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Encyclopedia of the Palestine Problem

CHAPTER SEVEN — Part 7 of 7

4 APRIL 1948 In the morning, a Dodge truck (three-ton), owned by W.D., Vehicle Number 2679295, was stolen by armed Jews at Haifa~Tel Aviv road.
CO 5373857

4 APRIL 1948 Jerusalem. 1230 hours, Urban. Near the Eye Hospital on the Bethlehem Road, Haj Abed es Salam Joulani (40), of Hebron, now living in Deir Abu Tur, was shot and slightly wounded in the left leg by unknown persons. He was removed to the Government Hospital.
CO 537/3857

4 APRIL 1948 Jerusalem. 2105 hours, Urban. Jews in King George Avenue fired a number of shots across Mamillah Cemetery. The fire was returned by Arabs in Mamillah Road. The firin ceased at 21 10 hours. There were no known casualties.
CO 537/3857

4 APRIL 1948 4 April, Jews kidnapped 2 Arabs and their horses from Al Muharraqa.
WO 275/66

5 APRIL 1948 Lydda. 0100 hours, Ramle. A large party of armed Jews attacked the building previously used as the Staff College, Sarafand.

It is now reported to be the Headquarters of Arab Gangs operating in the area.

The buildings were extensively damaged by explosions and as far as can be ascertained, sixteen Arabs have been killed and twelve wounded. Others are still believed to be buried under the debris. No Jewish casualties have been reposed. shops and cafes closed In Ramle iii mourning tor the victims.
CO 537/3857

5 APRIL 1948 Galilee. 0700 hours, Safad. An Arab truck proceeding to Acre from Safad was fired on from the Jewish Quarter of the town. A passenger, Yusuf Mohammed el Kurdi of Safad, was seriously wounded. Ahmad Mohammed Sowan was also wounded when he attempted to go to the assistance of the other man.
CO 537/3857

5 APRIL 1948 Jerusalem. 0700 hours, Urban. An Arab bus proceeding along the Bethlehem road was fired on by Jewish snipers positioned in the Yemen Moshe Quarter. No damage or casualties have been reported.
CO 537/3857

5 APRIL 1948 0745 hours, 5 April, two Jewish armoured Cars kidnapped 4 Arabs at road track junction.
WO 275/66

5 APRIL 1948 Samaria. 1230 hours, Tulkarm. Some fifty armed Jews entered a pump-house situated in the orange grove of Eilab Abu Hamdash, north of Qaqun village, and stole the pumping engine. As the Jews left the pump-house, they shot and killed a horse.
CO 537/3857

5 APRIL 1948 Gaza. 1400 hours, Beersheba. An aircraft, believed to be Jewish, opened fire on a number of sheperds on Imara lands and killed one of them, Abdul Haj Salameh (12) of Arab Hanajrah and slightly wounded his brother, Ahmed.
CO 537/3857

5 APRIL 1948 Galilee, 1615 hours. An Arab truck was fired on by Jews near Ein Sara colony on the Acre-Naqura road. Mohammed Abdul Mansur of Saffuriya, a passenger in the truck, was seriously wounded.
CO 537/3857

5 APRIL 1948 Jerusalem. Afternoon, Urban. The body of Sarifi Issa Abdullah, of Beit Safafa, was found between Beit Safafa and Mikor Haim. It is stated that the deceased was mentally deficient, and had strayed between Mikor Haim and Beit Safafa and had been fired on by Jews from Mikor Haim. The body was discovered by the military and taken to Beit Safafa Hospital.
CO 537/3857

5 APRIL 1948 2345 hours, 5 April, Jews opened fire on Beit Dajan Police Station with 2 inch mortars and Small Arms. Police replied, and Jews ceased fire. No known casualty.
WO 275/66

5 APRIL 1948 Jews blow up Sarafand College alleged to be an Arab Headquarters. 'Jews estimate 39 Arabs killed.
WO 261/574

5/6 APRIL 1948 Jews derail three trains in Zichron Ya'acov-A thlit area. No casualties.
WO 261/574

6 APRIL 1948 The most violent activity on the part of the Irgun Z'vai Leumi during the period under review, has been their attack upon 12 A Tk Regiment RA at Camp 80, Karkur. At approximately 0700 hours, 6 April, at least one White Scout car bearing military markings, a police GMC and one or two other military vehicles drew up to the entrance of Camp 80 at Karkur. The occupants of the vehicles were dressed in battle dress with RA and RASC titles and included one person dressed as a Captain Reme. They killed the sentry, entered the guard room, killed the guard and destroyed the wireless sets. They then proceeded to the armoury, held up the staff and cleared it. While this was in progress, other thugs dispersed through the camp and shot at sight any soldiers coming out of the buildings; another party of thugs seized a half track vehicle and covered the gates. The C.O. was shot dead coming out of the orderly room. After about 30 minutes, some troops on the vehicle park started up MlOs, advanced towards the armoury and inflicted casualties on the thugs who then withdrew under covering fire from outside the perimeter, and further covered their retreat with road blocks and mines. British casualties were the CO and 6 British soldiers killed and 3 wounded. 4 armed Jews were arrested, but it is not confirmed that they were involved in the attack. 62 rifles, 58 stens, 18 LMGs, 4 Piats, a large quantity of ammunition and a White Scout car were stolen.
WO 261/574

