The International Conference on Global Problems of
World History was organised by the Editors of the
"Encyclopedia of Russian Civilization" and the
Barnes Review
The conference site was the "Humanitarian Social
Academy", on the south-eastern of Moscow. The
academy, which consists of ten large buildings, is
located in a big and beautiful park. All speakers were
lodged in the Academy´s exceedingly comfortable
guesthouse. The conference took place in the
Academy´s splendid Conferences´hall. Three
first-class simultaneous interpreters (Russian-English,
English-Russian, French-Russian) helped to reduce
communication problems to a minimum.
In a near future, Dr. Platonov will publish a book
containing the texts of all conference speeches in
Russian. An English version will hopefully follow.
The events of
11 September, 2001
Christopher Bollyn, a writer and journalist working
for the American Free Press, was unable to come to
Moscow for technical reasons. His speech was read by Dr.
Frederick Toben, Australia.
The official version of the terrible events of
11 September, 2001, according to which four huge planes
were overwhelmed by lighly armed Arabs, is utterly
incredible and full of inexplicable anomalies. Horst
Ehmke, who had coordinated the German secret services
under Willi Brandt, said that terrorists could by no
means have carried out such an operation without the
support of a secret service, and Andreas von Bülow,
who oversaw all three branches of German intelligence
from 1969 to 1994, believes that the Mossad perpetrated
the terrorist attacks in order to turn American public
opinion against the Arabs. If this is the case, the
Mossad was doubtless helped by American traitors who seek
total control of the planet and its resources by cloaking
their criminal activities behind the guise of "national
Obviously, the US administration and the American
media are conspiring to make matters worse by playing on
the fears of the public to foment a domestic reign of
terror and to suppress free speech under the pretext of
fighting terrorism. Those journalists who questioned the
government’s conclusions were soon looking for new
jobs. Here are some of the most obvious incongruencies of
the official version:
- For weeks after the attack, cameramen were
prevented from photographing the ruins from certain
- New York Mayor Giuliani prevented fire fighters
from retrieving the bodies of their fallen
- The gravity load of the towers was supported by
concrete-clad steel columns at the center of each
tower. The fact that they were reduced to fragments is
not compatible with the fire theory, for no fire could
have had this effect.
- In late July, two Jews, Larry Silverstein and
Frank Lowy, secured 99-year leases on the towers. They
insured the property for more than 3 billion dollars
against terror attacks. Silverstein now claims that,
as there were two separate attacks, he should receive
twice the insured amount, more than 6 billion
- While we are told that the black recording boxes
of two of the hijacked airplanes, which are built to
withstand crashes and fire, have not been found, an
alleged hijacker’s passport was miraculously
found on top of a pile of rubble near the World Trade
- Why did the south tower collapse first although it
was not as extensively damaged as the north tower,
which burned for more than an hour and a half before
collapsing? If the collapse was due to heated steel,
why did it take 104 minutes for the fire in the north
tower to reach the critical temperature?
An explosives expert, Van Romero, said immediately
after the attack that after the airplanes hit the WTC
there were some explosive devices inside the building
that caused the towers to collapse. In this case, the
collision of the planes into the towers was but a
diversionary attack. What caused the towers to implode
were explosives. This version is corroborated by
eyewitnesses who reported hearing explosions while
fleeing the building.
Most probably the planes were hijacked remotely. This
technology was developed in the 1970’s to recover
control and land planes that have been hijacked. It
allows the control of a plane’s computerized flight
control system, leaving the pilot powerless to fly the
plane. Once the remote control system is activated, the
Cockpit Voice Recorder will contain no audible data. By
October, crash investigators had recovered the CVIs from
the Pentagon and Pittsburg aircrafts and publicly
confirmed that both were completely blank. This explains
the fact that there were no Arabs on the passenger lists
and that several of the alleged terrorists are reported
to be still alive: The "Suicide Pilots" were non-existing
and Education
Dr. Igor Ilyinski is the director of the
Humanitarian-Social Academy. He delivered a speech
moderately critical of Globalism. In his opinion, modern
forms of communication, such as the Internet, and
contacts between scientists all over the world are
positive aspects of Globalization no reasonable person
can oppose. On the other hand, Globalization has its dark
sides. Education is increasingly being valued from a
purely economical point of view: Universities and
academies have to supply the economy with the necessary
specialists. This leads to over-specialization and
endangers the cultural aspects of education.
international monetary
situation before September
11, 2001
Gerhoch Reisegger, an engineer with long experience in
computer production, is a regular contributor to the
Munich-based right-wing intellectual magazine
Staatsbriefe. His special interests are foreign
affairs and financial politics. Reisegger delivered his
speech in English.
