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By and About Jews

- No. 701-750 -

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Jump to Quotes 751-800


The Jews have been run out of every country in Europe.

    Date  Place
 1.  250: Carthage
 2.  415: Alexandria
 3.  554: Diocese of Clement (France)
 4.  561: Diocese of Uzzes (France)
 5.  612: Visigoth Spain
 6.  642: Visigoth Empire
 7.  855: Italy
 8.  876: Sens
 9. 1012: Mayence
10. 1181: France
11. 1290: England
12. 1306: France
13. 1348: Switzerland
14. 1349: Hielbronn (Germany)
15. 1349: Hungary
16. 1388: Strasbourg
17. 1394: Germany
18. 1394: France
19. 1422: Austria
20. 1424: Fribourg & Zurich
21. 1426: Cologne
22. 1432: Savory
23. 1438: Mainz
24. 1439: Augsburg
25. 1446: Bavaria
26. 1453: Franconis
27. 1453: Breslau
28. 1454: Wurzburg
29. 1485: Vincenza (Italy)
30. 1492: Spain
31. 1495: Lithuania
32. 1497: Portugal
33. 1499: Germany
34. 1514: Strasbourg
35. 1519: Regensburg
36. 1540: Naples
37. 1542: Bohemia
38. 1550: Genoa
39. 1551: Bavaria
40. 1555: Pesaro
41. 1559: Austria
42. 1561: Prague
43. 1567: Wurzburg
44. 1569: Papal States
45. 1571: Brandenburg
46. 1582: Netherlands
47. 1593: Brandenburg, Austria
48. 1597: Cremona, Pavia & Lodi
49. 1614: Frankfort
50. 1615: Worms
51. 1619: Kiev
52. 1649: Ukraine
53. 1654: LittleRussia
54. 1656: Lithuania
55. 1669: Oran (North Africa)
56. 1670: Vienna
57. 1712: Sandomir
58. 1727: Russia
59. 1738: Wurtemburg
60. 1740: LittleRussia
61. 1744: Bohemia
62. 1744: Livonia
63. 1745: Moravia
64. 1753: Kovad (Lithuania)
65. 1761: Bordeaux
66. 1772: Jews deported to the Pale of Settlement (Russia)
67. 1775: Warsaw
68. 1789: Alace
69. 1804: Villages in Russia
70. 1808: Villages & Countrysides (Russia)
71. 1815: Lubeck & Bremen
72. 1815: Franconia, Swabia & Bavaria
73. 1820: Bremes
74. 1843: Russian Border Austria & Prussia
75. 1862: Area in the U.S. under Grant's Jurisdiction
76. 1866: Galatz, Romania
77. 1919: Bavaria (foreign born Jews)
78. 1938-45: Nazi Controlled Areas
79. 1948: Arab Countries


Boston: A Harvard Divinity School professor, John Strugnell, was removed this week as chief editor of the Dead Sea Scrolls not only because of his poor health, but because of a tirade against Israel and Judaism, his colleagues said. The remarks, in which he called Judaism "a horrible religion" that "should have disappeared," came as a surprise to some colleagues working with him to decipher the ancient texts of the Old Testament. Strugnell made the remarks in a recent interview published in Haaretz, a Tel Aviv news-paper. In the Haaretz interview, Strugnell, 60, said he was not against Jews but their religion, according to an account soon to be published in the Biblical Archaeology Review. "I can't allow the word anti-Semitism to be used," he is quoted as saying, "Anti-Judaist, that's what I am."



The Bible teaches: "Ye shall not steal, neither deal falsely, neither lie one to another. And ye shall not swear by my name falsely, neither shalt thou profane the name of thy God: I am the Lord." (Leviticus 19:11-12)

One of the most useful devices provided the Jews to offset Moses' laws against swearing falsely, is found in the Talmud Book of Nedarim (Vows), and is put into practice yearly on the Day of Atonement in every synagogue across the world as the "Kol Nidre" (all Vows prayer).

The text of the Kol Nidre is found in "The Jewish Encyclopedia" and published by Funk and Wagnalls Co., The History, Religion, Literature, and Customs of the Jewish people from the earliest times to the present day, page 539. This is a typical Talmudic situation: Knowingly, in advance, every shred or TRUTH is to be cast away, with religious support. A Scriptural verse of no relevance whatsoever is used for justification.

Christian Americans and non-Christians have been drenched with propaganda concerning "brotherhood" between Christian, non-Christians and Jews. Such propaganda could never be effective if the true nature of Talmudic Judaism were known!