6 APRIL 1948 Jerusalem. 0700 hours, Urban. Khalid Abed Ahmed Ali (lo), of the Old City, was shot and injured by Jewish snipers in the Bab Hutta Quarter. He was removed to the Government Hospital in a serious condition.
CO 537/3857

6 APRIL 1948 Lydda. 0930 hours, Ramle. An Arab truck carrying a number of labourers was fired upon near Moledeth colony by a party of approximately forty Jews. The following casualties were sustained: Dead - Mohammed Ahmed Awad (20), of Jaffa. Not Serious - Khamis Jabour (30), of Jaffa. The dead and injured men were removed to the Dajani Hospital, Jaffa.
CO 537/3857

6 APRIL 1948 Lydda. 1230 hours, Tel Aviv. On the Hatikva/Wilhelrna road, Mr. Greaves (an Englishman), of Sarona, was held up by a party of armed Jews who forced him from his car and held him prisoner in a nearby orange grove for three quarters of an hour. His car was stolen.
CO 537/3857

6 APRIL 1948 Lydda. 1630 hours, Jaffa. Jews opened fire on swimmers near the Jaffa Club. The following casualties were caused: Dead - Subhi Ibn Adib Jabour (27), of Jaffa. Serious - Mohammed Ibn Akawi (12), of Jaffa. Slight - Mohammed Mahmoud Kana'an (20), of Jaffa.
CO 537/3857

6 APRIL 1948 Jerusalem. Afternoon, Rural. An Arab 'bus is reported to have been put out of action by Jewish small arms fire at kilo 19 on the Hebron road. No further particulars are available.
CO 537/3857

6 APRIL 1948 Jews attack and occupy Deir Muheisin 143 137 and Khulda. Bomb explodes outside Glubb Pasha's house in Amman. Another is found outside the house of the Prime Minister.
WO 261/574

6/7 APRIL 1948 During night 6thPth April, small arms fire and explosions were heard from Qastel area. Four Arabs were later admitted to hospital suffering from bullet wounds.
CO 537/3857

6/7 APRIL 1948 Military report Jaffa-Jerusalem road was blown up at three places near Qastel, but road is still passable to traffic. Early this morning (April 7th). Jewish aircraft dropped bombs over Arabs surrounding Qastel.
CO 733/477

7 APRIL 1948 Jerusalem. 0350 hours, Rural. An aircraft, believed to be Jewish, dropped five bombs in the vicinity of Qastel village. At 0605 hours, a further four bombs were dropped, believed by the same aircraft. Following this incident, Firing broke out between Arabs in the vicinity and Jews at Qastel. No casualties have been reported as a result of this action.
CO 537/3857

7 APRIL 1948 Galilee. 0600 hours, Acre. An Arab commercial vehicle was blown up by a mine on the Um el FarajKuweikat track. The driver, Hasan Jala (30) of Hahf village, was seriously injured and two passengers, whose names are not known, were slightly injured.
CO 537/3857

7 APRIL 1948 Galilee. 1000 hours, Acre. An Arab truck driven by Karnul Mahmud Tarafani, of Acre, struck a mine on the Keweikat track near that village, which exploded, slightly wounding him. He was treated at the Acre P.H.D.
CO 537/3857

7 APRIL 1948 Morning. A chevrolet three-ton truck (color green), owned by Ayoud Yusef Daddowin, of Vehicle number M9207 was stolen at Harbour Street, Haifa, by five armed Jews.
CO 537/3857

7 APRIL 1948 Lydda. 1730 hours, Petah Tiqva. On Biyar 'Adas lands, Ra'anana P.S. area, armed Jews shot and killed Abu Mahmoud Tilawi (60) of Qalqiliya and then stole the animal which he was using for ploughing.
CO 537/3857

7 APRIL 1948 Galilee. 2200 hours, Safad. On the AcrelSafad road near Ein Zeitoun village, fire was directed at an Arab taxi from the Jewish Quarter of Safad. A passenger in the vehicle, Ribbi Khadouri of Safad, was wounded and died whilst being conveyed to the hospital.
CO 537/3857

7 APRIL 1948 At 2200 hours, a Buick saloon car, owned by Marco Zakonzansky, of Vehicle number M 7 123 was stolen by five armed Jews at Allenby Road, Tel Aviv.
CO 537/3857

7 APRIL 1948 Lydda. Ramle. An unconfirmed report states that during the past twenty-four hours, members of the Hagana have occupied the Arab villages of Khulda and Deir Muheisin. It is not known if casualties were caused as a result of this action, but Ribhi Salim, of Ramle, was admitted to the French Hospital, Bethlehem, suffering from a bullet wound in the stomach, from which he later died. He stated that he had been shot by Jews at Wadi Sar'a, which is in the vicinity of the two villages. No further details are known.
CO 537/3857

7/8 APRIL 1948 Jerusalem. Night, Rural. An unconfirmed report states that Jews attacked Beit Iksa village, killing one Arab girl. The Arabs, it is reported, returned the fire, killing two Jews and capturing a Bren gun, four rifles and a Jewish truck. No further details are known at present.
CO 537/3857

8 APRIL 1948 Lydda. 0 100 hours, Jaffa. Jews opened mortar fire on the Manshieh Quarter and bombs fell near the Manshieh Police Station and in the Jaffa railway yard. A municipal policeman, No. 1 13, Abdullah Eissa Salim (26), of Jaffa, was slightly injured by splinters whilst on duty in the Suq el Yehud. A house in the railway yard was destroyed, and Hassan Abu Shimes (35), of Manshieh, was seriously injured. Three mortar bombs exploded in the vicinity of the C.S. Jaffa, and the following two Arabs were injured: Deeb Ahmed Hamed (60), of Jaffa - serious; Yousef Abu Jabrin Bader (25), of Jaffa - not serious.
CO 537/3857