Summary: Today
the world seems to be heading for a catastrophe. The root
of the deep crisis we are experiencing is the exponential
growth of economy which inevitably must come to an end
sooner or later. Unlike real economy, where something
tangible is manufactured or concrete services are
rendered, the situation is different in monetary affairs,
because according to the laws of capitalism, capital
increases thanks to interest without any productive work.
Creatio ex nihilo – Creation from nothing; a
blasphemous imitation of God’s act of creation!
Usury is contrary to the laws of God – after all,
the only violent act Jesus Christ ever committed was the
expulsion of the usurers from the temple.
Since March 2000, we have been watching a crash at the
stock-market, and the illusion of prosperity is only
being kept up with manipulations and falsified
statistics. The USA are the most indebted nation in the
world. The dramatic increase of American debt correlates
with a breakdown of private savings. In 1998, more than
50% of American families invested their savings in
shares. Long before 11 September, 2001, the
stock-exchange index had suffered a sharp decline. The
attack on the Babylonian towers should prompt us to ask
the question: Cui bono? – Who benefits?
Certainly the events of 11 September diverted the
attention of the public from the disastrous financial
situation in the USA and allowed the government to blame
the coming disaster on "terrorism".
The Euro was created as an alternative to the dollar
– an alternative which is, of course, also
controlled by "them". When the dollar collapses, riches
can be safely harbored in this new currency.
The horrors of World War Two will be a minor event
compared to those to come. Who are the enemies we will
face in this titanic struggle? Nihilism, Materialism,
Globalism – the attempt to create a uni-polar world
with a global Orwellian government -, and the paranoia of
the Jewish people which considers itself the "chosen"
May we be able to overcome the "Prince of the World"
together with the Orthodox World and Islam! Such an
alliance will perhaps be able to delay the coming of the
Legal aspects
of Globalization
Dr. Mikhail Kusnetsov is a expert on international
law. He is also one of the lawyers defending former
Yugoslav president Slobodan Milosevic.
Having just returned from London, where he had had
extensive discussions with western lawyers, the speaker
candidly admitted that he cherishes no illusions about
the independance of international courts which have been
transformed into tools of the mighty. Can there be
justice if countries daring to oppose the New World Order
are no longer safe from naked aggression? The principle
of sovereignty has practically ceased to exist. Although
the European member states of NATO were initially
reluctant to support the American attack on Yugoslavia,
they were finally forced into submission. The United
Nations also endorsed NATO’s aggression because its
general secretary, Kofi Annan, is but an obedient lackey
of globalism.
Former US security adviser Z. Brzezinski once wrote
that the changes mankind is undergoing nowadays are more
dramatical than the French and Russian revolutions.
Robespierre and Lenin were "soft reformers" compared to
today’s "global players".
Russia and the Russian people are among the main
targets of the globalists. Every year, the population of
Russia shrinks by about a million. A significant example
demonstrating the subjugation of Russia is the following
one: In 1992, new laws regulating the activities of
private enterprises were being enacted by the Duma.
During the debates, a delegation of 17 US lawyers visited
Russia. In Gorbatchev’s datcha, they conducted
negotiations with Russian legislators, convincing them to
adapt the laws to American standards!
"Privatization" is in reality nothing but a reckless
plunder of Russia’s natuiral ressources. Under the
cloak of privatization, Russian companies are being taken
over by foreign ones.