KOL NIDRE: It is the prologue of the Day of Atonement services in the synagogues. It is recited three times by the standing congregation in concert with chanting rabbis at the alter. After the recital of the "Kol Nidre" (All Vows) prayer the Day of Atonement religious ceremonies follow immediately. The Day of Atonement religious observances are the highest holy days of the "Jews" and are celebrated as such throughout the world. The official translation into English of the "Kol Nidre" (All Vows) prayer is as follows:

"All vows, obligations, oaths, anathemas, whether called 'konam,' 'konas,' or by any other name, which we may vow, or swear, or pledge, or whereby we may be bound, from this Day of Atonement unto the next, (whose happy coming we await), we do repent. May they be deemed absolved, forgiven, annulled, and void and made of no effect; they shall not bind us nor have power over us. The vows shall not be reckoned vows; the obligations shall not be obligatory; nor the oaths be oaths." (emphasis added)

The implications, inferences and innuendoes of the "Kol Nidre" (All Vows) prayer are referred to in the Talmud in the Book of Nedarim, 23a-23b as follows:

"And he who desires that none of his vows made during the year shall be valid, let him stand at the beginning of the year and declare, every vow which I make in the future shall be null (1). (His Vows are then invalid) providing that he remembers this at the time of the vow." (emphasis in original) A footnote (1) relates: "(1)...The Law of Revocation in advance was not made public." (Emphasis in original text)

The greatest study of the "Kol Nidre" (All Vows) prayer was made by Theodor Reik, a pupil of the [I]nfamous Jewish Dr. Sigmund Freud. The analysis of the historic, religious and psychological background of the "Kol Nidre" (All Vows) prayer by Professor Reik presents the Talmud in its true perspective. This study is contained in "The Ritual, Psycho-Analytical Studies." In the chapter on the Talmud, page 163, he states: "The text was to the effect that all oaths which believers take between one Day of Atonement and the next Day of Atonement are declared invalid." (emphasis added)

The Universal Jewish Encyclopedia confirms that the "Kol Nidre" (All Vows) prayer has no spiritual value as might be believed because it is recited in synagogues on the Day of Atonement as the prologue of the religious ceremonies which follow it. The secular significance of the "Kol Nidre" (All Vows) prayer is forcefully indicated by the analysis in Vol. VI, page 441:

"The Kol Nidre has nothing whatever to do with the actual idea of the Day of attained to extraordinary solemnity and popularity by reason of the fact that it was the first prayer recited on this holiest of days."

On the Chicago Illinois Television Station, on the Day of Atonement in 1992, the announcer said in effect: "Synagogues and temples throughout the city were crowded yesterday as the 24 hour fast began. As Rabbis called on the Jewish people to join the fast, to sound the Kol Nidre, the traditional melody used at the start of Yom Kippur, as a gesture of goodwill."

That Christians accepted this as a true statement, without any question at all, is amazing. For THE "Kol Nidre" Prayer is a "License" for the Jews to deceive and cheat Christians and non-Jews for the next year, as they have obtained forgiveness in advance from "their" god to lie, cheat, steal and deceive.



Non-Jews have been drenched with propaganda that the six-pointed "Star of David" is a sacred symbol of Jewry, dating from David and Solomon, in Biblical times, and signifying the pure "monotheism" of the Jewish religion. In actuality, the six-pointed star, called "David's Shield," or "Magen David," was only adopted as a Jewish device in 1873, by the American Jewish Publication Society, it is not even mentioned in rabbinical literature.

MAGEN DAWID ("David's Shield"): "The hexagram formed by the combination of two equilateral triangles; used as the symbol of Judaism. It is placed upon synagogues, sacred vessels, and the like, and was adopted as a device by the American Publication Society in 1873, the Zionist Congress of Basel, hence by 'Die Welt, the official organ of Zionism, and by other bodies. The hebra kaddisha of the Jewish community of Johannesburg, South Africa, calls itself 'Hebra Kaddisha zum Rothn Magen David,' following the designation of the 'red cross' is noteworthy, moreover, that the Shield of David is not mentioned in Rabbinical Literature. The 'Magen Dawid,' therefore, probably did not originate within Rabbinism, the official and dominant Judaism for more than 2,000 years. Nevertheless a David's shield has recently been noted on a Jewish tombstone at Tarentum, in southern Italy, which may date as early as the third century of the common era.

The earliest Jewish literary source which mentions it, the 'Eshkol ha-Kofer' of the karaite Judah Hadassi says, in ch. 242: 'Seven names of angels precede the mezuzah: Michael, Garield, etc...Tetragrammation protect thee! And likewise the sign called 'David's shield' is placed beside the name of each angel.' It was therefore, at this time a sign on amulets. In the magic papyri of antiquity, pentagrams, together with stars and other signs, are frequently found on amulets bearing the Jewish names of God, 'Sabaoth,' 'Adonai,' 'Eloai,' and used to guard against fever and other diseases. Curiously enough, only the pentacle appears, not the hexagram.

