au lobby juif de l'armement).
Pour cette politique, Walter Bush a su s'entourer d'un staf suffisamment fidèle aux juifs, au premier rang desquels on peut citer Donald Rumsfeld (secrétaire à la défense) et Andrew Marshall (du Pentagone). Assez curieusement, ce Rumsfeld a pondu un rapport rendu public en janvier 2001 où il parlait de « la vulnérabilité croissante des Etats-Unis », et où il lâchait le nom de « Pearl Harbour » comme possibilité pour son pays et finissait par prôner la nécessité de relancer la guerre des étoiles (Le Monde Diplomatique de Juillet 200, article de M. Golub). C'est presque trop beau! Si nous étions de mauvaise langue, nous pourrions dire que les services spéciaux ont mis neuf mois pour préparer le coup du World Trade Center et trouver les naïfs "terroristes".
Ce qui justifierait, à contrario l'augmentation de leur budget.
De plus, toutes les prises de parole, tous les discours depuis le Président jusqu'à ses collaborateurs en passant par l'attaché de presse de la Maison Blanche, sont simplement inauthentiques, clichés, sans l'ombre d'une implication, de sentiments, sans la moindre sincérité. Et surtout, bien sûr, pas la moindre auto critique !
Comme dirait la police, il n'y a pas de preuve, mais il y une convergence malheureuse de présomptions !
Maintenant, la position d´Israël et de leur république bananière (les Etats Unis) n'est pas très brillante pour les paranoïaques juifs nationalistes de la Maison Blanche. Parce que l'Europe, malgré toutes les tentatives de déstabilisation (en Italie en 69/79, en Belgique avec l'affaire des tueurs, où dans ces deux cas la CIA n'est jamais très loin, mais aussi avec la guerre des Balkans et l'intervention de l'OTAN et de l'ONU) commence à s'imposer, avec sa monnaie en 2002 et politiquement au moyen Orient où les zones d'intérêts sont biens tranchées. Que dire de ces images de liesse de palestiniens à Naplouse et Jérusalem Est passées intentionnellement par CNN après l'écroulement des Twin Towers ?
Propagande grossière donnant carte blanche au fameux boucher Sharon pour l'élimination en toute bonne conscience de ce malheureux peuple palestinien. Pourquoi ce montage haineux des journalistes, quand on sait que ces images remontent à 1991 et montrent la liesse de palestiniens lors de l'invasion du Koweit par les américains? Pourquoi ? En effet !
Ce qu'il faut voir aussi, c'est que le pillage des différentes économies du monde (Brésil, Chili, Mexique, Colombie, Russie) par des capitalistes juifs (Soros, Gouzinski, Berigovski etc...) ne peut continuer ainsi indéfiniment et surtout ne résout rien sur le fond et approfondit la désagrégation générale de l'économie mondiale.
La misère ne peut progresser dans un monde où les richesses juives s'accroissent démesurément sans répartition aucune. Même dans les pays riches, la vie est de plus en plus difficile. Le langage, les mots sont de plus en plus décalés par rapport à la réalité vécue. Que ce soit en politique, en économie et dans la vie de tous les jours. C'est l'apparence qui domine tout. La réalité à évacué le réel. Les chiffres, les enquêtes balancés par les spécialistes en tout genre des sciences humaines sont fausses, truquées, arrangées.
Et nous nous continuons à regarder la télé, victimes innocentes (?) des lois des marchés, gérés comme un troupeau bêlant dont on spécule sur la valeur et la capacité à consommer !
Nous pouvons donc conclure que ces attentats, savamment orchestrés par des nervis formés aux meilleures écoles de déstabilisation des U.S.A., arrivent à point pour Israël pour relancer son occupation et pour pour la domination mondiale juive poussée par une appétit insatiable !!
des Américains ! par Serge Thion
Depuis qu'on a inventé l'avion, notre époque sait que la mort et la destruction tombent du ciel. De toutes les armées qui ont combattu à travers le monde depuis un siècle, la plus frileuse, la plus dégonflée a toujours été celle des Etats-Unis d'Amérique. Elle s'est toujours entourée des plus formidables bombardements avant de risquer le prudent orteil sur le champ de bataille. Quel Européen ne se souviendrait de l'effrayante tactique dite du "tapis de bombes" qui déversait la mort aussi bien sur les "amis" que les "ennemis" grâce aux funèbres "forteresses volantes"? Quel Japonais pourrait avoir évacué le souvenir des bombardements incendiaires, oblitérant case par case une carte quadrillées du Grand Tokyo, par l'US Air Force, en 1945, prélude aux apocalypses d'Hiroshima et Nagasaki? Qui avait pu ignorer, en Asie, qu'un demi-million de soldats américains avaient besoin, vers 1968, pour avoir leur café chaud et leur bière fraiche, d'un rideau de bombes, jour et nuit, sur les collines napalmées du Viêt-Nam, un pays qui ne leur avait rien fait? Quel Cambodgien aurait perdu le souvenir de ces B-52 réduisant en bouillie un homme sur dix dans les villages ravagés? C'est l'apport des Américians à l'art millénaire de la guerre: le bombardement massif, qui rase tout, comme en Irak, comme en Serbie, comme... C'est sans doute cela que Bush et les autres appellent leur "civilisation". Nous l'appelons la sauvagerie des nantis. Rappelez-vous la Guerre du Golfe: 100% de bombardements, 0% de soldats sur le terrain. Malgré les armes sophistiquées, c'est encore le vieux B-52 qui fournissait le meilleur rapport qualité-prix pour le hamburger d'Irakien au sang. On pense à envoyer sur l'Afghanistan ceux qui roulent encore.
Le soldat américain, habitué à se vautrer devant sa télé, préfère le bombardement au combat, ce qui ne facilite pas sa vie le jour où le combat devient inévitable. On a vu avec quelle vitesse il courait se planquer lors de l'offensive du Têt 68 au Viêt-Nam. Des lapins au foie jaune.
Alors, il se trouve que, pour la première fois depuis 1812, l'Amérique, reine du monde, subit un petit bombardement. Inattendu, spectaculaire, principalement symbolique. Il vise le Pentagone (et il dédaigne la Maison blanche). Il écrabouille quelques galonnés, ceux qui, comme par hasard, ordonnent, du fond de leurs fauteuils (Planning and Logistics), les bombardement des autres! Les planqués assommés dans leur planque! On comprend que les bombardés aient dansé la carmagnole en apprenant cette bonne nouvelle.
La deuxième cible est l'horrible chose qui s'appelait tout simplement "centre du commerce mondial". C'est une partie de "Wall Street". Il se trouve que, quelques temps auparavant, l'opinion publique mondiale, beaucoup mieux représentée par la nébuleuse des ONG que par les gouvernements corrompus qui s'encanaillent à l'ONU, avait exprimé son exécration, d'abord à Seatlle, puis à Gênes et finalement à Durban, des ravages causés par la "mondialisation", selon les uns, ou la "globalisation" selon les autres. Elles signifient pour tout le monde chômage, apauvrissement, précarité, délocalisation et surexploitation.
Les gens qui travaillent dans le centre nerveux de cet enfer économique peuvent difficilement être considérés comme des "civils innocents". Ils sont les opérateurs et les régulateurs, aux plus hauts niveaux, de la plus inhumaine des activités qui consiste à extraire des êtres humains une quantité extensible de travail qu'ils transforment et chosifient en profits comptables. S'ils ne sont eux-mêmes que des travailleurs parcellaires au service de l'anonyme capital, ils sont comme les soldats de l'armée impériale, les suçeurs de sang des pays pauvres, et ils courent les mêmes risques. Tous les jours, ils écorchent des pauvres pour enrichir des riches. Basta!