For Dr. Kusnetsov, the main reason of the social and
moral decline is the turning away from God. Only a return
to religion will restore peace and order.
blackmail of Switzerland
R.-L. Berclaz is the general secretary of Truth and
Justice, an association defending free speech and free
historical research in Switzerland. The government of the
canton of Fribourg is at present trying to dissolve Truth
and Justice because its activities are obviously a thorn
in the side of Switzerland’s Zionist puppet regime.
In 1998, Berclaz had got a suspended sentence of three
months for distributing material critical of the Zionists
and their methods. He delivered his Moscow address in
Summary: Until
1995, Switzerland rightly enjoyed an excellent reputation
thanks to more than 150 years of democracy as well as a
peaceful and humanitarian foreign policy and economic
stability. This well-deserved good reputation was
brutally destroyed by an orchestrated campaign of "the
Lobby which does not exist", to wit the Jewish lobby. The
Swiss were accused of having been willing helpers of the
Third Reich and of having stolen huge amounts of money
deposited in Swiss banks by Jews who later perished in
the Holocaust.
For a Swiss, it was very difficult to defend the honor
of his country against the denigrators as the so-called
"Anti-Racism Law", enacted in 1995, enables the courts to
punish any citizen critical of the Jewish lobby. As any
scientific investigation of the traditional "Holocaust"
claims is strictly forbidden, it has become impossible to
say publicly that the Swiss can not have been accomplices
to the "worst crime in history" because this crime never
happened. On the other hands, Switzerland and its people
can be slandered with impunity. (Morton Zuckermann,
editor of News and World Report, did not hesitate
to call the Swiss "greedy thieves, plunderers and
liars".) The American-Jewish blackmail was actively
supported by the Swiss media.
The financial demands of the Jewish organizations were
totally unfounded. As early as in February 1996, the
Swiss bankers’ association published the results of
their inquiries about dormant accounts from World War
Two. The total sum of these accounts amounted to 38
million Swiss franks. Nevertheless, in August 1998, the
Swiss banks were forced to pay 1,8 billion franks to the
Holocaust racket. After the surrender of Switzerland, the
blackmailers were soon looking for other victims. Even
Russia is now supposed to pay reparations to the
descendants of Jewish victims of the Jewish-led Bolshevic
The Kennedy
American journalist Michael Piper is the author of
Final Judgement, a bestseller about the
assassination of John F. Kennedy.
Summary: From
the KGB to Fidel Castro and the anti-Castro Cubans,
countless organizations and persons have been accused of
being involved in the assassination of America’s
most popular post-war president. Several authors have
presented compelling evidence that both organized crime
and the CIA were indeed involved. M. Piper readily
acknowledges this, but adds that the Israeli Mossad
almost certainly had a finger in the pie. This
possibility is never ever mentioned in the mainstream
media, nor was it alluded to in Oliver Stone’s
famous film "JFK". Virtually every suspect in the Kennedy
assassination had close ties to Israel. An example was
Jewish gangster boss Meyer Lansky who, like numerous
other Jewish mobsters, fled to Israel when the situation
had become too precarious for him in the United
The reason why Israel, whose then president Ben Gurion
passionately hated Kennedy, wanted to get rid of him is
obvious: He tried to prevent the Jewish state from
acquiring nuclear weapons. His successor Lyndon Johnson
promptly dropped his opposition to Israel going nuclear
and generally pursued a policy extremely favourable to
the Zionist state.
Although Piper’s copiously annotated book is not
available in the big bookstores, it has sold tens of
thousands of copies, partly thanks to ads in the
Spotlight. Piper has repeatedly discussed his
thesis before student audiences.
Jewish power in
the West
Ahmed Rami, a former tank officer of the Moroccan
army, fled to Sweden in 1973 after an aborted coup
d’etat against king Hassan II. In Sweden, he directs
Radio Islam which exposes the arrogance of the Zionists
and stands up for the brutally oppressed Palestinian
people. Rami spoke in French, without manuscript.
Already as a teenager Rami understood that the
corrupt and repressive regime of Hassan II could not be
removed by legal means. Nor could a popular insurrection
succeed, because it would have been mercilessly quelled
by the Army. So Rami decided to join the armed forces in
order to change their character from within. In the
future, the men in the tanks should be with the people
rather than against the people.
