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Some articles
added to this site

  1. A Dossier on Civilian Victims of United States' Aerial Bombing of Afghanistan: A Comprehensive Accounting by Prof Mark W. Herold (University of New Hampshire)

  2. "The World after September 11" By Noam Chomsky

  3. The New War Against Terror By Noam Chomsky (MIT Talk)

  4. Q&A to Chomsky In India after a talk he gave By Noam Chomsky

  5. Israel orders 52 F-16 aircraft from Lockheed Martin Aeronautics (Globes)

  6. UN mediator: Palestinians suffering extreme poverty (Ha'aretz)

  7. FBI Arrests JDL Chairman, Follower By Greg Krikorian and Richard Winton (AP/LA Times)

  8. Majority of New Immigrants Are Non-Jews (Israel National News)

  9. A footnote for the future By Meron Benvenisti (Ha'aretz)

  10. Occupation Propels Conflict By Hussein Ibish (L.A. Times)

  11. Arafat's nightmare: Israel bombs the jails By Danny Rubinstein (Ha'aretz)

  12. How Many Dead? Major networks aren't counting (FAIR)

  13. Suspected Israeli Spies Held by U.S. By Carl Cameron, (FoxNews)

  14. Some U.S. investigators believe that Israel is spying in and on the U.S. and may have known things they didn't tell us before September 11 By Carl Cameron (Foxnews)

  15. Americans 'covered up massacre of 280 Taliban' By Justin Huggler (Independent)

  16. 'Israeli death squad disarmed men and shot them' By Phil Reeves (Independent)

  17. U.S. Vetoes U.N. Resolution on Palestinians By Serge Schmemann/Colum Lynch/Edith M. Lederer (New York Times/Washington Post)

  18. The hostage nation By Hans von Sponeck and Denis Halliday (The Guardian)

  19. There is no excuse for this savagery By Isabel Hilton (Guardian)

  20. Going Backwards US Wins Defeat of Depleted Uranium Study (Reuters)

  21. "If It Walks Like a Duck ... ": The Racism of Zionism By Donald Neff (Washington Report)

  22. Erasing Palestinians' Past By Ilan Pappe (Journal Of Palestine Studies). A review of Sacred Landscape: The Buried History of the Holy Land since 1948, by Meron Benvenisti.

  23. The Israeli Democracy! By Azmi Bishara

  24. Testimony by John J. Maresca, Vice President, International Relations Subcommittee on Asia and the Pacific

  25. New evidence indicates Palestinians died hours after surviving camp massacres By Robert Fisk (Independent)

  26. The truths they never tell us By John Pilger (New Statesman)

  27. What Went Wrong in the Arab World? Ask Yourself By Hussein Ibish (L.A. Times)

  28. Journal axes gene research on Jews and Palestinians by Robin McKie (The Observer)

  29. A Just Cause, Not a Just War By Howard Zinn (The Progressive)

  30. France: Israel violating int'l humanitarian law B'tselem: 42 dead Palestinians since Ze'evi murder(Jerusalem Post/AP)

  31. ADL head slams Bush administration (Ha'aretz)

  32. If the CIA Had Butted Out ... By Ahmed Bouzid (LA Times)

  33. A war in the American tradition By John Pilger

  34. Why bomb civilians? By Eric S. Margolis (Dawn)

  35. A Gaza Diary
    Scenes from the Palestinian uprising
    By Chris Hedges (Harper Magazine)

  36. Vengeance is mine, says the IDF by Gideon Levy (Ha'aretz)

  37. An Afghanistan primer: The good the bad and the ... VERY bad by Eric Margolis (Toronto Sun)

  38. US urges curb on Arab TV channel (BBC)

  39. Backyard Terrorism By George Monbiot (Guardian)

  40. War Needs Good Public Relations By Norman Solomon

  41. The tragic reality of Israel By A.N. Wilson (This Is London)

  42. Settlers let off steam with Sharon By Nadav Shragai (Ha'aretz)

  43. America Cares Only for Itself! By Prof. Brigitte Schulz (Hartford Courant)

  44. US deploys controversial weapon By Richard Norton-Taylor (Guardian)

  45. More than 'unintended consequences' By Carl Bloice

  46. Zbigniew Brzezinski: How Jimmy Carter and I Started the Mujahideen Interview of Zbigniew Brzezinski (Le Nouvel Observateur)