Parmi les droit de l'homme, celui qui est le moins souvent invoqué, bien qu'il ait fourni la base théorique de la séparation des "Etats-Unis" du Royaume d'Angleterre, c'est le droit de résister à une oppression injuste. Le droit à l'insurrection devant l'abus commis par le pouvoir a été proclamé par les pères fondateurs de notre monde moderne, eux-mêmes insurgés. Il est la base juridique qui permet aux citoyens américains de posséder des armes.Par conséquent, ceux qui résistent et s'insurgent contre la domination globale, dans tous les domaines, des Etats-Unis, et contre la domination écrasante et destructrice du grand capital financier, concentré à Wall Street et protégé par le Pentagone, peuvent revêtir leurs actes insurrectionnels du manteau de la plus parfaite légitimité, tirée des droits réels de l'homme dominé, c'est-à-dire de l'homme réel.
Bien évidemment, ces actions violentes provoquent des morts. Nous déplorons ces morts et les souffrances infinies qu'elles provoquent chez les familles qu'elles frappent. Nous pleurerons les morts américains comme nous avons pleuré les morts coréens, massacrés par les bombes américaines; comme nous avons pleuré les millions de morts indochinois, déchiquetés par les bombes américaines; en se souvenant qu'elles continuent encore aujourd'hui à tuer les enfants: comme nous pleurons les morts de Panama, tués par les avions américains; comme nous pleurons les centaines de milliers de morts irakiens, tués par l'embargo et les bombardement anglo-américains; comme nous pleurons aussi les morts yougoslave, laminés par les avions otaniques, payés et dirigés par les futurs morts du Pentagone.
Mais cela ne donne aucunement le droit à des laquais de plume et à des politiciens en baisse de proclamer que "nous sommes tous des Américains". Ni les Kurdes, ni les Soudanais, ni les Lybiens, ni les Serbes, ni les Français, ni tous les autres, ne sont américains; ils ne se reconnaissent pas dans le lamentable cirque du jeu politique américain; ils ne monopolisent pas les ressources consommables de la planète. Il ne veulent pas dominer qui que ce soit ni, d'ailleurs, être dominés par qui que ce soit.
Cette honteuse affirmation démagogique s'inscrit dans une vague de récupération idéologique plus haute que les tours de Manhattan. L'usage soudain, éreintant, mordbide de la solidarité totale, convulsive avec nos maître américains, frappés dans les signes de l'empire, a été l'un des spectacles les plus répugnants de l'année. La compassion avec les victimes, oui, elle coule de source. Mais elle ne saurait s'étendre au pouvoir qui cherche à dominer le monde. L'Amérique a reçu la monnaie de sa pièce, toute petite monnaie pour une très grosse pièce. Cette punition tombée du ciel a été douce aux centaines de millions de victimes de cette Amérique inhumaine, mécanique, ordonnatrice de la terreur qui maintient en place ses protégés un peu partout.
On veut maintenant lancer la chasse aux "islamistes", terme que son aspect vague rend propice à tous les usage et qui remplace avantageusement les "communistes" d'antan.
L'Amérique avait pourtant nourri ces "islamistes" quand ils pouvaient affaiblir l'Union soviétqiue. Les USA vont maintenant se modeler sur la pratique israélienne en matière de tuerie. Sachant ce que l'on doit savoir, on doit souhaiter que les Américains envahissent l'Afghanistan. Ils pourraient y recevoir des leçons essentielles.
La fascisation du monde va faire un grand pas en avant, avec la bénédiction de l'Europe sociale-démocrate. Le gouvernement conservateur de Madrid a dit: "Nous ne participerons à aucune guerre". Pourquoi le nôtre ne pourrait-il pas dire la même chose?
A cet accroissement prévisible des oppressions les hommes libres répondront par une solidarité augmentée entre tous ceux qui se reconnaissent un devoir de résistance.Serge Thion
ex-chercheur, révoqué politique.15 septembre 2001.
To George W. Bush
President of the United StatesDear Mr. President,
During your passionate and truly great speech before Congress, you told us of the need to protect America against terrorism. True. You also eloquently told us of the greatness and the courage exhibited by many Americans during the crisis faced on September 11. As a former elected official who has heard thousands of speeches, I must say that yours was perhaps one of the best speeches I have heard in my lifetime.
But, Mr. President, Sir, you also told Congress and the American people something quite inaccurate.
I quote:
"Americans are asking "Why do they hate us?"
"They hate what they see right here in this chamber: a democratically elected government. Their leaders are self-appointed. They hate our freedoms: our freedom of religion, our freedom of speech, our freedom to vote and assemble and disagree with each other."
With all do respect to you, Mr. President, that statement is completely false. The media has said repeatedly and incorrectly that this was an attack against freedom, and unfortunately you simply repeated that absurd idea in your speech.
The obvious truth is that those who attacked us couldn't care less about the kind of government we have. They did not attack us because they hate our democracy or our freedoms. They certainly did not attack Switzerland or Sweden or any other democracies in the world.
I pray that you will agree with me that the American people deserve the utmost honesty before we take the most serious and dangerous step that a nation can ever make: go to war.
The attack on September 11 was certainly not about people hating our freedoms. It was purely in response to America's foreign policy; and it was primarily about our monetary and military support of Israel.
As strange as it may sound to Americans, those who attack us do so because they view our nation's leaders in exactly the same way as we view them. They believe that you and all of America's recent leaders are the real terrorists.
If you want to know the true reasons why they attack America, you can easily read what they write about America. There are even many interviews with Bin Laden that make clear his motivations.
He and many others say that they must fight America for its support of 50 years of Israel's terrorism against the Palestinian and other Mideastern people. He says this in precisely the same way that some say we must bomb Afghanistan into further oblivion for supporting the terrorism of Bin Laden.
America is seen as a terrorist nation for having supported the Israeli ethnic cleansing of 700,000 Palestinians from their land and homes and the stripping them of their most basic human rights, even depriving them of the right to live where they were born!
America is accused of supporting terrorism for backing Israel, even America is aware that Israel tortures 500 to 600 Palestinians in its jails each month.
America is called terrorist for supporting Israel even as it killed 40,000 Lebanese in its invasion of that country. They ask the world how America could support Israel even as it bombed civilian Red Cross shelters and killed women and children by the score.
Millions of people ask how the President of the United States could dine in the White House with Israel Sharon, a man with a proven history of massacring civilians, and who even Israel held responsible for the cold-blooded murder of 2000 people at the Sabra and Shatila camps in Lebanon.
America is also called a terrorist state for causing the death of more than 500,000 Iraqi children.
It is difficult for us to act morally superior to our enemies when our own U.S. Secretary of State, Madeline Albright, told Leslie Stahl of CBS that America's causing the death of 500,000 Iraqi children was "worth it." What would you say, Mr. President, of someone who thinks it is worth killing 500,000 children in order to punish one man?
Of course, whatever the reasons for the attack on September 11, Americans must defend ourselves by whatever means necessary. No American should ever face such horrible terror as on that fateful black Tuesday. And, I salute your determination to defend us.
But, before we respond in an indiscriminate way and breed even more hatred against us, we must be honest about why we are hated and why we are being attacked.
Telling us that we were attacked simply because they hate our freedom -- keeps America from examining the real reasons why we are hated. It must be acknowledged that we cannot end the terrorism against us unless we first heal the hatred that spawns it.
Of course, the Israel Firsters who control America's media don't want us to discuss the dire consequences of our monetary and military actions for Israel. They don't want us to even discuss the relationship between Israel and the events of September 11. Some are even telling the big lie that the attacks had nothing to do with our support of Israel. It is strange that Europe and the whole world recognize this obvious fact, but the American people do not.
We must access the anti-American consequences of our Mideast Policy. It is vital to our own national security.