In the great magic papyrus at Paris and London there are twenty-two signs sided by side, and a circle with twelve signs, but neither a pentacle nor a hexagram, although there is a triangle, perhaps in place of the latter. In the many illustrations of amulets given by Budge in his 'Egyptian Magic' not a single Pentacle or Hexagram appears.

The syncretism of Hellenistic, Jewish, and Coptic influences did not therefore, originate the symbol. It is probable that it was the Cabala that derived the symbol from the Templars. The Cabala, in fact, makes use of this sign, arranging the Ten Sephiroth, or spheres, in it, and placing in on Amulets. The pentagram, called Solomon's seal, is also used as a talisman, and Henry thinks that the Hindus derived it from the Semites [Here is another case where the Jews admit they are not Semites. Can you not see it? The Jew Henry thinks it was derived originally FROM THE SEMITES! Here is a Jew admitting that the Jews are not Semites!], although the name by no means proves the Jewish or Semitic origin of the sign. The Hindus likewise employed the hexagram as a means of protection, and as such it is mentioned in the earliest source, quoted above.

In the synagogues, perhaps, it took the place of the mezuzah, and the name 'Shield of David' may have been given it in virtue of its protective powers. The hexagram may have been employed originally also as an architectural ornament on synagogues, as it is, for example, on the cathedrals of Brandenburg and Stendal, and on the Marktkirche at Hanover. A pentacle in this form, (a five pointed star is shown here), is found on the ancient synagogue at Tell Hum. Charles IV, prescribed for the Jews of Prague, in 1354, a Red Flag with both David's Shield and Solomon's Seal, while the Red Flag with which the Jews met King Matthias of Hungary in the fifteenth century showed two pentacles with two golden stars. The pentacle, therefore, may also have been used among the Jews. It occurs in a manuscript as early as the year 1073. However, the six-pointed star has been used for centuries for magic amulets and cabalistic sorcery." (See pages 548, 549 and 550 of the Jewish Encyclopedia).


In a pamphlet, dated 1836, reprinted in 1888 by the "Theosophical Publishing Society" we read: "The pamphlet purports to have been written by the Wandering Jew, and describes how at the fall of Jerusalem he took the Jewish Talisman, the signet of Solomon (interlaced Traingles) from the Temple, and how by its power he secured the rise of the Jews in all lands throughout history, till by finance they obtained entire control of the Gentile kings and rulers." (Patriot, September 8, 1927)


"In synagogues, in front of sanctuaries, in Masonic Lodges, in esoteric temples, are shown two interlaced traingles, one white the other black. It is the Seal of Solomon. The color black signifies that the object symbolized remains for ever in the darkness within the body; it represents the feminine. In the center of the figure, the symbolism of whose interlacing is apparent enough to make explanations unnecessary, is the great and mysterious lingam...In the Sanskrit the word lingam signifies what is meant by the Latinised Greek word Phallus...It situation, in the middle of the interlaced black and white triangles, points out, under another form, the union of the sexes. Usually in the upper and lower angles of Solomon's Seal are the letters - Alpha and Omega. The sides of the traingles are enlarged in order to receive a letter inscribed at each of the four angles. These four letters form the Hebrew word (Eheieh) initial and final, by which Jehovah taught Moses His incommensurable name: 'I am that I Am.'

The syntactical union of this word with the letters Alpha and Omega and the signs of the lingam, in the interlaced traingles of Solomon's Seal, gives therefore the text: 'I lingram, I am Alpha and Omega, the First and the Last, the eternal Pan.' For the whole hieroglyphic indeed supposes that the motto 'I am Alpha and Omega,' is made actual by means of acts, phenomena of human life or microcosm, and the total phenomentality or macrocosm (univers) by the personified and deified lingam. The same device is found among some sects under the form 'Generation, Creation.' To initiators, generation is an operation peculiar to divinity, when accomplished by themselves or their initiates. It is the divine act par excellence. Man who gives himself up to it exercises or usurps divinity." (Revue Internationale des Sociétés Secrètes, M. Henri de Guillebert; Light-Bearers of Darkness, Inquire Within, pp. 145-146)


1954: ADL attorney Leonard Schroeter, is instrumental in preparing desegregation briefs for the NAACP for hearings before the U.S. Supreme court. He said "The ADL was working throughout the South to make integration possible as quickly as possible." (Oregon Journal, December 9, 1954).


1957: New Jersey Region of the American Jewish Congress urges the legislature to defeat a bill that would allow prayer in the schools. (American Examiner, Sep. 26, 1957).

Have you ever thought about it: if the Jews god is the same one as the Christian's God, then why do they object to prayer to God in the schools? The answer is given in a 1960 Court Case by a Jewess Lois N. Milman, if Christians would only listen and observe!


1960: Jewish pupil objects to prayer in schools. Jewess Lois N. Milman, objected to discussing God in the Miami schools because the talk was about "A God that is not my god." (How true this is] In a court suit she also objected to "having to listen to Christmas carols in the schools." (L.A. Times, July 20, 1960).