  47. Israel: Into the Abyss By Neve Gordon (Nation)

  48. World stays silent as Israel flattens Palestinian bases By Phil Reeves (Independent)

  49. CNN caves in to Israel over its references to illegal settlements By Robert Fisk (Independent)

  50. International Committee of the Red Cross Condemns Israel's Inhumane Measures Against the Palestinian People (Palestine Media Center). Also Palestinians shot by soldiers at close range, witnesses say by Lee Hockstader (Washington Post)

  51. More Q & A On Terror and War By Michael Albert & Stephen R. Shalom (Zmagazine)

  52. Forget the cliches, there is no easy way for the West to sort this out By Robert Fisk (Independent)

  53. Our friends in the North are just as treacherous and murderous By Robert Fisk (Independent)

  54. US plane bombs Kabul, al-Jazeera offfice targeted (Times Of India, November 13, 2001)

  55. Blasting our way to peace By George Monbiot (Guardian)

  56. Warning: Media Management Now In Effect By Danny Schechter (Media Channel)

  57. Israel Fails to Address Increasing Use of Torture (Amnesty)

  58. Israel uses torture in defiance of court ban, report says By Steve Weizman (Independent)

  59. Obstacles to a Middle East settlement By William Dalrymple (Guardian)

  60. This war of lies goes on By John Pilger

  61. Are Americans getting the full picture? (Sydney Morning Herald) Critics claim the US press has become too reliant on information from official sources, such as photos of special operations and air attacks.

  62. Saying Goodbye to Patriotism By Robert Jensen (Counter Punch)

  63. Terrorism Meets Reactionism By Michael Parenti

  64. Say No to a Palestinian 'State' By Ran HaCohen (

  65. An imperial nightmare by Seumas Milne (Guardian) The new appetite for intervention will only increase the likelihood of anti-western terror

  66. No escape for Taleban from the "daisy cutter" By Tim Ripley (The Scotsman)

  67. Terrorism works By Noam Chomsky (Al-Ahram)

  68. Understanding Political Dissent in Saudi Arabia By Gwenn Okruhlik (MERIP pin 73)

  69. The US & Israel By Peter Grier (Christian Science Monitor)

  70. CNN Chief Orders 'Balance' in War News By Howard Kurtz (Washington Post)

  71. Don't confuse food parcels with cluster bombs, warns US By Andrew Buncombe

  72. Stop Israel! By Tanya Reinhart

  73. It's about oil By Ted Rall (San Francisco Chronicle)

  74. Control of Central Asia's oil is the real goal By Ben Aris and Ahmed Rashid (Sidney Morning Herald)

  75. America's Pipe Dream By George Monbiot (Counter Punch)

  76. Surprise! It's also a dirty war for oil By Nick Woomer (The Michigan Daily)

  77. US strips Jewish army major of security clearance By Arieh O'Sullivan (Jerusalem Post)

  78. Who Cares About the Palestinians? by Ran HaCohen (

  79. War Is Peace By Arundhati Roy (Outlookindia/Guardian)

  80. King's Ransom By Seymour M. Hersh (New Yorker) How vulnerable are the Saudi royals?

  81. The CIA and Poison Letters Black Valentines? By Douglas Valentine (Counter Punch)

  82. We have already lost By John Le Carre (Globe and Mail)

  83. Gagging the Skeptics By George Monbiot (Guardian) The US, founded to protect basic freedoms, is now insisting that its critics are its enemies.

  84. What can we do about terrorism? By Dr. Robert M. Bowman Lt. Col., USAF, ret.*

  85. Where did America go wrong? By Carla Binion (Online Journal)

  86. A War of Lies By Rahul Mahajan & Robert Jensen (Counter Punch)

  87. Folly of aid and bombs By George Monbiot (Guardian)

  88. Arab Regimes Breed Discontent and Anger at U.S., Analysts Say by T. Christian Miller (Los Angeles Times). Washington is allied with repressive governments and hasn't pushed democracy.

