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The RETURN Statement

Against the Israeli Law of Return - For the Palestinian Right to Return

On 2 November 1917, the British Government issued the Balfour Declaration. This represented the first major victory for the Zionist project of transforming Palestine from a part of the Ottoman empire into a Jewish state - a project which came to fruition on 15 May 1948, with the proclamation of 'the establishment of the Jewish state in Palestine'.

As a result, the Palestinian people now live either under Israeli rule or in exile. Those in the territories occupied by Israel in 1967 (many of them refugees from areas occupied in 1948) live under continuing harsh military rule; those in the territories occupied in 1948 are second-class residents in a Jewish state, denied the rights and privileges accorded to those residents recognised by the state as Jews.

On 9 December 1987, the Palestinian people living under Israeli military occupation rose up against their oppressors. On 15 November 1988, the Palestine National Council declared the establishment of the independent state of Palestine. Two years on, the Intifada continues. it is now manifestly clear to everyone that the Israeli military occupation must end, and that the PLO is the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people. Any pretence to the contrary is an obvious lie.

Meanwhile, the Israeli repression of the Palestinian people and their Intifada continues. Over 800 Palestinians (150 of them children) have been killed by the Israeli security forces or by settlers in the past two years. Many thousands more have been maimed, imprisoned without trial, had their homes destroyed or been expelled from their homeland.

Israel has become an armed camp, at war both with its neighbours and with its subject Palestinian population. In its operations in Africa, Asia and Latin America, Israel represents a major link in the world network of repressive and racist regimes. Its nuclear weapons capacity, developed in alliance with South Africa, is a danger to the entire Middle East, and to the whole world.

In spite of this, Jewish communities have been recruited by Israel as both support and justification for its activities. The historic sufferings of Jews, particularly the Nazi murder of six million European Jews, are held to justify Israel's existence and behaviour. Israel continues to present itself as acting in the name of the Jewish people in international affairs.

We, entitled to the privileges accorded under the Israeli Law of Return to Jews and their close relatives, declare our opposition to the state of Israel as a Jewish state and to the Zionist movement. We call on our fellow Jews and their close relatives to join us in making the following statement:

* the Palestinian people, at whose expense the state of Israel was established and continues to exist, have the right to return, to self-determination and to their independent state on Palestinian soil;

* the Palestine Liberation Organisation is the sole legitimate

representative of the Palestinian people;

* the state of Israel does not represent all Jewish people, neither legally, morally nor in any other way;

* the Zionist structure of the state of Israel is at the heart of the racism and oppression against the Palestinian people, and should be dismantled.