As President, you must carefully reconsider our foreign involvement and policies over the last 50 years. You must determine if it is truly in the best interest of the American people to be involved in all these foreign wars and conflicts.
As President you were sworn to defend the United States, not Israel or any other foreign nation. I beseech you to exclusively put first the interests of the American people. We cannot afford to be manipulated by powerful lobbies who owe their allegiance to Israel over that of America.
You must also certainly recognize that the agenda of the Jewish-dominated news media can seriously conflict with the interests of the American people. I pray that you as our President will single-mindedly put the interests of the American people first, last and always.
The tragic events of September 11 did not happen because people hate America's freedom. Unless we examine the root causes of the growing hatred against our country, we shall be doomed to suffer more terrible days like September 11. Let us not be drawn into the hatreds and blood feuds of foreign nations.
May God keep and protect you Mr. President. And may he also give America and all the American people his shining protection.
You have in your hands the most powerful sword on earth. At this critical moment in American history may God grant you the wisdom to use its power to heal rather than to inflame an even greater cycle of hate and violence against the American people.
In whatever course of action you take, I urge you to defy the power of the Zionist lobby which serves the interests of a foreign nation, and put first the safety and interests of the American people.
In Your Service, and for America!
David Duke
Sep 20, 2001
[USA, New Orleans, Louisiana, Sept 13, 2001]. The European-American Rights Unity and Rights Organization (EURO)* National President, David Duke, is calling on President Bush to immediately halt all aid to Israel after a series of terrorist attacks hit New York City and the Pentagon saying: "Israeli atrocities against Palestinians are being paid for in American blood."David Duke said:
"We send out our prayers of sympathy and support to the victims of Tuesday's terrorist attacks and call on President Bush to bring those responsible to justice. These terrible acts of terrorism must be fought with every ounce of American resolve. And those who commit such heinous acts must be punished to the fullest extent of the law. No such act must ever be permitted on American soil."
"We must cut off the source of terrorism. That source is not Muslim fundamentalism, it is American support for Israeli genocide of the Palestinian people. The American government has been supporting the Jewish Supremacist State of Israeli with economic and military funding, though Israel denies the basic human rights of Palestinians. We believe that our economic and military aid to Israel has caused tremendous hatred toward America and that unlimitedly, it is the American people who suffers the consequences."
"We are calling on Congress and the President to immediately cut off all aid, economic and military, to Israel."
[*The European-American Unity and Rights Organization (EURO) is fighting against discrimination and for the rights and heritage of European Americans.]
By Mark Weber Director
Institute for Historical ReviewSeptember 15, 2001
With thousands of victims and riveting images of death and destruction, war has come home to America with terrible, devastating suddenness. Together with our fellow citizens, we mourn the many victims of the September 11 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon building. But beyond the feelings of grief and fury must come clarity and understanding.President George W. Bush said on national television that "America was targeted for attack because we're the brightest beacon for freedom and opportunity in the world." The next day he said that "freedom and democracy are under attack," and that the perpetrators had struck against "all freedom-loving people everywhere in the world."
But if "democracy" and "freedom-loving people" are the targets, why isn't anyone attacking Switzerland, Japan or Norway? Bush's claims are just as untrue as President Wilson's World War I declaration that the United States was fighting to "make the world safe for democracy," and President Roosevelt's World War II assurances that the US was fighting for "freedom" and "democracy."
In the wake of the September 11 attacks, speculation has been rife about who the perpetrators may have been. That itself is an acknowledgment that so many people hate this country so intensely that one cannot easily determine just who may have mounted these well-organized attacks of suicidal desperation.
These shocking attacks were predictable. In 1993 Islamic radicals set off a bomb at the World Trade Center that claimed six lives. In August 1998 the United States carried out missile attacks against Afghanistan and Sudan, strikes that senior Clinton administration officials said signaled the start of "a real war against terrorism." In the wake of those attacks, a high-ranking US intelligence official warned that "the prospect of retaliation against Americans is very, very high'." (The Washington Post, Aug. 21, 1998, p. A1)
Our political leaders and the American mass media promote the preposterous fiction that the September 11 attacks are entirely unprovoked and unrelated to United States actions. They want everyone to believe that the underlying hatred of America by so many around the world, especially in Arab and Muslim countries, that motivated the perpetrators of the September 11 attacks is unrelated to this country's policies. It is clear, however, that those who carried out these devastating suicide attacks against centers of American financial and military might were enraged by this country's decades-long support for Israel and its policies of aggression, murderous repression, and brutal occupation against Arabs and Muslims, and/or American air strikes and economic warfare against Afghanistan, Sudan, Iraq and Iran.
America is the only country that claims the right to deploy troops and war planes in any corner of the globe in pursuit of what our political leaders call "vital national interests." George Washington and our country's other founders earnestly warned against such imperial arrogance, while far-sighted Americans such as Harry Elmer Barnes, Garet Garrett and Pat Buchanan voiced similar concerns in the 20th century.
For most Americans modern war has largely been an abstraction -- something that happens only in far-away lands. The victims of US air attack and bombardment in Vietnam, Lebanon, Sudan, Libya, Iraq and Serbia have seemed somehow unreal. Few ordinary Americans pay attention, because US military actions normally have little impact on their day-to-day lives.
Just as residents of Rome in the second century hardly noticed the battles fought by their troops on the outer edges of the Roman empire, residents of Seattle and Cleveland today barely concern themselves with the devastation wrought by American troops and war planes in, for example, Iraq.
Ramsey Clark, former US Attorney General, has accused the United States of committing "a crime against humanity" against the people of Iraq "that exceeds all others in its magnitude, cruelty and portent." Citing United Nations agency reports and his own on-site investigations, Clark charged in 1996 that the scarcity of food and medicine as a result of sanctions against Iraq imposed by the United States since 1990, and US bombings of the country, had caused the deaths of more than a million people, including more than half a million children.
Madeleine Albright, Secretary of State in President Clinton's administration, defended the mass killings. During a 1996 interview she was asked: "We have heard that half a million children have died [as a result of sanctions against Iraq]. I mean, that is more children than died in Hiroshima...Is the price worth it?" Albright replied: "...We think the price is worth it." ("60 Minutes," May 12, 1996).
President Bush is now pledging a "crusade," a "war against terrorism" and a "sustained campaign" to "eradicate the evil of terrorism."
But such calls sound hollow given the US government's own record of support for terrorism, for example during the Vietnam war. During the 1980s, the US supported "terrorists" in Afghanistan -- including Osama bin Laden, now the "prime suspect" in the September 11 attacks -- in their struggle to drive out the Soviet invaders.
American presidents have warmly welcomed to the White House Menachem Begin and Yitzhak Shamir, two Israeli prime ministers with well-documented records as terrorists. President Bush himself has welcomed to Washington Israel's current prime minister, Ariel Sharon, whose forces have been carrying out assassinations of Palestinian leaders and murderous "retaliatory" strikes against Palestinians. Even an official Israeli commission found that Sharon bore some responsibility for the 1982 massacres of Palestinian civilians in the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps.
Jewish and Zionist leaders, and their American servants, have predictably lost no time exploiting the September 11 attacks to further their own interests. Taking advantage of the current national mood of blind rage and revenge, they demand new US military action against Israel's many enemies.
In the weeks to come, therefore, we can expect the US government, supported by an enraged public, to lash out violently. The great danger is that an emotion-driven, reactive response will aggravate underlying tensions and encourage new acts of murderous violence.
What is needed now is not a vengeful "crusade," but coherent, reasoned policies based on sanity and justice.
In the months and years ahead, most Americans will doubtless continue to accept what their political leaders and the mass media tell them.
But the jolting impact of the September 11 attacks -- which have, for the first time, brought to our cities the terror and devastation of attacks from the sky -- will also encourage growing numbers of thoughtful Americans to see through the lies propagated by our nation's political and cultural elite, and its Zionist allies, to impose their will around the world. More and more people will understand that their government's overseas policies inevitably have consequences even here at home.
