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Encyclopedia of the Palestine Problem

Zionist terrorism, War Crimes And Crimes Against Humanity In Palestine And Neighboring Arab Countries 1967-1988

Encyclopedia of the Palestine Problem, Chapter Seventeen, Part 2 of 6

11 FEBRUARY 1969

On 11 February 1969 1230 hours local time, eight Israeli jet fighters and two helicopters attacked Jordanian positions in Ghor el Safi and Fiefeh, using napalm bombs. The bombing and strafing continued for ninety minutes. As a result, six soldiers were killed, and ten others wounded. Sixteen military vehicles were destroyed or damaged. One building was damaged.

14 FEBRUARY 1969
On 14 February at 0710 hours local time two Israeli jet fighters bombed the area of Kattaf west of Shuna Shamaliyah until 0745 hours. The bombing and strafing were resumed at 0830 hours and napalm bombs were also used. As a result, crops were seriously damaged.

16 FEBRUARY 1969
On 15 March 1969, at 06:30 hours local time waves of Israeli jets bombed and strafed various civilian centres deep in Jordanian territory. Napalm, rockets and machine-guns were used.

The areas south west of Amman and its suburbs, Jarash and Shuback, were subjected to intermittent Israeli raids from 6:30 hours until 10:05 hours. As a result, three civilians were killed and seven others wounded, one seriously. Five cars and a house were destroyed.

In these attacks against Jordanian farmers and villagers, the Israelis resorted once again to the use of napalm bombs.

23 FEBRUARY 1969
On 23 February 1969, at 13~45 hours, four Israeli halftracks crossed the Armistice line in the Gharandal area in Wadi Araba. Jordanian forces exchanged fire. Seven Israeli jet fighters rocketed and strafed the area intermittently for one hour and twenty minutes. As a result, two soldiers were wounded and the police station building damaged. A number of the Israeli attackers were hit and three of their half-tracks damaged.

25 FEBRUARY 1969
On 25 February 1969, at 08: 15 hours, two Israeli Mystere jet aircraft rocketed and strafed the villages of Nushan and Um Tutah for half an hour. The raid was resumed at 09:05 hours7 using napalm bombs. As a result, crops were destroyed.

26 FEBRUARY 1969
On 26 February 1969, at about 0900 hours local time, the Israeli occupation forces set fire to the Syrian village of Khisfine. This Israeli action constitutes a flagrant violation of part 111, section 111, article 53, of the Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War.

29 FEBRUARY 1969
On the early morning of 24 February 1969, a number of Israeli bombers, escorted by Israeli fighters, launched air attacks on deliberately selected civilian targets situated in the suburb and district of the capital, Damascus. Rockets and bombs hit Al-Hameh, Zebdani and Maysaloun. In Al-Hameh a number of houses and a washing-machine factory were destroyed; in Zebdani a youth summer camp was devastated and in Maysaloun a custom-police station was demolished. Eight private cars on the Beirut-Damascus road were not spared, among which was that of the Ambassador of the Hungarian People's Republic to Syria. To add cruelty to their attack and increase the number of casualties, the Israeli aircraft dropped time-bombs which actually exploded at subsequent intervals. The ensuing massacre engulfed with its cruelty exclusively civilian victims. At least fifteen persons died, including a number of women and children and a nurse of Lebanese nationality. The wounded, too, included women and children and the number of these, so far, has reached forty.

1 MARCH 1969
On 1 march 1969, at 0750 hours7 two Israeli jet aircraft bombed and strafed the area south of Sheikh Hussein bridge, using rockets. This continued intermittently until 08:35 hours. Property was damaged.

15 MARCH 1969
On 15 March 1969, four Israeli jet fighters bombed and strafed the villages of Shunah Al-Shamaliyah7 Waqqas and Zamaliyah for fifteen minutes, using rockets and machineguns. As a result, two farmers were killed and nine others wounded. Two civilian cars were destroyed and five others and a tractor damaged. Farms were badly damaged.

17 MARCH 1969
On 17 March, at 08:lO hours local time, two Israeli jet fighters bombed and strafed the Addasiyah area near the capital Amman. Again, rockets, napalm and machine-guns were used.

At 09:10 hours local time, two other Israeli jet fighters raided the areas of Manshiyah and Shunah Al-Shamaliyah in the north. The Israelis bombed and strafed these areas intermittently until 09:30 hours7 using rockets and machine-guns. As a result, one civilian was seriously wounded, two cars were destroyed and crops badly damaged.

26 MARCH 1969
On 26 March 1969, Israeli jet fighters brutally attacked Jordanian villages and civilian centres in the area of Es Salt.

At 14:30 hours local time, Israeli jets attacked rest houses and winter resorts in Ein Hzar, one kilometre from Es Salt City. These resorts are frequently visited by civilian citizens. The main roads connecting the villages around Es Salt and the city itself were also raided, bombed and strafed. Heavy bombs and rockets were used.