  89. Our friends are killers, crooks and torturers By Robert Fisk (Independent)

  90. IDF Wants to Define Sniper Rifle M-16 as "Non-Lethal" By Uri Blau (Kol Ha'ir)

  91. Kill, Then Shoot By Uri Blau (Kol Ha'ir) IDF Snuff Culture: soldiers distribute photographs of killed enemy bodies

  92. Nobel Peace Prize Winning Doctors Group Calls US Afghanistan Aid 'Military Propaganda' Doctors Without Borders (AP)

  93. Sharon's warning to US plays poorly at home White House fury over Sharon jibe (AFP)

  94. Who will dare damn Israel? By Richard Ingrams (The Observer)

  95. The United States and Middle East: Why Do "They" Hate Us? By Stephen R. Shalom (Znet)

  96. Caught in the anguish By Alice Rothchild (Boston Globe)

  97. International Terrorism By Stephen Zunes (Foreign Policy in Focus 11/1998 revised 09/2001)

  98. Army wants to kill Arafat, says Peres By Inigo Gilmore (Telegraph)

  99. Lantos Controversy By Ed Henry (Roll Call)

  100. Sharon to Peres: don't worry about American pressure; we control America (Islamic Association For Palestine)

  101. The algebra of infinite justice By Arundhati Roy (Guardian)

  102. US Comes Up Against the Real World By Seumas Milne (Guardian)

  103. Asking "Why" By Michael Klare (Foreign Policy In Focus)

  104. Peres: Arafat did not direct outbreak of intifada (Jerusalem Post)

  105. Israel's Policy of Targeting Terrorists: Implications for the U.S. By R.S. Zaharna (Foreign Policy in Focus)

  106. Collective passion By Edward Said (Al-Ahram)

  107. Israel accuses Straw of anti-Semitism over references to Palestinian anger By Phil Reeves (Independent)

  108. Will Tears Ever Stop? By professor John Gerassi

  109. Twin Towers By Uri Avnery (Gush Shalom)

  110. Bush is walking into a trap By Robert Fisk (Independent)

  111. over world silence at Palestinian deaths (AFP)

  112. They can't see why they are hated By Seumas Milne (The Guardian)

  113. Pilger: Inevitable ring to the unimaginable By John Pilger (The Herald)

  114. US-built base will allow IDF to shift from territories by Arieh O'Sullivan (Jerusalem Post)

  115. Israel signs $2.5 billion F-16 deal By Arieh O'Sullivan (Jerusalem Post)

  116. Israeli MP demands ambassador to Helsinki be recalled (Middle East Times)

  117. Reflections on Zionism From a Dissident Jew By Tim Wise (ZNet Commentary)

  118. Former Israeli police commander blames government in killing of 13 Arab Israelis By Laurie Copans (AP)

  119. Separate and Unequal on the West Bank By Amira Hass (New York Times)

  120. Contribution to Tikkun on the Right of Return by Salman Abu Sitta

  121. Jury, judge and executioner By Saleh Abdel-Jawad (Al-Ahram)

  122. Uprooting Palestinians makes Israel less secure by Omar Jabara (Denver Post)

  123. The End of Apartheid, Redux A Peace Plan for Post-Israeli Palestine by Ted Rall

  124. Assassination Isn't Self-Defense Editorial (Hartford Courant)

  125. Ongoing Israeli Repression Fuels Bitterness in Gaza Uprooting the Olive Branch by Alisa Solomon (Village Voice)

  126. U.S. Vetoes UN Force Resolution by Chris Hawley (AP)

  127. Shepherds war takes a poisonous turn (Jerusalem Post)

  128. Israeli army admits using prohibited munitions against civilians (Palestine Times)

  129. Israel absent from children's human-rights book (Jerusalem Post)

  130. Israeli riot-gear sale fuels concern By Ben Lynfield Christian Science Monitor)

  131. Family therapy by Akiva Eldar (Ha'aretz)

  132. The Palestinians' great crime: A brief summary for the uninitiated By Ali Abunimah (Jordan Times)

  133. They don't see the occupation By Amira Hass (Ha'aretz)

  134. A Road Too Close Squeezes Gaza Village; Jewish Access Route Is Barrier to Palestinians By Lee Hockstader (The Washington Post)

  135. Reports of Torture by Israelis Emerge By Lee Hockstader (Washington Post)

  136. West Bank Monitors Cut Back Patrols (AP)

  137. Palestinians Are Not Mexicans And Israel Is Not America. by Derek Copold (Houston Review)

  138. What drives a bomber to kill the innocent child? by Robert Fisk (Independent)

  139. When journalists forget that murder is murder by Robert Fisk (Independent)

  140. U.S. moving to prevent UN debate on local crisis by Natan Guttman, Daniel Sobelman & Shlomo Shamir (Ha'aretz)

  141. The Money Machine by Ronald Bleier A review of Ari Ben-Menashe's Profits of War

  142. On the problems of reconstructing pre-Hellenistic Israelite (Palestinian) history By Niels Peter Lemche (University of Copenhagen)