In 1948, as the Zionist state was being established in Palestine, US Secretary of State George C. Marshall, along with nearly every other high-level US foreign affairs specialist, warned that American support for Israel would have dire long-term consequences. Events have fully vindicated their concerns.
Over the long run, the September 11 attacks will encourage public awareness of our government's imperial role in the world, including a sobering reassessment of this country's perverse "special relationship" with the Jewish ethnostate. Along with that, rage will grow against those who have subordinated American interests, and basic justice and humanity, to Jewish-Zionist ambitions.
For more than 20 years the IHR has sought, through its educational work, to prevent precisely such horrors as the attacks in New York and Washington. In the years ahead, as we continue our mission of promoting greater public awareness of history and world affairs, and a greater sense of public responsibility for the policies that generated the rage behind the September 11 attacks, this work will be more important than ever.
Mark Weber
Director, Institute for Historical Review
September 15, 2001
The mass media has told the American people a Big Lie about the attack on September 11. They have purposely lied about why it happened so as to cover up the true reasons for the attack. Not understanding the real reasons why we were attacked will cost America the loss of more lives, our prosperity and our freedom. |
My Dear Friends,No American will ever forget seeing on television the almost unbelievable carnage this past September 11. The horror at first seemed as if it were scenes a movie, not real life. Then as I as accepted the fact that it was real, emotion swept over me, Like so many other Americans, I struggled to keep back the tears for our people and our country. Almost immediately, I also realized that this terrorism could cost us even more than the terrible loss of lives and property suffered on that single day. I knew it would initiate a series of events that could threaten the very foundations of America.
Not only do Americans now face the specter of increasing terrorism, the horror of September 11 could well trigger a devastating economic depression.
It also might end up costing us our freedoms. And, as you know, the blood had not yet dried in the rubble before government leaders began to call for destruction of our most sacred constitutional rights.
The most important question we must ask ourselves about the terrorism is why. For without knowing why, we cannot hope to prevent these kinds of acts in the future.
Knowing who did the act is important, but why they did it is even more important. Don't get me wrong, we should certainly identify and obliterate all those directly responsible for these attacks, I am all for that.
However, it is essential that we understand the true motivations behind these men. Why are millions around the world growing to hate America so much? Why are growing numbers of men willing to sacrifice their lives to get at us? Even if we hunt down and kill all those remotely responsible for the terror of September, unless we find ways to lessen the growing world-wide hatred against us, more kamikazes will rise to take their place. America will sink into an increasing cycle of violence and fear.
Military might cannot protect us
Many Americans suffer from a dangerous delusion, and this includes the leading politicians, that we can militarily protect ourselves from terrorism.
They don't realize that the events of September 11 moved us into a new era of world history.
In this new era, sheer military might is no protection. No longer can strong nations attack weak ones with impunity. The tiniest nation or political entity can easily revenge itself with mass terror. No nation is invulnerable from terrorism, not even the strongest on earth.
Because of increased scientific knowledge, the next terror could be far more deadly than what happened on September 11. The next horrific occurrence might not even entail an explosion of any kind, but the silent mass death of a biological, toxic or radiation attack.
It takes only a small number of people, little money, and only a high school level of scientific knowledge to create weapons of mass destruction. They can be manufactured in anybody's basement. The most important factor is the amount of motivation people have to commit such acts.
The terrorists of September 11 have proven that fear of punishment will not stop terrorism in the same way it lessens street crime. What good does the threat of punishment do to men who expect to sacrifice their lives?
The threat of the death penalty was certainly no deterrent for the terrorists of September 11.
The bad news is that no matter how many billions of dollars the government spends or how many thousands of bombs it drops, it is impossible to completely protect ourselves terrorism. In fact, the more bomb-dropping and devastation we do, the more likely we will suffer a future terrorist response. That is because every bomb we drop spawns more hatred against us and more motivation to strike back at us.
Unfortunately, the carnage of September 11 will embolden those growing millions who do hate us, for they now know they can strike spectacularly at even the most sacrosanct symbols of America.
For many years I, along with Patrick Buchanan, Ramsey Clark, and a few other political untouchables, have tried to prevent this kind of tragedy. We have warned against recklessly involving America in the many wars and blood feuds around the world. We beseeched the American people to follow the advice of the father our country. In his farewell address, George Washington warned us against foreign entanglements.
We warned that if America sheds blood overseas, that eventually blood would be shed in our own country. I feel no satisfaction in saying that we were right. Being right is no solace for my anguish at this great loss of American life.
I will be brutally honest in this letter, and my frankness may offend some people, but this crisis demands only the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Nothing less than the whole truth can help us build a secure and prosperous future for our nation.
A time for introspection
We Americans have every right to be bitterly angry against the terrorists. But we also must go one step beyond our anger, for when something goes terribly wrong in an individual's life or even in the life of a nation; it is time for introspection. We must courageously ask ourselves what we might have done that has made us vulnerable to such ferocious attacks. That kind of thinking sometimes takes courage.
The world moves by a simple principal: cause and effect. In this instance, les us examine the possible causes for the motivation of these men to strike at America?
Any nation that bombs another naturally creates millions of angry enemies against it. America has repeatedly done that in recent times. We have taken sides in foreign conflicts, offered military assistance and weapons, and even bombed other nations. Our actions have caused the loss of many thousands of lives, including the lives of thousands of civilians. Many of the nations we bombed had never harmed a single American or acted in any way against the interests the United States.
For instance, we now partially blame Afghanistan for what happened on September 11. Have we conveniently forgotten that we bombed Afghanistan (and killed many innocent civilians) three years ago when we tried to kill Osama Bin Laden. Afghanistan is led by the same people we previously helped against the Soviets. At that time, we actually supported the terroristic activities of Osama Bin Laden against the Soviets and their collaborators. When Bin Laden later turned against us, we attempted to kill him by bombing Afghanistan.
We have seen the intense reaction of Americans to the attack on the Trade Centers. What would be the reaction of Americans to any nation who fired Cruise missiles and dropped thousands of bombs on America? After Clinton's bombing of Afghanistan, the Taliban promised revenge against America. September 11 may be that revenge.
We bombed Iraq after it invaded Kuwait, yet we supported Saddam Hussein with money and arms when he warred with Iran. In contrast, we continued to monetarily and militarily support Israel even after it invaded Lebanon and killed tens of thousands of Lebanese civilians. We support the Zionist state even though it tortures thousands of political prisoners in its jails. American support enabled Israel to ethnically cleanse itself of 700,000 Palestinians.
Bush says we must strike down terrorists wherever they are in the whole world, but he has shared tea and crumpets with Israeli Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon, one of the world's leading most brutal and bloodthirsty terrorists. Sharon committed a number of crimes against humanity, among them the massacre of 2,000 men, women and children in the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps in Lebanon. Mr. Bush did not strike Mr. Sharon, instead he toasted him.
America supplied weapons and bombs to Muslim separatist terrorists in Kosovo against the Yugoslav Christians, and then we bombed Yugoslavian cities full of civilians, when that country militarily attempted to suppress the revolt that we encouraged.
Please understand, I don't believe these American acts of war were the will of the American people. On the contrary, most Americans, at least up until September 11, have opposed almost every American involvement in foreign wars. For instance, a solid majority of Americans opposed the recent military intervention in Yugoslavia. But America is firmly in the grip of the New World Order crowd, and they use America to enforce their world hegemony.