George Abendstern, Rochdale

George Adda, Tunis

Paul Adams, London

Isobel Aga, London

Yasmin Alam, London

Ammiel Alcalay, New York

Mick Ashley, Brighton

Deni Asnis, San Francisco

Lenore Azaroff, Somerville

Sid Bachrach, Handel

Molly E Balaban, Surrey

Michael Bar-Am, New York

Dr. Tony Barnett, Norwich

Mady Bassin, New York

Jonathan Bellos, Brighton

Phyllis Bennis, New York

Dan Berger, Manchester

Rabbi Elmer Berger, Sarasota

Michael Berlin, London

Penny Bernstock, London

Eric Biddulph, Huddersfield

Earl Billheimer, Bradford

Cllr Ruth Billheimer, Bradford

Stella Binns, London

Jeffrey Blankfort, San Francisco

Peter Bleyer, London

Jenny Bourne, London

Harry Bramson, London

Dorit Braun, Earlsdon

Gabriella Braun, Coventry

Hanna Braun, Coventry

Lenni Brenner, New York

Haim Bresheeth, London

Mordechai Briemberg, Vancouver

Josy Brown, Manchester

Tamar Brown, London

David Cabibbe, Genoa

Amir Carmel, Brighton

Ben Cashdan, London

Ray Challis, Coventry

Dana T. Charkasi, Vienna

Linda Clair, Rochdale

Doris Clay Bury, St. Edmunds

Tony Cliff, London

Tom Cloher, Adelaide

B J Cohen, Lincoln

Benjamin Cohen, London

Shaun Cohen, Leeds

Harry Cohen, MP, Leyton

Neil Collins, London

Petra Collins, London

Bob Cottingham, London

Michael Crome, Royston

J Csoti, Harrow

Mike Cushman, London

Dr. Keith Dadds, Poole

Rochan Dadoo, Manchester

Elizabeth Dales, Kent

Dr Renee Danziger, Geneva

Paul Roger Darby, Brighton

Peter Davey, London

Madelaine Davidson, Sawbridgeworth

Martin Davidson, Sawbridgeworth

Elias Davidsson, Reykjavik

Maurice Davies, Lisburn

Gul Davis, London

Dr Uri Davis, London

Debbie de Lange, London

G de Smidt, London

Brian Dilworth, Devon

Abigail Dombey, Brighton

Elizabeth Dresner, London

Merav Dvir, London

Shraga Elam, Saland

Jacob Eldar, Odense

Danielle Eldin, Montpellier

Michael Ellman, London

Mark Etkind, London

Lee Ezra, Altrincham

Chris Faatz, Salem

Steve Faith, Edinburgh

Linda Feldman, New York

Andrew Fenyo, Canterbury

Arye Finkle, London

Mark Fraenkel, Manchester

Carolanne Frank, London

Dr T Frank, London

Douglas Franks, San Francisco

Brian Freeman, Durham

Catherine Fried, London

Erich Fried, London

Klaus Fried, London

Robert Friedlander, Manchester

Daniel Friesner, Oxford

Michael Friesner, London

Barbara Gaines, New York

Edward Gaskett, Bolton

Elaine Ginsburg, London

Donny Gluckstein, Edinburgh

Dr Cecile Goldet, Paris

Steve Goldfield, San Francisco

Jeff Goldhar, Melbourne

Abigail Goodden, London

Phil Goodfield, Manchester

Chaya Gordon, San Francisco

Frances Gorman, London

John Gosler, London

Geraldine Gould, Edinburgh

Marci Green. Wolverhampton

Tony Greenstein, Brighton

Oren Gruenbaum, Manchester

Ilan Halevi, Paris

Stephen Hall, London

Mary Hamilton, Santiago

P Hammond, Durham

Djamila Hammoudi, London

Howard Harris, Cardiff

Leora Harris, New York

Dave Harrison, Bradford

Fred Hasson, London

Yitzhak Hasson, Tel-Aviv

Erwin Herrman, Melbourne

Alain Hertzman, London

Tina Hill, Derby

Rabbi Moshe Hirsch, Jerusalem

Yvette Hochberg, Berkeley

Bill Hoffmann, San Francisco

Ann Holt, Hull

Martha Horan, London

Andrew Hornung, London

Jacky Humphreys, Bristol

Nicole B Isitt, San Francisco

Br B Jacobson, London

Bessy Johnson, Bury

Theresa Jones, London

Dr david Josephs, Bedford

Meyer Journo, Rome

Sidney Salomon Journo, Rome

Fadi Kabbani, Cheshire

Noah Kaczerginski, Paris

Linda Kahn, San Francisco

Harriet Karchmer, New York

Michael Katz, London

Bill Kaye, London

Sindey Kaye, London

C J Keens, London

Victoria E Keens, London

Earle Kessler, Bristol

Sharaza Khan, Middlesex

M C Khullar, Chatham

Sid Kivanosky, New York

Judith M Klain, San Francisco

Daniel Kohns, Princeton

Tamara Kohns, Princeton

W Kopytynska, London

Z Kopytynska, London

Liz Krainman, New York

Mark Krantz, Manchester

Richard Kuper, London

Emillia Kupersmitt, London

Patricia Kushnik, Gatley

Diana Lam, London

Albert Langer, Melbourne

Bernice Laschinger, London

Jeff Lazarus, Fitzroy

Ruth Leboff, Birmingham

Ralph Leighton, Cuxton

Peter Lennard, London

Adam Lent, London

Janet Levelen, London

Les Levidow, London

Barry Levy, London

Hope Liebersohn, Newcastle

Prof Alan Lipman, Cardiff

Beata Lipman, Cardiff