8 APRIL 1948 At 1630 hours, civilian truck of vehicle number M315, owner unknown, was stolen by armed Jews near Sheria village, Beersheba. Jews also stole rifle of Arab TAC on vehicle.
CO 537/3857

8 APRIL 1948 Gaza, 1900 hours. As a southbound military convoy consisting of eight vehicles of 147 Airborne Field Park Squadron was passing a road bridge south of Beit Hanoun, several mines exploded underneath the vehicles. One three-ton truck containing 13 motorcycles was set alight and totally destroyed. An exchange of fire then took place between the military personnel and unknown persons. During the course of this firing, one British soldier was killed. Another was reported missing but was later found in a nearby orange grove, uninjured. The convoy returned to Sarafand Camp on the morning of 9 April, 1948, when a party of Life Guards arrived on the scene. Arabs in the area deny responsibility for the attack and state that the mines had been laid by Jews.
CO 537/3857

8 APRIL 1948 Lydda, 2200 hours, Jaffa. Unknown persons fired on the Jaffa/Jerusalem road block causing the following casualties, who were removed to the Government Hospital: Lousan Sharan (25), of Transjordan - not serious; Mahmoud Ibrahim Razik (28), of Nablus - not serious.
CO 537/3857

8 APRIL 1948 Galilee, Safad. On Na'meh village lands, a party of armed Jews from Kefar Blum opened fire on grazing cattle, killing three and injuring two. The cattle are owned by Hamid Hamoud, of Na'meh.
CO 537/3857

8/9 APRIL 1948 Jews drop 12 'bombs' from aircraft over Abu Ghosh.
WO 261/574

9 APRIL 1948 Jerusalem. 01 15 hours, Rural. An unidentified 'plane', believed to be Jewish, dropped six bombs in the Abu Gosh area. At 0400 hours, a further six bombs were dropped by an unidentified 'plane', two of which exploded over Ennab P.S. causing slight damage to the wireless mast.

One unexploded bomb landed in Abu Gosh village. Royal Engineers have made arrangements to remove it tomorrow, (10 April, 1948).
CO 537/3857

9 APRIL 1948 Lydda. 0930 hours, Tel Aviv. A party of Jewish youths, armed with revolvers, entered the Evans Medical Supply Store, situated at Solomon Street, held up the workers and removed medical supplies valued at LP 5,000.
CO 537/3857

9 APRIL 1948 Gaza, noon. On the Wadi Sarrar road, a southbound Arab Legion ration truck was blown up by a mine, and the following casualties resulted: Trooper Mohammed Ismail of Transjordan - dead; Trooper Mahmoud Ismail of Transjordan - dead; Two unknown Troopers - wounded.
CO 537/3857

9 APRIL 1948 Jerusalem. 1500 hours, Rural. In Qaluniya village, Sadra Hammad Assad (14) was shot by Jewish snipers and removed to the Government Hospital, Jerusalem, in a serious condition.
CO 537/3857

9 APRIL 1948 Jerusalem. 1705 hours, Urban. An Arab Legion trooper was shot and slightly injured by Jewish snipers whilst on guard on the roof of P.B.S.
CO 537/3857

9 APRIL 1948 Irgun Z'vai Leumi and Stern Group attack Deir Yassin, killing large numbers of Arabs. The Arab Higher Executive stated that 254 men, women and children were massacred.
WO 261/574

9 APRIL 1948 Following a heavy Jewish mortar bombardment, Arabs evacuated Qastel, and Jews recaptured the village. Jews believed to be blowing up houses. During the night, large forces of Arabs equipped with armoured cars, field guns and Military type transport gathered in the area. During the evening, unidentified planes, believed Jewish, dropped bombs in areas of Abu Gosh and Enab near Qastel. One of these damaged wireless mast at Enab Police station. Arab sources claim that up to time of reoccupation of Qastel, casualties were: Jews - 74 killed; Arabs - 9 killed, 16 wounded, CO 537/3857

10 APRIL 1948 Gaza, 0600 hours. Near Kefar Darom, a party of Arabs working on Deir El Balah lands, were fired upon by settlers from the Colony. The following persons were slightly injured: Lutfi Yousef Essaka, of Khan Yunis; Othman Ayoub Abdullah, of Khan Yunis; Mohammed El Bahau, of Khan Yunis; Musallem Salama El Aymowy, of Arab Hanajira; Abdul Aziz Salman, of Nuseirat; Iswaiyed Hadiq, of Deir El Balah.
CO 537/3857

10 APRIL 1948 Gaza, 1030 hours. Near Julis village, an Arab vehicle was fired upon by the occupants of a southbound Jewish convoy, and Ibrahim Hakkialias Abu El Mazzah, of Iraq, was killed.
CO 537/3857

10 APRIL 1948 Lydda. 1045 hours, Jaffa. In the Hassan Bey Mosque, Manshieh Quarter, the following were shot by Jewish snipers: No. 95, Municipal PIConstable Hassan Abu Mardi (20), of Manshieh Quarter - serious; No. 3675, T.A. Corporal Rajeb Chanar (39, of Manshieh Quarter - serious; Municipal PIConstable Salim Endourzi (37), of Jabaliya Quarter - serious. All were removed to the Government Hospital.
CO 537/3857