The death of 500,000 children
I think most Americans would be appalled if they were fully aware of the suffering caused by American policy. For instance, most Americans no nothing about the effect of our embargo of food and medicine to Iraq. We caused the death of at least half a million children. That's right; I repeat: we are directly responsible for the death of 500,000 kids. Some of you might not believe what I am telling you. Well, for those who don't believe it, here is an excerpt of an interview between Leslie Stahl of CBS and Madeline Albright when she was US Secretary of State. The segment was called PUNISHING Saddam and Stahl was asking if the death of 500,000 children was worth it to punish this one man.
- Leslie Stahl, speaking of US sanctions against Iraq: "We have heard that a half million
children have died. I mean, that's more children than died in Hiroshima. And -- and you
know, is the price worth it?"Madeline Albright: "I think this is a very hard choice, but the price -- we think the price
is worth it."How would you view anyone who is willing to cause the death of 500,000 children to punish one man?
How can we not understand why so many people hate the United States when our own Secretary of State says murdering 500,000 children is quote, "worth it?"
The Big Lie of September 11
Knowing who did the terrorism of September 11 is important, but why they did it is even more important to us.
Yet, strangely, there has been little discussion in the mass media on why the attack occurred. Politicians and media personalities have given us completely inadequate explanations why a couple of dozen young men would blow themselves up to get at us. In fact, they have told us absurd lies to keep Americans from understanding the real reason for the attacks.
We have been told that the attackers were simply crazy, cowardly men who committed a quote "unprovoked attack." Media and government spokesmen repeatedly assured us that these attacks had "nothing to do with America's support of Israel." The official view, as expressed by the President to the U.S. Congress was that the terrorists attacked us because they hate our freedom! Here is an excerpt of his remarks before Congress
Americans are asking "Why do they hate us?"
They hate what they see right here in this chamber: a democratically elected
government. Their leaders are self-appointed. They hate our freedomsI am not trying to be disrespectful, but what he said is so ridiculous that even this intellectually-challenged President cannot really believe it. Does Bush really think that a bunch of young men would give up their families, their homes, and immolate themselves in a huge ball of fire simply because they hate our democracy! Right on Mr. President! Next week, will we will hear about Islamic kamikazes crashing planes into Iceland, the oldest enduring democracy on earth.
Mr. Bush is asking America to support a massive war over the next ten years. We are being asked to support a huge conflict whose huge costs could well bankrupt America and cause the loss of great numbers of American lives. Before we can make such a crucial decision, we deserve to have the whole truth concerning this cataclysmic event.
Of course, Mr. Bush did not tell us the truth; he simply repeated the Big Lie put out by the American mass media.
Saying that these acts were born out of hatred for freedom is a calculated lie to divert us from associating this disaster with our support for Israel.
You see, associating the attack with our Israeli policy would be bad public relations for Israel and the Jewish Lobby. The last thing they want is for the American people to realize that our unconditional support of Israel has directly led to this disaster.
If the American people clearly understand that fact, people might begin to ask a similar question to the one asked by Leslie Stahl, "Is our support of Israel really worth it?"
To keep people from asking that obvious question, the media made up the Big Lie that the men of October 11 were simply crazy, cowardly people who hated freedom and democracy!
The real reason for the attack
Even the date the terrorists chose for this attack shows their true motivation.
The attack occurred on September 11. That is the anniversary of the League of Nations proclaiming in Palestine the British Mandate in 1922. The date represents the first physical step toward the implementation of the Balfour Declaration and the establishment of Israel.
Why has the mass media kept this important fact from the American people?Frankly, this fact has been suppressed because the American media are thoroughly dominated by Jews. Many Americans suspect that Jews have disproportionate influence in the press, but their actual power is more than most people imagine. If you want documented proof of their enormous media power, just go to my webpage, www.davidduke.com and read the Who Runs the Media chapter from my book, My Awakening.
Just as Jewish Israel-Firsters dominate the mass media, so Congress and the President are afflicted by the Israeli Lobby. It should anger every American to think that the most powerful lobby in Congress is in the service of a foreign nation. Yet, the immense power of the Jewish Lobby is a proven fact, and nobody on capital hill will dare defy this all-powerful lobby. Even one of the most powerful U.S. Senators in American history, William Fulbright, bluntly said on CBS's Face the Nation, that, "Israel controls the U.S. Senate."
Recently, a Hebrew Israeli radio station, Kol Yisrael, on October 3rd reported that during an argument in an Israeli cabinet meeting, Shimon Peres warned Prime Minister Ariel Sharon that unless he would heed American requests for a cease fire with the Palestinians, he could cause America to turn against Israel. In a fit of anger, Sharon responded to Peres:
- "Every time we do something you tell me America will do this and will do that . . .
I want to tell you something very clear: Don't worry about American pressure
on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it."The media bosses and the Israeli bought politicians know the real reasons behind this terrorism. They have read the interviews of Osama Bin Laden. He and almost every other Islamic opponent of America has put support for Israel at the top of their top ten reasons for hating America. Laden and countless millions in the Muslim world blame the attacks on Lebanon, on Iraq, on Libya, on Iran, on Afghanistan and on Sudan as a direct result of Israel's control over America.
They point out that the many Israeli massacres of Palestinians, the ongoing torture of thousands of prisoners, the use of assassination of political enemies, the bombing of refugee camps, and the expansive wars launched by Israeli against their Arab neighbors; that all these Israeli crimes are completely dependent on unconditional American aid. They also see the deaths of the 500,000 Iraqi children, as admitted by our former Jewish Secretary of State, as a direct result of Jewish control over America.
The American people who are under the bombardment of a biased multimedia, might not realize the Jewish control of American foreign policy, but the Palestinians and their allies such as Bin Laden, they all understand it, and they hate us for it.
In fact, the same mass media that are giving out the Big Lie that the terrorist motivation is "hate for freedom," are clearly aware of Laden's real motivations.
I can easily prove the true motivation of Bin Laden and I can prove the media has known the truth all along. In May of 1998 Bin Laden was interviewed by reporter John Miller of ABC. Bin Laden talks about why he seeks to attack America. You can find it on the ABC and the PBS websites. Here are excerpts of Bin Laden's own words.
- "For over half a century, Muslims in Palestine have been slaughtered and assaulted
and robbed of their honor and of their property. Their houses have been blasted, their
crops destroyed""This is my message to the American people: to look for a serious government that
looks out for their interests and does not attack other people's lands, or other people's
honor. And my word to American journalists is not to ask why we did that but ask
what their government has done that forced us to defend ourselves""So we tell the Americans as people, and we tell the mothers of soldiers and American
mothers in general that if they value their lives and the lives of their children, to find
a patriotic government that will look after their interests and not the interests of the
Jews"I say to them that they have put themselves at the mercy of a disloyal government,
and this is most evident in Clinton's administrationÖ We believe that this administration
represents Israel inside America. Take the sensitive ministries such as the Secretaryof State and the Secretary of Defense and the CIA, you will find that the Jews have the
upper hand in them. They make use of America to further their plans for the worldÖIn the interview, Laden never said one word about opposing democratic principles, nor has he ever done so in his lifetime. So, now we know Laden's true motivation. He attacked us not because he "hates democracy, but because he thinks Israel controls and uses America to attack his people.
If Laden turns out to be the one behind the terrorism, there is no defense of what he did. As far as I am concerned, he deserves to be blown to hell for killing so many Americans.
But why must the media and government create this huge, absurd lie about why we were attacked on September 11.
This Big Lie is, of course, meant to hide an obvious truth. Its purpose is to keep Americans from associating this attack with our Israeli policy.
If that happens people might begin to wonder if it is in our true interest to having given Israel countless billions of our dollars.
They might begin to wonder if it is good for America to serve as the Israeli's shock troops and techno killers in attacks on Israel's enemies such as Iraq.
So, the unvarnished truth is that we suffered the terror of September 11 because of our support of the criminal policies of Israel. We have let our country be controlled by a foreign lobby that has worked against the best interests of the American people.