1962: The American Jewish Congress has called the Philadelphia decision against Bible reading in the public schools a "major victory for freedom. A special three judge federal court in Philadelphia voided as unconstitutional Pennsylvania's law requiring the reading of ten verses of the Bible in public schools each day. [Remember the Jews claim that the first five books of the Bible is also their Bible. Do you begin to see what liars they are?]. The Bible was read without comment and objectors were excused upon request from parents...The Jewish Congress is a major force in supporting challenges to traditional [Christian] practices in the public schools." (Los Angeles Times, Feb. 2, 1962).


1963: Jews Bernard Roseman and Bernard Copley arrested smuggling in a large quantity of LSD-25 from Israel. The drug was manufactured at the Wiseman Institute in Israel. [Do you see now why the government cannot stop the drug traffic?] Jews repay Christian Americans for their hospitality and aid by making drug addicts out of their children. [Los Angeles Times, April 4, 1963).


1972: The American Jewish Congress filed a formal protest with the U.S. Post Office Department about a stamp to be issued representing Christianity. [But the Jews just recently clandestinely put a so-called star of David on a stamp issued by the Post Office.] The P.O. Department withdrew the stamp design to please the Jews. (Jewish Post & Opinion. August 17, 1972).


1972: The Jewish Committee Against Religious Encroachment in Schools filed in Federal Court to have the Yule Pageant in Westfield, N.J. banned. The suit charged, "the pageant favor belief in religion over non-religion and favors the Christian Religion over others [Jews]." (New York Daily News, Nov. 15, 1972).


1973: Jewish State Senator Anthony Beilenson (representing Beverly Hills) brought pressure on state officials and had the nativity scene removed from the Capitol grounds because it offended the Jews from his district. (Sacramento Union, December 22, 1973).


1976: Jewish owned movie studios in Hollywood produce two anti-Christian movies. "THE PASSOVER PLOT" which portrays Christ as a revolutionary who uses drugs to trick people into thinking he was crucified. "THE SEX LIFE OF JESUS," Christ is portrayed in a series of sexual encounters including homosexual [Think about it -- time after time the Jews make movies portraying our Lord Jesus Christ as a Queer. How can ANY thinking Christian possibly believe these are God's People HOW STUPID CAN CHRISTIANS BE?] "ACTS THE MANY FACES OF JESUS" is built around the same theme. [Other movies made since 1976 with that same theme, that Jesus Christ was a drug addict and Queer are "JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR," "LAST TEMPTATION OF CHRIST," "HEAVEN ON EARTH -- this one was not about Christ but about a fallen woman angel," "OH GOD-1" and "OH GOD-2" -- while these did not portray Jesus as a Queer they did portray Almighty God as a stupid mortal man -- and these are only a few of the many] (Tribune Review, November 16, 1976).

Where the hell are our so-called Christian Ministers? That's right in their pulpits, on television and radio crying out for more money and letting these antichrist perverts go on blaspheming Almighty God and the Lord Jesus Christ, while they suck up after these Satanic creeps!


1977: President Jimmy Carter forced to apologize to the Jews living in America for telling his Bible class the truth, that The Jews Killed Christ. (Jewish Press, May 13, 1977)


1977: Russian Jews arriving in the U.S. given Medicaid by New York States as they claim being uncircumcised ruins their love life. They complain Jewish girls will not date them on RELIGIOUS grounds if they are not circumcised [I wonder if a Jew boy has to show the Jewish girls his privy member before he asks her for a date?] Despite Constitutional separation of Church & State, New York and Federal authorities give these foreign Jews taxpayer money to be circumcised so the Jew girls will date them.(Jewish Press, Nov. 25, 1977)


1977: Jews Urge Removal of Bible Toting Judge. The Anti-Defamation League sent a letter to the state Committee on Judicial Performance [California] to have Judge Hugh W. Godwin removed from the bench because "his Christian religious beliefs color the manner in which he dispenses justice." (L.A. Herald Examiner, June 24, 1977).


1977: Lutheran Church leaders are calling for the deletion of the hymn "Reproaches" from Lutheran hymnals because the "hymn has a danger of fermenting anti-Semitism." The ADL sent a letter commending the president of the American Lutheran Church for the action.


1977: The American Jewish Committee was responsible for the Episcopal Church removing two hymns "Reproaches" and "Improperia" from the Book of Common Prayer because they [truthfully] accused the Jews of the Crucifixion of Christ. Rabbi Marc Tannenbaum congratulated Episcopal Bishop Allin for "his historic act of respect for Judaism and friendship for the Jewish people." (Jewish Press).