As a result of these Israeli attacks, official sources inform that 17 civilians were killed and 25 wounded, thee of them seriously. Among those killed was an entire family from the Kuloob tribe, two students walking on their way back from school and a 12-year old boy.

Many of the casualties were elderly women and children. Six houses and a number of trucks were destroyed. The attacks caused serious and heavy damage to the main roads linking the villages to the city of Es Salt. One of the Israeli rockets left a 10-metre deep pit. Some have not exploded.

29 MARCH 1969
On 29 March at about 1915 hours local time, the Israeli soldiers fired flares to light the area in the buffer zone. On 30 march at about 1700 local time, these Israeli soldiers opened fire at Syrian shepherds in the buffer zone, causing the wounding of a shepherd called Zeidan, who was seen later captured by the Israeli soldiers.

31 MARCH 1969
On 31 March 1969 at about 0650 hours local time, four Israeli bulldozers were observed demolishing houses in the occupied Syrian village of Aboukhbit. 1969.

31 MARCH 1969
On 31 March 1969, at about 1405 hours local time, an Israeli bulldozer was observed demolishing houses in the suburbs of the occupied town of Kuneitra.

4 APRIL 1969
At 12:35 local time today, Israeli forces opened fire with artillery and tanks against Suez, Port Tawfik and El-Shat. (Egyptian) forces in the southern part of the Suez Canal sector were compelled to return the fire.

It is to be noted that in these premeditated attacks the Israeli occupying forces were concentrating their shellings against the harbour of Suez. At 13: 15 local time, a cease-fire was arranged by the United Nations military observers. As a result of this wanton attack, apart from the destruction of civilian installations and damage to an oil tanker, several civilians have lost their lives.

6 APRIL 1969
On 6 April 1969, three Israeli bulldozers were obsemed demolishing the houses of the occupied Syrian village of Abizetun.

7 APRIL 1969
On 7 April 1969, three Israeli bulldozers were obsemed demolishing the houses of the occupied Syrian village of Tell Esseqi.

8 APRIL 1969
On 8 april 1969, at 05:30 hours, Israeli fighter bombers attacked the Jordanian port of Aqaba. As a result, eight civilians were killed and nine wounded. A church, a school and twelve other houses were destroyed.

8 APRIL 1969
On 8 April 1969, three Israeli bulldozers were observed demolishing the houses of the occupied Syrian village of Khan El-Joukhadar, west of Joukhadar village.

20 APRIL 1969
On 20 April 1969, at 0655 hours local time, Israeli forces opened fire with medium machine-guns, tanks and heavy mortars on the villages of Adasiyyah, Baqourah and Tel-El- Arbaeen.

At 09 15 hours local time, the area of Tel-El-Arbaeen was subjected to shelling from field artillery, At 1140 hours local time, Israeli forces in the occupied Syrian heights extended their attack and shelled the areas of Kufor Asad and Saham.

At the same time, two Israeli jets bombed the village of Az-Zemal.

The Israeli shelling continued until 1220 hours local time, injuring a soldier and destroying three civilian cars.

22 APRIL 1969
On 22 April, 1969, at 0600 hours local time, Israeli jets bombed the village of Al-Mazar in the south and the village of Muthalath Ishtafaina in the north as well as the suburbs of the city of Irbid. Israeli bombing and strafing went on for more than two hours. As a result of these Israeli attacks, 5 civilians were killed and ten wounded in the north, and 5 soldiers killed and 20 wounded in the south. Property and civilian installations were badly damaged.

27 APRIL 1969
On 27 April 1969, at 0940 hours local time, an Israeli bulldozer was observed demolishing houses in the Syrian village of Aache. The materials derived from the ruins of these houses are used by the Israeli occupying forces to build an Israeli settlement very close to the aforementioned village.

28 APRIL 1969
On 28 aprill969, at about 0650 hours local time, an Israeli bulldozer was obsemed continuing the demolition of the houses of the Syrian village of Aache.

29 APRIL 1969
On 29 April 1969, at 1645 hours, four Israeli Skyhawks bombarded and strafed the areas of Tel Sherbeil and Wadi Yabis, using rockets and machine-guns. As a result, four civilians were killed and twelve houses were badly damaged. On the same day and at 2200 hours, Israeli forces heavily shelled Shuna Shamalyyah, using tank and mortar artillery.

11 MAY 1969
On the third consecutive day, 11 May 1969, the Israeli occupying forces resorted to their premeditated attacks along the Suez Canal sector. At 10130 hours local time, Israeli shelling started against Kantara, Elkab, Eltina and Kilometer 10. At 12: 15 hours local time, the Israeli firing was extended to Port Said and directed against houses. As a result, one civilian was killed and nine civilians were wounded.