Israel has time and again proven it is not really our friend. It has conducted covert terrorist activities against America such as the Lavon affair in Egypt. It has deliberately attacked the USS Liberty with unmarked fighters and torpedo boats causing 174 American casualties in an attempt to blame Egypt and garner American support during the war of 1967. It has spied on us and stolen our greatest secrets, such as in the Jonathan Pollard affair. It has sold secret American technologies to the Communist Chinese. It has stolen nucleur materials from the United States. It has tricked America into bombing other nations such as in the attack on Libya in 1986. I could go on and on about Israel's treachery against the America.
And now, under guidance of the Israel Lobby and the Jewish controlled media, the Zionists are preparing America to strike a massive blow against all of Israel's mortal enemies in a global war. They are already talking about not only bombing, but invading and occupying whole nations such as Libya, Iran, Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan. Such would spawn a huge wave of hatred and retribution against America from all over the planet. The costs of such a war would cost the American people untold billions of dollars and could well cause the deaths of thousands of Americans. Finally, such a war would not end terrorism, but only spawn more acts of terror against us.
The real attackers of freedom
The first great cost of this new war is already being implemented: an outright attack on our American constitutional rights.
The Big Lie is that the terrorists attacked freedom. The truth is simply that they committed the terrible deed of blowing up the Trade Center as well as part of the Pentagon and taking 7,000 American lives. That action took away lives and property, but it did not take away our freedoms. Only our own leaders can do that.
America's media and government leaders now tell us that we must fight to defend freedom. But, pray tell, how do they plan to fight for freedom? In the ultimate oxymoron, they plan to do it by taking freedoms away from the American people.
We are told not to worry, though, it will only be temporary. Yet, has any government, once it has taken away the rights of the people, ever voluntarily given them back? Once a government takes away individual rights, expecting it to give them back is the same thing as expecting a dog to meow.
My fellow Americans, please open your eyes! Bush's first action after September 11 was to fund the creation of the biggest Secret Police apparatus in the history of the world. If you ever wondered what a police state looks like, you had better look quickly, for its coming straight at you like a runaway locomotive.
When the billions of appropriated monies work its way, the size of our "secret police" will make the former soviet KGB look like a kite next to a Jumbo Jet. Americans will have about as much privacy as one would have in a glass outhouse.
And how about the war against terrorism, after we spend countless billions, and spend unknown numbers of American and foreign lives, what are chances that terrorism will be lessened?
A war that shall not defend us
The Jewish media are already whipping up as much hatred as it can. News programs no longer report the many newsworthy things that happen in America and abroad, they are one long commercial for a massive, drawn out, bloody war.
This propagandizing has already had an effect. When CBS and CNN polled the American people and asked them if we should attack the suspected enemies of America even if it will, quote: "cost the lives of thousands of innocent people." Almost 70 percent said yes.
It hurts my heart to think that a vast majority of the American people now take exactly the same view toward innocent human life as did the terrorists of September 11.
How do you think the rest of the world views America when they hear the results of those polls?
So far, I have heard no one, not even one of the great moral media pontificators, the President of the United States, our church leaders, or anyone else of prominence -- courageous enough to point out this blatant moral hypocrisy.
So, we are now going to fight terrorism in a global war. And what happens when America goes out and bombs the hell out of countries and indiscriminately kills "thousands of innocent people?" Will we really end the threat of terrorism? America has done the same thing before. Let's take a look at how it has protected us from terrorism.
In 1986, the Israelis gave America false evidence against Libya and induced us to bomb the hell out of the country. We bombed a nation to "fight terrorism" for a crime it did not even commit. A year later, a couple of members of a radical group in Libya were alleged to have bombed Pan Am flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland, causing one of the worst air disasters of all time, killing 270.
We exact our revenge with B-1 bombers; they do it through suicide bombers.
There is no way to completely protect ourselves from those kinds of acts. Even one fanatic person, if he is willing to commit suicide, can easily, with a small amount (non-detectible) plastic explosives, crash a plane with 400 people on it. We live in an era in which deadly biological agents of mass destruction can be made in anyone's basement.
America must take heed; the next terroristic act can be committed by just one person and kill hundreds of thousands of people. The exercise of brute military force can no longer protect any nation.
Let me repeat, we send our B1 bombers and they send their suicide bombers. And now, unless cooler head prevail, we are ready to embark on another war on terrorism that may kill thousands of innocent people and escalate the cycle of violence.
September 11 has forever changed the world
The world changed forever on September 11.
If anything, it proved that a handful of men, with little money and no weapons save some box openers, could wreck major destruction and havoc on the most powerful nation on earth. It showed how every nation is vulnerable to terrorism, even ours.
How then do we then protect ourselves from terror in the future?
Unless we remedy the underlying motivation of the terrorism and give America a better course, every new missile and bomb we send will come back to us again. Every drop of blood we spill in foreign lands will result in more American blood lost here and abroad. America will sink more and more into uncertainty and fear.
After the events of September 11, a father who lost his daughter in the Lockerbie plane crash, John Mosey, wrote to British Prime Minister Tony Blair. He pointed out that the 270 who died in the 1988 bombing were killed in reprisal for "aggressive" US policies in the Arab world. He went on to caution, "The utmost care must be taken that whatever path is eventually pursued is successful and does not harm innocent people, thus producing another batch of terrorists."
We must have cool heads now and break this cycle of violence.
Let us pray for the American victims of these events and for their suffering families. Let us go after the perpetrators of these dastardly acts with absolute precision.
But, even more importantly, let us understand why these events occurred and how we can heal the hatred against our nation.
Many traitors in our government have supported Zionism's criminal activities rather than the true interests of the American people. They have spawned the hatred against America that drove on these terrible acts. They are as much responsible for the carnage of September 11 as if they themselves piloted these planes that were turned into bombs.
This event happened because the American government and media are ruled by those who put Israel's interests over America's. Unless that foreign power over us is broken, Americans will be haunted by an increasing specter of terrorism.
Perhaps one positive thing that came out of the sad events of September 11 is the increased patriotism in America. That is good, for if Americans had been more patriotic in the past few years, and not allowed a foreign power to control us, we would not be facing such an uncertain future.
By understanding the reason why we now face the specter of terrorism, we can develop a plan to prevent such terroristic acts in the future. Here are five steps America must take to end the immediate and long term threat of terrorism.
Five steps to American security and freedom
First, we must recognize that the America's Israel-first foreign policy has been morally wrong as well as immensely damaging to the United States of America. It has cost us hundreds of billions of dollars in direct aid over the years and it has cost trillions of dollars in economic damage such as incurred by higher petroleum costs. A direct consequence of America's Israel-first policy is the terror we faced on September 11 and the likelihood of increasing terror against the American people.
Second, we must first seek diplomatic and economic pressures to extradite and legally try and execute those responsible for terror upon Americans. If that fails, we should use surgical operations to apprehend and punish those responsible for terrorism. But, we must not let the Jewish Lobby maneuver us into a wider war and an increasing cycle of violence that would cost billions of American dollars and untold numbers of innocent lives. Such an action can only result in increased terrorism in America.
Third, we must absolutely protect the Constitutional Rights of the American people. Erosion of Constitutional rights exposes us to greater danger than any individual acts of terrorism. Taking away Constitutional rights in the fight against terrorism is like burning your coat to protect yourself against the cold. Benjamin Franklin said it right. "People who give up freedom for security achieve neither."
Fourth, we must never allow any foreign power to have any monetary or other influence on internal American politics. All political lobbies on behalf of foreign nations must be absolutely prohibited.
Fifth, we must break the Jewish power over the American mass media. Americans must be entitled to an honest and unbiased media that serves only the true interests of the American people and not the agenda of a Jewish-Supremacist minority.