1977: The National Jewish Commission of Law and Public Affairs is now forcing cemeteries to bury Jews on legal holidays. Cemeteries were normally closed to burials on legal holidays. However, since the Jews bury their dead quickly after death they are now forcing cemeteries to make special rules for them. Jews have been instrumental in having Christian Crosses removed from graves in veterans cemeteries because the crosses "Offend Them." (Jewish Press, November 25, 1977).


1977: U.S. Foreign Policy is now based on how foreign countries treat their native Jews. Senators Moynihan and Javits of New York, two ardent Zionists, notified the Soviet Government that grain shipments from the U.S. would be cancelled if the Soviets tried Jewish trouble maker Anatoly Sheharansky. [So they sent him to the Israeli State]. (Jewish Press, November 25, 1977).


1977: Jewish leaders chastised Jews for celebrating Christmas and for trying to make their Hanukkah holiday like Christmas. Dr. Alice Ginott said, "(Jews) borrow the style if not the substance of Christmas and, believing they can take the Christian Religion out of Christmas, create an artificial holiday for their children...Hanukkah symbolizes the Jewish people's struggle to maintain their spiritual (racial) identity against superior forces."


1977: The Anti-Defamation League has succeeded in getting 11 major U.S. firms to cancel their adds in the "Christian Yellow Pages." To advertise in the CYP, people have to declare they believe in Jesus Christ. The Jews claim they are offended by the idea of having to say they believe in Jesus Christ and yet want to force their way into the Christian Directories.


"The warning of Theodore Roosevelt has much timeliness today, for the real menace of our republic is this Invisible Government which like a Giant Octopus sprawls its slimy length over the city, STATE AND NATION. Like the octopus of real life, it operates under cover of a self-created screen. It seizes in its long and powerful tentacles our executive officers, our legislative bodies, our schools, our courts, our newspapers, and every agency created for the public protection. It squirms in the jaws of darkness and thus is the better able to clutch the reins of government, secure enactment of the legislation favorable to corrupt business, violate the law with impunity, smother the press and reach into the courts. To depart from mere generalizations, let say that at the head of this octopus are the Rockefeller-Standard Oil interests and a small group of powerful banking houses generally referred to as the international bankers. The little coterie of powerful international bankers virtually run the United States Government for their own selfish purposes. They practically control both parties, write political platforms, make catspaws of party leaders, use the leading men of private organizations, and resort to every device to place in nomination for high public office only such candidates as well be amenable to the dictates of corrupt big business. They connive at centralization of government on the theory that a small group of hand-picked, privately controlled individuals in power can be more easily handled than a larger group among whom there will most likely be men sincerely interested in public welfare. These international bankers and Rockefeller-Standard Oil interests control the majority of the newspapers and magazines in this country. They use the columns of these papers to club into submission or drive out of office public officials who refuse to do the bidding of the powerful corrupt cliques which compose the invisible government." (Former New York City Mayor John Haylan speaking in Chicago and quoted in the March 27, 1927 New York Times)


"We know the powers that are defying the people...Our Government is in the hands of pirates. All the power of politics, and of Congress, and of the administration is under the control of the moneyed interests...The adversary has the force of capital, thousands of millions of which are in his hand...He will grasp the knife of law, which he has so often wielded in his interest. He will lay hold of his forces in the legislature. He will make use of his forces in the press, which are always waiting for the wink, which is as good as a nod to a blind horse... Political rings are managed by skillful and unscrupulous political gamblers, who possess the 'machine' by which the populace are at once controlled and crushed." (John Swinton, Former Chief of The New York Times, in his book, A Momentous Question: The Respective Attitudes of Labor and Capital)


"W.Z. Foster {head of the American Communist Party}, who had no money, went to Moscow and came back and announced that he was building a great secret machine to undermine the American labor movement and turn it over to the Red International, owned by Lenin. He began publication of an expensive magazine and proclaimed 'a thousand secret agents in a thousand communities.'" (Samuel Gompers, Former President of the American Federation of Labor, in the New York Times, May 1, 1922)


In "Washington Dateline," the president of The American Research Foundation, Robert H. Goldsborough, writes that he was told personally by Mark Jones {one-time financial advisor to the late John D. Rockefeller, Jr., and president of the National Economic Council in the 1960s and 1970s} "that just four men, through their interlocking directorates on boards of large corporations and major banks, controlled the movement of capital and the creation of debt in America. According to Jones, Sidney Weinberg, Frank Altshul and General Lucius Clay were three of those men in the 1930s, '40s, '50s, and '60s. The fourth was Eugene Meyer, Jr. whose father was a partner in the immensely powerful international bank, Lazard Freres...Today the Washington Post {and Newsweek} is controlled by Meyer Jr.' daughter Katharine Graham."