In 1973, defense minister Oufkir planned a coup to
overthrow the monarchy. Although only a lieutenant, Rami
was by then Oufkir’s personal friend and assistant.
The coup failed. All of the plotters, including Oufkir
himself, were arrested and shot, often after grisly
tortures, but Rami managed to escape. He later fled to
Sweden where he was given a hero’s welcome and
received by prime minister Olof Palme himself.
But when Rami started his Radio Islam and commenced
castigating the Zionists, the former freedom fighter
suddenly became an enemy of the state, and almost all his
former prominent friends repudiated him. Because of his
scathing attacks on the Jews and their arrogant
behaviour, Rami has even spent several months in a
Swedish jail. During the trial, he quoted some
anti-Jewish remarks by Karl Marx, prompting the public
prosecutor to declare that Marx had evidently been
influenced by Adolf Hitler!
If you want to know who is running a country, you have
to find out whom it is forbidden to criticize. In
Morocco, it is quite possible to criticize a minister or
to point out social shortcomings, but it is rigorously
forbidden to say a word against the king. In the
so-called free West, we can pillory capitalism,
communism, Christianity and Islam, but even the most
timid criticism of Jewry is branded as a sacrilege and
even penalized in an increasing number of countries. The
inevitable conclusion is that the West is ruled by the
Jews, and that the "democratic" politicians are but
Jewish puppets.
Rami pointed out that he has no desire to persecute,
much less to exterminate, anybody. But gentiles have
become second-class citizens in their own countries. They
should demand the same rights the Jews are enjoying.
and the historic mission of
Nikolai Simakov is a writer and historian.
Globalization is a consequence of Western
Liberalism and Atheism. We are at present on the
threshold of a new age where God is declared dead. The
World Dictatorship which the "global players" are
striving after would be the realm of the Antichrist where
God would be replaced by "progress" and material
Orthodoxy, like Islam, understands the true character
of the New World Order and therefore opposes it. In order
to forestall a common front against them, the globalists,
lead by the United States, are setting their adversaries
against each other. This is happening in Serbia and
Chechnia, where the US are supporting the Muslims against
the Orthodox.
Russia has a historic mission. It is "the third Rome"
after Rome and the Bysantine empire. The greatest Russian
writer, Dostoyewski, has repeatedly spoken about this
mission the core of which is the defense of Christianity.
That’s why the enemies of Christianity have been
persecuting Russia with fiendish cruelty since 1917.
Still, the Orthodox church has survived all ordeals. It
cannot be annihilated. Its mission is not limited to
saving Russia alone. To quote a religious leader: "Holy
Russia must save the World, not the World Bank!"
of Holocaust revisionism in the West
Dr. Frederick Toben is the head of the Adelaide
Institute which promotes free historical research. In
1999, he was arrested in Germany and spent seven months
in prison because he had posted revisionist material on
his Australian website. Apparently, the German police
state is impudently trying to impose its scandalous
thought-crime laws on the rest of the world!
Visiting Moscow for the first time since 1971,
Toben welcomed the freedom of speech the country now
enjoys but deplored the unfettered, US-inspired
consumerism that now seems to prevail in Russia. The
globalists are using consumerism to keep the populace
restrained within a straitjacket; for many people,
freedom means the freedom to go shoppping. Those who
reject this barren materialism are subject to social
ostracism. This especially applies to the Holocaust
revisionists. The revisionists do not deny the cruel
suffering of the Jews during World War Two. But they
dispute the existence of a German extermination policy,
the figure of six million Jewish victims and the
existence of homicidal gas chambers. They are reviled as
"haters", "racists" and "anti-Semites" although they only
endeavour to separate historical facts from myths.
Toben concentrated on the situation in four European
states – Germany, Austria, France, and Switzerland
-, castigating the repressive laws enacted in these
countries to stifle any free research on the Jewish fate
during the Second World War. He mentioned numerous
examples of revisionists sentenced to prison terms or
exorbitant fines. He pointed out that Holocaust
revisionism is still legal in the USA thanks to the first
Amendment and discussed the situation in Australia, where
there is no anti-revisionist law but where revisionists
are harrassed by so-called "Human Right Commissions" for
which Truth is "no defense".