19 MAY 1969
On 19 May 1969, at 1140 hours local time, four Israeli jet fighters bombed and strafed the Karameh and Kuraimeh areas with rockets and machine-gun fire. Bombing lasted intermittently until 1220 hours. The objects of this bombing were civilian areas and agricultural equipment. As a result, a civilian was killed and five others were iniured. A civilian truck was destroyed and three others were damaged.

21 MAY 1969
On 21 May 1969, at 09:00 hours local time, two Israeli companies, one consisting of tanks and the other of armoured infantry, supported by jet fighters and helicopters, crossed the Armistice demarcation line south of the Dead Sea and attacked the villages of Safi and Feifa.

As a result of this wanton Israeli attack, according to information received casualties and damage to property in the village of Feifa were as follows: Fatimah Awad Salamah, a 9 year old girl, was killed and five persons are missing. Twenty houses, a school, a post office building and a grocery were destroyed. Five bedouin tents and their contents were burnt. A tractor was looted.

In the village of Safi, two soldiers were wounded and five houses destroyed.

22 MAY 1969
On 22 May 1969, at 1700 hours local time, four Israeli jet fighters bombed and strafed Dar Alla using rockets and machine-guns for fifteen minutes. As a result, one civilian was killed and six wounded. Five houses and a civilian car were destroyed, and parts of the East Ghor Canal were damaged.

28 MAY 1969
On 28 May 1969, at 1700 hours local time, four Israeli jet fighters bombed and strafed Kuraimeh Village in the north using rockets and machine guns for twenty-five minutes. As a result, four civilians were wounded, one of whom was a child, two houses and the village police station were destroyed.

14 JUNE 1969
On 14 June 1969 the Fakhriyya corner which is attached to Al Aqsa Mosque, together with 14 buildings owned by the religious endowment, Waqf, were demolished by the Israeli forces, and their inhabitants, numbering 80 persons, were expelled.

18 JUNE 1969
On 18 June, at 13:30 hours local time, two squadrons of Israeli jets bombed, strafed, fired rockets and dropped napalm over the areas of Damya Bridge, Maghtas (Baptismal Site), Karamah, Kuriemah, Prince Abdullah Bridge, Muthalath Al- Masri and the village of Ira. The raids continued until 19:30 hours local time. At 16:45 Israeli forces opened fire on Jordanian positions in the areas of Maghtas and Prince Abdullah Bridge, using tanks and artillery. Fire ceased at 17: 10. At 1850 Israeli forces resumed their shelling, extending it to the areas of Um-Nakhlah, Mindassa, King Hussein Bridge and Damya Bridge until 19: 10. As a result of these deliberate Israeli attacks, which the Israeli pilots boastfully reported as "good hits" and in which all kinds of destructive weapons including napalm were used, nine soldiers were killed and twenty-three wounded.

22 JUNE 1969
On 22 June 1969, waves of Israeli jets raided several areas in the East Bank of Jordan. At 1050 hours local time two Israeli jets bombed and strafed the area of Ghor El-Safi, using rockets and machine-guns. As a result two soldiers were wounded. At 1 130 an Israeli jet fighter intermittently attacked the village of Al-Aynah using rockets and machine-guns. The raid continued for one hour. As a result one civilian was killed and four others wounded. At 1550 two Israeli jet fighters attacked a civilian car on the desert road near El-Hasa. Two civilians were wounded. At 1655 and until 1720 two Israeli jets attacked Ein Al-Bayda near the town of Tafila. As a result five civilians were wounded and two civilian cars damaged. At 1430 Israeli jets attacked the area of Beir Mathkhour in Wadi Arabah, Two soldiers were wounded and two vehicles destroyed. At 1750 and until 1855 six Israeli jet fighters attacked the Zamalya area in the northern part of the Jordan valley. Two soldiers were wounded and two houses destroyed. The above premeditated and indiscriminate raids, carried out by the Israeli Air Force, have resulted in the death of one civilian and the injury of seventeen, six of whom are soldiers.

25 JUNE 1969
On 25 June 1969, at 0655 hours local time the Israeli army opened fire on Jordanian positions in Adasiyya and Baqura areas using medium machine-guns and tanks artillery. At 0725 two Israeli jet fighters strafed the Adasiyya area. At 1600 two Israeli jets were traversing over the capital, Amman.

At 1650 ten Israeli jet fighters were sent to bomb and strafe the areas of Tel El-Arbain, Sheikh Muath and Al-Jumruk in the northern part of the Jordan Valley using rockets and machine-guns. As a result of these Israeli attacks eleven Jordanian soldiers were killed and six others seriously wounded. In Tel El-Arbain one house was destroyed.

26 JUNE 1969
On 26 June 1969, at 1400 hours, four Israeli jets bombed the areas of Maghtas and Shahadat in the south using rockets. As a result, ten houses belonging to the farmers in Shahadat were destroyed.