10 APRIL 1948 Lydda. 1100 hours, Ramle. On the track between Yazur village and Molodet Colony, an Arab truck was blown up by a mine and the following casualties, who were removed to the Dajani Hospital, were caused: Zaki Mohammed El Shandi (25), of Jaffa - dead; Ahmed Mohammed Nassir (25), of Jaffa - serious.
CO 537/3857

10 APRIL 1948 During morning 10th April, Arabs working on Deir El Balah Lands (Gaza District) were fired upon by Jews and six Arabs were wounded.
CO 537/3857

10 APRIL 1948 Lydda. 1415 hours, Jaffa. Municipal PIC No. 121, Amar Saba (39, of Jaffa, was shot and slightly wounded whilst at his post in the Hassan Bey road. He was removed to the Government Hospital.
CO 537/3857

10 APRIL 1948 Lydda. 1445 hours, Jaffa. Ahmed Abu Kalim (23), of Manshieh Quarter, was shot and seriously wounded by Jewish snipers whilst in Qaswan Street. He was removed to the Dajani Hospital.
CO 537/3857

10 APRIL 1948 Lydda. 1730 hours, Jaffa. Moussa Madon (23), of Ajami Quarter, was shot and killed and Lutfi Ghawi (25), also of Ajami, was slightly wounded while they were walking in El Lisaf Street. Both were hit by shots fired from the direction of the Railway Station and were removed to the French Hospital.
CO 537/3857

10 APRIL 1948 Lydda. 1810 hours, Jaffa. Mohammed Abdul Rahman Jainaf (55), of Jaffa, was shot and slightly injuredin Manshieh Quarter by a Jewish sniper. He was removed to the French Hospital, Jaffa.
CO 537/3857

11 APRIL 1948 Galilee. 0830 hours, Safad. An Arab truck proceeding from Safad to Bin Zeitun was fired on from the Jewish Quarter of Safad. Military personnel returned the fire. There were no casualties.
CO 537/3857

11 APRIL 1948 Samaria. 1200 hours, Tulkarm. In Petauch Quarter, Natanya, a W.D. vehicle was held up by two armed Jews who stole rifles Numbers' 59L9474 and 5675364 from the two Privates in the truck.
CO 537/3857

11 APRIL 1948 Jerusalem. 1525 hours, Urban. The Assistant Lebanese Consul General was shot and slightly wounded whilst standing outside his house near the Dajani Mess. he was removed to the Beit Safafa Hospital. Two other persons were injured by Jewish snipers during the course of the firing.
CO 537/3857

11 APRIL 1948 At 1600 hours, 11 April, 1948, Chrysler private car (color black) of Vehicle number M603W and owned by Lydda Airport Taxi Company, was stolen at Lydda Airport Taxi Company, by four armed Jews.
CO 537/3857

11 APRIL 1948 Lydda. 1600 hours, Tel Aviv. Four Jews, armed with sten guns and grenades, entered the offices of the Lydda Airport Taxi Company, in Bezalet Street, Tel Aviv, held up the occupants, cut the telephone wires and took the keys of two cars, which were parked outside, from the owners and made off.
CO 537/3857

11 APRIL 1948 Afternoon, 11 April. three British soldiers from 1 Base Laundry, Tel Litwinsky, out of bounds in Rehovoth were attacked by Jews who stole their 3 sten guns and shot dead one British soldier, WO 275/66

11 APRIL 1948 Galilee. Afternoon, Tiberias. The bodies of Ahmad Mufleh (50) and his daughter Sabah (20), of Tiberias, were found by Police near Kupat Holim, Tiberias. They are believed to have been killed during the firing of yesterday. (10 April, 1948.) CO 537/3857

12 APRIL 1948 During morning 12th, two Arab Legion trucks passing Kefar Etzion were shot up by Jews. Two soldiers were wounded and one truck had to be abandoned. Military went to scene and found 10 Jewish armoured vehicles engaging Arab Legion. Fire was also being directed at them from a Jewish plane. Army engaged the Jews, and one Jewish vehicle was set on fire.
CO 537/3857

12 APRIL 1948 During morning 12th, Arab vehicles were fired upon by Jews from Neve Yascov, Jerusalem district. Security forces went to scene and rescued four wounded Arabs and the two vehicles.
CO 733/477

12 APRIL 1948 Jews attacked Arab village Kh Nasir Ad Din. Large clouds of smoke seen coming from village 15 15 hours and firing had ceased. Large number of women and children escaped to Tiberias Police Station whence they were evacuated by 17/2 1 L to Lubiya. Approximately 40 were later evacuated from Nasir Ad Din.
WO 275/66

12 APRIL 1948 Two armoured rail cars of 17/2 1 Lancers held up by Jews in Rehovoth. One browning, one bren, headdress and headsets stolen. Jews attack Arabs in ex Royal Air Force Camp, Gaza.
WO 261/574

12/13 APRIL 1948 Night 12/13 April, Jews attacked Abu Shusha village. Casualties not known.

WO 275/66 13 APRIL 1948 During morning 13th' Jews attacked Lajjun Arab village Jenin sub district. Arab reinforcements arrived and drove off the Jews. During the engagement, a light aircraft was seen circling over the area. Reported casualties were one Jew killed, four Arabs killed and twelve wounded.
CO 537/3857

13 APRIL 1948 1200 hours, 13 April, Palestine Police Lieutenant recce armoured Car M616P, painted green with "Police" in white on a black disc, was stolen near Rishon Le Zion by Jewish gangsters believed Irgun Z'vai Leumi.