Revisionists, concluded Toben, are forever hunting and
yearning for a better explanation, for a closer
approximation to the truth. This intellectual adventure
is not for the faint-headed.
A critical
of the official view of
Auschwitz in the
light of chemistry and cremation
Russell Granata, a retired schoolteacher from
California, publishes revisionist books in the United
According to official historiography,
Auschwitz started off in 1940 as a regular concentration
camp, but then, as the story goes, two years later it
also took the function of a huge "extermination camp".
Right up to 1990, the administration of the Auschwitz
museum insisted that no less than four million people
perished at Auschwitz! This figure was then reduced to
1,5 million, which is still ten times to high. In
reality, the documents, which have survived in large
numbers, show that between 130.000 150.000 prisoners,
just over half of them Jewish, died in the camp, mostly
of illness and exhaustion.
The revisionists do not question the sufferings of
Jewish and non-Jewish prisoners at Auschwitz, but dispute
the extermination claims which are exclusively based on
eyewitness accounts. Revisionist scientists examine the
"weapon of the crime" – the "gas chamber" – as
well as the disposal of the bodies. The two main
questions are:
- Were mass gassings as described by witnesses in
the rooms called "gas chambers" technically
- Was it possible to incinerate the alleged number
of corpses in the crematories?
The first question has been most extensively been
dealt with by German chemist Germar Rudolf, the second
one by Italian scholar Carlo Mattogno (in collaboration
with engineer Franco Deana).
- The "Gas Chambers". As G. Rudolf has
pointed out, even a brief glance into the clothing
disinfestation chambers of Birkenau, where the
insecticide Zyklon-B was used to eradicate lice and
other vermin, immediately reveals the presence of iron
blue. This is an extremely stable compound formed by
the interaction of hydrocyanic acid with iron or
ferrous cyanide. Iron blue is insoluble in water,
resistant to acid rain and bad weather. The walls of
the delousing buildings are saturated with hydrocyanic
acid compounds. Chemical analyses showed cyanide
concentrations of up to 13.000 mg/kg in samples from
the walls of the delousing chambers. On the other
hand, samples from the walls of the putative homicidal
gas chamber in Krematorium II, where up to 500.000
Jews were allegedly put to death with Zyklon-B, show
the same low concentrations of hydrocyanic acid as any
ramdom building. The inevitable conclusion is that no
homicidal gassings can have occurred in that
The morgue of Krematorium II is said to have been
modified to serve as a "gas chamber" in 1943, and for the
purpose of introducing pellets of Zyklon-B into the gas
chambers, 4 hatches are said to have been cut into the
roof. But there are no traces of these hatches, so that
the poison could not have been introduced in the way
described by the witnesses. As French revisionist
professor Robert Faurisson put it: "No holes, no
The Crematoria. The first serious scientific
study of body disposal at Auschwitz was carried out by
Carlo Mattogno and Franco Deana. Considering the maximum
capacity of the ovens, the coke deliveries to the
crematoria, and the duration of the fire-brick walls of
the ovens, the two authors conclude that the maximum
number of bodies which could have been incinerated would
have been 156.000. This alone refutes the mass
extermination claims.
Graf, Switzerland
version radically different
Jürgen Graf is a Swiss author persecuted in his
homeland for thought-crimes. He is the author of seven
books, five of which deal with the Holocaust swindle, and
the co-author of two further books written in
collaboration with Italian scholar Carlo Mattogno who is
undoubtedly the world’s foremost expert on
Auschwitz. Together with Australian engineer Richard
Krege, Mattogno and Graf are currently working on a book
about Treblinka which will appear first in German and
then in English in the summer of this year. In his
address, Graf, who spoke in Russian, summarized this book
which is largely based on research in Moscow
According the the official version of the
Jewish fate during World War II, Treblinka, a camp
situated about 80 kim north-east of Warsaw, was a pure
killing factory where 870.000 Jews were gassed with
Diesel exhaust between July 1942 and October 1943. (In
1944, the Soviets spoke of three million victims, but
this figure was soon dropped.) The corpses were allegedly
burnt on pyres after February 1943. – These claims
are exclusively based on eyewitness testimony, as there
is no documentary or material evidence to corroborate
them. However, the unreliability of eyewitnesses,
especially Jewish ones, has been demonstrated over and
over again. An especially spectacular case was the
Demjanjuk trial in Jerusalem in the eighties where five
Jewish liars identified Ukrainian-born American citizen
John Demjanjuk as "Ivan the Terrible" who was accused of
having committed mind-boggling atrocities at Treblinka.