  143. The Secret Behind the Sanctions How the U.S. Intentionally Destroyed Iraq's Water Supply By Thomas J. Nagy (The Progressive)

  144. Project Censored 25th Anniversary By Noam Chomsky (Project Censored 2001)

  145. Danish Red Cross: Settlers live apartheid lives (Jerusalem Post)

  146. The cover-up by James Bamford (The Guardian)

  147. Israel to launch global public relations blitz (Agence France Presse)

  148. Israel's approved ethnic cleansing By Edward S. Herman (Z Magazine)

  149. BBC staff are told not to call Israeli killings 'assassination' By Robert Fisk (Independent)

  150. Israel Shows Reckless Disregard for Human Life (Amnesty)

  151. Israel turns to P.R. firm for makeover amid violence By Peter Hermann (Baltimore Sun)

  152. Quest for Mideast Peace: How and Why It Failed By Deborah Sontag (New York Times)

  153. Zionism and the Jews By Ralph Schoenman (Chapter 6 of The Hidden History of Zionism, 1988)

  154. Collective amnesia by Salman Abu Sitta Letters to the Editor (Ha'aretz)

  155. Israel accuses UN of deceit over video taken after guerrilla capture of soldiers By Robert Fisk (Independent)

  156. Mitchell Report on Israeli-Palestinian Violence Flawed By Stephen Zunes (Foreign Policy in Focus)

  157. The Robbed Cossack By Uri Avnery (Gush Shalom)

  158. The Price of Occupation By Anthony Lewis (New York Times)

  159. Just when we were about to give them so much By Gideon Levy (Ha'aretz)

  160. Panel passes bill allowing inciting violence against terror suspect By Gideon Alon (Ha'aretz)

  161. Israeli, U.S. pilots train over Turkey (Associated Press)

  162. Police armed with 'soft-point' bullets this year By David Ratner (Ha'aretz)

  163. Study: Arab population will soon outnumber Jews By David Rudge (Jerusalem Post)

  164. Professor: Population demographics threaten Israel (Jerusalem Post)

  165. Israel furious at BBC for Sharon claim By Brian Whitaker and Vikram Dodd (The Guardian)

  166. Former Military Jerusalem Governor confirms: Ethnic Cleansing of Palestinians Began Right After the Occupation Arnon Regular (Kol Ha'ir)

  167. Rogue Nation USA By Christopher Hitchens

  168. `The flower must be cut down before it gives its scent' By Joseph Algazy (Ha'aretz)

  169. Know thy neighbor - but don't hire him By Vered Levy-Barzilai (Ha'aretz)

  170. Israel orders army to kill suspects By Ewen MacAskill (The Guardian)

  171. Challenging the Camp David myth By Meron Benvenisti (Ha'aretz)

  172. The Declining Terrorist Threat By Larry C. Johnson (New York Times)

  173. U.S. Security Assistance to Israel By Joseph Yackley (Forign Policy in Focus)

  174. boycott of Israeli products and leisure tourism launched at House of Commons

  175. Palestinians can absorb whatever Israel hurls at them By Charley Reese (Orlando Sentinel)

  176. Wave of ethnic cleansing clears Palestinian homes By Sherri Muzher (Detroit News)

  177. Leaving humanity behind By Gideon Levy (Ha'aretz)

  178. Amnesty Int'l report cites `legal racism' in Israel By Joseph Algazy (Ha'aretz)

  179. U.S. Rejects Plan to Enforce Germ Warfare Ban By Richard Waddington (Reuters)

  180. IDF concerned about soldiers' abuse of Palestinian civilians at roadblocks By Amos Harel (Ha'aretz)

  181. The price of restraint By Gideon Levy (Ha'aretz)

  182. A gang of Jewish terrorists Editorial (Ha'aretz)

  183. Israeli secrets could be exposed by nuclear trigger dealer's arrest By Yossi Melman (Ha'aretz)

  184. Chief Rabbi Lau: IDF liquidations justified under Jewish law (Reuters)

  185. Envoys say they saw IDF fire at children By Amira Hass (Ha'aretz)

  186. In 1947-48, Palestinians became victims By Charley Reese (Orlando Sentinel)

  187. Join global consensus instead: U.S. invents perils to justify arms By Naseer H. Aruri (Providence Journal)

  188. Nazis planned Palestine subversion By Rick Fountain (BBC)

  189. West Bank Checkpoint By Wendy Pearlman (Washington Post)

  190. Trafficking in women could threaten U.S. aid By Joseph Algazy (Ha'aretz')

  191. How Israel deals with non-violence By Gila Svirsky

  192. Caught in a moral dilemma By Marc H. Ellis (Ha'aretz/The Jordan Times)

  193. ADL: US editorials largely support Israel By Joshua Ronen (Jerusalem Post)

  194. U.S. Is Voted Off Rights Panel of the U.N. for the First Time By Barbara Crossette (New York Times)

  195. Israel's Sacred Terrorism: A Study Based on Moshe Sharett's Personal Diary and Other Documents A Book review by Richard H. Curtiss (Washington Report)