America first
The solution to ending this current threat of terrorism is very obvious; it is as clear as the true reasons for the terrorist attacks.
America must heed the farewell address of the Father of our Country and "avoid foreign entanglements."
We would not now be in this mess if the American government would have always put the interests of America first. The only way to work America out of the present danger is to rigidly apply this principle.
The hour is late, but it is not too late to save our country.
We must now embark on the only sure path to America's security and freedom. Let us always put the interests of America First.
May God Bless America!
David Duke
The underlying cause of the
animosity against America is rooted in America's support of
Israel. Oh, of course Islamic militants abhor America's
terrorism against all those unfortunate folks trying to eke
out an existence in such poor places such as Iraq, Libya,
Sudan, Afghanistan, etcetera - but make no mistake about it,
it's the continual and gigantic American backing of
expansionist Israel which is the root cause of the animosity
against my country. If America were not Israel's big backer,
thousands of those innocent victims of the eleventh of
September could still be alive.
Thanks for that introduction and congratulations to the organizers of this conference here in Italy.Before today, the most recent country outside of my native USA in which I was a scheduled Speaker was Lebanon, but of course we know that the Beirut Conference on Revisionism and Zionism was canceled due to the muzzling influence of the enemies of Free Speech. So it is with this in mind that I acknowledge the organizers of this Italian Revisionist Conference as dauntless comrades persevering in the honorable cause for the search of historical truth, and I for one say BRAVO!
Ladies and gentlemen if you remember just one thing from my presence with you here today, let it be simply this:
If America really wanted to prevent more September the 11th type of attacks upon itself, it would stop doing the things which provoked them!
The most provocative thing which is the main answer to the "why" is the American government's supplying Israel with everything for its aggression against the Palestinians and anyone else who helps them. Remember - the main reason why my country was attacked on the eleventh of September was because of the US support of Israel.
The Moslems have other grievances about America - but none so basic as the Israeli connection. America should stop killing and maiming countless innocent children in the Middle East, such as in Iraq for example, and lift its sanctions with all its terrible consequences. Talk about terrorism - the United States has, and continues to conduct terrorism!
I say that for any country to reduce the probability of receiving terrorism upon itself, it should simply refrain from delivering terrorism upon others!
And just how are people in my country now reacting to the current media blitz? They are showing the colors and running out of American flags to wave!
You know, I clearly remember during the early days of the John Birch Society that the wearing of American flag lapel pins by folks wanting to display their patriotism was stridently ridiculed by a Jewish-led opposition. Now, since September the eleventh, one sees the American flag everywhere folks are attaching them to their cars, buildings, on their persons, and street vendors are running out of flags to sell.
America is in a frenzy. As a matter of fact, it has been reported that an opinion poll of New Yorkers revealed that the people are overwhelmingly in favor of concentration camp type incarceration for those who show support for terrorists! But, only of foreign terrorists, of course!
There certainly has been a lot of perceptions regarding September the eleventh. It has been reported that there was inside trading in insurance and airline shares that points to a previous knowledge of the forthcoming attack and it has also been reported that there were some advance warnings in the Jewish-owned investment banking system. We shall have more on this.
In a different vein, there is a school of thought which perceives the air attacks on New York and Washington as marking the Close of the American Century - the end of global capitalism and mammonism with its devotion above all to the pursuit of wealth. This school of thought includes persons who sympathize for the Manhattan and Washington victims and their families, and who at the same time share with the grief of the Germans concerning the many more victims of the Anglo-American bomb terrorism against all those German civilians in their towns and cities. The pictures of the gray dust of Manhattan and Washington bring remembrance of the holocausts perpetrated by Anglo-Americans against Dresden and Hiroshima.
This school of thought perceives our current situation as a world-wide war on unseen fronts. They see the military defeat of the Germans in 1945 as leaving the peoples of Europe and the rest of the world unprotected from the American military forces and their plundering. The victors have been controlling the vanquished by various means including an incessant "re-education" propaganda as well as infecting them with the usurious interest-slavery virus of credits and unpayable indebtedness which have kept the vanquished peoples in thrall and in vassal status.
The air attacks struck at the heart of the monster and lamed it. The symbolic force of 11 September 2001 struck a blow at the self-satisfied, complacent attitude of the contemporary be-bop based American life-style. At this point, this is as yet a comparatively small war which is a war of liberation and at the same time a world war, because the enemy of the people controls the world.
There is a perception of an anti-Arab hysteria concerning the events of the eleventh of September which is being whipped up into a frenzy by the controlled mass media. There is the perception that we are in the midst of another cover-up being orchestrated by the media masters. There's a lot of questions, beginning with how was it possible for those actions to have occurred - how come nobody reported any of these highjackings to any of the various security sectors? The NSA, the National Security Agency, spies on the whole world via satellites - how could the NSA Echelon electronic net have not known anything at all about such a multi-faceted operation? It's no secret that the NSA is specialized to security in the skies - so just what was this space-based intelligence doing since it has not merely one, but several spy satellites engaged in real-time monitoring. How could Echelon have failed to notice several airliners going off course - and how could the FBI which is engaged in apprehending terrorists in the United States, and how could the CIA, whose duty it is to keep track of enemies of the US beyond its borders - how could all of them fail to notice anything about such an attack about to happen? Is it simply enough to try to blame it all on airport security - and what about the strange inaction of US military helicopters based near New York - for example, during the 18 minutes when the second terrorist aircraft was on course for its target - those 18 minutes would have been enough to hit it with air-to-air missiles - and all the more so because it approached the city from the side of the Hudson River and would have fallen in the water instead of on the city if it had been shot down.
And then there is the amazing ability of the terrorists - not only were they able to calculate fight times and make preparations without being noticed by any intelligence gathering procedures - so we are told - it turns out that they were able to fly modern airliners. Taken altogether, it is simply incredible that all of these things among others were beyond the knowledge or even the suspicion of the American intelligence network.
Query: What did the Mossad know?
Will not the method of Revisionism in the hands of researchers eventually shed more light on all this - absolutely!
There are as yet unconfirmed reports of a US military intelligence source having revealed details of an internal intelligence memo that points to the Israeli Mossad having links to the September 11th attacks. These attacks required a high level of military precision and the resources of an advanced intelligence agency. In addition, the attackers would have needed to be extremely familiar with both Air Force One flight operations, civilian airline flight paths and aerial assault tactics on sensitive US cities such as Washington and New York.
The attacks have certainly turned US public opinion firmly back in Israel's favor after a year of Palestinian uprisings and the heavy criticism of Israel for war crimes and racism by the United Nations conference in Durban. The timing of these attacks came in the midst of international condemnation of the Israelis because of Israel's death squad assassination of Palestinian politicians and police. The September 11 attacks did not serve the interest of any Arab group - it served the Israeli agenda, and if documented, the revelation of an Israel involvement in those September attacks will not come as a surprise to intelligence experts, because the state of Israel has a long history of covert operations against Western targets from at least as far back as its attacks on the King David Hotel, the USS Liberty, the murder of a Scandinavian UN envoy, as well as espionage against the USA during the Jonathan Pollard case, to list just a few.
It has been reported that the US Defense Department issued a warning to its officials to halt the leak of information on this investigation which it says is happening every day since the attacks.
There is the perception that there was a Mossad connection and that it was perhaps the most covert operation since the existence of modern Israel.
Are reports of Mossad connections sufficiently mentioned by our official mass media? Isn't Israel maneuvering for a full scale war - most probably beginning against the Palestinians, with all that may entail?
There is the report about CNN showing Palestinians allegedly cheering the death and destruction of the 11th of September. Reportedly those scenes were repeatedly shown around the world manufacturing hatred against the "callous" Palestinians - but it's said that in this case, CNN used old footage from back in 1991 showing Palestinians celebrating the invasion of Kuwait! Naw - our mass media wouldn't do anything like that - would they? Just think for a moment about the impact of such images: People are hurt; emotionally fragile, and then this deceptive broadcasting takes place with its high probability of causing waves of anger and rage against Palestinians. It is grossly immoral to telecast deceptive images such as those.