But Demjanjuk had never been in that camp, and the
Israeli government was forced to release him in 1993.
Today’s version of Treblinka is radically
different from the first wartime reports spread about the
camp by the Polish resistance and Jewish circles in
Warsaw. These reports mentioned all kinds of outlandish
killing methods – from a "mobile gas chamber" to
"delayed-action gas allowing the victims to walk to the
mass graves themselves", from quicklime to electricity,
but especially hot steam. Of particular importance is a
report published on 15 November by the underground
movement of the Warsaw Ghetto. The authors claimed that
two million Jews had been suffocated with hot steam
between July and November 1942. As late as during the
Nuremberg trial, the steam chamber version was endorsed
by the Polish government In August 1944, after the
Soviets had conquered Eastern Poland, they claimed yet
another killing technique: Pumping the air out of the
chambers by means of a pump. The Diesel engine version,
which finally prevailed, seems to have triumphed thanks
to the Jewish carpenter Jankiel Wiernik who, in May 1944,
plagiarized the November 1942 report, but replaced the
"steam chambers" by "gas chambers"
The official version of Treblinka is radically
impossible for technical reasons alone. Diesel exhaust
contains only little carbon monoxide, but 16% oxygene.
According to the witnesses, 700 people at a time were
herded into each of the gas chambers which measured 64 m3
each; then the chambers were hermetically closed, and the
gas was let in. This would have meant that all the
victims would have been asphixiated within little over 20
minutes because the breathing air would have been
consumed, long before the monoxide would have taken
effect. Blowing Diesel exhausts into the chambers would
not have shortened, but prolonged the lives of the
victims! – The burning of 870.000 corpses would have
required 195.000 tons of wood. But air photographs taken
over Treblinka in May and November 1944 show a dense
forest of about 100 hectars on the northern and eastern
side of the camp – so where did the wood come from?
Finally, the bodies and the wood would have left about
3000 tons of ashes, plus tens of millions of teeth and
bone fragments. As a matter of fact, no significant human
remains were ever found at the site of the former camp,
as a Polish commission headed by judge Zdzislaw
Lukaszkiewicz conceded in 1945.
In reality, Treblinka was a transit camp from where
Jews were transferred to Majdanek and other labour camps
in the Lublin area, but also to the occupied Soviet
All this is not merely a historical problem, but has
tremendous political implications for the present.
Without the Holocaust myth, the colonialist and racist
state of Israel would not exist, and the world would be a
better place to live in. And this state is armed and
supported by an imperialist super-power, the USA, where
the Jewish-controlled media daily rehash the Holocaust
story as an excuse for Israeli behaviour. The crimes
against humanity perpetrated by the Washington regime,
such as the starving of Iraqi children or the bombing of
Serbia, are justified by the necessity to punish "a new
Hitler" – and every statesman daring to defy the New
World Order will inevitably be labeled a "New Hitler".
Thus, the Holocaust lie, of which the Treblinka lie is a
crucial part, is not only an outrageous swindle, but a
direct threat to world peace.
penetrating radar
at the site of the alleged
"extermination camps"
Belzec and Treblinka, Poland.
Richard Krege, a young and brilliant Australian
engineer, has twice visited Poland, the first time in
October 1999, the second time (with Jürgen Graf) in
August 2000. He will not only contribute a chapter to the
forthcoming book about Treblinka co-authored with C.
Mattogno and J. Graf, but also publish a more detailed
study, the Krege Report, about his findings in the
near future.