On the same day, at 18 10 hours, four Israeli jets bombed and strafed the area of Karn in the north using rockets and machine-guns. As a result, four soldiers were killed and three injured.

30 JUNE 1969
On 30 June 1969, at 0630 hours, two Israeli jets bombed and strafed the Waqqas area in the north, using rockets and machine-guns.

1 JULY 1969
On 1 July 1969, at 0415 hours, five Israeli jets bombed and strafed the areas of Shuneh Aljanoubiah and Wadi Shuaib using rockets and machine-guns. Anti-aircraft fire was used against the Israeli aircraft. As a result, a soldier was killed and a farmer injured.

Also, at 1155 hours, six Israeli jet fighters bombed and strafed the village of Arjan in the Irbid district using rockets and machine-guns. As a result, one civilian was killed and three others injured.

15 JULY 1969
On 15 July 1969, at 0600 hours local time, Israeli forces opened fire on the Um-Qais areausing medium machine-guns and tanks. Fire was returned and exchanged intermittently until 0630 hours. As a result, two civilians, including a woman, were injured. One house was damaged.

6 AUGUST 1969
On 6 August two civilians were killed and seven injured in the village of Malka and Ibdar. Seven houses were destroyed.

10 AUGUST 1969
On 10 August 1969, at 1520 hours local time, four Israeli Mystere jet fighters bombed and strafed Adasiyah area in the northern part of the Jordan Valley. At 1600 hours, four more Israeli Vautour bombers bombed the East Ghor Canal using various kinds of bombs.

At 1645 hours, two Israeli Mystere jet fighters flew over the area of Shaq El-Barid. As a result of the Israeli attack three persons were wounded. The following damage was caused to the East Ghor Canal.

(a) The upper part of the tunnel was damaged resulting in the falling of rocks at the exit of the tunnel and inside the Canal, causing a partial closure of the Canal.

(b) The total destruction of the Canal between the tunnel and the conduit which was previously destroyed by Israel in its attack of 23 June 1969.

(c) The total destruction of the conduit mentioned in sub-paragraph (b) above.

It should be pointed out that the East Ghor Canal constitutes the backbone of Jordan's agricultural economy. I would like to emphasize that within two months, Israel has twice attacked the Canal with the intention of destroying the agricultural economy of Jordan.

11 AUGUST 1969
On Monday, 11 August 1969, at 1:30 pm units of the Israeli Air Force consisting of ten Vautour bombers and six Mirage jet planes raided civilian villages in southern Lebanon, near the border, for twenty-five minutes, using napalm bombs, rockets and machine-guns.

Amongst the villages attacked were the following: Rachaya, Al-Fakhar, Charchoubeh, Kafar Hanan, Khabbariyeh, Ain Kelly and Chabaa.

The attack resulted in seven casualties among the civilian Lebanese population, four of whom were killed and three seriously injured. Of those killed, was a woman who suffered bums inflicted by napalm.

25 AUGUST 1969
On 25 August Israeli jets attacked Ein Nimrah in the north. Four civilians were killed and seven others injured. Due to the extensive use of napalm bombs the crops were almost totally destroyed.

On Wednesday, 3 September 1969, at 1152 am, units of the Israeli Air Force consisting of twelve Mystere and a number of Mirage jet planes raided the Arkoub area in southern Lebanon for twenty-five minutes using napalm bombs and machine-guns. Amongst the villages attacked were the following: Rachaya Al-Fakhar, Al-Habarieh, el-Fardis and Kfarchouba.

At 1:00 pm, six Israeli jet planes launched another attack on the same villages for fifteen minutes using napalm bombs. Two Lebanese civilians were seriously wounded as a result of this attack.

At midnight on Thursday, 4 September 1969, two Israeli Super Frelon helicopters penetrated the air space of southern Lebanon and landed troops of the Israeli Armed Forces at the village of Halta in the region of Hasbaya. The raiders attacked civilian population and properties. The attack resulted in one civilian Lebanese being killed and two wounded. Three houses were destroyed.

On Friday, 5 September 1969, at 2 pm, units of the Israeli air force consisting of twenty jet planes attacked the villages of Al-Khourba, Al-Mary, Halta and Douhairajat, situated in southern Lebanon. The attack lasted one hour. Napalm bombs were used. The Israeli planes were met by anti-aircraft artillery and one of them received a direct hit and exploded on Lebanese territory south of the village of Teybeh.

On 28 September two shepherds were injured and 30 of their sheep were killed by ground-to-ground rockets.

3 OCTOBER 1969
On Friday, 3 October 1969, at 11:00 pm, a detachment of the Israeli armed forces crossed the Lebanese border from the Syrian occupied territory east of the Hasbani river penetrating for two kilometres within Lebanese territory; it reached the farm villages of Al-Dhyrjat and Tal-Almary and blew up five houses therein.