And then there is the school of thought which recalls seeing a series of fast flashes and hearing several explosions at the time of the collapse - this in reaction to observations to the televised images of the September attacks which suggest that explosive devices were used in the collapse of both towers. It's reported that Van Romero, Vice President for research at New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology contends that the televised images of the attacks on the World Trade Center suggest that explosive devices caused the collapse of both towers - that the collapse of the buildings appears too methodical to be a chance result of airplanes colliding with the structures. It is his opinion based on the videotapes, that after the airplanes hit the World Trade Center, there were some explosive devices inside the buildings that caused the towers to collapse. Romero said the collapse resembled those of controlled implosions used to demolish old structures. He was quoted as saying that it would be difficult for something from the plane to trigger an event like that. If explosions caused the towers to collapse, the detonations could have been caused by a small amount of explosive placed in strategic points, Romero said. The explosives likely would have been put in more than two points in each of the two towers. Attackers detonate an initial, diversionary explosion that attracts emergency personnel to the scene, then detonate a second explosion.
If that scenario is correct, the diversionary attack was the collision of the planes into the towers. It was also reported that the President of New Mexico Tech had said that Tech had not been asked to take part in the investigation into the attacks although Tech often assists in forensic investigations.
Well, of course the questions also arise as to who had the knowledge, the opportunity and the ability to effectively plant such explosives, and who could have secretly accessed specific parts of those structures - and I say to you that the principal beneficiary of these attacks is the government of Israel.
Another point of view is that we are heading toward a Jihad versus McWorld [as in McDonald's].
As an example of Israeli terrorism supported by the USA, Robert Fisk, the long time Middle East correspondent, reported in August just how Israeli police carry out their routine, organized cruelty. He pointed out that while the Arabs called it a "day of rage", it was the Israelis who were the ones demonstrating their rage outside Orient House, and the Palestinian youth who dared to hold up a Palestinian flag made out of paper, was seized by six border guards and plain-clothes police - the boy was kicked, beaten, punched in his face and back and then kneed in the groin in front of everyone. They don't care. Fisk informs us about a tall, thin young man with shaggy brown hair who tried to escape a policeman's grasp at the iron security barriers who was dragged back into the police lines and then attacked by eight men. There must have been 20 television cameras and a score of photographers running along with the Shin Bet intelligence police as they dragged that boy screaming up the road toward Orient House, kicking him in the chest and forcing back his head until he choked. Then the moment the youth was in the back seat of a white police van, an Israeli plain-clothesman in a red shirt attacked him - and while he was being held down from the other side of the vehicle, the Israeli kicked him again and again between the legs until the young man screamed out in a high-pitched cry. It was, as one of the foreign protesters muttered, enough to turn a Palestinian into a suicide-bomber. Indeed!
And it was also very weird: here we were, reports Fisk - around a hundred journalists watching a hundred so-called "peace" demonstrators Europeans, Americans, Christians, Jews, and Palestinians - and every few minutes, on a signal from a fat policeman in a blue shirt, his colleagues would run amok - after all the talk of Israel being a peace-loving state among the nations, founded upon the rule of law, the Israeli police would suddenly prove that those constant Palestinian complaints of beatings and brutality were absolutely true - right there in front of us, Fisk says. There was a border guard who became so fascinated by the beating of one man that he couldn't take his eyes off the fists that were hammering into the man's stomach and ribs. A lot of the border guards were grinning when the Palestinians screamed - after a while it was obscene to watch. Up the street, closer to Orient House, here's how the Israeli police were taking care of their prisoners: In front of the horrified eyes of a group of humanitarian workers, one of whom was an American, the Israeli police beat the captured Palestinians all over again. Police horses were run into the crowd. A couple of stun grenades were fired into the crowd. After more than an hour of this, one officer realized that this Israeli state terror was a public relations disaster, and he shouted "Stop carrying them!" as two Palestinians were being dragged in front of the cameras as they were being beaten. "Let them walk!" But of course they couldn't walk. They couldn't even stand up.
One of them had his shirt pulled up over his head, and it revealed his back completely red. A thought kept recurring in our minds: If this is what the Israeli police do to Palestinians right there in front of us, asks Fisk, then what do they do to them behind our backs.
As far as the Palestinians and their many supporters are concerned, they see no difference between Israel and America since the US has always been and continues to be Israel's gigantic backer - all the way.
The Jewish controlled mass media tells us that Osama bin Laden and his followers attacked the US because as President Bush put it "America was targeted for attack because we're the brightest beacon for freedom and opportunity in the world" and because "they hate our values" and they "hate what America stands for", and "they have attacked America because we are freedom's home and defender" - well, ladies and gentlemen, that is not merely wrong - it is dead wrong because death must result from that lie.
Mark my words, I predict that if my countrymen believe the President and make all-out war against Islamic fundamentalism, they will only succeed in adding millions more to the millions who already hate America - and some of them will put forth more attacks even worse than those of the eleventh of September.
The underlying cause of the animosity against America is rooted in America's support of Israel. Oh, of course Islamic militants abhor America's terrorism against all those unfortunate folks trying to eke out an existence in such poor places such as Iraq, Libya, Sudan, Afghanistan, etcetera - but make no mistake about it, it's the continual and gigantic American backing of expansionist Israel which is the root cause of the animosity against my country. If America were not Israel's big backer, thousands of those innocent victims of the eleventh of September could still be alive.
Whatever Israel has wanted, Israel has gotten - with the backing of my country.
The way I see it, Israel wants a full-scale war - with the backing of my country, of course.
In closing, ladies and gentlemen, I want you to know that it gives me no pleasure to tell you that I have absolutely no reason to doubt that international Jewry will continue to act as it has throughout its entire history.
Israel gets what it wants.
Israel wants war.
Israel will get war. All the way!
What makes me especially convinced that Israel will get its big war, is because my country supports Israel - all the way.
Is there any hope?
There is always hope - and it is my fervent hope that my countrymen will recognize the error of their ways and change their interventionist behavior to a foreign policy of neutrality in the spirit of my country's founding father and first President, George Washington, who warned and wisely advised my country to adopt a policy of staying out of foreign entanglements.
That is my hope.
I also have a wish.
I wish that our current President George Bush would pay heed to our former President George Washington.
Ladies and gentlemen, I thank you for your kind attention and wish you well.
Russ Granata
POB 2145, PVP CA 90274 USA - www.russgranata.com - info@russgranata.com
Jewish Terrorism and Aggression, Jewish Spying and Disinformation
- They dare to speak out
two excerpts from Paul Findleys book
- The Zionist Terror Network
by Mark Weber
- Fifteen years of Jewish terrorism in France
by Robert Faurisson
- Fact Sheet on the ADL
- ADL - The Face of Hate
- Is ADL Spying on You?
- ADL Illegal Surveillance Case
- Spy vs Spite
- ADL - A History of Disinformation and Intimidation
- ADL´s Ties With Mossad
- Jewish death threats against ex-Mossad agent
by Victor Ostrovsky
- Ex-Mossad agent speaks out
interview with Victor Ostrovsky
- Mossad´s Record
excerpts from Ostrovskys book
- Jewish Terror Groups in Palestine
- Israeli Acts of Aggression Against Al-Aqsa Mosque
- Violent Jewish Attack in... Paris!
(Press Release)
- Jewish terrorism against Internet!
- What The Jewish "ADL" doesn´t want you to know!
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Ahmed Rami (the founder of the station Radio Islam), Box 316, 10126 Stockholm. Phone:+46 708 121240