CFR member (and former chairman of Citicorp) Walter Wriston's The Twilight of Sovereignty is published in which he declares that "The world can no longer be understood as a collection of national economies, (but) a single global economy...A truly global economy will require concessions of national power and compromises of national sovereignty that seemed impossible a few years ago and which even now we can but partly imagine...The global {information} network will be internationalists in their outlook and will approve and encourage the worldwide erosion of traditional sovereignty...The national and international agendas of nations are increasingly being set not by some grand government plan but by the media." He also spoke of "The new international financial system...a new world monetary standard...the new world money market...the new world communications network...the new international monetary system," and he says "There is no escaping the system."


"We are taxed in our bread and our wine, in our incomes and our investments, on our land and on our property not only for base creatures who do not deserve the name of men, but for foreign nations, complaisant nations who will bow to us and accept our largesse and promise us to assist in the keeping of the peace - these mendicant nations who will destroy us when we show a moment of weakness or our treasury is bare, and surely it is becoming bare! We are taxed to maintain legions on their soil, in the name of law and order and the Pax Romana, a document which will fall into dust when it pleases our allies and our vassals. We keep them in precarious balance only with our gold. They take our very flesh, and they hate and despise us. And who shall say we are worthy of more?...When a government becomes powerful it is destructive, extravagant and violent; it is an usurer which takes bread from innocent mouths and deprives honorable men of their substance, for votes with which to perpetuate itself." (Cicero, 54 B.C.)


"It has long been my opinion, and I have never shrunk from its expression...that the germ of dissolution of our federal government is in the constitution of the federal judiciary; an irresponsible body - for impeachment is scarcely a scarecrow - working like gravity by night and by day, gaining a little today and a little tomorrow, and advancing it noiseless step like a thief, over the field of jurisdiction, until all shall be usurped from the States, and the government of all be consolidated into one.

To this I am opposed; because, when all government domestic and foreign, in little as in great things, shall be drawn to Washington as the center of all power, it will render powerless the checks provided of one government or another, and will become as venal and oppressive as the government from which we separated." (Thomas Jefferson)


"The Jewish people, Rabbi Judah Halevy (the famous medieval poet and philosopher) explains in his 'Kuzari,' constitutes a separate entity, a species unique in Creation, differing from nations in the same manner as man differs from the beast or the beast from the plant...although Jews are physically similar to all other men, yet they are endowed [sic] with a 'second soul' that renders them a separate species." (Zimmer, Uriel, Torah- Judaism and the State of Israel, Congregation Kehillath Yaakov, Inc., NY, 5732 (1972), p. 12)


"A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and he carries his banners openly. But the TRAITOR moves among those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not traitor; he speaks in the accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their garments, and he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation; he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of a city; he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to be feared." (Cicero)


Rabbi Bakker writes: "This is not an uncommon impression and one finds it sometimes among Jews as well as Christians - that Judaism is the religion of the Hebrew Bible. It is of course a fallacious impression."


Oscar Levy, a well-known Jewish author, in the introduction to his book "The World Significance of the Communist Revolution," said: "We Jews have erred...we have most grievously erred: and if there was truth in our error 3,000, nay 100 years ago, there is nothing now but falseness and madness, a madness that will produce an even greater misery and an even wider anarchy. I confess it to you openly and sincerely, and with a sorrow whose depth and pain, as the ancient Psalmist and only he could moan into this burning universe of ours. We who have boasted and posted as the saviors of this world, we have been nothing but it's seducers, it's destroyers, it's incendiaries, it's executioners. We who have promised to lead the world into heaven have only succeeded in leading you into a new hell. There has been no progress, least of all moral progress. And it is just our (Jewish) morality which has prohibited all real progress, and, what is worse, which even stands in the way of all future and natural reconstruction in this ruined world of ours. I look at this world, and I shudder at its ghastliness; I shudder all the more as I know the Spiritual Authors of this Ghastliness."


The Jewish author Samuel Roth, in his book "Jews Must Live," page 12, says: "The scroll of my life spread before me, and reading it in the glare of a new, savage light, it became a terrible testimony against my people (Jews). The hostility of my father's fraudulent piety and his impatience with my mother which virtually killed her. The ease with which my Jewish friends sold me out to my detractors. The Jewish machinations which three times sent me to prison. The conscienceless lying of that clique of Jewish journalists who built up libel about my name. The thousand incidents, too minor to be even mentioned. I had never entrusted a Jew with a secret which he did not instantly sell cheap to my enemies. What was wrong with these people who accepted help from me? Was it only an accident, that they were Jews?


Please believe me, I tried to put aside this terrible vision of mine. But the Jews themselves would not let me. Day by day, with cruel, merciless claws, they dug into my flesh and tore aside the last veils of allusion. With subtle scheming and heartless seizing which is the whole of the Jews fearful leverage of trade, they drove me from law office to law office, and from court to court, until I found myself in the court of bankruptcy. It became so that I could not see a Jew approaching me without my heart rising up within me to mutter. 'There goes another Jew, stalking his prey!' Disraeli set the Jewish fashion of saying that every country has the sort of Jews it deserves. It may also be that the Jews have only the sort of enemies they deserve too."