Concurrently, an Israeli helicopter landed armed troops in the village of Aytaroun north-east of Bent Jibail, one kilometre and a half inside Lebanese Territory. The troops attacked Aytaroun and fired indiscriminately at the innocent civilian population; three civilians were kidnapped and four others were wounded, among them, two women.

12 OCTOBER 1969
Farmers in the Jordan valley are the subject of Israeli snipers. One farmer was fatally wounded in the area of Tall al Arba'in on 12 October.

26 OCTOBER 1969
On 26 October Israeli fighter-bombers attacked one of the suburbs of Amman, the capital, near the University of Jordan. Eight civilians were injured, among them a woman.

On 9 November 1969, a house in the village of Baqurah was the subject of Israeli infiltration. One farmer was killed and two women injured in this attack.

17 NOVEMBER 1969
On 17 November, Israeli soldiers with helicopters kidnapped three Jordanian civilians: Naif Ali Nahar, Suleiman Moussa Abu Qaoud and Nahar Nouri Abu Qaoud, all from the area south west of Maien.

13 NOVEMBER 1969
On 13 November, 1969, an Israeli patrol stealthily attacked the village of Bani Noem and Makhadit Sudrat, dynamited and destroyed six houses and kidnapped two farmers. In one of the houses blown up 76 sheep were killed.

24 NOVEMBER 1969
On 24 November, at 2130 hours local time, an Israeli patrol crossed the Armistice Line in Ghor Fefah south of the Dead Sea. The patrol attacked six Jordanian shepherds, killed four of them and kidnapped a fifth, Salim Salman Attehi. The sixth shepherd escaped. The Israeli patrol also killed five camels.

At 1 :30 pm, on Wednesday, 3 December 1 969, about forty members of the Ad Hoc Committee for the Jewish Defense entered the premises of the Permanent Mission of Syria to the United Nations and staged a "sit-in" for one and a half hours. The policeman posted to guard the Syrian Mission called in other policemen to help him get them off the premises.

On 3 December two farmers from the village of Waqqas were wounded by Israeli snipers. Israel's aim is to bring to a stand-still all Jordanian life in the valley.

On Saturday, 6 December 1969, at 05:00 hours local time, two Israeli torpedo boats intercepted the Japanese ship Shinkai-Maru heading toward the Jordanian port of Aqaba. Later on, the Israeli boats shot at the ship in spite of Israel's knowledge of the identity of the ship and its commercial cargo. The Japanese ship, fortunately, was able to reach its destiny without damage.

On 6 December 1969, at 09:OO hours local time, two Israeli jet fighters attacked the area of Al Rayhanat, south of Masharee in the northern part of the Jordan Valley using rockets. As a result one girl, fourteen years old, was killed and two civilians were wounded. Three houses were damaged.

On 8 December 1969, at 2230 hours local time, Israeli forces in the occupied Syrian Heights shelled the city of Irbid using heavy artillery of 130mm guns. As a result of this attack, one woman and a man were killed and six civilians, four of whom were women, were seriously injured. Three houses were badly damaged.

21 DECEMBER 1969
On Sunday 21 December, 1969, at 07 10 hours local time, waves of Israeli fighter-bombers raided the villages of Kufr Asad, Sama and Izmal in the district of the city of Irbid over three hours using rockets, bombs and machine-guns. The raid went on until 10:45. As a result, six soldiers were killed and nineteen others wounded. Five civilians, among them a seven-year old boy, were seriously wounded. Seven houses in the village of Sama were destroyed.

Also, at 2100 hours local time, the Israeli army in the occupied Syrian Heights shelled the city of Irbid using heavy artillery af 130mm guns. The shelling went on for one hour. As a result, ten civilians were wounded and a girl, four years old, was killed. Several houses and buildings were damaged.

31 DECEMBER 1969
On New Year's Eve, 31 December 1969, at 2145 hours local time, eight Israeli planes attacked the villages of Kufr Asad, Zahar, Dauqara and Sum in the district of Irbid for 35 minutes using rockets and various kinds of bombs. As a result 11 civilians were killed, six of whom were children between two and seven years old and three of whom were women. Twelve civilians were wounded, some seriously. Eight houses were.either destroyed or damaged.

1/2 JANUARY 1970
On January 1 and 2 1970, Israeli jets strafed the villages of Rayhanah, Wadi Yabis and Waqqas in the northern part of the Jordan Valley. One child was killed and three civilians wounded, one of them a woman.

3 JANUARY 1970
At 1 am on Saturday, 3 January, 1970, units of the Israeli regular armed forces crossed the Lebanese border at the Kfar Kela area and kidnapped 11 Lebanese civilians. At the same time other units of the Israeli regular armed forces crossed the Lebanese border in the Tall en Nahas area. They kidnapped 10 Lebanese soldiers and destroyed a guard-house.