Belzec and Treblinka, both situated in Eastern
Poland, allegedly were extermination camps exclusively
set up for the killing of Jews. The Holocaust historians
claim that 600.000 Jews were gassed at Belzec and 870.000
at Treblinka. (During the war, the eyewitnesses reported
at least eight different killing methods for Belzec and
ten for Treblinka. All of them but the gas have fallen
into oblivion.) Neither Belzec nor Treblinka had any
crematoria. According to the eye-witnesses, upon whose
testimony the official version of the history of these
camps is based, the bodies of the murdered Jews were
first buried in huge mass graves, but later dug out and
burnt on pyres. Thus, the entire story hinges on the
existence of these mass graves. Engineer Krege has
examined the site of these two camps, scanning the soil
with a ground penetrating radar. This instrument is used
to detect minerals, but also mass graves. It detects
perturbations of the soil.
Krege first showed pictures taken by the ground radar
machine on the site of a mass grave at
Auschwitz-Birkenau. In summer and autumn 1942, more than
20.000 Auschwitz inmates succumbed to a murderous typhus
epidemy. As the Birkenau crematoria had not yet been
constructed by then, the bodies were buried in several
mass graves which are clearly visible on air photographs.
The pictures did indeed show evident perturbations of the
soil. (Furthermore, it can be easily seen with the naked
eye that the vegetation and the configuration of the soil
are different from the adjacent areas where no graves
were situated.)
The engineer then confronted these pictures with a
dozen scans taken at Belzec and Treblinka, in the area
where the mass graves were located according to the
eyewitnesses. Non of these scans showed any perturbations
of the earth. As the photographs of the same areas
proved, the vegetation and the configuration of the soil
are exactly the same as in the adjacent zones where no
former mass graves are alleged.
The only possible conclusion is that the huge mass
graves with 600.000 (Belzec) and 870.000 (Treblinka)
corpses never existed and that the gigantic slaughter
allegedly perpetrated at these two camps never took
The last stage of the
of the Orthodox East
Volen Siderov is a Bulgarian writer and historian. He
spoke in Russian.
In 1877, a British cartoon pictured Russia as
a hideous octopus ready to swallow the whole of Europe.
Already then, the tsarist empire was regarded as a
threat, as it was obviously a rapidly rising power.
Indeed, shortly before the First World War Russia
produced more grain than the USA, Canada and Argentina
together. In 1914, a French demographer predicted that by
1948 Russia would have 360 million inhabitants. The last
decades of Monarchy had been a period of spectacular
economic and social progress.
The seemingly irresistible rise of the Russian Empire,
which was orthodox and sharply opposed to the growing
Materialism and Atheism of the West, scared the financial
elite of the Anglo-Saxon World which already at that time
was largely Jewish. Jewish bankers such as Schiff and
Kuhn financed the Bolshevik revolution which brought
destruction and misery to the Russian people and ruined
the Russian economy, thus eliminating a powerful
competitor of the Anglo-Saxon powers.
During the Second World War, the USA and Britain sided
with the Communist tyrants of Russia, allowing them to
impose their despotic system on the Eastern half of
Europe. After the collapse of the Red regimes, the
peoples of Eastern Europe first rejoiced at their
liberation, but especially the orthodox ones, such as
Bulgaria and Romania, were soon to discover that they had
jumped out of the frying-pan into the fire. An unbridled
capitalism was imposed on these countries. In Bulgaria,
the results of privatization are disastrous. Unfettered
liberalism has destroyed large sectors of the economy. In
a country which is still largely agricultural, wine and
fruit are imported in enormous quantities, exposing the
local producers to a ruinous competition. Countless
factories have been closed and their workers dismissed.
Large parts of the population are living in abject
poverty. It is no exaggeration to say that Globalism is
now colonising the Orthodox East.
The Jewish
in the United
David Duke, a politician fighting for the rights of
European Americans, is at present living in Moscow. He is
the author of the wonderful book My awakening. The
section of the book which deals with the Jewish question
has been translated into Russian and become a real
bestseller. In an emotional speech, Duke pointed out that
Russia has often been the bulwark of Europe against
barbarian invaders from the Asian steps. The West and the
White Race need a strong and proud Russia. The "Russian
revolution" of 1917 which lead to a gruesome reign of
terror was in reality an almost purely Jewish revolution.