WO 275/66 13 APRIL 1948 Jews in Neve Ya'acov set fire to an Arab vehicle loaded with fuel oil. Four Arabs reported wounded.
WO 261/574

14 APRIL 1948 0230 hours to 0600 hours, 14 April, Jews mortared Jaffa, particularly Manshiya Quarter. No known casualty.
WO 275/66

14 APRIL 1948 In early hours of the morning, armed Jews attacked Arab Suq area of Tiberias. Attack was covered by heavy mortar and machine gun fire. Three houses were blown up.
CO 537/3857

14 APRIL 1948 1430 hours, Jews set house near Beit Dajan on fire with petrol. House burned out but no known casualty.
WO 275/66

14 APRIL 1948 During evening 14th April, four oil trucks proceeding by road towards Jerusalem were fired upon by Jews near Neve Yaacov. The driver of the last vehicle was killed and his mate wounded. The vehicle, containing kerosene and benzine, was set alight and completely destroyed.
CO 733/477

14 APRIL 1948 Two armoured rail cars 17/21 L blown up by Jews just North of Rehovoth. Casualties:- three British soldiers killed and one seriously wounded.
WO 275,456

15 APRIL 1948 During the morning, Jews in Yemin Moshe Quarter of Jerusalem fired on a Greek Consulate car. No damage or casualties.
CO 733/477

15 APRIL 1948 Jews blow up two armoured rail cars near Yibna, killing 3 British soldiers and wounding one.
WO 261/574

16 APRIL 1948 0720 hours, 16 April. Jews attacked and captured village of Saris. After blowing up main buildings, including Mosque and school, they withdrew in direction of Jerusalem. Arabs reoccupied village. Known Arab casualties:- 3 old women killed. Jewish casualties unknown.
WO 275/66

16 APRIL 1948 During the afternoon, armed Jews cordoned Zichron Railway Station and stole cement and C.R.L. stores.
CO 537/3857

16 APRIL 1948 During afternoon near Ishweighi village, Gaza District, Jews in armoured cars attacked occupants of an Arab truck, killing ten and wounding two Arabs.
CO 733/477

16 APRIL 1948 The largest theft of the week took place at Camp 197 at Qirat Hayim, on 16th April, 1948. L3,500 of various stores were stolen, presumably by Jews.
WO 275/79

16 APRIL 1948 Hagana attacks Saris, destroying most of the buildings, including a mosque and a school, and inflicting many casualties. Jews later withdrew. Hagana attacks Wadi Sarar camp and destroys many buildings. Arab Liberation Army were not occupying the camp.
WO 261/574

16/17 APRIL 1948 Night 16/17 Jews blew up Arab house near Jewish track from Miqve Israel to Rishon Lezion which passes south of Yazur village and Beit Dajan cross roads.
WO 275/66

17 APRIL 1948 During morning 17th April, a military ammunition train was blown up by a mine near Benyamina Haifa district. Armed Jews attacked the British train guard killing three soldiers, wounding three others and taking four others prisoner. It is believed that the Jews stole from the train 20 tons of three-inch mortar bombs, 5 Bren guns, 1 revolver and 1 Verey pistol. Jewish casualties are believed to be at least three killed.
CO 733/477

17 APRIL 1948 Approximately 1200 hours, 17 April, Jews blew up ammunition train going from Athlit to Rafah. Mines detonated under wagon behind engine, and behind and in front of train. British casualties:- three killed and four wounded.
WO 275/66

17 APRIL 1948 Jews attack the German settlement Waldheim. Irgun Z'vai Leumi blow up goods train north of Hadera. Large quantity of ammunition stolen (at least 30 tons). Three soldiers killed and four wounded. Remainder of escort kept in custody but disarmed and released later in the day. About three Jews killed and ten wounded as result of action taken by 1 Gds Brigade. Considerable damage to railway line.
WO 261/574

17 APRIL 1948 Haganah occupied German colony of Waldheim. Casualties:- two Germans killed. Fifty one Germans and four Swiss evacuated to Nazareth.
WO 275/66

17/18 APRIL 1948 18 April, Jews from Hulda settlement began demolishing Arab village of Khulda with a bulldozer. Khulda was evacuated by Arabs some days ago, and on 17 April, was set on fire by Jews from Hulda.
WO 275/66

18 APRIL 1948 During afternoon 18th April, Arab population began to evacuate town of Tiberias under military supervision. Evacuation completed by 1830 hours. One Arab was killed by a Jewish sniper during the operation.
CO 733/477

18 APRIL 1948 During afternoon 18th April, Jews from Neve Yaacov Jerusalem district attacked traffic on Jerusalem-Ramallah road and brought traffic to a stop. In one attack Jews fired on Arab Legion convoy wounding one officer and three other ranks, Arab Legion returned fire and claim to have killed between 30 and 40 Jews.
CO 733/477

18 APRIL 1948 Inhabitants of Kabir village Haifa District reported to police they had seen Jews take six Arabs from a Jewish armoured car and shoot them. Police went to scene and found one Arab badly wounded and bodies of nine others who had been shot and badly disfigured.