8 JANUARY 1969
On 8 January 1970, between the hours of 1300 and 1450 local time, Israeli military planes raided the region of Al Aarqoub in southern Lebanon and in successive waves bombed the area of Rachaiya el Foukhar, Kfar Chouba, Kfar Hamam, Hebbariye and Ain Qenya.

9 JANUARY 1970
On 9 January 1970, between the hours of 0945 and 1035, Israeli military planes staged another attack on the district of Rachaiya el Quadi.

14 JANUARY 1970
On 14 January 1970, two Israeli helicopters strafed a herd of camels in Fefah, south of the Dead Sea. The shepherd and eight of his camels were killed. The next day and in the same area of Wadi Araba an Israeli patrol crossed the armistice demarcation line to kill 60 camels.

16 JANUARY 1970
On 16 January, four Israeli jets attacked the villages of Deir Alla and Wadi Yabis for 25 minutes using machine guns and rockets. Three civilians were killed and another five wounded. Three cars were destroyed.

18 JANUARY 1970
On 18 January 1970, at 0930 hours local time, Israeli forces opened their mortar fire on Jordanian farmers in Tall- As-Sukkar in the northern part of the Jordan valley. As a result, four farmers were killed and six wounded; among them a woman.

20 JANUARY 1970
On 20 January 1970, at 0017 local time, an Israeli battalion with armoured carriers and tanks supported by Israeli military aircraft crossed the Armistice Demarcation Line south of the Dead Sea in the area of Ghor es Safi and Wadi Feifa.

A battle ensued with the Jordanian forces and continued until 0900 of the next day, 21 January. At 0730 hours local time, the Israeli Air Force bombed and strafed military as well as civilian targets and centres in the area.

The Israeli ground forces were able to enter the villages of Safe, Fefah and Wadi el Hasa and destroy houses.

20 JANUARY 1970
On 20 January, the civilian targets were in the south. In Ghor Es-Safi two Israeli jets strafed and bombed the village of An Namirah, killing one civilian and wounding another three, two of them women.

25 JANUARY 1970
On 25 January 1970, Israeli armed forces shelled the village of Aitaedh Chaab, in southern Lebanon, with 120-mm mortar shells. As a result of this shelling two Lebanese civilians were killed and one civilian and one soldier were wounded. Twelve houses and a tractor were damaged.

These repeated and premeditated murderous acts have created an intolerable situation for the Lebanese civilian population in southern Lebanon, disrupting their peaceful life and subjecting them to constant terror. Furthermore, they demonstrate Israel's well-calculated policy of fomenting disorder, sustaining and increasing tension and systematically widening the area of conflict, thus endangering further the peace of the Middle East. Such a reckless policy based on arrogant military power is in defiance of international law and morality and of relevant United Nations resolutions.

25 JANUARY 1970
On January 1970, at 7:45 am, the Israeli air force committed a further treacherous act of aggression by attacking the United Arab Republic unarmed civilian vessel Shadwan. This 300-ton vessel belongs to the United Arab Company for Maritime Provisions and is registered as a part of the United Arab Republic Merchant Marine with the Civilian Maritime Registry of the United Arab Republic.

At the time when Israeli aircraft opened fire on this unarmed civilian vessel, the vessel was sailing southward in the Red Sea, at a distance of 20 kilometres from the Egyptian town of Ghardaka and more than 50 kilometres from the Shadwan Island which has itself witnessed, on 22 January 1970, an earlier act of Israeli aggression. The vessel was hit, six members of its crew, all civilians, were wounded and the vessel had, later, to be tugged to shore.

12 FEBRUARY 1970
The world-wide wave of outrage and indignation caused by the criminal and barbaric attacks carried out by Israeli Phantom jet planes on 12 February 1970 against the National Metal Products Factory at Abu Zaabal in the United Arab Republic has revealed the sense of shock and dismay of the international community at Israel's disregard of the basic norms and elementary rules of international conduct.

In their premeditated aggression, the Israeli Phantoms, using rockets and napalm bombs, caused a heavy loss of life among civilian workers, which has reached by now 80 persons killed and a greater number of workers wounded.

27 FEBRUARY 1970
On Friday, 27 February 1970, at 10 am, an Israeli patrol consisting of seven soldiers crossed the Lebanese border and kidnapped four Lebanese shepherds who were tending their herds near the village of Rmaich, inside Lebanese territory.

This premeditated, unjustified and unprovoked act of aggression by Israel against Lebanon is aimed at disrupting the peaceful life of the Lebanese civilian population in southern Lebanon and subjecting them to constant terror.