Very few Americans are aware of this fact. In America,
the Jews control the government, the media and finance.
This makes it very difficult indeed to make the truth
known to the masses. But truth will prevail in the
The jewish
on the Russian
Boris Mironov, a former minister of Boris Yeltsin, is
known as an ardent Nationalist and anti-Zionist.
Summary: As a
minister of the Yeltsin government, Mironov could observe
the methods used by the Zionists. Their goal is nothing
less than the extermination of the Russian people. In the
ninetieth, the gross national product of Russia has sunk
by 28% (compared to 20% during the Civil War and 21%
during World War Two). The "democratic" system, where a
non-Jewish president is surrounded by a hord of Jewish
ministers and advisors, has inflicted horrific damage on
the Russian nation. We now have officially 6 million
unemployed, 15 million people living in dire poverty and
two million homeless children. Moscow is by no means
representative for the situation in the country, for
there are villages where the weekly salary consists of
three loaves of bread and where people cannot get a
hospital bed. Some people have fallen sick because they
ate cow-fodder. While honest Russians are forced to eat
cow-fodder to survive, Jewish oligarchs, such as
Beresowsky, Gussinsky, Mammuth, and Abramowich, have
heaped up unimaginable riches with money stolen from the
Russian people.
Just as Germany should be ruled by Germans and France
by Frenchmen, Russia should be ruled by Russians, not by
Jews. The Jews are systematically and shamelessly
plundering the resources of the country. Precious metals
are officially being sold at ridiculously low prices, the
difference disappearing in the pockets of predominantly
Jewish intermediaries. Most of the credits Russia
received from the International Monetary Funds were
appropriated by greedy politicians who are either Jewish
or in the service of the Jews.
The Jews themselves are showing us how to shake off
our yoke. They often say: "Nationalism is a cancer." What
is bad for them, is good for us. Let us work for a
nationalist rebellion which will save our Russian
and Zionism
Professor. Y. Begunov teaches
Slavonic studies at St. Petersburg university.
Globalism is rooted in the ideology of
Judaism. Already the Old Testament proclaims that the
Jews have the right to rule all other peoples –
which is basically identical with the idea of a World
Dictatorship. As the Jews never had an empire of their
own, they resort to subverting the states from within,
using the ideology of internationalism – "let us all
be brothers and friends!" – as their tool. In order
to thwart the evil designs of the Zionists, the Russian
people must develop and promote a national ideology
– the Russian Idea.
as an Instrument of World
Prof. M. Lyubomudrov teaches theology at St.
Petersburg University.
The hatred the globalists feel for the Russian
people is truly satanic. Z. Brzezinksi has openly
declared that only a non-existing Russia is a good
Russia, and Jewish "reformer" Anatoly Chubais cynically
said: "If 30 million people are to die during the reform
process, this is quite natural. They are simply not fit
for market economy."
In their untiring attempts to conquer the last great
bastion of God, the globalists mainly rely on fifth
columns. The Bolshevik revolutionaries of 1917, who were
rabidly anti-Russian, were such a fifth column. But
gradually, the Soviet regime lost its Jewish character
and became a Russian regime even if the ideology was
still Marxist. In order to liquidate the Soviet Union,
the globalists fomented the Perestroika. Under Yeltsin,
Russia became practically an American protectorate.
Great Russian thinkers, such as Dostoyevski and
Leontiev, predicted in the 19. century that the "Western
Antichrist" would sooner or later clash with Russian
Christianity. This has actually happened. The mission of
Russian is to save Europe, and indeed the world, from
Atheism and Materialism. Thus, the destruction of Russian
culture and civilization would mean the destruction of
the world. Russophobia is therefore the ideology of world
In their nefarious attempts to wipe out the Russian
people and its culture, the Jewish Bolsheviks have
exterminated countless millions of people. This was a
real Holocaust. But Russia is not dead. Its orthodox
religion is the mightiest bulwark against the sinister
plans of the globalists.