  196. IDF still blocking medical staff from East Jerusalem hospitals By Haim Shadmi (Ha'aretz)

  197. Revising History by Richard Curtiss (Washington Report). On Sharon's 1982 Lebanon invasion.

  198. Israel: Dart Shells Pose Civilian Threat (Human Rights Watch)

  199. The first casualty of war Israelis say Western reports are biased. But the media complain Israel is harassing them by Peter Beaumont, Brian Whitaker and Edward Helmore (The Observer)

  200. Neocolonial Invitation to a Tribal War By Noam Chomsky (L.A. Times)

  201. Genocide as the Solution to "Terrorism" in the Occupied Territories? By Edward S. Herman (ZNet Commentary)

  202. Israel, Anti-Semitism and the Palestinian Problem By Jerome Slater (Tikkun)

  203. Can Zionism be Reconciled with Justice for the Palestinians? by Jerome Slater (Tikkun)

  204. Not so ridiculous by Shlomo Miller (Ha'aretz) Letters to the Editor

  205. Israeli police 'carry out routine, organised cruelty' by Robert Fisk (Independent 07/14/2001)

  206. For Jewish cars only By Amira Hass (Ha'aretz 07/18/2001)

  207. How to Start an Uprising (04/2001). Powerful article detailing with what Israel did while it was negotiating "peace" with the Palestinians.

  208. All the way from the sea to the river By Amira Hass (Ha'aretz 05/30/2001)

  209. Like the old days in South Africa By Gideon Levy (Ha'aretz Magazine 05/24/2001)

  210. A culture of oppression (Daily Star Editorial 06/04/2001). On the June 1st suicide bombing in Tel Aviv which killed 20 people.

  211. Israel should learn from the Boers by Liz McGregor (Guardian 05/17/2001). It was no coincidence that Israel was one of apartheid South Africa's few friends. In both societies, fear fed racial bigotry

  212. B'Tselem, Amnesty slam Israel By David Brinn (Jerusalem Post 05/30/2001)

  213. War crime investigator accuses Israel of state terrorism (Jerusalem Post 05/30/2001)

  214. What about the Palestinians, ABC? By Ramzy Baroud, (Jordan Times 05/2001). On ABC's showing of Ann Frank, at the same time while Israel bombards Palestinian towns.

  215. Hebrew U. professor: Jews fabricate holy sites By Melissa Radler (Jerusalem Post 05/29/2001)

  216. Why the War? The Kuwait Connection by Murray N. Rothbard (05/1991)

  217. U.S. weapons fan violence in Mideast, critics charge by Mark Matthews (Baltimore Sun 05/27/2001)

  218. The big threat in the Middle East is Israel, not Iraq by John Pilger (05/14/2001)

  219. Group urges A-G to halt torture of minors By Moshe Reinfeld (Ha'aretz 05/30/2001)

  220. Land is the issue. Land is confiscated, stolen, kept By Dilip Hiro (Guardian 05/22/2001)

  221. Peace Group Says Israel Added Settlements By Lee Hockstader (Washington Post 05/21/2001). Israel continues to colonize Palestinian land, while it asks for peace with the victims.

  222. Talk of expulsion more ominous than ever By Danny Rabinowitz (Ha'aretz 05/29/2001)

  223. Recruiting in the kindergarten By Orna Coussin (Ha'aretz 05/30/2001) For years the education system has been inculcating war-oriented values rather than democratic ideals in Israeli students, so Education Minister Limor Livnat is no different from her predecessors.

  224. LBJ missed Nasser's overtures for peace in '67 By Amir Oren (Ha'aretz 05/04/2001)

  225. The Liberty By Taki (New York Press 05/02/2001)

  226. Mideast peace process dead -- no hope for revival By Charley Reese (Orlando Sentinel 05/08/2001)

  227. Foreign press: Israel ignoring IDF shooting of reporters By Tamar Hausman (Ha'aretz 05/29/2001)

  228. The conquerors of Canaan By Shulamit Aloni (Ha'aretz 05/08/2001)

  229. Until the left returns to itself By Akiva Eldar (Ha'aretz 05/08/2001)

  230. The skeleton in Israel's closet By Jonathan Cook (Al-Ahram Weekly 05/03/2001) On Israel's shooting of 13 Palestinian CITIZENS and the Or commission inquiry.