CO 733/477 19 APRIL 1948 Major Reaper of Military Courts abducted by Jews and released after three hours interrogation.
WO 261/574

19 APRIL 1948 During 19th April, Jews entered and occupied Beit Surik and Biddu villages and demolished a number of houses. They later withdrew and villages were reoccupied by Arabs.
CO 733/477

20 APRIL 1948 On 20th April at 5 p.m., a large party of armed Jews believed to be Irgun Z'vai Leumi ordered the Jewish Police to quit the road block on the Jaffa-Tel Aviv road at the Mishmar boundary of Tel Aviv. The party then waited at the road block. On the arrival of a military public address vehicle a short time later, the Jews opened fire on it killing two British soldiers and seriously wounding a third.
CO 733/477

20 APRIL 1948 Mines were exploded under Police vehicles on the Jenin- Haifa road on 20th April, injuring a British Inspector and a Constable.
CO 733/477

20/21 APRIL 1948 Hagana attack on Zirim 181218 repelled by Arabs. Four Arabs and twenty Jews killed.
WO 261/574

21 APRIL 1948 1015 hours, 21 April, two Jewish armoured cars entered disused camp 08070752 at Rafah, set Arab vehicle on fire and took 3 Arabs, including two wounded away to Nirim settlement 08780719. British troops from Rafah proceeding to investigate were fired on by Jews. Troops returned fire.
WO 275/66

21 APRIL 1948 Jews kill one British soldier and wound one Non-Commissioned Officer of Life Guards near Ramatayim. Jews attack Beit Daras. Army intervenes. One British Officer wounded; four Jews killed and twenty wounded, twenty Arab casualties.
WO 261/574

22 APRIL 1948 A subaltern of 40 Cdo Rm wounded in back by Jewish sniper whilst standing on roof of house on North side Kingsway. Corporal and two privates ran to snipers post and killed both Jews.
WO 275/66

23 APRIL 1948 One British Soldier of a line party killed by Jews near Hebrew University. Jews attack Samakh.
WO 261/574

23 APRIL 1948 A large party of Jews supported by armoured cars heavily attacked villages of Beit Iksa, Biddu and Nebi Same1 near Jerusalem. Arabs claim to have repulsed, attacked, killed over 100 Jews, and captured three arrnoured cars and considerable amount of arms and ammunition. Six Arabs killed, one injured.
CO 733/477

24 APRIL 1948 From 0145 to 0640, heavy firing and explosions were heard from Sheikh Jarrah quarter. Jews occupied the quarter from direction of Sanhedriyah Road. The roads including main Ramallah road were mined. Jews destroyed some houses in Nashashibi quarter. Main road now cleared of mines. Jews reported reinforcing settlement of Ataret and Neve Yacov.
CO 733/477

24 APRIL 1948 Jews attack three Arab villages on outskirts of Haifa.
WO 261/574

24/25 APRIL 1948 Jews attack and occupy Sheikh Jarrah.
WO 261/574

25 APRIL 1948 Irgun Z'vai Leumi attack Jaffa. Army intervenes and fighting stops. Approximately fifty Arab casualties. Jews blow two gaps in the bridge at Jisr al Majami. Army reoccupies Sheikh Jarrah, meeting initial resistance from Hagana, but later a truce is negotiated and both sides ordered cease fire. Two Jews killed and two wounded. Four British Soldiers slightly wounded. Jews attack At Tireh, south of Haifa.
WO 261/574

25 APRIL 1948 On 25th, Miss Hilda Andersen, aged 50, a Swedish Christian Missionary, was shot dead by a Jewish sniper firing from Hebrew University.
CO 733/477

25 APRIL 1948 A large party of armed Jews fruitlessly attacked Bassa Police post in Galilee District.
CO 733/477

25/26 APRIL 1948 Haifa area. Heavy attack by Jews on Arab village of At Tira (about three miles south of Haifa) during the night 25th/26th April. Damage was caused to buildings. Casualties are not yet known.
CO 537/3875

26 APRIL 1948 1030 hours, 26 April, 2 R IR F road block at Jaffa congested by Arab lorries and buses carrying refugees. Congestion cleared and traffic passing road block estimated at rate of 20 vehicles per hour. Refugees fired on by Jewish sniper as they moved off. No casualty.
WO 275/66

26 APRIL 1948 At 1135 hours, 26th April, there was heavy mortaring of Manshieh Quarter, Jaffa, and Manshieh Police Station was attacked by Jews with arrnoured cars, grenades and small arms. No casualties yet reported.
CO 733/477

26 APRIL 1948 1300 hours, approximately 26 April, Jews reported to have blown an Arab well at Ramat Hak Kovesh Mr 144 180. Patrol sent out to investigate was fired on. Fire returned; no known casualty.
WO 275/66

26 APRIL 1948 Jews attack Acre with heavy mortars. Two shells land in prison area and all prisoners escape except lunatics. Army intervenes. Jews continue to attack At Tira village.
WO 261/574

26 APRIL 1948 Jews mortared and machine gunned At Tira village.
WOmen and children evacuated. Arab casualties:- one killed and two wounded.
WO 275/66

26 APRIL 1948 Tel Aviv-Jaffa. Jews attacked Arab quarter Jaffa with mortars and automatics and penetrated as far as the railway station. The Mayor of Tel Aviv was told that unless attack was stopped, military would employ force. This had the desired effect, and the situation is now quiet. Fifty Arab civilians are believed killed.
CO 537/3875

