The Jewish "west world" has not overcome the death of Anwar Sadat and is still mourning him as a great and brave arab leader that sold the whole Egypt to Israel for regaining the Sinai.
According to Radio Islam's citation of the Old Testament, the jews are allowed to kill egyptians, even a 'good' egyptian shouldn't be spared.
If it's true, then one may wonder why the western opinion is so upset about the tragic fate of Sadat ? !!
The Egyptians Jihad members just followed the instructions of Jahve and carried out what was written i the jewish Holy scriptures.
The problem was that those "ignorant arabs" started in the wrong end and killed the [for Israel] "best" egyptian.
And look at what another Egyptian did to the poor fundamentalist Meir Kahane, calling for more killing of arabs och blodshed of innocents and more money transfered to the jewish state to finance the jewish slaughter machine into his end.
Now I begin to understand why Ahmed Rami appealed to the Swedish court already in 1989 to ban the Old Testament in Sweden.
Not only because it's systematically misused by the Zionist, but also misunderstod by the non- or anti-Zionists.
Att anmälan av G:a Testamentet för hets mot folkgrupp var snarare en spontan reaktion mot Rushdies Satansverser vet ju alla.
Tyvärr Radio Islam fans, den här gången får jag ta och föra in anmälan mot G:a Testamentet på "kontot" för Ramis "spontana försvarsreaktioner. Eventuella klagomål mot detta beslut framförs skriftligt.)