  231. Reflections of an Arab Jew By Ella Shohat (Fellowship 05/1998)

  232. CIA's Worst-Kept Secret By Martin A. Lee (Consortium News 05/16/2001)

  233. Checkpoint Charlie's Angels By Darren Fisher (Ha'aretz Anglo File 04/27/2001) What really goes on at IDF checkpoints around Jerusalem? A group of self-appointed human rights monitors is keeping watch

  234. Peres vows no more land expropriation By Aluf Benn (Ha'aretz 05/17/2001). A tad short from an overt admission that Israel has been expropropriating Palestinian land.

  235. Who is interested in escalation? By Amira Hass (Ha'aretz 05/16/2001)

  236. Mitchell Commission shows tilted 'balance' By Michael Jansen (Jordan Times 05/2001)

  237. Vale of tears By Jonathan Cook (Al-Ahram Weekly 04/05/2001) Tear gas or poison gas?

  238. Help Israel Grow Up Editorial (The Salt Lake Tribune 05/06/2001)

  239. Behind the tank shell is a soldier By Amira Hass (Ha'aretz 05/09/2001)

  240. The fraud of natural settlement increase By Daniel Ben Simon (Ha'aretz 05/15/2001)

  241. From torture to understanding: an Israeli soldier comes to terms By Holger Jensen (Rockey Mountain News 05/05/2001). On Ami Ayalon's "awakening".

  242. 'Fraud in the name of natural growth' By Michael Jansen (Jordan Times 05/17/2001)

  243. When In Doubt, Kill Iraqis W: First Blood By Alexander Cockburn & Jeffrey St. Clair (Counter Punch 02/26/2001)

  244. War by other means (Media Monitors 05/2001) by Saleh Abdul Jawad Reviews the effects of Israel on Palestinian society, aside from the obvious land expropriation and dispossession.

  245. AIPAC Ranked 4th (Fortune Magazine)

  246. Behind Colin Powell's Legend: Dodging Peace By Robert Parry & Norman Solomon (The Consortium 1996)

  247. This peace offer is an insult to Palestinians By Scott Burchill (The Australian 10/12/2000)

  248. Israel aims for new immigration from South Africa, Argentina, France (AFP 05/03/2001)

  249. Israel Arrests Ex-General as Spy for Spilling Old Secrets By Deborah Sontag (New York Times 05/02/2001)

  250. Jewish Group Wants to Replant Olive Trees Destroyed by Israelis By Caryle Murphy (Washington Post 04/14/2001)

  251. Former Israeli Spymaster Takes Palestinians' Side By Howard Goller (Reuters 01/01/2001)

  252. Jewish Agency looks West for immigrants By Yair Sheleg (Ha'aretz 05/03/2001)

  253. Equal rights are not a favor By David Kimche (Jerusalem Post 04/30/2001)

  254. Mutilated children of a crippled Palestine By Suzanne Goldenberg (The Guardian 05/01/2001)

  255. Intifadah toll: disabilities at alarming rate By Charles M. Sennott (Boston Globe 05/03/2001)

  256. 'The USS Liberty': America's Most Shameful Secret By Eric S. Margolis (05/02/2001)

  257. In the Arabian Desert, U.S. Troops Settle In Temporary Deployment Has Permanent Feel By Howard Schneider (Washington Post 05/03/2001)

  258. Israel jails 600 reserve soldiers in crackdown on draft dodging By Inigo Gilmore (Telegraph 04/01/2001)

  259. 72 percent of Israeli Jews say more military force should be used By Ephraim Yaar and Tamar Hermann (Ha'aretz 04/04/2001)

  260. U.S. inmates suffer in Israel By Mark Matthews (Sun Journal 04/13/2001)

  261. A demolished house for every bullet By Gideon Levy (Ha'aretz 04/15/2001)

  262. Death in Bethlehem, made in America By Robert Fisk (Independent 04/15/2001)

  263. The settlement folly By Naomi Chazan (Jerusalem Post 04/13/2001)

  264. Israel kept on U.S. trade 'watch list' By Ora Coren (Ha'aretz 05/01/2001)

  265. 'Natural growth' often means a more than natural increase By Nadav Shragai/Akiva Eldar (Ha'aretz 05/01/2001)

  266. Dunams and Wars By Tanya Reinhart (Yediot Aharonot 03/18/2001)

  267. Peres stands accused over denial of 'meaningless' Armenian Holocaust By Robert Fisk (Independent 04/20/2001)

  268. China jet carried Israeli weapon By Dan Ephron (Boston Globe 4/16/2001)

  269. Sharon's Palestine By George Szamuely (NY Press 04/25/2001) On Powell's "chiding" of Israel after its incursion into Gaza, and more.