26 APRIL 1948 Lydda. A train was derailed. Four British soldiers were killed and two seriously wounded.
CO 537/3875

27 APRIL 1948 1230 hours, 27 April. Leading Dingo of half Tp LC ambushed by Jews at kilo 3 on Jaffa road. Two occupants taken prisoner. Rear car fired one 2 pr shell into dingo as Jews tried to drive away. One Jew killed. Two prisoners later recovered. LC casualty Nil.
WO 275/66

27 APRIL 1948 Stern Group rob Barclays Bank, Tel Aviv, of LP 195,000.
WO 261/574

28 APRIL 1948 Jews murder one British and two Arab policemen near Nahariya.
WO 261/574

28 APRIL 1948 Lydda area. Irgun Z'vai Leumi held up a military armoured car on the road Jerusalem-Jaffa and stole it. This incident was observed by the crew of another military armoured car, who fired one two-pounder round and recovered the stolen vehicle. One Jew was killed.
CO 537/3875

29/30 APRIL 1948 Jews launch attack on Arabs in Qatamon area of Jerusalem.
WO 261/574

30 APRIL 1948 Jews ambush two Arab Legion vehicles at Kfar Etzion, killing one and wounding five Arabs.
WO 261/574

30 APRIL/11 MAY 1948 Night 30 April11 May, Jews occupied school at MR 12741629 Jaffa and opened fire on British troops in house 30 yards to South. 2 armoured cars dispatched, and Jews were evicted after a fairly stiff battle. 0820 hours, large factory North side of Raffa road approximately 200 yards East of Yazur reported completely demolished. Early morning, police post blown up South end of Manshiya quarter.
WO 275/66

1 MAY 1948 Jews attacked Dusayil Police post in Gaza District, 0400 hours, 1st May. Camelry Police evacuated post without casualties. Jews stole 2 rifles, 400 rounds ammunition and wireless equipment with charging engine. Military have gone to the scene.
CO 733/477

1 MAY 1948 Jews attack RASC convoy at Kfar Etzion. One British soldier killed.
WO 261/574

1/2 MAY 1948 Jews attack Iraqi Consulate in Jerusalem.
WO 261/574

2 MAY 1948 Jerusalem. At 0430 hours, the Arab Legion again reported a Jewish attack on the Iraqi Consulate. This was confirmed by sentries on a Zone Gate. The Arab Legion sent reinforcements and two armoured cars. Arab Legion casualties totalled one killed and one wounded.
CO 537/3875

2 MAY 1948 Jerusalem. At 0530 hours, the Jews mortared the Iraqi Consulate.
CO 537/3875

2 MAY 1948 Jews blow up bridges on road Hebron-Beersheba and road Beersheba-Asluj.
WO 261/574

3 MAY 1948 Gaza. An Arab vehicle was fired on by a Jewish convoy south of Gaza. One Arab was killed and one wounded.
CO 537/3875

3/4 MAY 1948 Lydda area. On the night 314 May, the Jews attacked Yahudiya, nine miles north of Lydda. The Arab inhabitants fled when they were attacked.
CO 537/3875

3/4 MAY 1948 Hagana attack Aqir village and Yahdiya village.
WO 261/574

4 MAY 1948 0300 hours, 4 May, Jews from Eqron MR 1347 1402 and Hulda attacked Aqir village. Mortars used. 4 houses damaged. Jewish strength 300-400. 0930 hours, Jews evacuated village leaving 3 Arabs wounded. Inhabitants preparing to leave. Road leading to Aqir at MR 13311412 impassable to all vehicles. Ditch across road 4 feet deep, 3 feet wide.
WO 275/66

4 MAY 1948 4 May, Jews held up Arab vehicle on road Gaza-Beersheba at MR 106097. Taxi stolen. Occupants allowed to go free. Taxi believed taken to Nirim. Patrol visited Nirim without results.
WO 275/66

5 MAY 1948 Jews murder one officer and five British soldiers near Nathany a. Jews attack a vehicle of an Arab Legion convoy on Gaza- Beersheba road, kill the driver and steal the vehicle.
WO 261/574

5/6 MAY 1948 Jews again attack Arab Legion in Kaiserin Augusta and wound two troopers. Jews deny responsibility.
WO 261/574

6 MAY 1948 800 Jews attack Sejera 189240 killing 8 and wounding 25 Arabs.
WO 261/574

7 MAY 1948 Jerusalem area. Approximately 1845 hours, 7th May, shots were fired into Arab area by Jewish post.
CO 537/3875

7 MAY 1948 Jews fire on a party of 15 AMCU near Acre, killing one Arab and wounding two British sergeants. Jews blow up Jerusalem water pipeline near Latrun.
WO 261/574

9 MAY 1948 Nazareth area. Police report that Sejera, approximately ten miles Northeast of Nazareth, was attacked by 800 Jews. Casualties: Arabs - eight killed, and twenty-five wounded. Jews not known, but believed high.
CO 537/3875

11 MAY 1948 Jews occupy Safad. Jews attack Bash-shit.
WO 261/574

11/12 MAY 1948 Lydda area. During the night of 11/12 May, the Jews attacked Antipatris, ten miles north of Lydda. Jewish snipers were active during the morning of the 12th May.
CO 537/3875

12 MAY 1948 Jews occupy Beisan. Jews occupy Antipatris.
WO 261/574

12/13 MAY 1948 Haifa. 40 armed Jews entered Abbas area of city on night 12/13 May, and stole four truck loads of flour. Movement of armed Jews was in direct contravention of GOC north sector. Haganah state orders have been given to their Military Police to recover the flour.
CO 537/3875