This latest act of aggression by Israel constitutes a flagrant violation of the Lebanon-Israel Armistice Agreement and of the provisions of the United Nations Charter. It is further aimed at creating a situation fraught with extreme danger, threatening the security and infringing the sovereignty of Lebanon. These Israeli acts of aggression are in line with their expansionist designs.

7 MARCH 1970
On Saturday, 7 March 1970, at 1 am, units of the Israeli armed forces crossed the Lebanese border and attacked the village of Edh Chaab. They killed a Lebanese army sergeant, kidnapped two civilians, and wounded one. They blew up five houses and destroyed one tractor.

16 MARCH 1970
Between the hours of 2 and 3 pm on Monday, 16 March 1970, Israeli artillery shelled the heights situated between Rachayya-Al-fakhar and Kafrhamam. One house and some fields used for agriculture were damaged.

17 MARCH 1970
Between the hours of 4 and 5 am, Tuesday, 17 March 1970, Israeli forces shelled with mortars the villages of Blida, Baiss-Al-Jabal and Aitaroun, situated in southern Lebanon. One civilian was killed, six others were wounded and five houses were extensively damaged.

27 MARCH 1970
On 27 March 1970, four Israeli jets attacked areas northwest of Karak. Two were killed and five wounded.

2 APRIL 1970
On 2 April 1970 at 9 am local time, the Israeli air force and army initiated an attack against Syria. (Syrian) air force and ground army took action in self-defense. The battle lasted until 4 pm local time.

This attack was acknowledged officially yesterday by Radio Israel. The New York Times of this morning (3 April 1970) reported: "An Israeli military commentator, Elad Peled, a former general, said on the state radio tonight that today's action could mark the start of a long and bloody war of attrition with Syria, or a return to relative tranquillity on the border."

As a result of this large-scale attack, typical of Israeli treachery, 16 Syrian soldiers, including 4 officers, have fallen martyrs on the battle-ground. Thirty-seven other Syrian soldiers were wounded. The Israeli attack was not confined to military targets. The Syrian towns and villages of Jellin, Shaikh Saad, Istabl, Nawa and Adawan were also bombed, resulting in the killing of a number of innocent civilians, including women and children, and the destruction of houses -thus adding to the already long and mounting list of Israeli war crimes and crimes against humanity.

8 April 1970
Israeli Phantom jets today attacked a primary school (the Bahr Al Bakr School) in the village of Houssaneya in Sharkia Province, 80 kilometres north of Cairo, murdering 3 1 school children and wounding another 36. The attack also resulted in the killing and wounding of other civilians.

5 MAY 1970
On 5 May four waves of Israeli jets attacked the road between Kuraymah and Shunah Esh Shamaliyah. Four civilians were wounded. Two cars were destroyed and one damaged.

15 MAY 1970
On 14 May 1970, Israeli occupying forces shelled the villages of Deir Abu Said and Malka from the Syrian Heights. Two girls, 10 and 3 years old, were wounded. A house and a car were destroyed.

15 MAY 1970
On 15 May, the same villages were shelled. A woman was killed and another civilian wounded. A house was damaged.

18 MAY 1970
On 18 May waves of Skyhawks attacked the villages of Um Qays and Zamal using rockets and bombs. After an hour Israeli Phantoms were sent to the same area. One woman and a man were killed and two, including a child, were wounded. Twelve houses were destroyed.

22 MAY 1970
On Friday, 22 May 1970, at 9 am Beirut time, Israeli artillery began a massive shelling of the Lebanese villages of Yaround, Blida, Aitroun and Bennt Jbail, situated in south eastern Lebanon. Preliminary reports indicated that 20 persons were killed and 40 others were wounded. The victims included a large number of women and children. In addition, 150 houses were destroyed or damaged.

25 MAY 1970
On 25 May 1970, Israeli forces clashed on Lebanese territory with a Lebanese patrol, killing one Lebanese officer and one soldier and wounding six other soldiers.

25 MAY 1970
On 25 May 1970, Israeli helicopters crossed the Armistice Demarcation line in Wadi Sabrah south of the Dead Sea and strafed a herd of camels. Thirty five camels were killed and their shepherd was slightly wounded.

1 JUNE 1970
On 1 June 1970, at 1130 hours local time, the Israeli occupying forces shelled the town of Irbid from the occupied Syrian heights, using artillery for more than 10 minutes.

1 JUNE 1970
On 1 June 1970, the village of Al Ish and farms around it, in Irbid district were shelled from the occupied Syrian Heights. Five hundred dunums of trees and 80 dunums of corn were burnt.

3 JUNE 1970
On 3 June 1970, waves of Israeli fighter bombers attacked the villages of Shuna Shamaliyyah and Kuraimah and the road connecting them from 11 15 to 1500 hours, local time, using rockets and machine guns.

As a result of Israeli strafing and bombing two children, a boy and a girl, were killed. Nine other civilians were wounded, among them two children. Nine civilian cars and a tractor on the road were destroyed and a bridge on the East Ghor Irrigation Canal was damaged.