Jane Lipman, London

Ed Lithgow, Edinburgh

Nicola Low, London

Rachel Lurie, New York

Rebecca Lurie, New York

Simon Lynn, London

Sydney Lytton, London

Tessa Lytton, London

David Makofsky, Berkeley

Antonia Maks, Exeter

David Markham, London

Gerald Marks, London

Michael Marks, London

Michael Marqusee, London

Helen Mayer, London

Mark McCoy, London

Hilda Meers, Swanage

Alyssa Melnick, New York

Arna Mer-Khamis, Haifa

Dr Norton Mezvinsky, New Britain

Anita Miller, London

David Milstein, Berkeley

R Moodley, London

Samantha Mooney, Cambridge

Dr Stephen Moorbath, Oxford

Amanda Morrow, Iraklion

A P Moseley, Axminster

Anneke Jos Mouthaan, Amsterdam

Graham Murray, London

A Muslemen, London

J Nalibov, New Jersey

Arthur Neslen, Manchester

Dr Richard Noss, London

Harry Nowicki, Melbourne

Hilton Oberzinger, San Francisco

Nogah Ofer, London

Akiva Orr, Kfar Shemaryahu

Jane Parker, Brighton

Simonetta Paggi, Rome

M Palacz, London

Joan Parker, Leatherhead

Diana Paton, Watford

Ruth Pearson, Norwich

Karen Phillips, London

Michael Picardie, Cardiff

Yuval Pilavsky, London

C Platt, Leeds

Mick Plewman, London

Bennie Polack, Wolverhampton

M H Pollack, London

T and R Posner, London

Daniel Potasznik, London

Richard Powell, Bradford

Dorothea Pratley, London

T Rajadurai, Colombo

Bert Ramelson, London

Roland Rance, London

Jill Rawling, Old Woking

Nick Rawling, Slough

Tony Rawson, Diss

George Richardson, Littlehampton

Frances Rifkin, London

Nissan Rilov, Paris

Nea Rizack, Teaneck

Anna M Robinson, Birmingham

R B Robinson, London

Joanna Roche Milton, Keynes

Michael Rodney, London

Neil Rogall, London

Osnat Ron, London

Malcolm A Ronchetti, Coventry

Manfred Ropschitz, Crediton

Adam Rose, Manchester

John Rose, London

Michael Rosen, London

Chanie Rosenberg, London

Marty Rosenbluth, Ramallah

Robert Rosenthal, London

Douglas Ross, Southhampton

Leon Rosselon, London

David Rubinstein, Hull

Sabby Sagall, London

John Sage, Haverfordwest

Sol Salby, Melbourne

Jill Sanguinetti, Melbourne

Esther Saraga, London

John Schaechter, Birmingham

Haim Scortariu, London

Patricia Scott Robson, London

Dr Richard Seaford, Exeter

Tamar Selby, London

Sam Semoff, Liverpool

Cindy Shambon, Berkeley

Carmel Shepherd, London

Bernard Sherman, Purley

Rosetta Sherman, Purley

Steve Sherman, London

Marika Sherwood, London

David Shonfield, London

Toma Sik, Tel-Aviv/Jaffa

Patrick Simms, Warwickshire

Mike Simons, London

Mac Simpson, Brighton

Steve Simpson, Bradford

Adrian Sinclair, Bradford

Abraham Sirton, Glasgow

Ruth M Sirton, Glasgow

Ehud Sivosh, London

Sara Spain, London

Harry Spillman, Hove

Heini Srour, London

Basil Stein, London

Philip Stein, London

Helen Stollar, London

Janey Stone, Melbourne

Marge Sussman, Berkeley

Prof Michael Talbot, Liverpool

Inbar Tamari, London

Rebekeh Tanner, New York

Jakob Taut, Kiryat Bialik

Jon Taylor, Manchester

Elizabeth Tebbs, Manchester

Julian Teischer, Melbourne

Dr Norman Temple, London

Susan V Tipograph, New York

David Toube, Southampton

Joe Townsend, Brighton

Tony Traub, Leigh-on-Sea

John Turkig, London

Shimon Tzabar, London

Bub Usellis, Seattle

Guido Valabrega, Milan

Jean Claude Valomet, Nantes

Roger van Zwanenberg, London

Caroline Ward, Bradford

Philip Ward, Sheffield

Shaun Waterman, London

Jayne Watson, Leicestershire

Gary Kenneth Watt, London

John Weal, London

John Langford Weekley, Canterbury

Joyce Weissberger, New York

Edward Teller, Attleborough

Tania Wess, London

Suzan Saida Widmark, London

Sue Wilson, London

Baylah Wolfe, New York

Marion Woolfson, Painswick

George Wynschenk, Southport

Sheral Grosse Yanowitz, London

Daphne Yassir, Fulmer

Yousef Yassir, Fulmer

Cllr Sally Young, Newcastle upon Tyne

Myk Zeitlin, London

Y Zerovabeli, Edgware


The above statement has been published a number of times in

British media, each time with an increasing number of


Those interested in endorsing the above RETURN statement or

contributing to its publication can send their name, address and

telephone number to:


BM 8999

London WC1N 3XX

(see also Editorial of the first RETURN magazine, where names of the editorial board are listed)


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