Because of this hatred toward Christ and the Christian way of life, we would ask: Is the Christian more dangerous to Judaism and the other religions of the world, because God forbids them to injure his brother, is the same God before whom we are both one day to appear in judgment; is that God less tremendous to the wicked, or less favorable to the just, because on His word we believe him to be one in essence, though three in persons? This hatred of the Jews which is becoming more and more frenzied, which even the pagans and infidels themselves could not justify on such pretexts as they present for public consumption. What fanatic rage must it be that blinds the Jews, when in contradiction with themselves, they applaud the toleration of the ancient Philosophers, who, though disbelieving the mysteries of Paganism, never attempted to rob the people of their religion; while on the other hand they incessantly conspire against Christians and Christianity under pretence that it contains some sort of mysteries.

Another objection not less extravagant, is that against Revelation itself. It is God, they say, whom the Christians declare to have spoken; hence there can be no further liberty of opinion in man on matters of faith. The so-called defenders of liberty and equality is then authorized to rise in arms against Christ and Christianity and its way of life which, they say, denies people of their liberty. Such is thier arguments. But to what length does their frenzy carry them? Rabbis for hundreds of years have conspired to overthrow every altar, Catholic, Protestant, Lutheran, or any of the other Christian sects. What stupid idea is this? Can reason be traced through plots and conspiracies, of which the sole tendency is the overthrow of the religion of the White Race, under the pretence of liberty of worship; we have heard all sorts of false ideas to crush the God of the Christians

For 2000 years we have seen them conspire and use every artifice of cunning intrigue to rob the world of the religion of God, of Christianity. And because they utter the empty sounds of Liberty, Equality and Toleration, people mistake their utterings as that of profound men, when they are nothing but empty shells, trying to escape the judgment they know is coming. Perhaps most telling of all is that 'it was American Roman Catholic bishops in the middle and late 19th Century who demanded the removal of Bible reading from public schools...' Why? The full weight of history confirms that the Bible has been and continues to be opposed by those seeking to destroy freedom, but those seeking to bring mankind into bondage. This speaks volumes about the worth and the truth of the Bible. The West's tyrants of tomorrow are even now painting heavily against it, and in particular, the 17th- century King James Version is based on the Textus Receptus (also banned by Rome) with Hebrew and Greek texts differing from all other modern verses, which come from the Judaized Alexandrian texts, and contains many errors.


Dr. Albert M. Gessman, writing in the Winter 1969 number of the conservative Jewish journal, "Issues." After contrasting critically almost nine pages of glaring differences between Judaism and Christianity to the disadvantage of the latter, and after reviewing the back-grounds of both religions, he concludes that, "A Judeo-Christian heritage or tradition in the proper sense of that hyphenated word does not exist; it has no foundation in historical fact." There is Edom [Esau is called Edom in Genesis 36:8. And Edom is in 'Modern Jewry' Jewish Encyclopedia, 1925 edition, Vol. 5, p. 41.


"A Cultist is one who has a strong belief in the Bible and the Second Coming of Christ; who frequently attends Bible studies; who has a high level of financial giving to a Christian cause; who home schools his children; who has accumulated survival foods and has a strong belief in the 2nd Amendment, and who distrusts Big Government." (Janet Reno, in a speech before an ATF luncheon, Washington, D.C.)


Dr. Abba Hillel Silver, a well known Jew, when writing in the Jewish publication, Liberal Judaism, January, 1949, about the newly created state of Israel declared: "For the curse of Cain, the curse of being an outcast and a wanderer over the face of the earth has been removed..."


"The matter of President Truman's unwillingness to move against Communism came to a head with the passage of the Internal Security Act of 1950. Under the title, 'Necessity for Legislation,' the two House of Congress found as follows:

There exists a world Communist movement which, in its origins, its development, and its present practice, is a world-wide revolutionary movement whose purpose it is, by treachery, deceit, infiltration into other groups (governmental and otherwise), espionage, sabotage, terrorism, and any other means deemed necessary, to establish a Communist totalitarian dictatorship in the countries throughout the world through the medium of a world-wide Communist organization...

The Communist network in the United States is inspired and control in large part by foreign agents who are sent into the United States ostensibly as attachés of foreign legations, affiliates of international organizations, members of trading commissions, and in similar capacities, but who use their diplomatic or semi-diplomatic status as a shield behind which to engage in activities prejudicial to the public security.

There are, under our present immigration laws, numerous aliens who have been found to be deportable, many of whom are in the subversive, criminal, or immoral classes who are free to roam the country at will without supervision or control...

