La conférence internationale révisionniste de Trieste
An international Revisionist Conference was held by the cultural association Nuovo Ordine Nazionale , on the 6th and 7th of October 2001 in Trieste Italy. Amongst the participants: Mr Jean-Louis Berger (France), Professor Robert Countess (United States), Mr Russ Granata (United States), Mr Ahmed Rami (Morocco), Mr Vincent Reynouard (France), Dr Fredrick Töben (Australia), Jürgen Graf (Switzerland)...
The revisionist activities in Italy
coordinated by New National Order
("Nuovo Ordine Nazionale")
Sacrifices are necessary if, as is hoped, a source of autonomous financing is to be obtained with which to organise the greatest possible number of conferences, symposia, meetings and discussions accessible not only to those of our own political sphere but also, and above all, to the general public, always bound to be sceptical and wary with regard to such endeavours: its information (so often erroneous and mystified) comes solely from a Judeo-Masonic system which has always had the economic means to spread its false "historical gospel".An economic and political force must now be constituted in order to combat these financially mighty forces of persuasion, and particularly the Jewish and Zionist power, so strongly entrenched that it has succeeded in creating in several European countries freedom-killing laws, blatantly contrary to the "democratic " principles to which the diverse Jewish bodies all assert their devotion. Such a force must soon become capable of jamming the machinery that for the last 55 years has been running the lie factory, creating and sustaining prejudice against revisionists or against any political group that might openly take up the revisionist cause.
Nuovo Ordine Nazionale is a political movement which does not reject historical revisionism, but which, on the contrary, believes that the truths which it seeks to expose may well be the veritable Achilles' heel of the Jewish adversary. Accordingly, it proposes its services to revisionists the world over to act as a platform upon which the necessary political structure may be built.
Nuovo Ordine Nazionale intends to face the demands of the situation directly, that is, by the commitment of its activists in terms of effort and money. The movement is ready to organise conferences, discussions, and public meetings in Italy, and makes the following firm commitments:
1) To plan a series of conferences in Italy
2) To publicise these events at its own expense
3) To hire appropriate conference halls
4) To book hotel accommodation for the speakers
5) To guarantee their security at the hotels and at the halls
6) To provide vehicles needed to take them to and from stations, airports, etc.
7) To find publishing houses able and willing to turn out books not yet available in Italy or translated into Italian
8) To advertise those books and distribute them via the bookshops of our own political sphere and via any other outlets which may care to carry them
9) To defend politically and publicly both the revisionists who participate in our conferences and revisionist writings in general
10) To advertise these conferences in our publications
11) To proselytise and to diffuse revisionism via our publications
12) To bring to the attention of the general public those revisionists who are as yet little known
To this purpose, Nuovo Ordine Nazionale requests the economic collaboration of all groups or persons, whether in Italy or abroad, in Europe or beyond, who wish to help promote the blossoming and the taking root of historical revisionism in a country not yet utterly under the yoke of the Jews.
To do so we do not ask to be paid, for the Ideal is of a worth far more noble than that of money; those who share it must first and foremost have courage and the willingness to make personal sacrifice.
We hereby ask the associations or persons referred to above to assist us financially so that we may cover the following:
a) Return travel fare of conference speakers
b) Speakers' accommodation
c) Hiring of conference halls
d) Costs of book publishing and promotion
We are keen to stress that all proceeds from the sale of books published under the auspices of Nuovo Ordine Nazionale and all contributions made by individuals will be remitted to the group Soccorso Nero ("Black Partisans' Aid Fund"), created exclusively for the advancement of revisionism and for the benefit of revisionists in need. Soccorso Nero will operate under the direction of Nuovo Ordine Nazionale.
No person other than the revisionists will be able to lay claim to any portion of the funds so entrusted. We shall in the near future notify you of the founding of Soccorso Nero and of the methods and provisional means that it aims to employ in order to guarantee financial assistance for those who, at considerable risk, have devoted their lives to the discovery of the Truth and to the diffusion of their findings born of research, studies and thorough examination of True World History.
Finally, we deem it indispensable to secure the aid of the associations referred to above, as well as that of private individuals who share our belief in the crucial importance of revisionism, in order to place Soccorso Nero in a position both to plan and to organise the necessary undertakings and to cover the expenses to be incurred in its mission of efficiently disseminating the Historical Truth.
18 July 2001
At present, contributions and other communications are to be addressed to the national head in Trieste:
Signor Angelo CAUTER
Via della Bellavista, 24
34134 Trieste, Italy