a just societie for all human
want to do so much to help my people
It's so
amazing how people will become so suprised once someone
mentions that these so -called democracies are under the
hands of a few, (namley wealthy people of jewish heritage)
the Jews have done a very "good job" in molding the minds of
the masses in the west: they have conditioned them to view
the jews as the "victims" through out history!
One cannot think of jews without bringing up the
"atrocities" of World War Two! They shamelessly have used
the holocaust to justify their actions in palestine!
the jews are ardent belivers in the fact that they are the
"chosen poeple", and I don't think they will be satisfied
until they manifest a 'jewish empire' at any cost.
After all, for them, this is the fullfilment of the
Jewish"prophecy". It's quite tragic because through out the
Jewish ideology ("Religion"), it has always been about 'who
is to rule and who is to be ruled (enslaved)? Not about
manifesting just societies for 'all men'!.
I look at the muslim world, and it seems pretty hopeless the
way we are scattered and torn amongst our selves.
intresting how the Jewish dominated west fears the spread of
islam, since our nations are backwarded (third world). This
is of course also a result of western colonialism but the
truth is , if our nations truly were living in Islam, we
would be a great and just empire today.
I belive that everything in life happens for a reason.
Perhaps it is because we have moved away from our faith,
from islam as it was revealed to our Prophet, that Allah is
now testing us with these hardships. I truly admire and
respect your efforts, my philosophy at this point is that it
is not wise to be an 'open enemy'.
It is better to gain their trust and use it growing up, i
used to so admire people like Malcolm X and Che Guevara,
they spoke the truth, fought for it, and died for it. I
still do admire them. But i want to do so much to help my
people, and i can see that money in this world is a powerful
So i would not only like to be a revolutionary, but also be
able to 'independently' finance a revolution (Insha-Allah).
It's up to us to build up our societies, and our people.
It's intresting becasue this Jewis "New World Order" that
the west has conjured up, has nothing to do with
Just compare the response of the west in the 'gulf war' and
their response to the massacre of muslims in algeria and
bosnia. It seems to be more about economics than justice. I
would think that they fear Islam, because islam is
your comrade
in the struggle!
Never give
Who Run