  270. Biased Coverage of Israel Prolongs Conflict By Salim Muwakkil (Chicago Tribune 04/23/2001)

  271. The child sacrifice debate By Lily Galili (Ha'aretz 04/29/2001). On whether settlers are deliberately endangering their children for ideological reasons.

  272. Mamilla Pool By Israel Shamir (04/27/2001)

  273. Israel slaps total blockade on territories for independence (AFP 04/25/2001)

  274. Pilots say U.S. allows Turkey to bomb Kurds By Randall Richard (Providence Journal 03/25/2001)

  275. Book Says Israel Intended 1967 Attack on U.S. Ship By James Risen/David Ensor (New York Times/CNN 04/23/2001)

  276. Who won Cold War? Nazis, say CIA files By Sharon Samber (Jewish Telegraphic Agency 04/29/2001)

  277. US continues to block supplies for Iraq By Evelyn Leopold (Reuters 04/25/2001)

  278. To Whom Does the Land of Palestine Belong? By Thomas Williamson (Media Monitors 03/2001)

  279. Human Rights Watch blasts Israel By Joseph Algazy (Ha'aretz 04/12/2001)

  280. When journalists refuse to tell the truth about Israel 'Fear of being slandered as "anti-Semites" means we are abetting terrible deeds in the Middle East' By Robert Fisk (Independent 04/17/2001)

  281. Subtle CNN Bias By Mazin Qumsiyeh (03/31/2001)

  282. Death by remote control as hit squads return By Robert Fisk (Independent 08/13/2001)

  283. Bias and fear tilting coverage of Israel By Norman Solomon (04/19/2001)

  284. Arafat showered Clintons with gifts (Jerusalem Post 04/05/2001)

  285. IDF Blamed for Mass Grave Found in Sinai By Daniel Sobelman (Ha'aretz/AFP 06/27-26/2000)

  286. Where did Labor go? By Gideon Levy (Ha'aretz 04/09/2001)

  287. Orwell Would Revel in 'Collateral Damage' By Hussein Ibish (L.A. Times 04/09/2001)

  288. The Third Dove By Israel Shamir (04/09/2001)

  289. Sharon's return puts Wreckage Street in fear By Phil Reeves (Independent 01/21/2001)

  290. God must kill 'evil' Arabs, says rabbi By Phil Reeves (Independent 04/10/2001)

  291. Israel wins war of words By Brian Whitaker (Guardian 04/09/2001) on the dangers of sloppy journalism

  292. Ariel Sharon: The War Criminal Take Over By Rabbi Michael Lerner (02/07/2001)

  293. Heart patient dies after checkpoint incident By Amos Harel (Ha'aretz 03/15/2001). This wasn't the only time Palestinians in urgent need of medical help die at checkpoints: Another Death at a Checkpoint (B'Tselem 08/26/1998)

  294. UN Veto Reveals Bush Administration's Contempt for Human Rights By Stephen Zunes (Foreign Policy in Focus 04/01/2001)

  295. Experts: Campaign finance bill unlikely to curb Jewish influence By Sharon Samber (Jewish Telegraphic Agency 04/03/2001)

  296. Chronology of Israel's assasinations of Palestinians (AFP 04/02/2001)

  297. US report absolves Arafat of responsibility for violence By Janine Zacharia (Jerusalem Post 04/04/2001)

  298. April is the cruelest month By Israel Shamir (MediaMonitors 04/2001)

  299. Hillary donates protective gear for settlers (Jerusalem Post 04/03/2001)

  300. Orwellian Logic 101 -- A Few Simple Lessons By Norman Solomon (08/27/1998)

  301. Unsafe at any speed By Uzi Benziman (Ha'aretz 02/04/2001)

"When a Jew, in America or in South Africa, talks to his Jewish companions about 'our' government, he means the government of Israel."

- David Ben-Gurion, Israeli Prime Minister

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Viva Palestina!