The Communist organization in the United States, pursuing its stated objectives, the recent success of Communist methods in other countries, and the nature and control of the world Communist movement itself, present a clear and present danger to the security of the United States and to the existence of free American institutions, and make it necessary that Congress, in order to provide for the common defense, to preserve the sovereignty of the United States as an independent nation, and to guarantee to each State a republican form of government, enact appropriate legislation recognizing the existence of such world-wide conspiracy and designed to prevent it from accomplishing its purpose in the Unites State. (The Iron Curtain Over America, John Beaty, pp. 181-182


"If instant world government, Charter review, and a greatly strengthened International Court do not provide the answers, what hope for progress is there? The answer will not satisfy those who seek simple solutions to complex problems, but it comes down essentially to this: The hope for the foreseeable lies, not in building up a few ambitious central institutions of universal membership and general jurisdiction as was envisaged at the end of the last war, but rather in the much more decentralized, disorderly and pragmatic process of inventing or adapting institutions of limited jurisdiction and selected membership to deal with specific problems on a case-by-case basis ... In short, the 'house of world order' will have to be built from the bottom up rather than from the top down. It will look like a great 'booming, buzzing confusion,' to use William James' famous description of reality, but an end run around national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece, will accomplish much more than the old-fashioned frontal assault." (Richard N. Gardner, in Foreign Affairs (April 1974)).


"From the reign of Nero to that of Antoninus Pius," Gibbon says again, "the Jews discovered a fierce impatience of the dominion of Rome which repeatedly broke out in the most furious massacres and insurrections. Humanity is shocked at the recital of the horrid cruelties which the Jews committed in the cities of Egypt, of Cyprus, and of Cyrene, where they dwelt in treacherous friendship with the unsuspecting natives...In Cyrene they massacred 220,000 Greeks; in Cyprus 240,000; in Egypt a very great multitude. Many of these unhappy victims were sawed asunder..." (Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, ii, pp. 3, 83, 85; World Revolution, Nesta Webster, pp. 162-163).


"It is a favorite ruse of the Jews to represent the Christians as their only enemies; in reality the persecution of the Jews began long before the Christian era, nor has it since then been confined to countries where the Christian religion prevails. If Christendom is to be accused of ingratitude for the privilege of harboring numbers of Jews in her midst, the pagan world showed itself quite equally ungrateful. Egyptians, Persians, and Assyrians kept them in complete subjection; indeed, owing to their racial characteristics, it was found impossible even under the more liberal régime of Alexander the Great's successors to receive them into the community of nations." (World Revolution, Nesta Webster, p. 162).


This can not be accomplished without the use of other peoples publications.. It is impossible for us to agree with every view expressed in these works.. some of which are quite Inflammatory And even downright HATEFUL. I believe it important when presenting this material.. to leave it intact without Alteration. In this case however I am rewriting the Introduction... the old one seemed a bit Reactive and Racist. Kinda hard to avoid sometimes. But Racism is not a good defense against Racism...


As I earlier explained.. It is a lot about action and reaction....Example...When a pendulum is moved to one extreme it will have the tendency to go to the opposite extreme before eventually coming to REST.


In other words.. what you are about to read are other peoples strong and often quite inflammatory Reactions.. to a Hateful and very destructive Belief System.. The believers of which, intent upon World Dominion and enslaving the masses, are following a carefully planned and systematic scheme.. seemingly unconcerned about the Reproach and often Violent anger brought down upon the Whole of their people as a Consequence.


Actually it seems to serve their twisted purpose! The basis of this belief is All non Jews are subhuman and are to be exploited (milked or beeved). When these folks get Irate and try to fight back they naturally see the enemy as being all "Jews" and not merely their Corrupt leaders.. Thus these leaders would use IaHUeH's people as a shield to further their wicked ends. When attacked, the people tend to stick closer together.. According to what they are told to believe for a non-jew to confront a Jew is like Blasphemy... this makes it harder to Isolate the very Serious problem! It turns into a vicious cycle of destruction. And has caused the unnecessary Suffering and Death to Millions upon Millions of People...all for the benefit of a few.

It seems that the only effective Solution must come from the "Jewish" people themselves.. but they still aren't listening.. because they are told that whenever someone even so much as mentions "Multi-national Banker" that it is because that person is an anti-semite and wants to Murder all "Jews" everywhere! I wonder how many millions of dollars have been spent by the ADL to keep people from talking bad about these "Multi-National (Power hungry, moneygrabbing, slimball, Lying, Thieving, Murderous, Sons of Belial) Bankers"!!!


BTW: The ADL will not be able to defend you from IaHUeH on that soon coming day!...And if you would start reading the TORAH more instead of your Tragically Twisted Talmudic Traditions.. you would quickly redifine "anti-semite" not to mention your whole way of thinking and relating with your Neighbors!!

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