This Israeli attack aiming at civilians and civilian targets happened two days after the killing of a child and the serious wounding of five others between the ages of three months and twelve years. Six others, among them two women, were also wounded.

6 JUNE 1970
On 6 June 1970, helicopters attacked a Bedouin camp near Aqaba. One civilian was killed and a 6 year old child was wounded. Three tents were burnt and a number of sheep killed.

8 JUNE 1970
On 8 June 1970, 21 persons from different towns and villages of the occupied West Bank of Jordan and Gaza were expelled at the gunpoint by the Israeli occupying forces. Israeli helicopters and half track armoured vehicles chased them across the Armistice Demarcation Line in Wadi Araba south of the Dead Sea. Their expulsion followed months of arbitrary detention, imprisonment and torture. From the list of names expelled - some of whom were elderly men in their seventies - the policy of terror and colonization of the occupying Power becomes clear. This policy follows a systematic pattern of armed aggression; occupation; destruction of Arab villages, quarters in cities and villages - as in the case of Jerusalem and Halhoul - and houses; expulsion of Arab inhabitants and their leaders; confiscation of Arab property which is used for the establishment of Israeli and Jewish settlements coupled with Jewish Zionist immigration and colonization.

8 JUNE 1970
After the expulsion of 2 1 persons on 8 June 1970,12 others were expelled in the same brutal way and in the same area.

14 JUNE 1970
On 14 June 1970, Israeli patrols carried by helicopters blew up a house west of Es Slat and then kidnapped a teacher, Ali Al Arayda and a farmer, Nayef Suleiman.

30 JUNE 1970
On 30 June 1970, at 10 am local time, two Israeli jets attacked and strafed a civilian bus carrying villagers on the main road leading to the village of Masharee in the northern part of the Jordan Valley.

As a result of this murderous attack, two of the passengers were killed and thirteen others, including a woman and a six year old child, were wounded, some seriously.

7 JULY 1970
On 7 July 1970, Israeli jets heavily attacked the village of Kufr Awan and the suburbs of Irbid. As a result 8 were killed and 13 were seriously wounded.

10 JULY 1970
On Friday, 10 July 1970, at 1540 hours local time, Israeli jets attacked the village of Kufr Awa and the suburbs of the town of Irbid in the north, using rockets and heavy machine guns for over 15 minutes.

As a result of this Israeli attack against centres of civilians, 7 were killed and 27 wounded, some seriously.

12 JULY 1970
On 12 July 1970, Dr. Ahmad Ali Khalaf, a psychiatrist from Bethlehem, was expelled after over a month of arbitrary imprisonment and brutal torture.

13 JULY 1970
On 13 July 1970, a mine exploded under a vehicle wounding two Jordanians in the area of Al Makhnak.

15 JULY 1970
On 15 July 1970, at 1 1 :05 hours local time, two Israeli jets attacked the village of Esh-Shunah Ash-Shamilyah in the northern part of the Jordan Valley. The jets strafed the market place which is the centre of the village where farmers do their daily transactions. The raid continued intermittently for one hour.

As a result of this Israeli attack against civilians, 13 farmers were wounded, and some seriously. Two trucks, belonging to the farmers, were destroyed and another damaged.

19 JULY 1970
On 19 July 1970, Israeli jets attacked the villages of Arjan in Ajloun area and Ein Jumla, Dubein, Jarrash Al Majdel and As Sukhnah. One farmer was killed and two others wounded. Crops were burnt and property badly damaged.

28 JULY 1970
On 28 July 1970, an Israeli patrol crossed the river Jordan to the East Bank near Tel Es Sukar, and laid mines in the main road. In the next day the mines exploded under two civilian cars. Twelve persons were wounded.

29 JULY 1970
On 29 July 1970, Israeli jets attacked the villages of Arjan in Ajloun area and Ein Jumla, Dubein, Jarrash Al Majdel and As Sukhnah. One farmer was killed and two others wounded. Crops were burnt and property badly damaged

1 AUGUST 1970
On 1 August 1970, the Israeli occupying authorities destroyed a large number of low cost houses east of the El Kuneitra City and forced the inhabitants to cross to Syria.

2 AUGUST 1970
On 2 August 1970, at 10:30 hours local time Israeli tanks opened a barrage of artillery aiming at the Coptic Convent and other neighbouring convents, in the area near the Baptism Site, west of the River Jordan. The heavy artillery continued for one hour and a half.

As a result, parts of the Coptic Convent, including its main dome, were destroyed. Other properties in the area, including farms and crops, were damaged.

This new irresponsible Israeli act adds to a long list of Israeli violations against holy shrines, religious, educational and medical institutions as well as freedom of worship and education.

Go to part 3


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