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What is this Jewish carnage really about? - The background to atrocities

Videos on Farrakhan, the Nation of Islam and Blacks and Jews  

How Jewish Films and Television Promotes bias Against Muslims

Judaism is Nobody's Friend
Judaism is the Jews' strategy to dominate non-Jews.

Jewish War Against Lebanon!

Islam and Revolution
By Ahmed Rami

Hasbara - The Jewish manual for media deceptions

Celebrities bowing to their Jewish masters

Elie Wiesel - A Prominent False Witness
By Robert Faurisson

The Gaza atrocity 2008-2009

Iraq under Jewish occupation
Iraq - war and occupation

Jewish War On Syria!

CNN's Jewish version of "diversity" - Lists the main Jewish agents

Hezbollah the Beautiful
Americans, where is your own Hezbollah?

Black Muslim leader Louis Farrakhan's Epic Speech in Madison Square Garden, New York  - A must see!

"War on Terror" - on Israel's behalf!

World Jewish Congress: Billionaires, Oligarchs, Global Influencers for Israel

Interview with anti-Zionist veteran Ahmed Rami of Radio Islam - On ISIS, "Neo-Nazis", Syria, Judaism, Islam, Russia...

Britain under Jewish occupation!

Jewish World Power
West Europe    East Europe
Americas          Asia
Middle East       Africa
      U.N.              E.U.


The Internet and Israeli-Jewish infiltration/manipulations

Books - Important collection of titles

The Judaization of China

Israel: Jewish Supremacy in Action - By David Duke

The Power of Jews in France

Jew Goldstone appointed by UN to investigate War Crimes in Gaza

When Jews rule...
The best book on Jewish Power

The Israel Lobby - From the book

Jews and Crime - The archive

Sayanim - Israel's and Mossad's Jewish helpers abroad

Listen to Louis Farrakhan's Speech - A must hear!

The Israeli Nuclear Threat

The "Six Million" Myth

"Jewish History" - a bookreview

Putin and the Jews of Russia

Israel's attack on US warship USS Liberty - Massacre in the Mediterranean

Jewish "Religion" - What is it?

Medias in the hands of racists

Strauss-Kahn - IMF chief and member of Israel lobby group

Down with Zio-Apartheid
Stop Jewish Apartheid!

The Jews behind Islamophobia

Israel controls U.S. Presidents
Biden, Trump, Obama, Bush, Clinton...

The Victories of Revisionism
By Professor Robert Faurisson

The Jewish hand behind Internet The Jews behind Google, Facebook, Wikipedia, Yahoo!, MySpace, eBay...

"Jews, who want to be decent human beings, have to renounce being Jewish"

Jewish War Against Iran

Jewish Manipulation of World Leaders

Al Jazeera English under Jewish infiltration

The Founding Myths of Modern Israel
Garaudy's "The Founding Myths
of Israeli Politics"

Jewish hate against Christians
By Prof. Israel Shahak

Introduction to Revisionist
- By Ernst Zündel

Karl Marx: The Jewish Question

Reel Bad Arabs - Revealing the racist Jewish Hollywood propaganda

"Anti-Semitism" - What is it?

Videos - Important collection 

The Jews Banished 47 Times in 1000 Years - Why?

Zionist strategies - Plotting invasions, formenting civil wars, interreligious strife, stoking racial hatreds and race war

The International Jew
By Henry Ford

Pravda interviews Ahmed Rami

The Founding Myths of Modern Israel
Shahak's "Jewish History,
Jewish Religion"

The Jewish plan to destroy the Arab countries - From the World Zionist Organization

Judaism and Zionism inseparable

Revealing photos of the Jews 

Horrors of ISIS Created by Zionist Supremacy - By David Duke

Racist Jewish Fundamentalism

The Freedom Fighters:
   Hezbollah - Lebanon
   Nation of Islam - U.S.A.

Jewish Influence in America
- Government, Media, Finance...

"Jews" from Khazaria stealing the land of Palestine

The U.S. cost of supporting Israel

Turkey, Ataturk and the Jews

Talmud unmasked
The truth about the Talmud

Israel and the Ongoing Holocaust in Congo

Jews DO control the media - a Jew brags! - Revealing Jewish article

Abbas - The Traitor

Protocols of Zion - The whole book!

Encyclopedia of the Palestine Problem
Encyclopedia of the
Palestine Problem

The "Holocaust" - 120 Questions and Answers

Quotes - On Jewish Power / Zionism

Caricatures / Cartoons 

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