13 MAY 1948 Jews fire at Latrun Police Station. Fire returned by British tanks.
WO 261/574

17 MAY 1948 This Consulate came under deliberate automatic fire this evening probably from Jewish position.
FO 37 1/68505f4118119 MAY 1948 Haifa. A Humber scout car was stolen from the Haifa docks on the night of 18/19 May. The identity of the persons responsible for the theft is not known.
CO 537/3875

21 MAY 1948 At 0300 hours today, another aircraft flew over. Correspondents at Saint George presume it was Jewish and say it dropped six bombs in Sheikh Jarrah area.
CO 733/477

22 MAY 1948 Seven Jews apprehended while trying to steal three scout cars from 614 AOD.
WO 261/574

24 MAY 1948 Southern Front. The Jews claim to have bombed Gaza.
CO 537/3875

26 MAY 1948 On May 26th Egyptian authorities arrested in Gaza two Zionist agents who confessed to having been ordered by the Commander of Jewish Colony at Dehrot to contaminate the springs supplying Egyptian forces at Gaza and that they had in fact thrown into the well situated to east of that town, typhoid and dysentery germs. The Egyptian authorities hold a written confession of these facts, which they will communicate immediately to International Red Cross.
FO 371/68509

29 MAY 1948 Southern Front. A Haganah Commando force is reported to have raided Majdal, now occupied by the Egyptians, and blown up several houses.
CO 537/3875

1 JUNE 1948 HBM Consul-General protests to the Mayor of Haifa at the attack on Amman airfield by Jewish aircraft on 1 June.
WO 261/574

2 JUNE 1948 Jews kidnap George Muamar, a leader of the Arab Community, and release him after interrogation.
WO 261/574

2 JUNE 1948 Intelligence - Transjordan. Reports from Amman state that on the 2nd June, a Jewish force, consisting of armoured cars and mortars, attacked and captured a small Transjordan police post at Ghor Safien, at the southern end of the Dead Sea. The post was later recaptured by police reinforcements.
CO 537/3875

3 JUNE 1948 Party of Jews caught while stealing 25 pdr gun barrels in Haifa Port.
WO 261/574

6 JUNE 1948 Charle Boutagy, a wealthy Haifa Arab, kidnapped by Jews from Windsor Hotel. He was released after interrogation. Jews steal three white scout cars from docks. One is later recovered.
WO 261/574

11 JUNE 1948 1100 hours, Northern Front. Syrians claim Jewish plane bombed Damascus shortly after 1000 hours, 11 June. Also that Jews continued to fire on Syrian troops in Northern Huleh.
CO 537/3875

13 JUNE 1948 Jerusalem. Some sniping. Jews apparently instigating.
CO 537/3875

18 JUNE 1948 Haifa, 1545 hours. A GMC Arrnoured Car and four Stens were stolen by four armed Jews at Bat Gallim Beach (at Northwest border of Haifa Bay) at 1545 hours, 18th June.
CO 537/3875

18 JUNE 1948 Northern Front. It has been reported that the Arab village of Zanghariya (five miles north of Lake Tiberias) was attacked and burned.
CO 537/3875

21 JUNE 1948 Five rail wagons loaded with 50,000 gallons of petrol (the entire reserve stock for the evacuation) stolen from the port by Jews. Prompt action was taken and all the petrol was recovered.
WO 261/574

29 JUNE 1948 Jews steal three Cromwell tanks from 417 DG. One is recovered.
WO 261/574

17 SEPTEMBER 1948 It is reported, subject to confirmation, that Mediator was assassinated in Jerusalem on way from Government House to Jewish quarter at 1730 local time today. French Colonel Serrot also reported killed and United States Colonel Begley injured. Jews believed responsible.
FO 371/68696

17 SEPTEMBER 1948 Following are details of Count Bernadotte's assassination. His convoy of three cars left Government House on Jewish side returning to Jewish Jerusalem. First car contained United Nations personnel, Belgian observer and Jewish liaison officer. Second car Red Cross. Third car driven by Colonel Begley American observer with Commander Cox in front. The Mediator, Colonel Serrot and General Landstrum in rear seat. While proceeding through Jewish Jerusalem at a point about three hundred yards from Salvia Hotel the road was blocked by a jeep containing four men dressed in Jewish uniforms and wearing berets. Mediator convoy stopped and one of the assassins punctured the tyre of the leading vehicle with a shot. They then walked down the convoy inspecting each vehicle until the last into the rear compartment of which they fired an automatic weapon. Colonel Serrot was shot through the head and died immediately. The Mediator was shot in the region of the heart and died soon afterwards. Colonel Begley got out and grappled with one of the assassins all of whom then fled and made good their escape. The bodies are now in the Y.M.C.A. and are being evacuated by air from Kulundia tomorrow morning.
FO 371/68696


1. Eric Silver, Sunday Observer, London, 18 September, 1988, p. 24.
2. Dan Kurzman, Genesis 1948: The First Arab-Israeli War (New York and Cleveland: The World Publishing Company, 1970), pp. 555-556.
3. Hansard, House of Commons Debates, March 1, 1948, pp. 33- 34.
4. Ibid., April 12, 1948, pp. 626-627.
5. Ibid., p. 629-630.
6. Ibid., April 19, 1948, pp. 1 17-1 18.
7. Ibid., April 20, 1948, pp. 1613-1614.
8. Ibid., May 5, 1948, p. 1238.


Encyclopedia of the Palestine Problem
By Issa Nakhleh

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